Eyebrow types: professional advice from stylists and makeup artists on how to choose the right one. Eyebrow shape according to the type of face. Photos are straight, rounded, ascending, descending, thin, house. Makeup tips and tutorials

Eyebrows can radically change the image, emphasize the advantages or hide the flaws in appearance. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to choose the right shape depending on the type of face, and to carry out corrections in a timely manner.

You can improve the oval of the face and the shape of the eyes, increase or decrease the distance between the arcs, divert attention from the flaws in appearance. Correct drawing will help you create any image at home, depending on your mood.

What varieties exist:

  • semicircular - allows you to correct the square type of the oval of the face and the overhanging eyelid, visually lose a few years, make the image softer and more feminine;
  • sharp - visually opens the eyes, tightens the corners, slightly stretches the round shape of the face, but if drawn incorrectly, the girl will have a constantly surprised look;
  • arch - a softer and more feminine interpretation of sharp lines, this is suitable for all types of faces;
  • s-shaped - remove the angularity of a square face, the most popular;
  • straight lines - allow you to visually remove the excessive elongation of the oval, visually make the face wider.

To give the correct shape, you need to regularly adjust at home with tweezers and makeup or go to the salon to choose the best method.

How to choose a line for the oval of the face?

The main nuance of creating perfect eyebrows at home is that the smaller the features and the more fragile the physique, the thinner the arcs should be. First you need to determine the type of face - for this you need to pick up all the hair higher, study the shape of the head.

What types are suitable for different ovals of the face:

  • For girls with a triangular and diamond-shaped face, straight lines are not suitable. It is better to give the arc a smooth rising silhouette and a uniform bend.
  • With a square shape, the eyebrows should not be made thin, it is better to adjust them a little, but leave them thick. With such an oval, curved lines with a sharp and high rise are perfectly combined.
  • The oval face is considered classic, but there are certain rules for it. With such an oval, the edges should be at a sufficient distance from each other, it is better to avoid sharp and steep transitions. A straight line with a slightly rounded tip is ideal.
  • If the face is round, slightly stretch the oval, curved arcs without particularly sharp corners, with smooth ascents and descents, will help to give the image femininity and prettiness. Chubby girls should not round their eyebrows too much.
  • Face in the shape of a heart. To somewhat smooth out the sharpness of the chin, it is better to choose a rounded line.

Whatever form it is, you need to constantly take care of it at home, regularly remove regrown hairs, and make special masks. In the salon, tattooing and henna staining are used as long-term methods.

Basic correction rules

Before you start creating a shape, taking into account the type and oval of the face, you need to carefully study your appearance, understand which features need to be emphasized, and which flaws are best visually hidden. For ideal lines, their beginning and end lie on the same straight line. With a strongly raised outer corner, the image will turn out to be very naive, and the edge that is strongly bent down makes a dull look.

To correct some of the nuances of the appearance and oval of the face, cosmetologists use the concept of "arch" - the height of the arc. If the eyes are small, then the eyebrows should be low, but not very wide. For big-eyed girls, lines with a high rise are suitable, the emphasis is on density.

High eyebrows will distract attention from a large nose, but they should be at a sufficient distance from each other. In such cases, straight, short strokes should also be avoided when drawing - this technique focuses on the middle part of the face. Closely spaced arcs will help to visually reduce a wide forehead.

How to match the color to the shade of the hair:

  • If the curls are straight and light, it is better to choose products from a gray, muted brown palette for coloring.
  • Brunettes with voluminous hair and curls will suit wide eyebrows. Fair-skinned dark-haired girls can choose dark brown or slate products for coloring, if the skin of the face is dark, then it is better to correct in black.
  • For red strands, a bright type of appearance, you can choose a shade from a brown, terracotta, golden palette.

Vulnerable, romantic girls should not make arcs with sharp bends and rises. And confident and purposeful women do not fit smooth or even lines.

How to create perfect eyebrows?

Now in fashion are beautifully curved shapes with natural and smooth lines that match the face, have a natural density and width. It is necessary to learn how to determine the head, body and tail, all parts between the main points must be in a clear relationship.

  • To find the head, attach the stick to the convex part of the nose and the inner corner of the eye, continue the segment further through the forehead. At the intersection of the segment and the arc, there should be its beginning, remove all excess hairs at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The maximum point is on the line that passes through the wing of the nose, the iris of the eye. To avoid mistakes, at the moment of determining the bend, you need to look straight ahead.
  • The tail is located on the segment that connects the convex part of the nose and the outer corner of the eye.

The distance between the arcs is ideally equal to the width of two fingers, the base and end should be located on the same straight line. After finding the main points, they should be connected with a smooth line, it is better to choose a white pencil for this. Anything outside the outline must be removed.

How can you remove excess hair?

There are many ways to give the eyebrows an ideal shape, taking into account the type of appearance and the oval of the face at home, but experts do not recommend trimming and trimming, as this will lead to accelerated growth. Before starting, you need to thoroughly clean the skin of dirt and cosmetics, disinfect the dermis and all tools, you can pre-make a steam bath.

When working with tweezers, it is necessary to grab the hairs one at a time closer to the base, pull them out strictly in the direction of their growth, the movements should be sharp and fast. Only the bottom line should be corrected, otherwise you can greatly spoil the shape. After the removal is completed, you need to wipe the dermis with a piece of ice, apply cotton pads soaked in a decoction of chamomile or mint. It is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed, so that by morning the irritation and redness on the face is not so noticeable.

Threading - removal with a thread, allows you to create perfect eyebrows. You can do it at home, but professionals in the salon will do it better.


  • the risk of infection of the skin and ingrowth is reduced;
  • with a regular procedure, the hairs gradually become thinner;
  • follicles do not suffer;
  • you can delete several pieces at once;
  • after removal, there is no redness and irritation on the face.

Only a strong Arabic thread made of natural cotton fiber is suitable for removal, its length should be 0.5 m. Before the procedure, treat the eyebrow area with any decoction of herbs.

To carry out the procedure, you need to tie the ends of the thread, twist it several times, insert 2 fingers into each loop. You should move from the base of the eyebrow to its end - the removal occurs according to the principle of scissors, it is necessary to simultaneously narrow one loop and expand the second. The hairs will fall into the central part, intertwined with the thread, which leads to their quick and painless pulling out.

How to take care of your eyebrows?

Daily care includes combing in the morning and evening, applying olive oil or castor oil. Every week you need to make nourishing masks that will help preserve beauty, they moisturize the skin, prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs.

Mask recipe for thick eyebrows. Mix 15 ml of olive oil and flax seeds, castor oil. Warm the mixture a little in a steam bath, soak cotton pads, attach, cover with paper for compresses on top. After 7–10 minutes, remove the remaining mass with warm water.

If the hairs are fragile and brittle, there are bald spots between them, a firming mask will help. Mix 30 ml of liquid honey and olive oil, heat the mixture to a temperature of 36-37 degrees, lubricate the arcs, remove after 7-12 minutes.

As we know, the world is made up of little things. Also, the ideal image is made up of details, even those that at times may seem subtle. Eyebrows, namely their shape, size, length and other characteristics, on which not only the harmony of the image depends, but also the character of a person, should be attributed to such details that play an important role in shaping the features of appearance.

Features of eyebrows and the character of a woman

Eyebrows are not just horizontal lines of hair on our face that are meant to protect our eyes from sweat and dust. The appearance of a person and, to some extent, his character depend on their shape, with their help you can give expressiveness to the eyes, emphasize the depth of their color.

By changing the natural eyebrows, you can completely change the perception of your appearance. In what way would you like to appear before people: innocent, flirtatious or strict? Let's learn about the types of eyebrows and their influence on the character of a woman.

Without eyebrows

Let's dive into history a bit. In the 15th century, in the aristocratic circles of the Netherlands, France and Italy, there was a fashion for a pale complexion, a high clean forehead and a slender long neck.

To match the ideal image and seem beautiful, women of that time made many sacrifices. To do this, they not only removed the eyebrows, but also shaved part of the hair above the forehead and at the back of the head. Now such manipulations to remove hair above the eyes symbolize the lack of character in a girl.

Eyebrows of different widths

Natural eyebrows without any changes do not carry any hidden information. But the thin line of arcs symbolizes superfemininity. Let's look at the effect of eyebrow width on a girl's personality.


A woman with such arcs cannot imagine her life without a man, she wants gifts, care, flowers and even worship. But the thin and round shape emphasizes such features of its owner as the desire to be a leader, a strong-willed character, a thirst for power, a desire to become famous and purposefulness.

Able to balance a long and thin face, to give the image harmony. But with such a frame of the eyes, you should be extremely careful, because they are able to add a few extra years to the age, so it is more reasonable to wear them to young ladies, but not to women of age.

Advice! If you accidentally make your hairline thinner than you want, or you just need to quickly change the shape and thickness of the arches, you can purchase false eyebrows. They will help you look the way you want, while the false hairs look very natural. With these brows, you do not have to use cosmetics or wait until your own hairs grow, but their price is about 600-1 thousand UAH, so not every girl can afford them.


Very rare, imperceptible arcs do not adorn the girls at all. But eyebrows, slightly different in width from the usual lines above the eyes, allow many of the fair sex to look attractive, enchant with their naturalness. Such eyebrows have temperamental and strong personalities, possessing femininity and special sensuality.

Advice! Don't let your brows run, especially if you have thick and dark ones. Use the necessary tools to care for and sharpen the lines, because running hairs sticking out in different directions can make you look like the famous Leonid Brezhnev. Agree, for a girl this is not the best resemblance.


Such arcs are now fashionable, they draw attention to their owner with naturalness and naturalness. In addition, they show the wisdom, strength and determination of their owner. It is not for nothing that in Rus' girls with “sable” eyebrows were the standard of beauty, because the thicker they were, the smarter the person was considered.

Despite everything, wide lines are not suitable for everyone. It is worth noting that too low growing hairs can create a mask of severity and gloom on the face of even the most cheerful owner. They are perfect for girls who love simplicity. Despite the fact that attention is focused on naturalness, such eyebrows need care and at least minimal correction.

But in general, almost untouched lines with minimal form correction evoke such associations - primitiveness, natural and natural manifestations of the essence of women, including sexuality. Such “wild” eyebrows look appropriate only on young ladies.

Rounded (arched)

A woman with arched eyebrows can be a cautious, prudent artist or business woman. Such lines are considered very beautiful, so many perceive the owners of a semicircular shape as licentious and conceited persons.

In fact, such girls are inventive, resourceful, self-confident and are geniuses in financial matters: they can make money selling real estate, on the stock exchange, in general, on anything. Such persons never miss the opportunity to get the juiciest piece. In relationships with people, they are very perceptive and can understand the hidden motives in the behavior of others.

With arched eyelids, you should avoid extremes and stick to the golden mean: they should not be too thin or too thick, too dark or too light.

This form symbolizes the presence of a talent for business management. Girls with arcuate lines above their eyes often marry for convenience, while the partner fulfills almost all the wishes of the wife, because she knows how to charm a man.

Such women hypnotize, because they combine deceit with feigned naivety. They know what they want and how to get it in the easiest way. At the same time, they are very successful at making money.


These eyebrows are similar to the English letter S and allow you to visually make sharp facial features softer. Curved lines visually stretch the oval of the face, make it more proportional.

It is impossible to hide from sight that many Hollywood stars prefer curved arches, and for good reason. They are suitable for almost any type of face, with the exception of an elongated shape. Curved lines allow you to make the look open, and the eyes are expressive.

With a break (house)

The brows of the house received such a playful name because of their external resemblance to the roof of the house. Women who prefer to wear brows with a break are energetic, they combine risk, adventurism and creativity.

Broken lines are inherent in a business woman and a woman leader who have a lot of vitality and energy. Wedge-shaped arcs are an indicator of adventurism in a woman, the makings of a creator and a genius in matters of a financial nature, a symbol that their owners will live a long and successful life.

Such lines are considered pirated and girls with house eyebrows often go ahead for what they want, in any relationship and situation they always dominate. Their life is full and not devoid of adventure, they are successful in most cases.

In a softened version, they are truly beautiful, besides, they make the face original, interesting. A feature of this form is that it is undesirable to frown with it, because the wedge-shaped lines, shifted closer to the bridge of the nose, look quite frightening.


Long eyebrow lines are not like the others, because they do not fit the generally accepted standards. Not every girl decides to create such a detail of the image. Long lines, like the life of its owner, are mysterious and attractive.

The owner of long arcs is a strong nature, not devoid of sensuality, she knows her worth. The peculiarity of this detail of appearance is that long arcs over the eyelids can make a girl more mature, and the appearance of a mature woman is a little younger.

Advice! Do not bend the outer edge of the eyebrow down too much, otherwise the face will take on an eternally sad expression.


Short arcs make the face naive, open and trusting, look great on young ladies. But on an adult woman, such a detail of appearance will look very strange, because naivety is an integral part of youth, not maturity.

Quite often, eyebrows that are short by nature are found, and the older the woman, the need to artificially add length to them. To do this, you can draw the edges with a pencil every day, decide on a tattoo, or use a very interesting service of beauty salons that appeared not so long ago. And the best option is the last one, because extended eyebrows look as natural as possible.

These eyebrows give their owner a youthful look. If a woman is young at heart and considers this a virtue, it is not at all necessary to change something, you can leave their natural length.

People with short arcs are very passionate and often passionate lovers, and the strengths of such women are independence and ambition. Due to the short arcs, some may consider such persons quick-tempered and fickle. In fact, the challenge of youth contained in the hairs of short length attracts to itself, but they are not suitable for everyone, as they show the immaturity of the personality and character.

Note! Short arcs should be of moderate thickness, because too narrow they will seem clownish. But overly wide arcs indicate that the nature of the owner is straight and sharp.


Low, straight, dark and fairly wide lines above the eyes are considered a masculine option. In women with such a framing of the eyelids, traits appear in the character that are more suitable for the representative of the stronger sex - cruelty, authority, straightforwardness. Girls with straight horizontal lines love guns and cars (male toys).

Such a woman really does not really need a man. This is an independent person who can stand up for herself and does an excellent job with all men's affairs. But do not forget that straight rising eyebrows (their outer edge is higher than the inner one) can make the face gloomy, aggressive and dissatisfied.

Persons with a horizontal line above the eyes are courageous and impulsive, they love outdoor entertainment, they achieve good success in their careers and sports. In a woman, straight eyebrows can symbolize a hidden love of risk in work and challenges, so such individuals can become excellent leaders who are unlikely to yield to men in anything.

Often girls with horizontal eyebrows are perceived by others as competent, intelligent and balanced people. But also often overlooked are the female needs of owners of straight eyebrows, and there are such needs, despite the fact that these girls are difficult to categorize as “homemade”.


This arrangement of hairs above the eyes indicates the naivety and lack of independence of its owner. In addition to these qualities, girls with lowered eyebrows often show their talent in literature, music and cinema. In their character there is boundless caring and kindness, and these are excellent qualities that allow such people to be wonderful parents, good partners and reliable friends.

Such eyebrows are often called “suffering”, because their owners immediately take on a constantly longing look, as if a girl endlessly asks for help. Hairs arranged in this way look pretty and a little seductive on young ladies, but with age they can look extremely unfortunate.

Lowering the outer edge of the brow below the inner one, the girl automatically turns into a tender, vulnerable, defenseless creature. This can attract the attention of the opposite sex, because male nature pushes them to protect the weak. You just can’t overdo it with the level of inclination of the arcs, otherwise the face will take on an overly pained expression.


Arcs, flying like arrows in the direction of the temples, show that their owner has a persistent and impetuous character. Such eyebrows have a lower inner edge compared to the outer. A girl with side-to-side brows knows perfectly well what she wants, but also has an idea of ​​​​how to achieve it.

You need to be more careful with such persons, since their self-righteousness can develop not only into banal stubbornness, but sometimes into excessive aggressiveness. Girls with lines above their eyes in this way look unfriendly when they frown because of a threatening facial expression.

Fused female eyebrows - a strong character

The mono eyebrow is not in fashion now, but the hairs on the bridge of the nose grow together in women due to an excess of male hormones in the body. Such a difference from the rest noticeably affects the character, therefore women with fused hairs in the region of the bridge of the nose are persistent, courageous, their nature is endowed with hardness.

The owners of mono eyebrows constantly have a desire to command and dominate. As a result, this can complicate relationships with people and create difficulties in personal life.

Different shape of eyebrows - an extraordinary character

People with different shapes of eyebrows are characterized by inconstancy, both in tastes and in actions, they tend to make rash decisions. They sometimes combine stubbornness and creativity, tediousness and activity.

Often, such a non-standard appearance of women hides the genius of the mind of its owner, the ability to generate wonderful ideas and extraordinary thinking. Therefore, if you saw a girl with even a small amount of hairs on the bridge of your nose, do not rush to make hasty conclusions - perhaps a Nobel Prize awaits them.

A little about male eyebrows

Properly shaped eyebrows allow a man to achieve a presentable and stylish image. A person's face consists of individual details, and well-groomed and beautiful hairs above the eyes are able to emphasize the dignity of their owner, without suppressing other features of appearance.

Often men do not adjust their arches, but there are times when it is necessary. And the impetus for changes can be their appearance, spoiling the overall picture: lack of shape, too wide arcs or thick hair on the bridge of the nose, turning the eyebrows into one continuous line. Men can adjust the appearance with their own hands and give the eyebrows a more attractive look and for this it is enough to use tweezers.

Few people are lucky with the natural shape of the eyebrows and this applies to both men and women. Moderately wide, even and symmetrical arches are considered classic eyebrows for the stronger sex. They never go out of style and allow men to look stylish and trendy.

Those men whom nature has not awarded with eyebrows of a symmetrical shape and normal density will have to correct them (of course, if they want to look attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex). Of course, fashion does not stand still and now you can see colored beards and eyebrows on magazine covers, but you must admit that this option is more suitable for a photo in a magazine than for everyday life.

Unlike women, men can change their eyebrows in few ways. These include waxing, threading and hair removal with tweezers. Using a cosmetic pencil or tattooing is not suitable for men, even with sparse hairs, and permanent eyebrows will look very feminine.

Character of a man and eyebrows

As you already understood, eyebrows carry hidden information about the character of their owner. It is much easier to determine the features of the inner world of a man than women, since the representatives of the stronger sex pluck their eyebrows extremely rarely and in most cases their shape is natural.

Not only the shape of the eyebrows helps to determine the character of a person, but also other features (width, length, etc.).

Let's find out what men's eyebrows can tell about:

  • "classic" eyebrows, namely with moderate length, width and density, do not carry any hidden information;
  • low arches symbolize the practicality, ambition and determination of its owner;
  • high hair lines they say that a man is purposeful, knows how to achieve his goal, but at the same time he is secretive;
  • wide arches happen to intellectuals and dreamers;

  • eyebrows that do not differ in thickness (thin), belong to men with a principled character;
  • bristly lines testify to the obstinacy, uncompromising nature of a person who is not capable of yielding in anything, and if they are also very thick, then the man is also cruel;
  • if the lines to the temples expand rather than narrow, then, most likely, a person will strive for success all his life;
  • well-marked mole in eyebrow hairs- in life success will accompany, imperceptible - to problems with money, more precisely, with their accumulation;
  • wide and round arcs, lowered along the edges, they can only say good things about a man: generosity, cheerfulness, optimism, a great sense of humor and realism are combined with the peculiarity of his eyebrows;
  • long and straight lines usually adorn the face of intelligent and well-read men who love to entertain people, mostly females, and such rare eyebrows speak of the ability to keep up a conversation on any topic, from caring for a hamster to the country's economy;

The brow industry has become a separate phenomenon in the beauty world. There are both their own authorities and their own trends, which seriously influence the idea of ​​what the image of a modern girl should be like. And these trends are changing - albeit not as often as trends in make-up or, say, manicure. Let's talk about the current trends of 2019.

If we talk about viable trends that can be followed in everyday makeup, then in 2019 attention should be paid to the arched shape of the eyebrows. A sharp graphic break, which gave the face a surprised and indignant expression, is a thing of the past. In an effort to look stylish, many girls emphasized their eyebrows too much - with a pencil or felt-tip pen with strong pressure, which created an unnatural tattoo effect. This is partly the reason why the dramatic arched eyebrows were replaced by a soft, rounded shape. Naturalness is back in trend.

However, this does not mean that other forms of eyebrows are not considered. Below is a photo and description of all, as well as varieties of eyebrow makeup and their styling.

  • Direct

This year, eyebrows without any kinks and bends have become popular. But if the shape is different by nature, then it is hardly worth achieving straight lines with the help of correction. There is no special need for this: the straight form really suits only girls with an oval face shape.

  • curved

These are arched brows with a soft “rise” in the middle. Eyebrows of this type are distinguished by the absence of sharp corners.

Emphasizing them with make-up, the stroke is not used - the eyebrows are “filled” from the inside with shading, and then gently combed with a brush with a transparent gel.

  • Eyebrows "house"

It's not about eyebrows with a break - the eyebrows "house" are distinguished by a raised base. The tips with this form, on the contrary, look down. This shape of the eyebrows looks harmonious only if it is given to a woman by nature; it doesn't make sense to do it on purpose.

  • Wavy

How to choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face?

  • Round face

With this type of face, the best option is eyebrows with a kink and a sharp tail. Chubby girls are often worried that their features lack sharpness; the graphic shape of the eyebrows will help solve this problem.

  • Oval face

Girls with an elongated oval face are not recommended to choose a kink shape - such eyebrows can make the image more serious or even strict. There are two most suitable options: either straight eyebrows or a gently curved arch in the spirit of the 2019 trends.

  • Triangular face, "heart"

This type is characterized by narrowing down and a fairly wide forehead. So that it does not seem “heavy”, the eyebrows should not be too wide and fluffy - this is the time. Two - you need to avoid a straight shape and decanter contour lines. It will be correct to slightly soften the bend of the eyebrows.

  • Square face

Smoothly curved arched eyebrows are what girls with square and rectangular face types need. Choose an average width, and “lower” the tail of the eyebrows down, this will slightly narrow the oval of the face.

Life hacks: how to make your eyebrows look perfect?

  • To make your eyebrows grow well, be thick and wide, use special serums and oils (olive, coconut, castor). There are also those that help make eyebrows lush, for example, egg yolk. And how to achieve the effect of thick eyebrows right now, we told.
  • Whatever you use, be it a pencil, a felt-tip pen, or eye shadow that you apply with a beveled brush, do not paint over the eyebrows inside the contour tightly and completely. Hatching technique is the optimal beauty solution that gives the most natural result.

Before you start creating perfect eyebrows, you need to choose a time and place, stock up on tools and prepare your face for the procedure.

1. Pick a time, place and tools

Choose a day when you will not be in a hurry to go anywhere. Keep in mind that eyebrow shaping takes an average of 30-40 minutes. In addition, the skin will take some time to recover after plucking. Therefore, it is better to schedule the procedure on the weekend, when you do not need to apply makeup.

It is preferable to pluck your eyebrows in daylight: this way even the finest hairs will be visible to you. For maximum comfort, it is better to sit in front of a wall mirror, dressing table or find a mirror on a stand. This will keep both your hands free.

The mirror should be large enough so you can see how symmetrical your brows are.

To remove the smallest hairs, use a special magnifying mirror.

In addition to it, you will need:

  1. Good tweezers. Choose it depending on the density of your eyebrows and the characteristics of hair growth. Well, remember that the tool should lie comfortably in your hand.
  2. Eyebrow brush to gently comb the eyebrows before choosing the shape.
  3. Long thin object: orange stick, pencil, pen, brush, etc. Useful for marking the beginning, bend and end of the eyebrow.
  4. White eyeliner to mark guide lines and dots.
  5. Manicure scissors to cut too long hairs.
  6. Disinfectant, paper and cotton pads for cleaning tools, hands and skin, as well as for removing torn hairs. Alcohol-based lotions or salicylic acid (alcohol solution) work well.

Before you start plucking, disinfect tweezers and nail scissors, wash your hands.

2. Prepare your face

Remove makeup so that excess makeup does not make it difficult to pluck. Wash thoroughly, and then apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to clean and dry eyebrows. This will help soften the skin.

Wait 10-15 minutes and remove excess cream with a paper towel. To avoid redness and swelling, and to prevent infection, wipe the area around the eyebrows with a disinfectant.

Find the perfect brow shape for you

  1. Remove hairs strictly in the direction of their growth to avoid creases, microtraumas and the appearance of ingrown hairs. Pull sharply, in one confident movement.
  2. Do not pull out hairs in bunches.
  3. To reduce pain, try to grab the hairs as close to the root as possible and slightly stretch the skin.
  4. The cold narrows the pores and makes the receptors less sensitive. Therefore, wipe the skin with an ice cube.
  5. Do not forget to remove the removed hairs with a cotton pad and periodically disinfect the tweezers.
  6. Tweeze your eyebrows in parallel to avoid asymmetry: a few hairs on one side, the same number on the other.
  7. Do not get carried away: growing eyebrows is much more difficult than plucking.
  8. To get rid of irritation and redness after the procedure, wipe the eyebrows and the skin around them with a decoction of chamomile, mint or sage.
  9. Don't forget to keep your eyebrows in shape and groom them. Pluck out regrown hairs, nourish your eyebrows with oils (castor, burdock, almond or olive are suitable), and also correct the shape of your eyebrows with cosmetics.

Make up your eyebrows

Decorative cosmetics will help emphasize the shape of the eyebrows and correct imperfections. With the help of a minimum set of tools and competent application, you can achieve excellent results.

1. Prepare cosmetics and tools

  1. Brush.
  2. Two eyebrow pencils in similar shades.
  3. Brush with beveled pile.
  4. Shadow palette.
  5. Eyebrow gel or pencil.

It is best to choose cosmetics designed specifically for eyebrows.

2. Apply makeup

Pluck and trim excess hair if needed. Comb your eyebrows with a special brush in the direction of hair growth. Then smooth out the individual knocked-out hairs.

With an eyebrow pencil, draw two neat, smooth lines under the lower and above the upper eyebrow lines.

With a special beveled brush, carefully shade the empty areas of the eyebrow using the matching color shadows from the palette.

Blend eyeshadow and liner thoroughly, then set with brow gel or brow pencil.

With the help of light matte shadows from the palette, hide all the flaws and make-up errors. And to make the look more open, add some shimmery shadows.

How to create perfect eyebrows in a nutshell

  1. Catch good lighting and prepare a handy mirror and tweezers.
  2. Cleanse your face, disinfect your hands and tools.
  3. Determine the three main points: the beginning, bend and end of the eyebrow.
  4. Draw the outline of the eyebrow and pluck out everything that goes beyond it.
  5. Tweeze your eyebrows periodically and take good care of them.
  6. Eliminate imperfections with decorative cosmetics (the minimum required: an eyebrow pencil and a blending brush).

After a while, you will fill your hand. Then plucking and makeup of eyebrows will take much less time. We hope you will be pleased with the result.

Not all girls can brag by nature. Most people have to be content with what they have. Periodically adjusting the shape, the hairs look natural. However, if you skip a few procedures, then over time they will spoil even the most flawless makeup.
To know how to choose the shape of the eyebrows, you need to correctly determine.

Eyebrow shape: how to choose according to the type of face?

Before picking up tweezers, it is advisable to pay attention to facial features. This is important, because thin arcs of hairs on a round face look ridiculous or straight lines on a rectangular one. Facial features need to be advantageously beaten, and will cope with this task perfectly.
Round face
If the face resembles a circle, then you should not repeat the contours of the face, adjusting the shape of the eyebrows. In this case, a line with a kink will do. It is desirable that they be wide with a narrow tip, and also raised high. However, a too thin tip is also bad. You need to choose the golden mean, and then the facial features will be more expressive.
Oval face
Too high landing in girls with this type of face is inappropriate. The shape can be slightly rounded, but at the same time without making them too thin.
Square face
A curved arch raised up is the best option for choosing the shape of the eyebrows for girls with this type of face. Thin eyebrows are completely out of place here.
triangular face
If the contours of the face resemble a triangle, then slightly raised eyebrows with a smooth curve will be the best option. However, if you overdo it with a kink, it will give a sad and dull expression.
If girls have an elongated face shape, then straight eyebrows can be modeled. This will help to visually round the contours.

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How to choose the right eyebrow shape: the perfect formula

Despite the fact that cosmetologists and makeup artists recommend choosing an individual eyebrow shape, there is a universal formula that will allow you to model eyebrows correctly, in terms of symmetry. Every girl can do this without visiting the salon. It is enough to stock up with an ordinary pencil.
In order to determine the place where the eyebrows should begin, you need to attach a pencil parallel to the wing of the nose. Thus, an imaginary line will pass through the inner corner of the eye. The place where it intersects with the growth line can be considered their beginning.
Next, the pencil must be rotated 45 degrees so that the line passes through the center of the eye. The second point of intersection is the break point.
If the eyebrows are too rounded or falling down, then this will spoil the whole picture. You can also determine the place where they should end by turning the pencil so that it touches the outer corner of the eye. The point of intersection with the hairs will be the end point. It is advisable to adhere to such a modeling scheme so that they look perfect (see photo).
To choose the right eyebrow shape for yourself, do not forget that:

  • the line too lowered to the temples ages;
  • thick and give gloom;
  • a comma-shaped overstatement risks imprinting an expression of permanent surprise on the face.

Equally important is the distance between the eyebrows. Closely planted are able to make a sullen and angry expression. Wide-set, too, are not able to favorably emphasize your features. The ideal distance is two fingers. If the eyes are close set, then a little less.