Congratulations on the day of trade to the head. Comic congratulations on the day of the trade worker. Good congratulations on the day of trade to the director

Therefore, we, by tradition, present to your attention original congratulations on the Day of the trade worker.

Congratulations on the Day of the trade worker in verse

Be a tradesman
Not such an easy lot!
At the trade worker
Lots of important stuff:

Know all the details of the product
Explore the range.
For questions so that you can
It was to give an answer in a moment.

Happy Trade Workers Day
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
At your workplace
You guys are good.

Let there be no evil customers
Greedy and stingy bores.
And give you money
Your hard honest work!

Happy Trade Workers Day!
I want to wish you
Strength, health and success,
Ignore the crisis.

To each client
Did you find a way
Demand exceeded supply
Strengthen your income.

So that taxes do not choke,
Things were just going uphill.
Happiness, joy, smiles,
To always be lucky in everything.

From dusk to dawn
Behind the counter during the day and summer.
You receive the goods
Give as a gift.

You need to know who and how
You are a psychologist, a doctor, a painter.
Understand by look
All the desires of people
Praise, presentations are happy,
Head full of ideas.

And today I need to drink
To make trading easy
So as not to offend luck,
Drink wine, not milk!

Our stormy days merchants,
You are so great!

Sellers, merchandisers
From dusk to dawn
Without resting your hands
And they trade and count
offer, measure,
Convince, assure.

Let them fill you with goods
Supplier for almost nothing
And clients, like honey,
The wind carries money.
And a happy consumer
Let him look into your monastery.
Let him, not counting the change,
All goods are purchased.

Let profit pull like a magnet,
And once stuck, it won't go away.
Let checks and taxes
They won't find the way to you.
And of course the rest
It will also be a bunch.

To all trade workers
Allow me to wish
wonderful conditions,
To sell your product.

So that the client is not capricious,
To want and be able
Unpleasant to surprises
Didn't get to receive.

With the mood to be, with fat
And keep your nose in the wind
And on your goods
There would be constant demand.

Trade Worker's Day: short congratulations in verse and SMS

These short poems can be quickly sent in a message or on social networks.

Happy Trade Workers Day!
I wish from the bottom of my heart
So that big crowds come to you
We went shopping together.

To make everyone smile
And re-entered
Your wallet is full
Well, it wasn't hard work.

Anyone who knows how to sell
Now I will congratulate!
Let your income grow
And with them - and sales!

May all things go well
Let the ray of luck shine brightly
To make it easy and effortless
You have always been the best!

Trade day gentlemen
We cannot forget.
This is the engine of progress.
Everyone has known this for a long time.
Who is involved in the trade
And who is in love with money
Let the whole year
Receives only income.
Let there be no shortage
And luck comes along!

Let sales grow
Your salary is raised
Good and simple clients,
There are fewer evil bosses,

Work only with the mood
And improve your skills
Congratulations on trade day
I wish you tea from customers!

All trade workers
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
In the field of bargain shopping
You are undeniably good.

May good luck accompany
The soul is pleased with the income.
So that all your efforts
They gave money.

Original congratulations in prose on the Day of the trade worker

Original congratulations in prose on the Day of the trade worker are suitable both for personal congratulations in your own words, and for a toast at the festive table.

Congratulations to all trade workers. We wish you to always be fully equipped and meet numerous customers with a disarming smile. Let only kind words be in the book of “reviews and suggestions”. And stable revenue and regular customers will be proof of your success. Let your income always outweigh your competitors. Excellent trade and well-being.

Congratulations to all trade workers on their professional holiday! I wish you to always be set for success, get the desired profit, easily and simply find customers, develop and strive for the best! Let everything turn out as planned, and even better! Health to you, positive and a sea of ​​​​positive results!

Congratulating you on the day of trade workers, I would like to wish only understanding and friendly buyers, correct calculations, the complete absence of shortages and good wages. Let the existing assortment always be able to satisfy the most daring requests of customers, and let your income grow exponentially.

Only a responsible, attentive and intelligent person can become a trade worker. Every day they are ready to work tirelessly, providing various goods to our entire population. Trade not only provides us with food and various attributes of human existence, but also allows us to communicate. I would like to wish you patience, grateful customers and good demand for your products.

On the day of the trade worker, I wish from all sides incomes and profits in excess of the norm. Let life be filled with happy days, fun moments, good health, respect and gratitude of others, pleasant events and constant good luck.

Photo:, open sources on the Web

Trade has played a connecting role between producers and consumers of goods and services since time immemorial. This profession requires competence, responsibility, dedication, and most importantly, the ability to work with people, patience and goodwill. In Russia, Trade Workers Day is celebrated every fourth Saturday in July. In 2018, this day falls on July 28.

If you need a beautiful congratulation, then on this page you will find it.


Happy Trade Day
All great sellers!
We want buyers
Like from magical dreams:

To smile sweetly
Bought everything,
So that they return to you more than once,
Knowing what, how much they want.

To not get you
Stupidity and emptiness.
To prevent your goods from being stolen.
And the salary, so that with a vengeance!

The worker of trade is always revered:
He is valuable, responsible and respected!
I wish you good luck, attention,
Success, enthusiasm, fun, recognition!

Let joy multiply, smile play
And everything will be quick, reliable, not flimsy!
Let fate give the desired gift
And life will shine like an asterisk brightly!

A lot of costs
Life and way of life
But well-groomed to be glad
Both professor and soldier
Both teacher and surgeon
All service bureaus need it!
And we want to congratulate
The ones everyone needs
To meet us with a warm look,
So that without nerves, unnecessary torment
Was glad to help
The best friend is the service bureau!

In honor of such a holiday - Trade Day -
I wish you a good rest:
More champagne - for health,
And for success in sales - a little bit,

For checking - without excesses,
So that there would be no shortages.
I wish your product was useful,
And your buyer believed in it!

Among thousands of signs and notes
There is one, and it is not accidental:
There is no society without trade,
We are buyers from the start.
If it's okay, the trade is going on,
This means that the country is prospering,
And the people live appetizingly,
And he does not know any particular sorrows.
Let the merchants always
Good luck star shines brightly.

It's nice to be greeted with a smile
Having understood our request, the goods are offered
And they will serve you quickly, without spoiling our nerves, -
That's craftsmanship, great service.

Sales worker - the face of the store,
He needs to be friendly.
From the tact, the culture of his behavior
It depends how we leave.

Let's be polite to each other.
On your holiday, we will not forget all the sellers
Congratulations on a profession important to everyone
In work, let profit and success await you!


On this day, we sincerely want to congratulate you and wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished dream. Let the work bring you only joy, give pleasure, do not seem boring and endless, let the clients give you their smiles, thus sharing good emotions. We wish you peace in the house, health, carefree, easy life, obedient children, powerless enemies, loyal friends. Let everything beautiful in your life multiply, and what upsets you disappear, sadness bypasses your house, and happiness settles in it forever. We wish you that those around you appreciate the efforts that you make, making life easier for them, and try to make your life happier.


From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the day of the trade worker! Let customers be polite and adequate! I wish you good health, moral strength and patience! Let the atmosphere of goodwill and positive reign in your team!

Beloved, Happy Trade Worker's Day. Your profession is mind and knowledge, calmness and tact. I wish your beauty and charm to increase sales. And optimism and good mood attracted new buyers. Strive for more and you will succeed!

Dear, I congratulate you on the Day of the trade worker. I wish that the business prospered, sales increased, and buyers drowned in the queue. Let everything in life be easy and successful! Boldly go to the intended goal, hope, believe and act!

On the day of the trade worker
I wish you big profit!
Fulfill all your dreams!
Let success not leave!


If you ask a Georgian: - How much does his kilogram weigh? The Georgian, adjusting his cap, will say: - Together with the bags, nine hundred grams, dear! Duck, let's drink to our kilogram and good trade - this is a real art!

Everyone who is connected with trade, at least a little,
Cashiers, merchants, accountants
I hasten to congratulate you on the festive outcome,
Peculiar ... Shout to you: Hurrah!

Where would we go in the evenings
Kohl would not be in the stores you?
How would you spend your evenings? Silently yawning
And not "winding" kilometers in boutiques?

I wish you less "strange" clients,
Big cash registers for you, let them please your eyes,
And the revenue to converge to the "cent" ...
Once again: happy trading holiday to you!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

I remember there were times
When scores rang around
And the whole country was afraid of them,
Weed in kitchens jokes.

But time passed, progress came,
Brought an update in the work -
Sellers now have a process
Became simple to insanity!

But still honor and praise to you
For your great patience
Please accept kind words.
To the day of the trading "flow"!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Diamond worker trade!

Happy trade workers day,
Our employee dear!
Vegetables, dishes, roofing -
Any seller is important!
Let the proceeds from the sale
Grow tenfold.
And even the salary is enough
For a solid diamond!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Congratulations colleagues in trade

We sell, you buy
Our laws are
And if you don't understand them
Excuse me, forgive us.
Congratulations to colleagues in trade,
I'll raise a toast to you all
And know that I respect you
Well, I appreciate it.


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

I come to the store at night
And there are the same cool faces:
Sellers, their Georgian director -
Everyone is frolicking, they can’t sleep at all!

After all, today is trading all day,
And I congratulate you with chocolate!
After all, they are all in the works, they are not lazy
To make our life full and sweet!

Let trade bloom and bloom,
And the client does not forget about you!
Let the tax oppress you less
And a hot dog never bites!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Happy Holidays, merchants.

You sell us a product,
We buy it from you
There are prices as much as a nightmare,
Some even inspire.
We believe in you and we believe in you
It's just that no one pays
Give us discounts often
And this is how it happens.
After all, a person is talented in everything,
Trade. We ask for a discount
We take the purchase with us,
If you don't like it, bring it.
Well, in general, with the holiday of all those
Who gives us a good product,
May that success be with you
which brings profit.

Congratulations on the day of trade workers

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Not an easy birthday today
We celebrate with the team.
Anniversary, native institution,
He came to us with a basket of chrysanthemums.

Let the flowers cheer you up
And they will give a bright splash of emotions.
Because our institution
The results showed brilliance.

Together with you, we friends have achieved
Growing profits, expensive orders.

The results could not have been different.

Please accept from the administration
Congratulations warm words.
Have fun and live together,
So that the dream always calls forward.

More inspiration in work,
Happiness in life, joy, good luck,
You are the generator of the institution,
When solving all plans and tasks.


Colleagues, I congratulate you
Happy Trade Workers Day.
I wish you without common phrases
To be intoxicated with love.

In work, let honor await you,
Greater salary bonus
And recalculation for vacation,
So as not to be stingy, resting.

Let the authorities not bother
The team greets with a smile,
Work beckons and calls
In abundance, the store blooms.

Happy Trade Worker's Day
I congratulate you, colleagues,
Profit to you unreal
I wish you a glorious holiday.

Let the "cash" flow into your hands,
Let things go uphill
Well, at home look forward
And waiting with great love.

Let the work not get bored
Let the excitement not leave
And fortune will throw you
Let's deal big cards.

Let them say whatever
Trade is not an easy field.
Let the buyers grumble
But the seller of the heart reads.

He will help you make a choice
Describe the product in detail
After all, a million offers
And not everyone can choose.

Colleagues, let our work not be easy,
But we are doing well.
Let's raise a toast
For a cause dear to my heart.

Happy Trade Workers Day
We congratulate our colleagues!
May health be strong
Success at work.

More buyers
So that there is a full cash register,
Strength, patience, good luck
And warmth!

I am this day and this hour
Colleagues, I congratulate you!
Our Trade Day has arrived!
Health to you and new strength!

So that buyers flow
To your stores rapidly flowed,
And so that the sales proceeds
Your budget has pleased you!

Well, colleagues, let's have a rest,
We'll wave a hundred for the holiday.
For the day of the trade worker,
I have prepared the most important toast.

So that we are lucky at work, at home,
In the soul so that there is no break.
To fill it with light
Warmth, kindness, dream and summer.

Happy trade workers day
I congratulate you, colleagues!
To work more successfully
I wish you patience.

Let work bring joy
And the family stands firm.
So that, without showing weakness,
We were able to sell at least the devil!

On the day of trade workers
Our team has gathered
At the table fun, songs,
And in the eyes of crazy courage.

I congratulate you, colleagues
With our holiday now,
And may Mrs. Trade
It will be good for us.

May good luck accompany
The buyer comes to us
And may every day to come
It only brings us profit.

Dear colleagues, I wish you happiness
And more good clients.
More successful deals, and cottages in the country
And in his pocket accumulated so that cents.

So that the smile never slips from the face,
To walk briskly through life.
To find what you need, but not lose yours,
And we ran easily through life.

To be loved and loved to horror,
To swirl in passion for years.
So that there is tenderness, and friends are inseparable,
And the work was desirable.

Happy trade workers day
Anyone who sells a product.
You sales, big, successful
And let the turnover grow.

Attracts and teases
Your cool range
and its diversity
Profit will bring in the moment.

Luck follows,
In fact, you do not know the hassle.
So that suddenly, with a light supply,
Prosperity will come to you.

Oh, hard work!
Day-to-day in business, worries,
Everyone needs to please
Serve without complaint.
Do not remain indifferent
Smile at everyone.
To make the client happy
And appreciated the effort.
We heartily congratulate you.
We wish you happiness, joy
Physical strength, good luck,
And good luck to boot!
New labor victories
And success for many years!

Trade Worker's Day

Trade Workers Day!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Without shopping, it's boring for us to live -
Updates inspire us!

Make more discounts -
Let's run, we'll grab everything.
Big profit, good luck
We wish you prosperity!

Trade Day

Trade workers
And magicians of trade,
We congratulate you
On your day dear.
Let them be kind
Shelves and roofs
And the sun is shining
over your destiny.

Trade Day

Trade Day celebrating
Congratulations sellers.
The buyer is attentive
You are richer than all merchants.

Be kind like a fairy tale.
Honest as the life of Christ.
And then the big box office
You will not be empty.

holiday trade day

On Trade Day, on a great day
Everywhere in the shops crush:
We are glad to personally congratulate
All counter workers!
Even - a wholesale warehouse!
Everyone is dressed - as for a parade:
The seller is very happy
The boss is happy too!
We wish you a lot of profits -
For hard work after! ..
So that a happy road
Didn't lead to the government house!

Trade, the engine of progress!
After all, everyone today without her would not be able to
Our press wrote about it
Take this poem on your holiday!

Congratulations to trade workers
For your talent and for supplying the gift.
Ask for guidance on the day of the trade
Raise your regular fee!

Trade Worker's Day

Dear trade workers,
Retail Queens
You are capable at your job
For commercial aerobatics.
We wish you excellent earnings,
Happiness and luck in personal life,
To be appreciated by your customers.
And they went to the department more often.
So that circling in worries daily,
Miracle legs did not let you down,
To go headlong into work
You still glided with ease.

Happy Trade Day

Let the trade go with a bang!
Always meet us with a smile
We will be polite in return!
Happy trading day to you! For long years!

Congratulations on the day of the trade worker

There are few interesting professions in the world,
What is compared with the seller in importance
Though poems and songs are not written about them,
We want to confess our love to sellers.

Thank you for the sincerity of smiles,
For your attitude to work,
We wish you not to make mistakes,
And always be only on a major note

Trade day postcard

Since today is trading day,
Everyone walks involuntarily -
Dealers, stall holders,
Brokers, hawkers.

So that they don't count.
So as not to eat somehow,
In order not to lose the goods,
To always have a fat -
deity Mercury,
Help, in kind!