How to make a beautiful topiary shelf. Large topiary on the floor: how to make. Topiary from cones

In my master class, I want to tell you how to make paper topiary, completely out of paper from the base ball to the pot. For convenience, I will break it into 5 parts, so that if necessary, you can see the part of interest.

Topiary is, as you know, a tree of happiness. And everyone chooses from what to make it for himself, I decided to make a master class from money topiary, because, paraphrasing folk wisdom, money is not a hindrance to happiness - it is a measure of human labor, the equivalent of energy spent. Therefore, I believe that such a tree will help you think and act correctly in achieving financial goals.

PVA glue.

Crumple tightly one sheet of newspaper, immediately give it a round shape, then wrap the subsequent crumpled sheets until you get a ball of the diameter you need.

We crush well from all sides so that there are no big dips or protruding corners. To fix our ball, we take a sheet of newspaper and tear it into arbitrary pieces as for papier-mâché

and, lubricating them with PVA glue,

we begin to seal the ball of newspapers, I made three layers.

More can be done to make the ball smoother and denser. Until the ball is dry, we immediately make a recess for the topiary trunk. Now you can leave everything to dry, I got it in time - a day.

For manufacturing you will need:

Newspapers or magazines, but not thick ones.

PVA glue.

We make the trunk from tubes from newspapers,

For more details on how they are made, see. I made four tubes and glued them together.

AND left to dry.

After complete drying, the ball and the trunk of the topiary were painted with green paint.

For manufacturing you will need:


pattern paper



Gypsum (alabaster)

Acrylic paints and brush.

After watching the master classes in the country of masters, I liked this bucket of Elena Nikitina.

DIY paper bucket

But the pattern for my pot was too small.

Do-it-yourself paper bucket pattern

Then I thought, how to quickly make a quick pattern?

A pot or bucket is a truncated cone, and a cone is a bag.

And so we make a bag of newspaper with the diameter of our future pot.

Cut off the top and bottom of the bag to get the pot of the desired size. Fold in half and cut one side. We remove the excess, and a slightly angular pattern remains.

Fold the pattern several times and cut in a straight line,

we unfold it, and we get a pattern in which small corners need to be rounded, but they can be removed when we already trace the pattern.

We attach to the cardboard and circle the pattern. In the lower part, I left 1 centimeter, cut it with cloves, bent it inward to attach the bottom.

If the cardboard is thin, then you can leave a 1 cm allowance for gluing on one side of the pattern. If the cardboard is thick, then we cut out an additional bar and glue the joint to the joint of the edge of the pot on it.

In order to make the bottom, glue the resulting upper part of the pot to the cardboard. Let dry and cut.

To even out the seam and the edge of the pot, I pasted over a layer of paper, after drying I painted it with white acrylic paint.

You can choose any drawing, I drew chaotic lines, and painted over the gaps with multi-colored acrylic paints, something like a mosaic.

After the paint has dried, the pot is ready.

Now let's take gypsum or alabaster, dilute it with water to a state of sour cream, insert the barrel into the pot and fill the solution.

To prevent the barrel from getting wet from moisture, you need to wrap the inserted end in cling film. We do everything quickly, the gypsum quickly begins to harden!

That's all I told you how to make a paper pot with your own hands.

  1. Flowers from origami modules step by step instructions

For manufacturing you will need:




We take one bill and fold the lower left corner up, then the lower right corner up. It turns out a trapezoid.

We cut the bent coals with scissors. It turns out three parts, two squares and a rectangle. For further folding on, the resulting square is needed.

We take a square and fold along the diagonal, along which we folded at the beginning. It turns out a triangle. Take the bottom left corner and fold it up, then the bottom right corner and fold it up. It turns out a rhombus.

Now we take the corner that was folded up and unfold it so that the center coincides with the side of the rhombus. First on one side, and then on the other.

It turns out like a flower with three corners. We fold these side corners inward on one side and the other.

And then we fold the corners on both sides to make a rhombus again.

Now we fold our rhombus into a bag, grease the triangles that have folded inside with glue and fix it.

If you use super glue, then just press and hold for a few seconds, if PVA glue, then the module can be fixed, for example, with a clothespin. One petal is ready.

To create one flower, we need 5 of these modules. It will be necessary to fold them in a circle and glue them with glue.

For a topiary crown, you will need from 20 to 50 of these flowers, it all depends on the size of the base ball and the density of fastening of the flowers themselves.

For assembly you will need:

Glue gun or glue

And now the most pleasant thing remains - assembling the topiary.

We take our base ball and smear the recess for the barrel with glue,

Do-it-yourself paper topiary

it is better that it be super glue or a glue gun and put it on the barrel in a bucket.

Do-it-yourself paper topiary

After we begin to glue the flowers in any order and start from above, gradually filling the entire space.

Do-it-yourself paper topiary

I decorated the trunk in a pot with artificial grass and a butterfly, you can see how to do it in .

Do-it-yourself paper topiary

My topiary is ready! And you have a nice creation!


Topiary is considered one of the most beautiful and original souvenirs. It is also called the tree of happiness. Do-it-yourself topiary for beginners is not so difficult to do. The fact is that the tree itself is not a miniature of a real plant, it is an author's work, where a souvenir can take on various fantasy or even fabulous forms.

What is a topiary?

Most often, such a tree has a crown in the form of a ball, it is precisely this shape that its first, classic versions were created. This art came to us from the East, or rather from Japan, it is there that they experience great love for such cute and miniature crafts.

The ball represents the sun, which means life, happiness and health. That is why such a souvenir is often given to close and dear people as a token of love and best wishes for a birthday or housewarming. However, you can give gifts to your loved ones without any particular reason. It is believed that such a tree will certainly bring happiness to the house. They place it in a conspicuous place, more often in the hall or bedroom: topiaries, beautifully matched in color and shape, can not only bring positive energy into the house, but also tastefully complement the interior in the room.

So, in order to create this craft with your own hands, you must first familiarize yourself with the basics of this art. It is worth knowing what types of this souvenir are, what they are made of. And how to properly execute a tree so that it does not fall apart and becomes durable.

Topiary Basics

To prepare this souvenir, you can use almost any available means, the most commonly used are artificial flowers, buttons, coffee beans, cones, nuts, dried flowers and leaves, straw and spices, sweets, napkins, corrugated or colored paper, beads, stones, yarn, threads, cotton wool, fabric, ribbons, plastic, shells and even foil. All these materials can look great in the created composition, the main thing is to correctly build and fix the structure.

The most common mistake novice craftsmen make is that they neglect the elementary rules for securing and creating the trunk itself. In order to get joy from the work done the first time, it is worth remembering and adhering to the following scheme:

  1. To begin with, you should choose the type of topiary, or rather, have a sketch in front of you or a photograph in the form of a sample.
  2. Next, you need to prepare the necessary material and tools.
  3. Do the work in stages, do not rush and leave the less interesting stage of creating a souvenir for later. After all, a solid and high-quality foundation is half the guarantee of successfully completed work. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention when making a stand and fixing the trunk on it.
  4. There can be several trunks in 1 pot - this is not prohibited at all, the main thing is that the combination of shapes and colors looks harmonious and the whole composition.

For beginners, it is best to choose a lighter topiary model. Having completed the simplest work, certain skills and understanding of how this happens will be acquired. There are several simple, but at the same time very beautiful and unusual souvenirs in this style that a beginner should try to make first.

Such a composition will be an excellent and, most importantly, an original gift for the birthday of a loved one. A small miniature tree made of fresh flowers will bring positive emotions and become a memorable present on a festive day.

So, to create it, you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. A pot or container for planting a tree in it.
  2. Floral sponge.
  3. Gypsum or putty.
  4. Twigs or wooden skewers for food.
  5. Tapes.
  6. Decorative elements in the form of an artificial butterfly, moss, stones or coarse colored sand.
  7. Natural flowers.

To begin with, it is worth placing polyethylene on the bottom of the pot so that the putty does not leak out of the bottom hole. Next, you need to fill it with putty, leave a free space of 3-4 cm. Until the material has hardened, insert a wooden stick in the center. It must be strong enough and strong, as it is the basis of the composition.

Leave the container with putty to cool for a day. After complete drying, a figure suitable for the container is cut out of the floral sponge, it needs to fill all the free space in the pot. Before its thorough placement inside the sponge, it is advisable to moisten it well with water. After that, flowers on legs are taken directly, the length of which depends on the desired height of the composition itself. The flowers are stuck into the sponge around the main stem. With the help of ribbons, they are wound neatly to a wooden base. Artificial moss is laid on top of the sponge.

Further below, at the base of the trunk, there are still flowers on short legs. In this case, they are immersed in the sponge to the buds, that is, the cuttings should not be visible at all. In conclusion, you can insert decorative butterflies into the center of the trunk on a thin wire, which will rise above the bouquet. If this composition is decorated in a marine style, then you can use shells, blue, blue and white ribbons, and you can also pay a lot of attention to the decor of the pot itself.

In general, fresh flower topiary can be given instead of a regular bouquet or as a present. Even a beginner can actually do it. There is 1 drawback - this is that the flowers will wither sooner or later, and sometimes a person wants the memory of the gift to be preserved as long as possible. In this case, it is worth learning how to make a topiary from artificial flowers, because such gifts will not lose their colorfulness and beauty even after years.

Flower tree made of artificial materials

So, for starters, you should choose a sample or sketch it yourself. This is necessary for a clear understanding and following the actions in the work. After that, prepare everything you need to execute:

  1. Pot.
  2. Putty or plaster, water.
  3. Wire large and small.
  4. Gun with silicone glue.
  5. Scissors, pliers and a brush.
  6. Glue, paper tape and decorative needles.
  7. Styrofoam to create the base.
  8. Decorative elements in the form of ribbons, stones and other ornaments.
  9. Artificial flowers.
  10. Wooden rod.
  11. Acrylic paints and varnish.

Initially, it is worth making a strong and high-quality stand or base. To do this, putty is poured into the pot, and a wooden rod is placed in the center. Exactly one day you need to leave the container with this material to dry completely. Next, proceed to attach the foam ball, for this use a glue gun. Make a hole in the ball for the rod. And for quick fastening, glue is poured into the middle, and the base is quickly put on a wooden stick. Next, to form a textured trunk, for this, gypsum and water are used.

With the help of a wire, an unevenness is created around the circumference of the trunk, then gypsum is applied to this base. You need to work carefully so as not to stain the tree, or rather, the crown. To avoid this, it can be wrapped in polyethylene in advance. As soon as the plaster dries, you can start painting it, in this case you can turn on the fantasy, because the trunk does not have to be brown. If the tree is fabulous, then you can use any paint that suits the color scheme and idea. After the work with the trunk is completed, you can proceed to the design of the crown.

For decoration, it is worth using not only flowers, but also foliage, beads and other decorative elements. You can make a topiary from flowers and fruits, berries or herbs. Large elements are initially attached to the needles, and fastened along the edges with glue. The first step is to place the brightest and largest details, then decorate with small elements. Between the flowers, you can fasten small bows of ribbons, gluing beads in the center.

The base ball must be completely filled so that no gaps are visible. Under the crown itself, you can tie a beautiful bow. In this creative process, the main thing is to allow yourself to go beyond the stereotyped. It is possible that it was the idea of ​​the master that the new and unique flower tree will become a real work of art. For example, a topiary trunk can be glued with beads, grains, beads, dry herbs and real bark. The main thing is that the composition as a whole is complete and harmonious. In conclusion, do not forget to decorate the "ground" near the tree. To do this, you can use artificial moss, grass or other decorative elements. Now the main secrets of how to make artificial flower topiary are revealed. And in principle, this scheme can serve as the basis for creating any kind of this original craft.

corrugated paper product

So, a beginner can create not only a souvenir from ready-made flowers, but also create them on his own. A simple model is a corrugated paper topiary.

The previous version can be taken as the basis for creating the stand and the trunk itself, and for decorations it is worth making flowers from corrugated paper. To do this, you need a stapler and glue. According to the invented sample, paper of the required color is prepared. Circles of the appropriate diameter are cut from it, their width depends on the height of the tree and the desired splendor of flowers. So, you can use plain paper, or you can make brighter and more original flowers from corrugated paper. For example, take 3 purple circles, put a pink and white circle on top, strengthen all these details in the center with a stapler.

Now gently squeeze the circles, starting from the top, in the form of a bud in the center, and do this with all the petals. Such flowers need to be done in sufficient quantities to completely cover the entire ball. These buds are attached with glue and decorative needles. As an additional decoration, you can use beads or decorative stones. Many people wonder what a paper tree trunk can be made of, in fact it is better to use soft and delicate materials. You can tightly wrap the trunk with guipure tape or glue it all over with the same corrugated paper. It is worth repeating that there are no templates, there are no strict restrictions, because each product is individual, and it is rather difficult to foresee all possible options.

And finally, how to decorate a topiary pot. Many people prefer not to distract attention from the flower tree itself, and therefore use a minimum of decor on the pot. But there are options when it is simply necessary, here you can use different techniques: decoupage and wrapping with a tourniquet, and weaving from ribbons, pasting with a cloth, and you can even use knitted pockets for pots.

In general, the creation of such a souvenir is within the power of every novice master, it is enough just to understand the basis for its implementation, and let your creative imagination come true. And for a loved one, such a tree of happiness will become a truly expensive gift, as it is made by hand, and will be an exclusive product.

This is a decorative miniature tree that can be made from a wide variety of materials - felt, coffee beans, sisal, but the most popular variety of this applied art can rightly be called paper topiary - corrugated paper topiary, from plain paper, from strips for, napkins, even from banknotes.

site site will be a great find if you are planning to make a do-it-yourself topiary out of paper, because it is with us that you will find the most detailed master classes, illustrated with many photographs. Believe me, making a colorful tree is not at all difficult, the most important thing is to want and try to achieve your goal.

Paper topiary master classes on our site can be divided into several types. If you are new to making miniature artificial trees, then try working with corrugated paper first - from this material you can very easily twist various flowers, with which you can then decorate the tree. Corrugated Paper Rose Topiary looks unusually charming and will be for any interior.

It should be noted that there are many methods on how to make paper flowers for topiary and you will find them all on our website. Be sure to try to make wonderful flowers from the most ordinary napkins first, then corrugated paper will be used, and then colored paper, from which you will need to make blanks, and then use the quilling tool to make wonderful daisies and daisies.

Let's say right away that if you are going to do paper rose topiary also need to learn how to do. As a result, you will get a wonderful gift for March 8 or Mother's Day, and your mother, grandmother or aunt will appreciate the wonderful flowers decorating the craft. Of course, here you need to build on your favorite colors for the person to whom the present is intended - on our website you will find tips on making a wide variety of flowers, up to dry ones.

If you want to know how to make paper topiary and at the same time you want to make a nice present to your relatives or friends, then, of course, our publications will come in handy, which describe in detail how to make products from banknotes. Such a gift will be both practical and beautiful. However, in order to be able to carry out various manipulations with paper, you can also use counterfeit banknotes that can be purchased at joke shops, in this case your topiary will look more elegant and complex, but, of course, money cannot be used, be sure to warn those who you gift.

Take a look at paper topiary photo, which are posted on our website - you must admit that they all look just great, you should also definitely try your hand at making miniature colorful trees strewn with flowers, and ours will become your faithful helpers.

To make a real tree of happiness with your own hands is the dream of any child, but what is there a child, and an adult is not averse to mastering this task. And all masters of manual creativity have such an opportunity. Artificial flower topiaries - than not a tree of happiness, which can be created from simple materials, at random or for the fulfillment of a wish.

Look at examples of trees in the photo and video gallery, a master class - elegant, delicate trees with a beautiful crown, thin stem, and a cutely designed pot. And as a wedding decoration, and as a bedside souvenir, and as a gift to a friend - in whatever form you use it, such a topiary looks equally convincing and fresh.

There are several ways to make such a tree with your own hands. It all depends mainly on what kind of flowers you use. If these are ready-made flowers that can be bought in a store, the process of making a topiary is simplified. But after all, flowers from ribbons, and felt flowers, and silk, and paper can also be artificial.

An example is a master class on creating a paper rose topiary. Video and photo briefing will also be useful for those who are just trying their hand at this business.

You will need:

  • Beautiful pot;
  • Gypsum (or alabaster);
  • Tree trunk - pencil, sushi sticks, drum stick, etc.);
  • Music paper or book pages in English;
  • Leg-split;
  • PVA glue and glue gun;
  • Base ball;
  • Paints, brush;
  • Decorative fixtures.

If you love the shabby chic style, then you can modify this master class a little, just a little, and get a stylish accessory just in the shabby chic aesthetic. But more on that later.

The first thing you need to do is gather all the materials together. First of all, what are you going to make roses from. It can be music paper or old music books, even if yellowed. You can also use the pages of English-language books and magazines. If here the pages are yellowed, you get a vintage topiary.

  • You need to make your own flowers. To do this, cut out petals of different shapes from paper. Twist it into a tube narrow and long, and around it lay out the rest of the petals one by one until a bud is formed. The more loose it is, the better. Just bend the petals with your own hands.
  • You can hold the petals a little over the flame of a candle or over a lighter so that their edges are brownish. Such a touch of antiquity will give more showiness to roses.
  • Each flower is fixed with a thread at the base or by gluing the petals.
  • Further, the master class follows the usual scenario for the topiary. The base ball, it can be, for example, a rubber ball, you paste over with paper according to the papier-mâché principle. If this is a foam blank, you can simply paint it the color of roses.
  • With a glue gun, you fix on the basis of the rose, carefully, one at a time. They must fill the ball from all sides. Leave room for the barrel hole.
  • If gaps are noticeable, then beige or mother-of-pearl beads will close them.

Now we need to make the trunk. You can take a thick pencil and wrap it with twine in several layers. Then the stem must be inserted into the base ball, fixed with glue, while not deforming the paper roses.

The master class will be the same if you use other samples than paper flowers. The photo and video show that the principle of creating a tree is the same.

Topiary from artificial sisal flowers (video master class)

Artificial flower topiary pot

The pot can be decorated with your own hands, if it does not seem elegant enough to you. You can get inspired with the help of examples in the photo - there is decor with ribbons, and button decor, and beads, and twine, and braid.

And you can decorate the pot with your own hands like this:

  • Fragment of canvas with embroidery. On the canvas, you embroider something consonant with the flower crown - the same roses, or maybe bugs in the subject, or maybe even some kind of statement. But the embroidery should be in the same style, if the roses are vintage, then the font is vintage.
  • You can paint the pot- acrylic paints, a stencil, a little diligence and you get another hand-made little thing.
  • The pot can be wrapped with coarse burlap, then tie with twine and decorate with another small rose, also made of paper with your own hands.

You can, of course, find both a video and a photo master class that will help decorate the pot.

As for the shabby chic style, just paint the pot with white paint with your own hands, allowing specially for scuffs and underpainting. Sandpaper will help with this.

How to decorate a topiary pot: creative ideas (video)

Artificial Grass Topiary

Artificial flower topiaries are no longer a novelty, but grass topiaries are a fresh idea.

They are definitely easy to make with your own hands. The principle is absolutely the same - the main thing is to carefully, repeating the shape of the ball, stick fragments of artificial grass on this very ball.

By the way, such trees can exceed ordinary topiary in size. This is worth doing, if only because they will look more convincing in this size: a real tree with a rounded crown in a pot. A more significant interior decoration, which can be located both in the living room and in the kitchen, and make it more comfortable, for example, a loggia.

This is a good decor for shooting a family video, and for photo shoots, and for a green corner in the house.

Topiary from artificial hydrangea petals (video master class)

Topiary - a tree in the house, small, neat, perfect. One master class, and you yourself are the author of such a souvenir tree. Try it, and making topiary can become not only your hobby, but also a way to replenish your family piggy bank.

Artificial flower topiary (photo)