All in one: the incredible benefits of CC cream. BB and CC creams - what is the difference between them

CC cream cannot be called the newest remedy for combating skin imperfections: it has been known for quite some time. Fans managed to decipher the abbreviation in their own way, calling the cream “the very best.” Well, that makes sense. Although the name is translated as "".

What is CC face cream? Si-si-cream is a skin care product. In addition, it has excellent masking abilities; the product is invisible on the skin. The degree of sun protection is quite high. Also a plus. All CC products contain vitamins. C – to whiten the skin and give it radiance. E – protection from premature aging. The composition includes both phytoextracts and sea minerals, which ensure the elasticity of the dermis. There is also an ideal humidifier, hyaluronic acid.

The CC product helps even out the tone and perfectly disguises redness, freckles and dark circles. Manufacturers created it as “three in one”: corrector, concealer and foundation. The advantage of the product is that it has more shades than the number of shades. With this choice, the chances of finding the ideal option increase.

When choosing a CC cream, we also take into account the characteristics of our skin. Of course, manufacturers claim that the cream is universal, but... In general, we take into account our own characteristics.

If your skin is oily and problematic, prone to inflammation, it is better to opt for a light cream texture. If the CC product has an oil-free formula, without oils in the composition, it’s great. The pores will not become clogged, and the surface of the skin will be able to breathe freely. But it is possible that the matte effect will not be enough for the whole day.

If the skin is dry, there are often feelings of tightness and flaking, the cream is suitable for caring for it. For dull gray skin you need a CC cream with reflective particles. But the CC product is unable to completely hide scars, wrinkles and post-acne.

The time of year also dictates its own rules. Summer period- cream with a high degree of . SPF factor and will protect from excess ultraviolet radiation, and from negative impact will protect your skin from the sun.
For normal dermis, CC cream is sufficient; additional correctors are not needed.

For combination or oily skin, mix CC cream with foundation. CC product is also suitable as a base for foundation. For those with a normal dermis type, the si-si product can be applied to cleansed skin.

For dry, flaky skin, it is advisable to mix CC with a moisturizer. What is CC face cream? The CC product will prevent skin aging and provide it with daytime care, maintain normal moisture and give light natural shine. Each manufacturer adds new qualities to their products. Some help, while others give yellowish skin a healthy pinkish tone.

The texture of the CC product is light and watery. It is easy to apply and spread. Si-si is recommended even for the area around the eyes. It is recommended to use the cream daily and for any skin type.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which CC creams are the best: again, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the skin. Some are delighted with the Korean ones, while others only like the European ones. So the trial and error method works here too. Seven brands gained popularity among stylists.

Superdefense Color Correcting Skin Protector SPF 30 is a hypoallergenic product. It will get rid of sallow skin tone and protect against the first signs of aging. The moisturizing multifunctional corrector contains optical two-layer particles. They will restore the healthy appearance of sallow skin, yellowish skin will take on a fresh look, and redness will become invisible. Antioxidants will protect the dermis from external negativity.

CC Tone Corresting UV Moisturizer SPF 15 instantly gives the skin a radiant appearance and fights. B-group vitamins and tocopherol will reduce wrinkles, even out tone, make pigmentation less noticeable, accelerate the renewal of skin surface cells, moisturize the dermis and strengthen its natural protection against moisture loss.

CC cream Nude Magique SPF 12 is able to adapt to the skin tone to the maximum and hide imperfections in the dermis. The product contains microparticles of foundation creams.

Cream with SPF 10 intensively corrects complexion and provides skin care. Contains cucumber water, phytoextracts of sea buckthorn and rose hips. They are responsible for smoothing and moisturizing the skin.

Complete Correction SPF 30/PA+++ Cream is ideal for sensitive, delicate skin and has an anti-aging effect. A light product will hide redness, enlarged pores, etc.

Universal remedy Stem Cellular Repair SPF 30 is ideal for skin with signs of aging: it contains organic antioxidants. The cream evens out tone, reduces wrinkles, and moisturizes the dermis.


Correct Combo Cream is a product ideal for normal skin. The cream dispenser is convenient, the product perfectly evens out the complexion and adapts to the skin tone, and masks problem areas well. The texture is light and pleasant, and the smell is subtle. There are sun filters.

Mizon Aqua Fitting CC can be easily applied with fingers, a flat brush and a sponge. The cream is invisible on the skin. A universal shade suitable for both dark and fair skin. The texture is light, there is no mask effect.

What is CC face cream? A skin care product for masking skin imperfections. The color control of the c-c-cream is excellent. And representatives of the SS line prolong youth and. The dermis of all types and ages receives the care it needs most. Maybe the remedy will turn out to be “the very best.”

The most popular cosmetic product, acting as a finishing covering for the face, is Foundation. It appeared a long time ago, and absolutely every girl knows about its existence, and many use it. But not so long ago, products such as BB cream and CC cream appeared on the shelves. They are analogues of tonal, but have some features. What is the difference between BB cream and CC cream? Probably many women have asked this question.

What is BB cream

First, let's look at what BB cream is. This product comes from Asia and there are two capital letters B stands for Blemish Balm. And its full name - Blemish Balm Cream - translated means "cream for blemishes." But this remedy did not immediately appear with us. It is generally accepted that it came to Europe with the Germans. This product has one miraculous property - it effectively hides traces of surgical interventions, such as wounds, scars. This is also how BB cream differs from CC cream. That is why it was originally widely used in medicine as a means to accelerate wound healing. Because Asian women prefer natural cosmetics, the composition of the BB cream has a large number of organic components, which means it does not harm the skin. It itself has a thick consistency, like foundation. But unlike it, BB cream does not clog pores, although it perfectly hides all imperfections. In addition, it can act as a sunscreen, nourish and moisturize the skin, brighten and even have a rejuvenating effect.

Properties of BB cream

The reason why girls buy various cosmetics for their facial skin is the presence of imperfections that require camouflage. The advantage of BB cream is that it can be used before some important events, and every day, since it does absolutely no harm. frequent use. Basically, almost all companies that produce such products have 4 different shades of the product in their arsenal. It may turn out that your skin does not match any of them. In this case, you should choose the closest color, since in the end, after application, it will slightly adjust to your color and become almost invisible. In general, girls initially purchased BB cream with the goal of healing some wounds, but now everything has changed dramatically, including the composition. Now many products of this type contain allantoin, licorice root extract and panthenol. Today, almost all cosmetic companies, with rare exceptions, have BB creams in their assortment, which is why competition is inexorably growing. Cosmetologists are trying to develop more and more new formulas that improve the composition and provide new properties. This only makes the choice easier for the buyer, since any female can choose a BB cream individually to suit her skin type and color.

How to choose BB cream

Many girls are in search of the best BB cream. In fact, everything is extremely simple. The best BB cream is the one that suits your skin type. Of course, you won't find it the first time perfect cream, you still have to try a few. The main thing is to understand from the very beginning what kind of cream you need: anti-aging, with a matte finish, moisturizing, and so on. If you find a cheap product and are not sure of its quality, it is, of course, better not to take risks, as it may pose a danger. The main selection criterion is the absence of silicone in the composition. For daily use It’s better to choose some light, not too thick BB cream.

Using BB cream is no different from any other foundation. Before applying it, you need to cleanse the skin, moisturize and wait until the moisturizer is absorbed. After application, you can set everything with powder if required. It is best to wash off such a cream. Water may simply not be able to completely remove the product from the face.

What is CC cream

CC cream is a cosmetic product that is an improved version of BB cream. That is, it retained all the properties of a BB cream: care, restoration, and plus it received a number of its own features.

CC stands for Color Control, or Color Correction, that is, this tool is aimed at controlling and correcting complexion. This is why CC creams not only perfectly even out the complexion, but also mask redness and dark circles under the eyes. This product was intended by the creators as both a corrector and a concealer. In addition, CC cream is invisible on the skin, since after application it adapts to the complexion. But even so, CC creams are available from cosmetic companies in several shades, so you don’t have to worry at all that you may have difficulty choosing a shade.

What is the difference between BB cream and CC cream? The second one has a lighter texture, making it much easier to apply to the skin, and it goes on more smoothly. When applying it, you will never get the feeling of a mask, but all imperfections will be hidden. Most of these products contain reflective particles, which create a natural glowing effect on the skin after applying the cream. CC cream is more suitable for regular use, since it is lighter, so the skin breathes and the pores do not become clogged. What is the difference between BB cream and CC cream? The composition of the CC cream ensures high durability of the product with a long-lasting matte effect.

Properties of CC cream

More high degree care is what distinguishes BB cream from CC cream. Manufacturers have tried to combine caring and cosmetic effects in such a way that the product can completely replace a bunch of jars for daily facial skin care, even if there are some pronounced shortcomings. CC cream contains a huge number of moisturizing components that will take care of the skin.

BB and CC creams: what's the difference?

In general, CC cream is a more advanced version of BB cream. It has a more obvious caring effect, nourishes and moisturizes the skin well, but its coverage density is less, so the BB cream has more obvious masking properties. Effective treatment skin imperfections - this is how BB cream differs from CC cream. Their descriptions are very similar, with the exception of a few features. Both of them are good cosmetic products, and the choice depends only on the characteristics of the skin.

BB-, CC-, DD-creams

More recently, analogues of foundation have appeared: BB, CC, and DD creams. What is the difference? Everything is simple, you just need to decipher their abbreviations. BB cream - Blemish Balm, that is, a remedy against blemishes. CC cream - Color Control, that is, color control. DD cream - Daily Defense, that is, daily protection.

We have already dealt with the properties of the first two. DD cream is a product that, according to manufacturers, is capable of providing facial skin with care, protection from sun rays, primer, and foundation. So, we examined in detail how BB cream differs from CC cream, and compared the composition and effect.

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An ideal skin tone is the adornment of any girl. Not all representatives of the fair sex can boast of such luxury. You can often see enlarged pores, pimples, age spots, various types of rashes and other imperfections on the skin.

To solve these problems, modern manufacturers offer big choice foundations, BB and CC creams that can even out complexion and skin texture, hide all kinds of inflammation, disguise pimples and give self-confidence.

In this article we will talk in detail about the different foundations, how they differ from each other, and also give recommendations on choosing the ideal product for you.

Features of the foundation

Ideal for

  1. Evening out complexion;
  2. Smoothing pores;
  3. Covering imperfections (pimples, scars, age spots, rashes);
  4. Face protection from weather conditions(wind, sun, frost);
  5. Performs various functions: matting, moisturizing, shining, etc.;
  6. Improves the appearance of the skin.


  • Prolongs the durability of all makeup - without this product, all products applied to the face (blush, bronzer, contouring, highlighter) will become less intense over the course of the day, absorbed into the skin, and the foundation serves as a good base, forming a kind of film that holds all the makeup;
  • Nourishes and moisturizes the skin throughout the day thanks to its presence in the composition essential oils, vitamins and minerals;
  • Can clog pores - you need to thoroughly cleanse your face to get rid of all the product. Micellar water, all kinds of foams, milks, and mousses are well suited for these purposes.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a foundation, you must first of all focus on its characteristics:

  • What skin type is it suitable for? If you neglect this, then in the end you will not get the desired result;
  • Abundance of shades in the line of products. It happens that the lightest shade of one foundation will be dark for your face, and by turning to another line of the same brand, you can find suitable ones. Apply a small amount from the sample to the back of your hand or neck, spread in a circular motion and try to evaluate how well the product suited you. Sometimes the lighting in the store makes this difficult, but with experience comes an understanding of what to choose. Ideally, the product should blend in with the skin color and leave no traces or clear boundaries;

  • Texture – foundations can be liquid, in the form of a mousse, dense, light, or in a stick. The choice will depend on your preferences and skin type;
  • Pleasant bonuses - in addition to hydration, radiance, mattification, some products may contain an SPF factor with sun protection, and some products can even smooth out wrinkles and tighten the skin (lifting effect).

How to choose according to skin type


Prone to the formation of peeling and redness. It requires a moisturizing product.

An excellent option would be liquid foundations, as well as in the form of mousse.

The product should saturate the skin with moisture throughout the day, eliminating the feeling of dryness and tightness.


Products of different textures are suitable, the most important thing is to decide which problem needs to be dealt with more actively - dryness or oily shine in the T-zone.

Good products for water based with vitamins and minerals included.


It is necessary to select matting agents that will inhibit the appearance of greasy shine throughout the day, and also combat the problems of enlarged pores and acne, that is, have good covering ability.

This foundation should be free of oils, pearlescent and reflective particles.

It is welcome to contain powder and acids, which narrow pores and prevent pimples from spreading.


This type is prone to the appearance of different problems at the same time: peeling and acne, areas with very severe inflammation, acne, and more. Foundation should always be applied to a cleansed face, and the consistency should be medium density.

If problem areas are prone to dryness, then give preference to foundations with oils and moisturizing ingredients in the composition.

If the problem is more in the occurrence of greasiness and increased formation of oily sheen, then it makes sense to try products with a drying effect and mattifying ones.

Foundations can also be used among men to achieve a light cosmetic effect.

What to apply

Exists . Which one you choose is up to you to decide only by experience, since each of them has its own characteristics and disadvantages:

  • Applying with your fingers is the easiest and fastest method.

To do this, squeeze a small amount of product onto the back of your hand, then use your fingertip to spread the product over your face, and then spread the foundation along the massage lines with light circular movements.

The main disadvantage of this option is the presence of stripes and uneven coverage.

It is best to apply lighter textures with your fingers (BB cream, CC cream, primer, foundation with weightless coverage);

  • Application with a sponge (beauty blender) is the most popular and best option.

Gives an even, uniform coating without bald spots. Suitable for any type of foundation.

  1. Take a cosmetic sponge, lower it under the stream warm water and it, swelling from moisture, will increase several times.
  2. Next, squeeze out required amount foundation on the back of your hand, spread it pointwise over your face with the pad of your finger, and then, using soft tapping movements, spread the foundation with a damp sponge.

It is recommended to wash the beauty blender after each use using detergent (shampoo, mild soap, dishwashing liquid). The disadvantage of this type of application is that the sponge “eats” quite a lot of product, that is, the consumption of foundation increases;

  • Application with a brush - this option is most often used among makeup artists.

To use, use tightly packed (kabuki) or flat brushes. Pile – natural or synthetic. The difference is that synthetic ones are better washed off decorative cosmetics, and also less bacteria accumulate in them, brushes with natural bristles are more expensive, wash less easily, but apply the product more evenly. First, the foundation is applied pointwise to the face, and then distributed using a brush in a circular motion. The disadvantage of this type of application is the formation of stripes from the pile, that is, the coating is not always uniform. Brushes should be washed after each application of foundation using mild shampoos or professional cleaners. Be sure to dry in a horizontal position in the open air.

In order for the product to transform the skin, mask all imperfections and last as long as possible, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. The foundation is applied only to cleansed skin. There should be no “old” makeup on your face. If you decide to apply a fresh one on top of the previous layer, you will get a layer cake, the foundation will roll off and will not look the best. Pre-wash your face using a cleanser (gel, foam, mousse) or simply dip cotton pad in micellar water and wipe the skin, removing accumulated impurities;
  2. After cleansing, you need to apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type. This step is done 15-20 minutes before applying makeup;
  3. Be sure to let the cream absorb. Otherwise, the foundation will not lie evenly and will not adhere well;
  4. After 20 minutes, you can begin applying decorative cosmetics. First, spread a small amount of primer (makeup base) all over your face and neck. This is done so that all subsequent products adhere to each other and last throughout the day. Also, the base will additionally smooth out the skin texture and the foundation will be applied without problems;
  5. with the result you want: matting and control of oily shine, hydration and nutrition, longevity of makeup;
  6. After the primer has “settled” on your face, you can apply the foundation in the method you choose: with your fingers, sponge or brush;
  7. When finished, set the foundation on the skin with powder. It will also create the necessary base for applying all subsequent dry products (blush, contouring, bronzer, highlighter).

On this moment Almost all cosmetics brands produce their own foundations. The price depends on the brand of the product and starts from 200 rubles.

There are several varieties of foundation, which Lately are gaining popularity among the fair sex. These are bb cream and cc cream. Let's talk about them in detail and find out how they differ from each other and who they are suitable for.


Created for

  • Skin smoothing;
  • Correcting minor imperfections;
  • Improved appearance;
  • Pore ​​filling;

BB cream is much lighter in texture compared to regular foundation. It can be used as a base for makeup or simply applied to the face for a fresh look. This product is ideal for the summer, when you don’t want to weigh down your skin with thick products, and the BB cream allows the pores to breathe without clogging them.

Also, bb cream can well moisturize the face and protect it from the harmful effects of sunlight, since many products include SPF.

This cosmetic product is suitable for any skin type, but is best combined with dry and normal skin types. It will not mask severe problems on the face, but it is quite suitable for daily wear if you need light correction and improvement of appearance.


  1. Able to adapt to skin color;
  2. Has a very light texture;
  3. The consistency is denser and thicker than that of a regular foundation;
  4. Does not create a mask effect on the face;
  5. Can be used as a base for makeup or worn on its own.

Popular brands

  • Garnier (Garnier/Garnier);
  • Maybelline (Maybeline);
  • Biotherm (Bioterm);
  • Missha (Misha);
  • Libre Derm (Libre Derm);
  • Shiseido (Shiseido);
  • Holika Holika (Korean brand Holika Holika).


Created for

  • Skin smoothing;
  • Correcting imperfections;
  • Improved appearance;
  • Pore ​​filling;
  • Protect your face from weather conditions (heat, frost, wind).

CC cream is an improved version of BB cream, which is several times more effective than the first product.

This tool is multifunctional. It can be used as a foundation, concealer, corrector, moisturizer, wrinkle treatment, makeup base, and even as a sunscreen product.

The cost of the product is slightly higher, and the texture is even lighter and airier, but this does not affect its covering ability, but quite the opposite: CC cream masks skin imperfections much better, mattifies it, and gives natural look, does not weigh down and perfectly moisturizes throughout the day. Also, thanks to its improved properties, this cream can also be used in the area around the eyes. This is what distinguishes bb from cc cream.

Makeup artists say that CC cream is suitable mainly for dry skin types, but you can choose it for others, you just need to try different options.

CC cream also adapts perfectly to your complexion, and there is no need to test many samples. Typically the line includes light shades (for light skin), medium (medium undertone) and dark (dark and tanned skin, as well as for blacks).

The best brands

  1. Lumene (Lumene);
  2. Clinique (Clinic);
  3. Chanel (Chanel);
  4. La Roche-Posay (La Roche Posay);
  5. Bourjois (Bourgeois);
  6. Max Factor;
  7. L'oreal (Loreal);
  8. Lancome (Lankom);
  9. Faberlic (Faberlic).

Which option to choose

Everyone has their own skin characteristics and preferences.

  1. If you need light coverage and a small cosmetic effect in the form of evening out the tone of the face and masking slight imperfections, then you should pay attention to BB cream.
  2. If skin problems are more pronounced, redness and pimples are present, then it is better to give preference to CC cream. It will not weigh down the skin, but at the same time it will cover everything well.



Healthy, glowing skin is the result of not only genetics, but also cosmetics. By choosing the right product for yourself that will hide all imperfections and make you look fresher and more rested, you will provide yourself with confidence and a beautiful appearance that will attract attention.

Every month several new BB creams appear on the shelves of cosmetic stores. Moreover, Dior released a cream for the eye area, and L’Oreal Paris launched concealer, powder and blush, all with the BB prefix. Meanwhile, beauty brands continue to explore the next letters of the alphabet. Meet CC creams.

What is CC cream

Before we start getting to know a newbie, let’s remember what’s so good about the beloved blemish balm (aka blemish base, beauty balm, beauty benefit). Of course, with its versatility. One bibi should replace seven products: foundation, moisturizer and sunscreen, acne cream, anti-aging care (fighting wrinkles, pigmentation, increasing firmness and elasticity), makeup base (for matting or for radiance) and corrector. The offer to save money and space in the cosmetic bag was accepted with a bang. And now specialists in their laboratories are mixing new cocktail- better than before.

The abbreviation CC cream also has several meanings: Complete Correction ( full correction) or the more common Color Control. Like its predecessor, the newcomer came to us from Asia. The first sign was released by the Singaporean company Rachel K back in early 2011 (interestingly, three months later the first BB cream Murasaki Japan had just appeared in Russia). Mineral CC Cream conquered Asian women with its high content of plant extracts and pink tint, starting a new trend.

So what is boob cream? Nothing more than an improved version of BB. In Russian transcription, the name can mean “The Most.” First of all, the CC cream contains less oils, due to which the texture has become lighter (which allows us to draw an analogy with a tinted moisturizer). Despite this, the visual alignment of skin tone and texture has increased. This gives every right to apply the product to the area around the eyes - both for camouflage and for care. The new product also guarantees simultaneous glow, like after a vacation, and mattification of the T-zone. They also worked on durability: powder to fix makeup is no longer needed. Moreover, it extinguishes the glow. There are even more moisturizing, anti-aging and other beneficial additives. The sun protection factor remained at the same level (from 10 to 30). As is the case with bibi creams, the color range is modest - two or three shades. However, the ability to adapt to skin tone has also improved.

If BB creams, as if forgetting about their full name “balm for imperfections”, want to embrace the immensity, then another feature of CC creams is to narrow the scope of activity. Some are aimed at visual special effects (disguising everything unnecessary, giving the skin radiance and healthy looking), that is, they provide the same “color control”. The task of others is to prolong the youth of the skin plus light toning. Now the skin different types and age will receive exactly what he needs most.

How to use CC cream

Those with normal skin can apply CC cream directly to a cleansed face. For fatty and combined type CC cream is good to use as a base for foundation or mixed with it. For those who are concerned about dryness and flaking, it is recommended to mix the new product with a moisturizer.

7 CC creams: coming soon

Clinique, Superdefense CC Cream Color Correcting Skin Protector SPF 30

Multi-functional moisturizing skin tone corrector contains two-layer optical particles. Thanks to them, dull, sallow skin is filled with radiance, yellowish skin acquires a peachy freshness, and redness becomes invisible. They didn’t forget about the skincare component either. Hyaluronic acid instantly fills the skin with moisture, while trehalose and sorbitol maintain it at the required level. All kinds of antioxidants protect the skin from external aggressors. On sale from June.

Olay, Total Effects CC Tone Correcting UV Moisturizer SPF 15

The vitamins B and E included in the composition prevent seven signs of aging - reduce wrinkles, even out tone, lighten pigmentation, improve surface renewal of epidermal cells, moisturize, strengthen the skin's natural protection against moisture loss, and add radiance.

L'Oreal Paris, Nude Magique CC Cream SPF 12

L'Oreal Paris is playing in the primers field. CC creams are available in three shades. Apricot refreshes the complexion. Green neutralizes redness. Lilac brightens. Like Nude Magique BB Cream, they all contain microparticles of foundation. When applied, the capsules dissolve and mix with colored pigments to create a double effect. A nice bonus is round-the-clock hydration.

Max Factor CC Cream SPF 10

Intensive color correction and care are promised. Cucumber water, as well as rosehip and sea buckthorn extracts, provide hydration and smoothing.

Chanel, Complete Correction SPF 30 / PA +++

He has released his own version of CC cream for the Asian market, which is already available in Russian corners. Light coverage hides redness, pigmentation and enlarged pores. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for hydration throughout the day. Cornflower blue water soothes sensitive skin.

Juice Beauty, Stem Cellular Repair CC Cream SPF 30

Suitable for all skin types, but especially those with signs of aging. Restores, evens out tone and texture, improves elasticity, moisturizes, reduces wrinkles, and adds radiance. Rich in organic antioxidants.

Alterna, Caviar CC Cream Leave-in Hair Perfector

The first CC cream for hair copes with care and styling, working in ten directions at once. Hair becomes manageable, smooth, soft, strong, easy to style and stops splitting. The list continues with radiance, hydration, as well as protection from the sun and hot air from a hair dryer. The cream contains caviar extract, vitamin C and algae complex.

To be continued

While the Russian beauty market is preparing for the invasion of CC creams, the American brand Julep is releasing the first DD cream and DD concealer. The abbreviation stands for Dynamic Do-all, that is, “does everything and quickly.” I wonder what manufacturers will come up with to combine EE, FF and other letters of the alphabet..

What's happenedBB-cream and when did it appear?

Initially, the history of BB cream began in Germany back in 1968. Dermatologist Christina Schrammek used the “progenitor” of modern BB: with its help it was possible to mask the consequences surgical intervention or hard peelings. At the same time, the cream itself, unlike similar concealers of that time, had a calming and wound-healing effect, which was so necessary for patients. After 30 years, the formula of the product was improved and supplemented by Korean researchers, and the BB cream was released international market. The brand SKIN79 was the first to introduce bibiki. And in shortest time the novelty became a hit that quickly began to capture the public's attention. Not one, but 10 Korean brands produce BB creams, followed by European and American ones... And yet, it is Korean manufacturers that still hold the palm, producing the best BB creams, which have a lot of advantages over others.

BB cream is now a “universal soldier” who is at the same time a reader, a reaper, and a trumpet player. Bibik does a good job of hiding skin imperfections, such as wrinkles, pimples, redness, and makes facial skin clean, fresh and rested. Any BB cream, regardless of the manufacturer’s brand, combines the properties of foundation and day creams, performing both decorative and caring functions: it corrects facial tone and hides minor imperfections, as well as moisturizes and nourishes the skin, heals minor inflammations and imperfections.

Main advantages and functionsBB creams

Not even 10 years have passed since the release of the first BB cream in 2011, but today it is difficult to find a BB cream that has not yet been invented. BB creams are represented by leading European, American and Korean brands; BB creams can be found in the price category from 300 to 3000 rubles per product (or even higher). BB creams are available in the lines of almost all major cosmetic brands peace. Dozens of types of BB creams for every taste and color: BB creams for different shades skin, BB creams for men's skin BB creams for sensitive, oily and combination skin, anti-aging bibs... Although their texture is appearance they are not very different from each other: But the set of basic properties of all BB creams is the same: the product evens out the tone, hides imperfections, disguises scars and scars, hides post-acne spots, pigmentation and freckles. BB creams can be divided into types based on finish:

Mattifying BB cream – great option for oily and combination skin. Matte BB creams help control work sebaceous glands, eliminate imperfections and prevent the appearance of oily skin.

Satin BB cream - delicately illuminates the skin, filling it with moisture, and giving the effect of well-groomed and rested skin, smooth and velvety. Perfect option, if you are at the same time not delighted with matte skin, and want to give it a natural look.

Glossy BB cream - to create the famous Korean “chok-chok” effect, when the skin literally glows and looks fresh and rested. Not all girls like the glossy finish, since for many it is associated with an oily sheen on the skin.

How does BB cream differ from other foundations?

First of all, BB cream is distinguished by its effective formula. The percentage of coloring pigment in it is low - from 10% to 30%, whereas for conventional foundations it varies from 70% to 90%. But such an amount of coloring pigment guarantees that the pores will become clogged, and the makeup itself will look unnatural and will remind you of plaster. From 90% to 70% (minimum) percent in BB cream are caring components that will take care of your skin, improving its condition. Korean manufacturers are confident that it is better to treat skin imperfections, not hide them!

The most common types of BB creams

Bibiki can be distinguished not only by the type of their finish, but also by the most popular components and their functionality:

Snail BB cream

Bibiki based on snail mucin can safely be considered one of the most popular. Snail mucin has a healing effect, helps speed up the process of skin regeneration, fills it with moisture and at the same time nourishes it, eliminating various imperfections and preventing the appearance of pimples. BB creams from Mizon based on snail mucus have become especially famous. For example, its dense coverage perfectly hides imperfections while healing the skin. But other Korean manufacturers are not lagging behind: it is also good, and it is literally “stepping on its heels.” What’s especially nice is that BB cream with snail mucin can be used on both young and old aging skin– in both cases, he adapts to her problems. It will smooth out age spots, and cure young ones from acne and acne.

Moisturizing BB cream

All self-respecting Korean brands create bibs with a moisturizing effect that will protect the skin from dehydration. In their composition you will find collagen, hyaluronic acid, or NMF moisturizing factor. From our assortment, this is, for example, and, although it is quite difficult to find a Korean bib that does not at least slightly moisturize the skin. After all, all Koreans know that moisturized skin = young skin

Anti-aging BB cream

Anti-aging lipsticks began to appear relatively recently, since initially the product itself was positioned as a product for young skin. But gradually, boosters for aging skin began to appear. The Missha brand products were the first to become known - and. Both BB creams contain a huge amount of anti-aging components, and despite the “biting” price, they are in wide demand, because they really cope with such a task as lightly lifting the skin and smoothing out small wrinkles. But it’s more difficult to wash off such BB creams due to their dense texture - don’t forget about hydrophilic oil, otherwise they can clog your pores. In anti-aging BBs you will find peptides, snail mucin in combination with EGF, peptides, swallow's nest extract or niacinamide with adenosine - because they also prevent the appearance of age-related pigmentation.

How to choose the right BB cream depending on your skin type?

Korean manufacturers, when choosing a BB cream, as well as when choosing a regular face cream, recommend paying attention to its composition, and, of course, your skin type.

For oily and combination skin

The main task when choosing a highlighter for this skin type is that it does not clog pores, is not comedogenic, and has a matte finish - after all, owners of this skin type most often suffer from the appearance of an oily sheen on their face. It is best to choose a product marked oil-free and containing plant extracts. BB creams are also great for narrowing pores - for example, . These bibs must contain absorbent components.

For problem skin

Choose products that will treat your skin without being too heavy on coverage. Important components for this skin type are snail mucin, witch hazel extract, Birch juice, aloe vera extract. From our assortment this is and.

For dry skin

The best option would be a product with a slightly thinner texture than conventional BB creams - this will not emphasize flaking. And of course, the composition should contain hyaluronic acid, collagen, plant extracts, thermal water. Among Korean remedies It won’t be difficult to find one - the main thing is that you feel comfortable using it!

For normal skin

Of course, those with normal skin are something of a myth in our age, and if you exist, please write to us in the comments! And yet, those with normal skin can afford to choose a BB cream with a light texture with a matte or satin finish and moisturizing ingredients. It’s also a good idea if it contains antioxidants, vitamins C and E - they definitely won’t hurt. A cream with strong moisturizing ingredients will also be useful to you, as it will help make the surface of the skin more even.

This is where you can finish with skin type and move on to one of the most famous and frequently asked questions.

What is the difference between BB cream and CC cream?

CC cream is a product that was developed after BB cream, and is not so popular yet. Why? It's about the texture of the product and its masking ability. CC cream has an even lighter, oil-free formula and contains almost no coloring pigment. But it contains a huge amount of caring substances, even more than BB creams. But the texture of the product does not allow you to hide serious and even semi-serious skin imperfections. It perfectly evens out skin tone, fights uneven tone and redness, perfectly moisturizes the skin and fills it with moisture. But, you understand that such a light product is suitable for skin without any special drawbacks. Therefore, if you are that mythical owner of normal skin without pimples, blackheads, freckles and pronounced wrinkles, then feel free to choose CC cream. Although, by the way, CC cream is also good for the summer - when the skin does not need a thick layer of BB cream.

The abbreviation CC itself stands for Color Control Cream, a cream for correcting complexion. Actually, CC cream really perfectly corrects skin tone, and even adapts well to it. Therefore, CC creams are most often produced in one shade - white, and this same white magically, when applied to the skin, adapts to its color. It is almost impossible to get a “mask” effect when applying CC cream to the skin (well, unless you are naturally a chocolate mulatto), while BB creams, if you go too far with their amount, can still create such an effect. By the way, about shades: BB creams are most often produced in two colors: light beige and natural beige, but many brands, for example, Misha, expand the color palette, and among them you can find very light BBs for Snow White (13 tone), and for owners of very dark skin - 23 and 26 tones.

Both BB and CC creams contain sunscreen factors, helping the skin to withstand the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. So any product you choose will be a reliable help against skin photoaging - after all, all Koreans know how dangerous Sun rays. By the way, many Korean BBs contain lightening components, which must be taken into account when choosing a product.

To summarize the first part of our article: Korean BB creams are a very cool thing! By choosing the right product, you can hide skin imperfections and heal it at the same time. And in the summer heat, a light CC cream will be your salvation, especially if your skin has virtually no imperfections. And BB cream will become a good helper in spring or autumn, and especially in winter, when our skin needs reliable protection from temperature changes, wind and cold.

In the second part of the article you will find the top 10 best BB creams, which we would confidently recommend for use:

10th place:

And our list opens with BB cream for aging and aging skin from the Missha brand. The product perfectly hides skin imperfections without clogging pores or emphasizing wrinkles, without creasing in skin folds. At the same time, the excellent durability of the product and rich composition allow the skin to feel great throughout the day!

Pros: unusual two-layer texture, easily applies to the skin, hides age-related imperfections

Minuses: high price

Price 2090 rubles

9th place:

With this BB cream, 100% hydration of your skin is ensured even on the hottest summer days! This bb face cream is designed specifically for dry and dehydrated skin prone to flaking and irritation. Active moisturizing components of the cream will help your skin feel comfortable and remain elastic and smooth throughout the day.

Pros: excellent moisturizing composition, good masking ability, affordable price with large volume

Minuses: The skin may appear oily, the consistency is too thick, difficult to blend

Price 890 rubles

8th place:

We gave eighth place to this handsome guy in an updated format, although he definitely deserves more! Light texture, excellent ability to adapt to skin tone, vitamin composition and a choice of two shades make this BB cream a great assistant for summer. The covering power of Bibik is not very high, so it should be chosen by those who do not have serious imperfections on their skin.

Pros: light texture, excellent composition, matte finish, good for summer

Minuses: will not hide serious skin imperfections, small volume

Price 1115 rubles

If you are not the owner of snow-white skin, and are looking for a product for every day that does not yellow, does not turn pale or pink, this is it! Those with dry skin will especially appreciate the product. This booster does not clog pores, does not provoke inflammation, and does not add an oily shine to the face. Makeup looks fresh, natural and light, with a slight shimmer effect on the skin.

Pros: dense coverage, good masking properties, does not sink into pores

Minuses: not everyone shade will suit with a grayish undertone, not very suitable for oily skin, high price

Price 2580 rubles

Snail BB cream for dry, damaged and aging skin. Helps regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, accelerates the healing process of all kinds of imperfections, smoothes out wrinkles. A fairly dense coating provides reliable camouflage of pimples, scars, scars, freckles and age spots. This is a great bb cream for problem skin!

Pros: rich in functionality, perfectly masks redness and imperfections, ideal for use in winter, affordable price

Minuses: Doesn't adapt well to skin tone, may cause T-zone to become oily during the day

Price 690 rubles

Excellent hydration with excellent coverage and incredible durability - what else can you expect from a good BB cream? It’s not for nothing that this handsome guy is the golden mean of our rating. Bibik contains a complex patented by the brand, which helps regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and maintain matte skin throughout the day.

Pros: excellent composition with anti-aging components, gives lung effect radiance on the skin, perfectly adapts to skin tone, large selection of shades, 7 free composition

Minuses: can emphasize peeling, quite high price

Price 1750 rubles

This snail cream from Mizon is extremely good! It is multifunctional, heals the skin, and skillfully hides the signs of skin aging, prolongs the youth of the skin, and accelerates the healing process of the skin. Excellent tool at an affordable price.

Pros: rich in functionality, excellent composition based on snail mucin, fits perfectly on the skin, does not clog pores, protects against environmental influences

Minuses: released in only one shade, which is not fits normal or dark skin, but is perfect for Snow Whites and those with skin without flaking, as this product can highlight them

Price 890 rubles

The top three is opened by these bibs from Holika, which are the most purchased on our website. Several shades, good masking abilities, quite pleasant functionality and compact packaging - all this is great for those who have just begun to get acquainted with Korean cosmetics.

Pros: choice of several shades, affordable price, good concealing ability

Minuses: poor durability, comedogenic, so it needs to be washed off hydrophilic oil very carefully

Price 550 rubles

While you were reading this article, about a hundred of these beautiful red bottles were bought around the world! This magical BB cream has been the most popular BB cream for several years now. Its dense texture and excellent masking properties make it an indispensable aid for problem skin.

Pros: dense coverage, excellent masking ability, excellent composition, high sun protection filter, many shades from the manufacturer for both the lightest and darkest skin

Minuses: Due to the too dense texture, it is not suitable for use in hot weather, it can emphasize flaking

Price 1585 rubles

1 place: We didn't give the first place to Missha's bib only because we are familiar with this handsome guy from SKIN79! Dense texture, universal undertone, excellent product functionality and matte finish make this product the leader of our rating. We definitely recommend it for use, and the fact that the brand constantly re-releases this booster in different formats and packaging makes it possible to try the product in a compact tube format, and even in a cushion format.

Pros: dense coverage with excellent masking abilities, composition aimed at maintaining youthful and beautiful skin, convenient product format to choose from, matte finish

Minuses: quite high price compared to other BB creams from our list

Price 1730 rubles

In addition to these bibiks, our website is full of other options, no less good and interesting. When purchasing a BB cream, be guided by customer reviews, product ratings, or, if possible, come test BB creams in our retail store!

Manufacturers recommend applying most BB creams with your hands using patting movements, preheating the product for back side palms. If the texture of the product is too liquid, you can use special brushes or sponges. In any case, when applying and blending the product, it is better to adhere to the rule: “less is better than more,” since BB creams can clog pores if you overdo it with the amount. Manufacturers recommend washing off lipsticks with hydrophilic oil - this product will help clean pores and wash off any BB cream 100%!

We hope this article will help you with your choice! Which BB cream is your favorite?

Your Lunifera team

© 2017 site. The article was written by Daria Sokolova, especially for the site. Any copying without the consent of the store administration is prohibited. (Updated 2018)