Complementary colors give a variety of shades. Cool color combination cheat sheet

How often, looking into the closet, do you note to yourself that it is filled to capacity, and there is absolutely nothing to wear? Pretty sure almost every day. Similar situation arises because those things that are acquired through "love at first sight" do not always fit into the rest of the wardrobe.

However, it is worth learning a little about the combination of colors in clothes, as things that you could not find before. worthy use, will sound in a new way, sparkle with different colors and it is possible that they will become part of an excellent outfit.

In practice, quite often we understand that the combination of clothes is not only about choosing the right “bottom” for the “top”. To put it another way: the trick is not to pick up casual jeans desired sweatshirt. If you are faced with the task of looking not only appropriate, but also stylish and original, do not forget that experimenters win in matters of style!

Previously, we already talked about how easy it is to compose from 10 things.

Pro classic combinations colors in clothes, such as black and white, we will not talk today either. Better we will try to figure out what you can wear with clothes of a complex or unusual color. With what bright, contrasting, and maybe even unexpected things it should be worn.

To make your fashion experiments a success, in this article we will look at how to boldly combine even the most unusual colors and textures in clothing.

However, before proceeding to practice, a little simple theory. In order for all terms denoting Various types colors were clear to you, consider the color wheel.

On the outer color ring are saturated bright(Bright Colors) and pure colors(Pure colors). In other words, it is the color pure form, as it is represented in the rainbow, without the addition of white or gray.

When you mix saturated or pure colors with gray, you get new colors with less saturation or toned colors. If you add white to a saturated color, you get a bleached shade or tint.

Complimentary colors- These are those that are located on opposite edges of the color wheel, for example, blue and red, purple and yellow. They are also called complementary or contrastive for each other. It is they who form harmonious combination. Besides, contrasting colors called those that differ sharply from each other in lightness or saturation. A striking example of a combination of contrasting colors in clothes is.

In contrast to the contrasting color scheme, they distinguish nuanced colors. So, cobalt, ultramarine, indigo are nuanced for each other and make up a nuanced combination of shades of the same color in clothes. On color wheel such colors stand side by side, leaving either to the center or further along the circumference.

Neutral (achromatic, basic) colors- these are shades located between white and black, between white and brown. They also include dark blue. It is they the best way are combined with all other colors in clothes and serve as the basis for creating a basic wardrobe.

Pastel colors in the color wheel are closest to the center. These are the colors in which a lot of white is added, for example, pale pink, pale blue.

monochrome gamma- this is the dominance of one color or several of its shades (dark and light).

And now, armed with a set of necessary terms, we invite you to take a walk through the lookbook or a selection of "cheat sheets" that will clearly demonstrate all the above color combinations in clothes.

Take a closer look at them, because autumn is the very time when you want to compensate for the gloomy weather with bright colors!

1. Outfit in cold nuances

Choosing bright blue as the main color for an unusual autumn look, keep it in a nuanced range. Complement the cobalt color with aquamarine, royal blue, lilac and cornflower blue. Such a multi-level representation of blue in the image will not go unnoticed on the city streets and will definitely attract attention.

To make the combination of colors the most harmonious, take shades that are close to pure. IN this case“neutral spots” will help not to overload the image with unnecessary shades - elements white color. They can be shoes, a scarf, a bag or a hat. The main emphasis should be on outerwear- a coat or trench coat made in ultramarine color will look spectacular.

Such a set, composed in cold monochrome colors, will inevitably cheer you up on an autumn day and become an interesting experiment on the way to creating complex images!

2. Mixing saturated and neutral colors

A similar approach to creating multicolor autumn images is the most suitable for beginners. It's easy to opt for one rich, bright color (in our case, we settled on a shade of marsala), complement it with a pair of neutral dark and a pair of neutral light colors.

Here, however, you should follow one simple rule: if you decide that the clothes will be made in dark or bright colors, then everything else: shoes, headwear and a bag should be chosen in a neutral color, and vice versa.

Such an image is doomed to be stylish! In addition, it is the best fit for the CASUAL style.

3. Warm color stretch

Complex color streamers in clothes created by several shades of the same color always look very elegant, stylish and sophisticated. If there are more than three of them, then you can consider yourself a guru in a combination of colors.

On the one hand, it is not so difficult to take one color, several of its shades and apply them when creating an image. On the other hand, it is not easy to choose textures of fabrics that would not emphasize this diversity. Therefore, at first, we recommend that you create an outfit in a color stretch warm color do not experiment with textures and prints. It is better if these are homogeneous fabrics without patterns and complex relief.

In the meantime, admire with us an example of a similar look, made using several shades of brown.

4. Color blocking (color block)

Color blocking is without a doubt the most bold style in clothes. It implies a combination of pure shades (Pure Colors) in order to contrast them effectively.

So, for example, mixing purple, marsala, lilac and electric can become incredibly bold and at the same time stylish combination flowers in clothes.

Also note that in the example we are considering, all the colors of clothes go in a row, one after another, in the color wheel. If you want to “jump over” individual sectors and choose pure colors separately, then you will have to select the right textures of fabrics with even greater care.

When color-blocking, you should not forget about the golden rule - no more than four pure colors in one look. Otherwise, the image runs the risk of becoming a parrot and will cease to be stylish.

5. Accent with a complimentary color

When composing a set of clothes for autumn colds in one color scheme, monochrome, do not forget about the accent. Let them serve as a bright touch of complimentary color. It will help to perfectly emphasize the main color and will not allow the whole image to merge into a single spot. Such an accent can be a headdress or a pashmina thrown over the shoulders, a bag or shoes.

So, for example, a look designed entirely in blue-violet nuances will look most advantageous with a bright accent of red or yellow.

6. The combination of cold and warm shades of the same color

Very feminine and autumnal look cozy sets that combine cold and warm shades one color. However, don't be fooled by this laid-back lightness, in fact, drawing up such an outfit is a very delicate task and not for every beginner.

A complex combination of bright and deep coral, orange and cold pink in one outfit is just a particular example of a thoughtful and balanced choice of shades. Here, not only color plays a role, but also the texture of fabrics. Nuanced shades should be supported by the same nuanced fabrics.

And if you are not yet confident in your own abilities, it is better to leave this option for combining colors in clothes for the future - when you feel that you are ready to go for this kind of experiment.

7. Combination of complementary colors with neutrals

One of the most interesting and difficult to perform is an image made up of clothes in complementary colors, complemented by the right neutral shades.

So, in choosing the latter, it is best to navigate the color wheel. If you settled on a cold color scheme, then the neutral shade should be closer to gray. If the entire outfit was built in a warm palette, the additional color should be peach, ecru, milky, beige.

In this case, Marsala was chosen as the main color for creating the image - the most trendy color outgoing 2015. Complemented with light lilac, cappuccino and dark chocolate, he certainly needed the right contrast with the complementary color. For this purpose, grassy green was ideally chosen, which effectively set off the marsala.

8. Tints&Tones

Whitened, as well as complex shades, close in the color wheel, traditionally make ideal sets with white for a sophisticated or business style. The combination of ocher clothes, beige shades with khaki - a classic that you can't help but fall in love with. However, such a color scheme also needs to be emphasized correctly: small accents of a complementary color will add even more elegance to the image.

If you stop at smooth textures and a laconic cut, you can afford catchy accessories and sophisticated fittings that will not weigh down the image at all.

9. The perfect trio: a combination of two base colors with gray

Perhaps the easiest thing for novice experts to combine different colors in clothes is to compose an image according to the described scheme. To do this, you need to take two spectacular base complementary colors. In our case, it is a deep blue and rich coral. And then complement them with another correct neutral base shade, for example, gray.

What is meant in this case by the word "correct"? It is necessary to catch the degree of saturation and whiteness of the shade, which will allow it to become a background for the other two, and not one of the three primary colors in clothes.

Consider another example: if you settled on two basic colors - bright green and yellow, then for them neutral shade will become pale lilac or lavender.

10. Bright contrasts

Contrary to popular belief, it has been proven that the most contrasting color combination is not black-white, but yellow-black. Therefore, if you are faced with the task of compiling a simple but memorable set, refer to this statement.

And when you get tired of black, you can push it into the background a bit, giving it the role of a small contrast element. Now we return to the color wheel again to solve the problem of finding spectacular complementary colors. And for canary yellow, this color is undoubtedly blue - dark, deep, as opposed to the brightness and saturation of yellow.

This is just a particular example, however this scheme completely true for any bright saturated color. There is no better contrast with him than a deep, dark, less saturated color from the opposite side of the color spectrum.

We hope that in this article we have helped you figure out how to combine colors in clothes, how to create truly stylish and memorable images with the help of simple theory and skills. And now, looking into the closet, you will no longer reach for the usual jeans and a black turtleneck, but allow yourself to go a little crazy, opening up to fashionable experiments.

Color can be admired endlessly, but discussing the topic of color is sometimes difficult. The fact is that the words we use to describe color are too imprecise and often lead to mutual misunderstanding. The confusion occurs not only with such technical terms as "brightness", "saturation" and "chroma", but even with such simple words as "light", "clear", "bright" and "dim". Even specialists have been arguing this way so far and have not approved the standard definitions of concepts.

Color is a phenomenon of light caused by the ability of our eyes to determine various quantities reflected and projected light. Science and technology has helped us understand how the human eye perceives physiologically light, measure the wavelengths of light, and find out the amount of energy they carry. And now we understand how complicated the concept of “color” is. Below we talk about how we define color properties.

We have tried to compile a glossary of terms and concepts. While we do not claim to be the sole authority on color theory, the definitions you find here are supported by other mathematical and scientific arguments. Please let us know if there are any words or concepts in this dictionary that you would like to know about.

Tone (Hue)

Other translations: color, paint, shade, tone.

This is the word we mean when we ask the question "What color is this?". We are interested in a color property called Hue. For example, when we talk about red, yellow, green, and blue, we mean "hue". Different tones are created by light with various lengths waves. Thus, this aspect of color is usually quite easy to recognize.

The contrast of tones is clearly different tones.

tone contrast - various shades, the same tone (blue).

The term "tone" describes main characteristic color that distinguishes red from yellow and blue. Color is largely dependent on the wavelength of light emitted or reflected by an object. For example, the range visible light lies between infrared (wavelength ~700nm) and ultraviolet (wavelength ~400nm).

The diagram shows the color spectrum that reflects these boundaries of visible light, as well as two color groups (red and blue), which are called "tone families". Any color taken from the spectrum can be mixed with white, black and gray, and get the colors of the corresponding tone family. Note that the tone family contains colors of varying brightness, chroma, and saturation.

Chromaticity (Chromaticity, Chorma)

We talk about chromaticity when we talk about the “purity” of a color. This property of a color tells us how pure it is. This means that if there are no impurities of white, black or gray in the color, the color has a high purity. These colors look vibrant and pure.

The concept of "chromaticity" is associated with saturation. And it is often confused with saturation. However, we will continue to use these terms separately, because in our opinion they refer to different situations, which will be discussed a little later.

High chromaticity - very radiant, vibrant colors.

Low chromaticity - achromatic, colorless colors.

The chromaticity is the same - the average level. The same liveliness of colors despite the different tone; the purity is less than that of the samples above.

Highly chromatic colors contain the maximum of the actual color with little or no white, black, or grey. In other words, the degree of absence of impurities of other colors in a particular color characterizes its chromaticity.

Chromaticity, often referred to as "juiciness," is the amount of hue in a color. Color without color (hue) is achromatic or monochromatic, and is seen as gray. For most colors, as brightness increases, so does chroma, except for very light colors.


Related to chroma, saturation tells us how a color looks in various conditions illumination. For example, a room painted in one color will look different at night than during the day. During the day, despite the fact that the color will not change, its saturation will change. Saturation has nothing to do with the words "dark", "light". Instead, use the words "pale", "weak" and "clear", "strong".

Saturation is the same - same intensity, different tones.

Saturation contrast - different levels of saturation, the tone is the same.

Saturation, also called "color intensity" (intensity), describes the strength of a color relative to its brightness (value) or lightness (luminance / lightness). In other words, color saturation refers to its difference from gray at a certain brightness of lighting. For example, colors close to gray are desaturated compared to lighter colors.

In a color, the property "lively" or "full" is nothing more than the absence of an admixture of gray or its shades. It is important to note that saturation is measured along lines of equal brightness.

Saturation / Saturation: 128

Brightness (Value/Brightness)

When we say that a color is "dark" or "light", we mean its brightness. This property tells us how light or dark the light is, in the sense that it is close to white. For example, canary yellow considered lighter than navy blue, which is itself lighter than black. Thus, the value of canary yellow is higher than that of navy blue and black.

Low brightness, constant - the same brightness level.

Luminance contrast - gray = achromatic.

Luminance contrast is the total difference in brightness.

Brightness (the term "value" or "brightness" is used) depends on the amount of light emitted by a color. The easiest way to remember this concept is to imagine a scale gray color, with the change of black to white, which contains all possible options monochromatic grey. The more light in a color, the brighter it is. Thus magenta is less bright than sky blue because it emits less light.

This gray scale can be equated to a color scale using the same equation used in television (Gray Luminance = 0.30 Red + 0.59 Green + 0.11 Blue):

The interactive demo illustrates the change in brightness in a 2D layout:

Brightness/Value: 128

Lightness (Luminance/Lightness)

Although words often use the word "brightness" instead, we prefer to use the word "lightness" (or "luminosity"). The concept of "lightness of color" is associated with many of the same variables as brightness in the sense of "value". But in this case, a different mathematical formula is used. In short, remember the color wheel. In it, the colors are arranged in a circle with the same lightness. Adding white increases lightness, adding black decreases it.

This color measurement refers to brightness (value), but differs in its mathematical definition. The lightness of a color measures the intensity of light flux per unit area of ​​its source. It is calculated by calculating the average in a group of achromatic colors.

Suffice it to say that the lightness goes from very dark to very light (shine) and can be displayed using a color wheel that shows all colors (hue) with the same lightness. If we add a little light to the color wheel, we thereby increase the intensity of the light and thus increase the lightness of the colors. The opposite will happen if we reduce the light. Compare how lightness planes look with lightness planes (above).

Lightness/Luminance: 128

Hue (tint), tonality (tone), and shadow (shade)

These terms are often misused, but they describe a fairly simple concept in color. The main thing to remember is how different the color is from its initial tone (hue). When white is added to a color, this lighter variety of color is called a tint. If a color is made darker by adding black, the resulting color is called a shade. If gray is added, each gradation gives you a different tone.

Shades (add white to pure color).

Shadows (add black to pure color).

Tonalities (adding gray to a pure color).

Complementary, complementary colors (Complementary Colors)

When two or more colors "match each other", they are called complementary, complementary colors. This sign is absolutely subjective, and we are ready to discuss it and listen to other opinions. More exact definition will be "if two colors, when mixed together, give a neutral gray (paint / pigment) or white (light) color, they are called complementary, complementary."

Primary Colors

The definition of primary colors depends on how we are going to reproduce the color. Colors visible when split sunlight using a prism, sometimes called spectral colors. These are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. This combination of KOZHZGSF is often reduced to three colors: red, green and blue-violet, which are the primary colors of the additive color system (light). primary colors subtractive color systems (paint, pigment) are cyan, magenta and yellow. Remember, the combination "red, yellow blue" is not a combination of primary colors!

Color systems RGB, CMYK, HSL

In different cases, depending on how the color is reproduced, different color systems are used. If we use light sources - the dominant system is RGB (from "red / green / blue" - "red / green / blue").

For colors that are obtained by mixing paints, pigments or inks on fabric, paper, linen or other material, the CMY system (from “cyan / magenta / yellow” - “cyan / magenta / yellow”) is used as a color model. Due to the fact that pure pigments are very expensive, not an equal mixture of CMY is used to obtain black, but simply black paint.

Another popular color system is HSL (from hue/saturation/lightness). This system has several options, where instead of saturation, chroma (chroma), lightness (luminance) together with brightness (value) (HSV / HLV) is used. It is this system that corresponds to how the human eye sees color.

To start - organizational announcement - I remind you that we have paid analysis of the color type . Since the summer, I plan to add some items to the analysis, the second block (prints, jewelry, fabrics, etc.). Prices will also change slightly.

And now - the most important thing - today I want to talk about color theory. Today I will tell you a terrible secret. There is one complimentary color trick which not everyone knows. The vast majority of image consultants have never heard of it at all, since too little time is devoted to the study of color. And what will be discussed today will be a strong deepening into color theory.
It seems to be common knowledge that complimentary colors are those that are opposite each other on the color wheel.
Complementary colors reinforce each other and, when mixed, give a neutral gray color without tints.
If you use the usual 12 private circle of Itten, then, for example, the yellow amplifier will be purple

Now, let's see what enhances the brightness of yellow more? Purple or maybe blue-violet? Which photo seems to be more stable in terms of color? Where does yellow look better?

As you can see, both combinations can be in nature, which means they are harmonious. But if we talk about the color that will emphasize yellow, that is, about the one that is complimentary, then this is blue-lilac.
Look again

In fact, if you mix lilac and yellow, you won't get gray . And if you mix red with green, it won't work either. But if you mix blue-lilac with yellow, you get it.
Why is this happening?
The fact is that Itten's 12-part circle, which is convenient for making combinations of several colors using geometric schemes does not work for complementary colors. because he is ... exemplary, not exact. The color spectrum is continuous, it can be divided into many parts, but let's see what color is opposite yellow in a continuous color wheel?
Red is highlighted in the figure, but yellow can also be traced - opposite it is blue-lilac. and opposite the lilac already - yellow-green.

The fact is that the color space from red to yellow is smaller than from green to lilac - since Orange color in terms of pigments and in terms of radiation, it is not an independent color, but rather just a mixture of red and yellow.
The most accurate representation of color is the 3D Munsell color tree. . Look, there is no orange in it, and there are only 10 colors.

Munsell believed that there are 5 primary colors and 5 secondary colors, and the exact color wheel should look like this.

And scientifically, Munsell is right.
Pairs of complementary colors according to Munsell look like this:
red - turquoise ("blue-green"), red-violet - green, violet - yellow-green, blue-violet - yellow, blue - orange ("yellow-red").

Pair blue - orange coincides with Munsell and Itten

This is what Munsell complimentary colors look like red And turquoise -

And here green And red-violet

violet And yellow-green

And finally blue-violet With yellow

Get more stable and interesting combinations, is not it?

Well, the question remains why until now the main circle for working with color is the Itten circle, and not the more accurate Munsell circle.
Delto is that Munsell himself had an argument with a color researcher, a professor named Henry Bailey. Henry agreed that Munsell's circle was theoretically correct. But he considered that it is extremely difficult to teach color to anyone, excluding orange, it is logically more difficult to explain a color wheel of 10 parts. especially since psychologically we perceive this color as separate and very strong. Probably, based on similar considerations (although I can’t say), the Itten circle of 12 parts is mainly used everywhere. Besides, Itten's circle is convenient precisely for constructing geometric combinations, which are quite harmonious and interesting.. the only thing itten's circle can't handle is compliments - the distortion is somewhat noticeable. This is where we need the Munsell circle.In other cases, according to the established tradition, I will refer to the usual 12 private circle of Itten. Moreover, the main terminology is built precisely on the 12th private circle.

Three primary colors - red, blue and yellow - are part of the color palette. Opposite or complementary colors give a variety of shades from their derivatives by mixing and coloring. Sometimes it's hard to find the outfit you like. appearance. Considering age categories, type of face, as well as the structure of the figure, you can experiment with colors and pick up desired tone clothes. Each color type has its own palette, which can emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws. To do this, it is enough to know the basics of the correct combination.

Around Itten

The theory of the "color circle" makes it possible to imagine a palette of colors visible to our eyes. The Itten circle has an exhaustive palette. But as soon as it is narrowed down to 10 shades and separated by radii, complementary colors will be clearly visible. This theory is a good help for creative people. The design of clothing and interior design is due to the whole system of the color wheel.

Basic Combinations

There are many ways to combine colors. The following are prioritized:

  • Monochromatic. This is a game with one tone and its shades. Combining your style, the emphasis is on a dark and saturated subject, additional things, more muted colors, are already selected for it. A neutral tone will help dilute such an image, and pastels will give lightness and femininity.
  • Triadic is the contrast on the three primary colors. Such a composition creates a bright and dynamic union. In the 70s, the emphasis of the fashion trend was based precisely on the main palette. They were part of the style choice. Such a characteristic mix made it possible to be fashionable and not at the same time remain yourself.
  • achromatic combination. The game of black, white and gray colors. This is a classic. This range is suitable for women of any age and with any figure. A black suit with a white shirt is always on point. This set looks very progressive. Grey for a long time not perceived and considered boring. But in context, with the right tones, it looks different. Latest fashion trends welcome this color and its shades.
  • And the complementary combination of colors closes the list. It is based on complete contrast.

The role of color in clothes

Complimentary colors are the most difficult when choosing clothes, and at the same time the most spectacular. Each woman perceives and reacts to color in her own way. There is no certain tone that everyone likes without exception. Some people like it saturated, others like it more calm.

Red is the brightest and most defiant, able to inspire confidence and excite the imagination. Wearing a red dress and complementing it with sandals Green colour, you will be on top. In such an outfit, a woman will like herself, which means she will receive the approval of others.

A game of contrast

Don't be afraid of contrasts. A complimentary combination of colors in clothes is always a win-win. New stylistic images allow you to select a set, emphasizing it on the variation of shades. Complimentary opponent colors of green and red, yellow and blue will attract the attention of others. Multi-colored fabrics will create a slightly daring and bold look. The main thing is not to overdo it. The shades of the fabric should be clearly balanced, and the texture of the items should be almost identical. The diverse structure of the fabric is also welcome in modern fashion, it is important to know its exact application in a particular kit.

Women who prefer pastels in their wardrobe and can make a contrast on one thing. Or choose related-complementary colors. These are more muted tones located next to the main ones. complete with the main perfectly harmonize. If it seems that the image is rustic, it can be refreshed with an edgy bright scarf or other accessory that always catches the eye. Stylists base their fashion guidelines on many factors. For complete combination not enough to choose one main element clothes. We must not forget about small details choosing shoes. Consistency and integrity must be in everything.

Harmony of colors

The choice of one color or another must be harmonious. Looking around, you will understand that nature itself prompts and directs you to the right decision. For example, watching flowers, you can see the complete harmony of nature. This will serve as a source of inspiration, and complementary colors in clothes will create an unforgettable set.

Black and white

Individual colors can harmonize with almost the entire color palette. Like white and black. They are playing important role For modern fashionista. These are the main components of her wardrobe. A business ensemble cannot do without this couple. Of course, it can be varied and added bright detail so as not to look too strict. Blue gives an unusual set paired with gray. It will be strict and at the same time soft due to the contrast. Focusing on the main gray detail, the second color fades into the background a bit. Subdued contrast creates good impression. Green and its shades are always held in high esteem. Things of this coloring always look stylish. The composition of green and dense blue is especially interesting. Combining the incongruous, the image looks quite correct and accordingly.

Combining bright colors in one set, do not be afraid to experiment. With the help of various trends, beat and complement the image. As a result of correctly selected combinations, a stylish, boring look will be provided to you. And most importantly - you will be unique in your outfit.

Color Matching Cheat Sheet June 19th, 2016

Interesting color picker. Maybe someone will be useful. Or is it already very "abstruse" and for very specific cases?

Scheme No. 1. Complimentary combination
Complementary, or complementary, contrasting, are colors that are located on opposite sides of the Itten color wheel. Their combination looks very lively and energetic, especially with maximum color saturation.

Scheme number 2. Triad - a combination of 3 colors
The combination of 3 colors lying at the same distance from each other. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. Such a composition looks quite lively even when using pale and desaturated colors.

Scheme No. 3. A similar combination

A combination of 2 to 5 colors located next to each other on the color wheel (ideally 2-3 colors). Impression: calm, relaxing. An example of a combination of similar muted colors: yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green.

Scheme number 4. Separate-complementary combination
A variant of a complementary combination of colors, only instead of the opposite color, the colors adjacent to it are used. The combination of the main color and two additional. This scheme looks almost as contrasting, but not so tense. If you are not sure that you can use complimentary combinations correctly, use separate-complementary ones.

Scheme number 5. Tetrad - a combination of 4 colors

A color scheme where one color is the main one, two are complementary, and another highlights the accents. Example: blue-green, blue-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange.

Scheme number 6. Square
A combination of 4 colors equidistant from each other. The colors here are dissimilar in tone, but also complementary. Due to this, the image will be dynamic, playful and bright. Example: purple, red-orange, yellow, blue-green.

Combinations of individual colors

White: goes with everything. The best combination with blue, red and black.

Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.

Gray: with fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.

Pink: with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, baby blue.

Fuchsia (dark pink): with gray, tan, lime, mint green, brown.

Red: with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.

Tomato red: blue, mint green, sandy, creamy white, gray.

Cherry red: azure, gray, light orange, sandy, pale yellow, beige.

Raspberry red: white, black, damask rose.

Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.

Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red.

Dark brown: lemon yellow, sky blue, mint green, purplish pink, lime.

Reddish brown: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple.

Orange: blue, blue, purple, purple, white, black.

Light orange: gray, brown, olive.

Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry.

Yellow: blue, mauve, light blue, purple, grey, black.

Lemon yellow: cherry red, brown, blue, grey.

Pale yellow: fuchsia, gray, brown, shades of red, tan, blue, purple.

Golden yellow: gray, brown, azure, red, black.

Olive: orange, light brown, brown.

Green: golden brown, orange, lettuce, yellow, brown, grey, cream, black, creamy white.

Salad color: brown, tan, fawn, gray, dark blue, red, gray.

Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.

Electrician is beautiful in combination with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray or silver.

Blue: red, grey, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow.

Dark blue: light purple, sky blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.

Lilac: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, grey, yellow, white.

Dark purple: golden brown, pale yellow, gray, turquoise, mint green, light orange.

Black is versatile, elegant, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, salad, white, red, lilac or yellow.

And here, 10 years ago, Adobe made a site for selecting colors,