How does a brave person behave? Essay on whether you need to be brave

Very often we hear calls to be decisive, to be brave. In principle, we understand what is expected of us, but in fact we do not fully understand what exactly this means. We understand that a little courage would not hurt us at certain moments in our lives, but why do we need to be decisive and courageous in general. After all, for the majority, determination and courage are forever equated with risk, often unjustified.

First, let's figure out what kind of animals Decisiveness and Courage are.

What is Determination?

Decisiveness is a person’s ability to independently make decisions and take actions in support of these decisions. One way or another, we all make decisions, but a person with decisiveness makes them faster than others. His determination gives him the strength to take control of future events in his life. Determination, like armor, protects a person from uncertainty and the unknown of the future.

A person with decisiveness is able to begin to act immediately, immediately after making a decision. And this does not always mean that the decision is correct or he knows what to do, no, or he does not doubt and is not afraid. A decisive person is able to quickly make a decision in order to begin to act quickly and get the first results of these actions to analyze further decisions. While others are still thinking about making a decision, they model possible development events, a decisive person already has concrete, non-theoretical knowledge. Even if everything is not going smoothly there, he moves on to the next step and is faced with making the next decision.

What is Courage?

Courage is a person's ability to overcome his fear. It should be noted here that everyone experiences fear. Only fools are not afraid. And courage proves this when a person commits acts and actions, going despite his fear, overcoming it, and not suppressing it. Otherwise, he turns into a fool who denies fear rather than cooperates with it. Suppression or denial does not get rid of fear, but only makes it uncontrollable and unpredictable; it is unknown at what moment it will jump out and take its toll, but it will. Courage allows a person to be stronger than his fears. Only a brave person can see beyond fear Additional information, accept him as an ally.

So why do you need courage and determination?

Since ancient times, the main task of our brain has been to preserve our lives, our safety and our offspring. And fear was an integral part of successful survival. All unusual sounds, suspicious herbs, flowers could be carried by mortal danger. If ancient man had ignored the danger, we simply would not exist. Courage was not a choice, but a necessity for survival purposes (getting food, protecting yourself from wild animals).

IN modern world Our life and safety in general are not in danger. There are no wild animals, food is sold in the store, ready to eat. To show or not to show determination and courage is our choice, but it is not a necessity, I mean that there is no strict motivation for survival. Today we strive to improve the quality of our life, improve the material component, enjoy tasty, beautiful and high-quality food, comfort, and surround ourselves beautiful things and species, takes care of health, prolonging life.

Therefore, courage and determination are especially in demand in the modern world. We admire and envy those who possess these qualities or even simply perform bold, decisive actions. People like these show us that there is more to life than mere survival.

Despite the fact that determination and courage seem to be similar qualities, both of them are needed to achieve goals, to make bold and ambitious decisions. How often does it happen that a person makes a decision, is confident in it, wants to implement it, his imagination is already painting him pictures of a wonderful, successful future, and now he is ready to take the first steps to reinforce decision concrete actions, when suddenly... fears appear on the horizon.

Determination allows a person to make a final decision, but, as often happens, even the most firm decision cannot withstand the strength and power of our fears, apprehensions and worries.

And overcoming fears requires courage. The courage to look them in the face, remembering that a firm decision has already been made and there is nowhere to retreat (behind wild animals). Courage allows a person to act when afraid. Act taking into account not only the bright and colorful future, but also the experience of the past. With an understanding of possible difficulties, in order to prepare for them, ambiguities, in order to clarify them for yourself in advance. Fear draws attention to the “fine” aspects of the plan, helping to strengthen them.


To one degree or another, determination and courage are inherent in the character of every person. If you have ever decided to start living on Monday or quit smoking, you are familiar with the feeling of a determined person, well, everyone who has at least once been at an interview or passed an exam and pulled a ticket is familiar with courage. And it doesn’t matter how developed these qualities are in you, because first of all they are qualities, which means they can be developed, strengthened and strengthened, “pumped up” like muscles, if you want.

And I will tell you how to do this in the next article.

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A powerful solution to determine your true desire

The question becomes, to what extent is my desire true, real, and not imposed from the outside? A simple technique will help you find out and understand your true desires.

The first and most banal advice I will give you is this psychological attitude. The psychological or mental attitude should not be underestimated. This is where it all begins. A famous writer named Mason John said, “Your day will be exactly the shape of the tips of your lips.” Psychologists have proven that 90% of the results lie in the mental attitude, and the remaining 10% are skills and abilities. So don't underestimate the power of thoughts, words and the RIGHT ATTITUDE. I know that many of us, and sometimes even me, think that this is complete nonsense, and nothing depends on the psychological mood. But in vain! To become brave, you will have to program yourself in advance for a positive outcome.

I’ll even give an example on this matter. Let's say two work colleagues, Petya and Vanya, decided to ask their boss for a salary increase. Petya is determined to get an increase, since he has a reason - his second son was born and he now needs money. Moreover, he knows perfectly well that he good worker and the boss treats him well and will understand him. Petya already clearly knows what he will say and how he will behave so that the negotiations end in his favor. Petya says to himself: “I will succeed!!!”, “I am worthy of this!!!”, “I will do it!!!”. I’ll say right away that Petya is nervous before the conversation. It's quite normal!!!

Now let's talk about Van. Vanya is an insecure person who constantly doubts something, and who is terrified of looking like a fool in the eyes of other people. However, looking at Petya, he also thinks that he should try his luck. But he scrolls through negative scenarios in his head, which makes him feel sick. He says to himself: “Well, he’ll fire me for this request, or he’ll laugh at me, or he’ll ignore me altogether. Or maybe he’ll create a scandal and lose his salary for a month.”

What do you think will happen to the brave and confident Petya? There are several options. He will either receive a raise, or will receive it if he fulfills the requirements of his boss, or will not receive it this time, but will receive it next time.

What will happen to Vanya? There are also several options. But I think 75% that he will abandon this idea. The fear he had brought upon himself would consume him. The remaining 25% - he will not succeed. If you have any of your own options about Vanya, write in the comments.

I hope from this example you understand how powerful a psychological attitude is. However, in order to become brave, one attitude is not enough.

How to become a brave person?

The second tip that will help you become brave is to believe in yourself. I know it's easy to believe in yourself after 42 unsuccessful attempts very difficult. Let me break down this advice. To believe in yourself, you must forget about how other people evaluate you. You must stop judging yourself. When you begin to evaluate yourself, when you begin to delve into the past and remember your failures, when you begin to listen to other people's advice, you begin to create doubts. Doubts are not characteristic of a brave person, but faith is the absence of doubts. So start believing in yourself. If it worked for someone, it will work for you too. You are no worse than others. Everything is in yours and only in your hands.

The next piece of advice for becoming bolder is to face your fears as often as possible. A brave person is not one who is not afraid of anything, a brave person is one who overcomes his fears. I fully understand that this tip is the most difficult to use. Just understand, if you avoid your fears, you will never become brave. Fear disappears when you overcome it several times.

I'll give you my example. I'm afraid to fly on an airplane. Every time I take off, my body becomes weak. I look at the flight attendants and don’t understand how they can stand it. After arriving, I hugged the earth and swore to myself that I would never fly again, and every time I broke this oath. I understand perfectly well that in order for me to have a great rest, I need to be in another country (for example, in Turkey or Egypt). And without an airplane it is impossible to do this. And so, every summer I flew to another country with my fear. After ten flights my fear subsided, and after sixteen flights my fear disappeared. I realized that nothing bad would happen to me. In addition, I heard on TV that the planes and trains with which accidents occurred were filled to a maximum of 60%. And if I see that the plane is completely full, then I can sleep peacefully!!!

I overcame my fear, which means I became bolder than before. As Sylvester Stallone said, “Everyone has fears, and when we overcome them, we become courageous.” So if you really want to become brave, don't avoid your fears, but overcome them.

The fourth tip is to accept defeat. Many people are afraid to do anything because they are afraid of making a mistake. Personally, I have learned to accept defeat. Before I do anything, I replay the failure in my head several times. When I do this, I feel like crap. After replaying the negative scenario several times, I feel like I have nothing to fear. Fear seems to be letting go of me. Then I do the opposite - I set myself up for a positive outcome, and then I just take action. This combination is very effective in getting rid of fears, since you accept defeat in advance.

The fifth tip to become brave is to get to know each other and communicate more. You are probably thinking how this advice can help you. In fact, many people are afraid to meet people. Man is designed in such a way that he is always afraid of the unknown. Maybe you like it special person and you want to talk to him, but you don’t have the courage to approach him first or be the first one. This is where you have a chance to show courage. I will not describe this advice, since I wrote about communication in the article - How to become sociable? I will only say one thing: communication allows you to get rid of shyness and fears, and this makes you bolder.

The sixth tip is to praise yourself. If you overcame your fear and did something that you haven’t dared for so long, be sure to praise yourself to consolidate your victory in your memory. After several victories, you will feel bolder, more confident, and your self-esteem will rise. Most people beat themselves up for failures and never praise themselves for victories. Therefore, uncertainty grows and courage disappears. Always praise yourself and celebrate your victories.

The seventh tip is to try something new as often as possible. Newness develops courage because it requires leaving your comfort zone. For example, you decide to go to a club. You have never gone to clubs before, and therefore anxiety arises at the mere thought of going to a club. But there will still be strangers there, and you never know what’s on their mind!!! This is where your chance to show courage comes. After several trips to the club, you will become easier to relate to this. At first it will be scary - then it will be normal. Trying something new makes you bolder. And now you know why!!!

Eighth and last tip- take risks. It’s better to do it and fail than not to do it at all. Any mistake is your experience from which you can benefit. Doing nothing will not help you become braver. And you yourself know that people who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne. TAKE RISKS!!!

Courage can change your life. Research shows that this quality is associated with high performance. Those who exhibit courage in life also tend to experience higher levels of insight, energy, urgency, productivity, and influence. The book The Way of Extraordinary People discusses courage as one of the principles of extraordinary and highly effective people.

How high-performing people react to difficult situations

To be brave, you don't need to save humanity or perform great feats. Sometimes it is enough to take the first step towards real change in our unpredictable world.

To measure boldness in our surveys, we ask respondents to indicate how much they agree or disagree with the following statements.

  • I stand up for my position, even when it's not easy.
  • I respond immediately to difficulties and surprises instead of avoiding them.
  • I often act despite fear.

In addition, we ask respondents to rate themselves on less uplifting items.

  • I don't think I have the courage to show who I really am.
  • Even if I knew that it was right, I would not help a person if they condemned me for it, laughed at me, or threatened me.
  • I rarely step outside of my comfort zone.

Do you avoid difficulties?

After analyzing the responses of tens of thousands of people, we clearly saw that high-performing people act despite fear much more often than others. This fact is confirmed by our interviews and coaching - that is, all effective people understand perfectly what courage means to them and can give examples.

Of course, almost every person can remember at least one brave act. But not every courageous person becomes effective unless they also have insight, energy, sense of urgency, productivity and influence.

Why do some people “have” more courage than others? Our research shows that the differentiating factors are not age or gender. People who show more often high level courage also

  • love to overcome difficulties;
  • consider themselves assertive, that is, independent from external influence able to independently regulate their behavior and be responsible for it;
  • consider themselves confident;
  • consider themselves high performers;
  • consider themselves more successful than others;
  • generally satisfied with life.

Logical. If you love to overcome challenges, chances are you won't run away when the time will come confront problems or obstacles. If you feel confident, you will act when needed. But why happy people more daring? During an interview with twenty high achievers, they said: “When you are happy, you worry less about yourself and can focus on others,” “A happy person is confident that he is capable of great achievements,” and “Once you have achieved happiness, you are likely to have self-control and, therefore, able to control the situation in unpredictable circumstances.” Good descriptions, however, they do not explain how happiness makes people courageous.

An amazing fact: it is difficult to explain what courage is, no matter how you look at it. In fact, most people find it difficult to even define courage, let alone consider it a habit. Perhaps more than any other character trait, courage is considered a virtue that some people possess and some do not. However, it is not. Courage is like a skill and anyone can master it.

And once you understand what courage is and learn to demonstrate it regularly, everything will change.

The Basics of Courage

Psychologists agree with Mark Twain: courage is not fearlessness; it is the ability to take action and persevere despite fear. However, courage can lead to fearlessness in many areas. For example, psychologists have found that most skydivers are afraid to jump out of a plane for the first time. The first jump is a real act of courage. But the more often they jump, the more confidence and fearlessness they have. Researchers have found that the same principle applies to engineers, soldiers, and astronauts: the more experience confronting fear, the less fear and stress.

The more often skydivers jump, the more confident and fearless they become.

This applies to all of us. The more often we achieve success in a certain area, the easier it is for us to do it. This is why it is so important to start living a courageous life now. The more often you confront fear, express yourself and help others, the easier and calmer it will be for you to do so.

But when you face your fears, something else happens. Courage, it turns out, is contagious, like panic and cowardice. If your children see that you are afraid of life, they will sense it - and copy it. The same goes for your team and everyone you lead and serve. Showing more courage will greatly benefit the entire society.

Practice “Rejoice in Challenges”

Why don't so many people show courage? They know they must stand their ground. But they don't do this. They want to confront their fears and take risks. But they don't do this. They promise to become braver, to realize bold dreams, to help people in a meaningful and noble way. But they don't do this. Why?

Many talk about vision and bold plans, about the desire to live a life worthy of emulation and change the world for the better. But they didn't do anything. They said they wanted this and that, but when we discussed new habits that would help achieve what they wanted, they answered evasively - they said they were too busy or afraid.

Today's society lacks courage because we avoid struggle, and this prevents us from developing character and ability - two key ingredients of courage.

Let me explain. We live in unique times, with many countries and communities thriving more than ever. But in such a blessing there is also a curse - people do not want to exert themselves. Today it is unfashionable to give recommendations that require effort, passing tests, overcoming difficulties or patient persistence. It's all about simplicity and convenience. People often leave family, school, work, friends after the first difficulties.

If you run away from elementary obstacles in Everyday life What are the chances of overcoming a real fear or danger?

If we want to develop the qualities that courage requires, we must learn to overcome challenges. You need to stop getting irritated and perceive this struggle as necessary condition character development. We need to rejoice in these difficulties.

There is a belief that people are lazy, hate challenges, and will sacrifice growth for comfort and confidence. Think about how often this is taught to you. Especially in the media world, where every “solution” and every “advice” is designed to make your life as simple and convenient as possible. Focus only on your talents, because this will make you feel better and better. There is no need to sweat over the shortcomings, it is inconvenient and not worth the effort. Outsourcing is everything to us; why learn new skills? Upgrade your diet magic pills so you don't have to change your terrible eating habits.

When we understand the necessity and significance of trials and see them as a positive part of our journey, we can find true peace and willpower.

Our recent research also demonstrates how important testing is. We found that courageous people agreed with the following statements: “I enjoy overcoming new challenges” and “I am confident that I can achieve my goals despite difficulties and resistance.” This is one of the main performance indicators. High-performing people are unafraid of challenges, failures, and the inevitable difficulties that come with learning and growing. On the contrary, they love to learn new skills and are confident that they will achieve their goals, despite possible problems. Talk to them about difficult times in their past experiences when circumstances forced them to leave their comfort zone, grow, or conquer, and they will talk about it with awe rather than horror.

“The only way to enjoy life is to be fearless and not to be afraid of defeats and disasters” Jawaharlal Nehru

The proverb “Better a bird in your hand than a pie in the sky” is for weaklings who lack self-confidence. By being brave, you will achieve everything you want. Will you try? Better is a bird in your hands, and a crane in your hands! But not otherwise! How to become brave and why?

Courage makes a person more confident internally and externally.
Courage allows you to correctly assess your chances, rather than downplay them.
Courage helps you defend your interests.
Courage makes it possible to act despite possible risks, which are always there.
Courage gives you the understanding that there are important things worth taking risks for.
Courage is not given at birth, but everyone can become strong and courageous.

How to become brave in a fight, brave in communicating with a girl and brave in life? How to stop being afraid, become confident and be more decisive? How to become liberated and even arrogant? Do you want to become a brave, self-confident person? The coolest and the bravest?

How to become brave

Believe in yourself

"Fortune favors the brave"

How to become brave? Believe in yourself. We often lose ground because we don't trust ourselves. We don’t believe in our capabilities, strengths and prospects. We relax and hesitate to act. We take a weaker position. We retreat from the girl we like, promising work and interesting opportunities. It’s easier to give up, go into depression and give up on new chances. Maybe it's time to trust yourself? Get the courage out wide legs? Believe in yourself? You are no worse than the rest, and in many ways even better. Be brave!

Don't be afraid of change and defeat

“Fate helps the brave” Poet Ancient Rome Virgil Publius Maro

How to become brave? Stop being afraid of changes in life. Fear of change drags us back into the swamp. Courage is not so much the absence of fear as the understanding that there is something more important in life than fear and caution. When you are afraid, then ask yourself who you are: a pathetic coward and a daredevil?

We are afraid to get acquainted, because then we will have to prove ourselves to the best side. Be cheerful, charming, gallant. We are afraid that we won’t succeed and everything will end broken hearted. But this is simple cowardice. You might have a great novel or a nice story, but you give up? It's time to act more boldly.

Is there an opportunity to try your career in a new place? But you are used to a stable job, albeit low-paid, unpromising and uninteresting. You're afraid to dream. You don’t want to try, but you’re afraid of theoretical defeats that will most likely never happen.

Don't be afraid to live

“Brave and courageous people make their own destiny” Paulo Coelho

How to become brave? Stop being afraid to live. Look your fear in the eye and get rid of this phobia. Calculate the risk and act. Celebrate all your victories, albeit small ones. Don't be afraid to take risks. Forget about judgment or gossip. Don't let failures and shortcomings dictate you. Don't be afraid to live. Be bolder.

Courage is the lot of the powerful. Courage is your shield and sword in the modern world. Without it you won't achieve anything. Courage lies not only in dreams and plans, but also in actions. Successful people do not give in to opportunities. They are not cowards. Get out of your comfort zone. Move ahead. Challenge yourself and accept it yourself. Be brave.

Everyone asked themselves this question, but where does it come from? courage and not everyone knows how to develop it. In this article we will analyze the most important issues and methods so that anyone who wants to develop and improve their courage can realize this goal.

Congratulations to everyone who is reading this article, you are on the first stage towards realizing your goal. Ask yourself this question right now: Why should I become bold? The answers may be different, but the most important thing is to determine what you really want.

Next, imagine that you have already become brave.What will you do, what will you do? Ask yourself these questions, develop your subconscious, it will give you very accurate and clear answers.

If you already know and have decided whatever you want, start practicing. After all, the very word “ courage" has a very simple meaning. Courage in simple words this is what a person can dare to do for himself, and the more he can afford, the braver he is. For example, a brave person can ask the seller how he is doing, ask about products, etc., which a less courageous person cannot do. It will also be easier for a brave person. There is only one reason for this: fear. It is fear that drives a person, it is fear that prevents a person from developing and becoming courageous. But not everything is as sad as you think. Fear can be overcome very easily. This takes practice.

Start small to develop yourself and become brave First of all, you need to start communicating and get to know strangers. If your fear prevents you from doing this, it’s okay, start communicating with your relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Communicate about everything, you will see how your courage gradually begins to grow.

Most easy way The way to become brave is to simply do what you love. Believe me, when a person is doing what he loves, he does not notice how brave he has already become. It was the love for his work that helped him overcome his fear and become brave.

But if you don't have a favorite thing yet, start fighting your fear. For example, if you are afraid to meet the opposite sex, go ahead and get acquainted and get acquainted. If you are afraid to ask the seller how his work day went today, go ahead and ask, be more talkative, read. Believe me, after several repetitions, your fear will disappear, and your courage will skyrocket. The main thing is not to be afraid to do everything for the first time. Since all people were once, like you, insecure and afraid of many things. But they overcame their fears and are now enjoying life calmly because they have become brave.

Another method that can help you was discovered by psychologists. This is self-hypnosis. Long-term experiments were conducted, and psychologists came to the conclusion: those people who throughout the day inspired their subconscious that they were brave actually felt quite brave throughout the day.

So, dear readers, practice, fight your fears, mind your own business, and then soon you will change yourself and become brave.