Can breasts hurt during pregnancy? Why might your chest hurt? Real reviews

The period of waiting for a child for every woman is accompanied by certain changes. Some are asymptomatic, while others are accompanied by pain and some discomfort.

Often the mammary glands are the first to react to changes, becoming denser and increasing in size. In most cases, this is accompanied by pain of varying intensity, which is considered normal. But what to do if your breasts stop hurting during pregnancy? Does this mean that there is a threat to the health of the mother or baby? In this article we will look at how much breast pain occurs during pregnancy and what happens in the expectant mother’s body if breast pain stops during pregnancy.

Why does pain occur?

From the moment of ovulation, a woman’s body begins to produce hormones that affect the entire body of the pregnant woman. Usually the breasts react to changes in hormone levels first and often this reaction becomes one of the first signs of pregnancy.

The mammary glands begin to prepare for lactation. The number of lobules and the size of the milk passages increases. Painful sensations during this period are normal. Changes occur differently for each pregnant woman, depending on the characteristics and condition of the body.

Most pregnant women begin to experience breast pain in the first weeks after conception. But at what week of pregnancy the breasts stop hurting cannot be answered definitively. Any doctor will tell you that the time for pain to stop is individual for each pregnant woman.

At what stage of pregnancy the breasts stop hurting largely depends on the woman’s hormonal background and her pain threshold. For some, pain persists throughout the entire period, while for others it is not felt at all or is very slight and does not last long.

When do they stop

Many women wonder when the mammary glands stop hurting during pregnancy. As a rule, painful sensations disappear completely by the end of the first trimester (12-13 weeks).

This is a kind of signal that the body is prepared at the physiological level to feed a child. It happens that soreness of the mammary glands persists throughout pregnancy until childbirth. This can definitely not be considered either a norm or a pathology, since each woman is unique and everyone’s pregnancy proceeds individually. If the pain greatly bothers the expectant mother, and she wants to know when breast pain stops during pregnancy, then it is better to seek advice from a specialist.

The external manifestations of breast changes are quite varied. But still, there are several main ones that manifest themselves in almost every pregnant woman to a greater or lesser extent:

  • burning or tingling in the nipples;
  • darkening and enlargement of the nipple and areola;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • pain of varying intensity.

The mammary glands are especially sensitive in the morning, due to excess blood flow to the breast tissue. In the evening, discomfort and pain are usually felt less.

When the cessation of pain is an alarming symptom

Some women notice that in the early stages of pregnancy their breasts no longer hurt. Most often, this is a normal reaction of the body, but sometimes a sudden cessation of pain in the first trimester can be an alarming signal about a developing pathology in a pregnant woman.

Frozen pregnancy

If a pregnant woman suddenly stops having breast pain in the early stages and other symptoms of pregnancy disappear, this may be a signal of a missed pregnancy. In the first 8 weeks of pregnancy the risk is very high. It is at this time that the development of the embryo is most likely to cease. This is usually due to genetic abnormalities, the lifestyle of the pregnant woman, or a sharp change in hormone levels.

When fetal development stops, progesterone production stops. In this regard, the breasts fall, become soft and stop hurting.

Risk of miscarriage

If your breasts stop hurting during pregnancy, there is a high probability that the body lacks hormones that should ensure the normal development of pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage in this condition is quite high.

As long as there is a threat of miscarriage, the pregnant woman is observed in a hospital, and if the threat is minimal, the woman can be treated on an outpatient basis. For treatment, progesterone injections and drugs such as Duphaston or Utrozhestan are usually prescribed, which compensate for the lack of hormones in the mother’s body.

If you consult a doctor without delay and carefully follow all prescriptions and recommendations, the chances of saving the fetus and successfully carrying and giving birth to a child are very high.

Pituitary or thyroid dysfunction

In some cases, pathology of the pituitary gland can cause the cessation of painful sensations in the chest. This can also be caused by a failure in the production of thyroid hormones. In this case, treatment under the supervision of a doctor is also necessary, otherwise there is a high probability of losing the child.

It is worth noting that the above problems may not always lead to the cessation of pain during pregnancy; in some cases, the pain, on the contrary, becomes more intense.

Condition before childbirth

If the pain does not go away after the first trimester, but continues throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the expectant mother has a question about how long her breasts hurt during pregnancy.

As a rule, in the second half of the third trimester, the breasts and nipples stop hurting. This means that the mammary glands are completely ready for breastfeeding. Usually at this time there is a slight discharge of colostrum from the nipples, which is normal.

How to relieve pain

Sometimes the pain is so intense that it brings severe discomfort to the expectant mother.

There are several ways to alleviate this condition:

  1. Light physical activity, for example, morning exercises or walking, has a beneficial effect on a woman’s entire body, including the condition of her breasts.
  2. A contrast shower helps strengthen the body, and air baths prepare the breasts for lactation.
  3. Cold chest rubs and light massage will help relieve soreness. The massage must be performed very carefully, with light and smooth movements in a clockwise direction, without affecting the areola and nipple area.


You need to be especially careful when choosing the right bra. It is necessary to choose comfortable models that match your bust size. Underwear must certainly be of high quality, made from natural material, with flat seams, without pits or decorative trim.

It is best to make purchases in specialized departments for expectant mothers. It is there that consultants will help you choose the most suitable, comfortable and high-quality underwear.

The expectant mother should remember that the pain and discomfort associated with bearing a child will pass fairly soon. The main thing is not to worry and maintain a good mood, which will definitely be passed on to your child.


You will learn how to properly care for your breasts during pregnancy from our video.

Pregnancy is always a new sensation, but not always pleasant. Already from the very conception, many women begin to be bothered by various pains and discomfort characteristic of the new position. So, let's talk about chest pain during pregnancy. Does this always happen to everyone? When do these unpleasant sensations begin and how can they be mitigated?

Why do breasts hurt at the beginning of pregnancy?

In many cases, from the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s breasts undergo quite significant changes. They are considered one of the most reliable and early. And this happens because the level of sex hormones in the blood increases, and very strongly. Under the influence of the pregnancy hormone, which is called human chorionic gonadotropin (), the breasts increase quite significantly in size (both the mammary glands themselves and the fatty tissues). HCG makes the breasts feel heavy and even begin to swell. Sometimes this is accompanied by the appearance of a vein network, since the flow of blood to this organ increases.

Some women experience swollen or darkened nipples early in pregnancy. It even begins to stand out from them. In addition to all this, the breasts and nipples become very sensitive and painful. Often even touching the breast causes pain and discomfort.

But there is no need to worry about this, since this is a completely normal phenomenon that accompanies pregnancy. Be patient, because in this way the breasts are preparing for the future feeding of the child. All of the above symptoms are a kind of improvement in the mammary glands during the period of bearing a baby. By the way, all women who have experienced and experienced these symptoms become less susceptible to cancer in the future.

Individuality of breast changes during pregnancy

Women should be aware that not all pregnant women may experience changes in their breasts. Some ladies feel them very strongly, others say that the breasts become sensitive only when touched, they hurt as much as before the onset of menstruation, and others do not notice any deviations from their usual state at all. That is why this process is purely individual. By the way, changes in the breasts during pregnancy depend on heredity. If your mother’s breasts did not change during pregnancy, then most likely this will not happen to you either.

How long do breasts hurt during pregnancy?

Pain in the chest and its changes begin with the onset of pregnancy, and usually stop by the end of the 12th week of pregnancy. But a certain category of women is characterized by this condition right up to the birth itself. Alas! Sometimes it happens. True, at the beginning the chest pain is strong, but by the end of the period it weakens a little. It may also be that in the third trimester colostrum will constantly leak from the breast. And you also need to be prepared for this and accept it calmly. This is not a pathology!

How to reduce chest pain during pregnancy

The main condition for your comfort is comfortable underwear. It is recommended to wear a bra with wide straps, without underwires, so as not to squeeze or rub your breasts. It should be made of natural fabric, preferably with a minimum of seams and decorative elements made of synthetics. It is better to purchase a special bra for pregnant women. You will need it during breastfeeding. Please note that as labor approaches, you may need to change your bra size.

As for reducing breast pain, you can try leaving your bra on at night if you feel comfortable wearing it.

If colostrum begins to leak from your breasts, it is recommended to buy special bra pads to absorb the secretions. They need to be changed on time.

Every day you need to wash your breasts with warm water and wipe with a damp towel. It is better not to use soap or other detergents, as they dry out the skin.

With the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, doctors recommend hardening procedures for the breasts in the form of contrasting water rubdowns.

You also need to do special exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the chest. They promote the outflow of lymph from it and thus improve the condition.

So, painful sensations in the breasts with the onset of pregnancy are normal. They usually go away by 12 weeks. Expectant mothers need to be patient and use recommendations to reduce breast discomfort.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Often women notice some changes in their body even before the test. One of the first “bells” is breasts during pregnancy, which swell, hurt or become too sensitive. Some people attribute this to premenstrual syndrome, when in fact the life of the unborn baby begins to develop.

Rapid hormonal changes quickly make themselves felt, so even at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman’s breasts undergo the first changes. It is important to understand which condition is considered normal and which one should be feared.

How breasts change during pregnancy

Typically, a pregnant woman's breasts increase in size and painful sensations appear. Increased sensitivity is noted. The color of the halos and nipples becomes different. Often, because the breasts swell, vascular networks appear.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the same changes in the breast are observed as with a normal one.

Due to the fact that the mammary glands enlarge, they appear. Rapid growth is observed in the first trimester, and then closer to childbirth. Breasts may increase several sizes. If the skin is not elastic enough, the appearance of stretch marks cannot be avoided.

But nowadays this is not a problem - there are many safe oils that can be used.


Each person is individual. Therefore, you should not think that everyone’s breasts “behave” the same way during pregnancy. The period when changes begin is also different for everyone. In some expectant mothers, already at 11 weeks, the mammary glands look the same as others only during lactation.

Expectant mothers are wondering whether one breast can hurt during pregnancy. Doctors answer that such a phenomenon is not a cause for concern.

Major changes

Increase . Intensive growth of the mammary glands is something that happens to everyone, as the body prepares for motherhood and feeding. Already in the first month, women clearly notice how their breasts swell during pregnancy.

If rapid growth occurred during the gestation period, then after childbirth nothing will change, or only slightly. Do not worry if your breasts do not enlarge during pregnancy - sometimes the process begins only in the sixth or seventh month.

Estrogens stimulate the growth of the milk ducts, and glandular tissue grows due to progesterone. Connective tissue also grows, and after the end of feeding it is converted into fat.

Increased sensitivity. Women note that they experience discomfort. Some people simply have increased sensitivity, while the majority note that their breasts hurt during pregnancy. She fills up and becomes tense. This always indicates active preparation for breastfeeding and is the first sign of an interesting situation. Sometimes such sensations occur even before a missed period.

Changing nipples. Among the first signs of pregnancy is not only an increase in size. The nipples change in color and shape. They become larger, and pimples appear around them. The area around the nipple and it itself darken. Blood vessels begin to appear. After childbirth, these manifestations disappear.

Isolation of colostrum. The appearance of a thick, sticky yellow mass from the breasts of pregnant women is a necessary stage before the appearance of milk. Colostrum contains even more vitamins and antibodies than milk. This is the first food from which the baby will receive the most beneficial substances.

Stretch marks. Even if your breasts are small, this does not mean that you are guaranteed not to have stretch marks. It can increase by several sizes, which will certainly lead to stretch marks. It's not about the volume of the breasts, but about the elasticity of the skin. If sufficient collagen is present, the risk of stretch marks is low.

Some note that the breasts after pregnancy are covered with dark purple stripes - this is a consequence of damage to the blood vessels. With proper care, you can avoid the appearance of bright stretch marks and quickly return your breasts to their normal appearance. It is important to start even before the moment when a woman feels that her skin is itching.

What is considered a dangerous signal?

Typically, women begin to panic when, over time, their breasts do not enlarge during pregnancy and remain soft to the touch. This does not always mean that it is worth raising the alarm, but the expectant mother needs to listen to her body and other dangerous symptoms.

When registering, ideally at week 9, you need to listen to your feelings and tell your doctor about them.

Causes for concern:

  • appearance;
  • the appearance of blood from the vagina;
  • asymmetric breast enlargement, presence of depressions or swellings;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • general malaise.

If one or more of the listed symptoms appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. You need to pay close attention to your body if your breasts have fallen and returned to their previous size. It happens that the mammary gland has shrunk as early as 8 weeks - in the midst of preparing the body for lactation.

In the event that the breasts do not hurt during pregnancy, the gynecologist may raise the question of a frozen pregnancy or about. It happens that the chest “burns”. Perhaps this is a manifestation of mastopathy - inflammation of the breast, which causes fibrous changes and discharge. If at least one - left or right - breast becomes hot, you need to see a gynecologist.

When do changes begin and how long do they last?

Expectant mothers are interested not only in what their breasts become during pregnancy, but also at what time they will stop changing. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. A woman's body can react to the release of hormones in different ways. Some have noticed that their breasts hurt during pregnancy throughout the entire period. And this is the norm.

Other women say that the breasts did not show themselves in the first weeks of pregnancy and throughout the entire period of gestation. But this does not mean that there is a malfunction in the body.

Is it normal if a woman does not feel breast pain during pregnancy? Perhaps she initially has more space for the growth of glandular tissue. Therefore, the growth has not become as pronounced. Women often note that the most unpleasant sensations occur in the early stages and that all symptoms go away by the 14th week. The tissues adapt to the surges in hormone levels and it becomes easier.

Experts note that in most cases, already at week 10, there comes a time when a significant part of the changes in the breasts have occurred. This does not mean that the process is complete, it is just that it is gradually declining. Don’t worry if your breasts stop hurting during pregnancy at about 12 weeks. Most likely, the time has come when the body has completed the first stage of preparation for the birth of a child.

It is important that the expectant mother remembers her individuality and does not listen to her friends who are pregnant or giving birth. You should not compare and look for “alarm signals” in yourself. It is wrong to ask your friends when breast pain stops during pregnancy, because there will not be a single answer. For some, already at 5 weeks the first signs of preparing the mammary glands for feeding recede.

An expectant mother may stop experiencing breast pain at 7 weeks or much later - all of these are normal options. However, if you are tormented by suspicions, it is better to consult a doctor and not worry in vain.

Useful video about preparing your breasts for feeding your baby


From the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s breasts begin to undergo great changes. This is one of the earliest and surest signs of pregnancy, which almost all women feel. The level of female sex hormones increases sharply. In this regard, and also under the influence of the pregnancy hormone (chorionic gonadotropin), it begins to increase (as the mammary glands and fatty tissues increase), become heavier, and swell. More blood enters it, and a “vein network” may clearly appear.

Many women notice swelling and darkening of the nipples, and they may even discharge. The breasts or just the nipples become very sensitive and painful. And all this is normal, there is no need to worry. This is how the breasts are prepared for future feeding of the child. In addition, all changes in the breast that occur during this period are a special additional development of the milk lobules, which can occur exclusively during pregnancy. And women who have experienced such changes, that is, those who have become pregnant and given birth, become less susceptible to breast cancer in the future.

For different women, these processes occur individually, manifesting themselves to a greater or lesser extent, separately or all at once. Some people note tingling or burning in the nipples, for some the nipples only darken, for others the breasts become hypersensitive without any additional symptoms. Some women feel pain only when touched or pressed. Sometimes there is sensitivity to cold. For many, the feeling is reminiscent of the approach of menstruation. But for some people, their breasts don’t bother them at all and no noticeable changes seem to occur to them.

As a rule (but not at all necessary), all unpleasant and painful sensations in the chest area begin to subside by 10-12 weeks.

How to reduce breast pain during pregnancy

  • The most important thing is comfortable, proper underwear. The bra should be comfortable - with wide straps and without wires, without squeezing or rubbing the breasts and nipples. It must be made of natural fabric and preferably without unnecessary seams and decorative elements. But at the same time, it must lift and support the chest to improve blood circulation in it and prevent congestion. It is best to buy a special bra for pregnant women, which will later come in handy during breastfeeding. As your breasts grow and enlarge, you need to change to a larger bra.
  • If your nipples are hypersensitive and react to any irritant, try leaving your bra on at night.
  • If colostrum is discharged from the breasts, you should buy special pads for your bra at the pharmacy that will absorb the discharge. And, of course, do not forget to change them to clean ones in time.
  • Every day you need to wash your breasts with warm (or room temperature) water or at least wipe them with a damp towel. Do not use soap or other products on this area - they can dry out the skin.
  • From the second trimester, you can begin hardening the breasts (which is also a good prevention of lactation mastitis): take air baths, conduct contrasting wet rubdowns.
  • Simple physical exercises will strengthen the muscles and ligaments, which will facilitate the drainage of lymph from the breasts and improve support for the mammary glands.

Especially for

Have you long dreamed of becoming a mother, so you listen very sensitively to your body? Is there a delay in the menstrual cycle, but the body does not signal conception? Are you experiencing chest pain while pregnant? No need to worry! Let's figure out when breasts begin to hurt during pregnancy and why this happens.

Chest pain as a sign of pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, a number of changes begin to occur in a woman's body. The subjective sensations that you observe during this period themselves indicate an interesting situation. Women's breasts react especially sensitively to hormonal changes in the body.

The first signs of pregnancy:

  • nausea. If you experience nausea at the beginning of pregnancy, read the current article Nausea during pregnancy >>>;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • an increase or, conversely, a decrease in appetite (the book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for an Expectant Mother >>> will tell you how to eat properly during this important period for any woman);
  • nagging pain below.

Important! Swelling, heaviness, tingling and other types of pain can be present in both one and two mammary glands.

But the opposite situation can also happen. The fact that you are pregnant will be indicated by the absence of the usual pain before the start of the menstrual cycle.

Causes of chest pain

When your breasts begin to hurt during pregnancy, you shouldn’t immediately worry and run to the hospital. Let's look at why this happens:

  1. The main cause of chest pain is the preparation of the female body for feeding a child. Even during pregnancy, high levels of hCG stimulate an increase in the size of the mammary glands and the changes occurring in it;
  2. You may experience pain due to improperly selected clothing. When choosing underwear, you should pay special attention to the choice of bra. The mammary glands should not be compressed, so it is recommended to purchase new, more comfortable sets.

How long do breasts hurt during pregnancy?

A few days before your period, you probably experienced mild pain, which disappeared a couple of days after the start of your period. Even if these expectations are familiar to you, during pregnancy they take on a slightly different character.

There is a misconception that breast pain during pregnancy is similar to menstruation. After fertilization of the egg, the discomfort is of a bursting nature, creating a feeling of filling the mammary glands from the inside.

Do everyone's breasts hurt the same during pregnancy? Not at all, sometimes the sensations can become tingling or radiate to the armpit area.

Do breasts always hurt during pregnancy?

  • To the questions: “Do breasts always hurt during pregnancy?”, “Does breast pain in the early stages of pregnancy differ from sensations in later stages?” there is no clear answer because each organism is unique;
  • There is no clear timing for the onset of discomfort in the chest area;

All changes in a pregnant woman’s body occur individually, pain in the mammary glands is no exception. From the personal experience of pregnant women, it was recorded: the greater the weight of the expectant mother, the higher the likelihood of discomfort in the chest.

  • You may experience pain immediately after fertilization, i.e. a few weeks before the expected date of the onset of menstruation or a month after conception. On average, women experience discomfort at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. More information about what happens at the very beginning of pregnancy is written in the article 1st trimester of pregnancy >>>

Important! Most often, by the end of the first trimester, health returns to normal. If your chest pain doesn't go away, don't worry! It is considered normal if discomfort persists until childbirth.

Do breasts hurt during frozen and ectopic pregnancy?

If you suspect problems with your pregnancy, then, first of all, you should listen more carefully to your body. First, let’s answer the question: “Do the breasts hurt during a frozen pregnancy?”

The death of the fetus is accompanied by a malfunction in the woman’s body. If during the normal course of pregnancy your mammary glands were very sensitive, reacted to any touch, and hurt, then the frozen development of the embryo affects them in the opposite way: the discharge intensifies, the breasts become coarser.

Important! During a frozen pregnancy, the mammary glands lose sensitivity and all pain will disappear. Such metamorphoses occur not only at the initial stages of gestation, but also at its final stages.

Due to hormonal changes in a woman’s breasts, painful sensations occur. Ectopic pregnancy is a pathology associated with the development of the fetus outside the uterine cavity. Normal pregnancy and childbirth are impossible in such a situation. However, the processes occurring in the mammary glands correspond to normal pregnancy.