Beloved son 3 years happy birthday. Happy birthday congratulations to son three years old

At the age of three, the child will not yet understand much from your congratulations, but he will, of course, catch the general meaning of the words. This age is probably the one when a boy or girl first consciously relates to their birthday. They already understand that this is a solemn event and at the same time that this is a real big celebration, which the kids themselves usually look forward to with great impatience. First of all, they are attracted by gifts and new experiences, unusual bright events, a special atmosphere. But the children themselves, and their parents and other close people will be happy with a good poem as a gift to the baby. Choose beautiful congratulations with this and other dates you can on our website.

Here's a happy birthday to you
Teddy Bear and big doll,
Little bunny and pink elephant
Send congratulations from all sides.
All the toys sat in a row at the table,
After all, the anniversary of their older girlfriend,
Exactly 3 years old celebrates (name),
There is none better and none more beautiful.

Happy birthday, dad and I will congratulate our son,
Because today he is three years old.
He has almost grown up and understands everything,
And he even reads books to his toys.
We wish you to be obedient,
To grow well, and so that you eat porridge,
To love mom and dad very, very much
And so that you don't get sick. Happy birthday, son!

We celebrate three years baby
Our son grew up so fast
He helps us a little
And he talks like an old man.
We congratulate you on your birthday
You are our dear flower,
Grow us all for a feast for the eyes,
Handsome, smart and big!

You are three years old. smile
You are like the sun in the morning
And try very hard
Good luck meeting and good!
Your birthday wishes
Let, as in a fairy tale, come to life.
Gifts, games, treats
Everywhere will be - here and there!

Today in our house there is noise, fun,
In the morning everyone is in a great mood,
Our most main man celebrates birthday,
Gifts are carefully parsed.
3 years old to you, what happiness,
Let all bad weather bypass you,
Let your life pass carefree
Good luck to you, joy, health and warmth.

Today is your birthday baby
We heartily congratulate you all,
Let your whole life be a fairy tale
Success in everything, we wish you.
Today is the holiday of your three years,
There is no sweeter and better than you in the world,
You are our joy, our happiness and fun,
We wish you good health, good luck and laughter.

Today you, our little why, have a holiday,
We love you madly, our prankster,
You are already 3 years old
Let you be lucky, baby, always, everywhere.
Happy birthday to you,
We wish to be obedient and cheerful,
May your childhood wishes come true
And, like in a fairy tale, they turn into reality.

It's your birthday today
You were waiting for him, our glorious, with impatience,
You gladly accept gifts
And you are beaming with happiness.
We congratulate you on your birthday
Always be healthy and strong
Know the world little by little
Make us all happy, and do not be bored yourself.

The clock ticked you for 3 years,
You glow with happiness, our baby,
Many gifts and vivid impressions,
Be always healthy, like a strong man.
Live like in a fairy tale, without worries,
Don't give your parents trouble
Always be cheerful and smart
May fate generously endow you.

Turned three years old today
We give you a couple of lines
Give your family smiles
Let the holiday, goldfish
Fulfill all your dreams
Which you dream about.

How old are you, tell me!
Come on, show me your pen!
Hide two fingers, look -
There are only three left!
Yes, you are not two, but three!
You all say so!
Have fun and don't worry
And grow even faster!

Let the sky be very blue
And the sun is very golden!
Let there be peace, as in a good fairy tale:
Radiant, bright and colorful!
Let it be fabulously fun
Your third birthday!!!
In which there are many sweets,
Sweets, cakes, cookies.

All the bears are quiet in the corner, friends are gathering -
The baby has a birthday, and the whole family is in care.
On the table in the huge hall there is a big birthday cake -
Three years old is celebrated by our golden angel.
There are sweet candies in a vase - they beckon a child's look,
And with gifts packages are upstairs in the closet.
Everyone comes, congratulates, children's laughter is heard everywhere.
The birthday girl, of course, on this day is the most beautiful of all!

Three years have gone by
They brought a lot of happiness.
I wish you good luck
Congratulations on an important date!

Baby - warmth, fun,
Bright life and luck.
Let it grow healthy
The world will know with a smile!

Mom and daddy - patience,
On 100 with plus of mood.
Don't worry about the baby
Enjoy family happiness!

Congratulations on your little one's third birthday. I wish that every day he becomes stronger and smarter. Let him easily stomp his little feet through life, driven by his childish curiosity. Knows the world, learns everything that interests him. It will always be healthy and happy, and will become your best support in the future.

Three years old for your baby
The cake is decorated with the number three.
And when it was only time
Is your child growing up?

Rushing briskly around the house,
Asks everyone questions.
Battery "energizer" -
Never gets tired!

Congratulations mom and dad.
Happiness, wisdom, love!
So that problems in education
Didn't meet on the way!

Dear Mom with Dad,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
What do you have such a son -
Representative man!
He's already 3 years old
He's almost big.
May you grow for joy
With a very kind heart,
Not sick, not snotty,
Be strong like granite
Listening to mom and dad
And a little naughty!

I congratulate the wonderful parents of a wonderful child on the third anniversary of the crumbs. I want to wish family well-being and happiness, peace over your head and strong love. May your child grow up happy, kind, cheerful and successful person and make you happy every day.

happy birthday baby
I want to congratulate you
3 happy years life
They flew by like an hour.

I wish you parents
I am patience and strength
To be healthy and happy
Your baby was loved.

I wish in the house
Cheerful laughter did not stop,
And so that in the whole universe
You were the happiest of all.

Everything is interesting in three years
I want to know the whole world.
And there's plenty of room to play
Requires your "commander".

Mom, dad, hold on
Whether it will be ahead.
And do not be angry with the child,
For all sorts of nonsense.

Let the baby grow healthy
Never gets tired.
Will be kind and cheerful
Positive always brings.

May it always be so
Every day and every hour.
This age is the coolest
And it will only happen once in a lifetime.

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
Your baby is already big.
We wish you strength, patience,
After all, you only dream of peace.

Your little one is three!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish you great
Happiness in the house of gold.

Many joys, discoveries
And the most pleasant events
So that health is tart,
The hearth is reliable, the strongest.

Crumb - mischievous laughter,
Luck of the greatest.
There are many miracles in life
And prosperity from heaven.

3 years ago everything changed
A child has appeared in your family,
Lost sleep and peace,
But then your dream was born.

I wish you well and patience,
Your child health, warmth,
And let the mood always reign
Your family will be united!

You are amazing, sweet, wise,
You will raise a worthy person,
Happy birthday to your little one
I want to wish happiness to the family!

Our dear, congratulations on the third anniversary of the baby! Let the child never have problems with health, upbringing, study in the future! We wish you strength and opportunities for all whims!

I am with you always, for you I am a support.
Time is like water! And you will grow up soon
You will become strong and kind, you will become honest and courageous.
And in the family well done, and skillful in work.

We wish you to be skillful,
Kind, smart, strong, golden,
Don't be afraid, be brave
Do not turn up your nose, but be simple.

Happy birthday to you, my dear son,
So I want to congratulate you
Can't put into words my love
How much you mean in life to me.

At times it was sad and depressing,
Sometimes life ruffled as best it could,
But the fact that I have you gave me strength,
And lifted up your love.

Be happy, son. Good health!
I only know that you are well,
Then only I will find complete peace
And I will know that my dreams have come true.

Son, dear, all wishes
Sound today only for you.
You are our happiness, our creation,
And all the accomplishments in life are for you!

Grow up, learn and stay kind
May your wishes come true.
And try to be a real man
So that we can be proud of you.

Son, dear, happy birthday.
Friends only true and fun!
Worthy of life is the way to go
And meet happiness along the way.

Now you are growing very fast
We appreciate your achievements
We will always help you in everything
Our sweet boy. Happy birthday!

Our dear son, happy birthday.
You are so good and kind
And the most beloved, without a doubt,
We are proud of you son!

And now I hug you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy birthday, son, I congratulate you!

Beloved son, you are my baby.
Cover gently with a blanket.
Now you're just fast asleep
But the fairy tale has come for you.

Your day has come when you were born
When you smiled at the world
The earth rendered its sonorous groan,
He opened his eyes and stretched.

Let everything be: heavenly gifts,
Life gives the best stories.
Grow healthy only you.
Thank God for all this!

Dear son, you are our joy,
We want to congratulate you.
So that your life is like sweetness,
To always be loved.

Kissing your cheeks, hugging you,
I smile again, I repeat again:
You are my blood, you are my treasure,
You are my crying and my laughter, incorruptibility of my life.

May the Lord bless you
And walks beside you
Every minute helps
And in the soul how Truth lives!

My dear, beloved, beautiful son!
Today I congratulate you!
Today cars and bears are forgotten -
Surprises await you!
I want to wish you to grow by the hour,
So that miracles often happen to you,
Learn "excellent" so that it is not lazy,
Healthy, happy every day!

Our sun, son, granddaughters and older brother!
Today you are three years old, and everyone is happy about it!
Be, our dear, healthy, strong and affectionate!
Boldly, independently measure your life path!
You are mischievous and joyful, light as a moth.
May everything work out for you, happiness to you, my friend!

Today is a very important day
There are reasons for this:
Sometime on this day, a little earlier,
The little man was born.

I remember holding a little one.
I rocked you in my arms.
Now you are an adult.
Simple roads and quiet rivers!

Today on this wonderful day
All just for you.
My baby became a year older
The whole family is delighted.
A year and two passed like a moment,
Like it's a different day.
It's time for three years of miracles
Grow big baby!

You see the sun is shining
Hear - a bird outside the window,
Everyone in the world congratulates
Happy birthday, best day!
You are very big, look -
How old are you? All three!

Eyes, cheeks. Look:
Here you are already three!
You turned three
The best years in fate!
On this wonderful anniversary
You are the prettiest and sweetest of all.
Healthy, smarter, grow
Some years up to one hundred and six.

In all fairy tales, the number three
Like bewitched.
And yours now, look
Happy birthday morning beckons.
Congratulations and on the cake
We are lighting three candles.
Let the wish come true
The big man!

May your third birthday
It will be joyful for everyone
And more and more often
Your happy childish laughter!
Show us what you can:
Songs, dances and poetry.
Tell me what's delicious
Smells like mother's perfume!

Toys, various sweets,
We wish you a birthday!
Gifts, children's joys,
And plenty of treats!
3 years - glorious reason
play, joke, laugh,
Sing funny songs
And (whom - name) to admire!

birthday is coming
In your life for the third time!
You see the butterflies flutter
And the fox sends an order:
To behave,
Listen to mom and grow!

Happy birthday
Accept congratulations
And give everyone a smile
After all, you today? THREE!
How great to frolic
Sing, laugh, have fun!
Like the sun, shine
And grow up happier!

Ran to the edge of the forest
Naughty and funny deer

Here you are three years old, little one!
May these happy days
There will be games, smiles and jokes,
And in the eyes of mischievous lights!

Give your smile to everyone
And laugh more cheerfully
You're exactly three today
Meet the guests soon!
Blow out the candles on the cake
But just don't forget -
Make up your wishes!
And be happy everyone!

You are 3 years old. smile
You are like the sun in the morning
And try very hard
Good luck meeting and good!
Your birthday wishes
Let, as in a fairy tale, come to life.
Gifts, games, treats
Will they be everywhere? there and here!

You already know so much
You grow up every day
Everything in the world you understand -
And tell about everything.
Do you know about the birthday
What happened today
About the surprises
Oh fun
After all, today you are 3!

You're three years old, baby!
Let dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You go to study!
May you shine for many years
Love, kindness and happiness light.

In the morning, my Swallow's eyes glow.
A birthday crept up - she is three years old now.
Girlfriends in bows will come, and friends in ties.
You are the most beautiful, my Thumbelina!
To the delight of us, parents, daughter grow up.
Like an asterisk, like a sun, shine like gold!

What to wish for a three-year-old baby,
So that happiness is on the path,
To have a lot of sweets
And all sorts of other joys!

You are 3 years old. smile
You are like the sun in the morning
And try very hard
Good luck meeting and good!
Your birthday wishes
Let, as in a fairy tale, come to life.
Gifts, games, treats
Everywhere will be - here and there!

This is the third year we are on this day
We sit down at the table
All the hustle and bustle
Left overboard.

Words sound, laughter sparkles,
Fire burns in the eyes
But who gathered everyone today?
Who is the current favorite?

Your three years is not a term,
May there be many years
In which there will be only good
And happiness without trouble!

The radiant sun peeped into your house -
Bright, cheerful - it is better not to find.
Since then, three years have already passed,
Happy birthday to the sun should be congratulated.

May your energy be enough for a hundred years
The head, throat and stomach do not hurt.
kind and brave people surround,
And the love of parents forever protects!

Birthday is only the third
There is still a whole life ahead!
Let's celebrate the celebration loudly
Well, you shawls, spin around!

You're exactly three today
Look at the big world
How wonderful it is
And very interesting -

toys, entertainment,
Sweets, congratulations -
May you like everything
And the holiday never ends!

He is exactly three today.
Well, without congratulations,
And without friends, and without a game
Celebrate a birthday?

Buddy! You grow up soon!
Take a gun and a book:
A gun - to protect friends,
Reading aloud about "Mishka".

Happy birthday
Accept congratulations
And give everyone a smile
After all, today you are THREE!
How great to frolic
Sing, laugh, have fun!
Like the sun, shine
And grow up happier!

Here you are three years old
Our hero of the occasion!
You know everything - letters, numbers,
Learn to read words!
You have a sea of ​​desires
And abilities are countless
You grow without knowing grief.
We're so glad you exist!

Love in picture books
Three year old boy
I wish you a birthday
And grow up quickly.
Protect your eyes from tears
Eat porridge, listen to fairy tales
And please yourself
Relatives of their people!

Eyes, cheeks Look:
Here you are already three!
You turned three
The best years in fate!
On this wonderful anniversary
You are the prettiest and sweetest of all.
Healthy, smarter, grow
Some years up to one hundred and six.

The sun is already shining
Hear - a bird outside the window,
Everyone in the world congratulates
Happy birthday, best day!
You are very big, look -
How old are you? All three!

It's your third birthday
You grew up fast during this time, friend,
Please accept our congratulations
And get faster with friends in a circle,
We will lead round dances,
And songs to sing and dance
Then joke, play and run,
Well, then eat all the sweets.

You are 3 years old. smile
You are like the sun in the morning
And try very hard
Good luck meeting and good!
Your birthday wishes
Let, as in a fairy tale, come to life.
Gifts, games, treats
Everywhere will be - here and there!

Why is everyone smiling at you in the morning,
Even the sun in the sky smiles slyly,
In the house, in every corner there are colorful balls,
And fluffy cats purr warmly at the feet,

You crawled up the first step,
You walked the second step
And the third step, like a frisky hare,
Fervently, you easily galloped skipping.

Three years - three candles on birthday cake,
Three light notes in a cheerful chord,
Three years - a serious important person:
Delight, charm and cuteness.

Good luck, health, happy childhood,
A little cunning, a little coquetry,
Smiling cheeks, happy little eyes.
Be happy baby! Happy birthday, child!

You're three years old, baby!
Let dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You go to study!
May you shine for many years
Love, kindness and happiness light!

Little white forelock, lovely eyebrows,
There are such lovely children!
You are like an angel in this world
Like a cupid, adorable damn!

What happened today?
All gathered gifts and candles
One two Three! We blow! And ring lips:
We are three years old! Hooray! Happened!

Very serious, important matter:
Blow out the candles on the birthday cake.
There are only three of them - in this short period
The whole life of an angel has matured.

Ran to the edge of the forest
Naughty and funny deer
And he said: What a wonderful holiday!
Happy birthday to you, child!
Here you are three years old, little one!
May these happy days
There will be games, smiles and jokes,
And in the eyes of mischievous lights!

How old are you, tell me!
Come on, show me your pen!
Hide two fingers, look -
There are only three left!
Yes, you are not two, but three!
You all say so!
Have fun and don't worry
And grow even faster!

Happy birthday our kitten
Accept congratulations.
How old are you today?
One two Three.

Dear beloved son,
We really want with dad
To our dear son
He grew up to be the best of men!

We wish you not to get sick
Live boldly, look ahead.
And in a computer toy
Defeat all enemies!

Let your sonorous pure laughter
Most of the time it makes us all happy.
And in study, training
Great success awaits you!

Happy Birthday to You!
With love, all your family.

On this happy day
Our son showed up.
When did you grow up like that?
He got mad, he got better.

Son, for us you are the best,
Mom and dad love you
So strong and kind
Know we are proud of you.

We heartily congratulate you
We wish to be successful
Let love enter your heart
Find your place there!

Son, dear, happy birthday. You are my happiness, you are my greatest luck in the world. I wish you success on your long life journey, bright moments, great achievements and resounding victories. I love you, I'm proud of you. Happy birthday!

You are the meaning of life, our pride,
You are the only one in the world.
And happy birthday congratulations
Dear beloved son.

Let everything in life flourish
Success, luck and love,
Let health know no boundaries
TO happy life be ready.

Dear son, happy birthday!
Let them accompany you
Love, luck, friendship, respect,
Prosperity, wisdom and peace.

I wish you health, son, to you,
So that things go well.
You are my pride and support, doubly
I wish you to be happy.

Our dear son, happy birthday.
You are so good and kind
And the most beloved, without a doubt,
We are proud of you son!

We wish you to be skillful,
Kind, smart, strong, golden,
Don't be afraid, be brave
Do not turn up your nose, but be simple.

May the Lord bless you
And walks beside you
Every minute helps
And in the soul how Truth lives!

I remember holding a little...
I rocked you in my arms.
Now you are an adult.
Simple roads and quiet rivers!

Son, dear, happy birthday.
Friends only true and fun!
Worthy of life is the way to go
And meet happiness along the way.

I will plunge into your arms, like in a fairy tale,
I will kiss your palms to my heart's content.
I value button-eyes the most,
Only you have power over me.

Only to you, son, I dedicate my life,
I pray for you in vain and in a dream.
And today, the first to tenderly congratulate:
Happy birthday, honey! Happiness only to you.

I wish for more than wishing possible:
May your smile never leave your lips
Take everything from life, just be careful.
Long years, health will be strong let.

Light of my eyes, native name,
A kind and loving person.
I am proud of your success.
The day has slowed down today.

So that I can tell you: "Well,
You're a year older now.
Of course, you can do everything in the world,
My son. Strive, go boldly!

I wish you to be healthy.
And happy to come home.
You will always warm with a warm word.
Be always like that, my dear.

May success go with you
And love never lags behind.
I don't need more to be happy.
" Happy Birthday!" - the world sings to you.

Let joy warm your breath
Let happiness cover the wave
I wish you only happiness
My beloved son.

Let everything in your life come together
All wishes come true
Let fate smile on you
Gives endless success!

Son, dear, all wishes
Sound today only for you.
You are our happiness, our creation,
And all the accomplishments in life are for you!

Grow up, learn and stay kind
May your wishes come true.
And try to be a real man
So that we can be proud of you.

You best son, and this is certain.
We wish you happiness and love.
wish good meetings you, luck,
And appreciate and take care of everything good!

Three most difficult and happiest years
You lived side by side with the baby.
And so he became cheerful and amusing,
Assistant to parents in everything!

Three years - it seems a little, but so much
They are invested with care, kindness.
Three years old son is a mega-holiday,
Accept congratulations and flowers!

You are three years old today
We give you a couple of lines
Give your family smiles
Let the holiday, goldfish

Fulfill all your dreams
Which you dream about.

On a birthday cake, take a look
Three candles are lit and burning brightly!
Three years old means you, our dear,
Accept congratulations on your holiday!

We wish you to be, as before, cheerful,
Obedient and kind, smart, perky!
We wish you good health, good friends,
Grow and get stronger, get stronger!

At the age of three you walk through life
You are so far gone.
At the age of three you already know so much
It's not easy to argue with you.

Congratulations on your three years
And what do you wish?
We solemnly declare
What will we pamper you!

Toys and teddy bears
We will buy you
Drive on swings and from towers
Though the whole eternity to ride.

You no longer cry in bed
(In the third year of life!)
And if we play hide and seek,
I won't find you soon...

You are this blessed century
Enjoy more, please!
I congratulate you on the third anniversary
Today, my boy, I'm in a hurry!

Today you are three years old
We will tell you a couple of lines.
Give us more happiness
Do not offend friends and yourself,

Be an obedient citizen
When you grow up, buy a car.
You will roll us everywhere,
And you will remember your childhood.

Accept all our congratulations,
Baby - happy birthday.

Three years is not enough
Today you are big!
And even the sun rose earlier
To say hello to you!

We are happy to congratulate you
Wish you many toys!
Can you tell me where to put the gifts?
Let's start playing soon!

Grow big, skillful, brave!
Let you be an astronaut!
And let in this white world,
Your dreams will come true!

We congratulate you today
And we sincerely wish you -
You grow up faster
Keep on rejoicing

Let success await ahead
Don't ever go astray
We wish you the best!
You get yours.

Well, you're three years old, friend!
So accept congratulations!
I wish that I did not hang my nose,
I would always find entertainment.

And to please the father
And mother, who is responsible for you ...
And be with them... Until the end...
After all, you are alone in the world!

Our little child!
Our little miracle!
You grow up the way you should
And when people see you

Smiling like children
We wish we had such a paw!
Just know: such in the world
You are alone with mom and dad!

Another small piece
Years of childhood were plucked ...
Happy birthday son!
Happy birthday, son!

Our main award
The best anywhere and everywhere!
Happy birthday, our child!
Happy birthday, our miracle!

I congratulate you, dear baby,
Your birthday, the holiday is coming!
You are growing up fast with us.
And you make us all smile!

Let life give gifts
And it won't make you cry!
Grow big, live, fall in love,
Make as few mistakes as possible!

We are celebrating our third birthday today
You have grown noticeably during this time, friend,
Please accept our congratulations
And get faster with friends in a circle,

We will lead round dances,
And songs to sing and dance
Then joke, play and run,
Well, then eat all the sweets.