How to make a daytime makeup with golden cream shadows. Golden makeup. Bright evening make-up with graphic arrows

For every woman, makeup is an integral part of the completed image. Makeups are everyday, evening, nude, classic - there are a lot of variations. For every taste, shade and mood. Golden make up is something special, because it attracts all the attention of others. Golden tints on the eyes or lipstick with an “expensive” shade simply cannot fail to make a woman the queen of the evening. The main thing is not to overdo it with glitter and not turn into a fairy fairy. Not everyone knows how to avoid this and perform makeup in accordance with all the rules.

What is golden makeup?

Golden makeup is a real salvation on a cloudy autumn day, because it is the use of golden shadows of various shades and textures, bright and sunny lipsticks with overflows, bronzers and powders, blush with luxurious shimmer. Yes, and for a summer party, such makeup will be very useful. However, this does not mean at all that the radiance of your face will interrupt the radiance of the stars. There must be a measure - however, as with any other shade.

The golden color will easily diversify your image, bring to it special notes of high cost and aristocracy. After all, this color always looks “rich”, while it radiates a lot of heat. With moderate use, you can easily achieve the desired effect.

Very often, gold make ups are performed using unusual techniques, used at fashion shows and various parties. But no one has canceled the moderate application of gloss and pigment, which will easily help you create the perfect make-up right at home.

Advantages and Features

Makeup in gold tones can be appropriate and versatile for any occasion. Equally good for a social event, a dinner party, a party, and with moderate use it will be an excellent solution for a business meeting (especially if you want to draw attention to your personality without overdoing it). In addition, such makeup will look equally good on any skin tone and at any age. The exceptions are very noticeable wrinkles on the face - in this case, you should be more careful with bronzers.

The noble radiance of golden tints makes every woman special, so many celebrities choose only such makeup for going out and on the red carpet. With a shining make-up, you can meet Charlize Theron, Kim Kardashian and her sisters, as well as the luxurious Jennifer Lopez. Star make-up artists still know a lot about this, and stars always take the opportunity to shine.

Any shade of gold will immediately accentuate your eyes or cheekbones - depending on what you want to highlight. This color is used to place accents. Many makeup artists believe that bright makeup should not contain more than two sparkling colors, otherwise you will look like a smart Christmas tree. The best pairing is their combination. Eyes + lips, shadows + glitter, eyeliner + shimmer powder, nail polish + glitter mascara. Red and black colors always go well with gold, this is worth using.


It should be noted right away that with the help of glitter you can emphasize any part of the face, as well as highlight the neck. Very often, unusual make-ups are complemented with glitter sprays that are applied to the body - mainly to the opening of the part (arms, legs and chest). The image can be supplemented with glitter hairspray.

Since the black and gold combination is very appropriate, you can perform this look in just a few steps:

  • Get the perfect skin tone (since makeup needs to be stable, don't forget about the base).
  • Apply golden shadows (or any in a cream shade) and place a golden accent on your eyes.
  • Make French arrows of the required width and length. An excellent option would be to bring the lines under the eyes and slightly shade them. You can also complement the inner eyelid with a rich shade of black. Do not forget to make up the cilia or glue the false ones (for this you need to twist your own).
  • Shape eyebrows and apply blush (can be with shine).
  • Choose the right lipstick. The classic option would be red or scarlet.

If you use blush with glitter, then it is better to choose a matte lipstick. A good option is matte blush and glossy lipstick.

It is worth paying attention to the blush-illuminator from Pupa in shades 02 and 05, as well as on lipsticks with gold from L'oreal – « Gold Obsession».

A golden hue is perfectly complemented by brown or dark green shadows. Their combination will make the eyes as expressive as possible. Do not forget - if the eyes turned out to be very bright, then it is better to give preference to nude lipstick.

An excellent evening option can be a blue-gold make up (it can be supplemented with rhinestones or sparkles):

  • The first step is to apply the foundation under the shadows.
  • In the center of the eyelid (not reaching the crease), apply the desired shade of blue, lightly blend.
  • In the crease, distribute a dark shade (for example, brown).
  • Underline the corner with dark gray, almost black.
  • Now make transitions between shadows, blend.
  • Fill the inner corners of the eyes with golden shadows or pigment.
  • Fill the space under the eyebrows with nude shadows and add a little highlighter.
  • Bring the upper eyelid with a black pencil or liner, make an arrow.
  • Make up eyelashes or glue them.

Instead of blue, you can use green and purple colors, which also harmonize perfectly with gold.

Who is make up suitable for?

Golden makeup is suitable for any woman - young girls or older ladies. Gold win-win emphasizes the beauty of mature ladies, makes their image more status and elegant. Young ladies look no less attractive with him.

This makeup looks very advantageous on both fair-skinned ladies and dark-skinned ones. The only difference is that women with a dark skin type can use more glitter, while pale-skinned girls are best to use gold to a minimum or dilute it with other delicate shades.

Subtleties of application

If you decide to experiment at home, most likely you will succeed. It is believed that the standard technique for performing makeup with gold is no different from the usual, classical one.

You should start as usual - with the tone of the face. Some professional makeup artists paint the eyes first as the shadows can be dusty. The probability of getting the "panda effect" by the beginning of the evening increases. However, this is up to you, since we are talking about make-up at home. Next, you should make up your eyes, shade them with a darker, brown or chocolate shade, add a slight accent of gold to the folds.

Step by step, you can perform a simplified version of makeup. You need to use shadows with gold or nude, then cover them with liquid shadows with overflows or gold pigment, complement everything with black arrows. An excellent option would be lush "doll" eyelashes (or with the effect of false ones).

So that the shadows do not roll down and keep perfectly all evening, it is recommended to use a make-up base.

It is also worth mentioning the ideal proportions of the face and the golden ratio, because with the help of a successful make-up, you can easily correct the asymmetry of the face and achieve the result as close to the ideal as possible. It's up to you to believe in the golden ratio or not, but many plastic surgeons around the world strive to create ideal features (using correctly calculated proportions on the face). Women can achieve the ideal with the help of excellent cosmetics, even eyebrows and well-defined cheekbones.

How to choose the right makeup and which eye shadow to use are very topical issues. You will find the answers to them by reading this article.

Eye shadow has become an integral part of the ladies' toilet. Depending on the color and saturation of the shadows, you can create absolutely any, even the most fantastic image. However, not all girls know how to navigate the huge selection of shadows and their shades. This article will help you learn how to choose the right shadows.

What eyeshadows are there?

Eyeshadow comes in several types.

Depending on consistency:

  • cream
  • crumbly
  • mineral
  • liquid
  • baked
  • shadow pencil

Depending on the structure and nature of the color itself:

  • matte
  • mother-of-pearl
  1. Which shadow to choose depends primarily on the specific situation. For example, for everyday wear it will do crumbly or mineral shadows
  2. And here creamy shadows will create extra shine and the effect of pretentiousness of the image. It is better to save them for special occasions.
  3. Shadow pencil have a rather oily structure and are not suitable for owners of oily skin of the eyelids, although they are easy to apply
  4. And here liquid shadows are becoming more and more popular. They are also easy to apply, but you need to be extremely careful with them, as with cream shadows - you can get an unnatural shine that does not paint at all.
  5. baked shadows always mother-of-pearl and have a uniform consistency, fit well, without lumps. These shadows are ideal for long-term wear, as they do not crumble.

How to apply cream eye shadow?

Cream shadows are one of the most affordable tools for creating a festive look. They are suitable for dry and normal skin of the eyelids, but with oily skin they can roll. There are certain rules for applying cream shadows:

  • you need to apply cream shadows on well-cleansed skin, otherwise there is a high probability that the shadows will lie unevenly and in a couple of hours after application they will clog into the folds of the eyelid
  • for applying cream shadows, it is necessary to use a special base under the shadows, but not powder and not foundation. Shadow components can react with the powder and cause unwanted effects.
  • The use of a brush is highly discouraged. With its help, shadows with a delicate creamy structure can only be smeared. These shadows are applied with fingers.
  • do not mix any other eyeshadows, such as loose eyeshadows, with cream eyeshadows. Due to the different structure, you will only ruin your makeup.

How to apply loose eye shadow?

Loose eye shadow has an unfortunate feature. Despite the fact that they fit very well on the eyelid and can be mixed with each other, creating a gradient, they easily clog into the folds of the skin, creating the effect of an aged eye. To avoid this, you must follow the following rules:

  • clean and degrease the skin of the eyelids well before applying loose shadows
  • On clean eyelid skin, apply an eyeshadow base or concealer. This is necessary so that the shadows do not roll.
  • first, on the entire eyelid, as well as the inside of the eye and the fixed eyelid, apply matte shadows of the same shade as your skin. This will create an additional bond of shadows with the skin of the eyelids.
  • always apply makeup starting with the lightest color
  • always blend the borders of the shadows to make the makeup look more natural

How to do eye makeup step by step?

Making the right and beautiful eye makeup is not at all difficult. Moreover, his techniques almost always coincide.

  • before starting work, cleanse the skin, apply the base under the shadow on the eyelid
  • then apply powder or concealer to your face to hide skin imperfections
  • after the work on the skin is completed, you can proceed to the eye makeup. To do this, apply to the entire area where the shadows will be, the lightest shade in the palette of your today's makeup. Or just beige. In this case, beige matte shadows are taken.
  • the crease under the fixed upper eyelid is darkened with a darker shade from the same color scheme. Pictured is warm brown.
  • the upper borders are highlighted with a beige color, shaded
  • under the eyebrow is highlighted with an even lighter color than the previous one to create the effect of deep-set eyes
  • the same shadows are applied to the inner corner of the eye as under the eyebrow
  • then, using eyeliner, carefully draw arrows
  • finish makeup usually by applying mascara or gluing false eyelashes

This is the easiest technique for applying natural eye makeup. Nevertheless, it is very relevant, especially now, when naturalness is in fashion.

How to properly remove eye makeup?

There are two ways to properly remove eye makeup:

  • with oils
  • using special make-up removers

In the first case, you need to put a few drops of oil on a cotton pad and remove makeup by simply swiping a cotton pad over the right places. Then you need to wash your face with plain warm water and remove excess oil with cotton wool or a towel. This method is considered gentle, but is not inferior in its effectiveness to the traditional method. In addition, it nourishes the skin of the eyelids, preventing it from aging prematurely.

Oils suitable for removing make-up:

  • grape seeds
  • almond
  • coconut
  • peach
  • apricot
  • wheat germ

The method of removing eye makeup with the help of special tools for this purpose is considered traditional.

  • moisten a cotton swab or pad with makeup remover and apply the pad or swab to the eyes. Remove makeup after a minute
  • or a slightly different way: moisten a cotton pad with makeup remover, and then remove eye makeup with massaging movements

After using makeup remover, be sure to wash your face with water and wipe with tonic.

What brushes are needed for eye makeup?

Now there are a huge number of makeup brushes. They are sold in whole sets, and the price for them is often sky-high.

If you are a beginner, you only need 4 brushes: a regular eyeshadow brush, a blending brush, a flat brush and an angled eyeliner brush.

  1. Blending brush. Needed to create a high-quality gradient. Blurs color boundaries. Suitable for both light and dark shades
  2. A flat brush is suitable for working with a moving eyelid. Most often, she highlights the inner corner of the eye.
  3. The angled brush is primarily used for applying eyeliner or liquid shadows. When buying, pay attention to the fact that the cut of the brush is even. This affects the quality of the line.
  4. The eyeshadow brush is a basic brush, easy to buy and will last you a long time. Don't skimp on it. Buy the best budget option. The quality of your makeup depends on it. This brush is ideal for highlighting the crease under the upper eyelid.

What eyeshadow color suits blue eyes

  • For blue eyes, various cold shades are suitable. First of all, it is pink, silver and purple
  • If you want to make a bright eye makeup - choose aqua, turquoise or indigo. So your eyes will become brighter and more expressive.
  • Muted brown shades are also suitable for blue eyes. Preference should be given to muted brown (also called taupe). This will create an attractive haze.
  • Owners of blue eyes can safely experiment with pink shades of all shades: from pale pink (almost white) to bright pink, and even fuchsia for blue-eyed beauties will look spectacular. Of course, such makeup is festive and not suitable for everyday wear.

What eyeshadow color suits brown eyes?

  • The owners of brown eyes are very lucky. By nature, their eye color is very expressive and is always noticeable, unlike gray eyes, for example.
  • To give brown eyes even more charm, you can use cool brown, olive, navy and blue shades.
  • When choosing shadows, brown-eyed beauties should pay attention to the shade of the skin and hair. But in any case, brown-olive and dark brown shades can be a win-win option.
  • Black, purple, green and even yellow shades can also emphasize the depth and brightness of brown eyes.

What eyeshadow color suits gray eyes?

  • The gray color of the eyes is quite beautiful, but not always expressive. Very often it is simply not visible, and the eyes look colorless, empty.
  • To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right shade of shadows. Most often, silvery, gray, greenish and pink-purple shades look spectacular on gray eyes. In some cases, warm brown tones can be used.
  • Blue and blue shades of shadows are also suitable for owners of gray eyes. So the eyes will look brighter, but nevertheless much more harmonious.
  • In some cases, gray-eyed girls can do without bright shades at all, but simply brighten the inner corner of the eye and apply eyeliner to the moving eyelid

Makeup in the style of "smoky ice" will look great.

What eyeshadow color goes with green eyes?

  • Green eyes are the most beautiful and mysterious. All shades of brown are suitable for them. Makeup looks very fresh in warm peach tones.
  • In some cases, smokey ice makeup will look good.
  • Blue, pink and red shades are not allowed.
  • But rich plum shades suit green eyes. The look is mysterious
  • Green eyes are very bright on their own, so it often makes no sense to highlight them somehow. The simpler the makeup of a green-eyed beauty, the more she will attract admiring glances.

Makeup with golden shadows

Gold shadows can be chosen for almost any eye color. There are so many shades.

Here the rule applies: the lighter the eyes, the darker the shade of golden shadows and vice versa. Those with brown eyes should opt for a light gold shade, and those with blue eyes should opt for a dark gold color.

Makeup with golden shadows looks very impressive and festive. However, if you do not overdo it with mother-of-pearl, then it may well come down as a daily one.

Owners of fair skin should be careful with golden shadows. The darker the shade you choose, the redder the eyes will be, and the overall image will look sickly.

Makeup with purple shadows

Makeup with bright purple shadows looks very impressive on brown eyes.

In general, the darker the eye color, the more saturated shade of purple should be chosen.

Much depends on the shade of purple:

  • plum shade - green and gray eyes
  • muted purple - gray and gray-blue
  • pink-purple will suit karim
  • red or black-violet - owners of dark eyes and swarthy skin

You should not use purple as an everyday option. Since it is very rich, it is more suitable for the evening.

Green eye makeup

Green shadows suit brown, hazel, olive and gray eyes.

It is worth remembering that almost no one goes bright green or light green.

The brighter the eye color, the more muted shade of green shadows you should choose.

The smoky green color of the shadows suits almost everyone, and dark green is closest to brown eyes.

Eye makeup black and white and black shadows

Black and white makeup suits any eye color. It all depends on the saturation of the black and its quantity.

This makeup can be used both as an evening and as an everyday one. It is done very simply, according to the standard scheme given at the beginning of the article.

To make sure that black and white eye makeup is universal, below are a few photos.

Silver eye makeup

  • Makeup with silver shadows is more suitable for going out
  • This makeup is suitable for owners of light soft eyes. Most often it is gray or gray-blue eyes.
  • Green-eyed girls should refrain from this type of makeup.
  • Depending on the color of the skin, different effects can be obtained. A girl with fair skin, silver makeup will add a touch of mystery, make the look and image very light.
  • For owners of dark skin, silver shadows will give an open look

Eye makeup with pink shadows

  • The pink color is very whimsical. It is difficult to say exactly who pink shadows are suitable for. A lot depends on the shade.
  • However, we can say that it is unlikely that pink shadows will look expressive on green eyes. If only there is a goal to give contrast
  • On blue and brown eyes, pink color looks very good. But again, it all depends on the tone.

The right makeup for eyes with an impending eyelid

For makeup with an impending eyelid, there are certain rules:

  • you can not use mother-of-pearl shadows. Choose matte shades. Especially for the inner corner of the eye.
  • make-up for the impending century is done strictly in front of open eyes. Because the fold under the upper fixed eyelid will have to be drawn by yourself.
  • shadows need to be very carefully shaded
  • avoid cream shadows. They can lie unevenly and cannot be shaded.
  • be sure to create a gradient to visually lift the eyelid
  • arrows are also drawn on open eyes
  • highlight the area under the eyebrow. This will lift your upper eyelid.
  • do not use very dark shades
  • be sure to make the moving eyelid lighter so that it can be seen
  • Color the top lashes liberally, guiding them out to the outer corners of the eyes.

Eye makeup base

  • None of the shadows will stay on the eyes well if you do not choose the right foundation.
  • Concealer can be used as a base for shadows. In some cases, powder will do. But the foundation will definitely clog into the folds of the skin
  • The ideal option is a branded base under the shadows. It can be found in specialized stores. Since it belongs to professional means, it is usually not cheap. But with it, your shadows will never start to crumble, and your makeup will be fresh even after 8 hours of wear.

Proper makeup for small eyes

To make small eyes visually larger, you need to follow the following rules:

  • do not use eyeliner for the lower eyelid
  • highlight the fixed upper eyelid, the area under the eyebrow and the inner corner of the eye
  • don't use very dark shadows
  • be sure to darken the crease under the upper eyelid
  • draw neat arrows only on the upper eyelid
  • paint only the upper lashes. The lower ones can be painted rarely and only on the outside of the eye.
  • the lighter the shade of eyeshadow you choose, the bigger your eyes will appear

Makeup eye arrows with shadows

  • Drawing arrows with shadows is quite simple. To do this, you need to use a special brush, which was mentioned earlier in the article. This is a brush with a beveled edge.
  • You need to use such a brush in the same way as a regular eyeliner or pencil. The only caveat is that the shadows may start to crumble, be prepared for this.
  • Such arrows look much more natural than the arrows drawn with eyeliner.

Video: Makeup for the impending century

Good day dear readers!

For a very long time I was in search of delicate golden shadows for everyday makeup. As you know, the golden color in eye makeup is universal, it favorably emphasizes any eye color, it suits brunettes, blondes, and redheads. And everything that I had seen in stores before was NOT THAT. The shimmer is too big, the texture is too gel, the color is too unnatural... And I really wanted eye shadow) And then, at the time of discounts in Letuale, I stumbled upon this creation in shade 102.

At a 40% discount, they cost me 350 rub, without a discount, they cost about 600 rubles. Not cheap for eyeshadows of one shade. But since I planned to use them for every day for me, it was an ideal option - not to give money for a palette, but to buy only what I need in the maximum amount.

Shadows look like a diamond in a box) The texture is a kind of middle ground between gel and loose shadows. This is how they look swatches:

Now I will show you 2 types of makeup that I now just love to do with these shadows. They differ in the way they are applied.

1. Gentle day makeup.

I apply my favorite CC cream on the eye area, lightly powder it with a large brush, then I pick up the shadow directly on my finger and apply it with light movements on the moving eyelid.

It takes exactly 3 seconds for each eye. They blend with your finger just fine, very smooth and neat.

Then I take brown matte shadows, put on a brush and slightly darken the outer corner of the eye. I paint eyelashes with mascara in 1 layer. Here is the result:

I powder on top with the rest of the powder on the brush and that’s it, the shadows are in place all day long, they don’t roll anywhere, although my eyelid skin is oily, and the eyelid itself is overhanging.

2. Bright evening makeup with graphic arrows

The main difference from the first method is the application WET brush. The algorithm for preparing the skin of the eyelids is the same: foundation, powder.

I moisten this brush with water and pick up shadows:

With spreading movements, we imprint the shadows on the moving eyelid. We do not rub and do not shade anything. We spread it as is) This method of application makes the shadows saturated, more metallized and bright.

After we draw an arrow and paint the eyelashes with mascara already in 2 layers:

And this is what makeup looks like under artificial lighting:

Bright, dramatic and very effective. When applied wet, the shadows last even longer, do not crumble or smudge.

If you are not a fan of such a clear metallic in front of your eyes, you can put a slight glare on these shadows by applying them to the corner of the eye. This will visually open the eyes and give the look freshness and radiance.

And here are all the tools that were used in makeup:

Thank you all for your attention! =)

golden makeup
We have already offered you a wide variety of ideas for bright and impressive makeup and smoky eyes of various colors and shades, and makeup with rhinestones and sparkles. This radiant and eye-catching golden fall leaf color will look perfect at any party. It goes well with any eye and skin color. Some say that golden makeup makes the eyes look smaller, dull and dull. But this is not so, everything will depend on the correctness of its imposition. And how to apply golden makeup correctly, you will see from this post.
golden makeup photo

You can offer two options, built on the basic rule of make-up - either eyes or lips.

Very light and gentle. If you want to emphasize your lips, then just even out your skin tone and apply a light blush, some golden shadows on your eyes and mascara on curled cilia, cover your lips with bright red lipstick - and you are irresistible.

If you don't want bright lips, then also work with a tonal base and blush, and when you apply shadows, line your eyes with eyeliner, fluff up your eyelashes and cover them with powder. A light sheen of pastel tones completes the make-up.

And here is an even more complex version, using brown shadows. We apply golden shadows to the edge of the moving eyelid and a thin strip on the lower edge of the eye. And then we cover the corner of the eye (which is closer to the temple) with brown shadows at an angle. It is very important to apply the shadows with an even line of inclination. You can use tape for this (as you will see from one of the videos). We apply eyeliner and make arrows. Makeup looks very gentle and romantic.

If you are going to a party, your shadows must be very shiny. Then your eyes will burn, and lights will be reflected in the sparkles. It looks very festive and attractive.

More about beautiful make-up: eye makeup with green and blue shadows.

Well, now, traditionally video. After all, no matter how rich the language is, it is very difficult to describe in words the technology of creating beauty. Therefore, these videos will show you and tell you everything that the pen cannot convey. Watch and implement!

black gold makeup

This is a rather unusual and bold choice, which not every fashionista will go for. Such a make-up suits exceptionally self-confident girls and women who are used to being in the center of everyone's attention. The best makeup artists offer fashionistas golden eye makeup in several ways.

A make-up using golden shadows will suit many female representatives, becoming a great addition to a luxurious outfit. Such cosmetics will make the eyes more open, and the look - expressive.

Makeup in golden tones is suitable for owners of any eyes. Brown eyes will become warmer and more saturated, gray ones will look noble, the depth of blue and blue eyes will increase, and green ones will become even more attractive and bewitching. However, there is one nuance that should be taken into account when applying “golden” cosmetics to the face - it will emphasize all skin defects, make wrinkles more noticeable, so mature women need to be more careful when choosing and applying such cosmetics.

Black and gold eye makeup is considered an evening classic., it looks especially appropriate with a black or red outfit. The main condition for creating such a dazzling and radiant image is that the outfit should not contain any sparkles and rhinestones.

Brown and gold makeup perfectly emphasizes dark rich lipstick. In this case, lipstick of wine, bright red and plum color looks great. Nude color is also well combined with gold, emphasizing the naturalness of the lips. Nude lipstick in combination with dark brown golden shadows is appropriate in any situation - at a business meeting, and on a date, and a gala event. But rich red lipstick with golden shadows looks the most advantageous when creating elegant evening looks.

Eye makeup with golden shadows is done in the usual way. You can apply cosmetics on the entire eyelid or on its individual parts, combining it with other colors, even the most unusual ones, for example, pink or purple. To make the look more expressive, and the eyes wide open, you should shade them with black arrows and apply mascara to the eyelashes.

Green and gold eye makeup

Makeup artists also give such useful tips for creating green-gold eye makeup:

  1. To keep cosmetics better on the eyelids, and the sparkles do not crumble, under the shadows it is necessary to apply a base on pre-skimmed skin.
  2. Before applying cosmetics to the skin, you should even out the tone of the face, mask all existing defects using foundation and powder.
  3. Using a brown eyeliner, you need to give the eyes the correct or desired shape. To do this, you need to carefully bring the upper and lower eyelids, outlining the eyeball with smooth lines. Particular attention should be paid to the corners of the eyes. Blend the pencil, making a soft and smooth transition.
  4. Apply golden shimmery shadows on the upper eyelid. On the lower eyelid and inner corner - light green shadows.
  5. Draw thin arrows with black eyeliner, line the upper eyelid.
  6. Apply black mascara to the eyelashes, fluff them up, giving volume. For these purposes, it is better to use lengthening mascara.

Do not forget to follow the main rule of a successful make-up: either eyes or lips should be bright. In this case, the eyes will be bright, so it is advisable to choose lipstick in natural, restrained tones.

Makeup with golden shadows for brown eyes (with photo)

Gold makeup for brown eyes is always relevant, this option is classic for brown-eyed beauties. It is golden shadows that most favorably emphasize the expressiveness of brown eyes. When creating such a make-up, not one shade of cosmetics is used, but several at the same time, both from the same color palette and completely different ones, creating a bold contrast.

Makeup with golden shadows for brown eyes is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Cleansed facial skin is tinted, creating a light natural effect.
  2. Next, you should move on to the eyebrows: if they are of the correct beautiful shape, then it is enough to gently comb them with a special brush. If you want to make them more expressive, you can use a dark brown, gray or black pencil or eyebrow shadow.
  3. After shaping the eyebrows, you can proceed to applying shadows on the eyelids. First, highlight the area under the eyebrows with a white or light yellow tint. The same shadows should be painted over the inner corners of the eyes and connect the lines along the bridge of the nose.
  4. Golden shadows are applied in the center of the upper eyelid. They should be well shaded so that the saturation of the color to the bridge of the nose is as pale as possible.
  5. Darker shadows are applied to the outer corner of the moving eyelid. This line is continued along the entire length of the fold. It is important that all transitions between the colors of the shadows are as smooth and completely invisible as possible. To do this, you need to carefully shade them. From the outer corner, it is necessary to continue the dark line to the inner eyelid, then distribute the cosmetics evenly over the entire surface of the eyelid to the inner corner.
  6. At the next stage of creating makeup, the upper eyelid is brought down using black eyeliner. Eyeliner can be replaced with a black pencil. Instead of black eyeliner, they also use dark brown, but then the makeup will no longer be so bright and attractive, it will become more faded. In any case, the line should be clear and even.
  7. Applying voluminous and lengthening mascara to the eyelashes is the finishing touch of this make-up. Previously, eyelashes can be curled with special forceps.
  8. When choosing a blush for such a make-up, dark brown or light bronze colors should be preferred. It is better to refuse pink and reddish tones, as they will be completely inappropriate.
  9. As for lipstick, given that the eyes are not too bright, the lips can be red, wine or dark brown. Lip cosmetics with a matte effect look best, glosses and mother-of-pearl lipsticks will not add harmony and attractiveness to the image.

For brown eyes, makeup with golden shadows in the photo below:

Nude makeup with golden shadows for green eyes

Gold and bronze shades are perfect for green eyes. Often they are used to create a nude make-up - natural, light and restrained. This option will be a good choice for a daytime look.

Nude makeup with golden shadows for green eyes involves the use of eyeliner not black, but light brown. Golden shadows go well with beige shadows and bronzed peach powder. Very rarely, golden eye makeup is used without the addition of other colors, they are combined with darker options, however, only a golden shade can be applied for daytime green eye makeup. You can apply them in two ways: making a thin layer and carefully blending so that only a slight hint of gold remains, or, conversely, the eyelids are covered with a thick layer, focusing on a dazzling brilliance.

A variant of daytime golden makeup is here in the photo, which shows several make-up options for owners of green eyes:

When creating an evening make-up version, golden eye makeup must be combined with other colors. For green eyes, all shades of green and brown are the right choice. Do not give up on black eyeliner, it is this technique that makeup artists recommend using to give expressiveness to the look. As a lipstick for an evening look, it is better to choose nude shades, they will smooth out the brightness of the eyes and make the female look more harmonious and attractive.

Evening makeup with golden shadows for blue eyes

Blue-eyed girls already look bright and attractive, and the right makeup will give their appearance even more expressiveness.

A good option is gold makeup for blue eyes, which combines golden shadows with blue and gray shades. Dark brown shades will also look harmonious with gold when creating makeup for owners of blue eyes.

Lipstick for such a make-up should be restrained. Cosmetics of a neutral pink color, which looks as natural as possible, are suitable. Makeup with golden shadows for blue eyes when creating an evening make-up looks good when using dark gray, almost black eye makeup.

Lip makeup in gold tones: stylish options

Lip makeup in gold tones is suitable not only for fashion shows, but also for everyday life. However, with such a choice, one should be prepared for the fact that such a transformation may cause some surprise among others. If gold eye makeup is perceived by most people as normal, then gold on the lips looks somewhat extravagant and quite unusual.

Makeup artists use several options for applying golden lipstick to the lips. They can be completely covered with gold, creating a dense layer of sparkles, or they can be made in the form of a gradient, combined with other lipstick colors. Lips look beautiful, the middle of which is painted in gold, and bright lipstick is applied along the edges - red, purple, burgundy. Or vice versa, only the contour of the lips can be made with gold, and the middle of them can be painted over with rich lipstick, creating a pronounced contrast.