Throw away old things or find a worthy use. How to throw old things in the trash. Be especially careful when sorting out your old clothes.

In the course of life, each person "acquires" things. Many of them eventually lose their material value and need and simply gather dust in cabinets, on shelves, mezzanines and balconies. But often the hand does not rise to throw them away. But scientists have already proven that clutter and the presence of unnecessary useless items in the house can negatively affect mental health and the mood of the people living there. Even well-known psychologists advise the fight against depression to start with an audit of your closet and the whole house. But feng shui experts say that old rubbish prevents the free flow of Qi energy, which is necessary for positive change in life. If all of the above did not convince you to get rid of the accumulated junk, here are the TOP 8 reasons to throw away unnecessary things forever.

Reason 1. Rationality

Review old things for the appropriateness of their storage. Honestly answer yourself whether they will be useful to you in the coming years. Most people are afraid to throw away unnecessary junk, keeping in mind the years of scarcity that are already in the past. Nowadays it is not difficult to find everything you need in the store. Therefore, leave only what you actively use, and carry everything else in the trash without regret. IN last resort suddenly needed item can be rented.

Reason 2. Mobility

Our lives are completely unpredictable. And even if now you do not plan any relocation and change of residence, you cannot be sure that tomorrow this will not be an urgent need. You may even have to move to another city. Now imagine how much effort, time and material resources will have to be spent on packing, transporting and unpacking all the property, a large part of which is the most ordinary rubbish! On the other hand, why new life pull extra junk? Better start getting rid of it right now.

Reason 3. Not quantity, but quality

Review your clothes. If you have a dozen blouses hanging in your closet that have lost their appearance after the first wash, maybe you need to get rid of them? You won't wear them anyway. Replace a bunch of unnecessary items of clothing with a few sets of quality basics. They will take up less space in the closet, and the problem of “nothing to wear” will be solved in the near future.

Reason 4. Minimalism

The style of minimalism in the design of housing is used by many designers. It only seems boring at first glance. Firstly, decor items look much more expressive and beautiful if there are few of them. Secondly, the fewer things in the apartment, the faster and easier it is to find each of them. And finally, experts have proven that the order in housing contributes to the concentration of attention and rationalization of the thinking of the people living in it.

Reason 5. Save time

IN modern world time is of high value. Sometimes we complain that we don't have enough 24 hours in a day. How much time have you recently spent remembering where your favorite T-shirt is? Did it take at least 15 minutes to find the book you promised your friend? If so, then it's time to think about what the lion's share your life is spent searching for your own things, and after that, conduct an audit and throw away all unnecessary rubbish without hesitation.

Reason 6. Caring for the environment

Having a bunch of junk in the house, you have to throw something away every day. In this case, a lot of garbage bags are used, which damage the environment. It is better to immediately collect all the old newspapers, magazines and unnecessary papers to turn them into waste paper. The less unnecessary things you have in your apartment, the less rubbish you will have to take out of it every day.

Reason 7. Law of Prosperity

Feng Shui experts are sure of the existence of the law of prosperity, according to which unnecessary old things must be thrown away so that new ones appear in their place. And really, what kind of purchases can we talk about if there is no free space left in your house? You may not be an adherent of this teaching, but what prevents you from checking the operation of this law?

Reason 8. Psychological calm

American psychiatrists, as a result of research, came to the conclusion that people who have "gathering mania" are in a state of constant emotional stress. They spend a lot of time thinking about what things to throw away and what to keep. Conversely, those who part with junk without regret have a more balanced and calm character. Think maybe your frequent Bad mood connected with subconscious dissatisfaction with a large amount of trash in the apartment?

1. Hopelessly damaged things. Stained shirts, stretchy T-shirts, and moth-eaten sweaters don't belong in your closet. Why keep something that you are unlikely to wear at least once?

2. Clothes that don't fit you. The reason, I think, is clear.

3. Old shoes. If it can be brought into a divine form, do it. Couples that are not recoverable are sent to the trash.

4. Worn underwear. When the bra is no longer able to support the chest properly, it's time to replace it with a new one. It's embarrassing to talk about torn underpants - put them in the trash, that's all.

5. Stockings and tights with puffs or holes. Yes, yes, they can still be sewn up and worn under jeans or trousers. Either sew it up at last, or get rid of obviously useless things.

6. Leaky socks. It's the same as in the previous paragraph: sew it up or throw it away - it's up to you, so long as the socks do not continue to lie idle.

7. Jewelry that has lost its former appearance. With jewelry, everything is clear: a broken lock, a torn chain or a dropped rhinestone are quite good reasons to throw away a bracelet or necklace. jewelry you shouldn't scatter, it's better to give them for repair.

8. Old holiday dresses. Do you think there is a good chance that you will someday wear the outfit that you shone in at high school prom? If the dress is in good condition, try to sell it. If not, well, even with such things one must be able to say goodbye.

9. Shabby bags. And there are wallets. Agree, the chance that you will one day decide to go out with a worn out bag is zero.

10. Old bathing suits and swimming trunks. Say goodbye without regret to all stretched and faded pieces.

11. Spare buttons for clothes you no longer wear. After all, what are you going to do with a set of completely different buttons?

Cosmetics and personal care

12. Old cosmetics. First, since you haven't used it yet, it's unlikely that these shadows, lip gloss, or Foundation will ever come in handy. Second, they have an expiration date. When it came to an end, it's time to say goodbye to the product.

13. Dried nail polish. Even if you dilute it with a special liquid, it still cannot be compared with fresh. Throw away without hesitation.

14. Eau de toilette samples. Why save them if you don't like the scent?

15. Samplers of cosmetics. Either use it or throw it away, there is no middle ground.

16. Old toiletries. A bald toothbrush and a cracked soap dish are not something that should be carefully stored for many years.

17. Stretched hair bands. Here there is good news for connoisseurs of rubber bands, telephone wires: bathe the rubber bands in boiling water, they will be as good as new.

18. Invisible hairpins. Shake out the drawer with cosmetics or the box where you store jewelry, you will surely find a few hairpins there. Since you do not use them, then there is no point in storing them.

19. Almost finished cosmetics and household chemicals. There is a little money left on the bottom, it seems like it’s time to throw it away, but the toad is strangling. Give the toad a fitting rebuff and send almost empty bottles and jars to the trash can.

Food and kitchen utensils

20. Spoiled products. Will you eat them? So no one will, so feel free to send the old-timers of your refrigerator to the trash can.

21. Old spices and seasonings. Like other products, they have . When it comes to an end, it's time for the spices to leave your kitchen cabinet.

22. Unnecessary circles. Throw away those with cracks and chips, and take the whole ones that you don’t use for some reason to work. They will definitely come in handy there.

23. Old sponges for washing dishes. By the way, they should be changed regularly, and this should be done before the sponge starts to smell.

24. Pots and pans with scratched non-stick coatings. What's the point of this cover when only one name is left of it?

25. Empty jars and jars. Why keep them at all is not clear. Apparently, in the hope that someday all this will come in handy. Let's be honest, did it come in handy at least once? If not, goodbye, jars!

26. Kitchen utensils you don't use. Give a completely new one to friends, throw out the used one.

27. Food containers you don't use. And at the same time, those that have lost their former appearance - the lid cracked, for example.

28. Assorted dishes. Once upon a time there was a tea couple, then the cup broke, but the saucer survived - or vice versa. It seems nothing terrible, but using such dishes is not very pleasant. So it's time to send her to rest.

29. Broken kitchen utensils. And again: you can use them, but not very pleasant. So why keep it?


30. Old towels with stains or holes. It is frankly unpleasant to wipe yourself with them, so throw them away without hesitation.

31. Worn bed linen. If it just faded, that's all right, but torn sheets and duvet covers are a direct road to a landfill.

32. Shabby rugs from the bathroom and hallway. Their life was already not easy, why prolong suffering?

33. Old pillows. Still, they are no longer as plump and soft as before.

34. Extra hangers. Leave as much as you need to hang clothes and the rest in the trash.

35. Unnecessary flower vases. Give away, sell or dispose of them in any other way.

36. Trinkets. A figurine of a pig, presented to you on the occasion of the onset of the year of this animal, is appropriate once every 12 years. Release the pig to freedom, do not torture. Souvenirs from travels and fridge magnets will make her an excellent company.

37. New Year decoration who are not happy. A garland where several light bulbs do not burn, a glass ball that, instead of a factory fixture, is held on a cunningly curved wire - do not turn the Christmas tree into an exhibition of junk.

38. Broken electronics and household appliances. If you still haven't fixed it, then you don't really need it.

39. Spare parts for furniture. Gather up all those parts and screws that seem to multiply by fission and throw them straight into the trash can.

waste paper

40. Old checks and bills. Time is over guarantee period, which means that there is no point in keeping a check. And here are the receipts utilities worth keeping at least.

41. School and university textbooks. You probably won't need them. Give them to the library, so there will be at least some use from the books. And you can throw out the notes with a clear conscience.

42. Postcards and invitations to weddings. If they are dear to you as a memory, leave them, but it makes no sense to keep a stack of postcards with on-duty wishes for happiness and health.

43. Newspapers and magazines. Including those that you wrote out at school for lessons foreign language. You never know, suddenly you still keep them.

44. Discount cards for stores you don't go to. It is logical: if you don’t go, then you don’t use cards.

45. Discount coupons that have expired. They won't give you a discount anyway.

46. ​​Junk from the mailbox. Catalogs of amazing products, flyers with discounts from the nearest store, and similar printed materials should be stored where they belong: in the trash can.

47. Instructions for assembling furniture. It is unlikely that you regularly disassemble and reassemble a closet or chest of drawers.

48. Guides. Why save paper brochures when you can use electronic versions of guides?

49. Children's drawings. Whether it's your creations or your children's drawings, it's hard to let go. Pull yourself together and leave only those that you like the most.

50. Duplicate photos. In case you do not trust cloud storage and prefer to store printed pictures in photo albums. And with the clouds you are in vain, they are much more convenient.

51. Old diaries. Since they lie dead weight with you, throw them out already - and that's it.

Miscellaneous little things

52. Boxes from household appliances. The very ones that are kept by thrifty citizens on cabinets. When the warranty period ends, the boxes should be sent to the trash can.

53. Expired drugs. It is unlikely that any comments are needed here.

54. Old mobile phones. Is your nostalgia for bygone times so strong that you can still keep it, which are unlikely to ever turn on?

55. Unnecessary smartphone accessories. Sooner or later you still have to get rid of them, so why put it off until later?

56. Dried flowers. Get rid of sentimentality and throw out those dustbins.

57. Old stationery. Stickers, dry markers and pens, folders for papers, and all that.

58. Wires are unknown from what. Everything is simple here: if you know exactly why this cable is needed, and at least sometimes use it for its intended purpose, let it live. The rest should disappear from your house.

59. Old CDs and DVDs. Music you don't listen to anymore computer programs, which you are unlikely to ever use, films that you have watched more than once ... Why do you need all this?

60. Souvenirs from promotions. Suppose they handed you a T-shirt, where the logo of a milk producer flaunts across the chest. Will you wear it? No, right?

61. Gifts you don't use. Or the ones you just don't like. Give them to people who will appreciate the gifts at their true worth.

62. Used batteries. Hand them over for recycling, there is probably a collection point for batteries and accumulators in your city.

63. Toys for animals. Of course, those to which your pet is indifferent. It is unlikely that he will ever change his mind and decide that a mouse on wheels or a squeaky rubber chicken is the dream of his life.

64. Board games where details are missing. They won't be able to play well.

65. Wrinkled bows and ribbons for gift wrapping. Since they have lost their former appearance, then it is not worth decorating a gift with them.

66. Small coins. However, you can not throw them away, but put them in a piggy bank. A decent amount will be typed - exchange it at the bank.

Order in the house is order in the head, so make it a rule to arrange such cleaning from time to time. By the way, what would you add to this list?

All people are divided into two groups: those who like to accumulate old things, even if they do not use them, and those who throw them away as unnecessary. What type are you? If you like to collect old trash, you should probably reconsider your attitude to things. No, this shiny iPhone box will never be useful to you, so you should not carefully store it somewhere in the depths of your closet. And no, you will never skim past Cosmo issues. Just throw them away without regret. Clear your house of unnecessary things, even if you once loved them very much. So which item should you throw away immediately?

Wire hangers

Cheap wire hangers that appear in your house (from the dry cleaners, or with new clothes) are bad for the condition of your belongings. They deform the fabric and leave traces of rust. Buy felt, wood, or hard plastic hangers instead.

worn boots

Are your favorite shoes worn out? Throw them away. Still in good condition, but you haven't worn them in a long time? Give to those who really need them.

Empty bottles of alcohol

Are you no longer in college? There is no point in collecting empty bottles of alcohol if you have not lived in a hostel for a long time.

Clothes you don't wear

Give it to charity. A person less fortunate than you might wear it. The same applies to children's clothing and fancy dress that you will never wear again.

old toys

They can often be very expensive, which is why many parents are hesitant to part with toys even when the children grow up. If they are not broken, give them to charity or to friends who have small children.

Socks without a pair

Have you started a special basket in which you keep all the socks without a pair, hoping that the loss will be found one day? Trust me, this won't happen. It's better if you just throw them away.

old cosmetics

cosmetic products with expired expiration dates can harm your skin, so it's best to get rid of them in time.

Expired drugs

No, you'll never need those expired pills, so don't keep them "just in case." But not all expired medicines can simply be thrown into the trash. Make sure you dispose of them correctly.


You must replace toothbrush every few months after the bristles wear out.

Food in the refrigerator

You know very well what we are talking about. In the refrigerator very often there are products that “do not reach the hands” to throw away. But you can't just leave them there. Throw everything in the trash. Pay attention to storage times.

Old shopping bags

Despite some sort of tradition for many people to keep a "bag of bags" in their home, in most cases they are simply accumulated but never used. Throw out any shopping bags you've accumulated over the years, unless you really intend to use them.

CD, DVD and video cassettes

It's already 2017 outside. Why do you keep all those old CDs and DVDs? Write the information you need to your hard drive to free up shelf space.

kitchen sponges

They can be an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, so sponges should be washed or changed frequently. Don't know how to disinfect a sponge? The only remedy that will help you get rid of all bacteria is bleach.

Filters for water

Filter cartridges should be changed every few months, depending on the model, or when you notice that the water tastes bad.

Old business cards

You will never need Business Cards the company you used to work for, or the ones you used when you held a position. When you retire, old business cards should be thrown into the trash.

Old chargers

Why do you need a charger from an old 2004 Motorola Razr phone? We live in the era of smartphones, so there is definitely no place in your house for old chargers.

old magazines

Many people have been hoarding old magazines and newspapers for years. Why do you need them? What is the probability that you will reread them? Most likely, they only litter your coffee table.

Old socks and underwear

If they have more holes than they should, throw them away without regrets and buy new ones.

Old bills and receipts

If these invoices are really important, scan or take a picture and keep them in a folder on your computer.

Is there at least one Russian family in whose bins there will not be old furniture, stacks of Soviet magazines tied with ropes, old shoes"for giving" and other things that require urgent evacuation to the trash? Probably not. We are all Plyushkins in some way, and on every balcony, in the pantry, on mezzanines and cabinets, “sources of mites, allergens, mold and moths” have been stored for decades.

Do I need to get rid of junk, and how to do it wisely?

Why should you throw away the old?

  • Old things litter the space in the house and prevent not only the free circulation of clean air, but also (according to Feng Shui) qi (life) energy. You can treat the very philosophy of Feng Shui in different ways, but deny Negative influence junk in the house on the health of households is impossible. Old things bring us old energy, dust, mites, etc., responding with poor health, laziness, apathy, and as a result - negative thoughts and projecting them onto your life.
  • If you want to change anything in your life, start small. There will be no order in life and in your head if there is no order in your house. Any change is good. And as a rule, just getting rid of the trash in the apartment, you begin to feel changes for the better.
  • Old things in the house and attachment to them is programming yourself for poverty. We say to ourselves: “What if I throw this sofa away now, but I can’t buy a new one?”, Projecting our pessimism on our well-being in advance.
  • According to a Chinese proverb, the new will not appear in life until the old is gone. Rubbish and junk - the main obstacle on the way vital energy. That is, until you make room for the "new", you will have to live with the "old" (with all the ensuing consequences).
  • The most negative energy accumulates in those corners of the apartment where old things have been lying for years., and where the hands of the owners do not reach. Old, out-of-fashion boots with worn-out heels, boxes with old crockery, skis and skates from childhood, and especially chipped cups, worn-out clothes, broken radios and other things that “it’s a pity to throw away” - this is the source negative energy. Cleansing our home from such energy, from rubbish, we open the doors to happiness, abundance and harmony.
  • Of course, throwing away family jewels and antiques from your own great-grandmothers does not make sense. But if these items cause you unpleasant emotions or memories, you also need to get rid of them (give away, sell, hand over to the salon, etc.). Any old thing is a powerful energy. If you are not sure of its origin and positive history, you should not keep such a thing at home.
  • A fact established by experts: old, superfluous things in the house negatively affect the psyche of household members. Getting rid of rubbish is tantamount to an effective "psychotherapy" that helps relieve tension and protect against depression.
  • Carpets are warm, soft and beautiful. We will not argue. But old carpets in the house (and new ones too) are a source of dust, mites, etc. There are few people who regularly take carpets to dry cleaning, and House cleaning(even the most thorough) does not clean the carpet base 100 percent. What can we say about the walls hung with Soviet carpets - the toxins of modern cities are absorbed into them for years. Get rid of dust collectors! To make it warm, soft and beautiful, today there are underfloor heating, cork floors and other non-hazardous coatings.
  • Old books. Well, of course it's a pity. Stacks of magazines, science fiction, newspapers, books accumulated over decades, which were once "a day with fire", and indeed "it is a sin to throw away books." But! "Library" dust is the strongest allergen, the quality of paper leaves much to be desired, cheap paints and the content of lead in them (in newspapers, magazines) is a poison for the body. If the house does not have a safe, separate place to store such things, take them to the country, give them away or rent them to old book stores.
  • If you have allergies and asthma in your family getting rid of old things is your primary task.

"Sentimental" thing in memory of the past - this is understandable and understandable. A statuette in memory of a grandmother, an old coffee table or a sugar bowl are things that we attach special importance to. Well, do not part with them - and that's it.

But when these memorable “sentimental” things begin to surround you from all sides, fill pantries and suitcases, crawl across kitchen shelves and cabinets, interfering with your desires to “live your own way” (many people know the feeling of guilt - they say, throwing away a box of “Grandma herself”) means It's time to change something in your mind and in life.

How to properly throw away old things - learning to get rid of trash with benefit

  • We sort out the shelves with books. Those books that have any value (old, just dear to the heart), we leave. We sort the rest based on the situation: we transfer children's books, science fiction, detective stories and other readable literature to libraries, we sell books from the Soviet era or rent them out for sale (today there are many opportunities for such a "maneuver" and lovers of the old book), cookbooks from the category of "take meat for 2 rubles ... "we give it away or boldly put it in a box near the garbage heap.
  • Family archive. Well, what mother will raise her hand to throw away old drawings, letters, manuscripts and notes of a child? Preserving such a legacy (for future generations) is not difficult - it is enough to modernize the archive by digitizing all commemorative papers and drawings. The same can be done with boxes of "ancient" video cassettes on which weddings, birthdays and just memorable events are captured - digitize and free up space.
  • Old furniture. There are not so many options: post ads for sale on the Internet, take them to the country, give them to those in need, renew them in a workshop or on their own and give an old chair (for example) a new life.
  • Before throwing an item in the trash, ask about its value. Perhaps this chest of drawers from your grandmother will bring you money for a new refrigerator, and in the stockbook with old stamps there will be rare “papers with native glue”, which collectors have been chasing for many years.
  • Buy new things only after getting rid of the old ones. No need to store a dozen new sets in the closet bed linen, if you still have two dozen old ones there. Or buying a new refrigerator when you have a whole maze of old ones in your hallway.
  • Fold all things from the mezzanine(from the closet, from the pantry) into one pile and sort into “you can’t do without it”, “useful”, “well, why do I need this” and “urgently in the trash”. Get rid of unnecessary junk without hesitation - discipline yourself.
  • A lot of old clothes , which has long gone out of fashion, has become large / small, slightly rubbed, has defects? Wash it, iron it, eliminate defects and take it to a commission shop (second-hand, Internet flea market, etc.). Still, the money was spent, and it's stupid to just throw away things that are still capable of serving someone, and which can still bring a pretty penny.
  • Pay attention - is it possible to update the things that you decide to throw away? For example, do trendy shorts from old jeans, a decorative little thing from old jacket, a masterpiece of painting from an old flowerpot or a hand-made blanket from a blanket that your mother gave you?

We save, save, add up and think that someday it might come in handy. But life passes very quickly .. You need not to regret, but to throw out old things correctly and make room for something new, at least for air ..

There is a law of abundance - for the new to come, you need to get rid of the old. Otherwise, for the new, the Universe does not see a place where you can “send” it.

2. There is a saying in China, "The old will not go away, the new will not come." Old things (trash, garbage) do not allow the life-giving energy of Qi to flow freely, and therefore there can be no talk of any changes in life or new things.

3. Another conclusion: when we put on old thing, or we use fragrances that have not been used for a long time, or we hear music from the past - we are literally taken back to the past. But the fact is that not only emotions appear - old thoughts appear in us, but this is very harmful, because thoughts, as we know, shape life. So we shape life with old thoughts and get not what we want.

4. Holding on to old things with thoughts “What if there is no money to buy a new one, and I will never have this again?”, We resonate with the mentality of the poor and get poverty. If we calmly throw away unnecessary things with the thoughts “I will buy more or the Universe will give me better”, we resonate with the mentality of prosperity and receive wealth.

Over time, a lot of things gradually accumulate in each house. The older its inhabitants become, the more things they "acquire".

The accumulated good is crowded in bedside tables and wardrobes, cluttering up the mezzanines, pantries, balconies, leaving the owners less and less space. But are all these things used, are there any completely unnecessary junk among them, which you can safely get rid of, freeing up the area they occupy and thereby ensuring a more comfortable existence in a house filled with light and air?

Why get rid of unnecessary things?

If from time to time you do not get rid of things that have served their purpose, the house will gradually turn into a junkyard. And its owners will become slaves of this rubbish, forced to move, carry, sort, clean and repair it every now and then. As a result of misunderstood frugality, things begin to own the owners, and not vice versa.

In a house that has become a warehouse of unnecessary things, it is never really clean, no matter how much you clean it. Spread out here and there, they accumulate dust and do not allow for thorough cleaning, which adversely affects the state of health. The clutter of things has a strange feature of growing, like a magnet attracting more and more rubbish to itself.

How to throw old things in the trash

How to throw old things in the trash? The decor in the home largely accurately reflects the thoughts and inner world its inhabitants, it is their original psychological portrait. If the "thoughts-horses" are not ordered, chaotic, if there is no spiritual harmony, a person unconsciously creates around him the usual disorder for him and everyone available means resists harmony.

Usually such people say that they have neither the desire, nor the time, nor the energy to clean. In this case, putting things in order at home, throwing out unnecessary things means streamlining your thoughts and harmonizing the state of your soul.

A huge number of things in a small area (you must admit, not every one of us lives in a mansion of fifteen rooms) crushes, burdens, creates the impression of congestion of space and does not contribute to effective work, beneficial rest, good mood.

The more things in the house, the less space there is for people. The less things, the less problems.

The main and irreplaceable resource in the life of every person is time. And is it worth squandering it on the accumulation of rubbish, which supposedly may ever come in handy, and on a long search for really necessary things lost in its depths? How much useful things could be done if it were not for the constant shifting of the accumulated good and dusting it off!

The accumulation of obsolete and unnecessary things cannot but cause feelings of despondency and psychological discomfort. The owners of the house are often gnawed by the thought that one day it would be necessary to take it all apart and finally put things in order. But I don’t want to take on this, because only shifting and revising all these blockages will take so much time and effort that it’s scary to even start clearing these “Augean stables”.

And so the years of life of some families pass among the rubble of accumulated junk, constant chaos and confusion. Is there a way out of this situation? The answer is obvious: gradually get rid of the unnecessary and put things in order, correctly and conveniently organizing the storage of the remaining necessary things.

Why is it so hard to part with unnecessary things

We hold on tightly to the things around us. We get used to them, they give us a sense of stability and security. Storing them for decades, we are guided by the considerations “what if it ever comes in handy”, “for growth”, “for a rainy day”, “for the time when I lose weight” and consider them “temporarily unnecessary”.

Throw out old stuff

Do I need to throw away old things? So, an out-of-fashion coat or a shabby, but not yet dilapidated fur coat made of zigeyka settles on the shelves and in cabinets for a long time, carpets once obtained with considerable difficulty accumulate dust, obsolete household appliances move to the pantry, broken chairs and bedside tables clutter up the balcony . What until recently was proudly called acquired good, in fact, has already migrated to the category of old junk, which is unlikely to ever be needed.

Oddly enough, the more things in the house, the less they are needed for life. Thrift is good quality, but it is important that it does not reach the point of absurdity, turning into "Plyushkin's syndrome".

Often we leave things feeling nostalgic for the past. School diaries, university notes, Greeting Cards, sent by relatives back in the last century, sleds on which children who have grown up long ago rode, their children's toys, so dear and beloved ... You have left as a keepsake Wedding Dress? Have you ever wondered how much this memory takes up space?

Yes, get rid of the habitual dear to my heart things are not easy. After all, throwing away unnecessary things can be compared with parting with some part of yourself and your life. It is a pity for every rag, every piece of paper, because any of them reminds of some event in life, is associated with a certain history of the appearance of this thing in the house.

Often, people who are prone to "plushinism" experience a huge sense of loss, akin to grief and anxiety, if they lose their accumulated things.

One of the reasons for the reluctance to throw away unnecessary things is disorganization, lack of concentration, mental disorder, which, although not related to medical diagnoses, nevertheless, have a serious impact on a person's well-being. In this case, it is worth analyzing your experiences, fears, memories, getting rid of everything that clutters up the inner world, and the problem of domestic chaos will disappear by itself.

It's a pity to throw away old things

Many people who still decide to sort out the rubble of old things and throw away some of them often have a syndrome called "as soon as I get rid of this thing, I will need it." The amazing thing is that when they reluctantly get rid of some of the junk, through a short time im really sure might urgently
need something from the discarded. There is a feeling that they seem to be connected with the rubbish by an invisible strong thread.

This phenomenon is explained by a subconscious fear that makes us hold onto an object because it seems to us to have some value. It is no coincidence that there is a playful aphorism: "Junk is a thing whose value you understand only when you throw it away."

How to deal with plushkinism in children

The tendency to clutter, like many other inclinations, often originates in childhood. Many children from the age of 4-5 begin to accumulate their children's "treasures". They collect and carefully store boxes, candy wrappers, plastic trifles, pebbles, inserts, stickers and other nonsense, from the point of view of adults, gradually littering their room or corner. This is the first self-acquired property of the child, which he cherishes and is proud of.

If you notice that a child's hoarding is becoming painful and beyond the boundaries of reason, try to deal with the problem in acceptable ways, while instilling in him the habit of putting things in order. At the same time, first of all, the adults themselves should not be "junk dealers", and your house should not be a waste dump.

Do not get angry at the filled "bins", do not offend the child, calling the little things dear to his heart garbage and ordering him to immediately throw everything in the trash. Find a place with your child to store his “wealth” and help sort all the little things into boxes and boxes (pebbles in one box, paper crafts in another, shreds in the third, etc.), which, in turn, place in a bedside table or closet.

During sorting, under the pretext of lack of space in the closet, tactfully offer to get rid of some of the “values”. Never arbitrarily throw away the items accumulated by the child, especially his drawings and crafts: for the baby they are a continuation of himself. Would you like it if someone took care of your things? Would you like to throw away a part of yourself?

From time to time, invite the child to sort out what has been accumulated and conduct an audit with him, urging him to part with part of the “treasures”, motivating him that otherwise there will be no place for new “jewels”.

What is considered unnecessary?

The fight against rubbish comes down, in essence, to just two actions. First - you need to understand that it is he who is in front of you. Secondly, you need to find the strength in yourself to throw him out of the house. And this must be done without a heavy internal struggle, experiencing not the pain of loss, but the joy of liberation, so that not only your house, but also your inner world is cleared of unnecessary things.

Do I need to throw away old things

Do I need to throw out old things and how to separate the necessary things and rubbish? Junk can be very useful and even in some way unique things that are valuable to others, but you do not need at all. For example, trash is an electric waffle iron that you once received as a gift, but you never used it because you are not an avid cook.

You don't need a collection of geological rocks left from your grandfather. Useless should also be recognized those things that, although good, are completely outdated and therefore cannot be used in the future (we are not talking about antiques and family heirlooms). So the rubbish is:

- very good, but obviously unnecessary or hopelessly outdated things;
- things that you have not used in the past few years and even essentially forgot about their existence;

- things that lie dead weight and do not warm the soul, but only cause a desire to remove them away so as not to interfere;
- broken, broken, non-functioning things, as well as those items, some parts of which are lost or lost;
- clothes that either do not suit you or your household as a result of changes in the figure, or do not like it, or are out of fashion.

If you find it difficult to decide whether to part with this or that thing, answer next questions:
When you are in last time did you use this item?
Is this thing necessary?
Do you have the same thing, but more modern?
Do you need two identical things?
What emotions does this thing evoke in you?
Can you painlessly do without this thing?

If you realize that you do not need this thing and will never need it again, get rid of it without regret! If the thing does not call positive emotions, she should not poison your life with her presence in the house. Surrounding things should be your helpers or decoration of your life.

Getting rid of the trash will be more productive if you imagine that you are moving to new house. You will not take all the things with you, but you will start sorting. And if the thing turned out to be not necessary for you, then is it worth keeping it further?

When is the best time to inspect home debris?

Dismantling of household debris should be planned in advance. Mark the expected cleaning date on the calendar. Then you will not only not forget about it, but also be able to prepare for it psychologically. Put things in order in the house at this particular time when you are most efficient, in this case, the likelihood that you will finish what you started is higher.

Don't try to finish cleaning in one go. It's practically impossible. Work no more than two to three hours in a row and be sure to leave at least half an hour to throw away everything you don’t need or put in another place what you have prepared to give away.

Find an attractive reason for sorting through the accumulated good. Maybe you want to fully appreciate the beauty of your newly purchased furniture? Enjoy the cozy atmosphere of a clean kitchen? Or, finally, to host friends in such a way that one would not be ashamed of the eternal bedlam? It will be necessary to take on the dismantling of the rubble even when the accumulated things, instead of pleasant memories, cause only dull irritation due to the need to constantly fight dust.

A good reason to clean the house of unnecessary things can be the birth of a baby, moving to new apartment, as well as repairs, you can even start a small cosmetic one on purpose.

It is appropriate to unload the wardrobe in the off-season, when you somehow remove / take out autumn-winter or spring-summer clothes.

In Italy it is accepted New Year throw trash and old things out of the house. Wonderful tradition, isn't it? A kind of holiday of renewal, a holiday of getting rid of the unnecessary, superfluous, that which makes life difficult. Why not start celebrating it regularly, at least twice a year?

Do not overdo it!

Intending to free the house from this or that thing, first ask your household members if it is worth throwing it away.

This, of course, is not about outright rubbish like dry felt-tip pens or torn socks, but about things that may be of some value to them, for example, an old piano with many keys sinking and which has not been used for its intended purpose for several decades, for a long time Grandma's broken rocking chair, a collection of beer mugs that accumulate an incredible amount of dust, a bunch of computer wires and parts that will most likely never find a use.

How to throw away old things

How to throw away old things? Such things are clearly classified as pseudo-necessary, but your loved ones may not share such an opinion about them. The package you found during the dismantling of the rubble with pieces of iron rusted from old age, cogs, bolts and nuts, collected by your husband who knows where and when, you will consider real rubbish.

But for my husband, this package is a treasure that can no longer be found in any parts store. Is it worth throwing away such a find without thinking? Before giving an unambiguous assessment of things that do not belong to you, listen to the opinion of their owner.

So that cleaning does not turn into a scandal, discuss the fate of the accumulated good in advance and, if your arguments about the need to get rid of it did not convince the household, humble yourself, compromise, because peace and tranquility in the house are more expensive.

When clearing the house of trash, it is important not to go to extremes and get rid of everything that is related to your past. In every house there are things that are dear to the heart. Photos, wedding ring great-grandmothers, great-great-grandfather's onion clock, a box with letters that great-grandfather wrote while at the front, a corner in which you were discharged from the hospital, the first booties of your children ...

Such family heirlooms often have no practical value, but they are filled with some kind of special meaning and have a unique value for you personally, thanks to the stories that they grow over long life in the circle of your family. They unite entire generations with memories of their ancestors, their origins, traditions and help maintain respect for the history of their family.

The desire to preserve something for posterity, to create a home archive is supported by many families, and it is important that it does not grow to the size of a small museum. It is equally important to organize it, store it in a separate closet or bedside table and keep it in order.

When conducting a general home audit, do not throw away those things that give your home originality, coziness and comfort. After all, the atmosphere in the house is made up of little things that do not allow it to turn into a cold, uncomfortable office with perfect order or a faceless budget hotel room.

One last thing: don't try to throw away a lot of things in a short time, otherwise you risk experiencing something like an emotional vacuum.

Clear household rubble gradually and wisely

You need to start cleaning ... with right attitude, if you like, with inspiration! In order for it to visit you, you cannot think of dismantling rubbish as a punishment. Properly organized cleaning can make your home more comfortable and change your life for the better. And for this it is worth the effort.

It is impossible to get rid of everything unnecessary at once, so start small by preparing large garbage or construction bags in advance, where you will put all the accumulated rubbish.

Take a look around your home. Choose one problem area. Where did the most unnecessary accumulate: on the mezzanine, in the wardrobe, on the balcony? This is where the review should start. Next time, go to another part of the apartment. And so on, step by step, until there is nothing left in the house.

All the things that you decide to sort, experts recommend dividing into the following categories:

1.Leave. These are definitely necessary things that you love, often use and cannot do without.

2. Throw away. Without hesitation, everything that is worn out, torn or broken, obsolete, of no material or emotional value should be sent to this package without hesitation.
3. Try to sell. This category can be attributed to the whole, but old furniture used and in working order household appliances, clothes in decent shape, unnecessary dishes, toys, books, collections of coins, stamps, badges, in a word, everything that you no longer need, but can still serve someone else.

You can redeem things that have become superfluous for you with the help of ads in newspapers, via the Internet on popular Internet portals, various communities or online auctions. Selling things involves some trouble, but if they are not a burden to you and the income is worth it, then why not do it.

4. Give to other people. If you don't want to sell things that are quite solid, but you personally don't need, give them to those who need them more. So you give things a second life and experience the satisfaction of helping someone. You can offer them to young parents, students, poor families living in your neighborhood, give to Orphanage, a shelter, a boarding school, a branch of the Red Cross, charitable organizations.

It's a pity to throw away old children's things

Is it a pity to throw out old children's things? Many, without wasting time looking for a potential new owner of this or that thing, carefully put everything superfluous in a bag and put it next to the garbage containers.

Read and unnecessary books, boring films, music CDs, records, cassettes, toys, disliked flowers and empty flower pots with which you are ready to part free of charge, offer relatives and friends, give them to children social centers or libraries, in the end, leave them in your entrance in a conspicuous place, and the one who needs them will pick them up.

5.Take to the cottage. The dacha is often a “lifesaver” that helps to easily and without remorse rid the house of a table that has become unnecessary, curtains that have gone out of fashion, a kettle received as a gift, old jeans, etc. But here it is important not to go to extremes, now littering the dacha itself.

6. Think for a year. This package is for those things that you are not quite sure about. They are recommended to be postponed and removed somewhere far away for a year. After a year, if you have never needed any of these things, you can throw away the whole package without even opening it.

7.Repair. In this bag you need to put broken things that will be quite usable after repair. Set a deadline for their repair. If the thing is still not repaired during this time, most likely you simply do not need it and it's time to get rid of it.

8. Redo. You will need this package only if you want and know how to extend the life of your favorite things by reworking and updating them with new ones. original elements. For many, the “resuscitation” of old things with their own hands is mainly not a necessity due to lack of funds, but a creative need.

If you are fond of sewing and needlework, then it will not be difficult for you to change children's things from adult things; old fur coat change, for example, to fur vest, her sleeves - in fur leggings for shoes, and use the rest of the fur to make a fashionable beret or soft toys. It is enough to show imagination, and you can make a lot of useful and original things from old jeans ...

A home jack-of-all-trades can easily build cozy beds for pets from old suitcases, racks from old cabinets, and a clothes hanger or a bench from a crib ...

As a result of such metamorphoses, you get new stylish things that no one else has, and, importantly, save family budget. In addition, patches, leather scraps, pieces of wood, old magazines, etc. can be useful for making crafts with children in the country on rainy days.

How not to accumulate trash again

1. Always ask yourself the following questions when considering making your next purchase:
Do I really need this item?
- How often will I use it?

Do I already have a similar thing and how is it worse than that which I intend to purchase?
Will this thing make my life more comfortable?
Will life change the worst side if I delay the purchase?
- Where will I keep it?

By honestly answering these questions, you can save yourself from many unnecessary purchases and unnecessary expenses.

2. Having bought a new one, suppose more modern thing, get rid of the similar old one. This tactic gives great results: you keep your belongings under control, you free up space on shelves or in cabinets.

3. Most likely, everyone has clothes or shoes, bought, apparently, at the time of temporary insanity. You come from the store, try on a new thing and are completely disappointed in it. If this happens to you, do not forget about the right of the buyer to exchange and return the goods. Do not be too lazy to get rid of unnecessary things, otherwise it will replenish your bins of unused junk. From small things, mountains of garbage gradually add up.

4. Just before a birthday or holiday, hint or directly tell family and friends about what you would like to receive as a gift. Do not be afraid to seem immodest, on the contrary, by doing this you will only make life easier for donors, and also save yourself the need to store next Christmas candles, symbols of the year, unnecessary household appliances, dishes, etc.

5. Get a few bins or litter boxes and place them in areas where potential trash is likely to accumulate, such as around desk, behind which you work at home, near the sofa, sitting on which you watch TV (read newspapers, knit, do crossword puzzles), in the children's room, etc.

Put in these baskets everything that you do not know where to put or everything that, in your opinion, is still useful, but it is not yet clear where and how. Regularly, say, once a week or a month, ruthlessly discard the contents of the baskets. The really necessary things will already be extracted from it by that time, and everything else is rubbish.

Find the strength in yourself to get rid of the superfluous in a timely manner, and you will see how such a simple action, but such tough decision will change your life for the better.