What shade of red is suitable for brown-eyed. Blond hair and brown eyes

Nature has endowed each of the fair sex with an individual appearance. Colors of skin, eyes, hair create a unique image. But sometimes you really want to change something in appearance, make it more vivid and expressive. At the same time, it is important that the harmony of shades of the skin, hairstyle and iris is not disturbed. Otherwise, the composition of the main elements of the face can become, to put it mildly, unpleasant. To avoid this, you need to know not complicated, but useful rules.

Let's take a concrete example of what hair color is suitable for brown eyes and fair skin.

The natural color scheme of the eyes, hair and skin is usually called the color type and is divided into four types according to the seasons of the year.
The main features of appearance inherent in an individual person are associated with the season:

It is important to take into account the peculiarities of your color type when choosing not only wardrobe items, but also when choosing hair dye. This skillfully and favorably emphasizes individuality and beauty.

Before dyeing your hair, you should make sure that the chosen tone will be in harmony with other main features of the color type. Otherwise, even the most expensive dye on an ideal hairstyle can spoil the look of a real beauty. This does not mean at all that it is impossible to go “beyond” your type when changing the image. Can. But the colors must match. For example, an ashy color on a representative of the Autumn color type will fade against the background of a warm golden skin tone.

The most suitable hair colors for brown-eyed girls with fair skin

Brown eyes are quite common. What is commonly called "karim" has many shades: from amber, shortbread to the color of bitter chocolate and almost black. From the characteristics of the color types, it can be seen that brown eyes are mainly inherent in the representatives of "Summer", "Autumn" and "Spring".

And given that the option considered in this article excludes dark skin, then the main objects will be two color types: summer and spring.

In fairness, it should be noted that the best "stylist" is nature. The hair color acquired from birth is always harmonious. But the female desire for change, fashion trends and alluring showcases with hair dyes dictate their requirements.

To get the desired result and become the owner of a bright image, stylists recommend remembering the following rules:

  • The color of curls in beauties with pale skin and brown eyes should not be too catchy. You should pay attention to the natural natural palette: from the color of wheat and honey to black coffee
  • It is better if, when staining, the shade of the dye differs from the natural one by no more than 3 tones.
  • The ideal option would be highlighting and coloring, when strands with a natural color are partially dyed.

Adhering to these rules and taking into account the individual characteristics of the appearance, you can choose a hair dye:

  • For girls with light brown eyes, the following shades are suitable:
  1. caramel
  2. milk chocolate
  3. sunny Beach
  4. hazelnut
  5. chestnut
  6. amber
  7. sparkling champagne

  • Representatives with darker brown eyes should opt for flowers
  1. dark chestnut
  2. bitter chocolate
  3. wheat
  4. coffee (from milk to black)
  5. blond

  • Ladies with black eyes can be allowed more contrasting changes: from almost white to the darkest shades. But at the same time, do not forget that you need to choose a warm and natural range, without blue.

All three types, regardless of the intensity of the color of brown eyes, should try different highlighting options. Such a hairstyle, in which strands of several shades are organically intertwined, will further emphasize the combination of light skin and dark eyes. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to adhere to monochrome staining. Let the strands shimmer and at the same time the lighter ones will refresh the face, and the dark ones will create harmony with brown eyes.

What colors should be avoided

If the skin is too pale, such dyes should be discarded:

  1. With an unnatural red and purple tint: eggplant, cherry, plum, beaujolais
  2. With a cold palette: blue-black, ash, light brown, platinum

The face against their background will look unhealthy with a greenish tint.

Those ladies who have milky skin with a translucent vascular network and, as a rule, blush in the sun, do not need to choose red paint.

Red hair on a girl - in the spring will look bright, but at the same time overshadow all the aristocratic sophistication of the image, the skin will seem painfully pale.
Moreover, on such skin, red spots will become even more noticeable.

But if you like the color, and the iris has a reddish tint, you can allow the presence of separate bright red strands in the hairstyle.

Brown-eyed beauties, experimenting with hair coloring options, can create a unique look. But in order to succeed, you need to take into account various factors. And before making changes to your appearance, you should make sure that the chosen shade will be in harmony with the color of the skin and eyes. Responsibly approaching the choice of hair color, taking into account all the nuances, a bright and original style will be found.

To create an attractive and harmonious image, a girl needs to think through every detail of her appearance. If earlier many aspects were decided by nature itself, now it is possible to make adjustments to the natural appearance. Probably, most often modern women experiment with hair color, trying to find the perfect shade or just wanting a change. To avoid failures in this matter, it is necessary to carefully study the issue and understand in which direction it is worth moving. From this material you will learn what hair color suits a dark-skinned girl with brown eyes and what parameters you need to make a choice.

General rules for choosing hair dye

First of all, when choosing a shade of paint, it is important to know and follow the basic rules. They will help create an original and harmonious image.

Pay attention to skin tone

Each dark-skinned girl has her own unique features that relate to the tone and shade of her skin. It can be warm, cold or neutral. Looking closely, you can notice that it is dominated by olive, purple, chocolate or tea notes. All these nuances are important to consider when choosing a new hair color. In particular, here it is worth starting from the basic rule that operates in different types of visual art - to create a single harmonious image, combine warm with warm, and cold with cold. In this case, this is the key to success.

Although exceptions are always acceptable, they are allowed only by pros who clearly know what they will get in the end.

Eva Mendes with chocolate brown hair

Eva Mendes with dark chocolate hair color

Consider hair length

If natural shades are limited to natural colors, then with the help of chemical dyes you can dye your hair in absolutely any color. It all depends on your style and lifestyle, temperament, as well as the impression you want to make on others. You choose whether to give preference to one of the natural tones, slightly shade your natural color or choose something unusual and bright.

Naya Rivera brown chocolate hair color

Naya Rivera with dark brown hair

In doing so, you must consider the length of the desired hairstyle. So, short haircuts provide complete freedom of action. They can even be dyed in extreme colors as long as they suit your style and mood. Long hair is preferably kept in natural tones. If you want something more interesting, then you can do ombre staining, bronding, highlighting, etc.

Michelle Rodriguez with black hair

Michelle Rodriguez with dark chocolate hair color

Consider your natural hair color

If you are in doubt about what hair color suits a dark-skinned girl with brown eyes, seek advice from nature itself. Look at the natural shades characteristic of a particular color type of appearance. Take a closer look at your own image, evaluate the shade of undyed hair. Perhaps they require only minor changes. For example, you can choose a shade that is as close as possible to your own, but brighter and more saturated. To give additional visual volume, use highlighting or coloring using different tones of the same color.

Christina Milian with burgundy black hair

hazel blond hair color at Christina Milian

Christinan Milian with chocolate hair

In any case, you need to build on your natural data. So, thick dark hair will be extremely difficult to recolor. The end result may be unexpected. Therefore, it is best to abandon home experiments, and immediately turn to professionals. In addition, in all cases, the rule applies, according to which it is better to take the color of the paint darker than the color of the hair. Before a cardinal change in shade, it is best to consult with a specialist.

Zoe Saladna with chocolate hair color

Zoe Saladna with black hair

Selection of hair color depending on the type of appearance

A girl with brown eyes and swarthy skin can refer to a winter, summer or autumn color type. Depending on this, it is worth choosing a hair color.

Color type "winter"

It is to this type of appearance that most swarthy brown-eyed girls belong. They have the following features:

  1. black or dark brown eyes;
  2. cold, bluish skin tone;
  3. dark lips with hints of purple.

Girls of this type can choose almost any shade of hair - natural or extraordinary, the main thing is that it be cold and dark enough. So, in this case, it will look good:

  1. black, blue-black, eggplant and plum;
  2. shades of burgundy, pomegranate, mahogany;
  3. dark chestnut and dark chocolate.

Alicia Keys has chestnut garnet hair color

Liya Kebede with dark brown hair

Color type "summer"

The summer type has its own characteristics of appearance, namely:

  1. light brown eyes with a graphite or hazel tint;
  2. dark skin tone with cold ashy notes.

With this color type, the natural hair color is most often dark blond or chestnut. It is from him that it is worth starting from when painting. It is better to choose shades close to the cold spectrum. Harmoniously here will look:

  1. chestnut and brown;
  2. pink tree;
  3. milk chocolate;
  4. graphite shade.

hazel brown hair color with highlights holly berry

Dania Ramirez with milk chocolate hair color

Color type "autumn"

The autumn type includes red-haired girls, whose appearance is dominated by warm shades. They have the following features:

  1. soft cognac, tea or green eyes;
  2. the skin has a warm golden or olive tone;
  3. natural hair color is red, rich chestnut with copper notes or light brown with a golden tint.

As a rule, such an appearance is bright and harmonious even in its natural form. If you decide to change the color of your hair, then pay attention to the following shades:

  1. from dark blond to dark chestnut;
  2. browns of varying intensity with gold or copper notes.

In this case, it is best to choose only natural tones, closer to your own, since the appearance is already bright.

rosario dawson dark brown hair color

Rihanna's hazel hair color

What hair color suits a dark-skinned girl with brown eyes? Much depends on her individual characteristics, wishes and style. If you have not yet experimented with hair color, then be careful. This type of appearance is characterized by dark shades, which are not easy to work with. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to contact a professional, even if only for advice.

In order for the appearance to look harmonious, it is important that everything in it is successfully combined.

For example, it is necessary that the chosen hair color matches the girl's eye color as best as possible, then she will definitely look really very beautiful.

Here we will talk about what hair color for brown eyes is the most successful.

Hair color for brown eyes

According to statistics, there are much more brown-eyed ladies than everyone else, so they will probably be interested to know which hair color for brown eyes will look best on them, because many women throughout their lives are looking for a good combination for themselves.

Brown eyes are very beautiful, they literally breathe with warmth and even some kind of caress. This color is rich and deep. In order for all the positive features to be successfully manifested in the image, the hair color must meet several criteria, which will be discussed later.

Blonde hair

Previously, brown-eyed blondes were considered, roughly speaking, a misunderstanding of nature, because the appearance of the girl from this looked very unexpected and unusual. However, it is precisely because of its unusualness that it has become attractive. Although it is worth noting that not every brown-eyed lady decides to change her appearance so drastically, because this is a rather risky step.

Most brown-eyed ladies also have dark eyebrows, and that's just them, combined with light-colored curls, will not always look absolutely harmonious, and even worse, they can make the face too rough. In addition, the roots will grow too quickly, which will obviously spoil the look of the blonde. Therefore, if you want to make a light hair color for brown eyes, then it is not recommended to choose ashy shades of blond. The most successful undertaking on the way to a blonde will be light blond shades, with which, if necessary, the color of the eyebrows should be adjusted so that the contrast is not so obvious.

Dark hair

Things are easier with brunettes, dark eyes are absolutely perfect for them, it’s even useless to argue with that. Thanks to him, they look even more vivid, mysterious, interesting. This combination is natural and looks natural, it was invented by nature and therefore this option is ideal when choosing a color.

Hair color for brown eyes in this case involves a lot of dark shades. It is worth starting from how dark the color of your own eyes and eyebrows is. The richer and deeper it is, the richer you can choose the color of your hair.

A spectacular chocolate shade on brown-eyed girls looks incomparable, most advantageously emphasizes the mystery of dark eyes.

Red hair

Red-haired and brown-eyed ladies have both an unusual and extremely stylish appearance. A huge plus for this type of brown-eyed is just the choice, all shades of copper and red are perfect for them. True, before finally deciding to dye in a similar color, you need to make sure that there are no various kinds of imperfections on the skin, because with a redhead they will become more pronounced.

Light red hair color for brown eyes should be softer, lighter. And almost black eyes need to look at such shades as fiery, cherry, dark copper.

How to choose a hair color according to the shade of brown eyes?

Despite the common name of the color, brown can be completely different, different shades from each other. Therefore, this should also be taken into account when choosing the color of the hair. The more carefully the combination is thought out, the girl will look better there.

amber eyes

They are quite light, so their owners are not recommended to dye their curls in too dark colors. Against the background of a deep too saturated color, bright sunny eyes will simply get lost, fade, their beauty will definitely not be noticed by anyone.

Hair color for brown eyes of an amber hue, you can choose among warm tones, such as caramel and close to it. Even with a redhead, the owners of amber eyes will look good.

Dark brown eyes

A beautiful, very deep color is insanely attractive and quite self-sufficient, so you can dye your curls in black, chestnut and other colors close in spectrum. It is this option that will be as natural, harmonious, and very bright as possible.

Hair color for dark brown eyes will depend on the color type. Therefore, the choice between blue black or chocolate will depend on him. But, it is important to remember about the shade of the eyebrows and the quality of the skin of the face.

Brown green eyes

An extremely mysterious and even magical color is considered a chameleon, as it can change slightly under different lighting conditions.

It is very important to correctly emphasize the expressiveness of such a shade. Therefore, it is recommended to use hair color for brown eyes of chameleons with care in chocolate, dark red, tones close to them.

How to choose a hair color for brown eyes?

The above points on choosing the best hair color will not be complete if you ignore other equally important characteristics. It is difficult to achieve a complete match with all the recommendations, so it is worth starting from common features that match in appearance.

Color of the skin

Exotic dark skin tone can be obtained by solar procedures, or you can be born with it. Girls who were lucky enough to be born with a “natural tan” should give preference to black, or chestnut with an amber tint. Light, almost imperceptible highlighting will not hurt, which will help add softness to the image.

Smooth, milky-colored skin looks fresh and even against the background of honey curls. And for those who want darker hair, it is recommended to dye them to the color of coffee with milk, but not darker. Very deep will look out of place.

Fiery red shades are suitable only for those girls who have a puddle-colored face. At the same time, if the capillary nets on light skin are too noticeable, then in combination with the red hair color they will give the girl a painful look.

face shape

Not many people know, but even the shape of the face affects what hair color you should choose for yourself, so you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for choosing.

Owners of an ideal oval face shape can suit a lot, both in terms of hair color, and in terms of haircuts and styling. Here you can not be afraid to experiment, follow your personal preferences.

To make a square face visually narrower, the shades should be dark, they will help make the shape of the face visually close to ideal.

The sharp features of a triangular face will look good framed by red shades.

And as for the chubby ladies, in principle, they can choose any color they like. The exception is the owners of rounded cheeks, it will be possible to hide them with dark shades.

Brown eyes are among the most common on our planet. However, this does not interfere with their popularity with the opposite sex. After all, the bright advantage of such eyes lies in the unique depth, and, accordingly, the attractiveness of the look. But with warm and charming eyes, the wardrobe should be in harmony. What colors in clothes for brown-eyed are optimal?

Light shades of brown eyes

If you are a happy owner of light, grayish or green-brown eyes, then pink, the whole spectrum of purple, blue, light lemon and gray colors are relevant for you. But it must be taken into account that the listed colors should have soft, muted, and not bright tones. Also, light brown eyes are perfectly combined with things that you can safely use, giving your image a certain aristocracy and pomposity, thereby standing out from the crowd. Remember that your forte is complex color schemes and halftones.

In turn, juicy and rich shades of orange and yellow should be excluded from your wardrobe. Pure white, contrasting blacks and colors are also not recommended for use in clothing, as they can make the skin deathly pale or unnaturally dark.

As for accessories, these can be large earrings, as well as a massive necklace and bracelet in the form of weaving or an openwork pattern. The ideal solution would be pearl or silver jewelry.

Warm brown eyes

As a rule, women with warm or golden skin tone have similar eyes. Such representatives of the weaker sex are recommended to wear bright clothes of light green, orange, sand color, shades of cyclamen and. Colors that have a bluish or grayish tint are categorically unacceptable. Pure white is best replaced with or. Actual golden tones. allowable, provided that these things are as far away from your face as possible. So, the shade is a faithful companion of trousers, skirts, shoes and handbags.

color dress suits brown-eyed girl

Accessories in warm colors look the most advantageous. Also good imitation of noble gold. If you decide to create a contrasting image with the help of bright accents, then Itten is exactly what you need.

Dark brown eyes

The mistresses of this type of eyes have a very bright appearance and dark or ivory skin. You can emphasize such a catchy color with the help of dark and saturated shades in clothes: anthracite, wine, royal, pure red, burgundy, bright yellow, greenish gray. The best solution would be to combine several things in contrasting shades in one bow. What dark-eyed seductresses should be wary of is clothes in pale and pastel colors. After all, such an outfit threatens to deprive you of the natural brightness in appearance, making it simply inconspicuous.

It doesn’t take much effort to create a stylish look with brown eyes, such eyes are very expressive and not any hair color is suitable for them.

If you have an idea to change your appearance and emphasize the color of brown eyes, you need to know exactly what hair color suits you.

Subtleties to consider when painting

In order to make the right choice, you need to start with an analysis of your own appearance.

Here are a few criteria to look out for:

  • skin tone;
  • The peculiarity of changing the color of the iris of dark eyes under different lighting conditions;
  • Natural hair color and length;
  • Type of face oval.

Only women with cold skin tones can afford to change the natural shade by 4 or more tones. For everyone else, such a radical coloring will give a grotesque look.

There is a little trick on how to determine skin tone. The precious metals gold and silver will help with this. By applying them one by one to your face and comparing which one is most suitable for your skin tone. If it is silver, the skin tone is cold, if gold is warm.

A light palette will have the opposite effect, focusing on dark skin, and the eyes will lose their expressiveness.

The fair sex, with matte skin, can experiment with honey, copper-red and red colors. But it is worth doing this with caution, if there are defects on the face in the form of redness, freckles, then such shades will only aggravate the situation by emphasizing all the shortcomings.

The photographs below show examples of the correct hair coloring for brown-eyed girls with different skin types.

What hair color suits brown eyes

The shades of brown eyes are different, differ in their depth and saturation:

Light brown - all shades of the blond palette are suitable, as well as rich medium blond, chestnut, caramel, dark chocolate and golden brown.

For dark eyes, copper is a good solution. To the greatest extent, this option is suitable for women with fair skin.

For darker shades, the ideal color would be chocolate and its variants such as mochachino, espresso, mocha.

When choosing black, you should be careful and pay more attention to the color of your skin. The combination of black hair and excessive pallor is unacceptable;

To amber eyes - soft caramel, rich chocolate;

Brown-green - red shades (fiery, chestnut).

An important role is played by the combination of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. Eyebrows and colored strands should wear different shades, it is desirable that the difference between them is more than two tones.

The combination of blond and black eyebrows is unacceptable. The exception to this rule are women with very pale skin. Owners of light eyebrows should not dye their hair in dark colors, it is better to stick to the same color scheme.

Modern color trends

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn. The choice of shade for dyeing hair can be completely different.

At the moment, there are many universal techniques for dyeing hair, to create your own unique and original image.

The most popular of them is coloring - it allows you to combine several different shades at once. The coloring of the tips with tints of light colors looks very attractive. It is also possible to color only bangs.

Ombre - the use of this staining technique allows you to use tones of the same color range with a transition from a natural shade to a brighter and more saturated one.

Highlighting - coloring individual strands with similar colors.

Advice! If you decide to change your image with hair coloring and focus on your expressive brown eyes, then the best way out is to turn to professionals.

They will tell you what color and staining technique is best to use, taking into account all of the above nuances (skin color and tone, shade of the iris of your eyes, facial contours, hair length, etc.).

Photo of the selection of the optimal hair color for brown eyes