Marriage during Lent in August. Is it possible to play a wedding in an Orthodox fast? think about people

Do weddings take place during Orthodox Lent? This is one of the most popular questions on wedding portals. It often happens that future newlyweds, most often far from the church and the Orthodox faith, have already managed to set a wedding date, order photo and video shooting, rent a hall, send out invitations ... and then suddenly a grandmother who lives in another city exclaims during a telephone conversation : “What are you doing! Is it possible to play a wedding in the post?!”. After laughing at the superstitious old woman at first, after a while the bride and groom begin to torment the Internet in secret from each other in order to find out this, because there is no smoke without fire. They are quite understandable, because marriage is a very responsible step, and no one wants to start a married life with some wrong, thoughtless actions.

Why don't weddings take place during Lent? Is this a strict church ordinance or a folk custom, or maybe just a superstition that does not have any serious grounds? As always in doubtful cases, this question should be asked not to a girlfriend or neighbor, but to an Orthodox priest. Let's find out what they answer to this question.

Do weddings play in post - wedding in the Orthodox Church

Oddly enough, but if you ask different priests the question - Is it possible to have a wedding in fasting ?, we can hear a variety of answers. Some priests believe that it is possible to marry during an Orthodox fast under certain conditions, while others believe that it is absolutely impossible. In only one thing they agree in a hundred percent of cases: you can’t get married in fasting. The ban on weddings during the Orthodox Lent is so strict that it does not fall directly within the competence of the priest. In those special cases when the wedding in fasting is a matter of life and death (for example, the groom is going to the army), the request is submitted to the ruling bishop, and only he can give permission to the priest to conduct the sacrament of the wedding in fasting. But these are really exceptional cases.

As for the decision whether to play a wedding in fasting (meaning painting in the registry office and celebrating) or not, here, perhaps, you should listen to your conscience, since there are no clear church instructions on this matter. In any case, if the decision “for” has already been made, then the priests recommend observing an important rule: there should be both modest and lenten dishes on the table so that your fasting relatives do not feel embarrassed. But if possible, then it is better not to play a wedding in a post.

Restrictions on holding a wedding in Orthodox Lent

In order not to get into trouble when setting a wedding date, it is better to look at the Orthodox calendar before that, which lists all Orthodox fasts.

Weddings do not take place during the Great, Christmas, Assumption and Peter fasts, as well as on the following days: on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, on the eve of the great and twelfth church holidays, on the eve of temple holidays (to be specified in the church), on the eve and on the days of the holidays of the Exaltation of the Honest and the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (September 26 and 27) and the Beheading of John the Baptist (September 10 and 11).

In addition to these church fasts, weddings are not played during the festive periods: Christmas time (January 7–19) and Holy Week (the week after Easter). But there is no reason to be upset: the rest of the time you will be happy to get married in any church. Of course, you can violate this church prescription, but is it worth starting family life with violations, especially if you are believers or you have believing parents whom you do not want to upset? After all, a really urgent need to play a wedding during fasting occurs very rarely.

A wedding is an exciting and very important event, so many future newlyweds attach special importance to the date of this event: some look for this day to be prosperous according to the lunar calendar, while others so that the wedding in 2017 does not fall on Lent. In this article, we will talk about the second case.

Is it possible to play a wedding in an Orthodox fast? Unfortunately, this issue is not really important for every couple, but it didn’t even occur to our married ancestors to set a wedding date for days on which, according to the church charter, a wedding cannot be played. They did this because they simply did not have the concepts of secular marriage or civil marriage, and the wedding was always played on the same day as the wedding. In our time, everything has become much more complicated, and sometimes young people themselves do not fully understand what kind of relationship they are in, what can we say about adhering to strict church canons? But those who are going to get married in 2018, and at the same time do not want to start their family life by violating Orthodox rules, definitely should not set a wedding date for the post.

Is it possible to get married in Lent?

If it is important for young people to adhere to the church charter and the traditions of their ancestors, then they definitely should not have a wedding in Lent before Easter. After all, fasting before Easter is spiritual improvement, so a cheerful and noisy celebration, which from time immemorial has been a wedding, is completely inappropriate during this period. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the wedding date does not fall on Holy Week of Orthodox Lent - is it possible for a Christian to go down the aisle on days when the crucifixion and death of the Son of God is remembered? Weddings are not performed during the preparatory weeks for Great Lent. In 2018, this period covers almost the entire March and April. In addition, Orthodox Christians do not get married in Lent 2018:

  1. Petrov (June 12 - July 11),
  2. Uspensky (August 14 - 27),
  3. Christmas (November 28 - January 6).
  4. It is impossible to appoint a wedding in 2018 for such periods: Bright (Easter) week (April 1 - 8),
  5. Christmas time (January 7 - 19),
  6. and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

For those who are interested in whether it is possible to have a wedding in fasting, it will be useful to know that strict fast days in the Orthodox Church are also the holidays of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (September 27) and the Beheading of the Head of the Baptist and the Prophet John the Baptist (September 11). Weddings in churches are not performed on the eve of these days.

Why is it impossible to play a wedding in the post of 2018?

These Orthodox Christians always complicate everything - the newlyweds will be indignant. Why can't we schedule a wedding day in 2017 for the post? The reason is not only the ban on entertainment and entertainment, which, of course, is any wedding, but also for another reason. The fact is that during fasting and fasting days, the Orthodox Church recommends refraining from marital relations, which, of course, will be completely impossible for those who have just married. Even those newlyweds who have been living together for several years are advised by priests to refrain from relationships during fasting, since according to church canons, such cohabitation is a sin of fornication, and not to play a wedding in Lent 2018, but postpone it to a more suitable date. Such abstinence, they say, can simultaneously become both a test of feelings and a kind of sacrifice to God. In order to learn more about suitable wedding dates and fasts in 2018, you should buy an Orthodox wedding calendar.

Beginning of fasting before Easter in 2018 - February 19

  1. The date of the Easter holiday in 2018 is April 08
  2. The date of the celebration of Easter in 2019 is April 28

Why is it not allowed to marry in fasting

The wedding and the beginning of family life should be bright, joyful. Newlyweds devote a lot of time to each other, to their desires. Marriage should be blessed. But during fasting it is not performed. Therefore, those who doubt the question - is it possible to get married in post, - one should turn to church tradition. More churched people know the value of fasting. This is not a time for comfort and relaxation. Therefore, believers strictly observe. Almost any church sacrament continues to be performed during strict fasting. This is understandable. Indeed, in all services and sacraments, the spirit prevails over the flesh. Marrying in a fast, including a sanctified one, does not imply avoiding bodily contact, excesses, and much indulgence of the flesh. During Lent, this is not acceptable. Therefore, it is better for young couples to wait a bit until the end of the fast.

Don't get married in a post

The period of fasting can be a good base for the foundation of the future relationship of two young people. To the question - is it possible to get married in fasting - we already know the answer. It is better to devote this time to other works of piety. For example, a church fast can be devoted to a joint trip around the Golden Ring, pilgrimages, visits to charitable organizations and social institutions. This is a kind of strength test of many human qualities that will be useful in future life together. Young people, thus, will pay more attention to the inner world of the second half, check themselves whether they can live together happily ever after, even if the sky is not rosy overhead. But even without these trips and social obligations, it is possible to spend time together usefully. On each side there are many relatives to meet. And you can slowly start preparing for future cohabitation.

Eat 100% white way to attract true love in your life and restore relationships in the family! Action strong amulet of love many women and men have already tested on themselves. With it, you will not only find your soul mate, but also be able to remove quarrels and negativity in the family, for this you need ...

A churched person should marry in fasting. For a blessed marriage, it is important to have fellowship with a life partner. Spouses should be a logical continuation of each other. And this post will help you figure it out. It is worth taking a closer look at the future spouse or wife before the vows to enter into a sacred union are pronounced. And fasting will pass quickly if it is not idle. &1

If you have free time, then read

The text of the Orthodox prayer to St. Basil, Bishop of Ryazan

Holy Father Basil! Pray the Lord God to forgive us every sin, voluntary and involuntary, and cleanse us from all filth of the flesh and spirit: may it deliver us from the wiles of our primordial enemy, and save us from human slander: may it confirm us in the true saving faith and

You were going to play a wedding in Great Lent ... And terrible warnings immediately rained down from all sides! And the idea is a complete sin, and the church will not approve of the marriage, and the young family will not see happiness ... Is it really true?

wedding wedding strife

First, let's figure out what we are talking about - about a wedding, registration or a wedding celebration?

If about the first, the question is removed by itself. There are no days allowed for a wedding in the Lent calendar, so the priest simply will not agree to perform the sacrament.

About the second? Go to registration without hesitation. You are not doing a bad deed, but you are entering into a lawful marriage, which the Church recognizes in the same way as a married one.

An important detail: although the union is considered legal from the moment of registration, spouses are advised to refrain from intimate relationships until Easter.

But when it comes to the wedding amusement park, problems arise. Think! You have been given time to train the spirit and the flesh: sincere prayers, repentance, reflections on God, taming passions, cleansing your soul from sin... And here is a table bursting with fast food. Tamada with funny, and more often frivolous contests. Dashing dances of tipsy guests! Is this what befits a wedding during Lent?!

What good thoughts are there...

Of course, no one will forbid you to arrange a holiday. But is there any point in calling ourselves a believer if our faith lasts until the very first inconvenience that the fulfillment of its sometimes harsh canons will bring us?

Can't delay playing

You did not look at the calendar in time and appointed the wedding in Lent ... What to do? Choose one of three options.

Strict. Postpone registration date. So pleasant, but not entirely befitting thoughts of the period of fasting, will not distract from its main tasks, and the celebration itself will be more fun without a worm of doubt gnawing at the soul.

Two holidays. Quietly go to the registry office and get a marriage certificate without fanfare. And leave a feast, a dress with a snow-white veil and a crowd of guests for the wedding - so you won’t lose the holiday, and don’t break the rules for the sake of the opportunity to eat and dance.

Compromise. What can I say, in our time, many take religion lightly. Like, God must be in the soul, and the rest is nonsense! Is it good or bad, we will not argue; let's talk about how to organize a wedding in Lent, if for some reason you decide not to postpone the celebration.

To connect with your loved one, a crowd of guests is optional

  • Invite really close people who will come not to get drunk and rowdy, but to share the joy with you.
  • Talk to the host of the entertainment program. Let it be romantic and gentle, and there are no dance melodies in the musical accompaniment.
  • Make sure that lean dishes prevail on the table, but do not forget about the "meat-eaters". Perhaps not all guests will observe abstinence, and they should also be comfortable at the celebration.

From alcoholic drinks, give preference to red wine.

And the last. If you happen to have a wedding during Lent, do not listen to those who will repeat that such a union is doomed to failure. Yes, you have sinned by succumbing to temptation. But whether the family boat will confidently stay afloat or break on the rocks is determined not by one act, but by the common efforts of the lovers to create a friendly, strong and - if both spouses believe in God - an Orthodox family. Love each other, support, take care... And be happy.

Video: Is it possible to get married in a post?

Tips from the Simoron channel.

Video: Conversation with the priest

Father Sergiy Kotelnikov about the right time for marriage.

Choosing a wedding date is one of the first and most important issues that need to be resolved soon after a marriage proposal has been made. Each couple has their own opinions and motives for choosing a particular date - their favorite number, season, significant date, or something else. Other factors also influence the final decision: whether important guests can arrive, perhaps the timing of pregnancy, etc. And for some newlyweds, it is no less important whether the wedding is allowed in fasting. When such a question arises, what is the answer to it and what are the best ways to resolve disputable situations - more on that later.

Two answers to one question

It is generally accepted that the truth is always one, and there is only one correct answer to the same question. But it is not always the case. After all, it all depends on which side to approach the problem and what point of view to adhere to. Such duality lies in the question of whether it is possible to play a wedding in fasting.

The choice of the correct answer from two possible ones (“yes, you can” or “no, you can’t”) depends on

  • to what extent the newlyweds (their parents and guests) adhere to Christian church prescriptions and
  • whether the couple is going to get married in a church.

The nature and origin of this question itself is inextricably linked precisely with religious views. Previously, when the only possible way to marry was a church wedding, everyone clearly knew and had no doubt that no one was walking a wedding in fasting, since church canons do not allow a wedding ceremony during this period. At present, however, things are different.

In modern society, which is obligatorily subordinated to state, and not church laws, a marriage registered in the registry office is considered official. And here there are no longer any restrictions on whether a wedding will take place during fasting or not. It matters here whether the date chosen by the newlyweds falls on the working days of the registry office and whether it is already occupied by other newlyweds.

Someone might think that in the end, it turns out that the church forbids weddings during the fasting period, but the state and society do not. Actually it is not. The Church does not forbid the wedding as a celebration. In its canons and prescriptions, it is only a ban on holding a wedding ceremony during this period. And since most young couples in our time at the wedding get by with only the official registration of marriage, these are completely different things.

Possible problem situations and their solution

When the answer to the exciting question is known whether a wedding is allowed in Lent, and the newlyweds have decided whether they will get married, choosing a wedding date becomes easier. Probably ... If the newlyweds limit themselves to painting in the registry office, then everything is really simple here - they chose the date they liked (or free) and there are no problems. But what if the couple wants to get married, but there are free dates in the queue for painting that fall only on the post; Or do you want a celebration in the New Year's style, but a wedding in the Christmas post is not at all acceptable? In addition to the decision to postpone the wedding date far ahead for a suitable period, there is another way out - to separate the official and church marriage.

Recently, newlyweds began to divide the wedding into several separate parts, not only out of necessity, but also of their own free will. For example, you can hold not a solemn painting on one day, but a wedding with a wedding celebration - after the end of the post. Or solemnly sign, celebrate the wedding, and get married later in a more intimate setting in a narrow circle of loved ones, or organize a special spiritual holiday for two. In any case, sharing the official registration of relations and the wedding ceremony, the latter can be carried out only after the couple has a marriage certificate registered in the registry office.

Features of the wedding festivities post

The fact that some newlyweds do not plan a wedding on their wedding day (or in general in principle), organize a wedding celebration during fasting, does not mean that they are far from faith or are atheists. Circumstances may be different, but nothing can interfere with true love. And if a wedding in fasting is inevitable, then you can take into account at least some of the nuances of this period:

  • Wedding menu. Fasting (including in terms of eating a particular food) is a personal matter for everyone. But if the newlyweds assume (or know for sure) that there will be believers among the guests, then Lenten dishes must be present on the wedding table. At the same time, they should be a full-fledged part of the entire wedding menu, and not be placed only on the table of the person who fasts. More fruits, vegetables and seafood will not spoil the feast. It is also necessary to take care of drinks for fasting people, because alcohol is also prohibited for them.
  • Entertainment. Fasting is a time of restraint and humility, but not of mourning. No one forbids rejoicing and celebrating significant events during this period, but you need to have a measure in everything. Contests, games and other entertainment can be fun and funny, but it is better to refuse tasks with spicy overtones, which are especially popular at youth weddings. Preference should be given to tests aimed at the manifestation of romantic feelings: compliments, affectionate names, remembering the memorable dates of the newlyweds, etc. A good wedding does not have to be frivolous and very noisy.
  • Music. Another prohibition during fasting concerns festivities and dancing. If the wedding is planned to be small and in a narrow circle, then it is quite possible to do without entertainment on the dance floor. When there is no opportunity to completely abandon dancing, then you can try to get by with restrained slow and quiet compositions. And also, one should not forget about the views and feelings of the guests, and one should not be offended by those who, for personal reasons, will not be able to spend the entire wedding until the morning.

A wedding is a special celebration that you want to be the only one in your life. Therefore, all newlyweds strive to walk it to the maximum. If the restrictions of fasting prevent the couple from fully enjoying the holiday, then it is better to choose another date for the wedding.

Summer is perfect for a wedding. But many people have a question, is it possible to get married on Petrov Post, and what to do if the wedding is already scheduled for this time. You will find answers to all these questions in our article.

When does Petrov Post start?

Peter's Fast is a memory of how the apostles Peter and Paul abstained from food before they began to carry Christian sermons to people. In 2016 it will run from June 27 to July 12. The start date of Lent is always counted as a week after Trinity. And its end always falls on the 12th, because a holiday is associated with this day: the day of Peter and Paul. That is, in different years, fasting can be more or less long. Like any fast, it is associated with abstinence from certain foods.

What is marriage in the understanding of the church

In order to understand whether it is possible to create a family during fasting, it is first necessary to clarify what, in principle, the church understands by marriage. Surely you are now thinking about the registry office and painting in front of witnesses. However, for the church, this event, which is so important to you, has absolutely no meaning. The fact is that the now official method of marriage has nothing to do with the sacrament of the wedding, which is the starting point for the life of a new family.

The Church considers as a family the couple who came to the Church and made their union before God. Therefore, if we are talking about painting in the registry office, then you do not violate absolutely any prohibitions. Nevertheless, here a lot depends on how much you are a believer and whether you fast yourself. Do not forget that before the wedding, the bride and groom need to take communion and confess.

If you are still a deeply religious person and want to get married, then for the church sacrament you will be offered a date after July 12th. Perhaps, to a certain extent, this is even beneficial for you, since you can not carry out a magnificent formal registration at the registry office, but at the end of the post you can already get married and have a real wedding. The fact is that the church, as a rule, does not crown without official registration. There is a very simple explanation for this: today the clergy do not have complete information about who is married and who is not. They are all located at the registry office. Without registration, they do not marry in order not to marry people who already have another official family.

Why the church does not crown in fasting

Not only in fasting, but also on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, the church does not hold weddings. Also, this sacrament is not performed on the eve of the twelfth feasts and on time for some other dates. Fasting implies spiritual cleansing, which all believers should strive for. A wedding involves fun festivities and closeness between spouses. Agree that these are two completely incompatible things. After all, it is believed that the pacification of the flesh is a stage on the path to enlightenment. Yes, and such an important event in life as a wedding is not worth restrictions. Therefore, for believers, it is most desirable to transfer it to an earlier or later period, and during fasting - to fast and take care of your soul.

About the wedding in a post

As already mentioned, in fact, nothing and no one forbids you to formalize the relationship. But outside the church. If you agree to this, then you can quite happily prepare and celebrate one of the happiest days of your life. If you are deeply religious people, you can get by with a modest family dinner without wide festivities. A little less believing people can arrange a full-fledged wedding. Another point that is better to find out in advance is whether there are those who observe Peter's fast among the invitees, and think about having at least a few Lenten dishes for them.

Astrologers have noticed that there is a certain pattern between the wedding day and a happy life together for the young. You can find out how prosperous your marriage will be according to the lunar wedding calendar for June. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.06.2016 03:05

One of the pressing issues in Lent is what to eat so that it is satisfying and ...