How to make a full face thinner with makeup: tips from makeup artists. Perfect makeup for a full face

Problem excess weight makes itself felt not only in the summer on the beach. Looking in the mirror every day, one has to sadly observe double chin, flew and blurred contours. Fortunately, all this can be masked if you master makeup for a full face with all its nuances.


For fat girls make-up artists offer make-up, the main task which - to stretch the face, make it visually thinner. To solve it, techniques such as contouring (to make the outlines become clearer) and vertical shading are used.

Tone and relief

  1. Without a tonal foundation that models the contours and visually stretches them, makeup is impossible.
  2. The oval is highlighted with a light foundation (primer), everything else is darker (do not forget about the neck and décolleté area).
  3. Concealers should be matte and dense in texture.
  4. It is very important to highlight the eyes, so be sure to mask the dark circles under them with a concealer.
  5. Powder - compact, not shiny.
  6. Apply blush with a soft brush, moving from top to bottom. Ideal shades - beige, bronze.

Eyes and eyebrows

  1. Opt for lengthening mascara.
  2. Limit pearlescent shadows.
  3. Carefully shade all transitions of shades.
  4. Lighten the inner corners, darken the outer corners.
  5. All lines should go up.
  6. The ends are better shaded.
  7. Eyebrows should not be too thin and too wide. The bend is moderate.


  1. No need to add extra volume to the lips.
  2. Lip contouring is also excluded.
  3. Young girls can use unobtrusive shine.
  4. After 35, it is better to give preference to matte lipstick - coral or pink.

If you have full face, do not be upset. Usually, girls with such a defect are very beautiful eyes, smooth, clean skin and no wrinkles. Try to highlight your advantages and mask the swollen features to the maximum with a skillful make-up.

Under eye color

In such a make-up, it is imperative to take into account the color of the eyes, since it is recommended to focus on them.

For the green-eyed

  1. To highlight green eyes on a full face, you will need shadows of such shades as turquoise, green, yellow, blue.
  2. Unlike makeup for blue-eyed beauties, here you will need a multi-layer technique. So don't be afraid to apply shadows in several layers.
  3. The main thing - do not forget to carefully shade everything. A full face does not tolerate contrasts.
  4. Choose the color of the eyeliner under the shadows: it should be a little more saturated.
  5. Raise the arrows up so that the horizontal lines do not make the face even fuller.
  6. For daytime make-up, use blue or green mascara. For a festive, evening - black or brown.
  7. To make lips more embossed, take a lipstick or gloss with a shimmer. The recommended shade is bright cherry or coral.

For blue-eyed

  1. Recommended palette of shadows: silver, pink, gold, pearl, purple, lilac, sea wave, turquoise. If fulfilled, you can take black and brown.
  2. For blue eyes you need to use the lightest techniques. Multilayer is excluded. So the shadows can lay down in 1-2 layers, but no more.
  3. It's the same with mascara. Do not overdo it with it: 1 application will be enough. Recommended colors are gray, brown (for the daytime version), black (for the evening).
  4. Lipstick and lip gloss can be in a pink tone, but taking into account age. After 35 it is better to use cream or burgundy. The main thing - without moisture and volume.
  5. Makeup artists suggest using the same color schemes for gray-eyed girls.

For brown-eyed

  1. Makeup for a full face with brown eyes begin with correct selection. Choose beige or apricot shades - they visually lengthen the features.
  2. To define your cheekbones, apply lilac-pink blush on them. Terracotta put away - they will make them flat.
  3. The eyeshadow palette should open your eyes. The colors in your palette are blue, purple, bronze, gold, chestnut, beige, honey, pink.
  4. The liner can be blue, golden, purple, chestnut, black - the same color as the shadows. It is better to twist the arrows up.
  5. For eyelashes, you will need lengthening mascara in black, blue, brown or purple.
  6. The shape of the eyebrows must be correct. Avoid straight horizontal lines and overly pronounced flirtatious curves.
  7. Lipstick and lip gloss can be following colors: ripe cherry, warm nude, pink neon, coral.

Choice color solution makeup, may also depend on the color of the hair. But it is the eyes that play a decisive role in this matter.

Step-by-step instruction

Different style options for make-up for obese women make them feel attractive and beautiful as in Everyday life as well as on holidays. Basic ( and ) must be mastered.


  1. To lengthen a full face, use a liquid Foundation without silicone. Pay special attention to masking the wings of the nose and the sides of the cheeks.
  2. To even out the tone, it is better to take matte powder.
  3. To make the contours of the face more clear and embossed, they need to be darkened, and the center (nose, forehead, chin) should be brightened as much as possible. To do this, the corrector can be worked directly on top of the powder.
  4. Sand blush can be applied to the cheekbones.
  5. The upper eyelids are stained in 1 layer with mother-of-pearl. Better than silver.
  6. Very thin arrows on the upper eyelids are drawn with anthracite and are bent upwards.
  7. WITH bottom eye at daytime makeup we don't work.
  8. We open the look with gray lengthening mascara in 1 layer.
  9. For lips, take a glossy gloss of a natural shade.


  1. A pink concealer allows you to stretch the contour of the face.
  2. To make the make-up perfect, take Special attention camouflage neckline.
  3. coral bright blush elongated cheekbones.
  4. Shadows fall on upper eyelid layers: black, anthracite, emerald. The main thing is to shade everything well so as not to create contrasts.
  5. The lower eyelids are shaded with a shade of wet asphalt.
  6. Black arrows should repeat the shape of the eye and connect at the top, leading the lines to the temples.
  7. The outer corners can be highlighted with a white liner or shadows.
  8. Mascara in 2 layers - black lengthening.
  9. It is better not to use sequins and shimmer.
  10. Matt lipstick coral color and transparent gloss complete the evening make-up.

If they caused internal complexes, you have only two ways to solve the problem. The first is to lose weight. But it is long and requires considerable strength and patience. The second is to learn the right makeup for a full face, which will make it visually thinner. Do not neglect the advice of makeup artists in such a situation - they will make you look much better.

Makeup artists call a full face a round shape without a pronounced relief of the cheekbones. This is absolutely not a defect in appearance, and the owners of feminine forms are often reference beauties - a whole galaxy Hollywood stars and world-famous performers are proof of this.

However, such faces are often found in completely slender (slenderness - thinness, childishness) young ladies. In this case, the oval of the face introduces disharmony into the overall image and requires correction. Radical Methods are not considered - make-up for a full face can radically transform the look!

Base and tone

The first and fundamental stage of any make-up, applying a tone, is able to make the most ambitious adjustments to how the face is visually perceived, to make it sophisticated. Therefore, it is precisely when applying the foundation that care and consistency should be shown:

Cheekbone correction

  1. Despite the study of the cheekbone zone, it is necessary to make a second correction with already dry textures - this will deepen the narrowing of the oval and make the face thinner.
  2. Makeup for a full face excludes the use of berry and pink tones of blush on the "apples" of the cheekbones. This will nullify any recreated shadows.
  3. Muted shades of peach, bronze hazel and all colors close to tan will visually enhance the desired facial relief.


  • Although the oval of the face is corrected mainly due to the play of shades tonal means, the eyes are very pronouncedly able to "set" the contour, including making it narrower.
  • The inner corner of the eye should always be highlighted - visually, this technique significantly expands the eye, changing the proportions of the face towards an elongated oval.
  • Dark and deep pigments should be used only on the outer corner, at the superciliary bone, and medium transitional colors should be used in the crease of the mobile eyelid. This application allows you to deepen the sculpture of the eye, drawing its relief as much as possible. In turn, expressive and delineated eyes become the central focus of the face, diverting the attention of others from the imperfections of the oval.
  • Arrows are a godsend for a full face. It is they who can visually “stretch” the eye, harmonizing the proportions.
  • Avoid frankly flashy colors of the shadows - they can make the imperfections of the oval too obvious.


  1. Eyebrows “make” the face of every girl, and with a round shape they play one of the main roles.
  2. Wide eyebrows (as far as it will look natural) visually balance a round face - the three "lobes" that make-up artists take as the basis for the structure of the face come into balance. It is believed that the balance in which the forehead zone, the zone from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose, and the zone from the nose to the chin line are equal in height, and is perfect proportions faces.
  3. The clearer it is possible to make the shape of the eyebrows, the more expressiveness the face acquires, the more effective the correction with tonal means looks.


  1. The main advantage of a full face is plump lips. And this advantage should by no means be left unnoticed by others. Bright and juicy glossy colors, as well as deep matte textures- exactly the accent that will emphasize all the advantage of the oval. Of course, this is appropriate for discreet eye makeup without the use of dark and bright pigments.
  2. How more voluminous lips, the more careful study requires their contour. Never skip this step - defined lips look great right after applying lipstick, and many hours later. If you don’t like the effect of a noticeable contour, but you can’t pick up a tone-on-tone pencil, pay attention to colorless transparent products - universal tool in a cosmetic bag that will fit under all lipsticks and glosses at once.

A full face is just a given of nature, the same as a zodiac sign or natural hair color. Skillfully executed make-up for a full face, whose owners are such divas as Kate Hudson, Charlize Theron and Drew Barrymore, can reveal the advantages of a round shape.

In an age of frantic pace of life and malnutrition, often on the go, there is a problem excess weight bodies of both men and lovely ladies.

Extra roundness begins to appear on the stomach, on the sides and, first of all, on the face. Plump cheeks, a swollen chin do not give a woman joy at all. These shortcomings can be covered by applying proper makeup for a full face.

The primary goal of make-up for chubby girls is to visually lengthen the face, make it thinner. To make the features clearer, you need to master the skills of contouring and vertical shading.

Makeup base

A high-quality make-up that stretches out a visually full face is almost impossible without a tonal foundation. You can do it like this:

  • cream foundation, one tone darker natural color skin, gently applied with a brush along the oval of the face, cheekbones, neck and décolleté;
  • light tinting, so-called. primer applied directly to the face. The foundation should be matte in texture, not leaving oily sheen;
  • with the help of a concealer, circles under the eyes are carefully shaded, they can also correct the shape of the nose by applying it on the sides;
  • powder is used light, without sparkles;
  • when choosing a shade of blush, some caution should be exercised, because blush should visually narrow the face.

  • Blush, preferably bronze or beige shades movements from the temple to the corner of the mouth.

Eyes and eyebrows

Eye makeup for a full face excludes the use of bright defiant shadows and bold arrows. Shadows are better to use matte, not pearly, not including sparkles. The arrow should not emphasize the entire eyelid, start from the middle of the eye and go into a feathered haze in the corner, both on the upper eyelid and on the lower one.

It is better to lighten the inner corner of the eye, darken the outer one. Mascara is preferable to choose lengthening.

The shape of the eyebrow looks better natural with a moderate bend. The best option for eye makeup for a full face can be seen in the photo.


Full-faced women often have full lips. On such lips, a bright defiant lipstick will look vulgar. It will be enough for young girls to apply a soft shine, for women of Balzac age

Better to use lip balm or lipstick natural colors- pink or light coral.

Is there some more little secret For visual reduction face volume. lipstick bright tone apply to the center of the lips, make up the rest of the lighter lipstick.

Makeup styles

Skills in various style options make-up for a full round face will allow women to look beautiful not only at work, but also at social events.

  1. For discreet daytime makeup, it is advisable to use a liquid foundation to correct the wings of the nose and cheeks. It is better to even out the tone with matte powder, and brown the cheekbones with sand-colored blush. For upper eyelid lighter shades are preferred pastel shades and very thin arrows with upward fold. The lower eyelid is left unchanged. Mascara is used for eyelashes gray color, for lips - gloss of natural colors.
  1. Evening make-up of a full face has some features. Face tinting should be carried out according to the above rules. Blush shading is carried out diagonally, while the color of the blush can be cherry or chocolate.

When painting eyelashes, they should be bent to the sides, and the tip of the arrow should be towards the temple.

Suitable for lips natural shade shine.

Correction of a full face with make-up will give puffy ladies self-confidence, their image will be stylish and independent, and a skillfully selected haircut (straight cuts or a bob haircut) will visually add harmony to less than ideal forms.

eye color

When making up a full face, you should focus on the eyes and select the cosmetics used for their color.

To emphasize green eyes, you need to use light blue, turquoise and greenish shadows. Careful shading is required and complete absence contrasts. The eyeliner is used more rich color than the shadows, the arrows are raised up. For everyday makeup blue or green ink is used.

For blue-eyed and gray-eyed women, the most light machinery makeup.

The shadow palette consists of shades of silver, lilac, niagara, purple, silver. Ink gray or Brown applied in one layer evening make-up you can use black. Young girls should give preference to lipstick and gloss of gentle Pink colour, older women - beige.

For a brown-eyed full face, a beige and apricot tonal base will visually lengthen the features. Pink or purple blush is applied to the cheekbones. The colors of the shadows are bronze, honey, beige, gold or chestnut, the arrows match the color of the shadows, the mascara is sure to lengthen. Lipstick coral, pink or cherry color will effectively refresh the image.

Some women are concerned about how to make their face fuller with makeup, while the other part is worried about opposite reason. Correct technique make-up will help solve these problems.

A full face, as a rule, has two main features that many are not averse to getting rid of: plump cheeks and double chin. Both can be corrected without resorting to help. plastic surgeon. We tell and show how to do it.

How to sculpt a full face? Step by step photo instruction

Sculptor and blush - two essential means, If we are talking about the correction of the full face. After all, it is the correct placement of light and shade accents that provides a spectacular result.

Dark sculptor

Particular attention during the correction must be given to the cheeks in order to darken them properly. This can be done according to one of two schemes: either apply the sculptor or bronzer in the usual way, over the foundation, or darken the desired areas on clean skin and apply foundation on top. In this case, the correction will not look so obvious. We remind you that a dark sculpting product should be one or two shades darker than your skin (and always with a matte finish!), And a light one, on the contrary, one or two shades lighter: in this case, a delicate glow is allowed.

The darkening zones in your case are the cheekbones: pull your cheeks in as much as possible and darken the area above the formed cavity. Also darken the sides of the face, apply the sculptor along the edges of the forehead, along the hairline.

In addition, it is important to emphasize the jaw line: draw a strip along it with a dark corrector and blend downwards. It will also help to remove the double chin, make the neck thinner.

By the way, the correction of the second chin looks more natural if the corrector is grayish-greenish-brown, the color of the skin shadow. Then you can really create a believable effect of a more slender chin and neck.

Shading under the chin should be as soft as possible, “fluffy”, without clear boundaries.

You can also further contour the nose by applying a dark corrector on both sides of it. A chiseled nose will make your face look more sculpted and less rounded.

Another trick to help hide the roundness of your face has to do with blush. Apply peach or soft pink blush (these shades suit everyone, but you shouldn’t use too bright ones with a full face) with a fluffy natural bristle brush along the cheekbone, slightly above the dark corrector. Blend down as needed.

Don't wear blush in a circular motion: This action further emphasizes the feature you want to hide. Also, don't apply blush too close to your nose, as this will make your face look even rounder.


If you have a full face, try not to use too much highlighter. Apply a small amount to the bridge of the nose, "tick" above upper lip, brow space, in inner corner eye. Apply quite a bit of product to the top of the cheekbone (this action, by the way, is not necessary at all). The highlighter should be with a very delicate glow, without sparkles. Most often, these are produced in liquid or cream format.

Advice! All lines in makeup should be ascending: when correcting cheekbones, shading shadows, blush. In this case, the face looks more toned and slender.

At the final stage, go with a light matte or satin bronzer over the entire oval of the face: the top and sides of the forehead, cheeks, and lower jaw line. This will give light effect tan and also help to visually make the face smaller and thinner.

So that the results of your correction are preserved until the end of the day, an unpleasant oily sheen does not appear on your face and the make-up does not “float”, be sure to powder your face. If you have very oily skin and powder is not enough, use a mattifying makeup base.

What else can be done so that the face does not look full?

Focus on the eyes

The easiest way to divert attention from the oval of the face is to draw it to the eyes. Classic smokey, bright arrows, lush eyelashes- all means are good! Especially suitable for you, which will help make your eyes brighter and more voluminous. By the way, if you use black eyeliner, try to draw not sharp lines, but slightly blurry and feathered. This simple trick can make your eyes even bigger. And don't forget to hide dark circles under the eyes, if any, with a corrector.

Attach correct form eyebrows

Well-groomed eyebrows of the correct form will make your face more slender. As a rule, a full face has round shape, and for this, “angular” eyebrows, with a high bend, are ideal. Your option is the "golden mean": the eyebrows should not be too rounded or overly sharp. The bend should be moderate. By the way, the farther the nose is located at the highest point of the eyebrow, the wider the face will eventually look. And one more tip: make sure that the "tips" of the eyebrows are long enough, as short ones will visually make the cheeks even larger. help you!

Darken your eyebrows

The second tip, which concerns the eyebrows, is that they should be quite noticeable. You should not pluck your eyebrows too much: thin ones do not suit anyone, but in your case they will also exacerbate the problem. Use a brow pencil or shadow to make them a little more vibrant and accentuated.

Don't forget lip makeup

If you have thin lips, you need to visually make them plumper to make the face look thinner. Line only the lower lip with a pencil, slightly protruding beyond the natural contour, and then make up the lips with a glossy nude lipstick. And don't forget to add a drop of shimmery glitter right down the middle. lower lip. For other tips to help make lips voluminous, look at.

Advice! If the corners of the lips look down, you can further stretch them with a light concealer. With a brush, draw a line from the corner of the lips towards the cheekbone and blend.

Choose the right hairstyle

Girls with a full face should avoid voluminous hairstyles and curl curls - they will make the face visually even wider and "big". But if you straighten your hair with a special iron, your face will look a little narrower and thinner.

Do you know other makeup tips for a fuller face? Share your beauty hacks!

Makeup is not only a way to make your facial features brighter and more contrasting, but also an opportunity to correct its shape.

The rounded shape of the face cannot be called a disadvantage: firstly, this shape is typical for the vast majority of representatives Slavic people. Secondly, a round face gives a woman prettiness and youthfulness. But in order to emphasize precisely these properties, it is necessary to master the techniques of makeup.

Sculpting is a set of make-up techniques that makes makeup for a full face by giving it features characteristic of a classic face shape.

Blush or bronzer?

In order to give round face the correct shape, it is necessary to use products to darken or lighten the skin tone. The main task of the person performing makeup is to make the face more textured, emphasizing the severity of the cheekbones and visually reducing the cheeks.

Blush or bronzer can be used as a means to darken the skin tone. Both products are pigmented decorative compositions, available in loose, pressed or cream form.

In order to decide which tool will make makeup for a full face more correct in terms of facial harmony, it is better to use the trial and error method.

The traditional school of makeup advises blondes to use blush and brunettes to use bronzer, as the combination of a cosmetic product and one's own skin tone in this case gives a more natural result. But today strict rules in the field of make-up does not exist, therefore, which decorative cosmetics to perform makeup for a full face, everyone determines for himself, based on which product is easier to use.


The main rule of face sculpting in makeup is to apply to areas that need to be visually made more voluminous, light tone or special product with small shimmer - highlighter. To highlight cheekbones oval face make-up artists advise applying the product with a line from the outer corners of the eyes towards the wings of the nose, and then carefully blend with a sponge or brush.

After that, it is necessary to darken those areas that are most pronounced on a round face - the cheeks. Bronzer is applied to the area under the cheekbone and also carefully shaded. If the correction is performed with the help of blush, they should be applied mainly to the side of the face, visually narrowing it.

To fix such makeup for a full round face, you can use colorless powder.


Any makeup involves creating an emphasis on any part of the face: lips or eyes. Recent trends allow for emphasis on the eyebrows.

Makeup for a full face is best done with an emphasis on the eyes. Bright juicy lips on a round face will not look expressive, but, on the contrary, will emphasize the fullness of the cheeks. Graphic eyebrows will also not be able to emphasize beauty, since the horizontal created by eyebrows contrasting with the skin will visually make the face even more rounded.

The exception is the shape of the eyebrows, in which their outer corners are much higher than the inner ones, and the eyebrows themselves do not have a characteristic bend. But such shape fit not for every person and looks organic only if it is natural, given to a person from birth.

Arrows and smokey ice

Bright eye makeup for a full face can be done in any way that suits a particular appearance. So, a make-up with arrows will suit almost everyone, you just need to take into account your color type. It is permissible for bright brunettes to make arrows with black eyeliner or a pencil, but for blondes it is better to make arrows with gray or brown eyeshadow applied with a wet oblique brush.

Smokey ice, that is smoky makeup, not suitable for everyone. When expressed age-related changes skin, impending eyelid and bulging eyes it may look discordant. In other cases, it is permissible to use shadows: modern fashion trends allow you to use any shades.


In order to divert attention from plump cheeks and a rounded face, you need to paint over the eyelashes well. This is easy to do, you just need to remember a few rules:

  1. The mascara should be fresh enough not to clump or flake off.
  2. Leaving the product on the eyelashes, you need to model their shape, bending up or pulling to the outer corners of the eyelid, creating the effect of "cat's eyes".
  3. If the length and density of your eyelashes is not enough, you can use false ones. For you can have in the arsenal of eyelashes, strung on one strip, fixed on the eyelid, for the daytime you can use separate bundles.

The brightness of the eyes should not compete with the harmony and appropriateness of makeup. If abundantly applied black mascara "weights" the look, for a daytime make-up it is better to purchase dark brown or dark gray mascara.

Forbidden tricks

To learn how to create beautiful image, it’s not enough to know how to apply makeup on a full face, you also need to know about the mistakes that are important to avoid:

  • Bright plump lips are definitely an attractive feature. female face, but together with round face they can make it even more visually complete. In order to make lips more contrast, it is better to use matte lipsticks or tints, without glossy effect or shimmer.
  • If possible, do not use dense tonal foundations, it is better to refuse them. Small flaws are best hidden with a corrector. The fact is that even tone face will make it flatter, and, therefore, even more round.
  • No need to overload makeup with pearlescent cosmetic products. The lighter and more invisible it will be on the face and lips, the more the shape of the face will be visually close to the classical one.

The wrong oval of the face does not allow experimenting with makeup. It is better to choose several options for different cases life (for everyday life, parties) and use only them. Inspiration for selection perfect image can become photos of make-up for a full face from glossy magazines, thematic sites, illustrations of the work of makeup artists or pictures of popular people.