Cat's claw indications for use in oncology. Cat's claw: application, reviews, useful properties


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

For those who can't handle constant colds and flu, bad cat claw- exactly what is needed. I ran into this problem a couple of years ago. It was unbearable! From one disease I smoothly passed into another. Either a cold, then SARS, then the flu ... Immunity is generally to hell! The doctor advised me to drink some immunostimulants. Since at that time I often drank antibiotics and other chemicals, I wanted to choose a drug that would be completely natural, but at the same time effective and efficient. So I learned about the unique cat's claw plant.

My top preparations are cat's claw

For the first time I ordered. As for me, then perfect combination prices and quality. In addition, this tool has GMP quality assurance. Despite the large capsules, they are easy to swallow. I took this cat's claw according to the instructions: 2 capsules 2 times a day. The effect was felt after three weeks of taking it. The first signs of effectiveness for me was a surge of energy. I used to suffer from chronic fatigue, especially in winter periods. I woke up already tired. There was not enough strength for anything. Now I wake up cheerful and full of energy, which is enough with my head until the evening. The immune system has also improved. I was very afraid of catching an infection from an employee when she came to work with a temperature and snot. But, to my surprise, I didn't get sick. After that, I successfully survived another seasonal flu wave. At the same time, almost the entire office was ill. I wasn't the only one who got sick. As a bonus, I got rid of the periodic crunch and creaking in the joints.

I drank cat's claw according to the following scheme:

  • 1 course - 1 month;
  • break - 1 month.

I took bad cat's claw throughout the fall, winter and spring. During this time, not a single sore stuck to me! This drug works.

By the way, cat's claw is presented in two forms: in the form of capsules / tablets and in liquid form. As for me, the most convenient form are capsules. But for those who experience discomfort or trouble swallowing large tablets, the liquid form will do. In addition, this form makes it possible to independently determine the dosage for yourself. Great option cat's claw in drops is .

Next drug The one I recommend is . This tool is carefully tested and undergoes strict control at all stages of manufacture. The composition of this product contains 4% more alkaloids, which enhance the effect of active substances on the body. I took this cat's claw for prevention and immunity support, 1 capsule twice a day between meals. The result was 100% satisfied. No sickness for a year!

I also wanted to pay attention to . This cat's claw is different powerful action. Its main difference is that it is not made from the bark of the plant, but from the shoots, thanks to which it got its name. It is necessary to take this drug in the first 10 days, 3 capsules, and then reduce the dose to 1 capsule per day. The effect is noticeable after a week of admission.

The action of the cat's claw

The cat's claw is universal remedy which has a wide spectrum of action. This supplement helps:

You can buy a quality cat's claw dietary supplement on the iHerb website.

  • First, it is 100% guaranteed quality.
  • Secondly, original products from well-known and reliable manufacturers that have proven themselves all over the world.
  • Third, accessible and profitable price even including shipping.

I would like to talk about efficiency separately. I had the experience of buying cat's claw from a local pharmacy. Compared to the product, cat's claw, which I later purchased from iHerb, is heaven and earth. The domestic version as such did not give a result, I felt the effect after three weeks of taking it! In addition, finding the original cat's claw in pharmacies is extremely difficult.

How to take cat's claw correctly

First of all, before taking it, you should seek the advice of your doctor. Daily dose cat's claw is up to 2000 mg per day. Be sure to read the instructions before taking the supplement.

Contraindications to this drug are:

  • pregnancy (the drug can cause uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage);
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance.

You should also be careful with the combination of cat's claw with other medicines.

To improve the protective effect, nutritionists recommend taking the following supplements with cat's claw:

Cat claw - ideal remedy to improve immunity, restore and maintain health. Personally, I made sure own experience in the effectiveness of this supplement and I recommend everyone to try it!

The vine is commonly known as Una de Gato and is traditionally used in Peruvian medicine to treat a wide range of health problems, especially digestive complaints, arthritis, wounds, stomach problems, cancer, and more. It has only recently attracted the attention of Western herbalists and researchers. Today, this plant has become one of the best-selling herbs in the world.

Cat's claw is characterized by its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It stimulates the immune system, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and has a beneficial effect on the production of white blood cells. cat's claw renders strong influence and is extremely effective for stomach problems and severe viral diseases. The herb stimulates T-cell immunity by increasing macrophage activity and is believed by scientists to have some anti-cancer effects. The product now contains an enzyme that converts harmful saturated fats into unsaturated ones. Cat's claw helps with arthritis and has anticancer properties that help reduce stress and increase stamina.

The bark of the cat's claw provides a higher tone of the body, provides health and energy. Its powerful immunomodulatory potential makes it possible to consider it as good remedy prevention and complex treatment of oncological diseases. A very strong antioxidant, acts as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hypotensive, hepatoprotective, diuretic and detoxifying effect. It is effective in arthritis, bursitis, diseases gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, prostatitis, inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, menstrual irregularities. It enhances the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

The grass is actually also called vine grass, which grows in the Peruvian rainforests. For its effect on human health, various legends are composed, as well as about many other herbs. It has been proven to be a powerful immune stimulant that improves the functioning of macrophages, eliminates harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

Cat's claw in oncology

It has anti-cancer properties and is considered a strong antioxidant that helps the body fight viral infections. It is also supposed to improve fertility in men. Cat's Claw is a supplement that gives you the power of Peruvian grass. We are convinced that this drug is good to take from time to time, as a remedy general strengthening body, especially when the seasons change.

Since ancient times, it has been known as a strong antioxidant, with a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. It has been used for over 2000 years to relieve bone pain in rheumatic diseases, aid in wound healing, and improve the function of the digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Cat's claw normalize high blood pressure, enhance immunity, lower cholesterol, and suitable for women with menstrual disorders in men with reproductive problems. The food supplement does not contain sugar, starch, artificial colors, artificial flavors, wheat, corn, milk derivatives, soy, gluten.

Cat's claw is a product of amplification immune system. It is also used to treat eye diseases, colon, gastrointestinal tract, asthma, sinusitis, improve male fertility, inflammation Bladder, recovery after childbirth. Some people also use cat's claw to treat viral infections, ringworm, herpes simplex, candida, and even AIDS. With Alzheimer's disease, chronic fatigue, asthma, as well as some malignant diseases urinary tract and glioblastoma (a type of brain tumor). Puritan's Cat's Claw is a dietary supplement containing a plant extract. Well known to all for its immunostimulating effect. Cat's claw is a tropical grape containing phytochemical alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, sterols and others. These substances activate the immune system's T cells, helping it fight pathogens, especially viruses. The plant slows down the effect of the heart rate and is useful in hypertension. The extract of the plant is extracted from the roots and bark. vine. This plant is typically found in Central and South America and gets its name from its large, curved spikes that resemble claws. big cat. Cat's claw has two varieties of felt and Guiana. The most commonly used in nutritional supplements is felt.

Cat's claw indications for use

Benefits when taking cat's claw: the drug helps fight free radicals; stimulates the immune system; improves heart function and vascular system generally; used for chronic fatigue; gives good results with diseases of the skeletal system; promotes detoxification of the body; each capsule contains 500 mg of cat's claw extract; Helps lower blood pressure.

Cat's claw instructions for use

How to use cat's claw:

To obtain best effect from the drug and help the body in the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to take it before meals, the so-called ladder, starting with 1 capsule per day and bringing the daily dose to 6 capsules. A single dose should not exceed 2 capsules.

If you are taking cat's claw as a preventive measure, you can limit your intake to 3 capsules three times a day, preferably before meals.

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In our pharmacy, the origin and proven quality are guaranteed. In order to guarantee you the quality, drugs are purchased only from authorized importers.

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Video review of cat's claw from our chief product consultant

Friends, I greet you!

Let's continue today to get acquainted with those plants that exist on our Planet and which have the most unique, sometimes even incredible properties by your strength, okay? ☺

In this article, I proudly present to you another creation of Nature - a plant called "cat's claw".

An amazingly powerful plant with an original name and amazing healing and healing properties, which certainly deserves to be known about and used!

From this article you will learn:

Cat's claw - benefits and indications for use

What is "cat's claw"?

"Cat's Claw" is a plant that grows exclusively in one single place on our Planet - in South America, and resembles appearance creeper.

This plant got such an original name because it has interesting “claws” resembling the claws of a cat, with the help of which this vine clings to neighboring plants.

Such creepers live an average of thirty years, and are able to reach a length of forty meters.

The inhabitants of South America have long used this vine in their traditional medicine, using for this purpose the bark, leaves and roots of the "cat's claw" in order to strengthen one's immunity, to fight poisoning in order to detoxify (remove poisons from the body) and various diseases inflammatory nature, the list of which is quite impressive.

Researchers became interested in this plant during one of the regular studies of the life of the Indians of South America. Namely, they were interested in the fact that the Indians practically did not have cancer at all!

Their "investigations" led them to this particular plant.

And very soon all the leading European laboratories in Germany, England, Italy, Austria and other countries were engaged in intensive study of the properties of this mysterious creeper.

As a result, amazing discoveries, and the fact that the "cat's claw" has the most powerful cancer-protective property spread around the world!

The study of the properties of this plant did not end there, and scientists discovered one after another its amazing properties.

What is the benefit of cat's claw?

What else did they find out?

What is the main strength of the "cat's claw"?

Scientists have found that this plant is many times stronger in its properties than the well-known ginseng, shiitake mushrooms, maitake and reishi mushrooms, as well as astragalus and ant tree!

These discoveries really shook the world!

Therefore, drugs from this South American liana are able to treat diseases such as neurodermatitis, duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer, any allergy, the strongest inflammatory processes in the joints, as well as genital herpes, shingles, and many, many others.

And in 1988, at one of the international world-class congresses, a report was read in which the results of one successful experiment using the “cat's claw” were officially announced to those present, namely: seven hundred cancer patients during three years systematically used in the complex treatment of the drug "cat's claw", and the treatment showed a 100% result - a complete recovery!

Another report added “fire”: it was officially announced that the use of a drug from this tropical vine, due to its strong antioxidant properties, can effectively affect the immunodeficiency virus, which subsequently causes AIDS in humans, especially if you start using it on time , that is, as early as possible, in the early stages.

If you have time to do this, then you can restore your health, simultaneously healing other pathologies in the body that can accumulate over the years!

Preparations of "cat's claw" are capable of qualitatively and in a short time:

  • purify the blood
  • enhance the body's immune defenses,
  • heal and prevent thrombosis disease,
  • completely block the reproduction of any viruses in the cells of the body, interrupt the chain reaction in the bud, in which free radicals are formed in the cells, while NOT causing absolutely no addiction and side effects!!!

Cat's claw - indications for use

For a more complete understanding, all the healing and healing properties of this wonderful plant can be divided into groups, depending on their effect on our body:

How to choose a really high-quality "cat's claw" preparation and avoid fakes: important recommendations!

You need to understand that the higher the quality of the drug, the more expensive, of course.

This is because, in addition to the so-called basic raw materials (bark and leaves of the plant), there are also technological wastes that are also sold. Of course, much cheaper.

Is it worth it to save - everyone decides for himself.

How will such “savings” affect the effectiveness of treatment and recovery from diseases? But what if it's a serious matter and requires immediate treatment?

Therefore, of course, it is better to trust trusted manufacturers who have a good world-class reputation, and also have quality certificates that meet international standards.

  • It is important BEFORE making a purchase to analyze all certificates for this drug. And not only sanitary and hygienic certificates, but also quality certificates for the production of the drug. Ask about the reputation of this manufacturer. Find out what raw materials they use, what requirements they place on it for their purchases. Do they have their own laboratories where they conduct their clinical research? Do they publish these results?

Do they have their own proprietary manufacturing techniques? What criteria do they use to process and manufacture their products for safety and preservation of benefits in the raw materials?

Also inquire real reviews real people who used this drug (look for such, it is possible!). What results did they get and for how long?

All this will give you a more complete guarantee that you will get a really high-quality product.

  • Be sure to pay attention to how much is contained in one capsule (or tablet) of the cat's claw plant itself. Are there other components in the composition? How many are there? Estimate the number as a percentage or in their absolute number.
  • Calculate for what period (term) of use this drug is designed, in other words, how long will it last for you? Then calculate the cost of your full course.

Do this with each drug that you "notice" yourself from those manufacturers that you choose. Compare the duration and price of each drug, and then you can already draw conclusions.

  • If you have stomach problems or digestive systems oh, in general, when choosing this drug in capsules, give preference to those that are made not from animal gelatin, but from vegetable gelatin, they are absorbed much easier than capsules from animal gelatin, and do not cause allergies at all.
  • I do not advise you to choose preparations of "cat's claw" in liquid form. Why? Because if it alcohol solution then it is NOT useful for the body, even if you do not have problems with the liver and other internal organs. Ethanol bad for EVERYONE! In ANY amount. Even in the meager - it's not good. And does it make sense if you can choose the drug in tablets or capsules, right?

And in the production of water preparations, preservatives are ALWAYS added, otherwise, after all, you won’t save it! Again - there is no point in such a preparation.

Why do we need extra "chemistry" in the body? Why do we need “one thing to heal, and the other to cripple”, right?

  • Cat's claw preparations are very, very in demand and are incredibly popular, despite the fact that they cost a lot. This "plays into the hands" of dishonest people who produce not only low-quality products, but frankly harmful. Simply put, they produce impudent fakes that are not related to the "cat's claw" even once, while setting a significant price and thereby confusing the buyer, who believes that "once it is expensive, it means real." Do not be fooled by this, friends, be vigilant and check everything carefully before buying!

And yes, a pharmacy in our time is NOT a guarantee of quality for a long time, unfortunately ... Consider all this!

Large selection of quality organic products based on cat's claw, see Here

Summing up this article, friends: preparations from the “cat's claw” plant perfectly help our body cope with many problems, powerfully reflect external aggression on our body in several directions at once (see above the group of purpose of all “cat's claw” actions).

Therefore, we can safely say that this drug is able to actively heal both already formed diseases of the body, as well as hidden diseases (but ALREADY available!).

And also actively contribute to the most powerful and - important! – COMPETENT prevention of the occurrence of absolutely any disease, including very complex and severe ones, up to oncology.

Personally, for myself, I concluded that such a drug is simply NEEDED in a comprehensive recovery system for any person!

And here's what I've read, friends. I really remember the phrase about what famous immunologists say, how to competently approach the issue of healing and maintaining one's immunity.

“Before you start using any drugs, and especially stimulants, “feed” first of all your immunity, give your own immune system support in the form of proper nutrition And healthy lifestyle life. Give your immune cells the OPPORTUNITY to deal with viruses and bacteria on their own, and then it will become quite possible that you will not need synthetic drugs at all!

Strongly said, right? ☺

Do you personally already have experience with the use of "cat's claw" preparations?

Maybe your relatives or friends were healed with his help?

The cat's claw plant (Una de Gato) is a tree-like vine that reaches a length of 40 meters in its long thirty-year life. The grass got such an exotic name due to its resemblance to a cat's paw, the tenacious claws of which are located along the entire length of the vine, allowing it to hold on to the trunks and branches of trees. This miracle herb grows only in the wilds of the Amazon, in the highlands of Peru. The topic of our article today is “Grass Cat's Claw, medicinal properties».

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Photo gallery: Grass Cat's claw, medicinal properties

World famous miracle herb

Cat's claw received world fame at the end of the last century, despite the fact that the grass has been successfully used for many millennia. The ancient Indians successfully used the bark of the plant to strengthen the immune system, to fight poisoning and numerous diseases. The miraculous healing properties of the liana were noticed by scientists, whose numerous studies made it possible in the 70s of the XX century to firmly substantiate healing properties Cat's claw. In 1994, WHO recognized Cat's Claw medicinal plant and is included in the official collection "International Pharmacopoeia".


There are three types of tree-like Peruvian lianas, the main difference of which is in color and climatic conditions of growth. The dark red bark indicates a warm and humid habitat, the white-gray variety prefers cool and dry conditions, and the yellow-brown type is not very whimsical, occupying an intermediate position. The collection period of the Cat's Claw varies and depends on the increase in activity. various properties at the time of collection.


The most valuable characteristics are the inner part of the bark and the roots of the vine. However, due to the rarity of the areola and the unique characteristics of a wild tropical plant, the roots are rarely used and are valued like elephant tusks.

Medicinal properties of active substances

Scientists have determined that high efficiency Peruvian liana bark extract in many diseases is due to pronounced antioxidant (protective), antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties of its highly active alkaloids.

A unique ensemble of alkoids act at the level of cellular immunity:

1) the alkaloid isopteropodin, due to which there is an increase in the activity of neutrophils, activation of the function of macrophages (actively capture and digest bacteria, the remains of dead cells and other particles toxic to the body) and T-killers (dissolve damaged body cells);

2) the glycoside glycyrrhizin, together with the secreted acid, helps to block the reproduction of viruses;

3) proanthocyanidins, being one of the strong antioxidants, counteract the mutagenic properties of foreign agents, providing an anti-inflammatory effect;

4) the alkaloid rinkofillin can reduce the likelihood of vascular clots and plaques in the arteries, improves blood circulation and microcirculation of the heart muscle, which in turn reduces the risk of heart attacks.

Tannins (catechins, gallic and ellagic acids), which have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects, play an important role in the mixture of active ingredients of Cat's Claw.

Panacea for all diseases

This unique composition of biologically active substances has expanded the boundaries of the use of miracle liana from a means of prevention to use in complex therapy.

We especially note wide range biological activity of proanthocyanidin in the plant, namely the ability to increase the intracellular content of vitamin C, reduce capillary permeability and fragility, and the ability to bind free radicals. It is proanthocyanidins that are capable of restoring the structure of collagen, they contribute to maintaining the connective tissue matrix in excellent condition. Proanthocyanidins can increase vascular elasticity, are effective in degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, help with various diseases eye, being a universal prophylactic agent for glaucoma.

Studies by well-known naturopaths Dr. R. Herbert and O. Garcia testify to the universality of the effect on the human body of the active components of Cat's Claw, which take into account individual characteristics organism. The main advantage is the absence of side effects, low toxicity, high versatility. medicinal herb in all types of diseases, which is explained by a synergistic interaction with vitamin C.

High antioxidant properties put Cat's Claw on a par with such well-known plants as ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea, ant tree.

Increasingly, there are articles about the successful treatment of diseases such as allergies, influenza, arthritis, lichen, neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colitis, ulcers, gastritis, hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis and many others with the help of extracts from the bark of the Cat's Claw. The main achievement of Cat's Claw preparations is the ability to act on the human immunodeficiency virus, its effectiveness in the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms. As you can see, the herb and the properties of this plant are unique.


The use of Cat's Claw is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as the plant has contraceptive properties. Also, liana bark extract is contraindicated in persons with transplanted donor organs.


The properties of preparations from the Cat's Claw are diverse and cause not only a tonic, antioxidant, adaptogenic and detoxifying effect on the body, but also an anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral effect. The use of miracle liana bark extract stimulates the entire human immune system, restores metabolism and hormonal imbalance.

Dietary supplement "Cat's Claw" is able to have a strengthening and protective effect on the body's immune system, which is often weakened due to lack of physical activity, irregular meals, features of the ecology of the modern city.


The bioactive complex "Cat's Claw" is designed to effectively support the immune system, which reduces its activity in conditions of a generally unfavorable environmental situation, reduced physical activity or frequent eating disorders.

The Peruvian liana Uncaria Tomentosa, which is called the Cat's Claw because of the peculiar shape of the thorns and leaves, is one of the most powerful plant-derived immunomodulators. The active substances of the bark of this vine increase the life of the cells of the immune system and maintain their functional usefulness. Under the influence of the alkaloids of the bark of this liana, macrophages and T-lymphocytes (especially those that directly destroy foreign microorganisms and tumor cells) are activated, and the synthesis of immunoglobulins is normalized. The active substances of the cat's claw liana reduce the risk of thrombosis, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also increase the release of special molecules by immune cells - cytokines. These molecules have antiviral activity (interferon), and also stimulate the movement of activated cells to the site of inflammation. The ability of the bioactive substances of the bark of the cat's claw vine to tone up the body's natural resistance system underlies the scientifically proven fact that it destroys tumor cells.


Various viral infections, including HIV infection
. chronic and acute inflammatory diseases
. different kinds intoxication, decreased functional activity of the liver
. fungal infections
. immunodeficiency states, Crohn's disease.
. malignant neoplasms and benign tumors
. condition after radiation and chemotherapy

Mode of application: adults 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of dietary supplements, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Is not a medicine.

Best before date: 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Storage conditions: Store at room temperature, in a dry place out of the reach of children.

Certificate of state registration No. dated December 23, 2005

The quality and safety management system of Artlife LLC is certified in accordance with ISO 9001: 2000, HACCP and GMP.

bark of uncaria hairy 460 mg. Excipients: starch, talc, magnesium stearate.


Bark extract of the Peruvian tree liana "ipsapa ietegowa" with a huge healing potential

Many people cherish the fantastic and all same a plausible belief that nature has, of course, created a universal herbal remedy that should be sought somewhere in the depths of tropical forests, as yet untouched by civilization. Perhaps someday we will discover this mythical plant. Until then, we have Cat's Claw...


It has an antioxidant (protective) effect on cell membranes, actively binding free radicals;

Stimulates various parts of the immune system, primarily oxygen-dependent microbicidal activity of neutrophils, normalizes the level of immunoglobulins (antibodies), promotes the destruction and elimination of tissue and circulating immune complexes;

It has a pronounced antitumor effect due to the activation of the functions of cytotoxic lymphocytes and macrophages;

It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal action;

Promotes normalization blood pressure and the level of sugar in the blood, delays the formation of cholesterol plaques, regulates hormonal balance, indicators of "red" blood, alleviates the symptoms of menopause;

Improves the rheological properties (fluidity) of blood, microcirculation in organs, prevents thrombosis;

It has a moderate diuretic and choleretic effect, normalizes the intestinal microflora;

It activates the process of removal (excretion) of toxins, waste products by the body, protects cells from the toxic effects of medicinal, domestic and industrial poisoning, radiation damage.

The medicinal properties of bark extract cat's claw surpassed such well-known plants as echinacea, ginseng, shark cartilage, ant tree (pau darko), eleutherococcus and others. Scientists have shown that the effectiveness of the use of the bark extract of this wonderful Peruvian liana in many diseases is due to the pronounced antioxidant (protective), antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties of its mixture of highly active alkaloids.

The antitumor effect of the extract and preparations based on it is provided by the alkaloid isopteropodin, which activates the functions of T-killers, macrophages and enhances the functional activity of neutrophils. Another active ingredient- glycoside glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizic acid are able to block the reproduction of viruses in cells due to the disruption of the synthesis of their DNA and RNA; proanthocyanidins, which are also part of the plant bark extract, being one of the strongest natural antioxidants, block free radical processes in the body; polyphenols, triterpenes and sterols enhance the action of the cat's claw as an antioxidant, and also have anti-inflammatory and cytostatic (antimutagenic) effects, and the alkaloid rinkofillin improves the rheological properties of blood, reducing the likelihood of thrombosis in the vascular bed.

For many centuries, Peruvian Indians have used the bark and roots of this vine to protect the body and get rid of various diseases. This unique and one of the world's longest plants, Cats Claw, is named after the thin, curved, cat-like thorns that allow the vine to climb out of the darkness of the rainforest towards the sun. Numerous studies of recent decades have shown a pronounced integral healing effect extract of the bark of Cat's Claw in diseases of the immune and digestive systems, metabolic and hormonal imbalances, viral and bacterial infections, in the treatment and prevention of benign and malignant neoplasms, arthritis, bronchial asthma, etc. Well-known naturopaths Suggest using preparations from Cat's Claw as an alternative to aspirin for the prevention of thrombosis and the prevention of cardiovascular accidents.

Dr. R. Gerber emphasizes that preparations made from the bark of incanonosa lentenosa have extremely low toxicity, even when taken in large doses by patients suffering from inflammatory diseases of the joints and intolerant of traditional medicines. medicines because of the many side effects they cause.

Dr. Orlando Garcia received positive results from the effects of the bark of Cat's Claw in patients with a wide variety of diseases, while he found that Cat's Claw interacts synergistically with vitamin C and much better reduces the side effects of concomitant chemotherapy. The author of this manual has been using the healing properties of this plant for more than ten years in his practice, enhancing its effects with a complex of enzymes, vitamins C, E, and selenium.

An international symposium held under the auspices of the United Nations in 2000 named Cat's Claw as an important component of the anti-cancer diet.

Thus, Cat claw- a truly botanical treasure, perhaps even more valuable than Dr. Klaus Keplinger, who discovered the value of this tropical plant for Europeans in 1974, originally thought. According to Dr. Brest Davis, Cat's Claw is a world class herb that can contain and treat underlying pathologies while speeding up the healing process when combined with concomitant therapies.


Different kinds viral infection (complex treatment viral hepatitis, chlamydia, herpetic infection, HIV infection);

Acute and chronic inflammatory processes of various localizations;

A variety of man-made, household and drug intoxication, poisoning, radiation and chemotherapy;

Immunodeficiency states of various origins;

Bronchial asthma, various kinds of allergies and immunopathies;

Complex treatment of malignant neoplasms, benign tumors (fibroadenoma, myoma, prostate adenoma, cysts in various organs, leukemia, malignant tumors);

Dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes mellitus;

Inflammatory and inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the joints and soft tissues (rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, synovitis, myositis, etc.);

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, dysentery, enterocolitis, irritable bowel syndrome, non-

Premenstrual syndrome, menstrual disorders, pathological menopause;

Inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in men and women;

Eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin conditions;

venous circulation disorders, varicose disease, haemorrhoids;

It can also be used for acute and chronic psycho-emotional stress, astheno-depressive conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome;

It can be applied topically as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostatic agent for burns, wounds, ulcers, purulent processes, epidermophytosis, conjunctivitis, etc.


as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, take from 3 to 6 capsules per day 30-40 minutes after a meal with a glass of water for 2-3 weeks. According to the doctor's prescription, the dosage and duration of taking the drug can be increased.

In the first 3-5 days of admission, a short-term exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible: if necessary, consult a doctor or reduce the dose of the drug.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: individual intolerance to the original product.

Attention: when using preparations from Cat's Claw, one must take into account that it has contraceptive properties. A relative contraindication is the presence of gallstones.