What does spf 10 mean. What is SPF sun protection factor

Summer... Each of us loves to soak up the rays of the gentle sun, lie down on the beach, getting a beautiful, even tan. And just walking the streets in clear weather during the hot season (or even all year round, if it happens somewhere in Australia or Southeast Asia), we find ourselves at risk. Why? Because in addition to sunburn, they can cause significant harm to our skin. The result of their excessive exposure is the dryness of the skin, especially the face, arms, shoulders - that is, those places that are not hidden under clothing in hot weather; the appearance of freckles and age spots; and in severe cases, the sun's rays can cause one of the most difficult forms of cancer to treat, melanoma. How to protect yourself and your child? Use a product with SPF. What it is, how to choose it correctly depending on your skin type, and which brands you should trust, we will tell in our article. By the way, the sun is quite active in winter, so protection should be used on clear winter days, applying it to the face under makeup.

All about SPF: what it is, its levels and determining which indicator you need

So, SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is a special substance, the main purpose of which is to absorb and neutralize the effects of sunlight. The level of this factor is usually indicated on the packaging of the product and can range from 5 to 100-120 (the scale is from weak to strong). Manufacturers produce sunscreen products in the form of lotions, sprays, wipes. You may also come across a cream with SPF for lips. Usually the SPF level of a product is indicated on the packaging. But which factor indicator should you choose? There is a simple rule: you need to determine how long it takes for your skin to turn red under the scorching sun - usually this period is 10-15 minutes (although dark-skinned women can blush in half an hour, while 2-5 minutes is enough for natural blondes of the "Scandinavian" type ). So, the specified interval, let it be a quarter of an hour, you need to multiply by the SPF indicator indicated on your product, for example SPF 20. 15 x 20 \u003d 300 minutes, that is, you can safely spend 5 hours in the sun. It's that simple.

SPF: choose depending on the skin phototype

So, if you have just started sunbathing, for example, in the first few days at the resort, dermatologists recommend purchasing products with an SPF that is slightly higher than you need. If you are the owner of light skin and hair, you will need SPF 50. But in the beginning, in the very first days, it would still be better to use a product with an indicator of 70. If you moderately choose products with SPF 15-20. For children, especially the youngest, whose skin does not yet produce sufficient amounts of the protective pigment melanin, use creams or lotions with SPF 80-100.

Funds with SPF: application rules

Keep in mind that creams and lotions should be applied 15-20 minutes before sun exposure to allow them to absorb into the skin. When spreading, pay special attention to the face, shoulders, hands. Also, don't forget about your back. Lips also need protection - you can apply a special hygienic lipstick with a protective factor. Although many manufacturers claim that their products are resistant to water, it’s still not worth the risk: if after applying the product with SPF you swam in the sea or pool, don’t be lazy and use the lotion again. It is better to spend a few minutes on this than to suffer after a few days

Popular Brands with SPF

We have already found out what it is: products with a protective factor are presented in the form of all kinds of creams, lotions and sprays. The most popular manufacturers whose products have an excellent price-quality ratio are Garnier, Nivea, Sunshine and Red Line. These are inexpensive, democratic brands. Keep in mind that your hair also needs protection, so on the beach it is better to hide it under a cap or scarf or use special sprays. So, now you have the basic information about the SPF factor: what it is, how to calculate it correctly and which tool to choose. Now your vacation will not be overshadowed by sunburn, and your skin will get an even, intense, but at the same time healthy tan.

Darina Kataeva

All girls treat their skin with special trepidation. What only cosmetics they do not use! Of course, in the summer, the skin of the face becomes more vulnerable, so it needs careful care, and with special means. They are especially popular. But what does she mean? How to choose such a cream? And what are the features of its application?

What is SPF?

Sun Protection Factor - this is the decoding of the mysterious three letters on creams with such an inscription. It means "sun protection factor". A similar inscription indicates that the cream contains a substance that absorbs ultraviolet rays and protects your skin from their negative effects. The number that follows the inscription says how long you can stay in the sun and not be afraid of damaging your skin. The degree of protection is weak (5-15 SPF) and strong (60-100 SPF).

There are SPF creams, lotions, sprays and even wipes on sale. Each girl chooses the option that would be most convenient for her personally to use!

SPF cream protects the skin from the following types of radiation:

UVA. This type of rays is considered the most dangerous for human skin. Under the cover that every girl dreams of, they have a negative effect and even cause many skin diseases. What could be the consequences? Skin cancer or premature aging.
UVB. These rays are less dangerous, but they can cause burns on the skin. UVB rays affect the production of a special substance called melanin. He is responsible for the color of the tan. With an excess of solar study for a certain type of skin, these rays cause a serious burn.

How does the cream protect the skin? Thanks to special SPF filters. It is they who absorb and scatter the rays so that they do not have a detrimental effect on the skin. There are two types of such filters:

Chemical. Here, the following substances are essential: avobenzene and benzophenone. Their role is to absorb the sun's rays until they burn.
Physical. In this case, the leading positions are in such substances: zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. They form a film on the skin that reflects the rays and prevents their penetration into the skin.

Such substances and filters give the SPF cream, lotion or spray unique and beneficial properties.

How to choose an SPF cream?

Sunscreen is chosen according to your skin type. Therefore, first you need to determine what color you have, and then proceed with the purchase. There are 6 main types:

Type. Fair skin, which is more common in blondes or redheads. The eyes are blue. Sometimes freckles appear. Such skin burns quickly enough, 15-20 minutes is enough for it.
Type. Light skin, but it is already found in people with brown or. It burns within half an hour.
Type. Olive skin. It is light, but it does not burn as fast. It takes up to 40 minutes, so such people may well get.
Type. Characteristic for people with dark hair and eyes. To sunbathe owners of this type is quite simple. Sometimes when exposed to the sun, the skin begins to turn pink. This takes 60-90 minutes.
Type. In appearance, the skin of such people is already tanned. It is most common in people who are from the Middle East. To change the skin tone, you need to stay in the sun for up to 2 hours.
Type. This skin itself is black, so it does not burn. Dark color is a natural shade.

Do not forget that for any type of skin prolonged exposure to the sun is harmful. Age spots, freckles and even skin cancer appear.

Now, knowing your skin type, it will be much easier for you to choose and use sunscreen correctly. It is important to remember this formula: the time for which you burn, multiply by the degree of SPF and get the duration of the cream in your particular case. Consider the example of 1 and 4 skin types.

Type 1 skin is fair and it burns in 20 minutes. Therefore, the following calculations should be made: 20 minutes multiplied by SPF 15 will result in 300 minutes or 5 hours of cream protection. This indicator varies, depending on the degree of SPF.

Type 4 skin is medium tan and takes 60 minutes to burn. Therefore, you need to multiply 60 by SPF 15. You get 900 minutes or 10 hours of protection.

It is easy to carry out such calculations, the main thing is to correctly determine the type of skin and the time of risk.

It is important to choose the right cosmetic product and know the nuances of its use. Consider the following factors:

Length of sun exposure. The longer you are in the sun, the more SPF you will need.
amount of cream. Do not be greedy, because the health and beauty of your skin completely depends on the correct application of the cream. For full protection, it is recommended to cover all the skin that is not covered by clothes, in one, but dense layer until completely absorbed.
Where do you plan to stay. If you're using SPF at the beach, look for waterproof products that last even after swimming.
Consider the type and structure of the skin. For owners of thin skin, a lotion or spray is suitable, which will not burden the dermis.
For a makeup base, not a cream is suitable, but a sunscreen powder with the SPF level you need.

How to apply SPF cream?

In order for sunscreen to have the desired effect, you need to know the basic rules for applying it to the skin. Remember that it must be completely absorbed by the time you step outside into the sun. So it is recommended to apply it 15 minutes before the exit. The average amount is 1 tsp. on the face and 1 tbsp. l. on the body. Every 2 hours, you should repeat the procedure for applying the cream, as it is washed off with sweat and moisture and loses its beneficial properties.

The shelf life of SPF cream is no more than one season, although a longer time may be indicated on the package.

The Truth About SPF Cream

There are various rumors about products with a degree of protection from sunlight, which confirms the irrefutable statement: "how many people, so many opinions." However, dermatologists and estheticians know much better what is true and what is false when it comes to using SPF. But what should you personally know about this term?

SPF does not affect cancer

This is the main and sore topic of many blogs and forums where the role and effect of SPF creams on health and the appearance of cancer cells is discussed. However, statistics and studies by dermatologists say otherwise. It is important to remember that the composition of such cosmetics does not contain iron or titanium itself, but molecules that are not able to penetrate deep into the dermis. They remain on the surface of the skin, because their main role is to protect against UV radiation. Without such substances, it will not be possible to achieve the desired result and properly protect the skin.

The best degree of protection is SPF 30

Of course, there are higher rates - up to 100. However, their effect on the skin is not so significant. Anything above 30 SPF is nothing more than a marketing gimmick because they only provide 2% more protection! If you use a cream for going to the beach, then SPF 15-30 will suit you, and for a regular walk in the summer, use SPF 8-10 products.

Dermatologists believe that the best option for protecting the skin of girls is SPF 30 cream.

SPF products aren't just for sun protection.

Today, when cosmetology is reaching a new level, the line between sunscreens has blurred. There are more and more universal creams and lotions that can be used for different purposes. These products include amino acids, vitamins, oils, hyaluronic acid and antioxidants that help moisturize, nourish and restore the skin. They smooth wrinkles, even out the tone of the face and prevent premature aging. Such beauty helpers should be in every woman's makeup bag!

SPF products do not fight freckles or age spots

The appearance of freckles and age spots is influenced not so much by the sun, but by stress, skin characteristics, genetics and diseases. Therefore, creams with an SPF indicator do not affect such skin in any way, because their main purpose is protection from UV radiation.

No SPF without chemical ingredients

Connoisseurs of everything natural and healthy negatively look at the composition of many sunscreens. However, when deciding in favor of a particular product, it is worth remembering the strong negative effect of sunlight and the consequences that await the skin without proper protection. That is why the packaging of a cream or lotion should indicate what the action of this product is aimed at: on UVA or UVB rays. The composition must necessarily include such ingredients: salicylates, cinnamates, silicones. These are chemical components, but physical ones are also necessary: ​​zinc and titanium oxide, which both cover the skin and protect against harmful rays.

Now that you know the truth about SPF products, you can choose a cream that is right for you and protects you from the harmful effects of the sun. Don't forget that SPF is not just creams. There are also foods that protect the skin from burns. These include dark chocolate, tomatoes, salmon, watermelon, potatoes, and carrots. Their use will protect you from radiation!

January 18, 2014, 12:49

If someone else is not in the know, the sun is not only heat and vitamin D, but also a powerful source of ultraviolet radiation, which causes at least skin aging, at most cancer.

Sunburn is a very dangerous pleasure. But what is summer without sunbathing? In order to minimize the risks, there are various sunscreens, lotions, sprays. The main indicator of their effectiveness is SPF.

SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is a sun protection factor, a substance that absorbs ultraviolet rays to prevent sunburn. The degree of protection is always indicated on the packages of cosmetic products for sunburn, that is, a person can choose the product that suits him according to his skin type and tendency to burn, - explained Olga Mashkova, dermatologist-oncologist at the Medicina clinic.

Products with SPF provide different degrees of protection - for sure everyone has seen the numbers 10, 20, 30, 50 on the packaging of sunscreen. They show, firstly, the approximate time of action of the remedy. For example, a cream with SPF 10 should protect the skin for about two hours. And with SPF 50, ideally, up to five hours.

The second indicator that these numbers demonstrate is the approximate amount of ultraviolet rays that will be neutralized by this agent.

Basic protection - products with SPF from 2 to 4, which neutralize from 50% to 75% of ultraviolet rays entering the skin. Medium protection - SPF 4-10. Usually SPF with such low values ​​is included in the composition of simple moisturizers, powders or foundations.

For a safe beach holiday, a product with a high SPF is more suitable. Protection 10-20 neutralizes 95% of UV rays. There are more serious sun shields: with SPF from 20 to 50 - they protect almost 100% from the negative effects of the sun.

For those whose skin is prone to burning, it is better to use products with an SPF above 20. For dark-skinned tanners, you can choose a product with SPF-10. For every day (and at any time of the year, if you are often in the sun), creams with basic protection against solar radiation are suitable.

An important point - do not think that if you applied a sunscreen in the morning (even with SPF 50), then you will be out of the risk zone all day. If you plan to spend several hours relaxing on the beach, then the sunblock should be "renewed" every two hours (if you swim a lot, even more often).

As you can see, a sunscreen with any level of SPF will protect against UV rays. Moral of the story - a little SPF is better than no SPF at all.

It is better for small children not to sunbathe at all. Expectant mothers should be especially careful, - Olga Mashkova noted. - Avoid sunburn. Dark tan is just a tribute to fashion, it is not a sign of health. It is very important to protect various skin formations and age spots from sunlight, which, as a result of intense sunburn, can degenerate into malignant tumors.

According to the expert, light-skinned and fair-haired, red-haired people with blue and gray eyes should dose out exposure to the sun. The risk group also includes those who have a lot of freckles, age spots and moles.

You can read more about why the sun causes cancer and what beach fans should not forget.

Today, everyone already knows how important sunscreen is for the body. Without proper protection, we are subject to the damaging effects of the sun - burns, rashes, irritations, and later also wrinkles, freckles and even melanoma. However, many people do not use sunscreen to the extent necessary (that is, every day). Part of the reason for this is the overcrowded market for sunscreen products.

What is SPF and how is UVA different from UVB?

SPF protects your skin from UVB healing that causes sunburn. But it does not protect against UVA radiation, which causes deeper damage to the skin and accelerates the aging process. UVA radiation is the cause of wrinkles, brown spots, rough skin, hyperpigmentation, and more.

"Broad Spectrum" is a characteristic of products that protect against UVA and UVB radiation. In the past, sunscreens only blocked UVB, but now we know that UVA is also very damaging to the skin. Always choose a product labeled “broad spectrum” to protect your skin from both types of radiation.

How to figure out how long the effect of SPF lasts, and what numbers do I need?

By itself, the SPF value already indicates the duration of action. For example, with an SPF 30 product, you can stay in the sun 30 times longer than without protection. For example, if without a cream you would “burn out” in 10 minutes, then SPF 30 protection increases this period of time by 30 times - that is, you can be in the sun for 300 minutes.

Does the SPF value indicate the effectiveness of the product? (e.g. SPF 100)

Surprisingly, a higher SPF doesn't mean you'll get better protection. In fact, the difference in UV protection between SPF 30, 50 and 100 is minimal.

The degree of protection of SPF 30, 50, 70 and 100 products increases gradually. SPF 30 blocks about 97% of UVB radiation, and all products with higher values ​​​​have only 1 or 2% more protection. No product provides 100% UV protection.


It is very important not to forget to apply the cream in the morning. But the sun sets only in the evening, and one application of the cream for the whole day is not enough. If you are in the sun, reapply sunscreen every 2 hours. Use the rule: 30 ml (ping-pong ball) is the optimal amount of sunscreen for one application.

How to choose the best tool

Look for a cream with broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection and an SPF of 15 to 30, preferably without oxybenzone. If you have a family history of skin cancer or if you have very fair and sensitive skin, choose a product with SPF 30 or higher.

Choose a product that contains at least one of the following: ecamsule, avobenzone, benzophenone (aka oxybenzone), titanium dioxide, sulisobenzone, or zinc dioxide. Any of these components will provide protection.

SPF is a sun protection factor. It denotes the ability of cosmetic products to increase the time of safe exposure to the open sun.

What do the numbers in the abbreviation SPF mean?

The number following the abbreviation SPF (Sun Protection Factor) indicates how many times you can increase the time of safe exposure to the sun without the risk of sunburn.

The value of the SPF factor can be in the range from 2 to 50 units. It is calculated in special laboratories, based on the fact that a certain agent will be used in an amount of 2 mg per 1 sq. see skin surface. Most often, sunscreens and lotions are produced with an SPF value, as well as day creams, foundations, powders, lipsticks and lip balms.


Percent protection


Base / main

Base / main




High / high

High / high

High / high

High / high

What determines the choice of SPF factor

The choice of sunscreen depends on the skin phototype. There are six in total, but four are most common in our latitudes:

1 phototype

Very fair skin and hair, often with a red tinge. Freckles on the skin. The eyes are blue or green. Recommended products with SPF factor not lower than 30 at the end of the summer season and from 40 to 50 at the beginning. Safe time in the sun for representatives of this phototype is no more than 5 minutes. That is, theoretically, a sunscreen with an SPF factor of 50, if properly applied, protects the skin for 250 minutes (5 x 50), and with an SPF factor of 8 - 40 minutes. But do not forget that any, even the most effective sunscreen protects not 100 percent.

2 phototype

Light skin, light brown hair, brown or blue eyes. At the beginning of summer, you should use products with an SPF factor of 30-35, by the end of summer they can be replaced with products with an SPF factor of 15. The safe maximum time in the sun is 15 minutes.

3 phototype

The most common phototype in the middle lane. Fair skin, blond or brown hair, dark eyes. Representatives of this phototype can use protective equipment with an SPF factor of 8 to 15 from the beginning to the end of the summer season. The safe maximum time in the sun is 20 minutes.

4 phototype

Dark skin, dark hair and dark eyes. Representatives of this phototype may not be afraid for the condition of their skin on the beach, even with a cream with an SPF factor of 8. Safe time in the sun is 30 minutes.

Why Use SPF Creams?

Daily creams with active components that protect against harmful solar radiation are an excellent prevention of premature skin aging (photoaging). Special sunscreens for tanning help to avoid extremely unpleasant and painful sunburns.

How to use SPF products

All sunscreens (that is, those with an SPF factor) are applied 20 to 30 minutes before going outside. After 20 minutes, the application must be repeated.

Sun protection products are only effective when applied carefully and in sufficient quantities. Don't count on absolute sun protection with sunscreen powder if you lightly brush your nose a couple of times in the morning. Sunscreen makeup needs to be maintained throughout the day.

The main rule when using cosmetics with an SPF factor is that it is applied at the final stage of makeup. That is, if you apply a sunscreen tonal foundation, and then cover it with a layer of moisturizer, you will reduce all the active action of the foundation to zero.

Because water, including that contained in moisturizing creams, destroys the protective barrier. For the same reason, it is necessary to reapply sunscreen on the beach after swimming.