before going to university. List of the most basic things in the wardrobe of a modern student

E. Kovaleva, 01 November 2016

All newly enrolled, or students who have been studying for more than a year, must understand that the university is actually a job. It has its own dress code and unspoken (in most cases) rules for choosing clothes for study.

The way you look within the walls of the university will become the key to the attitude of teachers towards you, show your seriousness and responsibility (and vice versa). It is important to dress for the university not only appropriately, but also to show your taste, style and personality. This is much more important than you think!

And there is, of course, one big BUT! It is quite difficult for a student to choose an outfit for himself due to a limited budget. So first, update your wardrobe with basic clothes, and then just add different accessories to your look. Make a list of necessary things, calculate the budget for them, find the clothes that suit you and emphasize your style.

How to dress for university?
Let's do stylish look for a guy in steps!

Menswear is becoming more diverse every year, but you can always look good with just a few basic items in your closet for all occasions.

To get started, choose a style that will be most comfortable for you (urban, classic, sporty, casual, derby, indie, preppy, etc.).

To do this, look at the latest magazines, articles on the net, mark a few of your favorite looks, and then go to the store - just measure!

As soon as you decide on the main style, think about what you can bring to it that would reflect your uniqueness, character.

Try to have in your wardrobe things of different styles, different brands.

Remember that you do not need to immediately update the entire wardrobe. Review the things you already have in your closet. Perhaps there are standing basic wardrobe items, or accessories.

In order to always look great, you do not need to have a lot of things. Enough 20-30 of these, which can be combined with each other in various combinations. The basic things include:

Jeans and trousers
. Collared shirts.
. T-shirts
. Jumper and/or cardigan
. Shoes and casual shoes
. Jacket or jacket.
. Coat.
splurge on good jeans and trousers. Undoubtedly, jeans are the most versatile piece of clothing in your wardrobe. Choose the model that fits you perfectly. For the university, jeans of a classic cut are suitable, black, blue, gray in winter, light blue and beige in summer.

Find denim trousers. If they sit well on you and do not fit your legs too much, they will, perhaps, become the most the right thing in your wardrobe.

You will need good shoes. It should be attractive, fashionable, and always (!) clean. A man's shoes reflect his taste more than any other piece of clothing, and nothing reflects so badly on a man's style as shoes that are not polished or torn. The condition of your boots tells others about your ability to handle details.

The colors in the wardrobe should suit you, match the color type (skin, hair, eye color). Yes, the blonde bright eyes better fit light colors, and people of other ethnic groups will look best in basic browns, greys, blacks and other colors.

If you wear glasses and don't want to switch to lenses, opt for a wider, more masculine frame. Properly selected glasses will complement the image, make you courageous and stylish.

Don't wear camouflage to school. It's a bad sign ;)

Don't wear sleeveless clothes to college. It is considered beach, and is appropriate, in principle, only at home, in gym, or on the beach.

Keep proportions: tight pants- a tight shirt, and vice versa. The proportion should be 1:1, and nothing else.

About shorts. Guys don’t wear shorts to classes at the institute even in the worst heat. Replace them with cotton, or just light-colored trousers.

Wear a belt. To start, buy 2 belts: 1 black and 1 brown. Spend money on good leather belts, fabric ones look much worse. The belt should fit well: be in size in volume, fit in width to the loops of the trousers, should not hang out Classic belt should be about 2.5-3.5 cm wide, be slightly lowered and fit under the shoes.

Take a shower every day. And people will be attracted to you ;)

Buy some shirts different colors, For different situations. Never buy synthetic shirts! Buy a pair of polo shirts for the summer - they suit most guys.

You have to be careful with t-shirts. This is still a sporty informal style. For study, it is better to choose T-shirts without a pattern, not in bright colors. They should fit you in style and be combined with other things in your wardrobe.

Winter - if it's not too cold, buy a double-breasted pea coat, a few sweaters that match collared shirts (look for stylish cardigans or V-neck sweaters).

Plan in advance what you will wear tomorrow to look neat and tidy, wash and iron things on time.

Remember, study is study, but fashion and style are necessary and important. To make and maintain a good impression at the university, dress appropriately for college. It gives you confidence, helps you achieve your goals, and allows you to just be yourself.

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Well, freshmen, waited for September 1?! Now you are full representatives of a special social group- students. And in order to remain students for another five years, but, we recommend winding up on your mustache or what you are winding up on the advice of senior comrades.

Features of the educational process, or why a university is not a school

  1. Remember, student main thing that distinguishes a university from a school: your diploma is your problems. Yes, we know that in schools everywhere they pull threes to hominids who have not even reached the level of an erectus. Because teachers, head teachers and directors, firstly, rivet reports on the progress of the school population, and secondly, they receive loot for each ram from the school herd. high school it is not for nothing that they call it a "sump" and a "corral", in which teenagers are kept until the army, so that they do not roam the streets. Are you used to being pulled by the ears? Forget it.

Universities are mercilessly expelled and erectus, and Neanderthals, and even some under-evolved Cro-Magnons. Because age already allows you to fuse them into the army! Or send goods to be laid out on supermarket shelves. Moreover, the most powerful flow of those expelled merges into the sewer after the first semester.

University teachers are deeply violet, whether you will crawl to a diploma. No one will run after you with requests to finally pass the test. And parents will not be called to the dean's office.

Hack on the nose: a university is not a school! You have grown up!

  1. But you need to visit. Unfortunately, the hypothesis that “the student is an adult who independently controls the personal learning process” does not withstand the test of practice. Practice shows that the majority of students remain overage schoolchildren. And if you do not control the attendance of lectures and seminars by these minors, there will be five "nerds" in the audience. Therefore, no matter how the principle of checking those present contradicts the principles of university education, most teachers practice it.

Skipping lectures, you can get into the "black list" of the teacher, which is especially fraught close attention on the exam. Some teachers even demand to show notes of cormorant lectures.

And skipped seminars, colloquia, practical, laboratory and control will have to work out in 99% of cases.

  1. Find out immediately what you need to be admitted to the session. Some tests and exams are allowed only on condition of writing an abstract, report, essay, control. This is not so bad, "waste paper" can be ordered from student lancers in November - December. Worse, if the university has a point system for admission to the session. Points must be collected directly from September.
  1. Put your textbook... well, somewhere on the back shelf. Do not rely on the textbook to help you prepare for the exam. This is one more key difference from school. The textbook is an auxiliary tool, and the main sources of knowledge at the university are lectures and literature, with which you will prepare for seminars. Of course, you don’t need to throw away the textbook completely - as a base, a basis, it will do just fine. Just keep in mind that the textbooks that you will be given are most often outdated. New ones need to be searched in the library, bought or downloaded online (if possible). And then there are teachers who specifically drive exams in their lectures. However, there are those who read lectures according to the textbook - with these it is easier.
  1. Get ready to work with literature on your own. If you think that the purpose of the university is to stuff you with knowledge, then you are deeply mistaken. The goal of the university is to teach you to receive information on your own, to give you the skills of self-education and, preferably, to form scientific thinking. The textbook gives a basis, lectures structure the material and help to sort it out in your head, and an independent search for materials among articles and monographs drives.

Some of the materials you will find on the Internet (thanks to digitization!), But much has not yet hit the World Wide Web. Therefore, you will have to stomp into the university, regional or specialized library, make extracts and photocopies. Horror-horror? Nothing, then you will say thank you for teaching you how to study on your own. In the information age, knowledge becomes obsolete very quickly. A professional needs to study and study in order to remain in demand, and for this you need to have the skills of self-education.

One way to measure the rate of obsolescence of facts is to look at the citation index of scientific articles. If a publication is not cited, it most likely means that it is irrelevant or out of date. So, for example, as a result of studying publications in the journals Physical Review, representing different areas physical science, it turned out that half of the publications cease to be cited on average after 10 years, and, say, in nuclear physics - after 5 years. The half-life of a book (in terms of citations) is about 13 years in physics, 9.4 years in economics, 9.1 years in mathematics, and about 7 years in history and psychology.

  1. Find out what seminars, colloquia, abstracts, abstracts, tests, term papers and other mysterious garbage are. A freshman is bombarded with megatons of unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar words, under which new ways of testing knowledge are hidden. Yeah, bro, it's not like school here. Start dealing with all this right from September.
  1. Get ready for a new rhythm of learning. Lessons of 40 minutes and long breaks are a thing of the past. Now you have to sit in pairs, and the break is only enough to run from audience to audience (it is better to go to the dining room during the “windows”). On the other hand, there are pluses: perhaps there will be days in the schedule when you can come to the second or even the third class. Appreciate the “windows”: instead of just stupidly staggering around waiting for the next couple, go to the library or the cafeteria.
  1. Remember that there are upper and lower weeks. Another innovation. Enter the data into the gadget that you carry with you. Still confused? Get to the schedule - it's simplest way find out what week it is.
  1. Find out when the session starts, as well as (just in case) the rules for granting academic leave. And find out all this not in December, but as soon as possible.
  1. Do not forget that you can fly out of the university for violation of discipline. The life of a student is much freer than that of a schoolboy, but the dean's office will not turn a blind eye to some outbursts. And if it comes to the rector's office - you understand. The reason for exclusion can be a particularly violent drinking in a hostel (for example, throwing a refrigerator out the window), and violation of the law, and even excessively active political activity (for example, a single picket in front of the administrative building demanding the resignation of the rector). If they do not deduct directly, then they will create conditions under which it will be very problematic to pass the session. So control yourself.
  1. Try to understand that you are already an adult and are responsible for the results of your studies at the university. Keep in mind that no one will chase after you with reminders of lectures and seminars. And calls to parents with the question: “Where is your child, is he sick or absent?” - it won't either. Become independent.
  1. Work on account. For at least the first two sessions, give it your all. Then it will be easier: the better your image, the more loyal your teachers are to you. And vice versa: teachers are prejudiced towards triplets and “tailers”. In general, work for a record book, then it will work for you.

Head swollen with advice, freshman? Wait, this is just the beginning. If you haven’t broken down yet, read the recommendations that will help you survive until the session and survive it.

Tips for freshmen to swim in training waters

  1. Learn to benefit even from boring lectures. To do this, you need to learn to 1) listen (and hear), 2) focus. Useful skills that will help you in life.
  1. Master the skills of imitation of interest. This is in case the teacher is a beast, and his lectures are, well, completely stupid and meaningless. But do not abuse this skill, otherwise your entire future career will be reduced to an office IBD (imitation of violent activity). Use skill in exceptional cases.
  1. Learn to outline. Lectures should not be transcribed word for word. Isolate the main thing, develop your own system of abbreviations and conventional signs understandable for the brain. Outline logically, structurally.
  1. Use the voice recorder and other gadgets wisely. Do not rely on the achievements of civilization at 100%. Firstly, transcribing a lecture from a voice recorder is a chore. Imagine: you have finished a lecture, and then you still have to spend the same amount of time transcribing the recording! Is that reasonable? Recording on a voice recorder is only suitable for auditory people (people who best perceive information by ear). Secondly, teachers really do not like students who turn on the recorder and continue to sit with an absent look.

As for tablets, laptops and netbooks, they can be of great help, especially in the library. But do not forget that writing with a pen activates the memory processes in the brain. Be aware of teachers who have to hand in handwritten notes.

  1. Stock up on common notebooks, pens, multi-colored markers. Carry a spare pen with you. Use colored markers to highlight the main points, structure your notes.
  1. Be among the first to go to the university library for textbooks. Yes, textbooks at the university are not the main thing, but they are still needed. Most universities do not have enough textbooks for everyone. Especially new ones.
  1. Find out where the libraries and reading rooms you need are located. Sign up and learn how to work with the catalog. Unfortunately, the Internet does not yet have all the materials that you will need.
  1. Write down the schedule, remember the location of buildings and classrooms. You can just ponytail after your group, but it's better to be independent. It is also worth writing down the opening hours of libraries, gyms, laboratories and other places that you will visit.
  1. Collect information about teachers and take into account their individual characteristics. Write down and remember the names of the teachers - this is the time! Get to know them by sight - two. There is nothing more stupid than meeting a teacher at an exam. Learn about the character and habits of each (undergraduates will help with this). Find out how someone relates to attending lectures, who has what requirements at seminars, tests, exams.
  1. Choose a teacher. A correctly chosen supervisor will not only help in writing term papers and lead you to a diploma, but will also defend you in front of the department and even in front of the dean's office. We advise, freshman, .
  1. Read about the principles of time management. Learn to allocate time so that it is enough for visiting the university and for self-training, and to rest.
  1. Divide items into important and unimportant. Profile - important, bury yourself in them with your head. Any non-core study in such a way as to get a credit - that's enough. It makes no sense to dive into the study of an analogue of the school life safety to the detriment of the core subject.
  1. Try to get "automatic" to the maximum. Acceptance of a test or exam “automatically”, for active learning activities during the semester, will save you from the hassle before the exam. Some teachers also have "semiautomatic devices", which is also a good thing: you can choose one of two questions on the exam.
  1. Do not sit on the "Kamchatka". This is a place for those who want to mind their own business, not study. Many teachers are prejudiced about Kamchatka (especially if they hear the rumble of beer bottles accidentally hit by someone's foot). In addition, in "Kamchatka" it is usually hard to hear what the teacher says. Lectures are best recorded sitting in the front rows or in the middle of the audience.

The middle is perhaps the most comfortable place. It is heard normally, and in which case it can be a little sloppy. The first desks are loved by excellent students, they allow you to establish visual contact with the teacher, as well as demonstrate diligence and interest.

  1. Feel free to ask questions to the teacher. If something is not clear, feel free to ask. Teachers love active students. But do not overdo it, imitation of interest will create an image of a sucker for you. Or even worse - the image of a stupid sucker.
  1. Lectures are useless, it makes no sense to waste your energy on them. If the teacher notes truants, sit in the middle and imitate being busy. Unless, of course, this beast does not require you to provide notes for your blizzard.
  1. If the teacher doesn’t care, and no one writes his lectures, you better write them down. Why? Because then you can get their figs from someone! Keep in mind that a teacher's indifferent attitude to visits and recordings of his lectures can turn into a tough guy on the exam. Some teachers have selective indifference: they believe that a student should not be forced to study, it is his own business - to study or not to study. The exam will dot all the "i" ...
  1. Get active in seminars! This is a direct path to the "machine". Or, at least, reducing the risk of detentions before the session.
  1. Are you afraid to speak in front of an audience? Paradoxical advice: speak as often as possible. The skill of public speaking will be very useful in life (not to mention the fact that it will be easier to pass the session).
  1. If the teacher gave everyone the topics of reports, try to read yours as early as possible. Otherwise, there may not be enough time, and either the “machine” will close, or you will have to carry the report directly to the test or exam, or you will look for a teacher to acquaint him with the fruits of your labor outside of school hours.
  1. Practical, laboratory, control must be taken on time. Don't walk them, don't hoard mini-tails. You still have to give up. Gradually, it is easier to do this than to deal with a pile of detentions before the session itself.
  1. Start writing term papers and abstracts as early as possible. If you are going to order them from studentlancers, don’t delay either. Why - explained in detail in the article.
  1. Before submitting an ordered or downloaded work, read it! Don't give a teacher a reason to catch you on a freebie.
  1. If your classmates are bullshit, don't look up to them. You don't want to be in the 20% of slackers that will fly out in the first session, do you?

Why does a first-year student need social, cultural and scientific activities?

  1. Social activity is not only interesting, but also useful. Being active in social and cultural projects increases the chance of getting a nominal scholarship.
  1. If you have a penchant for science, don't hold back. Participate in university and international conferences, sign up for a student scientific society. This is useful for credits and opens the way to graduate school. And even to tasty grants.
  1. International exchange, foreign conferences and participation in international student projects - a chance to go abroad for free. Learn languages ​​and be active!
  1. If the faculty holds olympiads, quizzes, competitions - participate. The prize can be machines in all subjects in the student's record book, a nominal scholarship, a one-time monetary incentive ... In general, all sorts of goodies plus the respect of teachers.
  1. Participation in youth political projects is also useful. This is where your path to politics can begin - if, of course, you are interested in it. But keep in mind that not all politics is good for the student. Oppositional political activity in our country, unfortunately, can lead to expulsion from the university. So choose projects approved by the university.
  1. If you are a born administrator, become a headman or financial officer, and even better, make a career in the trade union committee. The path is not for everyone, but if it's yours, go for it. A sense of power and money nishtyaki attached.
  1. It makes sense for a student with a journalistic, journalistic streak to go to the editorial office of a student newspaper already in the first year. You can start yourself or together with like-minded people an alternative blog, website or organize the release of a faculty newspaper. Just be adequate - you don’t even need to dump everything on your personal blog that you think about “tupac Denisov” and “bitch Kubareva”. They also know how to read.
  1. Participate in art activities. Firstly, skits and KVN are fun! Secondly, if you apply for a nominal scholarship, this activity will also count. Thirdly, valuable creative personnel can count on concessions from the dean's office in case of problems with the session. But within reason, of course.
  1. Artists, poets, writers and others, well, very creative people it makes sense to participate in competitions, sign up for specialized student communities. Sometimes university newspapers publish the work of students. Well, on the Internet for self-presentation in general expanse. These talents are in great demand in the preparation of all kinds of events.
  1. Smart guys and smart girls should sign up for the ChGK team. If they don’t, create your own team and tear your opponents to shreds!
  1. Participate in sports competitions. Volleyball, basketball and even chess tournaments are not only a way of self-realization, but also a chance to get a "machine gun" in physical fitness. Cash incentives available. In the US, even very dumb athletes are so valued by colleges and universities that they pass exams even with complete brain atrophy. Our concessions are not so chic, but they can also be counted on.
  1. Think about the future. Already from the first year it is worth thinking about how you will build your career after graduation. Will you work in your specialty? Are you going to go for a red diploma? Are you interested in graduate school? Is it necessary for your career foreign language? Gonna and look workplace specialty while studying at the university? The clearer your plans are, the more likely you are to graduate with an exact knowledge of where you will work and, perhaps, even with offers from employers.

Useful contacts

  1. Join the team. Do not be arrogant, do not provoke conflicts from the very first days at the university. Do not be afraid of classmates - they are scared too
  1. Conduct yourself with dignity. Do not go before the “strong”, do not become the “six”. Do not be afraid to be an outcast if you do not get along with the group that dominates the course. Looking for like-minded people. Be yourself.
  1. Do not intrigue, avoid warring microgroups. This will avoid many troubles.
  1. Exchange contacts with classmates. In which case you will know who to call, write or contact on Skype to clarify the schedule or task for the seminar.
  1. If you like to play truant, squabble with the headman. A good relationship with the headman will reduce the number of "H" signs next to your last name in the visit log. Chocolates are rolling.
  1. Contacts with undergraduates are really useful. Senior comrades will help with notes and materials, tell about the nature of the teachers.
  1. Make friends with those who live in the hostel. First, they have fun. Secondly, there are always notes in the hostel. Someone.
  1. Get useful friends. It can be student lancers who will help write academic work or employees of medical institutions who can write out the necessary certificate. It is not a fact that these acquaintances will be useful, but in a force majeure situation you will know who to contact.
  1. Create a support community with fellow students. It is easier to prepare for seminars together (everyone prepares his part, then exchange materials). When preparing for tests and exams, friends will check their knowledge (when checking, both sides receive an intellectual bonus). And either answers to tests, exercises in Latin or English are cheaper.
  1. Weed out freeloaders and leeches. Mutually beneficial help is good, arrogance is bad. Help your friends, but not to the detriment of yourself. Remember: who is lucky, they go on that. While you are writing essays for freeloaders, .
  1. Try to get contacts supervisor and other teachers. You may need to contact them. But don't overwhelm teachers with messages, don't annoy people. These are the contacts for extreme case. However, you can contact an adequate scientific instructor regularly in the process of writing a term paper. Many teachers have switched to Skype consultations.
  1. Meet the curator of the course, take the contacts of the dean's office. It might also come in handy.
  1. Making contacts with teachers, do not fall in love This advice is addressed primarily to the fair sex. Falling in love with a teacher is a well-known psychological phenomenon. Dangerous stuff!

Safety regulations

  1. In the first days, issue all the necessary documents. First of all - student and reader. Bring the certificates required by the dean's office.
  1. Don't piss off the guard. Don't forget your pass (student card), don't try to sneak past, don't whine or annoy the person. Especially if he has a club.
  1. Think about the route to the university. Consider transport schedules and traffic jams. Leave the house 10 to 15 minutes early to have some extra time.
  1. Don't snore at lectures
  1. Do not store beer bottles under the desk. And especially don't drop them!

About money

  1. Find out the rules for granting scholarships at your university. Find out in what cases you can lose your penny and try not to get into these situations.
  1. Specify in which ATM to withdraw a scholarship. A mistake will cost several hundred, which you will give to a “foreign” bank. If the scholarship is minimal, you can lose 30%.
  1. Find out how to get a gubernatorial, presidential scholarship (there are other types). Perhaps you can qualify for one of them. To do this, you need to study well, actively participate in scientific and social activities.
  1. Look at the trade union. Find out all about getting a social scholarship and financial assistance. If you fit the conditions - collect certificates, do not delay.
  1. The trade union committee distributes preferential vouchers and tickets for all events. Enjoy! Many students do not even know that they can get something in the trade union committee. This means that more will go to those who are not too lazy to go on reconnaissance.
  1. Do not be too lazy to find out about all the benefits that a student is entitled to. They cover travel, free admission to some museums, etc. Regularly monitor changes in legislation regarding student benefits.
  1. Think about how you can earn. Load wagons? Wash floors? During the holidays, you can join the student team, participate in the construction of some spaceport. True, they say that this year due to financial difficulties students were paid less than they bargained for. In any case, work should not interfere with studies. We do not have restrictions on the work of students, as in Europe (where a student can only work a certain number of hours per week), so calculate your strength yourself.

About health, order, dress code and rest

  1. Take care of your liver. Forget about the stereotypical idea of ​​a student as a perpetually thumping creature. At least if you are going to live to the second year, and even more so - to the fifth.
  1. Make friends with physical education. Do not skip a couple of physical exercises, sign up additionally for a gym, swimming pool, yoga or fitness. Physical activity not only promotes health and helps maintain normal weight, but also improves brain activity.
  1. Eat right. Do not choke dry with sandwiches. Choose foods that are good for your body and mind. By the way, you can read an article about.
  1. Find out where the cafes and canteens are, where the food is better and where it is cheaper. This, of course, is in case there are several of them in the building and nearby. In order not to be late for lectures and not stand in a wild queue, find out not only the opening hours, but also the time when the influx of hungry subsides.
  1. Get dressed in business style or in stylecasual. Don't shock teachers with dreadlocks, colored mohawks, and bare buttocks (this is advice for freshmen who love miniskirts). Individuality is held in high esteem, but remember about adequacy. Especially when choosing clothes for the exam.
  1. Tidy up your workspace. Don't justify mess with a penchant for creative mess. Read the article. Estimate, putting in order the place where you work clears the brain!
  1. Rest! Immersed in your studies, regularly come up to the surface. Rest helps the brain deal with stress. Studying without rest is a path to breakdowns, exhaustion nervous system and chronic fatigue. Working for a red diploma, do not earn yourself asthenia.
  1. Remember that student years- great time! Friends, have fun, have fun! In moderation, of course, but so that there is something to remember!

All newly enrolled, or students who have been studying for more than a year, must understand that the university is actually a job. It has its own dress code and unspoken (in most cases) rules for choosing clothes for study.

The way you look within the walls of the university will become the key to the attitude of teachers towards you, show your seriousness and responsibility (and vice versa). It is important to dress for the university not only appropriately, but also to show your taste, style and personality. Would you say you came to study, not to dress up? Well, we are girls, it is always important for us to look decent!

Clothing for the institute for girls 2018 photo news

Girls, dressing at the institute, should understand that a few centuries ago, the female gender was considered not predisposed to study in general, and the appearance of women in the institute is in itself a great merit of smart and talented female representatives. Therefore, you should not stick out and show your sexuality at the institute at every step. You are here to study first.

It is unacceptable for girls to dress for college using deep neckline, too short skirts, defiant make-up. They not only distract young people from their studies, but also do you no honor. Teachers will also take note of this.

In addition, the wardrobe for visiting the institute should exclude the presence of clothes with a bare back, stomach, shoulders. Leggings are also not the best thing to wear to college.

Although, if you combine them correctly, they can also come in handy. To do this, choose tight leggings, combine them with a tunic or dress slightly above the knee. You should not dress up for college in too bright or shiny leggings, or even combine regular leggings with a short blouse.

It is permissible to wear a transparent blouse to the institute only under a jumper, jacket, vest. People around you should not see your underwear, translucent under the blouse, only the sleeves and collar. Otherwise, your look will be too defiant.

Fashion clothes for college photo 2018 new items

If you're new to college, it's pretty hard to pick up elegant clothes with a limited budget. However, you can make a basic wardrobe and add a few additional elements and then you will look good every day.

Make a plan and calculate your budget, find clothes that suit you and emphasize your style. In general, dressing well means that you feel comfortable in these clothes and like yourself in them.

When choosing clothes for college, think over your image in advance. Do not dress too simply, but also excessively glamorous outfits not suitable for study. Buy three to four matching sets and choose the right accessories. You will look good all the time school year.

Stylish clothes for a student photo news 2018

Student life is a time of folly and self-discovery for most young people. Therefore, in the student style of clothing there is democracy, youthfulness, but at the same time, a certain severity, elegance - after all, student clothing is designed to emphasize the intellect of the owner and the seriousness of her attitude to study!

In addition to outrageous lovers, in every educational institution you can see the opposite character - a student who dresses for study according to the dullest business dress code: gray suits, monotonous shirts with trousers, etc. Such clothes are not for a student, believe me!

Even if a strict office style is close to you, you can and should diversify and enliven it - you are a student, not a teacher! What are the options? Best of all - take the classic “bottom” as the basis for the image: it can be a pencil skirt, a pleated skirt, trousers with an arrow. And choose a brighter top - a colored blouse, top, T-shirt.

You can revive the image not with a catchy color, but with cut details - frills on a blouse, some interesting collar, yoke, etc. one more thing business wardrobe that every student should definitely have is a jacket.

Put it on even over jeans and a T-shirt - and please, strictly and elegantly! Do not forget about jewelry - for example, a simple combination of a straight skirt and a turtleneck will make a string of bright beads, interesting earrings or a brooch look youthful.

Basic wardrobe for university photo 2018 bows

The basis of the wardrobe for the university can be basic things classical style. Buy quality trousers, a straight skirt above the knee, a plain white or light-colored shirt blouse. These things will go well with indispensable jeans, thin knitwear, a variety of accessories.

If you are following fashion trends be sure to buy the dress. Do not wear too short and tight models - Business Etiquette excludes them. But straight shirt dresses, loose sundresses, complemented by a belt, or elongated knitted sweaters fit quite well. Wear them with ballet flats or boots. flat sole.

The dress can also be replaced with a blouse and skirt variation. Here you have large field activities - you can combine a large number of items from your wardrobe.

The skirt will be perfectly combined with different blouses and tops, and you can wear your favorite blouse with trousers.

To complement any of the above options for outfits, a cardigan or a jacket can. Anything you don't wear, whether it's a dress or a skirt and trousers combo, will look quite formal.

Fashionable images for study trends 2018 photo

They go to educational institutions, first of all, in order to gain knowledge. But every girl wants to look stylish and attractive in any situation. Clothing that you can wear to couples should be comfortable and look good on you. One of the simplest and convenient options for hiking in pairs are trousers. It's comfortable base element wardrobe with which you can make countless variations.

For young and slim girls black skinny pants win-win solution. With them it is easy to create an image in the style of minimalism. Also, skinny pants will look great in a sporty chic style. To do this, you can combine them with a simple white blouse and a bomber jacket.

Stylish women's backpacks photo fashion news 2018

A fashionable top of accessories is not complete without the perfect complement to the everyday female look - a backpack.

Acting as the final chord, he tells others about the taste of his owner, her mood and hobbies. The right accessory made of leather can make the bow unique and dynamic.

The advantages of backpacks over ordinary bags are obvious - the latter do not allow you to free your hands and carry a lot of necessary little things with you.

A wide range of women's urban leather backpacks They are distinguished by their versatility and practicality, because they harmoniously fit into everyday ensembles.

Compact, concise models can be combined with feminine dresses, skirts and high-heeled shoes. The remoteness from the sporty style makes it possible to wear them even with classic trousers and jackets!

How to dress fashionably in autumn at the institute photo 2018 images

Fashion fall 2018 - bright colors, interesting print blocking. This is the season of stylish combinations, updated forgotten trends, a period of fashionable experiments and bold design decisions.

Autumn is not a reason to look gray and nondescript. Let rainy weather doesn't spoil your mood. Create it yourself with the help of trendy wardrobe items.

A beautiful coat is the key to a successful autumn! In fashion, as in the last season, robe coats (or as they are also called Max Mara coats, after the name of the designer who first proposed this thing).

No frills on coats, tulip skirts and puffed sleeves (unless you want to look 10 years older). A minimum of decor and fasteners on the coat - and your wardrobe will be relevant for a long time.

How to dress stylishly in winter at the university photo 2018

A successful down jacket can be of two types: a neat thin jacket that can be worn under a coat and even under a cape, and a voluminous version.

Wherein short jacket it is better not to wear it separately, it greatly simplifies the image (especially with jeans and boots - and this is the number one image in popularity in our latitudes during the cold season).

Sheepskin coat. Again, rather spacious models are relevant, as if taken from the shoulders of American pilots.

Without gloss, varnish and any special frills. I am not sure about the heat-saving qualities of models made of artificial materials.

Therefore, this story will most likely not be cheap. And remains open question with a buttoned sheepskin coat (which does not look as cool as unbuttoned). Therefore, it is worth trying on very carefully and taking time to think and calmly look at the photos taken in the fitting room.

The first of September, and with it the new school year, is already on the threshold, and we decided to tell you and show you how to dress a high school student or a student at school or university / institute.

Today, in the 17th year of the 21st century, we will not tell you about hard, strict and maximum business dress code: today, if you like, you can wear almost anything to your educational institution, if it is not prohibited by the Charter of your school or university.

And yet, we will allow this "anything" to impose small restrictions.

How not to dress for school for a high school student / for a university student

In 2018, naturalness is in fashion, and only comfortable clothes considered feng shui. This automatically means that a schoolgirl / student should be excluded from the wardrobe for the school / university:

  1. Very short skirts. If you go to your educational institution for knowledge, give others the opportunity to receive it, do not distract them with your appearance.
  2. Short shorts for the same reason;
  3. Blouses and dresses with a deep neckline;
  4. Transparent blouses and dresses;
  5. Too tight dresses (it is uncomfortable in them - neither gasp nor breathe);
  6. Shoes on high heels. In principle, it is quite possible to wear them, but if you are of average height and above, then first answer yourself the question why you need heels in principle.
  7. Jeans with huge holes. Yes, we understand that this is a trend and all, but maybe you can show off in them after class?

How to dress fashionably for school or university in 2018: making up a capsule wardrobe

Your everyday wardrobe for school or university should include:


Choose plain or with a not very large print. Remember that the larger the print or plaid, the more informal the image is, and a university or school is still an official institution, respectively, large-plaid shirts or blouses with huge flowers will not work better not to wear.

And by the way, the combination of "white top - black bottom" is not always boring!

Cover photo -Benjamin Voros, photo images -

In autumn and winter 2018-2019 in fashion romantic style- all kinds of frills, ruffles and puffy skirts. Feel free to include them in your school / college / university wardrobe!

You can wear blouses as in the photo with trousers, culottes, jeans, skirts ... In general, blouses, from our point of view, should be as much as possible in the wardrobe. Unlike trousers and suits, but more on that later.

Sweaters and cardigans for autumn and winter 2018-2019 in the wardrobe of a schoolgirl / student

In the cold season of the school year, without cozy knitted sweaters and cardigans, which, by the way, are extremely popular in the coming fashion season, not to do without the word "absolutely".

Skirts in the everyday wardrobe of a schoolgirl / student

You will need one pencil skirt, and then how it goes. Can get more fluffy skirt, an A-line skirt, short (preferably no shorter than in the photo on the left), denim, ... Wear your skirts with, ballet flats, or soldier's boots.

Pleated skirt in high school/student wardrobe

business suit

In autumn and winter 2018-2019, trouser suits are more popular than skirt suits, and it is desirable that your pantsuit was checkered.

Having bought a suit, you can wear trousers separately with any of your blouses, and separately - a jacket: with a plain skirt, with jeans and over a dress.

Trousers and jeans for school / university / college everyday life

With trousers, you can wear all your sweaters, jackets, and - in early autumn - t-shirts.

Jeans 2018 in the wardrobe of a teenage girl / high school student / student

Holes in student jeans are acceptable, but not very large.

A shirt and jeans is a perfect everyday option.

Casual dresses in the wardrobe of 2018 high school or student

Dresses will suit both plain and printed / plaid.

Accessories that you choose for your plain dress can completely change the image, see the photo and see for yourself:

On plain dress any length can be worn fashionable in autumn 2018 oversized 90s style denim jacket.

  • Skirts: 1-3;
  • Pants: 1-2 pairs;
  • Jeans: 1-3 pairs;
  • Blouses: 3 or more, if possible, of course;
  • Turtleneck: 1-2;
  • Sweaters, cardigans: 1-3;
  • Dresses: one or more;
  • Suits: if possible, 1-2

Accessories in the wardrobe of a schoolgirl / student

Accessories personalize the style, and we recommend that you definitely use them. If you have a problem dress fashionably for school, but at the same time, according to the school charter, you must to wear uniform, then it is the accessories that will “make” your image.

If possible, there should be two bags (or one bag and one backpack). Let one of the bags be plain - for any clothes with a print, let the backpack be with a print, for plain things. Or vice versa:)

Buy neckerchiefs - they can make even the simplest stylish put on something image. When buying a neckerchief, imagine at least two looks that it will suit.

You can also wear detachable collars for dresses and blouses - lace, small beads or in scotch plaid. By the way, the Internet is full of patterns and examples of how to make a collar with your own hands. Turn on your imagination, and let them imitate you and your style!


Before you go shopping, check to see if your internal rules govern the appearance of students. Generally not recommended to wear to class sportswear and shoes, things with provocative slogans or ripped jeans, accessories with religious symbols.

The basis of the wardrobe can be made up of basic things of a classic style. Buy quality trousers, a straight skirt above the knee, a plain white or light-colored shirt blouse. These things will go well with indispensable jeans, thin knitwear, and a variety of accessories.

Do not make too "adult", conservative ensembles. A strict two-piece suit, complemented by a white blouse, is good on a teacher, but a student in such an outfit looks too pretentious. Come up with more interesting combinations. Complete the pencil skirt with a light jacket of a different shade. put it under it knitted top and roll up your sleeves. White blouse combine with knitted vest and wear this set with blue jeans.

If you follow fashion trends, be sure to get a dress. Do not wear too short and tight models - business etiquette excludes them. But straight shirt dresses, loose sundresses, complemented, or elongated knitted sweaters are quite suitable. Wear them with ballet shoes or flat boots.

Don't forget about accessories. In college, you will need a bulky bag made of faux leather or nylon, in which it is convenient to carry everything you need. An alternative would be a stylish backpack or a large one with a zipper. choose bright colors Leave boring black and brown briefcases to clerks and top managers.

Young people should also think about their own appearance. For them fit jeans, complemented by light club jackets with a polo shirt knitted sweaters or colored shirts. Eliminate oversized T-shirts and trousers falling from the hips from the training wardrobe. Instead of worn-out sneakers, put on comfortable moccasins - they will go well with jeans and dress pants.


  • What do you wear to uni/college? post a photo

IN USA there are more than 3500 colleges and universities. There are no cardinal differences between the two concepts. Both institutions offer bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. The only difference is that universities are much larger and may consist of several colleges. For example, the famous Harvard University consists of an engineering college, a medical school, a business school, and so on. Any foreigner who passed through the competition can enter an educational institution.

You will need

  • - a copy of the certificate of secondary education;
  • - recommendations from the school principal and teacher;
  • - medical certificate.


In America there are colleges with a two-year (Junior college) and a four-year. To enter them, you will need to pass the TOEFL. After graduating from Junior college, you will be able to move on to the 3rd year of a four-year college. Upon graduation, you will be awarded a bachelor's degree.

There are also evening forms of education. Full-time students study in semesters. The first is at the end of August and ends in December. The second one lasts from January to April. Education in the evening department is divided into trimesters. There are no breaks between them.

There are colleges in the United States that are religious and gender based. They can only be for women, men, Catholics, etc.

If you decide to continue your education at one of the American universities, before sending documents to one or another educational institution, study several colleges, check what are the requirements for foreign applicants. After collecting all the necessary information, make your choice.

In almost all higher educational institutions in the United States, classes begin in August. You need to prepare for admission in advance (a year and a half). Having decided on universities, ask them for catalogs and information booklets about programs, living conditions, traditions, etc. WITH necessary information You will be sent an application form to fill out. The questionnaire may consist of several questions that you will need to answer in the form of short essays. Based on them, the commission will draw conclusions about the degree of your education, how you can express your thoughts and personal qualities. The questionnaire can also be filled out directly on the website of the selected college.

After filling out the questionnaire, register for the TOEFL or SAT tests (depending on the requirements of the college). Test results are also required for admission.

In the fall, you will need to send a package of documents. You will need a copy of your high school diploma translated into English language and certified by a notary, recommendations from the director of the school and a teacher of one of the specialized subjects and a medical certificate.

After sending the documents, after a while make sure that they have reached the deadline. Answers from colleges should come in April-May. After receiving positive answers, make your final choice.

During the summer, you will need to speak with an international advisor or assistant who deals with international students. He will tell you what your next steps should be.

If you decide to transfer from a university, you will need to attach recommendations from teachers and an extract from the grade book with grades for the courses completed to the main package of documents. All documents must be translated into English and certified by a notary.

Helpful advice

When preparing documents, follow all instructions and requirements clearly and accurately. If the volume of the essay is more than required, it will not be read.

Eminent designers pay very little attention to teenage fashion. Every girl and boy wants to dress fashionably for school, but the range of clothes presented in the markets and in stores sometimes makes it difficult to determine own style.


Have you ever wondered why younger students often look like little old people, and teenagers dress like hippies? First parents to your liking. And in transitional age a teenage style begins to take shape, gravitating towards freedom. It is not easy to dress a teenager, because he is no longer a child, but not yet an adult.

Reminder to parents. Do not try to figure out for yourself how fashionable to dress a teenager - let him personally choose his own clothes. The desire to turn a child into a copy of himself usually leads to conflicts between children and parents or to the cultivation of complexes in a teenager. No matter how strange teenage style may look to the mother’s eyes, it is necessary to give the teenager the opportunity to realize himself as a clothing expert. And one more thing - even expensive and fashionable things will not please a teenager if they are not worn in his company. IN puberty children strive not to stand out from the crowd, to be their own in the environment, so as not to be ridiculed and bullied.

For a teenage girl, such an ensemble will seem boring; instead of a skirt, it is better to wear classic shorts up to the middle thigh and decorate them with suspenders.

How fashionable to dress a teenager in everyday life depends on his tastes and hobbies. Sport style suitable for mobile and sociable teenagers. But it's much more fun to mix styles while creating your own. unique image. Jeans so adored by teenagers can be worn not only with sneakers and T-shirts, but also with classic pumps, corsets and men's jackets. Boys can pair skinny with simple plain shirts, ties and colorful moccasins. Girls should remember about airy skirts that are relevant at any time, long sundresses and fitted feminine dresses. Great Opportunity make the original naughty teenage style is wearing unusual headwear.