Conspiracies from spoiling a person to remove it. Protective prayers and conspiracies from the evil eye and damage

A person who falls under the influence of evil forces sometimes does not even know that he was damaged, however, his life does not improve from attempts to improve it and keep God's commandments. If there are people in your environment who can cause harm out of anger or start, protect yourself from them with the help of conspiracies.

Reliable protection against damage and evil eye prayer

The best way to remove damage is a prayer that can be read every day after sunset, while closing all windows with curtains and going around the house with a church candle, say:

As I locked the windows, so I close my house with a strong word, a good deed, from thirty sorcerers, from black poppy, from gray poppy, from unripe white poppy, from dog hair, from quarrels and evil spirits, from a black candle and ashes from the oven, from a rotten egg, from a crooked key, from a rusty needle I close my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The conspiracies of the Siberian healer from the evil eye and damage

Siberian healer Maria Bazhenova published a whole book in which she shared with readers the ancient traditions of Siberian healers and talked about available conspiracies from various diseases of the negative influence of evil people.

The healer warns that when fighting evil, it is important to keep goodness in the soul, not to become embittered. At the same time, handle conspiracies and perform rituals carefully, without harming yourself. Yes, and the one who caused damage should not take revenge and try to ruin his life, fate itself will punish the guilty, and stepping on the path of revenge, you can ruin your own future, harden your soul.

Before reading, you need to turn to good forces, ask them for help and protection, for this you can go to church, fast, read prayers, communicate mentally with your ancestors. Below we present several conspiracies from the Siberian healer Maria Bazhenova.

Conspiracies from spoiling a person to remove it and how to find out if there is

Damage is one of the most terrible variants of witchcraft; envious and unkind people induce it, leading a person to physical or mental illness. It is rather difficult to notice it, especially since it is aimed for different purposes. So if damage was put on the way in the family, then quarrels with her husband will begin to arise, misunderstanding, and from scratch. If damage to health, then it will begin to deteriorate sharply, and doctors will not be able to determine why your body suddenly “fell down” from various sores.

You can find out about the presence of damage with the help of a pin, for this, when leaving the house in the morning, a pin is pinned to the clothes so that it is closer to the heart. It should not be visible to others. The head of the pin must be directed perpendicular to the surface of the earth, that is, the ends into the earth and sky. Fixing the pin, say the following:

Save me on the road, Lord, from evil people and unkind thoughts. Amen, amen, amen.
After returning home, you should consider the pin. If it is unbuttoned - the evil eye is on you, and lost - damage.

Conspiracies from damage and the evil eye on water read Slavic

For a conspiracy from damage and the evil eye, you can use any drinking water, the following conspiracy is read over it:

Saints Peter and Paul
Protect the servant of God (name)
From dashing thoughts, but black deeds,
From human evil, but demonic witchcraft.
From now on and forever and ever. Amen.
Then the water is drunk.

Conspiracies and prayers from the evil eye and damage for a child and for babies to read on water and matches

To eliminate damage and the evil eye for a small baby, you can prepare water. We pour water into the jar, immerse it in it, but in such a way that it is up to the handle in water, and the tip is at the bottom. We put our left hand on the edge of the neck, take the knife with our right hand and begin to baptize the water in the jar with this knife.

A conspiracy against corruption from cemetery land and so that the one who did it becomes ill

Peter and Paul, chief apostles, close and protect me, the servant of God (name), with your incorruptible robe from the evil of man, from a dashing thought, from black, from black, from white, from blond, from priest, from priest, from black, from the black vestry, from the simple-haired girl, from her thought, the servant of God (name), from her thought. And to my words, the key and the lock. Always, now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy from damage and the evil eye to an iron tyn

Come out, unclean spirit, from the servant of God (name). From the head, from the hands, from the intestines of the heart, from the abdomen, from the liver, from the stomach, from the spleen, from the bladder, from the whole organism. Go, pain, where the grass does not grow, where the sun does not warm, where the wind does not blow. Go to the abyss, to the bottom! Amen. Amen. Amen.

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. "Maybe you forgot my phone number" - ...

There are many types of damage. Each impact works within the limits defined by the words of the spell. All damage is united by one thing - this is harm caused to another person quite consciously. Everyone needs to know prayers and conspiracies to remove severe damage or the evil eye. They will help get rid of black energy, restore well-being and health. When damage is revealed, it is impossible to hesitate. Her influence will increase every day.

Corruption is like a disease. It completely destroys the aura, deprives a person of will, well-being. It won't go away on its own. Strong conspiracies from corruption will help remove the impact made on death and put strong protection. Strong faith and spoken words will help return to the offender what he sent to you, your home or your loved ones.

How to remove deadly damage?

It is possible to remove the influence of black forces, which is aimed at death, by a strong conspiracy. There is no need to pray here. First they read it, then the spoken words. Prayer text:

“In the impenetrable forest, having lived ascetically, and having built a monastery, you were the mentor of all the virtues of the brethren, James the Monk: kind-hearted and merciful: after the departure of the Tatars, you fed the poor and hungry, having lived in reverence and died, according to your presentation, you healed many paralyzed. Hear now the relaxation of the members of the stricken and heal them with the grace given to you from the Lord, raise them up, strengthen their joints on the path of good for the poor. And heal us, who resort to you, from spiritual relaxation and deliver us, so that we are inspired by the divine flame in our hearts from the vanity of the earth, and having shaken off the impurity, and being cleansed of it, effectively glorify all the Holy Name of the Most Holy Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy words:

“I cut it - it doesn’t hurt, I prick - it’s not sharp, I take a needle, I sew it off from the servant of God (name) of the dead. Dead right hand, come down, fall away, free the servant of God (name). The dead body lies in the ground, and the servant of God (name) is in good health on the mother earth to walk. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

The rite is carried out until the person's aura is cleansed. The negative impact is clearly visible with the help of wax or eggs.

Healing starts right away. Usually seven days is enough. But depending on the strength of the magician who sent negative energy to the person, the ritual may have to be carried out a little longer.

Removal of damage done to the ground

Envious people often use needles, earth from a cemetery or dirt to send damage. If you find a handful of earth in front of your doorstep, then you need to perform the following ceremony in order to immediately protect your home from evil influences.

  • Take a piece of red fabric.
  • Holding it on top of the earth found in front of the threshold, they stitch it crosswise. The thread should be black. While sewing, they say the following:

“Whoever took this land from the cemetery, he took my damage on himself. A cross with a cross, a devil with a tail and his relatives with him, and I, a slave (a) (your name), with Jesus Christ. Amen".

  • The earth is swept away on a scoop. You can't touch it with your hands.
  • From the scoop they throw it into a black bag. It is better to take a separate trash bag, and not throw it into the general one.
  • The package is tied with a patch on which it was sewn.
  • Immediately they take it out and leave it at any dead tree.

The road there and back must pass in complete silence. You can not greet anyone, exchange words. They walk in silence, looking down at their feet.

Conspiracy to remove damage from new housing

Buying real estate on the secondary market, you can get a house with a surprise. Perhaps the former owners had enemies who damaged their homes. You and your family will not have a normal life in such a house either. Therefore, the damage will have to be removed.

  • On the first Sunday of any month, aspen branches are plucked.
  • On Monday, they are placed in any container and filled with water, put on fire and wait for the water to boil.
  • As soon as she reached the desired state, they read the words of the conspiracy 12 times in a row.

“Mother of God, remember Your home, where you were born, where you lived, rested, got up in the morning with a prayer, where you ate, where you drank, where you waited for a sign. Bless my house for salvation, from all bad damage to deliverance. For the sake of your shelter, help me. My house, Mother of God, bless. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  • After reading, the water is turned off and allowed to cool.
  • The house is washed with water in the following sequence: windows, doors, floor, threshold and porch.
  • Water is carried to the crossroads, where it is poured out. Clothing must be the same color.
  • Talking or saying hello on the way there and back is not allowed.

What to do if thoughts of suicide haunt

Damage can provoke the appearance of obsessive thoughts about suicide. No prayer helps. It’s still hard for you, life seems gray, you want to leave it, your libido decreases, everyone irritates you. Perhaps you have been damaged by the Shortening. You need to act as follows:

  • On the first day of the waning moon, a church candle is lit at dawn.
  • She is led along the whole body, they say the words of such a prayer:

“Whoever sent this damage to the servant of God (your name) took it back. The servant of God (your name) was cleansed by fire, freed from all impurity, in soul and body, as if reborn. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • The candle is extinguished with the fingers. Until 12 o'clock in the afternoon they take them to the church and put all their ill-wishers and enemies for the health.
  • The ritual is performed for seven days in a row.

How to get rid of the evil eye?

A strong evil eye can manifest itself on anyone, even a child. A person begins to feel bad, something can oppress him. Unlike damage, the evil eye is sent unconsciously. It is much easier to get rid of it than the negative influence of the first.

There is a fairly strong conspiracy against the evil eye, which helps to save not only yourself, but also others from it. If you remove negative energy from another person, then seat him at the table opposite you.

  • A glass of water is placed on the table, matches are placed in the amount of 9 pieces.
  • The match is lit. Raise to eye level
  • Looking at the flame, they say the words of the prayer:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save, save the servant of God (name) from every eye, from the bad hour, from the female, from the male, from the child, from the joyful, from the hated, from the slanderous, from the negotiation.

  • The match should burn down to your fingers, so that you feel warm, but not burned. Then it is thrown into the water.
  • This is done with every match. Each time they read the same words of prayer.

The strength of the impact of negative energy is indicated by the number of matches that have sunk. If all of them remained on the surface of the water, then there is no evil eye. This means that the cause of poor health and mood is hidden in something else. If five or more matches drowned, the evil eye is strong. The ritual to remove it must be carried out immediately. They sprinkle water from a glass on a smoothed person, say the words: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Then they give a sip of water from four different sides of the glass. Then the water is poured out into the street, only over the left shoulder. The person usually feels immediate relief.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye?

There is an effective conspiracy from the evil eye, which will help to initially neutralize negative energy. It is read into the water, which is then washed.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. King of the earth, king of the sea, king of heaven, save and have mercy on the servant of God (name) from the evil eye and from a dashing person. Amen".

If there is a persistent feeling that someone has recently jinxed you, you can read the words of a strong prayer for water in a basin or bucket. Then you need to pour it all over yourself.

Important points for rituals

Healers recommend performing rituals to remove damage and the evil eye during the waning moon. Then the negative energy will also quickly begin to weaken its influence. But, if a strong negative impact is revealed, then there is no need to drag out time. They act immediately. The most powerful and effective conspiracies are made on the water.

If it is necessary to help a person, but contact is impossible, the words of prayers or conspiracies are read on his good quality photo. It is allowed to make a double doll and pour it with charmed water. In no case should you drink alcohol while treating yourself or loved ones and cast spells in this state. To remove severe fatal damage, the ceremony can be carried out for two weeks.

Let's take a closer look at the plot from the evil eye and damage to read on the water - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

A special conspiracy to get rid of the evil eye is a powerful magical effect that will allow you to get rid of alien negativity. These are fairly simple magical rites, but you should only perform them if you are sure that you are suffering from the evil eye.

The evil eye is a direct impact of negative energy that affects a person at the informational level. The effect of this type of damage may not appear on a person immediately, for example, if you are in good vitality and you are overwhelmed with positive energy, you will be able to resist negativity for some time.

Holy water is called water taken in.

Most often, they become victims of the evil eye.

However, sooner or later your mood will begin to change, you will begin to feel a significant decrease in physical strength, you will find a gap in your energy field through which life energy leaves you. From this moment, the evil eye begins to act, and if it is not removed in time, it can cause significant damage to your health.

What are the signs of the evil eye

There are several main signs that allow you to determine that a person has been damaged or has been influenced by the evil eye.

  • The first and most striking sign of the evil eye is a sharp deterioration in human health. If you feel or see sudden signs of weakness, apathy, frequent dizziness and malaise in another person, and doctors cannot find the cause of such problems, most likely you are dealing with induced negative energy.
  • Another important symptom of damage and evil eye are nightmares. From such bad dreams, a person will wake up at night in a cold sweat and will not be able to distinguish reality from sleep for some time.
  • The evil eye can also cause a variety of life troubles, from conflicts at work and difficulties in business, to a break with a loved one.
  • If all your plans and hopes suddenly collapse, for no apparent reason and without the ability to correct what happened.
  • If you have a deep sense of guilt that you cannot get rid of.

A simple ritual for self-removal of the evil eye

This is a fairly well-known ritual that has already managed to prove itself well. It is great for removing the evil eye from yourself or a loved one on your own.

You need to wait for the sunset, sit down at the table, put a glass of clean water in front of you, as well as a matchbox and nine matches. Now light a match, hold it in front of you or in front of the purpose of the ritual and, looking at the fire, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Pure heavenly blood, save you the servant of God (name), save from every evil eye, from the bad hour, from the male, from the female, from the joyful and childish, from the hated and slanderous, from the evil and negotiation. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the match burns down to your fingers and you feel the warmth of the fire, drop it into the prepared glass of water. Now light the second match and repeat the words of the conspiracy again. Thus, you will have to burn all the matches prepared and read the plot nine times.

Now look carefully at the matches in the water, if none of them sank, then the evil eye is not the cause of poor health and the answer must be sought from traditional medicine, if from 1 to 4 matches sank, then the evil eye really took place, but the ritual will definitely help take it off.

If there are more than 5 matches at the bottom of the vessel, you are dealing with a strong curse and to remove it you will have to repeat the whole procedure the next day. If there are no fewer sunken matches, you will need to use a stronger magical rite, or seek help from a professional sorcerer.

After that, the person from whom you need to remove the eye should drink one sip of water from four sides of the glass, saying: “Lord help, Lord forbid. Amen".

The remaining water must be poured out into the street through the threshold or from the window.

Conspiracy against the evil eye

The ritual with the conspiracy about the grandmother Salomonida is a strong magical rite that will help you from any form of evil eye or corruption. Conspiracies in which the above-named character is mentioned make up a whole layer in healing practices.

Grandmother Salomonida is considered one of the strongest healers of antiquity, she treated from the evil eye, from envy, saved envious people from evil deeds. For the first time, this rite was published back in the 15th century, and since then it has not only not lost its power, but even today continues to show extremely high efficiency.

If you want to rid yourself of the evil eye, you need to read the plot in a dark room all alone, if you need to heal another person, you need to read in his presence. Words:

“There is a great sea in the east, a wide sea, a deep sea. A great island stands in the middle of that sea, and on it is a stone church. In that church stands a holy throne of pure gold, and the grandmother of Salomonides sits on it.

The servant of God (name) will come to that island in the middle of the blue sea, will come to the golden throne, and to the very grandmother Salomonida, who swaddled Jesus Christ himself, wrapped him with a silk belt, threw an imperishable robe on his body. Take off you, grandmother Salomonida, from the servant of God (name) all the evil eyes, all the commotion, spoiled, night, evening, morning, mid-baptism, and midnight.

Just as water cannot be held in one fist, so the evil eye cannot hold on to the servant of God (name). As a gray goose swims in the water, but swims up, but shakes off the drops and remains dry, so the commotion, and the evil eye from the servant of God (name) will come down, dry up. As the dew dries on the morning grass, so will the commotion, and the evil eye dry on the servant of God (name).

As fire goes out from water, so the power of the evil eye will go out, but it will go away. You give the evil eye, but the commotion behind the dark forests, black in the mud, where not a single person goes, where a horse does not go, where dogs do not run, where birds do not fly. Go to green moss, go to quicksand swamps, and stay there, but stay forever. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual to establish the evil eye

With the help of this simple magical rite, you can find out if the evil eye really affects you, as well as who became its culprit. After waiting for the next Tuesday or Saturday, kindle a fire, take garlic peel, salt and alum in your right hand, run this hand over your body from head to toe and say 6 times a magical plot:

“Lord God, save your servant (name) from the evil eye, from evil people who were born on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Thursday. Protect from neighbors on the right and left, save from spiritual earthly things, from all living things, from everything visible and invisible. Amen".

After saying the last words, smack your lips as if you are kissing someone and throw the entire contents of your right hand into the fire. Carefully watch what form the alum has taken, if nothing obvious has been made out, then there is no evil eye on you, if they have become like a person, then the person has become the cause of your problems. In the case when alum becomes like an animal, evil spirits are the cause of bad luck and bad health. Depending on the indicators, you need to choose a further ritual.

Rite with holy water

In order to remove any evil eye or damage from yourself, you need to take holy water from the church and utter the words of the conspiracy on it:

“Bless, Lord God, all Orthodox people, and me too. All enviable eyes, let the holy water wash away from me, all the hateful looks, the looks of men, women, girls. Thought, promised, guessed, whispered, stuck on, forged, let all the envy take in the holy water from the servant of God (name). May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, holy water should be used daily for morning and evening washing. In addition, you need to sprinkle water on all your clothes, bedding, corners and walls in the house, as well as the workplace.

Ritual with coals

To remove the evil eye from yourself, you need to lower three coals into the water one by one and say:

After that, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy over the water:

“Mother Voditsa, you wash all the shores, all stones and sands with yourself. Instead of all the shores, all the stones, and the sands, wash the servant of God (name), wash away all the evil eye, yes spoilage, all lessons, yes prizes, all sorrows, and bodily illnesses, all thinness, yes anger. Bring you, mother-voditsa, everything bad from the servant of God (name) for the wide fields, for the quicksand swamps, for the aspen forests. Let all evil go. Yes, never come back. My words are true, my will is strong, everything will come true, what I said. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

You need to wash yourself with charmed water every day in the early morning, and also sprinkle all the walls in the house with it.

Charmed water removes damage and the evil eye

If you feel that ailments are harassing for no reason, but you find out that the enemy is spoiling you with black witchcraft, then hurry to read the conspiracy from the evil eye and damage to the water in order to cleanse your body and spirit. Just don’t look for the evil eye on yourself every time you stab or itch somewhere: from water, spoken for no reason, it will be useful, as from an illiterate deputy. But this water will do as much harm to you as a doctor with a diploma bought at one time cannot do.

What has been said against the water has great power and can be cleansed from the word of everyone, dropped in anger, or said on purpose. If someone has caused damage and jinxed it, all the water will take off and turn back, multiplied a hundred times.

  • Prayer from the evil eye and damage to holy water.
  • A conspiracy for well water to get rid of the evil eye.
  • Conspiracy from spoilage on melt water.

Prayer from the evil eye and damage to holy water

Go to the church for the service and stand it completely. If it gets really bad, you can leave: it often happens that a person who is spoiled in church walls is unbearable to be. Sorokoust about your health, order, and when you leave the church courtyard, do not forget to cross yourself.

At home, take holy church water and pour it into an opaque vessel. Light a candle and read a prayer three times on that vessel, and baptizing yourself with a candle, and water:

“Lord, our Father, have mercy on me, a sinner, and all sinners with me. Bless me, your daughter, and all your children with me. I hope for Your mercy and help, help my body regain strength and power. Shield from the enemy with Your hand, help cleanse my soul from evil and sin. May the water, blessed by You, wash away slanting looks and bad deeds from me. Save and save me, Your servant (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

With this holy water enchanted every day, wash your face both in the morning and in the evening. Bless her, having sprinkled your house, all your clothes and a sleeping place.

A conspiracy for well water to get rid of the evil eye

For this conspiracy, well water is needed, no other will do for the future. If there is no well of your own, ask good people. It is a sin to refuse water, and they will not refuse you for a good cause.

As you get water, so on the waning moon and read over it, repeating three times in a row:

Pure water “In the bowels of the holy land, the waters of the stream carried grace. These waters lay deep, these waters ran far. Small streams grew into stormy ones until the slave (name) was found. As they found the suffering, ill, they immediately foamed and boiled, they poured the slave (name) from the top of the head to the feet, washed away every lesson and the evil eye from the slave (name). Just as nothing sticks to the water, so the evil does not stick to the slave (name). Amen".

You need to pour this water over yourself from head to toe, whispering like this:

“I wash off everything alien from myself, I return it to the owner. Amen".

After the rite of such damage should go away. And now you need to take a closer look at your acquaintances: the bad should spread to the one who spoiled you.

Conspiracy from spoilage on melt water

It’s good to help and that water can that lay with snow near your house. To be cured of an ailment, collect a small bucket of snow and take it home. Let it melt quietly, but don’t look into the bucket every time you pass by, but don’t try to make snow with water as soon as possible.

As the snow melts into the water, whisper to it seven times:

“This water lay in the heavens under the feet of God. The Lord Himself sent that water under the threshold to me, but punished me to cleanse. Let the evil from the forehead of the servant of God (name) be washed off, removed from the eyes and not kept on the lips. With God's blessing and strength. Amen".

After the conspiracy, wipe your forehead, eyes and lips with water. And pour the rest of the water over the threshold.

From the evil eye and damage, water will heal, and in advance it will protect from evil, so that it does not become attached again. Any conspiracy from the eye of a worm on a waning moon must be read: the word of the enemy, along with the moon, melts and has less power. Pray for the one who offended you and tried to call trouble on you. For forgiveness has great power and is able to bring happiness to everyone.

Conspiracies from damage and the evil eye to water, which you can read yourself

The use of water in magical rituals is a proven technique. Water is used for many rituals. If we take the traditional eastern religions, then water is also actively used there, for example, various rituals are common in Hinduism, in which it is used in combination with various mantras.

One way or another, the scheme of the technique is almost always identical: a certain ritual text is taken and pronounced over the water. Sometimes charmed water can be used to cleanse an object. Here again you can recall the most elementary example - Christian consecration, where holy water is used.

How does she remove the evil eye and damage?

As you know, water is a carrier of information, that is, water may indeed contain certain information, or rather, certain properties. In fact, scientists are now developing technologies that will allow information to be stored using the structures of the crystal lattices of water. In addition, there are many studies on the topic of their formation.

If water changes between different phases, then the crystal lattice changes its own structure. Thus, melt water acquires a structure that differs from non-melt water, although we can talk about identical water.

If we talk about removing damage and the evil eye, then here we are back again to encode certain information.

Actually damage or the evil eye are also certain information messages that act on the subtle planes and can be introduced into your subtle bodies and consciousness. If a negative message has taken root in your current existence and has become a part of your personality, you may experience inconvenience, discomfort, illness and trouble.

In order to remove the damage, you just need to clear your information fields from messages received from outside or overwrite the existing information. Imagine how someone before some significant event inspires you with negative thoughts, calls you a klutz, makes you nervous in every possible way and you lose self-confidence. Then your friend encourages you and you again take a healthy look at the situation and gain confidence in yourself.

The removal of the evil eye or damage by water works in approximately the same way, only at other levels. Sometimes you may even be aware of the presence of the evil eye or damage and try to counteract somehow, but obsessive thoughts may not let you go and continue to annoy you. When you use charmed water removal, your sensations change and you begin to feel normal again.

charmed water

To read conspiracies, your clear confidence in their effectiveness is enough. You just need to have the exact confidence and unwavering intention that you put into your cleansing ritual. Of course, in addition to this, you need to read conspiracies in a normal mood, first calm down and have a more or less good mood.

In addition, we note some more details regarding the choice of water and the conspiracy itself. You need to concentrate on the ritual, put away all unnecessary things, turn off the TV and phone.

So, it is best to use melted or spring water. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to use tap water, although even here it is advised to either leave the water for about seven days (so that the information is erased) or make melted water out of it simply by freezing and thawing it.

Regarding the choice of conspiracies, you should choose, so to speak, to your liking. Sometimes you yourself can easily feel which plot is better for you to hear and is more understandable. You should not repeat conspiracies that are completely incomprehensible to you or simply do not like.

It is best to memorize the plot by heart (and it is useful, since you can always use it in the future) and not peep into the paper when reciting. You should take a vessel with water with both hands and look at the water, as if telling a conspiracy to the water.. You speak in a low voice and seem to share a secret, moving to a soft whisper.

Thus, you transfer the plot into the water and establish the desired connection. It is best to recite in a quiet and clean space.. If you want to do this in the city and without anyone disturbing you, do it early in the morning or in the evening when there is no noise and fuss.

What conspiracies to read for yourself?

In this ritual, you need to drink the charmed water, so take at least the drinking option. Stand on a clear day under the sun(you can do it in front of the windowsill), put water under the rays and say:

“As the sun shines on you, so good people will surround me. And whoever thinks to do me harm, he himself will run into him.

After that, drink water.

This ritual is best done at dawn on spring water. The text is read three times:

“Spring water, clean water, get rid of me, the servant of God (name), help me from ailments, protect me from damage and protect from the evil eye. I will take your strength for myself, I will take your purity for myself. Amen!"

This conspiracy read in front of a glass of water seven times:

“Mary the Virgin walked and wandered through the dungeon, washed, cleansed, healed stones and roots, cleanse me like that, a servant of God (name) from the evil eye and corruption, from evil eyes, protect from the evil word. My word is strong, my will is unshakable. Amen!"

After that, you pour water on the top of your head, and do not wipe the water that ended up on the floor. This conspiracy removes the existing evil eye and protects in the future.

The next option is also read over the water, but you can use this ritual daily until you completely get rid of the evil eye. It is read over a basin or bucket of water, bending low:

“Deliver me, servant of God (name), from a one-woman man, a bigamist, from one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from one-haired, two-haired, three-haired, from your eyes, from your thoughts, from the counter, from the fleeting, from the transverse, from every dashing person: from the young, from the single, from the crooked, from the blind, from the old, from the empty-haired, from the hairy girl, and from their eyes, and from their thoughts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, Amen, Amen.”

After that, you pour yourself with charmed water.

You can use this conspiracy when washing:

“I will become blessed, I will go crossing myself, from gate to gate, into an open field into the ocean sea. On the ocean, there is a golden chair; Saint Nicholas sits on a golden chair, holds a golden bow, pulls a silk bowstring, lays a red-hot arrow, starts shooting lessons and prizes, starts shooting his father’s thought and mother’s thought and brothers of the thought, all the people of the thought, sallow, oppressive and zhomuchy; from the girl from the blackhead, from the ugly cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. King of the earth, king of the sea, king of heaven, save and have mercy on the servant of God (name) from the evil eye and from a dashing person. Amen."

Rituals for a child

Many of the previously noted water conspiracies can also be used for a child. For example, you can first speak water, and then give the baby a drink or wash it with water, depending on the instructions.

Here is a pretty powerful conspiracy that will help you make well-read water, which is then given to the child to drink:

“The queen-voditsa, the red maiden, rolled, fell. From the Jordan, the river washed the steep banks, beat the roots, gray stones. Wash, cleanse the slave (name) from a violent head, from clear eyes, from fair-haired braids, from the blush of the face, from a zealous heart, from the spinal bone, from the middle part, from the veins, from the joints. Lessons and vices, and envious, and joyful, and meeting from the front, and looking from the side, and catching up from the back, and the old old people, and the young young women, and the girl's son, and the girl's daughter, say goodbye, bless. I send you a slave (name), where the sun does not shine and the month does not shine, golden mosses, rotten decks, not by itself, but by the Lord, and Jesus Christ, the Mother of the Most Pure. Amen."

This option will require a basin of water and 3 or 5 or 7 spoons (melchior or silver) that are clamped in one hand. Over the basin they draw water into spoons and again pour it into the basin and read: “Like water from spoons, so all the evil eye, lessons, fears, commotion will come down from the servant of God (name of the child!”

After this, the child is washed with charmed water and wiped with his own hem of clothes. It is best to do before going to bed, when you put and wash your child before going to bed.

For water and matches

This option is used not only to remove the evil eye or damage, but also to establish powerful protection. A match is lit in front of a glass of water and the half-burned one is thrown into the water, saying the text: “As this match burned down, so will the one who dares to jinx me burn.”

After that, a church candle is lit and a little wax is dripped into a glass, and the water is left to store for three days and then poured out.

Strong prayer

The most powerful prayer is the prayer veneration of the cross, which is actively used in church services and by many believers.

Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and in joy they say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell and corrected his strength the devil, and who gave us His Honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Evil eye conspiracy

Protection from the evil eye was a common thing for our great-grandmothers. Bright ribbons were woven into the tail of the cows (so that they milked and did not get sick), a silk thread was put on the baby’s wrists and conspiracies were read from the evil eye and damage, even special patterns were embroidered on the towels to protect the young family. You will learn how to protect yourself from household damage and envy with the help of conspiracies and prayers from our article.

Conspiracies against the evil eye and damage to a pin

An ordinary metal pin is one of the most common modern amulets against the evil eye, envy and household damage. However, in order to ward off the evil eye, you must first conduct a small ceremony by reading a conspiracy from the evil eye on a pin. You can choose one of the following options:

  • light a wax candle;
  • when it melts, drop a little wax on the pin eye, reciting the spell: “I pierce the bad with a needle, send it from (the name of the person who will wear the pin) down. I conjure with iron, but fix with fire!
  • pierce a large onion with a pin and say: “The bow is my fighter, I pierce trouble-thinness, I take away anger and blasphemy from (name), protect it, protect evil. Amen".

Rowan conspiracy:

  • pick 3 rowan berries;
  • when they dry up, you need to string them on a pin and say: “The rowan berry is red, and (name) is clean. Amen".

After performing any of these rituals, you need to pin the pin from the inside to your clothes. If the protection is lost, do not panic - it means that she took the negative with her. You just need to attach a new pin, because you already know how to speak it from the evil eye.

Strong conspiracies from the evil eye to water

Water is often used in various rituals, because it is it that is able to receive and store energy, including protective energy. On water, conspiracies and prayers are traditionally read from the evil eye and against damage.

1. This conspiracy is aimed at removing the evil eye.

  • read the prayer “Our Father”, then read the conspiracy on the water: “You are the water of the Jordan, created by God. You flow from under the dawn, you clear meadows, banks, flints, white stones. Cleanse, mother water, the born, baptized servant of God (name) from all evil, disease, from all evil spirits and hatred. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
  • repeat three times.

2. A ritual with spoons will help prevent trouble. This conspiracy can be used to remove the evil eye from a child (including a newborn) and from spoilage:

  • pour about ¾ of clean water into the container;
  • dip 3 clean spoons there (best of all - from silver);
  • Stir the water in turn with each spoon;
  • scoop up some water, raise the spoon above the container so that the liquid is glassed down the handle, back;
  • say: “As a spoon does not grow, (name) will not grow just like that”;
  • having done this with all the spoons, take the container in your left hand and drain the water into your right, washing the face of the child with it.

3. A plot on water with nettles to remove the evil eye:

In addition, remember that one of the most powerful prayers from the evil eye, which is used in almost all rituals, is Our Father. Reading it in the morning and in the evening, you protect yourself from evil forces, even if you are not a believer.

A conspiracy to remove damage is one of the ways to push a negative program out of a person's field are conspiracies.

I must say that this is not the fastest method. It is recommended to atheists and people who, for personal reasons, do not want to turn to prayer.

Conspiracy to remove damage: what is a conspiracy?

For treatment, special sets of phrases and concepts are used that contain an appeal to certain forces. A conspiracy to remove damage is drawn up in such a way as to awaken the forces of light, call them for help.

When reading it, the energy begins to gradually interact with what is called. Most often, the conspiracy is based on very ancient, natural forces.

The sounds that are uttered contain a code that opens up the ability to control the forces of earth or water. Naturally, not all.

Only a small fraction of this powerful energy enters the field of the victim of corruption. But this should be enough to clean up the energy sector.

An ignorant person can break the code and then, at best, nothing will work. And you can inadvertently harm yourself by substituting sounds, changing the code and calling on the dark parts of nature instead of the light ones.

A conspiracy to remove damage can be either completely or more modern. This can be seen from the words it uses.

It is more rational to use those that are based on more modern concepts and terms. First, the use of ancient words is associated with difficulties in pronunciation.

Not everyone understands old Russian words, not to mention Arabic and others. And misreading leads to errors. This must be avoided.

Do not think that modern conspiracies work worse. It's not like that at all. A conspiracy to remove damage, which gives rise to images in you, is the most effective.

The forces with which you will interact do not understand words, they will be guided by the mental images generated by your consciousness. The brighter they are, the higher the efficiency of collaboration.

The conspiracy is recommended to be used when it is just beginning. That is, if a person realized that he was under the influence of a negative program almost immediately, she had not yet had time to deeply “grow” into energy, then the conspiracy could be very effective.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy toys for children, new clothes, or please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I stumbled across the internet.

You will be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Over the past year, we have done a great renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But none of this would have happened if I hadn't found this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

With weak damage, a conspiracy also helps. This is a tool that cleanses the energy in a sufficiently dosed way, creates protection and smoothly replaces the negative program with an open field.

The main thing in the work of the conspiracy is filling the place left after the removal of the damage with the energy of the force that is being addressed. As a result, it turns out that the victim not only becomes cleaner, but also stronger.

Another conspiracy to remove damage is used in the presence of a family curse.

It is almost impossible to remove it on your own, and the regular use of conspiracies helps to negate its negative consequences. That is, damage remains in the field, but almost does not work.

Before proceeding to the consideration of conspiracies, one more important thing must be said: you need to turn to those natural forces that will support you, with which you can form a natural and comfortable connection.

You can choose either according to your own feelings, or according to the sign of the zodiac. Definitely, if a person is afraid of water, then you should not turn to this element, it will only get worse.

By analogy, if you are afraid of heights, then air is not your element. The earth helps everyone, since this is our home, we are all connected with it.

Read the plot every day. Even if it seems that everything has long passed, you should not stop. A month of daily classes is the minimum period for using the conspiracy.

A conspiracy from damage to health (if you are often sick)

“The hero, rich in strength, walked the holy land! Good soul, generous heart, offended people have a place to warm themselves! The Bogatyr saw the Black Serpent! He took out a silver sword - he cut it! A terrible fate sent the snake! The Bogatyr will illuminate the whole earth with the sun! Those who famously twisted, hello! Live people in good and good! Bogatyr strength in the heart and in silver! A sharp sword, a fair force! A dark grave awaits the black snake!”

A conspiracy from damage to fate

“On a high mountain, in an unknown country, there is a tower-teremok, the path to it is hard and far! The Tsar is coming - the sovereign, with his retinue, he is dear - like honey, all entwined with flowers! The sovereign is kind and just! He opens the road, gathers his army! Will take (name) as a guest. Be him in honor and goodness! All paths are open, enemies' swords and arrows are closed with locks, canopies, but they themselves will be taken away by portages! Clean road, bright path! Sovereign, do not forget the guest!

Examples of conspiracies to remove damage (in a career and for money)

Often, not everything that a person has is negatively affected, but only one of the aspects of his life.

For example, receiving funds. To counteract there are special conspiracies.

Conspiracy from damage in a career

“The earth is rain and sun. A bird - a nest and a grain! Hare - grass and carrots! Fish - clean water! Anyone who has come into the world of magic always rejoices in this! For (name) light and will, his share is easy! Swords and daggers with the owners fled into the distance! The expanses are open, there will be good will! The day is running fast, everything will be fixed soon! Let the force fly like a bird, sit on the shoulder (name). On the left - Angel, on the right - wisdom! Let two wings shelter, protect from envy! Amen!"

Spell from spoilage for money (start reading on a rainy day)

“Drop to drop, tear to tear, wash (name) body, hat and shoes. His legs will go in a straight path! Coins will drip, children will become full! Income will flow, just open your pocket, not your mouth! Banknotes will fly before and during work! Drop to drop, laughter to laughter! (name) will become rich for fun!

Instead of going to the doctor during an illness, to a lawyer - with legal problems, many use conspiracies from spoilage as an alternative: for salt, water, wind, and other objects of living and inanimate nature. Some still believe that illnesses and troubles do not arise on their own, the cause of troubles is negative magical intervention.

In the article:

Corruption conspiracies - rules

The term "damage" is interpreted as harm, a magical program with negative energy, aimed at programming a person's disease, trouble, death.

Even 50 years ago, only sorcerers, healers, witches could take it off. In the 21st century, through new technologies, magical books have become available, in which you can learn how to read to remove damage at home, what additional items are needed for the ceremony.

In order for the action of the conspiracy to help solve the problem, and not vice versa, you need to follow the rules and precautions.

Experienced sorcerers, healers are advised to perform the ceremony according to the following rules:

  1. Follow the phase of the moon. Damage is removed during the waning lunar phase.
  2. Before the ritual, refuse to eat and drink (4-5 hours in advance).
  3. The correct, effective removal of damage must begin at midnight, before sunrise, do not say a word.
  4. Items for the ritual must be new, recently purchased (unless there are special requirements for the plot).

It is better to carry out a magical action alone, with faith in a positive outcome. If desired, you can involve an assistant if he is not skeptical.

For salt

Most often, ill-wishers direct a negative character to create trouble for the enemy. A conspiracy against spoilage, which is read for salt at night under the open starry sky, will help here.

At midnight, you need to put a frying pan on the stove (ideally - the stove surface). When the surface warms up, pour three handfuls of salt with your left hand. From the moment you take the pan to the strong burnout of the salt, you need to read the plot:

Seventy-seven grains, seventy-seven spirits! I feed you with food, I sing you with water! You help me, point out my enemy! Who famously let loose on the slave (the name of the reader of the conspiracy)? Not with the roar of an animal, not with the chirping of a bird, not with the bubbling of a fish, but with a quiet word, whisper his name to me. Tell me what kind of person is this?

If the salt starts to hiss, shoot, there is damage to the person, you need to perform one more magical action: go outside (the first plot could be read through an open window, on a balcony, veranda), count 21 stars to your right and say:

Star-princesses, turn away all the evil that came to me from the unkind side! I forgive his tricks with a pure heart, I return his deeds back to him!

After these words, you can’t lend anything to anyone for 1-2 days, give even small things to loved ones, sell livestock and lend money. If this is done, the damage will return.

Unlike spoilage for trouble, it is more difficult to remove what has been done for death. If a deadly verbal atrocity is committed on a person, a sharp weight loss begins, a serious illness develops (in the form of asthmatic attacks, hemorrhages).

For coins

You can get rid of the curse like this: before Parental Saturday (more current names are Radunitsa, Radonitsa), change little things (yellow coins) and go with them to the burial place. Find a grave with a buried namesake (if the plot is read on yourself, mention the name given at baptism), who suffered from damage.

Near the monument you need to scatter a handful of coins and read the magic words:

I pay off, I pay off, I pay off from a sore, from a sad tear, from a deadly ailment. You are here to stir the earth, but I have my own peace. Amen.

On the water

There are conspiracies that need to be read on the water. Often they are used to remove the magical effect on the child. In the evening, in the rays of sunset, you need to collect warm water in a basin or bath (a vessel in which the child bathes daily), reading the words:

A rain cloud thundered over the clearing, a swamp man came out of that cloud. His beard is sharp, shakes it - he will break all villainous plans. The bearded man shook with his frock coat, all the plans of the demons were violated. The old snakes crawled into the burrows, the younger ones into the bushes. The cursed mother earth and life (name of the child) got rid of the disease.

It is necessary to bathe the child, and pour out the water where the human foot does not set foot. Despite the availability and popularity of conspiracies in modern society, their power is lost if the accuracy of their implementation is not observed.

Things to consider before starting the ritual

In order for the spell to be directed to the right person, the following points should be taken into account:

  • the name when reading mystical word forms must be indicated only given at baptism;
  • conspiracies can be read into the water, water the patient with it and interspersed with the face.
  • the more times the healing words are spoken, the greater the chance of a positive result.

You can also get rid of the evil deeds of ill-wishers with the help of a brighter, safer way - prayer. The clergy who need to be contacted during a visit to the temple will help in this. Depending on the problem, they may be advised to read such prayers: “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”, “Jesus Prayer” and others.

Most magicians, healers assure that the more a person believes in what has been created and what is happening, the better the outcome will be. You need to cast spells for a person who has magical powers, otherwise actions may not give the desired result, but will result in illness and trouble for loved ones.