How to emphasize blue eyes. How to emphasize blue eyes with makeup

There is nothing difficult in choosing makeup for blue eyes: many shades are suitable for blue-eyed and blue-eyed girls, and you can experiment endlessly in both daytime and evening make-up.

A favorite trick of make-up artists is a game of contrasts, or use in makeup for blue eyes. complimentary colors. The cold color of the iris is advantageously set off by warm golden, peach-beige, cream, bronze shades. “In order to emphasize blue eyes, it is best to choose shades of complementary shades. The most contrasting will look ocher, copper and terra, "advises the famous British makeup artist Jemma Kidd. For exquisite day makeup Gemma advises blue-eyed girls to use peach shades. " warm shades shadows always make blue eyes brighter, ”explains on the example of her starry blue-eyed clients Adriana Lima and Doutzen Kroes Gemma's New York colleague, makeup artist Meredith Baraf. Classics of day makeup for blue eyes are warm neutral beige shades. They can also be used for the evening, but choose more saturated colors, mother-of-pearl or trendy "metal" textures.

Makeup for blue and blue eyes

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Makeup for blue and blue eyes

Jennifer Aniston prefers neutral makeup. Beige-peach gamma is her favorite. And black mascara and a light eyeliner with a dark pencil at the lash line immediately make her eyes more expressive.

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Makeup for blue and blue eyes

Bright and trendy solution: bold make-up, with which the top model barbara Palvin this spring appeared at the Cannes Film Festival, immediately became the trend of the season

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Makeup for blue and blue eyes

Top Model Adriana Sklenarikova, married Karembe, prefers not black, but graphite-gray smoky: they look much softer

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Makeup for blue and blue eyes

Light chocolate smokey make amethyst blue eyes Ornelli Muti even more.

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Makeup for blue and blue eyes

eye color Charlize Theron can change from lighting, becoming either greenish or grayish. But in all cases, golden shades of shadows for her are a win-win option.

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Makeup for blue and blue eyes

young star Dakota Fanning loves spectacular arrows. Black eyeliner draws attention to her big eyes, and creamy-beige shadows enhance their color.

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Makeup for blue and blue eyes

IN Everyday lifeGwyneth Paltrow usually goes without make-up. And even on the red carpet, she does not often appear with a complex make-up: black mascara, neutral beige shadows, a little eyeliner, foundation and lips slightly touched by lipstick - that's almost all.

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Makeup for blue and blue eyes

Dark-haired and blue-eyed Megan Fox all contrasting combinations and minimal makeup go

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Makeup for blue and blue eyes

"Natural" make-up does not distract attention from expressive blue eyes Miranda Kerr. It is this simple make-up that the top model loves most of all, although she is happy to appear with smokey at parties.

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Makeup for blue and blue eyes

A little gray shadows made eyes Taylor Swift grey-blue. But thanks to eyeliner and an emphasis on eyelashes, her look did not become less expressive! arrows on the eyelids will give blue eyes a greenish tint, and greenish ones - a mysterious amethyst. Dark blue, chocolate, dark green or purple gamma will become good decision and for smoky eyes for blue eyes: black smoky can look too deliberate, and even rude, especially if you - gentle blonde. As for the colored mascara that is fashionable this season, blue-eyed girls are perfect for all its shades, including bright blue. The main thing is not to forget about the rule of complementary colors. Try pairing blue mascara with contrasting eyeliner or eyeshadow, such as pearlescent copper or gold, to instantly make your eyes look bigger and brighter.

The purity and beauty of blue eyes is sung by many poets. They are compared to the ocean and diamonds. Shadows for blue eyes are a cut of beautiful features bestowed on us by nature.

What cosmetics are suitable?

Blue-eyed girls are extremely lucky, because the color of their eyes is already the most bright accent in the image. It is important to complement this accent with contrasting shades in relation to the iris. However, often following stereotypes, we choose blue shadows for blue eyes, and most often we are mistaken. Most shades of blue cover the beauty of the eyes, making makeup unnatural and sometimes vulgar. The palette of blue for blue-eyed ladies can only open in professional hands make-up artists who, with extraordinary accuracy, will be able to select perfect tone. If makeup is planned to be carried out at home, then it is wiser to choose universal and simple options. So, for a stylish make-up, you should stock up on three shades of shadows. The first color will cover the main part of the moving eyelid, the second will accentuate, and the third will gently cover the area under the eyebrows. The eyes are also highlighted with black strokes, in the form of eyeliner and mascara.

Shadows should be organic depending on the situation. For example, everyday bow perfectly complement muted pink, brown, plum and beige shadows. It is best if they are matte and very discreet. Green shadows should not be neglected for a daily look, because they perfectly play in contrast with the iris of the eye. Lilac shadows with light mother-of-pearl, complemented by a light tone for the inner corner of the eye, are another option that reveals the beauty of delicate, almost transparent blue eyes.

Evening make-up allows you to apply more saturated and bright tones. In this case, one should remember the basic rule that the saturation of the color should not overlap the brightness of the color of the eyes. For owners light blue eyes peach, purple, golden tones will help emphasize your individuality. Girls with blue eyes will be appropriate turquoise tones, and orange shades in tandem with yellow shadows. An interesting solution in such a sunny make-up is to emphasize the lower eyelid with a soft pencil blue tone. Universal option tones for bright and transparent blue eyes are golden shadows. Light-eyed ladies can complement them with brown accents with eyeliner in the same shade or black shadows with a contour pencil. Golden with brown will go into the base everyday makeup, black will decorate any evening look.

How to choose the right one?

Choosing eye shadow is not so difficult, because the ideal color scheme for gray and blue-blue eyes has already been given above. Everyday looks with them they will acquire constant sophistication. If you want to play with color and create non-standard solutions, we can take the spectral circle as a basis. Such color circle- a special makeup artist palette that helps create perfect tandems of three or more tones. The spectral circle consists of 12 color parts. The colors that are opposite each other in it are perfectly combined with each other. If you want to increase the number of shades in makeup, an isosceles triangle is placed in the spectral circle. The three colors in his tops are also nice and organic in tandem.

However, for blue and blue eyes, not only a complementary combination of contrasting shades is suitable, but also monochromatic, when the color scheme of the same color is used. The best combinations here you can find it in a ready-made palette of shadows. They usually consist of three or four shades from light to dark. For example, blue-eyed people will definitely like the monochrome range of green tones:

  • khaki;
  • gray asparagus;
  • green with shades of blue, called the "red sea".

Also a good solution would be to use a pink monochrome tandem. For example:

  • pearl tone;
  • flamingos;
  • pink lilac.

There can be many options, ready-made color palettes help in their search.

Hair color

In addition to the shade of the eyes, an important criterion for choosing is the hair color of a blue-eyed beauty. Light and dark curls react differently to color, revealing or drowning it out.

For brunettes

For dark hair and heavenly gaze suits a huge variety of tones. You should start with not the most good options. So, known to every fashionista "smoky eyes" should be created only in brown or gray tones. Classic black in this case will create a deliberately gloomy tone, suitable exclusively for theme parties. Otherwise, blue-eyed brunettes get complete freedom. For example, blue shadows are perfect for them. right shade, that is, not more saturated natural color eye. Blue at the same time can smoothly turn into gray and silver. And also suitable for brunettes golden range of tones with honey, golden and brown shades. The yellow-orange palette also deserves the attention of the owners of this rare beauty.

For blondes

Suitable for light hair pastel shades, because it is blondes who are so suited to emphasizing their fragility and weightlessness. Sunlight-filled locks shine even more when pearls, peach and shades of pink are used in make-up. Shades such as pistachio and champagne are also suitable. It is worth saying that the latter are quite successfully combined with each other. If the occasion is very solemn, you can resort to brighter colors. Maroon, brown and navy tones will highlight the pure blue of the eyes and play in contrast with light curls.

For brown-haired women

Brown-haired women have a softer color type than brunettes. For blond hair and blue eyes are the best options delicate shades. Among them you can see:

  • light beige;
  • light pink;
  • light peach.

Black tones are not suitable for such a color type, which means it is better to forget about "smoky eyes", black eyeliner and eyebrows. On the other hand, there are always ways to soften such makeup. So, for "smoky eyes" it is better to use smoky shadows, making the look expressive, at the same time not weighing it down. In addition to gray, brown shadows will also come to the aid of brown-haired women, as well as mascara and eyeliner in this palette.

For redheads

The type of red-haired enchantresses with gray-blue eyes conquers with its originality and touchingness. The red tone reminds us of summer and the sun, blue - of the clear sky. From the point of view of makeup artists, the red color emphasizes and reveals the color of the eyes in new shades. So, grey-blue eyes it is easy to bring it closer to blue if you use blue, steel and silver eye products in your makeup. Suitable for red-haired girls stylish combination several tones, when blue smoothly turns into steel.

In addition, light green and hot pink shades, as well as tones with a copper tint, go to red ladies. With their help, you can create the illusion of green witch eyes, which looks insanely harmonious with red hair. And if bright colors are able to add bright greens to the eyes in shades, then a matte palette of muted shadows creates a languid marsh color of the iris. For such an effect brown tone combined with copper, gold and pale pink.

If the hair has a light shade with a hint of a red tone, you can use the shadows from the top in makeup. best colors for blondes. This will diversify the palette of colors, making the choice even wider and more multifaceted.


Skin color does not stand aside when choosing the perfect shadows. The fact is that any tone of the face can be conditionally divided into warm and cold. They are divided depending on the color types of appearance. "Winter" and "summer" belongs cold tone, "autumn" and "spring" warm. Light skin with pinkish, gray or lilac undertones characterizes winter and summer. At the same time, the skin may be swarthy, but at the base there will always be a cold undertone. Tanned skin with a golden warm tint - clear sign warm type.

It is worth saying that the above divisions into groups are sometimes difficult to apply to yourself, because color types often mix and become combined.

Not having an accurate idea of ​​their skin tone, makeup artists recommend using a simple experiment with foil. To do this, the girl needs to take two sheets of silver and gold foil and alternately apply them to her face. If the face began to shine against the background of gold - your tone is warm, against the background of silver - cold. This simple example is taken as a basis in the selection of shadows. Girls with a cold color type are ideal for silver, purple, quartz and lilac shades. The warm color type becomes even more comfortable in the company of golden and brown shadows.

How to paint?

Blue eyes are often associated with the ocean. This similarity can be emphasized by the exclusion of dark eyeliner or shadows on the lower eyelid. Instead, it is recommended to give preference white pencil pushing the boundaries of even small eyes. It is also recommended to use light shadows at the inner corner, even if it is only a small point. Further, the color palette in front of the eyes can be continued in darker colors. The key to a successful multi-color makeup is high-quality shading, starting with shadows and ending with a contour light pencil.


No matter how difficult it may seem professional makeup blue eyes, if you paint your eyes in stages, you can get a result no worse than a salon. The first action here, as in any makeup, will be applying foundation. It is applied for more permanent make-up, preventing shadows from rolling in the folds of the eyelids, as well as removing dark circles under the eyes.

When the skin is prepared upper eyelid apply light neutral shadows with a slight aftertaste of mother-of-pearl, if we are talking about evening bow. The inner corners are accentuated with light tones such as whitish blue or delicate lavender. Next comes the crucial moment of covering the main shadows of the moving eyelid. It can be pink or deep lavender. Hand movements are directed to the eyebrows. Help add brightness dark tones on the outer corners of the eyelids. Let it be gray, plum or brown depending on the base color. An important point is shading. A saturated tone should smoothly flow into a dark one.

When the makeup with shadows is over, it's time to do the strokes. The accent here can be the use of a gray or brown eyeliner that expands to the outer corner of the eye. The lower eyelid can be left free, or you can add contour pencil match the base color and blend thoroughly again. The color of mascara and eyebrow pencil should be organic not only with shadows, but also with hair color. Choose smoky and chocolate tones if you are not a burning brunette. The softness of the tones will add naturalness and professionalism to the makeup. The above option is suitable for both daytime and for evening look. The difference here is the presence or absence of sparkles and mother-of-pearl. Daytime make-up will support matte tones, evening - shining.

Girls' mornings don't start with coffee. Or not just coffee. Makeup is a very important and significant procedure. It is not necessary to create it by professionals. Anyone can acquire this skill. You will be able to independently emphasize your beauty and hide flaws. In our article we will tell you how to make up the eyes. A exactly which shadows to use and how choose a color palette for blue eyes.

Tip: prepare a set of several good brushes. For dry shadows, brushes made of natural pile are perfect, but for a greasy texture, choose artificial. It will not absorb the cosmetic product. Often applicators are attached to the sets, it is better to put them aside forever.

When choosing a cherished jar, eyes widen. What shadows to choose? Dry or liquid? What to apply? And the color scheme? How about removing eye makeup? We promise to explain everything in order.

Shadows are...

  • Liquid
    This version of the shadows is the most persistent, which is a clear plus. But you will have to practice applying them carefully and in a thin layer, otherwise, you risk getting a rolled-up color mass in the folds of the eyelid or the corners of the eye;
  • Dry
  • The most popular shadows are dry. They will help you create any image. In stores, they are sold in convenient palettes in a combination of colors. You have a choice, buy only one desired color or a set of several;
  • Shadows - pencil
  • It is clear from the name that these shadows are made in the form of a pencil. Easy to carry and easy to use too. Make sure that the application layer is thin. But they have a minus, shadows - the pencil cannot be shaded. We advise them only to complement makeup;
  • Shadows - mousse
  • A great way to make your makeup look festive. Very long-lasting shadows that convey the effect of satin and shimmer beautifully on the eyes. You can consider such a tool a novelty in the beauty industry. Masters often apply the product simply with the pad of their fingers. The face will immediately shine and become even more attractive.

How to apply eye shadow correctly

The first step is to prepare for eye makeup. It is necessary to even out the color of the entire skin on the face, for this you will need Foundation and correctors. It is good to cover the eyelid with an eyeshadow base. It will keep your makeup fresh for a long time.

Tip: before applying makeup, moisturize the skin around the eyes, this helps cosmetics lie down straight.

There are many opinions that it is worth starting eye makeup with eyeliner. We offer another option. The fact is that after applying the shadows, the eyeliner will lose its shape and clarity. Better to leave it for later.

Apply shadow on the eyelid, starting from the lash line to the brow line. Movements should be soft and accurate. Clear boundaries between colors are not allowed.

Tip: Use a soft round brush to blend. She can also paint over the crease above the eyelid.

Most light tone determine in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner corner of the eyes, and dark to the outer. This technique is considered a classic and gives expressiveness to the eyes. When the make-up is evening, a glitter effect is allowed. For this, there are pearl shades or cosmetic pigments. There are many nuances in eye makeup.

Focuses of transformation

Darkening the inner corners will help to visually reduce the distance between the eyes. Choose dark or medium tones. It is important not to blacken, otherwise the effect of negligence cannot be avoided.

To enlarge the eyes, use a palette of light shades. Use these colors to cover the entire movable eyelid and the area under the eyebrows. It is better to emphasize the corners of the eyes with a medium tone. Don't use black pencil. Arrows can be drawn in brown or in gray colors. Black color will reduce the eyes even more.

If you are the owner round eyes, emphasize the lash line with dark shadows, medium tones are well suited for the eyelid area, and leave the light ones for the area under the eyebrows.

How to beautifully make up blue eyes with shadows

Picking up shadows for blue eyes is not the most simple task, but quite doable. Sky eye color is a rarity that makes you unique. Enhance your natural beauty with makeup. Many people think that for blue color shadows are suitable only in the same colors, but this is not so. In addition to blue and blue colors, there are other options.

Eyeshadow color for blue eyes

Get complete harmony using turquoise shades or sea breeze colors. The perfect combination will come out with gold and silver colors. Purple and pink colors will emphasize the beauty of the eyes. For example, for a date, find an active pink color and get a romantic look. gray shades and pearl colors. For evening version do not be afraid of makeup bright of blue color or black.

Tip: When working with makeup, be sure to consider the time of day. Daytime and evening make-up have their own subtleties and differences.

Day makeup

Perfect for day out light shades pink and peach flowers. They will not clog natural beauty, but only emphasize it. For expressiveness of the look, paint over the crease of the eyelid with a darker shade. For daytime makeup, a bronze palette is also well suited. It is considered universal for all eye colors. Try brown colors. The right combination enhance the depth of view.

evening make-up

Feel free to choose dark colors. Let's leave the delicate pastel for daytime hours. Chocolate shades will look in the evening. You will only decorate the image with violet or dark blue. The whole palette of olive shades is also suitable. Let your imagination run wild. Most brave girls can add sequins, rhinestones or false eyelashes.

Tip: remember this rule in makeup as the fact that you only cross the road on green light. If your eyes are made up very actively, then your lips should remain in natural colors. And vice versa. WITH bright lipsticks do not overload your eyes with tone.

Of course, makeup doesn't look complete without mascara or eyeliner. Heavenly eyes have their own nuances. With the help of eyeliner emphasize the shape of the eyes and give expressiveness. A simple rule than darker color, the stronger the effect. Blue-eyed people should avoid light eyeliners. Exception, this White color, which is good to use for the inner corner of the eye. And for the whole eye, gray, brown and dark blue colors will be ideal. You can apply eyeliner both in the daytime make-up version and in the evening. Always use mascara at the end of your eye makeup. She can be with different effects, but in any case, it always makes eyelashes more attractive. Blue-eyed girls can use mascara of any color: blue, black, brown. It all depends on your desire for the entire makeup color palette.

Tip: to remove makeup from the eyes, purchase special means. Water is a good idea. But it happens that this is too harsh an option for the delicate skin of the eyes and the entire face. And with water there is a chance to feel like a panda with black stains under the eyes. Cosmetic makeup removers will help you quickly and without harm to the skin.

Learn the art of blue eye makeup with the help of the pictures attached to our article. We are sure that any girl will be able to repeat all types of make-up, you just have to practice. And for this, you can even ask your friends to become your models.

If a woman knows how to emphasize her eyes without spoiling them natural beauty- She's a real lucky lady. After all, it is cosmetics that can correct some minor flaws, slightly change the shape of the eyes and emphasize their expressiveness. Experts in the field of makeup share several rules that help to correctly emphasize the eyes based on their type.

If you have a short distance from the eyelid to the eyebrow, then makeup should be applied in this way: cover the entire eyelid with a light shade, and the outer corner - dark color. In this case, you will have to forget about tracing your eyes with a pencil, such an eyeliner simply will not suit your eyes.

If you have wide-set eyes, the way you apply shadows needs to be completely changed. That is dark color will go on the inner corner of the eye, but the closer to the outer, the lighter the shadows should be.

If you have close-set eyes, when stroking, you need to use light shades that are applied starting from the lash line and ending with the crease in the middle of the eyelid. But above (that is, from the crease to almost the very eyebrows) they use more dark shade. Also, this color should emphasize the lower eyelid. By applying makeup in the same way, you visually increase the distance between the eyes.

If the shape of your eyes is slanted, you need to add light shadows in the crease of the eyelid, apply a darker shade under the eyebrow, and emphasize the outer corner of the eye with the darkest color.

If your eyes seem too bulging to you, choose only two colors as the basis: the entire surface upper eyelid cover neutral shade shadows (for example, gray or brown). Now take over dark color shadows, add it to the crease of the eyelid and blend towards the temples. It remains only to emphasize the lower eyelid with a dark pencil.

How to emphasize blue eyes

nature has given you beautiful eyes sky colors? Great, such beauty simply cannot be hidden, it only needs to be emphasized and made even brighter. There are colors that go well with (or contrast with) blue eyes. The use of such colors is a time-tested and effective method.

Blue eyes are wonderfully emphasized with blue mascara. Moreover, there are many shades of such mascara, choose the one that is closest to the color of the eyes. But if you are not a fan of bright colored mascaras, you can use dark chocolate brown. Of course, you can emphasize the eyes using simple black mascara, but brown, thanks to the contrast, will look much brighter. If, in addition to blue eyes, you also got red hair, give up black mascara forever, it will be too dark for your type of appearance.

Having blue eyes, it is best to pay attention to the shadows of the brown scale. This makeup is perfect for you: apply light beige shadows on the entire eyelid, right up to the eyebrow itself. Now take a slightly darker shade and add it to the eyelid crease. Armed with a thin brush and dark brown shadows, line the upper eyelid, approaching the lash line as close as possible. Such an eyeliner will make your eyes many times brighter and will not require any special skills. As an additional accent, you can take some orangey shadows and apply them to the moving eyelid, so your eyes will simply shine.

Any shade of blue eyes will go great with a chocolate tint pencil. You can also make an eyeliner with blue, but then, in no case do not paint your eyelashes with blue mascara either - the look will be quite vulgar.

Help for the green-eyed

Green eyes are not so common, so their owners always look unusual and very impressive. Do you want to highlight this mystical beauty, but do not know how to emphasize green eyes? Follow the guidelines:

The most win-win makeup for owners of green eyes will turn out if you do it in brown-golden or chocolate tones. In addition, you can absolutely no doubt use beige, peach and orange shades. Green shadows are also quite appropriate, but you don’t need to apply them to the entire eyelid - the eye color will not stand out so much. If you definitely decide to use green color in eye makeup, be sure to add other shades of shadows.

Lilac, purple and lilac shadows are also great for emphasizing green eyes. But if your eyes, in addition to green, also have golden hue, such colors will have to be abandoned, as they give the eyes yellowness.

Quite often, black eyeliner looks rough on green eyes, but gray and chocolate brown color - perfect option. In inner corners eyes, you can use white or golden pencils. They will also enlarge the eyes, if you need it, of course.

We emphasize Brown eyes

Women with this eye color are already incredibly lucky, because they do not have to make special accents - their eyes themselves look quite bright. Do you want all men to be at your feet? Then find out how to emphasize brown eyes and no representative of the opposite sex can resist.

The main tool that must be present in a cosmetic bag brown-eyed girls is an eyeliner. Using it, you can make it just incredibly beautiful oriental makeup. Do not want to become an Arab beauty for a while? To do this, you first need to apply eyeliner on the upper eyelid, approaching the eyelashes as close as possible. Now draw a thin line on the lower eyelid. Both lines on the outer tip need to be slightly raised, thereby making cat shape eyes. It is best to use black eyeliner.

The next step is to apply shadows. Golden, olive and chestnut shades. If your skin is rather dark, choose olive brown shades, or dark blue color(he is the most suitable for owners black hair). If your skin is light, choose shades of shadows related to cold scale. For example, fuchsia, aqua or bright blue.

How about gray eyes?

The gray shade of the eyes has the ability to change depending on what the weather is like outside or what the mood of their owner is at the moment. If you correctly emphasize the gray eyes, their magnetic beauty will become even more obvious.

If you are a lover of experiments and always strive to look in the best way, use a win-win makeup for gray eyes. It is quite simple: apply silver shadows with a metallic sheen to the entire mobile eyelid, now draw a thin line with black eyeliner along the growth of eyelashes. It remains to paint them with black ink. This color scheme will emphasize your eyes and make your look more expressive.

If you want to make your eyes more saturated and dark, you can choose shadows that will be several tones lighter than the iris of your eyes. But in no case do not take matte shadows, they will make the look lifeless and empty.

Do you want to temporarily change the color of your eyes? To do this, you need to bring the lower eyelid with shadows or a pencil of the selected color.

Women have been honing the art of applying makeup for centuries, so you only have to remember a little complicated rules, guided by which you can make makeup that emphasizes the eyes.

Makeup for blue eyes

Makeup for blue eyes by hair and skin color

When choosing an eyeshadow shade, consider your skin tone first. Perfect makeup for blue eyes fair-skinned woman, as a rule, includes silvery shadows or cosmetics with a cold shine, which allows you to emphasize the expressiveness of the look. But in this case it is better to refuse yellowish, pale green and pale blue tones: they can give fair skin painful look. Girls with dark skin these shades are much more suitable. They can also use golden, bronze shadows to emphasize the color of the iris.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Try to use different tones, and over time you will be able to find one that suits your type of appearance.

When doing makeup for a brunette with blue eyes, you can use different tones of brown, as well as copper and bronze. Blondes from this colors better to refuse. If you need to enlarge the eyes of a brunette with makeup, it is better to choose light shades with glitter - turquoise, lavender, silver.

Features and makeup for brown eyes

  • More

Girls with blonde hair it is better to give preference to lilac, purple, peach, cream tones. An interesting variant smoky makeup using shades of light and dark purple tones. Makeup should be supplemented with plum, gray, bronze eyeliner and brown mascara.

Red-haired beauties should pay attention to bronze, gray, turquoise, emerald shades and eyeliner of wine or chocolate color. Suitable for brown-haired women various shades brown, emerald and burgundy.

How to enhance the beauty of blue eyes

If you want to emphasize the eyes, choose a lipstick in a natural, soft shade so that it does not draw attention to itself. Then choose the makeup options that suit you. You can apply a little blush, which you use to emphasize the cheekbones, near the outer corners of the eyes. Another interesting option- use of dark eyeliner.

Beautiful arrows will help visually correct the shape of the eyes and emphasize the shade of the iris