What items are needed to discharge a newborn? Going out: how to dress a child for discharge from the hospital

Time in anticipation of the baby flies by unnoticed. Therefore, you need to prepare in advance a set for discharge and clothes for the first time. But it’s not so easy to navigate the assortment of stores, especially if the child is the first. Clothing should be comfortable and appropriate for the weather. In winter, it is important to provide warmth for the little one, in summer - to avoid overheating.

Sometimes, for superstitious reasons, expectant mothers refuse to buy an outfit before the baby is born. But even in this case, it is worth picking up the right things so that relatives can only buy them. After all, the taste may not match. And the discharge is the first holiday of newly-made parents, I don’t want to overshadow it with annoying little things. It is necessary to dress the baby quite elegantly, not forgetting about the peculiarities of the season.

Whenever a baby is born, it is worth remembering the following recommendations.

  • Start dressing your newborn with a disposable diaper.
  • Choose clothes that are easy to put on and take off. Thanks to this, the fees will not take much time, and the baby will not have time to freeze or sweat.
  • Clothing made of soft fabric with outward seams will not irritate delicate skin. The material must be chosen natural, hypoallergenic.
  • It is better to refuse various decorative elements. Tassels can get on the face and interfere with the child, ruffles and frills can rub.
  • The baby himself will tell you when he is uncomfortable. With loud crying and anxiety, it is worth checking how warm he is by feeling his neck.
  • You should think about a safe way home for the newborn. The smart envelope in the car will have to be removed, or it should have slots for car seat belts.

Extract in the warm season

The easiest way to pick up a set for discharge in the summer. The warmer, the less clothes the child needs. It is important to remember that due to imperfect thermoregulation, babies can hardly tolerate overheating. Therefore, if the heat is about 30 degrees, then there should be a minimum of things: a cotton jumpsuit (the so-called slip or little man), a set of sliders and an undershirt or a bodysuit with socks. A thin cap will also come in handy, which will save you from a sudden breeze. It is chosen so that the size matches. If there are no scratches on the sleeves, then they can be purchased separately. A thin envelope without insulation will complete the solemn set.

At a temperature of 20-25 degrees, a jumpsuit or a vest with sliders is put on a bodysuit. So the baby will definitely not blow, and he will be comfortable. If it gets colder, then the baby will need to be insulated. A thick cap or cap should be worn on the head. The envelope should be with a thin layer of insulation. Or the child is pre-wrapped in a blanket.

Parents choose the envelope, focusing solely on their taste. You can give preference to a product with ruffles and frills - it is unlikely that there will be another chance to see your boy in elegant ribbons. Also, many manufacturers offer concise, discreet options. There are envelopes that transform into a blanket, so they will come in handy not only at the celebration. Look good on the statement and blankets tied with a bright ribbon. And the kids are warm and cozy in them.

What to wear in winter?

In winter, you will have to take care of several layers of clothing. Moreover, it should be comfortable so that in the car you can easily unfasten it. A long trip in a warm cabin in a fur envelope is unlikely to be comfortable for the baby.

In cold weather, you will need to wear the following items for discharge:

  • diaper;
  • slip or set of vests or bodysuits with sliders;
  • if the temperature is below zero, then add a blouse with warm pants or another jumpsuit (both woolen and fleece will do);
  • warm booties or socks;
  • on the head - a flannelette or flannel cap and a thick hat;
  • winter overalls, also a newborn can be wrapped in a woolen blanket (camel baby will warm well);
  • at temperatures below 15 degrees, a fur envelope is useful.

The most practical thing is an insulated jumpsuit. It is difficult to do without it on walks. The most convenient transformer. At first, it looks like a bag in which it is comfortable for the child to move his legs. And when the baby grows up, with the help of zippers it will be possible to make legs. Do not buy oversized overalls, expecting to carry it next winter. In the first year, children grow very quickly, so the size of the growth of the newborn is simply lost.

If the pouch does not have a belt slot, it will need to be removed to place the child in the car seat. The car must be warmed up beforehand.

Manufacturers offer different types of envelopes.

  • With bows, ruffles and lace corner. An elegant bundle in the hands of parents looks impressive, especially in photographs. But this option is completely impractical. The envelope quickly gets dirty, because of the lace it is not easy to wash it. In addition, the baby will grow out of it quickly.
  • With insulation: synthetic winterizer, down or holofiber. A good solution for the northern regions in winter. In severe frost it will come in handy on walks, it will protect the child from both cold and wind. Retains heat very well. The range presented in stores will allow you to choose a nice model that is also suitable for discharge.
  • On sheepskin. An almost universal thing that will serve for several years. As a cover, it will warm the legs of the baby, who has grown up and moved to the stroller. It is convenient to use such an envelope on a sled. In addition, it is very warm, so no frosts are terrible.

Release in spring or autumn

Spring and autumn can be as warm as summer and as cold as winter. The deceptively warm sun is combined with an icy wind. Therefore, it is difficult to say unequivocally which outfit is suitable for a newborn for discharge. You need to focus solely on the weather. And as it gets colder, add layers. In the first days of September or at the end of May, most likely, a set of cotton, a thin cap, an envelope or a blanket will be enough. If it's cool outside, then you need to add a tight fleece or terry overalls and a flannel cap. Also wrap the baby in an envelope with a little insulation or in a blanket. If the temperature drops below 15 degrees, then you need a demi-season overalls. And by the end of autumn, you may need a full-fledged winter outfit.

What to choose: vest, bodysuit or overalls?

Expectant mothers often face the problem of choosing between traditional rompers and vests, bodysuits and slips. The first option is more familiar, but the vest tends to ride up at the wrong time. But it is very easy to dress the baby. A bodysuit that fastens with buttons between the legs is more practical. The back of the child will not remain bare, in addition, the diaper will be fixed. A little trick: for the smallest, it is easier to pull the bodysuit not over the head, but through the legs. Pants are generally not recommended until the navel has healed.

Universal clothing for a newborn is a jumpsuit or, as it is also called, a slip. In it, nothing will definitely twitch, twist or fall off the crumbs. It is better to choose a model with buttons along the entire length, which are located in the middle and diverge on the legs. Lightning should be discarded, it is easy to pinch the delicate skin of the baby, especially if he does not lie still. Do not worry if the seams in the overalls are not out. Good manufacturers make sure that their product is soft and delicate. Dressing a toddler in such a thing is also easy.

Preparing a kit for a newborn for discharge is quite simple. In winter, of course, you will need more things than in summer. It is worth remembering the peculiarities of the climate of your region. If you pay enough attention along with it, then only good memories will remain from the holiday.

So, this joyful moment has come - you are in the hospital with your baby. Is he really handsome? And tomorrow you have an extract, and you will go home? Let's figure out what to dress the baby in for discharge: in winter, spring, summer, autumn.

How to dress a newborn for discharge from the hospital in the summer

In the summer, it will be easiest to dress a baby for discharge. As a rule, as underwear, you can choose light slip(knitted jumpsuit with closed legs and often, sleeves, in the form of "anti-scratches"), you should definitely tie it on your head light cap. Its size is approximately 35 cm. socks. If the weather is cool, it is better to wear woolen socks over the slip. The size of the socks for crumbs when discharged from the hospital is from 6 to 8. If you have not bought a slip, do not be discouraged - sliders and a vest are an analogue of a slip. The growth of a newborn is on average 52-56 cm. Clothing should be chosen within this range.

Even if you are not going to use diapers, you should still wear it for discharge. This will protect the baby from leaks on the road, as well as from unnecessary discomfort. The size for a newborn is accordingly the smallest - 1. Be sure to remember to have a few spare diapers with you, just in case, as well as wet wipes so that there is something to wipe the baby's skin.

Suitable as outerwear for a child in summer an extract envelope or a simple flannelette blanket with a beautiful bow tied at the top. It is not recommended to spend extra money on special envelopes, as this is impractical (in it, the baby can only walk in a stroller for the first time, then the envelope will not be useful).

How to dress a newborn for discharge in autumn and spring

In such a cool and humid season, like spring or autumn, the air temperature on the thermometer can differ significantly from reality. It's all about the wind and high humidity.

As underwear on the baby, you can leave slip or sliders with a vest. Next, we put another one on the child insulated slip (on fleece). You can wear a jacket and pants with a thick knit. You can use a simple flannel diaper. Next, put on the baby lined fall jumpsuit. Remember to leave space between layers of clothing. Things should not be stretched on the child back to back.

Now there is a wide selection of transforming overalls on the market. It is recommended to buy such a jumpsuit for growth. Then you can use it as an envelope for discharge, wrapping the baby's legs in a diaper. And later, when the baby grows up, make panties by unzipping the zippers from the bottom of the jumpsuit. You can take the size of the transforming overalls up to 80-86, then you will not need to buy outerwear for your child up to a year and a half years.

Be sure to put on the baby's head two hats. One light print, the second warm knitted.

How to dress a newborn for discharge in winter

It is much warmer to dress the baby for discharge in winter. Under outerwear, you can also wear a slip, or a shirt with panties, then a fleece overall or slip is required. You can use a warm blanket instead of an insulated sleepsuit.

As an outerwear option, you can use a blanket. This is a practical option, but even in a woolen blanket, a child can be cold in winter. Another disadvantage of the blanket is the inconvenience of transporting a child in it in a car seat.

It is still better to purchase a transforming jumpsuit, which we talked about above. It will be over practical and warm option for winter discharge from the hospital. Two hats should also be worn. The bottom hat will be thin, and the second one will be insulated, preferably woolen.

Basic rules for preparing clothes for a newborn

The most important rules for parents are:

- clothes must be made of natural fabrics, the seams must be even and sewn on the outside of the product and not from within;

clothes must be washed in warm water with soap and ironed on both sides;

When it comes time to pick up a newborn from the hospital, the question arises, how to dress the child? It is important to dress the baby so that he is comfortable, not cold and not hot. In this article, we will look at the basic rules for choosing clothes for a child and find out how to pick up a baby from the hospital, depending on the season and weather.

How to properly dress a baby

  • When choosing clothes, be guided not only by temperature. Pay attention to humidity, presence or absence of precipitation, sun, wind, etc.;
  • Choose clothing, especially underwear, made from soft, natural materials with minimal staining to avoid allergies and skin irritation. In addition, natural fabric allows the body to breathe;
  • Clothing should be true to size and slightly loose. In no case should she pull her arms or legs, hamper movement. also need to be free;
  • It is necessary to dress a newborn so that there is a minimum of bare areas of the body, especially in winter, cold autumn and spring. Therefore, it is better to choose solid clothing;
  • Be sure to remove the tags from the clothes so as not to accidentally scratch the delicate skin of the child;
  • In the first month of life, dress your baby in clothes with no seams or with the seams facing out. Subsequently, choose clothes without tight elastic bands, large studs, buttons and locks. Velcro will be the best fastener for a newborn;

  • Use several layers of clothing, but do not overdo it, otherwise the newborn's skin will not be able to breathe. As a result, irritation, specks and may appear on the skin. It is better to wear two layers of warm clothes than four light ones;
  • Do not wrap your child too tightly or dress too warmly. He should not sweat and overheat;
  • First dress yourself, and then dress the newborn, otherwise the baby may sweat and then freeze on the street;
  • If you are planning a trip with your baby to the store or to visit, choose clothes that can be easily removed if necessary. In winter, a warm envelope will be a suitable solution, in the warmer season - Velcro overalls;
  • Feel the baby's neck and upper back to see if the baby is comfortable. If the skin is hot and moist, the baby is hot. If it's cold, the baby is cold. A reddened nose, cold hands and feet will tell you that the baby is cold.

How to dress a newborn for discharge

The time of year pours into the choice of clothes for a newborn at an extract from the maternity hospital. The best option would be an envelope, in winter it should be insulated with fur, in spring and summer more lightweight. For warm weather, choose an envelope on fleece or thin synthetic winterizer. In summer, an envelope is not always appropriate; at this time of the year, take a diaper corner.

Under the envelope in warm weather, a thin cap, bodysuit and socks are put on the child, in cool weather - overalls or slips, a warm hat, in cold weather - socks, bodysuit and warm overalls, a cap and a warm hat.

In addition, you will need diapers for discharge from the hospital. If you do not know how to properly dress a child, ask the medical staff, they will tell you. As a rule, in the maternity hospital, mothers are given a list of necessary things.

Clothes for a newborn

For a newborn up to three months, clothes of size 56 are needed. The child's wardrobe should include the following items:

  • Two bodysuits with long sleeves and two short sleeves with front closure;
  • 2-3 pants and sliders;
  • 2-3 light sweaters with fasteners in front and warm sweaters;
  • 1-2 light overalls or slips;
  • 1-2 demi-season warm waterproof overalls with wool or fleece inside;
  • Warm envelope or blanket;
  • 2-4 pairs of mittens;
  • 2-3 caps and light caps;
  • 2-3 warm hats;
  • 3-4 pairs of light and warm socks. If you plan to wear pants more often than sliders, then you will need more light socks;
  • 5 cotton diapers and 3 warm flannel diapers.

If you are going for a walk, take diapers and a clean diaper, a bottle of water, dry and wet wipes, and a handkerchief with you. In rain and strong winds, use a cape or cover for the stroller, in cold and windy winters, cover the stroller with a shawl, and in summer and spring, take a mosquito net that will protect the child from insects.

In warm weather, instead of a stroller, you can carry a newborn in a sling. Which sling to choose for a child, see the link. The first walk with the baby can be carried out on the 7-10th day after birth; in winter, in cold weather at temperatures below minus 5-8 degrees, it is better to postpone going outside.

The first walk should be 10-15 minutes, then the time can be gradually increased. Optimal for an infant is a walk 2-3 times a day in summer for 1-2 hours, in winter for 30-40 minutes. For more information on how to organize a walk with a baby, read.

For all families expecting a baby, the day of birth and day of discharge from the hospital become the most important and significant days. And such days require special preparation. And if the term of childbirth falls on the cold season, then you need to prepare for them more carefully, and, most importantly, purchase everything you need in advance for yourself and for the newborn.

Check out in winter

Extract from the hospital in winter differs from summer time only in appearance clothes for newborn. But in order to avoid minor misunderstandings that can disrupt the festive atmosphere, it is better to prepare everything in advance, using the advice of more experienced parents or other information from a good source (magazine, book and women's forum).

What to wear a newborn for discharge in winter? List of things (in order of dressing):


2.Knitted bodysuit with short sleeves.

Suitable as underwear. It is better to choose models that have buttons at the neck. And even better, especially for inexperienced mothers, take a wrap bodysuit with buttons, then you won’t need to put it over the baby’s head.

3. Warm sleepsuit ("little man").

slip("little man"), preferably from flannel, terry or thick knitwear. This type of clothing easily replaces sliders, a vest and socks, and is worn over a bodysuit.

Very comfortable slips with mittens or sewn sleeves.

4. Socks, mittens.

You can put on warm socks on the slip on the legs of a newborn, and mittens on the handles. You can do without these accessories.

5. Headdress for a newborn.

Be sure to prepare a warm hat and a cotton cap (or a comfortable knitted cap with ties, or a cap in the form of a helmet).

It is best to choose a hat after the birth of the baby, so that it is strictly in size, then the hat will fit snugly and not let in cold air.

When choosing a headdress, it is better to give preference to products without tassels and pompons. These decorations will please only parents, and they will simply crush the baby if they have to put on a hood or cover the envelope.

6. Outerwear for discharge in winter (envelope, blanket, overalls).

Several options are possible here.

For discharge of a winter newborn, you can purchase warm envelope or a beautiful, high-quality blanket for newborns. Very comfortable and practical universal, which are easily transformed and turn into a comfortable baby blanket.

Baby envelopes (bags) can be on sheepskin, later used for sleeping in a stroller and for walking in a sled for a grown up baby.

Envelopes and blankets for newborns can be:

- with warm natural filler - bird fluff, sheep wool;

- artificial - silicone, holofiber.

Using a blanket for swaddling a baby for discharge, you can complement the outfit with a classic lace corner and a ribbon tied with a bow (blue and light blue for a boy, pink or red for a girl).

Can be bought immediately warm jumpsuit from natural materials. it can be with panties, in the form of a bag or be transforming - the zippers at the bottom of the overalls easily help to make either a bag or a leg.

You should definitely choose a model that will be equipped with a convenient fastening system along the entire length, because not a single kid likes to dress up and will certainly begin to act up.

Cosmetic products for discharge

But in addition to clothes, in winter you will definitely need a greasy baby cream to protect the baby's skin (for example, a cream from bad weather and wind) and hygienic lipstick for the baby's lips (it would be even safer to replace lipstick with Purelan-type lanolin cream).

Be safe, but don't overdo it

In warming the baby, a certain measure must be observed. It must be borne in mind that he will have to spend most of the road in a warm car. Overheating can adversely affect the health of the newborn, and impaired thermoregulation reduces the immunity of infants.

After completing all the necessary documents, do not rush to the waiting relatives. Let them wait a little longer than the child will be stressed by a sudden change of scenery.

To prevent this from happening, you need to calmly feed the baby and wait until he falls asleep. But before you start feeding, it is better to pack him on the road so that subsequent dressing does not disturb his sweet dream. Although the very last part of the wardrobe - an envelope or overalls - is still not worth putting on, the baby may sweat and begin to act up from the heat.

And most importantly, mothers should not be upset if the due date falls precisely in the winter. Even our distant ancestors proved that all winter babies are stronger and healthier than summer ones, and their immunity is more resistant to infections and various diseases.

But, despite this, you should not treat the winter discharge with less responsibility.

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The pain of childbirth is over, and the mother with the newborn baby is preparing for discharge from the hospital. Relatives wash cars, inflate balloons, buy the most beautiful bouquets. Clothes for discharge for a newborn have long been washed and are in a bag - waiting in the wings. But doubts gnaw at the young mother: is everything collected? Haven't forgotten anything?

In order not to spoil the mood on a beautiful day of discharge from the hospital, it is recommended to take special care in the selection of children's clothing. It is important to consider everything: the season, the weather, the possible time of the trip to the house. Read below for tips on choosing the right “dowry” for a newborn.

Suit for discharge for a girl and for a boy: what is the difference?

At first glance, it may seem that the difference between clothes for a boy and for a girl is only in the color scheme. Daughters should be dressed in pink, sons in blue. However, this is a big misconception.

  • For boys, light shades of green, blue, gray, brown and beige are perfect.
  • Girls look elegant in clothes of yellow, purple, green shades.
  • A universal option for discharge is a white set. It suits both daughters and sons.

A significant difference between women's and men's sets of children's clothing can also be in styles. Dresses for newborn girls look very nice, while for your son you can choose charming pants in combination with a shirt or even a formal suit.

It is customary to decorate girlish clothes with rhinestones and bows. For boys, manufacturers offer more concise options.

List of things to check out

So you're heading to the baby dowry shop, but what to buy? It is worth making a list of necessary things. A discharge package from the hospital may look like this:

  • diaper;
  • thin slip or bodysuit (for a girl - a dress or a sarafan);
  • panties;
  • blouse;
  • socks;
  • anti-scratch mittens;
  • jumpsuit for the season;
  • hat according to the season (in cold weather - two hats);
  • envelope.

This is a sample list of things for newborns that you will need when you are discharged from the hospital. The rest depends on the weather and season, as well as on the individual preferences of the parents.

Clothing for discharge in winter

If the baby deigned to be born in the cold season, then the clothes for discharge should be thought out especially carefully, because the newborn baby is very fragile and can easily get cold on the way home.

  1. Be sure to wear warm, lined newborn overalls made of wool, fleece, or cotton over a thin sleepsuit or bodysuit.
  2. There should be two hats: one is thin (you can use a cap), the second is warm (winter).
  3. Make sure that the cap fits snugly on the head so that the baby does not catch a cold.
  4. It will be better if you buy both a jumpsuit and a fur envelope (if you buy a set, you will only need to buy a jumpsuit).
  5. Outerwear buy 1-2 sizes larger.
  6. Avoid pom-poms, rough seams, and anything else that might make your newborn uncomfortable.
  7. It is better to choose clothes made from natural materials: wool, fur, fluff.

Clothing for discharge in summer

In the summer, both the baby and the mother will need a minimum number of things. There is no need to wrap up the baby, because due to an imperfect thermoregulation system, the child can quickly overheat.

In extreme heat, when the temperature rises above 25 degrees, you will need:

  1. diaper;
  2. light slip or suit;
  3. thin elegant diaper;
  4. bonnet.

If the summer is cool and rainy, replace the diaper with a warm envelope (but not a winter one!) Or a blanket. From above, for beauty and solemnity, you can tie a ribbon - blue or pink. Also in cold weather, you can dress your baby in two layers: a thin slip and a fleece jumpsuit.

Release in autumn and spring

Spring (as well as autumn) weather is unpredictable and insidious, so a set for a newborn needs to be thought out in advance.

If you are discharged from the hospital in early March or in November, then it is quite possible to choose a winter version of clothing. If everything happens in a warmer time (April, October, end of September), a demi-season set for newborns is suitable:

  • thin jumpsuit;
  • bonnet;
  • socks;
  • demi-season overalls (envelope, blanket);
  • warm hat.

It is better to think over several options in advance: a set for the cold, clothes for warm weather. If you have not had time to do this, ask your husband to take care of children's clothes.

Envelope for statement

Many are interested in such an item as an envelope for an extract. They are different: winter, demi-season and summer; dressy and casual.

Of course, a special envelope decorated with lace and ribbons will look beautiful and festive.

Similar models are available from Eco Line Fabric, My Angelok, Cry-Baby. These are often sewn from silk or high quality cotton. The colors are mostly pastel: milky, white, light blue, pale pink.

Needless to say, such an acquisition is at least beautiful, but not at all practical?

There are universal envelopes that can later be put in a stroller and even in a sled for warmth.

You can take a closer look at the models from SuperMamket, Miracle Child, Ramili Coda and others.

When choosing an envelope, three main features should be considered.

  1. Size. It is more practical to buy a larger envelope so that later it can be used in everyday life.
  2. Safety. Make sure that the envelope does not have sharp fasteners, small beads, rough seams.
  3. Appearance. An extract from the hospital is a holiday and a celebration. The more beautiful the envelope, the more solemn the photo will look.

Is it worth it to buy a ready-made discharge kit?

In children's stores you can find very beautiful ready-made kits for discharge from the hospital for a newborn. They include a different number of items, but they look very festive and elegant.

The advantages of such kits include:

  • beautiful appearance (photos from the statement will turn out picturesque and interesting);
  • natural materials (mainly cotton and silk);
  • well-thought-out equipment (you do not need to select all things to match, this has already been done for you).

But there are also a number of disadvantages:

  • high price (a good kit will cost an average of 5000-6000 rubles);
  • the absence of some items (often, in addition to the set for discharge, you need to buy additional things);
  • impracticality (unfortunately, such a set will come in handy only once).

After weighing all the pros and cons, you can decide whether you need a ready-made kit. Most often it includes the following items:

  • envelope with ribbon;
  • blanket
  • diaper;
  • corner with lace;
  • bonnet;
  • vest or jumpsuit.

Depending on the price and other factors, a warm blanket, warm hat, spare diaper, bow and other attributes can be added.

Do not buy a set for a newborn to be discharged from the hospital in advance. Wait until the baby is born and, already knowing exactly its size, ask your husband to buy the previously selected set.

gift set

Such a set is usually given by relatives or friends. In addition to the usual items (corner, envelope, vest), nice little things have been added to the set, such as:

  • plaid;
  • bib;
  • toys;
  • soap;
  • children's cosmetics.

Such a kit is quite expensive - 10,000-15,000 rubles and more. The most popular models are Naturapura and Italbaby products.

How to choose a set for an extract?

The rules for choosing a set for discharge are the same as for everyday clothes for babies - clothes for discharge should be comfortable, light, natural.

  1. Pay attention to the quality of the fabric - it should be natural, soft, natural shades. Resist the temptation to buy something too bright and colorful, as manufacturers do not always use natural dyes.
  2. Make sure your baby is comfortable in the new clothes. Avoid coarse seams, kinks, buttons, and zippers.
  3. Do not buy overly open models, even if it's hot outside. The arms, legs and head of the baby should be completely closed - only the face can be left open.
  4. For the summer, silk envelopes and undershirts are suitable - they will not allow the child to overheat. By winter, it is better to buy on a sheepskin or with a down lining.


When choosing clothes for a newborn for the day of discharge from the hospital, remember that you are purchasing the first outfit for your child. Looking at his photos, he will feel the solemn atmosphere of his first day in the big world, and a lot depends on the costume.