Christening gifts for the parents of a child. What godparents give for christening, who pays for the rite of baptism. Religious symbols in honor of baptism

The day a person becomes a Christian is considered an important event that simply cannot be left unattended.

Such a ceremony as the baptism of a child is usually tried to be carried out in the very early age when a person was just born, but someone comes to this a little later.

It is believed that after the rite of baptism, a person becomes pure from sins. And for Orthodox parents it is important to perform the rite of baptism for your child as early as infancy in order to enlist the support of the angels.

The rite of baptism

For such an event as the sacrament of baptism, they always prepare in advance and plan a celebration, invite guests.

The rite of baptism cannot take place without godparents, who later become mentors in matters of faith and in any other life matters.

Since ancient times, it has become customary that the mother and father of the child cannot be godparents. But these should be the closest people who sacredly observe Christian traditions.

They are supposed to give the child a gift in honor of this event. Even if the person is still small, then gifts from godparents will symbolize their reverent attitude towards their godson.

Gifts are also given by other guests - relatives and friends. Therefore, you should find out what they give for christening.

What gifts can godparents give

Many are interested in the question of what godparents give for christening. Of course, you can give godfathers pectoral cross which a person can keep for a lifetime.

Usually a cross gives Godfather. It doesn't have to be made of gold or anything else. noble metal, the main thing is that it be presented with warmth.

Even if it is a wooden cross, it will carry the fertile warmth. If a chain is given to the cross, then it should be stored separately. At first, the child will wear a cross on a string.

christening clothes

Considering that after baptism a person should begin new life, he needs to give new things. It can be clothes, a towel, a shirt. It is even better to make clothes with your own hands, because a piece of the soul is invested in such things, which means they will be the most valuable.


To perform the rite of baptism for a child, you will need a piece of cloth or a towel called kryzhma. After immersing the child in holy water, he is wiped with this cloth. After that, she stays with him for the rest of her life. Kryzhma should be stored in a secret place, it can no longer be used and washed.

In ancient times, such things were made by hand. The person who embroidered a piece of fabric always read a special prayer before that. If you wish, it will not be difficult to embroider on towels and fabric.

But today everything is available. Need to choose soft tissue where there are no protruding seams or decorative elements. After all, the skin of a baby is delicate and easily injured. Church symbols are usually depicted on such towels - crosses, angels and other attributes.

spiritual books

Godparents are charged with the obligation to maintain faith throughout their lives, so they can give their godson a Bible, a Psalter and various spiritual books. By reading these books, he will strengthen the spirit of a Christian in himself more. A small child, of course, is given a children's bible.


A good gift on the day of baptism will be an icon depicting a saint, which will remind you of the perfect rite of baptism. But you need to take into account that each icon has its own purpose, so it is better to consult with the priest which icon is better to purchase.

The measured icon will be a great gift. This icon is made to order, it must match the size of the child. It depicts his patron - a saint born on the same day.


It is believed that baptism is the victory of light over dark, so you can also purchase various sources of light - lights, lamps, lamps.

Other gifts

A silver spoon will also be a great gift for a baby to start his first complementary foods with. The baby's name can be engraved on the spoon. Over time, such a thing can become a family heirloom and be passed down from generation to generation.

But it is necessary to choose the right item so that the child is comfortable using it. To do this, the spoon must have a round scoop and the absence of any notches on it. Silver should also be highest quality- 925 samples.

Pouch for storing strands of hair

Once upon a time, it was customary to cut off a lock of a child's hair and keep it for life. Parents of the child will also be pleased to observe this tradition.

The items that were donated for baptism remain for life, so it is worthwhile to approach the choice of a gift with responsibility.

DIY gifts

They always hide the warmth of hands, the care of the one who did it and love. Therefore, such gifts are a huge success. But today it’s not a problem to make something. There are so many different schemes and models on the Internet.

You can find everything you need in handicraft stores. It is worth trying to embroider a portrait of a newborn so that it remains forever in memory.

Gifts from guests

Other guests, except godparents, can also present something symbolic or memorable. On sale today you can find a huge number of things, such as a jewelry box, photo frame, photo album, toys, etc.

You can also congratulate the parents of the child by giving him something beautiful, such as bed linen or a bedspread.

But if you want to give something memorable, then it is better to present an icon or a children's Bible with colorful pictures.

In order for your gift to be appropriate and desirable, it is better to ask your parents what they want most. Perhaps the parents of the child need a high chair, a playpen, an inflatable pool, or some other thing.

happy birthday little parents have to buy a variety of household appliances to keep your baby healthy. Guests can help the parent and purchase something useful for them. It can be a humidifier, baby monitor, multicooker, heater and other things.

The most desirable gift for the child himself will, of course, be toys. Therefore, you can safely give a certificate for a certain amount of money to the "Children's World".

Parents can also be shown a sign of attention by presenting them with something tasty - a cake, a basket of sweets or a collection bottle of Cahors.


The mother of the child will be pleased to receive a bouquet beautiful flowers. But in such Holy holiday it is better to choose not too bright and fragrant flowers. The bouquet should look cute and gentle.

Of course, such a holiday should remain in the memory, so it would be better to capture it on a video camera. Therefore, you can order the services of a photographer and videographer. This will be a wonderful gift.

What to give a girl

The closest relatives - grandparents are often interested in what they give a girl for christening. They can purchase something of value in honor of such an event.

The little girl will grow up after a while and she will probably want to decorate herself with earrings. Beautiful, gold earrings will be a great gift for her. If desired, the ears can be pierced even for a very small girl. Today, many beauty parlors offer this service, and it is completely painless.

The little girl will love the beautiful doll she will play with as a child. For a christening for a girl, you can present the most beautiful doll made to order from the master. Subsequently, it will be possible to put on baptismal clothes on it and leave it as a good memory.

Another memorable gift can be a gold or silver coin, which bears the name of the child, the date of his birth and christening.

Guests can buy a beautiful dress for the girl, like a real little princess. Even a few sets of clothes will be welcome, because it will never be superfluous.

Other attributes - walkers, toys, soft rugs will be useful little child, after all, parents do not always have enough money for all this. But if the child has everything and wants to present something special, then you can buy an author's toy. And then no child will have such a toy, of course, it can become the most beloved.

Gift options for a boy

Some things can be served to both girls and boys. But sometimes the guests doubt and do not know what they give to the boy for christening. If you want to choose the right gift for a boy, you can always choose from a variety of options.

Close relatives who come to the christening for the boy give something of value. It can be a set of silverware, which includes spoons, forks, cups. Silver items will also serve as a wonderful souvenir and forever remind of this significant event.

Bank coin with the image of an angel, a church, a cross - great gift suitable for the theme of the celebration.

Things made of silver will remain for a long time, there is no doubt about it. Wonderful toys are also made from this metal - cars and boats.

A personalized icon or pendant with the image of a guardian angel will remind you of this wonderful event throughout your life.

The car - tolokar will entertain the baby, it will be interesting for him to move around on it, imagining that he is driving a car.

From the electric car, all the boys will be delighted. Even dads will be interested in driving a toy car with a remote control.

The pool with balls will be great fun and will develop motor skills little man and strengthen the nervous system.

Is it possible to donate money

Some guests doubt whether their gift will be really useful. But giving just money seems to them not quite tactful. However, there is nothing shameful in this. After all, with this money, parents can buy what they really need.

No need to worry that the amount is small, she will still find it useful application. After all, it is unlikely that parents will be pleased if the guest gave all his money or even got into debt.

The average amount is 3-5 thousand rubles, but it all depends on the region of residence and financial condition. Some may give more and some less. Money can be put in a beautiful envelope with church symbols and handed over to parents at christening.

Baptism does not always occur in infancy. Someone takes the faith already in adulthood. It is also customary to give gifts to an adult.

christening gift etiquette

Guests should ask their parents what kind of christening gift they would like to receive. What if it happens that several guests will give the same gifts. It is unlikely that parents need several sets for christening or several dimensional icons.

Or maybe they will be pleased with two cakes at the holiday, especially if it gathers a large number of guests. If it is impossible to ask, then it is better to donate money.

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Why is this necessary when the baby, most likely, will not even remember this strange trip to church, and modern parents do not differ in the strength of faith in the Almighty? Isn't it easier to do without unnecessary fuss? What is the point of this strange "church" campaign and babies crying at the altar, taking a special "training course" for godparents and sponsoring the church? As always, there are many more questions than answers to them, and, nevertheless, we will try to answer most of them ...

Baptism is one of the brightest and most joyful events in the life of parents and the baby himself. Of course, the child is still too young to consciously choose his faith and take full part in this process. However, involvement in traditions, the conduct of this ritual will certainly leave its mark.

Among the Persians and Egyptians, among the Phoenicians and Chaldeans, immersion in water also had sacred meaning. The Romans and Greeks also attached great importance to washing, which cleansed them not only physically, but also spiritually. By the way, the tradition of bathing babies came from the Romans, who washed their children after 8 or 9 days after birth. It was at this time that the child was given a name.

The Jews also had the rite of bathing in a mikveh called twila. During this ceremony, believers got rid of and washed from impurities. The ceremony was performed in the Jordan River, and it was conducted by John the Baptist himself, who told about an imminent meeting with the messiah. Baptism for the Jews was a kind of sign of repentance for the earthly sins of those involved in the process. Jesus Christ himself took part in the baptism, despite the fact that he had no sins.

Be that as it may, today it is necessary to approach the ceremony very carefully, observing traditions and following certain requirements.

The meaning of the rite of baptism

As a rule, long before the baby is born, parents are already beginning to think about who to take as godparents. Today, this tradition has somewhat lost its original meaning.

Once upon a time, in the distant dark times, when the mortality rate was incredibly high, godparents, taking part in this ceremony, gave their agreement for the upbringing of the child (both spiritual and physical), assumed a huge responsibility if the parents of the child leave our world. Now, fortunately, this happens extremely rarely, and the function of godparents is reduced to a minimum of annual congratulations to their godchildren on their name days and birthdays, and a maximum to spiritual education and care for their wards.

Baptism is a special sacrament during which a person unites with God, opening for himself the path to wonderful life(worldly and spiritual). Baptism is a symbol of faith and hope, as well as a huge invisible connection between all family members, immeasurable in its strength and depth.

Parental consent alone is not always sufficient for baptism. So, before the child is 7 years old, it is allowed to perform the ceremony only with the consent of the child's parents, because as soon as they during this period bear full responsibility for the child before God. In the period from 7 to 14 years, for the ritual, you will have to obtain the consent of not only the parents, but also the child himself, who can already make a decision. For those who have crossed the line of 14 years, parental consent is no longer required - they can independently make such decisions.

When is the baptismal ceremony performed?

However, today it is not uncommon for adults to be baptized. Despite the recommendations to carry out baptism as early as possible, it is adult baptism that is considered the most complete and full of meaning process, as a person approaches this consciously.

There is one more interesting fact when to baptize children. Previously, when baptism was taken more seriously, people chose a later time for this ceremony. They wanted to enjoy sinful deeds all their lives, and resorted to baptism almost on their deathbed in order to enter heavenly life cleansed of filth and sinfulness. However, the church quickly figured out the evil plan of the cunning and began to fight this trend, demanding that baptism be performed already on the eighth day after the birth of the baby.

It is not recommended that the godparents of the baby be his own parents, and we have already discussed the reasons for this - the child must have a reliable rear in case something happens to his parents.
Once you have chosen godparents for your child, they take on a huge responsibility for the process. And the main manifestation of their responsibility is the choice of a gift for the godson or for the goddaughter. The chosen gift will testify to a reverent and touching attitude towards the child, as well as to the very event that occurs in the life of the baby only once.

What to give a godson for christening?

First and most important gift from godparents - this is a cross. It is not at all necessary that it be made from noble and precious metals. The most important thing is to give a gift from the heart. And the question of the value of a gift should depend purely on financial opportunities and from the views of the godparents.

By the way, even a simple wooden cross sometimes looks much more attractive than platinum and gold "relatives".

Today there is a lot of controversy about who should give this attribute - godmother or godmother. In fact, it doesn't matter at all. If you want to buy a valuable gift, but you are short of money, you can simply agree among yourself and buy the cross you like in a pool.

Another indispensable gift from godparents is new clothes. This is not an indication that the parents take poor care of the child and do not dress him well enough. There is a secret meaning here.

The death of sin is one of the most important symbols of such an event as baptism, during which a person is reborn for a righteous life, for following religious canons and the path to God. New clothes- a symbol of rebirth after the death of sin.

For new things, they usually choose a new shirt or dress, as well as a new towel or a new piece of fabric, which is used to wipe the baby after washing with baptized water.

You can always sew a shirt yourself without spending huge sums on purchased clothes. Considering that the child will most likely put on this clothes only once in his life, and the rest of the time it will lie in the parental bins, here you will not have to have special talents and knowledge in sewing. To give the product a special charm, you can simply do fine embroidery (initials, symbolic drawing) or decorate the edges with exquisite lace. Agree, handmade gifts have always been worth their weight in gold.

In any case, a gift from godparents to their godchildren should be saturated with the special spirit of this holiday. It can be a children's bible in pictures, a nominal icon, etc.

A gift in the form of a small cute night lamp is perfect, since baptism is light that has triumphed over darkness. Often godparents give silver spoons with the names of their godchildren. However, this custom came only recently. It is believed that such a spoon will help the child keep the teeth during the period when the first complementary foods are introduced.

What to give for christening if you are an invited guest?

Here it is customary to give everything that will be useful for the baby in life and at home: sets bed linen, towels, blankets and pillows, toys and much more.

Despite the fact that the children young age growing too fast, guests often give them beautiful dresses and suits, blouses and pants.

If you want to highlight a special deep meaning holiday, it will be great if you make a toy yourself by knitting or sewing it with your own hands.

For more industrious and painstaking, religious and attentive to detail guests, we can recommend embroidering on a blanket or towel given to a child, protective prayer which will accompany the child throughout his life.

If we are talking about an invited man with golden hands, then you can also impress everyone with your skills, especially if you have a jigsaw or a lathe. A little imagination, a lot of love - and an excellent developing rattle, toy, high chair, pyramid or cubes can come out from under your hand.

If you are a practical person and do not like such sentiments, you can directly ask the baby's parents what they need for a more harmonious and full development child. A car seat, a playpen, a chair for feeding, a carousel for a crib, as well as the most necessary gift in the form of a package of diapers will always be of help in the hard work of parents.

Congratulations to parents on this bright day will also not be superfluous. Agree which of the invitees can arrange home delivery of flowers, order a beautiful themed cake or give a basket of sweets or fruits. A good photo album will be a great gift for them, in which you can put the most joyful events in the life of the baby and parents.

What if an adult is baptized?

If an adult has made the decision to be baptized, this indicates his serious and conscious approach, as well as a deep understanding and attitude towards the sacrament. Here, godparents and guests need to be more attentive to actions and gifts, since they have the most sacred and deep meaning for the culprit of the holiday.

When deciding what to give an adult godson for christening, you can rely on the experience of infant baptism. It will always be appropriate to give a cross, a holy icon, in whose name an adult is baptized, a baptismal shirt. Such gifts will be especially appreciated by people of conscious age, however, like gifts made with their own hands ...

It is absolutely not necessary to make a perfect gift (sew, make, knit). Even with minor flaws, such things will have special value and attractive force. You can not embroider the entire shirt, for example, but only the cuffs or collar. choose beautiful threads, gold or silver.

Give preference to practical gifts for an adult godchild, but that they have their own zest. You can give mittens, socks, knitted scarves, sweaters, hats.

To give or not to give gifts to godparents?

The tradition of gifts for godparents is not very common, but it will never be superfluous.

Why should you give gifts to godparents?

1. Often the choice of godparents for many comes down to purely mercantile interests. That is, the relatives and parents of the baby turn unjustifiably great attention how expensive and useful gift godparents will be able to give. So a gift from your parents will indicate that you don’t care about their material abilities at all.

2. A gift for godparents is a symbol of the fact that you appreciate their dedication and dedication, their readiness to be responsible for your child. The gift will show that you perceive your godparents as new family members who will always be welcome in your home.

3. Present godparents- this is a kind of wish for a long and healthy life, happiness and bright future.

What to give a godmother for christening?

When choosing a gift, remember that a symbolic date requires symbolic gifts. A great option would be a thing that will constantly remind her of this joyful event.

Print the most beautiful photo baby or joint photo with a godmother and place in beautiful frame. Today, the service of printing photos on canvas is popular - why not a gift? On reverse side paintings can be dated.

A personalized napkin with embroidery can be a wonderful gift for a godmother. In such a napkin, it will be convenient for the godmother to hold baptismal candles. And despite the fact that it is not entirely practical, but such a gift looks incredibly aesthetically pleasing.

Today on sale there are different thematic sets for godfather and godfather. For example, you can find embroidered towels, personalized aprons, T-shirts and other textiles.

Warm things, especially those made by hand, will also always be in place - a beautiful shawl, scarf, jumper.

Depending on the hobbies of the godparents, you can also give them pendants or coins made of precious metals with their names or with their zodiac signs.

And of course, there will always be a good one practical gift– bed linen set, tablecloth, set bath accessories. Kitchen utensils too great option: stainless steel pots, cast iron pans and more.

Festive table

A festive feast is an integral part of the celebration. However, you should always remember that the presence of alcohol on the table is inappropriate, because the holiday itself brings quiet joy, and alcohol is incompatible with a quiet and modest table.

Pay attention to light dishes that will be a great addition to tea drinking. Pancakes, nice homemade cakes (sweet and savory), light portioned salads and much more will become great solution for this humble spiritual celebration.

Christening: foreign traditions

Carrying out baptism in the Catholic and Orthodox Church has a number distinctive features, however, the meaning is the same there and there - the path to the light.

Most Western countries profess the Catholic religion as the main state religion, so there are some differences from our traditions.

At baptism in catholic church godparents give the baby not a cross, but a candle. It is on the feast of baptism that a candle presented for the first time is lit. The process of its burning symbolizes the filling of worldly life with true light, goodness. And godparents can give a cross later. After baptism, the candle will play its role several more times - it must be taken out on the day of the First Communion, and after - during the Wedding.

Remember that such a bright day - real holiday. Filled with meaning and light for both the child and his parents. However, the features of its conduct in the first place will depend on you, and not on the accepted canons and rules.

Usually children are baptized in the very tender age, and with this in mind, you have to choose a gift for them. Not only things related to the Orthodox theme will be appropriate, but also essential things that will help parents raise their small miracle. Until the girl becomes at least one year old, she will have to change a bunch of clothes. After all, in the first year of life, the child grows very much. The weight of the child almost quadruples (and sometimes more), and the height almost doubles. So regular clothes also can be a good gift for a child. But if you want to give something that will last a lifetime, then you need to approach the choice seriously and with all responsibility.

What is usually given for christening

As a rule, things that are directly related to religion always remain in memory. These are amulets, crosses, church literature for children, etc. All this can be given to a girl for christening, and even books, because the time is not far off when they can be read aloud to a daughter or granddaughter. Often such books describe the exploits of saints in a simple and understandable language for a child. Another theme is Christmas. Books about this event can be almost without text, but with beautiful pictures, provided with signatures, from which the story of the Holy Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ is formed. amulet You can give a baby an incense. The girl may not even refuse this subject in adolescence, but just show interest in him. Teenagers love all sorts of amulets. And an amulet is perfect instead, because it is a pouch, usually decorated with an icon or image of a cross, worn around the neck. There you need to put a piece of incense. However, the girl can store other small things in such a bag. Since the amulet is a wearable item that is not displayed, it is possible to store there what is dear to the heart. And if the girl is a believer, then she will find worthy use this bag.

Measured icon Not everyone has heard of such a talisman, and this is not surprising. After all, measured icons were previously made exclusively for royalty, they were painted for the birth of a child - the heir to the throne or just a grand duke or princess. Today there are sites that offer the creation of dimensional icons for anyone. These are the resources of icon-painting workshops, so there is no need to be afraid that the image will turn out to be painted by a random person. You need to choose a measured icon by the name of the child who is going to be baptized. If the girl was named Martha, then you need to choose the image of St. Martha. Church names are different from worldly ones, and this is not uncommon today. Therefore, it is advisable to find out from the priest which icon you need to choose for this or that name of the girl.

Kryzhmu and clothes for baptism Another little-known word is kryzhma. It means a special baptismal garment. Christening clothing sets can be sold in church shops and regular children's stores. Kryzhma is worn only once - immediately after the rite of baptism in the font. Along with clothes, you can buy embroidered Orthodox symbols a diaper on which the godmother takes the baby from the father after the font.

Pectoral cross The cross is the main item that appears in the rite of baptism. It is better to buy it in advance. Usually crosses are sold in church shops, which are at churches or separately. In both cases, the crosses have already been consecrated. And if you bought this attribute in jewelry store, then it may not be consecrated. Then he will have to be blessed in advance in the church. Often parents are interested in: is it necessary to purchase a chain for a cross and should it be consecrated? You can also buy it, moreover, consecrated, but it’s too early to put it on the baby’s neck. At first, the girl should wear a cross on a string. The chain is easier to break, it can cut into the delicate infant body, so it can be put off until the moment when the girl can wear it. But in any case, this good gift for christening, because it will come in handy, besides, it is very valuable.

children's bible Such a book can also be obtained in an Orthodox shop or in a store. Today there is no persecution of church literature, so its choice is quite wide. The Bible for children is adapted material that is easy for a child to understand. A children's bible can be presented even to a baby who will not soon learn to read. Many mothers try to keep the holy book at the head of the crib or even under the pillow of the child, believing that this will protect him from various misfortunes, including from the evil eye or damage.

Christening gift ideas for a girl from the godfather

Godparents can not only fulfill their role in the rite of baptism, but also present some kind of gift to the child. You can give the goddaughter something useful that the parents themselves are not able to buy, or a traditional gift. A silver spoon is usually given “for the first” tooth, but there is an exception: a gift for christening. Such a spoon has its own purpose - for communion. And although in the church they give the baby Cahors not from an individual spoon, it will not be superfluous to start a similar one at home. For a little one, it won't hurt. The baby can be given holy or ordinary water from this spoon, as well as medicines.

Cross for baptism Traditionally, it was believed that the godfather should buy the cross. After all, he is then supposed to educate his goddaughter in Orthodox tradition. Of course, earlier godparents were chosen not from a good life, but because they were afraid that the child might become an orphan. And then either the godfather or the godmother should have taken him into the family. But this is from a worldly point of view. But the church attached a different meaning to this: godparents should take part in the upbringing of the child and raise him as a believer. And the cross is a symbol of faith. The girl will be able to take the first steps with the help of such a device sooner than just like that. In addition, it will be perfectly protected from many troubles, and not just from falls. This is a large children's thing, so it can be expensive for parents, and they already have so many expenses. If the godfather gives a walker, then it will be great help and the benefits for the baby when she learns to walk.

Such a gift is not directly related to the rite of baptism, but it will be very useful in the future. In this album, parents can start collecting photos of the girl, so that later there is something to remember about the first years of her life.

In such a frame, you can upload any photos, including those from the christening. So from the godfather this gift will be very appropriate. In addition, he can show off in this frame himself. The main thing is to choose a good quality photo frame so that it works for a long time. After all, the goddaughter should then use this gift herself.

What to give for christening to a girl from a godmother

There are things that, according to tradition, the godmother gives. However, parents or other relatives can already buy them in advance. But this is not a reason to buy the same thing or refuse to buy a gift at all.

What must a godmother give

- this is the item that, according to custom, is bought by the godmother. If the parents have already bought a christening shirt, then the godmother can buy a diaper. After all, after the font, a naked baby needs to be wrapped in something, wiped off, and only then put on a kryzhma. If a girl is baptized in cold weather, then you can also give a blanket: it will definitely not be superfluous in the household.

DIY birthday gift for goddaughter

And kryzhmu, and a blanket, and a diaper can be made with your own hands. That is, an ordinary item can be embroidered with symbols for christening, embroider the name of the child. You can also give the baby angels, and what you make them out of depends on your inclinations. You can mold them from clay and burn them in a furnace, then this gift can be stored for a long time.

Diaper cake goddaughter

If the girl is in infancy, then waterproof diapers are a daily necessity for her. There are several options for how to make an impromptu cake using ribbons and diapers. And although it has nothing to do with the baptism of an infant, it is still a very necessary thing, and it is also unusually presented.

A girl can be baptized not in the first year of her life, and then she will be happy with any decoration. If these are earrings, then they can generally be chosen from jewelry metal. Firstly, the probability of losing them is less than chains or rings, and secondly, gold and silver very rarely cause allergies. In general, these metals are considered useful for humans. If parents believe that jewelry should be preserved and given to their child later, then do not be offended. Perhaps they want to keep them until the more conscious age of the little princess, when she can appreciate this gift and treat it with care herself.

What to give for christening from guests

The guests invited to the christening also do not stand aside and give the little one all sorts of useful things. Certainly no rules apply to gifts from guests, and christenings - great occasion help a young family financially. Bed linen for a baby is an urgent need. You have to change it more often than an adult, so a couple of sets won't hurt. Children's bed should not be boring. It is better if you choose material with pictures. In addition to the usual duvet cover, pillowcases and sheets, you can buy sides, a canopy on a tripod, etc. for a crib. A mobile will be a great addition.

Any toy serves development baby. There are special games that develop fine motor skills of fingers. But for very small ones, beautiful rattles are suitable. This is not just fun: they develop hearing and vision, because they become bright and colorful. Toys for development need to be bought by age. If you were invited, for example, to the christening of a six-month-old girl, then you can give her not only rattles, but also more complex games.

clothes The same applies to clothing. For baby it can be for growth, because children of this age grow quickly. The main thing is that the cap, overalls, sliders or other items of clothing are not small for the girl. It is better to ask a young mother about the size in advance. You can also find out color preferences. Some children go exclusively bright colors, others - pastel. Even at this age, there are differences in skin tones, eye and hair color, and outfits should fit all of this.

This device is indispensable when there are few relatives in the house, and therefore you have to leave the baby alone. Perhaps the family does not excess funds to buy this desired and useful thing, more precisely - a couple of walkie-talkies, one of which is located by the baby's crib, the other is with mom or dad, who are busy doing laundry or cooking. Today you can find the most colorful baby monitors, but it is important to be sure that the device is made by a good company and will not let you down at a crucial moment.

At some point, the child, in addition to bottles, will use a bowl, spoon, cup. You can donate all these items, because it is likely that the parents have not yet acquired them. But even if this set of children's dishes is a spare, it's okay, it will always find a use for a small household.

This rug is a great alternative to the arena. Some children can not stand when they are put "in a cage", but they feel good on a playing mat: after all, it has arcs with interesting toys, light and sound effects. It is advisable to choose rugs with borders and with bright, diverse toys: even if such an object seems more tasteless than painted in one color scheme, then it is better to stop on it. This is done on purpose, because it is difficult for the baby to concentrate on the same toy for a long time, as well as on the same color.

What to give granddaughter for baptism from grandparents

Grandparents babes can be quite wealthy people. Many of them still continue to work, so they can buy an expensive gift. But if they have late children, or a baby was born late to their children, then grandparents may already be pensioners, and then their contribution in terms of the value of the gift will be noticeably more modest. But this does not mean at all that it will not be so significant for the baby. Handmade clothes or diapers If the grandmother sews children's clothes on a typewriter, as well as diapers, sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers, all this will be an excellent help to a young family. The fabrics from which things for babies are sewn cost mere pennies, but finished goods Some of them are expensive for some reason.

A knitted blanket for a baby is a great way to protect her from the coolness of the evening while walking in the summer. And in winter time it can be an addition to a baby blanket if the apartment is not very warm. With such a blanket you can cover the baby's crib when the girl is awake and is in the arena or walkers. Or even walk with her.

Bicycle or stroller A stroller is not always a transformer, sometimes parents buy an ordinary “lying” stroller first or get it from friends whose child has already grown up. Therefore, received as a gift Stroller- invaluable help to a young family. If an ordinary stroller (including a transformer) is already available, then parents will not refuse an additional stroller-cane as an easy option. long handle(or sleds, if we are talking about winter period) is also a wonderful and timely gift. Parents often use this alternative to the stroller when the baby begins to attend the nursery.

Children's furniture is also not purchased immediately. And it will be especially nice to receive a high chair made by grandfather himself. If a grandfather knows how to make things out of wood, he will be able to find instructions from the same craftsmen on the Internet. And then the girl will have the most original chair. After all, grandfather will be creative in its manufacture.

What icon to give a girl for christening

For christening, icons are often given with the image of a saint, whose name the girl was named. You can also present an image with the image of Jesus Christ or the Virgin. Usually in the temple where the child is baptized, there is a main icon. For example, this is the church of Cosmas and Damian. This means that the girl can also be presented with an icon with these saints - in memory of the temple. Many children are given St. Panteleimon, as they believe that she brings health and protection from diseases. For a baby, if she is often sick, it is quite appropriate to present this icon. correct option. In addition, from the priest you can learn a lot about this icon, about its meaning. Then, presenting this present, you can tell your parents what it will mean for the girl.

Baptism is one of the most important events in a person’s life, because after that he becomes closer to God, receives protection higher powers, including his guardian angel. After baptism, a person also acquires spiritual parents - godmother and father, who will instruct him in the faith.

Only the closest people to the family are invited to this holiday. Of course, on this bright day, they want to present something necessary and memorable to the son of their relatives or friends.

For several centuries, traditions have developed in accordance with which gifts for baptism are chosen for a boy. We will tell you about them and tell you what is customary to give boys for christening, so that you can make the best choice.

An important role in this ceremony is played by godparents, who are the first to present their gifts to the child, because from the moment of his baptism they have new duties, which they swore to fulfill before God in the church.

What to give for the baptism of a boy from godparents?

The godmother prepares kryzhma for the day of the sacrament ( white towel, in which the baby is wrapped after the font), a baptismal shirt and a bonnet. Kryzhma is often decorated with embroidery and an Orthodox cross. It can also be custom-embroidered with the boy's name and christening date.

When choosing these things, pay attention to the composition of the fabric, the quality of the finish and decorative elements. The material from which these products are sewn must be natural, the seams are carefully processed, the embroidery must be of high quality and discreet, suitable for a boy.

For the christening ceremony fit clothes light colors. White, cream, sky blue colors are preferred, which symbolize holiness and purity. Also, the godmother can give the baby booties with crosses embroidered on them or some kind of ornament.

Choosing clothes for a child for christening should be according to the weather and season. Such things can be bought in a special store, a church shop or sewn with your own hands. After the christening, these products are not used for their intended purpose, but are kept at home as a talisman. It is believed that these consecrated things protect children from troubles and illnesses.

A traditional baptismal gift to a boy from the godfather will be payment for this ceremony in the temple and the cost of festive table on the occasion of the christening.

The godfather also buys a cross for the baby. It can be made of gold, silver, amber, wood and other materials. Best Option for a child, silver is still considered, known for its disinfecting and protective properties.

However, not every cross is suitable for this sacrament, so it is better to buy it in the church on the eve of baptism. In addition to the cross, a chain or twine is chosen - gaitan. For small child the second option is preferable, since the chain rubs the neck and prevents the child from sleeping.

What do they give for the baptism of the grandson of his grandparents?

A spoon "for the first tooth" will be a wonderful gift, with which your grandson will be fed when the time will come, or a set of silver children's dishes, including a cup and saucer. Such products are usually engraved with the child's name or Christian symbols.

You can present a silver bell, which is hung over the bed as a talisman.
If the grandmother sews, knits or cooks well, she can make a baptismal gift for the boy with her own hands - sew or knit a beautiful suit for him, bake a cake with a congratulatory inscription.

What kind of christening gifts do relatives and family friends give?

Other close people are also invited to the christening ceremony. It is not permissible to come to a child empty-handed, especially on such a solemn day when he became baptized. Much depends on the relationship with the main hero of the occasion, on your financial situation, on the preferences of the one who will be congratulated.

Aunts and uncles, friends of parents can present a children's Bible, a prayer book, books about the lives of the saints and similar publications that the child will read when he gets older.

A good gift on the occasion of christening for a boy will be an icon with the face of his patron saint. This image, which is placed near the boy's crib, protects him children's sleep, and subsequently, in adult life, will protect from troubles and diseases.

In the old days, it was customary to give children "dimensional icons" with the image of the patron saint. Such an icon is painted to order on a board, the height of which is equal to the height of the baby at the time of baptism. She will stay with the child for life and will help him in difficult situations.

We list other gift ideas: it can be an amulet, a souvenir in the form of an angel, a box for storing memorabilia, a photo album with the name of the baby, etc.

A thematic photo frame with an image of an Orthodox cross or an angel will be a wonderful present. Parents will be able to post a photo of their child here to remember the day of christening with warmth.

Beautiful embroidered napkins over which candles are held during baptism (so that the wax does not drip on hands and on the floor), a set of towels with commemorative embroidery, etc. will not be superfluous.

What else can you give for a boy's christening? By this holiday, things that are needed in everyday life are often given. toys, suits, seasonal clothes, accessories for children - the list of potential presents is quite large, and it is up to you to decide which ones to choose, because as a close family person, you should be well aware of the needs of your relatives or friends.

Many donate money, explaining that parents know better what the baby needs.

And if you want to do original present, you can order in the creative workshop or buy in souvenir shop gift medals, certificates, certificates for the godfather and godfather, the parents of the baby and the godson himself.

The main thing is that the gift was made from a pure heart. These things will be carefully kept in her family as a reminder of the bright holiday.

Baptism is a fateful event for every child, parents. This is the acquisition of spiritual peace, integrity of the spirit, God's reliable protection of man. In addition, the baby has second parents who are always ready to provide help and assistance. The duties of a godmother are especially valuable in later life.


Before agreeing to baptize a child, a woman must accept the great responsibility placed on her shoulders. It is important to understand what it means to be a godfather, and not superficially follow the traditions of Orthodoxy. It is imperative to choose a suitable candidate with faith in the heart and full responsibility. This may be a relative or girlfriend, not necessarily married, but believing and exemplary. If she is not baptized, it is important to be baptized before the fateful day for the baby, be sure to take communion.

Responsibilities of a godmother

You should not conduct an interview and casting for the role of second parents. You just need to make a conclusion, what is the attitude of the applicants to God, the surrounding people and all living things. If the mother of the crumbs thinks that godparents should only buy a cross and a kryzhma, and then participate in the sacrament of the church, and this is where participation in the fate of a new person ends, then she is greatly mistaken. spiritual education and the development of the child - that's what you should be able to do godmother throughout life. In this case, we are talking about the following duties of godparents:

  1. Always be close to the child, help in difficult situations.
  2. To teach prayers and just talk about God, his role in the life of every person, attend church together.
  3. Happy birthday every year, make gifts for Angel's Day.
  4. Communion regularly, involve the godson / goddaughter in the ceremony.

How many times can you be godfather

Every Orthodox person can participate in this church ceremony, and an unlimited number of times, if the baby's parents ask for it. A truthful and informed decision is only welcome. Another important question, disturbing before the sacrament, who can be godparents, according to church scripture? All believing relatives and friends can assume duties, for example, an older brother, sister, girlfriend, friend, grandfather, grandmother, even stepfather. Cannot be godparents:

  • unbelievers;
  • ministers of the church;
  • people of other faiths;
  • unbaptized;
  • mentally unbalanced people;
  • biological parents.

Baptism of a child - rules for the godmother

The christening towel and clothes are made or bought by the future godmother, and this mandatory step preparation for the coming sacrament. In addition, a woman must first take communion and confess; on the day of christening, it is imperative to have a cross on her chest. There are other rules for the baptism of a child in the Orthodox Church, which are important to include in the rite.

Christening girls - rules for the godmother

It is important for a girl to have a spiritual mother, since she is the first after the mother and father of the child to be responsible for him. It is one thing to baptize a baby, and quite another to become a support, support, spiritual mentor for a growing person in life. The duties of the godmother at the baptism of a girl are as follows:

  1. Before the beginning of the sacrament, read by heart the prayers for the child, among them the "Symbol of Faith."
  2. Dress modestly for christening long dress, tie a head scarf.
  3. Pick up the goddaughter after immersion in the font, dress in clothes white color.
  4. Hold the goddaughter in your arms while walking around the font for the priests, when reading a prayer, during the procession of chrismation.

Boy's christening - rules for the godmother

During the boy's christening important role plays not only godmother, but also a father who in the future will provide him with spiritual support in everything. The main duties of the godmother during the baptism of a boy are identical, as well as during the church ceremony of a girl. The only difference is this: after immersion in the font, the godfather takes the baby in his arms; the priest also carries baptized boys behind the altar.

Prayer for the baptism of a child for godparents

During the procession, the priest leaves a reminder of what the godparents should do: say the prayer “Symbol of Faith”, “Our Father”, “Our Mother of God, Rejoice”, “King of Heaven” three times aloud, answer honestly several traditional questions about faith. Each prayer for godparents at baptism gives a powerful energy charge, contributes to the child receiving grace.

What do they give a girl for christening

What should the godmother do after the completion of the sacrament? Buy and present to your godson or goddaughter memorable gift. This is where the problem arises with choosing a suitable presentation. So what does the godmother give for the christening of a girl?

  • silver or gold cross;
  • god's image;
  • nominal icon of the Guardian Angel;
  • silver spoon.

What does a godmother buy for a boy's christening?

For future men, there are also certain requirements for gifts. This needs to know what is needed for the christening of the boy, so that during the sacrament not be taken by surprise. Here's what a second mom should do:

  • buy a white vest, blanket, towel;
  • to present as a gift a Bible, a nominal icon;
  • make another memento.

What should a godmother do

If a woman has her children, nephews, younger brothers and sisters, she must not forget her own godchildren. There are a number of beliefs and will accept why godparents are needed. Here's what a godmother must do last day life:

  1. Pray for the godson every day, ask God for a bright path for him.
  2. Attend church with him, take communion, confess.
  3. Participate in spiritual formation, growth and development.
  4. Become a role model in his mind.
  5. Take full responsibility for the baby if blood parents will die.

Video: what godparents need to know before baptism