Gangster hairstyle for long hair. Spectacular aristocratic look: elegant retro hairstyles in Chicago style for bold girls and women

Retro style belongs to a special category of fashion that is always relevant. Each period of the past has left its mark on history, therefore, through the things related to it, a connection with the present day is expressed. Of the large number of fashion trends, the Chicago style looks especially bright and attractive. This is a typical women's fashion of the 30s of the last century. If you want to shine at a rocky party or be the center of attention at a festive event, then a Chicago-style dress is the perfect choice.

Fashion style was first noted in Chicago, recognized as the criminal capital of America. In the 20s, gangsters dominated here, luxury and free morals reigned in society.

The 30s of the XX century in world history are associated with the global economic crisis. Industrial enterprises were closed, banks went bankrupt, people lost their jobs. Thus came the time of the Great Depression. Luxury has ceased to be available to most people, and this immediately affected the women's wardrobe. The basic style of clothing has become concise, strict and rational. Fashion trends were built on an organic combination of restraint and elegance. Instead of precious stones and an abundance of furs, they began to use bright intricate jewelry.

What do Chicago style dresses look like? Photo

The fashion trend has a conditional division into two periods. The appearance of the style falls on the very beginning of the 20s. After the First World War, fashion was characterized by modesty and restraint. Clothing covered the knees and sometimes reached the ankles. Long sleeves and a small neckline were required. The main sign of the early period of style is the original cut of a cylindrical shape with a low waist. The straight silhouette does not highlight the bust and waist area, but it emphasizes the hip line well.

The second stage in the development of the style took place under the harsh conditions of the "dry" law. This time is vividly represented in the movie "The Great Gatsby". It reflects the onset of the era of decaying morality, the loss of moral values ​​and enchanting jazz.

A dress in the style of Chicago of the 30s is distinguished by frankness and courage, which is on the verge of impudence. The length of the products was noticeably shortened, revealing lovely ladies' legs for everyone to see. The emphasis was shifted to a narrow waist and broad shoulders. The length and styles of the sleeves became diverse and were made in the form of wings, lanterns, tulips. Women boldly bared their shoulders and arms, choosing dresses with thin straps.

The neckline deepened noticeably, cutouts on the back were added, a collar collar appeared. A variety of shapes and silhouettes touched the upper part of the dresses. The fitted model with a turn-down collar of a light shade was very popular. High clasps similar to men's shirts, lush frills, ruffles, and thick assemblies came into fashion. V-shaped necklines, combined with an extended shoulder line, have gained particular popularity.

The previously lowered waistline returned to its natural place. The slightly tight silhouette and the oblique cut of the dress made it possible to beautifully emphasize the smooth lines of the body. Fashionable images carried subtle notes of femininity and sexuality.

Velvet, satin, silk, chiffon and other fabrics with a rich texture and noble appearance were widely used for tailoring dresses in the Chicago style. In models, trimming with fur, lace, embroidery from rhinestones, sequins and beads is welcome. An indispensable attribute of style is the fringe, which is framed by the hem of the dress. All together creates a bright memorable image.

Fashion accessories in the style of Chicago

Retro models, created in the spirit of gangster times, are distinguished by a simple and concise cut. The restraint of the dresses was more than compensated by a bright and varied decor. In the 1920s, women wore luxurious fur capes, feather boas, and cascades of glittering jewels.

During the Great Depression, expensive items became out of reach for most women. Therefore, they were replaced with artificial pearls, rhinestones and gold-plated jewelry. Long beads were twisted into a knot under the chest or thrown over the back, drawing the attention of men to a deep neckline.

In the 30s, dresses became shorter, boldly exposing women's legs. Black stockings in a small mesh have acquired particular relevance. Long gloves made of delicate silk or velvet were an obligatory attribute of the image of Chicago. Models with wide sockets were considered especially popular. The shoes were characterized by a characteristic rounded toe and a low figured heel.

Another spectacular element of the Chicago-style set was headwear. Women wore hats that looked like small pills or deep bowlers with narrow brim. Ribbons or headbands decorated with feathers, flowers, and sequins were picked up under Chicago-style fringed dresses.

Who are Chicago style dresses for?

Spectacular clothes in the spirit of retro can be worn by absolutely all women. Owners of imperfect shapes are well suited for models from the early period of style. Loose fit, a slight slouching at the hips and long sleeves successfully hide the fullness of the body and broken proportions.

Slender skinny girls can safely opt for a Chicago-style party dress dating back to the 30s. Candid models demonstrate slender legs and all the charms of a graceful silhouette. And if you have broad shoulders and a figure resembling an inverted triangle, then you will look just perfect in a Chicago-era dress.

The length of the outfits is chosen based on the individual characteristics of the addition. For young slender women, mini or short models that slightly open the knee are suitable. For full ladies, the best option is from the middle of the calf to the ankle.

How to build a stylish look?


The first sign of Chicago images is femininity and beauty. Therefore, you will need a simple fitted dress with a slightly lowered waist and multiple decorations. First of all, it is a thick fringe, which trims the hem of the skirt or the neckline. Other design options: stones, beads, sequins, lace, fur.

For sewing Chicago dresses, fabrics made from natural silk, delicate velvet, shining satin or airy chiffon are best suited. Products of black, wine, blue, lilac and other noble colors look organic and stylish.

A long dress in the style of Chicago is well suited for significant events and festive celebrations. In short models it is convenient to dance and have fun at incendiary youth parties, stylized in the spirit of retro.

Wedding dresses in the style of Chicago are far from the usual classics. The bride has the opportunity to improvise in creating an outfit. A fitted dress with a length just below the knee, tapering downwards, looks stylish. A model with a low waist made of shiny flowing fabric looks especially impressive. White or flesh-colored fishnet stockings, high narrow gloves made of silk or lace are suitable for the wedding dress. A fluffy boa and a string of pearls will complete the bride's look.


On the feet it is convenient to put on elegant pumps with a rounded toe, fastened with a strap. The heel in the form of a glass is low and stable. It is quite possible to replace the Chicago shoe option with a modern high stiletto.


  • A handbag that looks like a mail envelope.
  • On the head is a small hat or headband, decorated with flowers or sequins.
  • A long string of pearls wrapped several times around the neck. You can wear several gold-plated chains or necklaces made of artificial crystals.
  • The shoulders are warmed and decorated with a fur stole.
  • On the legs are dark stockings or tights in a small mesh.
  • The long, graceful mouthpiece in the hands is another bright, conspicuous touch.

The main trend of fashion style: a set of shoes, hats, gloves and handbags are kept in the same color scheme.

Makeup and hair

In the 30s, short haircuts were relevant. Therefore, the hair is neatly laid in a smooth hairstyle and securely fixed with varnish. For convenience, you can use a wig. If you do not want to hide long hair, put the curls in a beautiful hairstyle and varnish.

Gangsters and beauties - 30s style

The first films with sound, the economic recession, called the "Great Depression" in the West. The first sips of free trade under the NEP, the harbingers of a future world war, this whole kaleidoscope of events is just a short description of the thirties of the last century.

Everyone who closely followed the fashion for hairstyles at that time had the opportunity to be the first to know what a permanent, lightening and coloring of hair is. All the fashion trends of that time have become a real chic that everyone can afford.

Fashion trends - convenience and chic

Women who began to work on a par with the stronger sex got rid of the usual hairstyles with long hair. They no longer had enough time to create complex styling with many small braids and curls. Having cut their hair to the chin, and sometimes shorter, the ladies began to come up with ways to look attractive, feminine. Here small waves and curls came to the rescue, which were laid on one side or whipped curls for splendor. Owners of medium hair collected them in bunches to reveal beautiful shoulders and neck.

Men also flaunted luxurious hair with smoothly combed curls. Their haircuts were elegant, practical. Hollywood stars became an example to follow for fashionistas of that time. Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo, our compatriots have the legendary beauty Olga Orlova. Ladies conducted the first experiments with perhydrol and other means for lightening hair. The result was not always successful - sometimes the strands really became blond, and it happened that they acquired a yellow tint. But failures, the harm of such experiments for the hair did not stop women. After all, beauty requires sacrifice.

In the middle of the decade, the then fledgling French firm L'Oreal launched herbal paint. She was able to easily turn a woman into a blonde. Moreover, the shades were absolutely natural. But the price of paint was biting, so rich beauties bought it. Well, those who wanted to change their hair color without spending a lot of money had to use plants - henna, basma, chamomile decoction.

"Chicago" - luxury and beauty

In the United States during the Great Depression, a hairstyle appeared that to this day is identified with wealth and luxury. "Chicago" - the name of the city, in which many gangs operated at that time, gave a name to the fashionable style. Wavy hair parted in the middle was worn by women and men. In the latter case, the strands had to be fixed with special means. The men's version with the effect of wet hair was considered a special chic.

On the contrary, women had to resort to various tricks to achieve the desired volume of hair, which was a must for gangster-style hairstyles. Curls and curls were created using papillots, curlers. For their fixation, not only ready-made tools were used, which were difficult to find in those days. Sugar syrup was for many beauties the only "varnish" available. And those who did not want to mess with their hair every day did a perm. It was in the 1930s that the permanent experienced its first boom.

The easiest way to create a Chicago hairstyle was to wind wet strands around your finger and fix them with hairpins all over your head. After drying, the hair was removed and then combed, creating lush curls. Or left as is, smooth. Particular attention was paid to the strands that border the face. They were supposed to fall slightly on the forehead, and lie down and gently frame the temples. And, of course, they did not forget to decorate all this splendor with wide bandages made of gas, rims of dense fabric, leather with sewn on rhinestones, and sometimes jewelry.

Fashion for hairstyles - retro is always relevant

It's no secret that fashion evolves in cycles. And after some time, seemingly forgotten things, we perceive as something new. The same applies to retro hairstyles, which are again very popular today. The romance of those times is appropriate at social events, friendly parties. Girls who are preparing for the most long-awaited event in their lives confidently choose the “Chicago” style for their wedding hairstyles. A well-chosen outfit in the same style and accessories emphasize the uniqueness and beauty of hairstyles with wavy hair.

Creating a hairstyle in the style of "Chicago" requires a certain skill and the availability of a sufficient amount of time. But the result is worth the effort. A unique image is guaranteed. For owners of hair of different lengths, hairstyles in the retro style of the 30s with volume and smooth are suitable. Stylish styling is emphasized by bright lipstick on the lips and dark eyeliner.

Volumetric option - small curls

  1. Dry washed hair with a towel until damp. Divide into two parts with a side parting.
  2. Curl the hair in medium-sized curlers with narrow strands, while not affecting the upper part of the head. Dry without a hair dryer.
  3. Carefully remove the curlers. Trying not to break the curl, sprinkle each of them with varnish.
  4. Lay curled hair around the circumference of the lower part of the head from ear to ear with a wide voluminous strip. Fix well with varnish.
  5. Hair at the crown, comb the bangs smoothly. Lay the top strands beautifully over the bulk of the hair. For correction, they can be slightly twisted around the finger, and varnished again.
  6. The final touch is an elegant bezel.

Long hair - smooth wave

  1. Brush clean, dry hair thoroughly.
  2. Parting a wide strand starting at the temple. Secure it with a clip.
  3. Comb the rest of the hair back. At the back of the head, make a voluminous bundle. Secure it with pins.
  4. Release the strand separated in front from the clamp. Comb, directing, the hair in the opposite side direction.
  5. Apply a strong hold gel to the strands, evenly distribute it. Comb your hair again with a small comb.
  6. With the help of flat metal clips from the temple, then it is necessary to form a wave over the forehead and on the side.
  7. To do this, pressing against the surface of the head, move the strand back with two fingers. Pin it with a fixative.
  8. Then direct the hair forward, holding the fingers at the surface of the head in the same way. They are stabbed with a clamp at the lowest point of the wave - almost at the forehead.
  9. Sliding back again, fix the hair from above.
  10. In a similar way, the wave is fixed along the entire length of the strand.
  11. At the back of the head, the ends of the wave are fixed with invisibility.
  12. The clips are left on the head until the hair is completely dry.
  13. After that, the hair is sprayed with varnish.

Hairstyles for the brave

Hairstyles in the style of the thirties are not only a festive styling option. The bob haircut, which was popular in those days, does not lose its relevance today. And complemented by a brimless hat, she is really able to transfer her owner to that era.

And if a lady is not afraid to draw attention to herself by experimenting with appearance, then the gangster style is just for her. After all, it arose as an alternative to attempts to maintain the old way of life, in which a woman was assigned the role of a useful addition to a man. Girls of the 30s are brave, liberated, knowing their own worth and thirsting for worship.

The difference between the hairstyles of the 30s is large waves, well-defined haircuts with the effect of wet styling. To create, a "cold wave" is used - laying, in which strong fixing agents and clamps are used.

With a cigarette open unusually
hairstyle style gracefully
women dress

Distribute wet hair into curls, which are laid in the form of waves and fastened with clips. Curls twist on curlers or curling iron. When creating hairstyles, consider the length: relevant to the shoulders or to the chin line. Men's hairstyles of the 30s are taken as the basis for creating modern men's haircuts.

Achievements of that time

Achievement in the fashion of hairstyles of the 30s - side parting and caret, following the example of a photo. Kare opens the face, neck and shoulders. Curls are voluminous and lush. Curls are allowed small, as well as large. Strands just below the shoulders are laid back, opening the neck.

The long ones open up and fit over one shoulder. The caret can be gathered into an elegant bun. It has the correct strict form, even bangs. The length of the hair is the same front and back. A short bob with smooth hair and a side parting is in demand.

Coloring with bright shades is popular: black radical, pure blond and rich red.

Creating a caret

Kare - a haircut with the correct shape and even bangs. The length of the hair is the same front and back. The most popular option is a short square with smoothed curls and a side parting.

The bob haircut looks like a bob. The difference lies in the formation of a "cap" at the crown. Valid models with and without bangs. Hair length - to the middle of the neck. You can make a hairstyle for long hair in the style of the 30s for any occasion.

Page - short haircut with thick bangs. The shape resembles an oval and emphasizes the outlines of the face. The tips are twisted inward to form a hat-like shape.

The Chicago hairstyle of the 30s is an example of the fashion of that time. A period distinguished by romance, charm and sophistication. At the same time period gangsters and chic bold women. Modern actresses support the style: Helen Hayes, Kay Francis, Joan Crawford. See photos of women's hairstyles of the 30s.

Creation instruction

The 1930s cool wave hairstyle is easy to do at home. Use the step by step guide.

  1. Wash your hair and blow dry. If the curls are curly by nature, align them. Apply styling mousse along the entire length, comb along the entire length. Form curls with a flat iron. Grab the top strands close to the roots to form a C-shape. Make a similar movement in the opposite direction. You will end up with S-wave strands. So work out the curls along the entire length.
  2. After forming the first curl, transfer it to the opposite side. Work through the curl that follows the first. At the end of the first section from top to bottom, carefully comb the strands.
  3. When all the curls are twisted, comb them, form waves with clips on the sides. Fix the hairpins where the curls change the direction of the wave. To fix the hairstyle, use varnish, but in a small amount.
  4. Once the hair is curled, pull out the clips. From long curled strands, a bob is obtained. To do this, divide the curls into 2 parts. Form the front hair in the form of waves around the face. At the back, repeat the procedure. So, 2 halves of the strands are wrapped inward and secured with invisibility. Chicago 30s hairstyle for long hair is ready.

Haircuts of the 30s are applicable in modern life: see examples of photos of men's and women's haircuts.

Clothes and accessories

In the 30s, preference was given to women with a triangular figure - broad shoulders and narrow hips. Inserts and coquettes in the form of a triangle were created on the clothes, the neckline on the back was deep and V-shaped. Dresses and skirts are narrow, widening to the knees. Jackets and coats had broad shoulders in the style of the guards. Shoulder straps and overhead shoulder pads were used as an accessory.

Satin and silk were used as materials. They emphasized the figure. Slant cut dresses. Ski trousers appeared, emphasizing wide hips and narrow ankles. Shoes with high heels and wedges designed by Salvatore Ferragama.

Famous actresses Herta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, John Crawford introduced the fashion for female graceful forms. Marlene Dietrich promoted women's trousers, Greta Gambo - suits for men with wide shoulders.

Rectangular silhouettes have exhausted themselves and women's clothing began to focus on the waist, chest and hips. The ideal of beauty was a slender woman with long legs. The dresses are knee length. Elegant fittings appeared and fox fur was used.

Rich ladies wore furs not only in the evening, but also during the day. Cotton fabrics have entered the evening dress: they are combined with hairstyles of the 30s of medium length hair, as in the photo.

By focusing on the waist, the corset industry revived and light compression remained popular. Corsets were worn just below the chest. The chest rose. In the late 1920s, bras began to be produced.

Hats were included in the ladies' outfit. Small flat accessories are in fashion, fixed on the head with hairpins. Soon in the 40s, berets, hats in the form of plates and bells appeared. Turbans, lace shawls and hairnets were used.

Also look at .

America in the 20-30s experienced a difficult period in the economy. However, the same time went down in history as the heyday of fashion and makeup. Regardless of the level of income, everyone tried to dress with chic and gloss. Women wore bold and revealing outfits, short skirts, lots of fur and various adornments.

Makeup in the style of Chicago

The main trends in make-up were a pronounced emphasis on female sophistication and giving the image a slight tragedy. Chicago-style makeup is a type of fatal beauty with long eyelashes and a languid look. There is no place for female naivety here, this is the image of a self-confident, self-sufficient, emancipated lady.


Mystery in the makeup of the 20s

To replace the image of a modest girl and a selfless woman-mother, prevailing at the beginning of the 20th century, the types of a vamp woman and a fatal beauty burst into fashion.

In the 20s of the 20th century, accents in makeup were made simultaneously on the eyes and lips, and cosmetics were used in bright and saturated colors.

However, the most important feature was the velvety delicate skin, which was specially lightened to give it an aristocratic look.

Makeup 20s

The unchanged features of the make-up of the 20s were also:

  • Plucked eyebrows in a straight line with a slightly lowered tail.
  • Mascara and eyeliner bright colors: green, blue, purple.
  • Smooth white skin.
  • Lips in the shape of a "bow", made up with scarlet lipstick.
  • Blush in soft pastel shades.

Retro makeup of the 20s envelops a woman with mystery and mystery. That is why this style does not cease to be in demand among the beautiful half of the population.


A modern take on 1920s makeup

In order for retro makeup to most plausibly convey the mood of that era, it is necessary to take into account the maximum number of details.

The eyes in the 1920s stood out very intensely, which was especially noticeable against the background of an aristocratically white face.

To achieve a similar effect when performing a retro make-up in modern conditions is quite easy, you just have to generously paint your eyelashes with mascara, and then apply bright black arrows on the eyelids.

Makeup variant of the 20s

Retro makeup is distinguished by magnetism, which attracts attention and fascinates.

Instructions for step-by-step application of cosmetics:

  1. Apply foundation to your face in any convenient way.
  2. Use concealer for the area around the eyes.
  3. For fixation, fix the tone with mineral powder.
  4. Apply pink powder blush to cheekbones.
  5. Make up the eyes using the smoky ice technique. To do this, draw an arrow along the ciliary edge of both eyelids with a black pencil. Then apply the shadows of the base light shade on the moving eyelid and up to the eyebrows.
  6. Apply dark shadows to the area near the eyelashes and blend to the crease of the moving eyelid.

    1920s Chicago Makeup

  7. Take light shadows with overflow and focus on the inner corner of the eye.
  8. Cover your lashes with a generous layer of mascara or use false lashes for a more pronounced effect.
  9. Fill in the eyebrows with shadows and draw a line that curves slightly down.
  10. Make up the lips with a contour pencil, giving them the shape of a "heart" or "bow", then apply bright red or cherry lipstick.

Retro makeup will perfectly complement the image of a fatal beauty who is going to win the hearts of gangsters at a fashionable theme party.


Makeup "Chicago 20s"


Style and luxury make-up of the 30s

Many people learned about what makeup was like in the style of the 30s thanks to American cinema. Cabaret stars wore tight dresses with a deep neckline, long gloves, and wavy hair on their heads. Makeup in the style of Chicago in the 30s is easily recognizable by the shape of the eyebrows. They are thin, like a thread, and plucked in an arc to create a colorful look and a “surprised” look.

Chicago-style makeup also had the following features:

  • There was a fashion for a tan and carefully shaded blush.

The retro make-up of the 30s made it possible to move away from the practice of applying vulgar pink blush on a bleached face.

  • Underlining the eyes with a contour pencil along the line of the lower and upper eyelids. The lines must be connected in the corner of the eye.
  • Dark shadows with careful shading.
  • Thick and long eyelashes.
  • Lip liner and muted lipstick.

1930s Chicago Style

Decades have passed, and Chicago-style makeup is in demand again. It has undergone minor changes, but the main trends are still visible.


Chicago Makeup Today

Since the Chicago-style make-up technique requires the use of shadows of dark gray, black, graphite or purple colors, it is worth choosing the necessary combinations in advance to create a tragic look.


  1. Apply foundation in a natural color so that there is no effect of a mask on the face. The skin should be clean and hydrated. A prerequisite for retro makeup is the smoothness and velvety of the face.
  2. Eliminate imperfections on the face with a concealer.
  3. Apply powder with a brush.
  4. Refine the shape of the face with corrective powder and highlighter.
  5. Make up your eyebrows with special shadows or a contour pencil.
  6. Apply a primer to the eyelids so that the shadows hold well.

    Makeup in the style of Chicago

  7. Apply dark shadows on the eyelids.
  8. On the border of the dark, apply shadows of a lighter shade.
  9. Draw a line with a black contour pencil along the upper eyelid, and then blend the arrow with a brush. It is necessary to ensure that the shadows remain under the pencil line.
  10. To make the look more open, apply shadows of a light shade to the brow area.
  11. Draw feathered arrows on the lower eyelid.
  12. Make up eyelashes with black mascara in 2-3 layers. False eyelashes will be an excellent addition, they will help to give the look expressiveness and depth.
  13. Fill your lips with rich color lipstick.

Makeup in Chicago style is characterized by extraordinary femininity and grace. It is fundamentally different from the previous make-up of the 20s and does not look like subsequent trends. Due to its sophistication, this makeup suits girls with any color type. As an evening make-up, this style can be tried on by both a blonde and a brunette.


Makeup in the style of the movie "The Great Gatsby"


Makeup in the style of Chicago is very feminine, romantic, mysterious & sophisticated image. In this makeup, you need to pay attention to every detail.

It is also necessary to emphasize an even light skin tone, a beautiful cut of the eyes, as well as bright and juicy lips.

In the image from the 30s, you can come to a themed party or surprise everyone by applying it as an everyday one. Such makeup is suitable for any type of face, the main thing is to perform it carefully and skillfully.

To understand what an image in the style of the 30s is, you need to look at the photos Chicago cabaret actresses that time.

They looked very bright and feminine in their floor-length dresses, with a beautiful cutout on the back, long gloves and furs.

Makeup was also given quite a lot of attention. Such girls could not leave indifferent any man.

This bright and glamorous image is now quite common on the red carpet. It's being used Paris Hilton, Christina Aguilera, Catherine Zeta Jones, Renee Zellweger, Drew Barrymore and many others.

You can learn how to do anime style makeup from our article.

Basic principles

Makeup in this style is:

  • smokey ice;
  • smooth white skin;
  • thin eyebrows with a high arch;
  • bright lips;
  • a lot of mother-of-pearl and sparkles;
  • fly.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Skin preparation. Cleanse and moisturize the skin of the face, so that the tone lays evenly and lasts for a long time.
  2. porcelain tone. Apply a fairly thick layer of foundation all over the face. The base color should be one to two shades lighter than your skin color.

    When applying the tone to the eyebrow area, we try to comb the hairs up. This will later help form a high arch of the eyebrows. Redness and dark circles under the eyes should be hidden with a light, dense concealer.

    Concealer can also highlight a little and make the nose and chin thinner and sharper.

    To do this, apply a little money on the most protruding parts of the nose and chin and gently shade them.

  3. Perfect eyebrows. We form a beautiful curved eyebrow arch using an eyebrow pencil and a special gel.
  4. Juicy lips. Apply a bright lipstick on the lips. It can be juicy red, plum or burgundy. Before applying lipstick, outline the contour of the lips with a special pencil. A little lipstick can be used as a cream blush. Apply it to the apples of your cheeks and blend thoroughly. After applying lipstick, you can slightly highlight the contour of the lips, if you circle them with a thin brush with concealer.
  5. face sculpting. The entire face must be covered with a dense layer of powder. Girls from the 30s used loose powder for this, we will also follow their example. We intensively emphasize the cheekbones with a bronzer. With the help of a bronzer, you can also make the nose thinner and more aristocratic, if you shade a little of this product along the wings of the nose. On the protruding parts of the cheekbones and under the eyebrow, apply a white sparkling highlighter.
  6. charming look. In order to create a smokey eye in the style of Chicago, apply a primer for shadows to the entire moving eyelid. Then we cover the upper eyelid with light base shadows. We draw a neat arrow with the help of helium eyeliner. The tip of the arrow should be pointing up and can go far enough beyond the line of the eyelid. We apply shadows of a dark shade with a shimmer on the outer corner of the eye and blend them, leaving the transition to light shadows quite graphic. We highlight the inner corner with the help of brilliant white shadows. Eyelashes are covered with a layer of black bulk mascara.
  7. For this look, you can use long false eyelashes with glitter.

  8. Final details. A flirty front sight on the cheek will add even more charm to your make-up. On the shoulders and décolleté area, you can apply mother-of-pearl body powder. It will give your skin a soft glow and a delicate fragrance.

What to consider?

What to consider for your type of appearance:

  • blondes can be combined with dark gray shades of blue and turquoise. For lips, they can use dark pink or lilac lipstick;
  • brown-haired women can use green and brown eye shadow. For lips, cherry and burgundy shades are suitable for them;
  • brunettes you should choose lilac and blue shades to create smokey ice. For lips and cheeks, you can use wine and plum shades.

Instructions for creating pop art makeup can be found on our website.

Errors in image creation

  1. A common mistake is sloppy and uneven skin coverage tonal tool. To avoid this, use only very high quality powder and foundation. Apply them with a special brush or sponge.
  2. Make a beautiful smoky eye makeup It's hard enough. Be prepared that it won't work the first time.
  3. Practice it ahead of time and leave enough time for rework and adjustments before the party.

  4. Should not be applied too many styling products on the hair, because it will look unnatural.
  5. Think in advance and check the strength of all your decorations so that some decorative element does not fall off during the celebration.
  6. Don't use black eyeliner on the inside of your eye. It will age you and will shrink the eyes.

With what to combine?

The image of a Chicago woman in the 30s - photo:

Such makeup goes well with a glittery dress with fringed spaghetti straps, velvet gloves, fur coat and feathers. On the legs may be stockings in a fine mesh.

We style the hair in a soft wave and decorate the hair with headbands, feathers, beads and a veil in the style of the 30s. Beautifully complement the image of a string of beads of their pearls. For this look, perfumes with a powdery or rose scent are suitable.

Having made a beautiful make-up in the Chicago style and carefully thought through all the details of the image, you will look irresistible and very feminine at any party.

You can learn how to create an image of a Chicago woman in the 30s from the video:


1920s Chicago Makeup

1920s Chicago makeup includes bright lips and long eyelashes. This is a variant of the evening look, which became popular thanks to films about American gangsters of the first half of the 20th century.

Makeup is perfect not only for a themed ball, but also for a party.

We tell you how to repeat such a make-up, what should be avoided when creating it, and also share inspiring photos.

Makeup in the style of "Chicago" for a party: step by step photo instructions

You will need:

  • blush Blush Subtil, Lancôme;
  • dry eyebrow eyeliner Powder Brow Filler (05 Brunette), NYX Professional Makeup;
  • eyeshadow palette Ultimate (08 Warm Rust), NYX Professional Makeup;
  • Super Cliquey lipstick (12 Dangerous), NYX Professional Makeup.

The first step is preparing the skin for makeup. If you are unfamiliar with the procedure, watch our instructional video.

Spread foundation over your face that matches your skin tone, or a little lighter.

For a porcelain skin effect, opt for a high coverage (meaning dense) product with a matte finish.

The image can be interpreted in different ways, so we do not insist on the use of a strictly limited set of cosmetics. You can, for example, make the skin radiant, if you like it more.

Make a correction in the cheekbones with the help of blush of two close shades (for example, pink and red) - apply the darker one under the cheekbones, and the lighter one - on the apples of the cheeks. Blend the boundaries.

If you have wide eyebrows, don't rush to pluck them for the look. Underline the upper border of the eyebrows with a dark shade of pencil (lipstick or shadows), and carefully mask the lower one with a salmon (peach-pink) shade corrector.

For eye makeup, prepare matte brown shadows. Using a natural fluffy brush, blend the shadows widely over the entire surface of the fixed upper eyelids, as well as at the inner corners of the eyes, gently leading to the beginning of the eyebrows. This will add dramatic depth to the look. Walk with a brush along the contour of the lower eyelids - from the outer corners to about the middle.

Spread concealer over the flesh-colored mobile eyelid (using the “cut-crisis” technique) and fix with matte shadows slightly lighter than the color of the skin.

Underline the lower mucosa with a white pencil. Thickly paint over the eyelashes with mascara, if desired, add false tape eyelashes - here they will be most welcome.

To finish off your makeup, apply a deep glossy lipstick, such as dark red, to your lips. Carefully draw a “bow” in the central part, slightly going beyond the contours of the natural “tick”, and, on the contrary, do not paint over the corners of the mouth. Moreover, they must be hidden with a flesh-colored concealer. Do the Hollywood wave styling - and the image is ready!

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How to do everyday make-up in the style of "Chicago": useful tips

  • A full-on retro make-up is good for a costume party or Halloween, but some tricks can be adopted for everyday make-up.
  • For example, lips with a "bow" will spice up any look and will suit not only the gangster's girlfriend. Accentuate the checkmark on the upper lip with a pencil or a thin applicator, and later walk along the drawn border with concealer to make the shape of the lips clear.
  • Light sculpting with blush rather than concealers looks very natural and refreshing.
  • Partially covering your eyebrows with concealer every day is not worth it, but this tool can be used to emphasize the beautiful curve of the eyebrow.

1920s and 1930s gangster-era makeup for blondes and brunettes

Such makeup involves bright accents: a wide-open look and a deep shade of lipstick. However, you should also take into account the features of your appearance. "Cold blonde", for example, involves replacing warm brown and beige shades of shadows with gray and silver.

Brunettes should also consider eye color. If they are brown or brown-green, then coffee and golden tones can be safely added to the makeup. But the owners of blue eyes and dark hair will suit the color scheme of blondes.

Makeup in the style of Chicago in the 30s, taking into account the color of the eyes

Since the image in the style of "Chicago" can be interpreted in different ways, you should not limit yourself in choosing shades.

Blue-eyed people can emphasize the look with shadows in cold colors: blue and blue shades will make the eyes brighter. The same colors are suitable for girls with gray-green eyes. Silver or gray shades are also a good choice.

Green-eyed will suit emerald and brown shades. If there are brown blotches in the iris, they will become more noticeable.

Owners of brown eyes will suit purple, coffee, taupe, gold and blue.

how to avoid typical mistakes when creating a look in the style of "Chicago"

  • Since the main accent of the image is red lipstick, you should take care of the perfect face tone. With a light foundation, redness and imperfections (if any) will only become more noticeable. Therefore, choose foundations with a dense coating: there are many of these in the Maybelline New York and L "Oréal Paris collections.
  • If you prefer stick lipsticks, be sure to apply them with a special brush or highlight the contour with a pencil. Otherwise, a clear shape of the lips cannot be achieved.
  • Do not bring the lower eyelid with dark shadows or kajal. This technique visually reduces the eyes, and the key feature of the Chicago style makeup is the open look.
  • The important point is styling. Fashion casualness does not work here. A 1920s and 1930s look calls for graphic waves and a hair-to-hair hairstyle. If the styling does not turn out perfectly smooth, take a thin comb and spray it with varnish, then walk through the hair: from the roots to the tips. Styling gels and mousses can also make the task easier. If your hair is long, use a volumizer at the roots.


Those who remember the heroines of the 20s and 30s know that this is a very rich make-up with a languid deep look. And you can complement it with a long or short dress with a straight cut, and to create an elegant hairstyle, it will be enough to put your hair in curls and put on a bandage or satin ribbon to match the dress on top.

At that time, the make-up was very eccentric, and contrary to modern rules, a bright emphasis was placed on both the eyes and lips. Therefore, before you go to a Chicago-style party, you should go through the boutiques not only in search of the right dress and accessories, but also in rich shades of lipstick and eye shadow.

Setting a light tone for the face

A tan was not yet in fashion in those years, so the face should be given a light tone, and if necessary, brighten the neck and exposed parts of the body so that there is no ugly dirty contrast.

Choose a cream tone with a light porcelain texture and work it carefully on the face, neck and ears. Remove all redness, acne and signs of fatigue with a special concealer. The best option would be to choose a foundation and concealer with a light-diffusing or radiant effect with mother-of-pearl particles.

After all, making the right porcelain tone of the face is not difficult, but not a single woman or girl wants to look too pale.

We focus on the eyebrows and paint the eyes in rich shades

The accent of this makeup will be sophisticated dark eyebrows. Go over them with a brush with a corrector, paint over with a pencil and fix with a gel. Do not forget that the eyebrows should be as thin and as long as possible, and the gel will help fix them in the desired position.

Very intensively paint over the ciliary contour with a black pencil, sketching any gaps. And carefully blend it into a haze, both on the upper and lower eyelids.

To achieve intensity in makeup, it is best to use several shades of shadows.

We apply a warm metallic gray shade on the mobile eyelid, going a little into the crease and to the bridge of the nose and the inner edge of the eyebrow, working from the outer corner of the eye.

Then, in the same way, going beyond the outer corner of the eye, and working with a brush along the edges of the previous shade, dilute the color with a gray smoky shade. Start drawing the crease with black shadows from the outer corner of the eyelid. Blend the shade with a round brush towards the bridge of the nose and up to the eyebrow. Then apply dark green eyeshadow to the crease.

Important advice: “Do not blend the shadows in expansion. A cat look will make the makeup look modern, but we need to achieve a Pierrot look with a slightly lowered outer corner of the eye.

Working with liquid eyeliner, pencil and ink

With black eyeliner, draw an arrow so that it does not go beyond the outer corner of the eye. Also draw the outer eyelash contour with eyeliner. Draw the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a mother-of-pearl pencil of any soft shade.

Apply several layers of mascara. It is applied from the base and distributed to the tips with up and down movements. And then, without waiting for drying, the next layer is applied. So the eyelashes will stick together less. Top it off with fake lashes or tufts, as even mascara with the effect of false lashes can't add as much volume as fake lashes.

Use your finger to apply pearlescent shadows to the moving eyelid. This will give the eyes a shimmer and expressiveness, making you the star of the party, and a prominent figure in a photo or video. Lightly draw the cheekbones with a dark shade of shadows. In those years, puppet faces were in vogue. Take a soft pink blush and apply it on the apples of your cheeks. Add a highlighter to the top of the cheekbones and to the movable eyelid.

We paint lips with saturated shades

Before you start lip makeup, paint over your natural contour with foundation or corrector, as you will need to change the natural shape of the lips, making them smaller. Take a wine-colored pencil and outline your lips. Departing from the natural contour by a millimeter, make it already in the corners. Make the cupid's dimple and the center of the lower lip rounded.

In the 1920s, lipstick was mostly in jars. This is also reminiscent of the way lipstick is applied. It was applied to the middle of the lips, sometimes going beyond the contour, and along the edges of the lips they remained unpainted.

For a Chicago-style make-up, it is best to use wine-colored lipstick. And it must be matte.

Additional facial correction for style

Intensively powder your face, matte it as much as possible so as not to destroy the make-up style range and become the main star of the party and be irresistible in photos and videos. Do not forget that such a correction is necessary.

Since the oily sheen that can appear in the middle of a party during incendiary dances can ruin any, even a professional photo. Such troubles can be corrected in a photograph, but not in a video.

So it's best to prevent it.

And to add spice to the image, you need to put a small fly. It should be located above the lips or on the cheek. An artificial mole is applied with a brown pencil. On this, the makeup can be considered finished, and the image is complete.


Makeup in the style of the 30s of the XX century: history and subtleties of implementation

Some images and make-up techniques of bygone days are such a significant and spectacular sight that they remain popular and in demand to this day. A vivid example of such a journey through time is the make-up of the 30s of the XX century. About the features of such makeup and how to do it yourself, and will be discussed in this article.

A bit of history

The 30s of the XX century are the times of the Great Depression and almost a decade of global economic crisis, which most severely affected the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Germany and France. But on movie screens, life shone and shimmered with bright, rich colors.

Hollywood carefully thought out the screen images of the beauties and beauties of those years, so that people, whose only entertainment was cinema, were distracted from the gray everyday life of their lives and plunged into the atmosphere of the bright, filled life of movie characters. Everything that women saw on the screens - dresses, hairstyles, makeup - was immediately copied and brought to life.

Fashion nuances

Quite often, the aesthetics of the 20s and 30s are confused. But in the 30s, the style of a woman becomes more refined and refined compared to the 20s. The main feature of the makeup of the 30s is open, wide eyes. In fashion:

  • thin, plucked eyebrows (sometimes they were shaved, then drawing a thin arched line with a pencil);
  • light and even skin of the face, which replaced the unnatural porcelain pallor characteristic of the make-up of the 20s;
  • underlined with mascara and curled up cilia (sometimes using false eyelashes);
  • pink, blue, blue, brown, dark gray, purple and green shadows (matte during the day and shimmering in the evening), the application technique of which visually enlarged the eyes;
  • narrow, graceful eyeliner line;
  • shimmering pinks and crimson blushes, carefully blended rather than streaked brightly as they were in the 1920s;
  • well-defined lips, the traced contour of which does not visually reduce the mouth and does not give it the look of a bow, so fashionable in the 1920s;
  • light pink, peach and crimson lipstick colors in the early 30s and bright red towards the end of the decade.

Famous actresses, of course, were examples of fashion trends in the retro style of the 30s. They were copied, imitated, they wanted to be like them.

Marlene Dietrich in The Devil Is a Woman (1935)

Born in Berlin in 1901, she signed a contract with the Hollywood company Paramount Pictures in 1930. She personified a woman with a strong, firm, strong-willed character, at the same time defiantly sexy and impregnable.

Greta Garbo in The Grand Hotel (1932)

Born in Stockholm in 1905. She showed the image of a mysterious woman with a languid sad look and a low, hoarse voice.

Hedy Lamarr in Algiers (1938)

Born in Vienna in 1914. Both on screen and in real life, she played the role of a mysterious and charming outlander. Lamarr became one of the brightest movie stars of her time thanks to her perfectly regular features and her gentle charm and attractiveness.

Bette Davis in Jezebel (1938)

She was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, USA in 1908. The big-eyed beauty embodied many melodramatic images on the movie screen, conquering millions of men's hearts with her grace, ability to hold on, move, and wear clothes.

Makeup in the style of the 30s is quite easy to do yourself. The photo shows modern images in this style. Let's see step by step how to do it:

  1. The skin should be perfectly even, so we apply and carefully shade the tone-on-tone foundation or a shade lighter. If necessary, apply concealer pointwise to hide minor skin imperfections. Do not forget before applying the tone about cleansing, toning and moisturizing the skin;
  2. We make the skin matte with the help of powder, preferably crumbly;
  3. Modern fashion trends do not involve shaving or excessive plucking of eyebrows, so we just tint them with a pencil to match the hair color;
  4. We bring the upper and lower eyelids along the lash line with a black or dark brown pencil, bringing the pencil stroke up to the inner corner of the eye;
  5. We apply gray shining shadows on the entire upper eyelid over a pencil eyeliner - the outer corners of the eyes should turn out darker than the inner ones;
  6. We apply soft pink blush on the cheekbones and shade them down on the cheek with a brush;
  7. We glue false cilia on the upper eyelid and carefully paint over them with black lengthening mascara;
  8. We paint the lower eyelashes with mascara;
  9. We outline the contour of the lips with a raspberry or red pencil in muted shades;
  10. We paint lips with red or raspberry lipstick.

Well, we hope that you can recreate the images of Hollywood beauties of the 30s and retro-style makeup will help you shine at the party!

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Chicago in the 30s is an original style, unconditionally recognized as an ageless classic. And these days there are many who want to have a party, pretending to be a gangster or mafia. This is a special, unique style in which luxury (albeit not always real), brilliance and free morals met and mixed with each other.

Life in Chicago in the 30s

Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s is associated with an extremely high level of crime, gang warfare and entire families engaged in black business, hiding behind the most harmless activities, ready, however, to lend a helping hand to each of its members. All this is very familiar to us from films about the mafia, some of them are shot so high quality that it is not a sin to review them two, and 10, and 40 times.

However, Chicago of this period is not only tough guys spitting through their teeth on the law and the right. It is noteworthy that the gangster Chicago style, which by definition should be masculine, pales against the backdrop of the beauties of the Chicago style image.

The image of a woman

The main feature is dresses with a low waist, located at the level where the belt of low-rise jeans is usually located. Similar dresses were made of velvet, silk, chiffon and even satin. Length - to the knee or slightly lower.

This image is rather restrained. To get a better feel for the style in question, watch the famous movie Chicago by Rob Marshall, which deservedly won several Oscars. One of them - just for the costumes.

Characteristic elements of the Chicago style:

  • Dresses with additional decorations in the form of a fringe; dresses embroidered with beads and sequins, rhinestones;
  • Deep neckline, bare back;
  • Thin shoulder straps. This was an undoubted innovation in American fashion of those years;
  • Costumes were often decorated with fur, which created the effect of luxury.

The brightness and saturation of the image was achieved mainly due to the dazzling brilliance of stones (non-precious) and other decorative elements, which, in turn, were also cast in gold and silver. The variety of colors at the same time was at a low level: black, dark blue, white and skin tones predominated.

Accessories were an important part of the Chicago style. These are integral attributes of this trend in fashion.

Accessories that complement the style of "Chicago":

It was considered good form if shoes, gloves and a handbag were matched in the same color. In addition, jewelry was often replaced with flashy costume jewelry, provided, of course, that they did not get out of the general picture of style.

In any fashion trend, in addition to characteristic clothes and accessories with their own specifics, there is a special hairstyle and appropriate makeup. The 1930s hairstyle is a short haircut or the popular "perfect structural waves" hairstyle. It is clear that in the marafet, the girls, declaring their free morals, did not limit themselves to accepted norms. Therefore, we see passionate scarlet lips with ideal, as if drawn borders, dark shadows on the eyelids and blue-black eyelashes, striking in their density. An expressive and passionate look was emphasized by a clear line of eyebrows.

Chicago hairstyles

A special feature of the style are hairstyles. They have some features:

In the style of Chicago, it is important that the hair is of the required length. A hairstyle in the style of the 30s is usually done on the basis of a bob or page haircuts.

For girls with naturally curly hair, this hairstyle is not difficult to make. To do this, just wash my head, and then apply a fixing gel to the strands. That's all. To complete the look, add an elegant hairpin, bandage or hat with a veil.

It is more difficult for girls with straight hair to build this. You have to use a flat iron. Thoroughly wash the hair before the curling procedure, apply foam along the entire length of the strands, dry gently. We fix the hairstyle with a bandage or hairpins. Finally, we apply varnish.

Despite the fact that the Chicago style involves short haircuts, girls with long hair do not have to cut their hair. Hair can be curled, neatly laying only the front strands, and everything that remains can be collected at the back, forming something like a “bump”.