“Socio-play style of working with children as an effective pedagogical technology. Master class for educators of the preschool educational institution "Games and techniques of socio-gaming technology

The use of socio-gaming technology in working with children of senior preschool age From the experience of the senior teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of 93 General Developmental Kinds" Samarina Olga Anatolyevna and the teacher Butenko Tatyana Stepanovna Komi Republic, Syktyvkar

Essence of socio-play technology Classes are organized as a game-life between microgroups of children (small societies - hence the term socio-play) and simultaneously in each of them. The technology is systematically used both in direct educational activities and in organizing the free activities of children. Purpose: Purpose: Formation of communication skills. Formation of communication skills of communication.

Within the framework of this technology, the following tasks are set: Help children learn to communicate effectively Help children learn to communicate effectively Make the educational process more fun for children Make the educational process more fun for children Promote their active position, independence, creativity Promote their active position, independence, Creativity To cultivate in preschoolers the desire to learn new things. To instill in preschoolers the desire to learn new things.

Movement: Children should be able to move during classes (very typical for a preschooler, he must learn on the move) carpet, in any other place in the group room) The opportunity for children to work in different places in the group, where they decide: at the tables, on the carpet, in any other place in the group room)

Small groups: Combining into small groups of 3-6 people during the frontal conduct of classes 1. Emotional comfort is provided, it is not so scary in the company of a friend. 2. An opportunity is provided to compare one's successes or failures with the successes or failures of a friend; 3. The opportunity to achieve achievements and evaluate oneself and others is provided;

Stages of organizing children's communication within the framework of technology: 1. We teach children the rules of communication, the culture of communication (children learn to negotiate, which means listening and hearing a partner, their own speech develops); 1. We teach children the rules of communication, the culture of communication (children learn to negotiate, which means listening and hearing a partner, their own speech develops); 2. Communication is the goal - the child in practice realizes how he needs to organize his communication in a microgroup in order to complete the learning task; 2. Communication is the goal - the child in practice realizes how he needs to organize his communication in a microgroup in order to complete the learning task; 3. Communication is a pedagogical tool, i.e. Preschoolers learn through communication. 3. Communication is a pedagogical tool, i.e. Preschoolers learn through communication.

Groups of game tasks: Games-tasks for a working mood. Games for socio-playing involvement in the case, during which business relationships are built between the teacher and children, and children with each other. Game warm-ups - are united by their universal accessibility. They are dominated by the mechanism of active and psychologically effective rest. Tasks for creative self-affirmation are tasks, the fulfillment of which implies an artistic and performing result.

Advantages of the socio-play style Relationships: "child - peers" Relationships: "child - peers" The teacher is an equal partner; The teacher is an equal partner; The barrier between the teacher and the child is destroyed; The barrier between the teacher and the child is destroyed; Children are peer-oriented, which means they are not submissive executors of the teacher's instructions; Children are peer-oriented, which means they are not submissive executors of the teacher's instructions; Children are independent and initiative; Children are independent and initiative; Children themselves set the rules of the game; Children themselves set the rules of the game; Children discuss the problem, find ways to solve it; Children discuss the problem, find ways to solve it; Children negotiate, communicate (play the role of both speakers and the role of listeners); Children negotiate, communicate (play the role of both speakers and the role of listeners); Children communicate within microgroups and between microgroups; Children communicate within microgroups and between microgroups; Children help each other and also control each other; Children help each other and also control each other; The socio-play style teaches active children to recognize the opinions of their comrades, and gives timid and insecure children the opportunity to overcome their complexes and indecision. The socio-play style teaches active children to recognize the opinions of their comrades, and gives timid and insecure children the opportunity to overcome their complexes and indecision.

1. One for all and all for one; 2. The captain does not let the team down, and the team does not let the captain down. 3. One team answers, the others listen carefully. 4. When you work, do not interfere with others. 5. Did it yourself, help a friend. 6. The main thing is not to be afraid to prove your case. 7. Know how to accept help. Rules

So: To sum up all that has been said, the main concern of the educator is not to teach the child, not to entertain and not even develop, but to form such a non-didactic concept as friendship. To summarize all that has been said, the main concern of the educator is not to teach the child, not to entertain or even develop, but to form such a non-didactic concept as friendship. E.E.Shuleshko E.E.Shuleshko

We are preschool teachers, very happy people, but do you know why? Because as adults, we continue to live in the world of childhood, in the world of fantasy and discovery, sincerity and kindness, and, of course, games.

The federal state standard for preschool education provides for the implementation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution in activities specific to preschool children, and above all in the game. Focusing on modern requirements in the education system, in pedagogical practice it has become topical use social gaming technology.

Social gaming technologyis a technology for the development of a child in play communication with peers, an essence that its founders A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov, E.E. Shuleshko defined as follows: “We do not teach, but we establish situations where their participants want to trust both each other and their own experience, resulting in the effect of voluntary learning, learning, and training.”

The systematic use of socio-gaming technology, both in the classroom and in the organization of joint, independent activities of children, makes it possible to:

learn to communicate effectively;

make the educational process more fun;

to promote the development of children of an active position, independence, creativity;

instill in preschoolers the desire to learn new things.

Golden Rules of Social Gaming Technology:

Don't teach! This rule sets the goal for the teacher to create situations in which children in small groups learning to acquire knowledge rather than getting ready.

The teacher considers the child as a partner in joint activities, removes himself from the judicial role and transfers it to the children, offers freedom and independence inchoosing ways to acquire knowledge, focusing on the individual discoveries of the child.

133 hares! People say: "If you chase two hares, you won't catch one." But, if according to the socio-game, then the situation is different: “If you chase, then immediately after 133 hares. Then, you see, a dozen and you will catch". In other words, every child in the lesson, in the game, catches his bunny.

When a teacher, without prejudice, admits to children that he himself does not know very well about this or that, this inspires children, destroys the fear of making a mistake. The third golden rule, as E.E. Shuleshko said, not afraid to be

"Ivanushka the Fool"!

The application of this technology is organized in three stages , which are aimed at creating conditions for the development of friendly ties, for communication in a microgroup, through which learning and mutual learning of preschoolers takes place.

The inclusion of communicative games and exercises in the educational process of the preschool educational institution as the first stage in the implementation of socio-game approaches has a positive impact on the development of the children's team and each child individually. During the game, children learn to show care, attention, sympathy for their peers, follow basic rules, hear and listen to others.

You can get acquainted with the card file of communicative games.

Despite the fact that the socio-gaming technology is focused on senior preschool and primary school age, elements of this technology can be used in work with children of primary preschool age.

Here are some examples of the use of communicative games in working with children 3-4 years old. For example, in order to coordinate their own actions with the actions of their peers, games are played“Where we were, we won’t say, but we’ll show what we did”, “We walk around one after another”,

"Forbidden Movement" So in progress
games "Walk around each other" child independently invents movements, and the rest of the children repeat them exactly. Within the framework of socio-gaming technology, this group of games belongs to the games of creative self-affirmation, since it implies an artistically performing result.

Most Effectivegames to createworking spiritin the younger group there were games “I’m sitting, I’m looking at someone”, “Pass a smile”, “It’s boring, it’s boring for us to sit”, and in the older group “Step - clap”, “Change places those who ...”, “Chest” . All of them are valuable in that in a short period of time they allow you to set up pupils for a common cause and create a playful atmosphere.

During the game "It's boring, it's boring for us to sit" children, changing places with each other, not only relieve muscle tension, but also learn to see their peers, be honest, give in to each other.

Game warm-ups- are united by their universal accessibility, quickly emerging gambling and ridiculous, frivolous winnings. They are dominated by the mechanism of active and psychologically effective rest. These are games that require movement: “Tumba, pedestal, where are the keys?”, “We fly, we fly, we fly.” Game warm-ups are aimed at observing the rules of the game, the ability to listen to the signal of the leader (adult or peer). We invite you to watch a fragment of the game"A mosquito sat on a leaf"

The use of socio-gaming technology contributes not only to the realization of the needs of children in movement, but also to the preservation of their psychological health. As a result of this work, curiosity develops in children, shyness is overcome, the level of cognitive and creative abilities increases.

As a result children know how to listen and hear each other, negotiate, defend their position; interact with peers.

IN Everyday life, in games, children are naturally divided into groups where not only personal, but also business communication takes place, which enables children to develop in all respects. The younger preschool age involves grouping into groups of 2 people, the older one - from 3 to 6 people.

The combination of children in small groups is based both on spontaneous associations of children and on the use of special techniques. Combination options may vary. In our practice, we use division into pairs at the request of children, according to cut material (pictures), according to individual objects (toys), united by one name (attribute). Games that can be offered to children at this stage: “Collect a picture”, “Find the same toy”, “Pick a pair by color”, etc. During the task"Collect a picture"children are united in small groups, the subsequent tasks are performed together.

So, for example, the game "Builders" The teams are invited to agree and build a geometric figure from counting sticks, the rest of the groups guess.

The game contributes to the fact that children learn to yield to each other, learn to see their peers, and transfer existing knowledge into practical activities. This task can be part of a lesson in mathematics, design.

Combining in microgroups contributes to the fact that children learn to interact not only on the basis of friendly preferences, but also on a random basis.

So step by step we go tonext stage of work, which involves the organization of educational activities of children as a game-interaction between microgroups of children.

For example, look at the picturein a microgroup, children begin with simple tasks: find all the red objects or count them.

And the most difficult is transformation when the children (group) are invited to turn into a certain fragment of the picture, and everyone else to guess.

The experience of using socio-gaming technology in the educational process is presented at modular seminars, master classes, open classes for students of the state university, educators of preschool educational institutions in Petrozavodsk, students of republican advanced training courses.

Information for cadets is presented.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of socio-gaming technology makes it possible to make the educational process for the child more exciting and interesting. Uniting children for a common cause contributes to effective interaction with each other, which results in the development of children's activity, creativity and independence, because

children listen, do, speak!

Duryagina Galina Petrovna


MBDOU No. 24 combined type


Dear Colleagues! The need to use games in the assimilation of program material is so obvious that it does not need proof. Everyone understands that the game is beneficial for the overall development of the child: it stimulates his cognitive interests, activates his intellectual and creative abilities, gives the children the opportunity to assert themselves and realize themselves, and helps to fill the lack of communication.

However, the inclusion of the game in the course of the lesson is not easy. There are contradictions between educational and gaming activities that teachers must face when introducing gaming teaching methods into the outline of the lesson. I also faced such difficulties. And above all, the fear of turning learning into entertainment, when children and adults can “play too much”.

I tried to conduct classes in an interesting way, using various pedagogical innovations, I also used the game. But the desired results were not fully achieved. And then socio-gaming technology helped to deal with difficulties and increase the educational potential of the lesson."The main concern of educators is not education, not entertainment, not even development, but such an extra-didactic thing as friendship." I would like to believe that in the future these words of the teacher-psychologist E.E. Shuleshko will become significant for every teacher working with preschoolers. Socio-gaming technology directs the educator to find ways to communicate with children, in which tedious coercion gives way to enthusiasm (they first of all educate the child, and then develop it). The correct meaning of socio-play pedagogy is group-play pedagogy. Any children's game should be carried out in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, agreement on the "rights" to make mistakes and the "duties" to hear and see others. The teacher must remember that an adult and a child have the same right to make mistakes. However, practice shows that the activities of many teachers are very declarative: an adult is always right and a child should not argue with him, defending his point of view..

The differences between traditional and socio-play pedagogy, engendered in my mind, developed and approved the ideas of transition from the pedagogy of requirements to the pedagogy of relations, the perception of children, not as an “object”, but as a “subject” of development and education.

Differences between traditional and socio-play pedagogy

Socio-play pedagogy

Traditional Pedagogy

The ability to act at the pace of common work, to hear and see others, to provide timely support to a friend in a game, in a lesson, to be able to bring things to the intended result.

Pupils are cut off from each other, crushed by the demand for programs

Educator and pupil - partners (subject - subject relations)

Diktat of the educator (subject - object relations)

Development of independence

Obedient repetition of wording

Lack of discreteness in the work of the teacher (didactic knowledge is not divided into parts, but intertwined with each other)

The presence of discreteness - didactic knowledge is divided into parts (principles, methods, techniques and results)

Occupation-game - life between microgroups (small societies - hence the term "socio-play")

The lesson does not encourage free creativity and play

The game is present in the life of the child constantly and not only in kindergarten, but also in the classroom in elementary school.

The child should first of all receive new knowledge (classes) and only if there is free time to play

The equality of children and adults is the basis of the socio-game approach. An adult and a child have the same right to make a mistake.

The activities of teachers are very declarative: an adult is always right and a child should not argue with him, defending his point of view.

The basis of socio - game pedagogy is laid down in the words: “We do not teach, but we establish situations where their participants want to trust each other and their own experience, resulting in the effect of voluntary learning, training and learning” (V.M. Bukatov, E .E. Shuleshko).

In order to obtain the expected results, the main goal is organization of children's own activities in an atmosphere of mutual understanding.Own activity is the activity that the child wants to engage in and in which he: does, listens and hears, looks and speaks.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks :

1. To develop in children the skills of elementary self-control and self-regulation of their actions, relationships with others. Remove fear and clamp before the activity.

2. To develop the individuality and ingenuity of children.

3. To form the skill of well-coordinated work in children.

Conditions applications of socio-gaming technology:

1. Studying the works of the creators of socio-gaming technologyV.M. Bukatov and A.P. Ershova

2. Development of a long-term plan

3. Compliance with the options for dividing into groups:

By the color of hair, eyes, clothes;

To have at least one letter in the name the same

Who lives on what floor;

4. The combination of learning with physical activity and a change in scenes, which helps to relieve emotional stress (children not only sit in class, but also get up, walk, clap their hands, play with the ball. They can communicate in different parts of the group: in centers, at tables , on the floor, in your favorite corner).

The socio-game technique involves the integration of areas. This gives a positive result in the field of communication, cognition, emotional and volitional sphere, more intensively develops the intellectual abilities of children in comparison with traditional education, promotes speech, artistic, aesthetic, social, physical development.

5. Change of pace and rhythm

6. The use of games of a diverse nature (which develop attention, phonemic hearing, thinking, the ability to interact with each other.The activity of preschoolers in small groups is the most natural way for them to develop cooperation). The effect of understanding is unpredictable. At any moment of the lesson, any of the children present can descend: "EUREKA!" and then he will make a discovery for himself.

In my work I use different methods activation of mental activity.

I. Methods that increase cognitive activity:

Elementary analysis - a starting point is needed for more complex causal analysis, allowing to consider causal relationships;

Comparison by similarity or contrast: grouping, classification of objects, phenomena, combination of verbal explanation, practical implementation and game motivation.

I propose to a group of equals an interesting case, in solving which, so that there are no those who did not succeed and those who have already done everything a long time ago. Every child feels skillful, knowledgeable, capable here. Children here are either already connected by joint games, knowledge, common life experience and secrets, or these connections are quickly established on their own. All this is a very fertile ground so that knowledge can be transferred to each other, help a friend and support him, there is a desire to act together, and not separately.

II. Methods that cause emotional activity.

Game techniques are used for an imaginary situation:

Surprise moments, elements of novelty that set the child up for learning, sharpen the desire to unravel the secret, solve the riddle;

Inventing fairy tales;

Games - dramatizations;

Humor and jokes.

A combination of various means in one lesson has a strong effect on the feelings of children.

III. Methods that promote the interconnection of different activities and areas.

(For which, at an older age, she developed long-term planning).

Perspective aimed at subsequent activities (the child remembers better the action that remained unfinished, they have a desire to continue it and get a result. Children readily return);


Creating an objective environment - this method helps to improve skills, accumulate sensory experience, and solve cognitive problems.

IV. Correction methods and clarification of children's ideas:





Properly selected task games help to increase the motivation of children to study, gain new knowledge, and explore the unknown.

Game introduction sequence:

A game for a working mood - “Shadow - sweat”, “Stand on your fingers”, “I stand, I look at someone”, “Freeze”, “Magic wand”, “Flies - does not fly”, etc.

Warm-up games - “Two ends, two rings”, “Arms and legs”, “Clockwork men”, Giant dwarfs, etc.

Socio-gaming games - “Compliment”, “Make a word”, “Live alphabet”, etc.

Games of creative self-affirmation - "Bravo", "Scenes-stories", "Animals", etc.

Freestyle games that require movement - “Secret”, “Traps”, “Ring - ring”, “Where we were, we won’t say, but what we did - we’ll show”, “Day and night”, etc.

At the end of my speech, I will briefly dwell on the problems, or, as they say now, the “human factor”. It was difficult for me, as well as for my colleague, to change the manner of teaching to the manner of listening and hearing children, trusting them. To help at their request, and not at will, to give them the right to learn for themselves. Not to be the initiator of everything and everything, but to supplement the initiative of children with your own initiative. Sometimes in class, unexpected improvisations arise "at every turn." There used to be one answer to the child: “We will solve your question after class,” but now I try to hear everyone. With the help of socio-play pedagogy, I overcame my fear of mistakes, leadership, the desire to demonstrate my skills, to be correct and truthful in everything. I know how to play interestingly, so I organize games, invent them, I can remove myself from the role of a judge without giving any instructions, I give children the opportunity to see the difficulties and everyone can cope with them on their own. And it does not matter if something turns out to be unrealized. This is not an indicator of pedagogical incompetence. And as a result of all the “failures” and “program lags”, most often the program material is passed not only qualitatively, but also ahead of schedule!

We have seen this from our own experience. Our pupils already at the beginning of the school year in the senior group are able to:

  • listen and hear each other, negotiate, come to an agreement;
  • children have developed speech interaction;
  • a positive attitude towards the world around, other people, oneself, and peers has been formed;
  • children are able to defend their position, reasonably and kindly object to adults;
  • they have no fear of making a mistake.

Not only the children have changed, we, the educators, have also changed. We try to maintain friendly relations with children, we do not interfere with the exercise of independence, we create conditions for children to communicate with each other. After all, what is communication? This is a union of two souls and children become equal even for a moment. One moment of communication gives more for education than whole hours of teachings. We consider such relationships with peers as the most important and most important thing in the life of children.

"Socio-playing style of working with children as an effective pedagogical technology"

The master class was conducted by a teacher of the first qualification category: Ermolaeva Natalya Zakharovna

The master class was attended by teachers of preschool institutions of the district.

PURPOSE of the master class: training the participants of the master class in the use of socio-gaming technology as part of the educational process in the preschool educational institution.


To acquaint the participants of the master class with the methods and techniques used in socio-gaming technology.

To increase the level of professional competence of teachers, their motivation for the systematic use of socio-gaming technology in practice.

To create conditions for the majority of teachers to acquire their own professional style, which would allow pupils to realize the position of the subject in various activities.

Socio-gaming technology is the development of a child in playful communication with peers.

The relevance of this topic:

Today, for a person to actively participate in the life of society, to realize himself as a person, he must constantly be creative, independent, discover and develop his abilities, continuously learn and improve himself.

Therefore, for education today, more than ever, “the best rule of politics is not to govern too much ...” - i.e. the less we control children, the more active they take in life.

The modern pedagogical technology "Socio-game pedagogy" presented by E. Shuleshko, A. Ershova and V. Bukatov helps us to comply with this statement.

In our pedagogical practice, we use socio-game techniques, exercises aimed at maintaining interest, a friendly attitude of children towards their peers, at activating the independence and initiative of the child, his creative abilities.

Our pedagogical principles coincide with the principles that underlie this technology, and, first of all, the understanding that today it is simply necessary for the teacher to have a new view of the child as a subject (not an object) of education, as a partner in joint activities .

The essence of the socio-playing style of work, its founders E. Ershova, V. Bukatov, was defined by the following wording:

“We do not teach, but we create situations where their participants want to trust both each other and their own experience, resulting in the effect of voluntary learning, learning, and training.”

Following these tips, we organize classes as a game-life between microgroups of children (small societies - hence the term “socio-play”) and simultaneously in each of them;

We systematically use socio-gaming technology both in the classroom and in organizing the free activities of children. This makes it possible to unite children in a common cause or joint discussion of individual work and turning it into a collective one.

Within the framework of this technology, we set ourselves the following tasks:

Help children learn to communicate effectively;

Make the educational process more fun for children;

To promote the development of their active position, independence, creativity;

To instill in preschoolers the desire to learn new things.

Socio-gaming technology is aimed at the development of communication in children, therefore, this technology is based on the communication of children with each other, with an adult.

Studying the works of the founders of socio-game pedagogy, we really liked the laws of communication that they offer:

Do not humiliate the child, do not insult him;

Do not grumble, do not whine, do not grumble;

Know how to find a mistake and have the courage to admit it;

Be mutually polite, tolerant and restrained;

Treat failure as another learning experience;

Support, help to rise and win;

By blowing out someone else's candle, we do not make our own brighter;

Do not exalt yourself above others. Lift up your neighbor;

Children are dreamers: do not take their word for it, but do not ignore their problems.

Communication of children within the framework of this technology will be organized in three stages:

At the very first stage, I teach children the rules of communication, the culture of communication (children learn to negotiate, which means listening and hearing a partner, their own speech develops);

At the second stage, communication is the goal - the child realizes in practice how he needs to organize his communication in a microgroup in order to complete the learning task;

At the third stage, communication is a pedagogical tool, i.e. through communication I teach preschoolers.

Pros of the socio-play style:

Relationships: "child-peers";

The teacher is an equal partner;

The barrier between the teacher and the child is destroyed;

Children are peer-oriented, which means they are not submissive executors of the teacher's instructions;

Children are independent and initiative;

Children themselves set the rules of the game;

Children discuss the problem, find ways to solve it;

Children negotiate, communicate (play the role of both speakers and the role of listeners);

Children communicate within the microgroup and between microgroups;

Children help each other and also control each other;

The socio-play style teaches active children to recognize the opinions of their comrades, and gives timid and insecure children the opportunity to overcome their complexes and indecision.

The principles that guide us in working with children using socio-gaming technology:

The teacher is an equal partner. He knows how to play interestingly, organizes games, invents them.

Removing the judicial role from the teacher and transferring it to children predetermines the removal of the fear of error in children.

Freedom and independence in the choice of knowledge, skills and abilities by children. Freedom does not mean permissiveness. This is the subordination of their actions to general rules.

Change of mise-en-scene, that is, the situation when children can communicate in different parts of the group.

Focus on individual discoveries. Children become accomplices in the game.

Overcoming difficulties. Children are not interested in what is easy, and what is difficult is interesting.

movement and activity.

The life of children in small groups, mostly sixes, happens in fours and threes.

The principle of polyphony. You chase after 133 hares, you look, and you catch a dozen.

The use of socio-gaming technology contributes to the realization of the needs of children in movement, the preservation of their psychological health, as well as the formation of communication skills in preschoolers.

As a result of this work, curiosity develops in children, cognitive needs are realized, children get acquainted with the different properties of surrounding objects, with the laws of nature and the need to take them into account in their own life, shyness is overcome, imagination, speech and general initiative develop, the level of cognitive and creative abilities increases. .

1. Task games for a working mood.

2. Games for socio-playing involvement in the case, during the implementation of which business relationships are built between the teacher and the children, and the children with each other.

3. Game warm-ups - they are united by their universal accessibility, quickly emerging gambling and funny, frivolous winnings. They are dominated by the mechanism of active and psychologically effective rest.

4. Tasks for creative self-affirmation are tasks, the fulfillment of which implies an artistic and performing result.

During the practical part of the master class, the participants played various games and game exercises from the above groups.

Questions for reflection:

1. How did you feel in the position of the trainees?

2. In connection with this, what discoveries, conclusions did you draw for yourself?

3. What distinguishing features of socio-play technology from traditional forms of work with children have you noted?

4. Have you become interested in using social gaming technology in practice?

"Golden Rules" of socio-gaming technology

(according to V.M. Bukatov)

1 rule: work is used in small groups or as they are also called “peer groups”.Optimal, for productive communication and development, are associations in small groups at a younger age in pairs and triples, in the older 5-6 children. The activity of preschoolers in small groups is the most natural way for them to develop cooperation, communication, and mutual understanding.

By the color of hair, eyes, clothes;

To have at least one letter in the name the same

Who lives on what floor;

Even-odd, one-digit-two-digit apartment number;

Find something identical on whole and diverse postcards and, according to this “same”, will unite in triplets;

Who came to kindergarten today by car, and who came on foot, etc.

Rule 2: "Change of leadership."It is clear that work in small groups involves collective activity, and the opinion of the whole group is expressed by one person, the leader. Moreover, the children themselves choose the leader and he must constantly change.

Rule 3: training is combined with physical activity and a change of sceneswhich helps relieve emotional stress. Children not only sit, but also get up, walk, clap their hands, play with the ball. They can communicate in different parts of the group: in the center, at tables, on the floor, in their favorite corner, in the reception area, etc.

Rule 4: Change of pace and rhythm. Time limits help to change the pace and rhythm, for example, with the help of hourglasses and regular clocks. Children have an understanding that each task has its own beginning and end, and requires a certain concentration.

Rule 5 - socio - game methodology involves the integration of all types of activities,which meets modern requirements. Learning takes place in a playful way, for this you can use various games that develop attention, phonemic hearing, thinking, the ability to interact with each other: “Hearing”, “Relay”, “I am not responsible for myself”, “Magic wand”, “Cities with an unheard-of”, etc.

Rule 6: focus on the principle of polyphony: "You chase 133 hares, you look and you catch a dozen."It is more interesting for a child to acquire knowledge together with his peers, he is more motivated. As a result, all children discover new knowledge for themselves, only someone more, someone less.

games card file,

aimed at developing the socialization of children

senior preschool age.

"The Snow Queen"

Purpose: to develop the ability to give a benevolent assessment to another person.

Stroke: The teacher suggests recalling the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" and says that she has a suggestion: Kai and Gerda grew up and made magic glasses through which one could see all the good that is in every person. The teacher offers to “try on these glasses” and look carefully at each other, trying to see as much good in everyone as possible and talk about it. The adult first puts on the "glasses" and gives a sample description of two or three children. After the game, the children talk about what difficulties they experienced as observers, how they felt. The game can be played several times, noting that each time the children managed to see more good things.

Option. You can invite the whole group to “put on glasses” and take turns looking at each participant in the game.


Purpose: to develop the ability to establish "feedback" when interacting with other people.

Progress: Four children - "signalmen"; the rest are observers; educator - the sender of the telegram; one child is its recipient. Signalers and the recipient of the telegram go out the door. The teacher invites one signalman and reads the text of the telegram to him once. The first signalman, in order to better remember the text, can ask clarifying questions. Then he invites the second signalman and gives him the text he heard; the second to the third; the third to the fourth; the fourth is for the recipient. The recipient retells what he heard to the observers and asks: did he understand everything correctly?

Sample text. I'm leaving on flight 47. Meet me at 13.00 Moscow time. Don't forget candy and flowers. See you. Your friend.


"A toy shop"

Purpose: development of the ability to understand each other, removal of mental stress, fear of social contacts, communicative shyness.

Progress: children are divided into two groups - "customers" and "toys". The latter guess what kind of toy each of them will be, and take poses characteristic of them. Customers come up to them and ask: what are these toys? Each toy, having heard the question, begins to move, performing actions characteristic of it. The buyer must guess which toy is shown to him. The unwilling one leaves without a purchase.


"Bridge of Friendship"

Purpose: development of empathy in emotionally fenced off and selfish children, overcoming indecision, stiffness in shy children.

Stroke: The teacher shows the children a ruler and tells one of them: “This is the bridge of friendship. Let's try to hold the bridge with our foreheads. At the same time, we will say something pleasant to each other. ” The game can be played in the form of competitions, the pair that lasts longer than the others wins. You can use a stopwatch.



Purpose: development of sustainable interest in peers.

Stroke: Playing children sit in a semicircle so that they can see each other well. According to the counting rhyme, the leader is selected (for the first time there may be a teacher), he chooses one of those sitting to describe and turns his back to them and says into the “microphone”: “Attention! Attention! A girl (boy) is lost ... (gives a description of one of the children). Let her (he) come to the announcer. All children, according to the description, determine who they are talking about. Then the role of the announcer is played by the child who was described.

This game will help children to establish contact with each other in a team, will contribute to the ability to listen to the opinions of others, to form a positive attitude towards peers.



Purpose: to develop the ability to establish positive relationships with other people.

Move: In order to play this game, we need to split into two teams. To do this, I have split pictures, each take one piece of the picture for yourself. Your task is to collect a picture, find a place for your team. Next, the teacher offers the children an imaginary situation: they go on vacation without adults. The day before, they themselves fold their suitcase. In order not to forget anything, you need to make a list of the necessary and what will help you quickly get to know other children. The list must be compiled using diagrams, drawings, icons.

Teams need to prepare materials, discuss and sketch what they need to take for the trip. To do this, you have 10 minutes (an hourglass is set). After the time has elapsed, the host offers to exchange lists - sketches and guess what the other team takes with them on a trip.

Organizing this game, we used the rules of socio-gaming technology: work in small groups, change of leader, change of scenes, integration of activities (socialization, communication, productive, search, etc.).



Purpose: development of empathy and creativity in communication, the ability to anticipate the desires of another, to assert one's positive "I".

Move: In order to start playing this game, you need to split into two teams. To do this, I propose to stand in a semicircle according to the numbers of the houses in which you live, in ascending order (the players stand up), and now pay for an apple - an orange. All the "apples" stand in the inner circle, and all the "oranges" in the outer circle. Children form two circles and move to the music, in a circle, in opposite directions. On a signal, they stop, join hands with a peer standing opposite and turn to face each other. Task: First, the children from the outer circle think to themselves what they would like to receive as a gift, and the children from the inner circle guess. If the child guesses, the guesser gives him a token, if not, he gives his own. Each player has 3 tokens. We play 3 times, then count the tokens.


I. Work Mood Games

"Riddle Letters"

1. "Letter in the air." Children choose a leader. He, standing with his back to the players, writes a large letter in the air, the rest guess. Letters can be written with a hand, shoulder, head, leg, knee, etc., in a mirror image.

2. "Letter-dance". A group of children, holding hands, follow the leader in a round dance-snake and write down the letter that he thought of. The rest guess the letter.

3. "We build letters." A group of children “builds” a conceived letter out of themselves like a frozen living pyramid, the rest guess, write down, sketch. "Riddle letters" can be short riddle words (cat, poison, mustache, catfish, chorus)



The teacher (child) beats out a simple rhythmic pattern with claps. “Echo” on a signal (by look or others) repeats the rhythm with claps (by stomping, beating the table with palms, etc.) Option: pronunciation of syllables, words, phrases, reading aloud. The speaker (reader) pronounces - those who play “echo” repeat muffledly, but in exactly the same way as the author said.


"Magic wand"

The “magic wand” (pen, pencil, etc.) is transmitted in random order, the transmission is accompanied by a speech according to a predetermined order-rule.


The transmitter calls the noun, the receiver - the adjective to it;

The transmitter calls the fairy tale, the receiver - a character from this fairy tale, etc.

If the receiver does not answer, the "wand" returns to its original position or changes the receiver. Children agree on the condition of the transfer:

Look into each other's eyes

Get up if you agree with the statement of the host

The transmitter is selected one at all, the wand is returned to him


"Intact Phone"

Children pass the word to each other in a whisper in the ear, the children "catch" the word by ear. The success of the transfer is assessed by the signs: “they didn’t catch” the word, all the players participated in the transfer, the last one “received” the word transmitted by the first player.

Options :

Word, difficult word, phrase, full name, tongue twister (counter), foreign word

Two telephone lines (relay race): fast undamaged phone.


"Flies - does not fly"

The teacher calls nouns, the children perform the given movements

(airplane - clap or wave their hands, closet - do nothing or press their hands along the body). Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The speech therapist selects words for inanimate, animate objects: a tit, a fly,

TU-134, crane, mosquito, rocket, parachutist, ostrich, acrobat, poplar fluff. Options: grows - does not grow, moves - does not move, more - less, living - inanimate, etc.


II. Games to get involved


The teacher (leading child) beats out a simple rhythmic pattern with claps. "Echo" on a signal (by look or others) repeats the rhythm with clapping (stomping, beating the table with palms, etc.). The speaker (reader) pronounces - those who play “echo” repeat muffledly, but in exactly the same way as the author said.

Option: pronunciation of syllables, words, phrases, reading aloud.


"Dispute with pretexts"

The teacher invites the children to play a dispute in the picture between 2-3 groups: between a preposition and words (1 gr. - girl V coat, 2 gr. - girl V boots, 3 gr. - girl V forest); between different prepositions: 1 gr. - book on table, 2 gr. - book under lamp, 3 gr. - book at me, 1 gr. - book above floor, 2 gr. - book V room, 3 gr. - book before eyes, etc.). Children perform tasks one by one from the group, in order (relay). Each utterance is linked to the previous intonation. disputing or confirming intonation.


"Story-drawing about what I see"

The teacher (leading child) asks the children to describe in words what is behind him (use epithets, comparisons). The educator (child) finds an object or situation according to the description (outside the window, in the office, in the group, etc.). Descriptions should be clear, concise, and coherent.


"Make a Word"

Children play in the formation of words from syllables, determine words by syllable. The game consists in creative attempts to compose various combinations, in collecting, reading words for speed. Children connect syllabic cards, read, write down words. The one who collects the most words wins.

Option: make words from the letters (syllables) of one long word.



All participants in the game perform a series of movements synchronously:

Clap your hands in front of you

Both hands clap on the knees (right hand - on the right, left - on the left)

Throw right hand up to the right, snapping fingers

Throw your left hand up to the left, snapping your fingers

Option :

Change the pace of movement

Enter speech accompaniment


"Punctuation marks"

The teacher invites the children to voice punctuation marks, distinguishing interrogative intonation from affirmative, exclamatory, narrative in this sentence (A Christmas tree was born in the forest:!,?,.).

Option: non-reading children are offered picture material, tongue twisters, lines of a poem (symbols).


III. Warm-up games


The players sit (on chairs, on the carpet). The teacher (child) claps 1 time - a command to the hands (raise, lower, on the belt, behind the head, etc.), claps 2 times - a command to the legs (stand up, sit down, cross, etc.).

The sequence of movements (claps), the pace may vary.


"Clockwork Men"

The teacher offers the children pictures-symbols (clockwork men who do exercises). Each pose has its own number. Children, looking at the card, perform the exercise, repeating the movements several times.


Performing exercises for counting, for clapping - changing movements,

Change the pace of execution,

Performing in pairs, triples, standing in a line, in a row, in a semicircle, etc.


"On the 5 senses"

Children think of a situation, depict it according to a given "ticket": drawn (nose, eye, mouth, ear, fingers) or written. The teacher during the game pays attention to the work of each of their senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, which are manifested in human behavior. At the first stage, play one sense organ each, at the second - 2 each, 3 each, at the third - all 5 (a scene-story about a character in circumstances).


Live a piece of fictional history with a character and circumstances,

Complication - comparison of characters (dwarf - giant, Thumbelina - Karabas Barabas, mouse - bear).


"Words with one letter (sound)"

The game begins with the words "Here around us ..." or "I see ...", "They loaded onto the ship ...". Children call (write, read) words for a given sound (letter). The task is carried out in small groups. The players count which group named how many words, and determine the winner


"Catch the animal"

The players take turns taking "tickets" with the task of whom they should catch (a grasshopper, a butterfly, someone else's cat, their own kitten, etc.). The player completes the task, the rest stand up if the transformation has taken place and the “little animal has been caught”. The teacher asks to name the “guessed” animal and compares it with the task in the “ticket”.

Option: completing the task in pairs, triplets, etc.


IV. Games for creative self-assertion

"Poems by roles"

For the game, the teacher selects dialogues from the poems of Chukovsky, Marshak, Barto, Zakhoder, Mikhalkov, Kharms. The players pronounce the text in different voices, intonation, using different images (costumes), decoration elements. Children discover for themselves different interdependencies between the final result, the text, the idea, the methods of execution.


"Set Words"

The teacher offers the children a text that needs to be justified (construct a situation in which the text is pronounced, invent the characters involved in the situation, determine the behavior of the speaker and listeners, understand the nature of the pronunciation of words). Start the game with everyday common phrases (Don't do this, please!), Move on to literary ones (replicas from fairy tales, poems, fairy tale plays, etc.).


The player must pronounce the “given word (s)”, finding a suitable goal, motive, choosing, inventing to whom and why it can be said (FIRE, NO, DAY PASSED, etc.),

The same player performs the task in different ways, justifying the pronunciation of the given words.


"Body in action"

The teacher invites the children to come up with a certain pose (photo) of some business (I look at a picture, read, do articulatory gymnastics, etc.). The player demonstrates his “photo”, the rest guess, comment, show guesses-actions, compare “photos”.


Complete the "photo" with your understanding

Show "photos" before and after what was planned

Each "case" requires a very specific "body". All muscles, from the direction of the gaze to the shift of the center of gravity, from the muscles of the face to the position of the legs, are determined in their own way, depending on what and how this or that child is engaged. The meaning of the game is to establish


"Phrase with given words"

The teacher calls a set of words (ladder, man, clock). Children make up a sentence using intonation (terrible sentence, fabulous sentence, etc.) It is allowed to change words by case, word order.


"Assemble Dialogue"

The teacher invites the children to remember the heroes of familiar fairy tales, phrases from these fairy tales. Children agree among themselves who will pronounce a line for which hero, determine the sequence (in a group of players a certain plot arises with characters, characters, dialogues). It is better to start the game with one replica (phrase), gradually bringing the dialogues up to 3-5.


V. Freestyle games (in the wild)

"Crow Sparrows"

The players are divided into 2 teams, stand opposite each other (team "Sparrows", team "Crows"). The team that the teacher calls

(leading child) - catches, the other - runs away. They catch and run away to a certain line (2-3 steps behind the standing team). The teacher (child-leader) speaks slowly: “Wo-o-o-ro-o-o-o-o ...”. At this moment, everyone is ready to run away or catch (this moment of contradictory readiness, the initial mobilization of each player is especially important). After a pause, the teacher (leading child) finishes: “... us! (... beat!). The players run away - they catch up.


A “stop-freeze” complication is introduced: the children are divided into pairs and agree on who is the “sparrow”, “crow” in the pair. Children on the playground are arranged randomly. On command: "Crows!" The "crow" catches up with the "sparrow" until the command "Stop!" or "Freeze!" Late pairs are out of the game (even if one of the pair complied with the rule)


“The day comes - everything comes to life, the night comes - everything freezes”

The teacher (leading child) says “The day is coming - everything comes to life”, the players move randomly around the site (run, dance, jump, catch up with each other). When the teacher (leading child) pronounces the second part “Night is coming - everything freezes”, then the players stop in bizarre poses. At the choice of the host, some players “come to life” with an invented movement (jump, dance, run).


Using any of the "Day comes - everything comes to life" moves

Use of purposeful movements “The day comes - everything comes to life” (harvesting, anthill, railway, swimming)


"Words with one letter (sound)"

The game begins with the words "Here around us ..." or "I see ...", "They loaded onto the ship ...". Children call (write, read) words for a given sound (letter). The task is carried out in small groups. The players count which group named how many words, and determine the winner.


"I love - I don't love"

Children stand in a circle. The teacher (or leading child) passes the ball clockwise and says:"I don't like it when kids fight", the next one should offer his own version"I do not like, …". Anti-clockwise game continues"I love, …"


"Stand on your fingers"

The teacher (child) becomes his back to the children, shows the number on his fingers and slowly counts to 5, after the word “freeze” there should be as many children as there were fingers shown.



Players stand in pairs facing each other. One of the partners is a "mirror",

the other is standing in front of him. The "mirror" should repeat the movements.


the educator (child) plays the role of standing in front of the mirror, the players are “fragments of the mirror”, reflecting it

- "reflected" facial expression, mood (gloomy, joyful, offended)

………………………………………………………………………………………………… February 15, 2012 at 10.30 o'clock.

Location:MBDOU Berezovsky DS "Semitsvetik".

Members: preschool educators.

Subject: " Presentation of the accumulated material according to the FGT to the mandatory part of the OOP DO. Socio-game activity».

Develop children's play activities; to attach to the generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers; develop the ability to create groups of several figures, transferring proportions.

Preliminary work:Reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky, participation in the competition "... ..", preparation for the play "Fly-Tsokotuha", dramatization of the works of K.I.

Material and equipment:plasticine, natural material, illustrations for the works of K.I. Chukovsky: "Doctor Aibolit", "Fly-Tsokotuha", "The Stolen Sun", 3 sheets of white cardboard, cards with excerpts from the works of K.I.

Lesson progress:

Children enter the group, greet guests.

Educator: Is everyone comfortable? Can everyone see everything?

Will we play with you?

Game: "Man to man"

Educator: Ready for work? Working mood?

Well done!

You have already guessed that our lesson today is dedicated to the work of K.I. Chukovsky.

To continue the lesson, we need to divide into teams, for this we will play. Game: "Mushrooms and basket"

Children find their commands.

They get the job and get to work.

Finger game:"Fingers fell asleep"

Fingers fell asleep

Curled into fists.

One two three four five -

They wanted to play.

Woke up the neighbors house

There woke up six and seven.

Eight nine ten -

Have fun ace.

But it's time to go back everyone:

Ten, nine, eight, seven.

Curled up six,

Five yawned and turned away.

Four, three, two, one -

Again in the house we sleep.

At the end of the work, the children invite guests to look at their work.

Say goodbye to guests.





Check-in, registration.


Shromova O.A.

10.45- 10.55

Introductory reflection

Assembly Hall

Shromova O.A.


Open lesson.

Topic: “My K.I. Chukovsky"

Target: The development of speech activity,creativity, independence, initiative children through social gaming activity.


  1. develop a free style of communication with peers in various types of children's activities;
  2. to develop the collective creativity of children through productive activities;
  3. cultivate friendships between children.



Ermolaeva N.Z.


  1. Introspection.
  1. Presentation "Socio-game style of working with children as an effective pedagogical technology"
  2. Master Class

Target : training the participants of the master class in the use of socio-gaming technology as part of the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

Tasks: 1. To acquaint the participants of the master class with the methods and techniques used in socio-gaming technology.

2. To increase the level of professional competence of teachers, their motivation for the systematic use of socio-gaming technology in practice.

3. To create conditions for the majority of teachers to acquire their own professional style, which would allow pupils to realize the position of the subject in various activities.

Assembly Hall

Ermolaeva N.Z.

Malacheva I.M.


FGT: Presentation of the development of the content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of educational areas by children based on the integration and psychological support of children of all age groups.

Uminova A.A.

Shromova O.A.

12.15 –


Final reflection

Assembly Hall



Assembly Hall



in preschool

The most important condition for the activity of the teaching staff is the mandatory use in

directly educational activities

health-saving technologies.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies is

to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of preschool childhood, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to develop the ability to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Socio-game pedagogical technologies turn out to be

invaluable in addressing this issue.

After all, the most important component of these technologies

ismotor activity and

communication skills and abilities.

Socio-gaming technology is development

child in play communication with peers.

The use of socio-gaming technology contributes to the realization of the needs of children in movement, the preservation of their psychological health, as well as the formation

communication skills in preschoolers.

Socio-play pedagogy, or socio-play learning style, or mood pedagogy is based on the principle of organizing classes

as games - life between microgroups of children (small societies).

In microgroups, children are either already connected by joint games, common life experience, or these connections are independently quickly

are installed. And all this is fertile ground so that knowledge can be transferred to each other, help a friend and support him.

Basic conditions

Movement - under any pretext.

So that they can move, negotiate, assume and dispose, and understand in their own way. To save every child as a personspeaking (to other people)listening (other people),current (along with others).

Work in small groups of 3-6 people

In all activities go from the possibilities


Open a wide path to the game.

Do not impose your ideas on children, but

create conditions for children to speak

own ideas.



The teacher is an equal partner. He knows how to play interestingly, organizes games, invents them.

Removing the judicial role from the teacher and transferring it to children predetermines the removal of the fear of error in children.

Freedom and independence in the choice of knowledge, skills and abilities by children. Freedom does not mean permissiveness. This is the subjugation of

actions to the general rules.

Change of mise-en-scene, that is, the situation when children can communicate in different parts of the group.

Focus on individual discoveries. Children become accomplices in the game.

Overcoming difficulties. Children are not interested in what is easy, and what is difficult is interesting.

movement and activity.

The life of children in small groups, mostly sixes, happens in fours and threes.

The principle of polyphony. You chase after 133 hares, you look, and you catch a dozen.

Socio-game methodology involves

area integration.

This gives a positive result in

areas of communication, knowledge,

emotional-volitional sphere, more

intensively develops intellectual

children's ability compared to

traditional education, promotes

speech, artistic and aesthetic, social, physical development.

Game task groups

1. Task games for a working mood.

2. Games for socio-game involvement in the case, during

the execution time of which are lined up business

relationships between teachers and children and children with each other


3. Game warm-ups - united by their universal

accessibility, rapidly emerging excitement and

funny, frivolous win. In them

dominated by the mechanism of active and psychological

effective rest.

4. Tasks for creative self-assertion are

tasks that require

artistic performance.

Views of traditional pedagogy

Views of social gaming technology

1. Teachers in the classroom strive to achieve a scientific result.

1. Teachers in class recreate life.

2. Evaluation of the teacher - "good - not good", "right - wrong".

2. The child is able to evaluate himself by his own efforts.

3. Reliance on discreteness

Goal - tasks - methods - result

3. The principles intersect like fibers that make up a thread.

4. The teacher as a "judge"

4. The teacher as an "advisor"

5. The main positive qualities of children: obedience,

performance, non-conflict, accuracy

5. The main qualities of children: - the development of self-awareness;

The ability to compare their knowledge with the knowledge of other children;

Helping each other and accepting it when needed;

Speech training, development of attention, ability to hear,

remember what they heard, the ability to work together to solve problems,

to discuss various issues, to follow the progress of the common cause.

6. The teacher in the position "above", "beside". Children look at the teacher as the main source of censure and encouragement.

6. The teacher takes a position "next to", "together".

7. Friendships, propensity to play together and act is not the subject of purposeful

education but is evaluated positively.

7. Particular attention is paid to the development of communication skills.

8. Organization of classes using socio-game techniques

8. Organization of the lesson as a game - life between groups and

each of them at the same time.

9. The teacher does not go beyond the intended.

9. The teacher must come from the children.

10. Children work for a teacher.

10. Children work for themselves


Development of interaction "Child - child",

"Child - parent", "Child - adult" to ensure mental well-being.

· Correction of impulsive, demonstrative, protest, aggressive, conformal behavior.

· Formation of skills of friendly communicative interaction.

· Solving the problems of social "hardening".

· Creation of conditions for the development of personal qualities and abilities of all subjects of the open educational space.

Development of full-fledged interpersonal communication skills that help the child understand himself.


Collective affairs, work in small groups in the classroom, training on the ability to negotiate.

· Games with rules, competition games, dramatization games, role-playing games, director's game.

· Receptions socially directed on creation of a situation of success and comfort.

Fairy tale therapy.

· A method of creating problem situations with elements of self-assessment.

· Trainings.


Health development technologies

Finger gymnastics.

· Gymnastics for the eyes.

· Breathing exercises.

Articulation gymnastics.

· Musical-breathing trainings.

· Dynamic pauses.


Art therapy.

Fairy tale therapy.

Movement therapy.

· Music therapy.

· Color therapy.

sound therapy

sand therapy.

It is more interesting for a child to acquire knowledge together with his peers, he is more motivated. As a result, all children discover new knowledge for themselves, only someone more, someone less. One of the authors of this socio-play technology, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bukatov, says: “Socio-play pedagogy has a cunning style. The main thing in it is the resuscitation of one's own intuition ... The socio-playing style is to make the direction of the lesson so that the heart rejoices both in oneself and in all participants. Any live work can be called a work in a socio-play style ... ".

The main task that teachers of a preschool institution for children must solve is to eliminate (partially or completely) a speech defect as a result of the use of socio-gaming technologies and prepare the child for successful schooling.


1. A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov / Pocket Encyclopedia of Socio-Game Teaching Techniques for Preschoolers: Reference and Methodological Guide for Kindergarten Educators and Preparatory Groups / - St. Petersburg: Educational Projects; M: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2008.

2. A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov / Return to talent / - St. Petersburg: Educational projects; M: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2008.