A long-term plan for the work of the circle of manual labor “Very skillful hands. Preparatory group for school Manual labor food in the preparatory group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children No. 9 "Yakutyanochka"

Circle of manual labor in the preparatory group "Chest of ideas"

Educator: MBDOU No. 9 "Yakutyanochka" Klimovskaya Natalia Valerievna.

Explanatory note

Manual labor is a universal educational tool that can balance one-sided intellectual activity.

Physiologists have established that our fingers are organically connected with the brain, the speech center. Therefore, training hands stimulates self-regulation of the body, increases the functional activity of other organs. It has long been known about the relationship between development and intelligence. Even the simplest handicrafts require constant attention and make the child think. Skillful handwork contributes even more to the improvement of the brain. Making crafts is not only certain movements. This allows you to work on the development of practical intelligence: it teaches children to analyze the task, plan its progress.

One of the main tasks of teaching and educating children in the classroom of applied arts is to enrich the pupil's worldview, i.e. development of the child's creative culture (development of a creative non-standard approach to the implementation of the task, education of diligence, interest in practical activities, the joy of creating and discovering something new for oneself).

The child learns the world through manipulation, that is, actions with various objects that allow him to learn and study their properties, while learning his own creative abilities, change what he touches. One of the child's assistants in this most important business for his development is paper work.
Being the most accessible for children, applied art has the necessary emotionality, attractiveness, and efficiency.

Purpose of the circle: the development of manual skills in children through the strengthening of fine motor skills of the fingers and the organization of joint fine arts of children and adults.

- Introduce children to the basic concepts and basic forms of different techniques;
- Teach children various methods of converting paper, natural and waste materials.
- To form the ability to take into account the properties of materials when making crafts from them.
- Enrich the child's vocabulary with special terms;
– Create compositions with products made in various paperwork techniques;
-Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination;
- Develop fine motor skills of hands and eye;
- Develop artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children;
— To form a culture of work and improve labor skills;
-Improve communication skills.
- To cultivate accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use the material to keep the workplace in order.

The circle is attended by 11 children. The time for this activity is allocated outside of class: in the afternoon. The duration of productive activities with children varied depending on the situation and the desire of the children. A flexible form of organizing child labor in leisure activities made it possible to take into account the individual characteristics of children, desires, health status, the level of mastery of skills, being at a certain stage in the implementation of the plan, and other possible factors. Each child worked at his own level of difficulty, starting work from the place where he left off.

Classes were held in the form of a game, for playing a certain plot, poetic forms, fairy tales, outdoor and finger games, characters (toys and puppets from various theaters, images of one or another character that is played out) are used.

The implementation period of the mug is 9 months. The number of lessons per month is three. There are 27 lessons in total. Also, the works were sent to the international Internet competition, where my pupils were awarded diplomas of participation. So, at the International Children's Creative Drawing Competition "Space Journey" in the international educational portal "MAAM" the diploma of the participant - Harbin Dayaan, Nikolaeva Natasha.

At the International Children's Creative Competition of Autumn Crafts "Autumn Fantasies" and New Year's Crafts in the International Educational Portal "MAAM" the diploma of the participant is Borisov Gleb, Rozhin Kolya, Makarova Milena, Kalitina Naori, Ivanova Zhenya, Efremova Polina, Sleptsova Polina, Petukhova Dayaana,
Equipment: Paper of different formats, colors, qualities, colored cardboard; Watercolor paints, glue, scissors, plasticine, buttons, cotton wool, felt-tip pens, pencils, brushes, natural and waste materials.

Design and manual labor in kindergarten. Program and methodical recommendations. For children 2-7 years Kutsakova Lyudmila Viktorovna

preschool group

A child in the seventh year of life feels independent, knowledgeable, skillful. He is active, inquisitive, seeks new information, tries to assert himself in the company of peers and in communication with adults. He is already able to control himself, to objectively evaluate his actions and the activities of others. His attention is arbitrary, his working capacity is good, all technical processes are sufficiently developed. The child successfully masters the design, artistic work. The result of the activity becomes especially important for him. The movements of the hands of a child of 6-7 years old are quite dexterous, fast, well-coordinated, and their skill continues to develop rapidly. The child has a well-developed communicative function of speech. He quickly establishes partnerships with peers.

The child's interest in construction continues to develop; its content is expanding, new constructive skills are being formed, and the ability for creativity and invention is increasing. The child understands the drawings, design schemes, understands the patterns of crafts, is able to build them himself. The preschooler is almost ready for learning activities. Understanding this in their own way, many teachers in their work with future schoolchildren are overly carried away by their preparation for school, while increasing the burden on children associated with an increase in time for learning, to deepen its content. Sometimes the main goal in working with children of 6–7 years old becomes a quick learning to read, write, mathematical calculation, etc. , the ability to think logically, etc., since this is the key to the fact that the child will study at school with great interest and desire. It is important not to forget that the main semantic necessary activity for children at this age, and for a long time to come, will remain the game. Therefore, the program aims teachers to build upbringing and educational work with children of the preparatory group with the active use of game techniques. In this regard, the methodology of design and manual labor involves the widespread use of gaming techniques. These are entertaining design games, and exciting tasks, exercises, and games-experiments with different materials, and the inclusion of game contexts in activities, etc.

In the preparatory group, design is not given according to the model of the building by the educator in order to accurately reproduce it. Designing for the transformation of samples according to the conditions and according to the plan remains relevant.

Children 6-7 years old are offered several types of constructors with different ways of fastening parts (screws, nuts, pins, wooden studs, the Lego principle with other connecting elements). Preschoolers are trained in the design of moving objects, they are introduced to the assembly of simple mechanisms that can be used in structures (block, lever, etc.).

The organization of work with children should be aimed primarily at satisfying children's intellectual activity, at their freedom of choice. Therefore, it is important to organize activities in such a way that the child has the opportunity to select the necessary material for the implementation of his task, to look for ways to solve problems of a problematic nature. For example: “What needs to be done so that the boom of your crane does not allow it to tip over? (Make a counterweight.) And what to make it from? Where to attach? With using what?" etc. Children's construction and manual labor should be organized in such a way that the child puts forward his ideas, explores them, and checks them. It is important to teach future students to think clearly, think outside the box, reason logically, defend their point of view, offering original solutions, operating with abstract concepts accessible to their age, establish causes and effects, analyze them, etc.

Much attention should be paid to the selection of educational material that stimulates the development of the mental and creative abilities of children (collapsible technical toys, constructors, puzzles, board games and manuals with educational material, etc.); the use of various technical means: computer training with design and modeling programs, independent use of overhead projectors, video, audio players, cameras, karaoke, etc.

It is advisable to use the traditions of folk pedagogy in working with children: folk educational games, folklore, folk arts and crafts, in particular, in the organization of children's activities. For example, in their free time, boys are offered design games, and girls are introduced to needlework (for example, it is important for a boy to be able to sew a button, sew up his shirt that has been torn along the seam, but it is not at all necessary to do embroidery).

It is advisable to conduct classes in a free form of an organization in which children are encouraged to engage in business communication; offer a sufficient amount of material for the implementation of children's ideas.

It is convenient for children to construct from building material while standing, while it is better to put a box with parts on a chair next to it in order to free up the surface of the table. It is also convenient to design at tables shifted in different ways (two, three, in a tape), especially if this activity is collective.

Handicraft activities can be organized in different ways. For example, move tables by two, put everything necessary for work in the middle for each child sitting at the table. The teacher gives the task, discusses the upcoming work with the children, after which the guys take what they need at the moment for work and start it.

It happens that the group does not have enough boxes with building materials and designers. In this case, one should not limit children's activities, and even more so, count the details for construction and give the children equally. It is better to work in small subgroups. Sometimes you can offer the guys a certain theme, which they can implement in different visual material. For example, houses can be built from a desktop builder, from a large floor builder, from constructors; model from flat geometric shapes, craft from boxes, from paper cylinders, highlighting faces on them using folds, etc. It is good when different types of labor are combined to create one object. At the same time, children get ideas about visual possibilities and usually, after such a lesson in free activity, they try to try them out when creating objects offered in the lesson and other objects.

It is good if the preschool institution has an office for artistic and technical creativity, equipped with everything necessary for organizing work, in which you can take turns bringing the entire group of children to classes and for free creative activity (according to your own schedule).

It is important to give children as many impressions as possible about the life around them, to use observations more widely. Children 6–7 years old are able to go on excursions with caregivers more often. For example, it is desirable to use the opportunity to observe the construction of a building. Children will learn a lot of interesting things about the professions of builders, about various construction machines and mechanisms, about materials for creating building structures, etc. If there is a railway station near the kindergarten, you should definitely watch the movement of trains with children, pay attention to cars for various purposes, to cargo, which are transported on platforms and in open freight wagons. If there is a river near the kindergarten, then admire the movement of at least small boats. After any observations, children have a greater interest in obtaining further ideas and knowledge (“We saw a boat on our small river, but here is a picture that shows a huge passenger ship. Such a ship goes only on the seas and oceans!”). All means of visual information allow enriching the experience of children with impressions, ideas and knowledge.

Songs, riddles, rhymes make the activities of the children more interesting, emotional. So, doing planar modeling, the teacher encourages the guys:

How high are

And beautiful buildings!

Build such

Not a difficult task.

Because for this we need

Not bricks, not boards,

And cardboard figures -

Small, flat.

Here is a residential high-rise building -

You can stay in it.

And in this building

get knowledge,

Because here

Books live.


Leading the children to the design of the railway and examining with them illustrations of steam locomotives, electric trains, passenger cars, platforms, self-unloading wagons for bulk cargo, etc., the teacher comments:

Very important, very difficult

Railway transport.

Carries everything in the world

The driver in these wagons.

Paying attention to the last car, the teacher offers the child:

You think, do not rush!

Where is the stub - show me!

The plug opens

And the load is poured.

A child of this age already understands: in order for bulk cargo to spill out on its own, the plug can only be located at the bottom, in the narrowest part of the car, and the car must stand on a hill under which trucks drive up, otherwise the cargo will pour directly onto the rails.

Talking to the children before constructing various military vehicles, the educator explains:

And military vehicles

Our army needs

Because they help

Maintain the peace of the country.

And children enthusiastically design tanks, armored vehicles, vehicles with rocket launchers, all-terrain vehicles, medical service vehicles, technical assistance, etc.

You can start working in a group preparatory to school by consolidating generalized ideas about buildings in children, offering to build houses of any type and purpose, number of storeys, giving them the features of ancient or modern architecture, supplementing structures with arches, columns, pediments, etc. As examples, you can offer children's drawings, images of buildings of different architecture, schematic images and drawings from building kits, etc.

At the next lesson, you can give the task to create a district of the city, village where children live. It is better to unite the guys in groups of 3-4 people and organize "family building". Children discuss the stages of work, distribute who will build what. You can offer each subgroup a sheet of paper and a pencil to have the children sketch out the objects and their locations to help them plan their common activity. For example, in the center of the microdistrict there is a school, a kindergarten and a shop building; around are residential buildings with a playground, in the distance there is a gas station, a square, etc.

At the end of construction, you can give the children colored paper and scissors and offer to cut flower beds, paths, signs. To decorate buildings, children use trees, road signs, lampposts, little men, cars that they made in manual labor and outside classes, or small toys.

Outside of class, children can continue building on this theme by constructing a city neighborhood from constructors, such as Lego. They give their neighborhood a name. They lay routes for buses, trams, have footpaths (“zebras”), road signs, traffic lights, arrange traffic situations, while fixing the rules of the road. (It is good to have a large podium in the group room, as, indeed, in all others, on which it is convenient to build, and most importantly, not to disassemble the buildings immediately after construction, but leave them for a long time so that the children transform them, supplement them and for a long time played with them.)

Then you can start designing ships for various purposes and bridges. For example, put the tables "in tape" and put on them a long strip of blue paper depicting a river. Each child builds his own boat from the Lego constructor (for any purpose), and then the children together build a bridge according to their own plan, taking into account that all the ships built by them can sail under it (usually children, in the process of playing around, build up the foundations of bridges in height.) It is good to expand this topic in the game, inviting the children to decorate the banks of the river with trees, beaches, shops, cafes, piers, etc.

Then you can teach children to build a train. After an introductory conversation with an examination of various locomotives, wagons, the teacher invites the children to build a train. (Rails are depicted on the tables with the help of electrical tape, and each child builds his own car on them). You can invite children to number the cars (make and stick number plates), choose goods for their cars and load them thoroughly (cars, tubes, sticks, cardboard rings, bobbins, boxes, plastic bottles, animals, little men, etc.).

In free activity, it is advisable to invite the guys to build a railway from designers; build a railway station, station square, ticket offices, kiosks, benches, a square and organize a game.

Several classes should be devoted to the design of interior spaces. Children build according to their impressions of observations (theater, circus, furniture store, cafe, etc.)

At the end of the year, you need to conduct several design classes from designers with parts for creating blocks, levers, gears and belt drives and exercise children in designing simple mechanisms according to the drawings available in the application to the designer.

Children 6-7 years old continue to construct from sand. They build high-rise buildings using tall tin cans without a bottom, decorate them with loggias, inserting boards and plates into the sand. They unite buildings with arches, create architectural complexes. Build sand castles with towers. Decorate buildings with various materials. Ships, planes, rockets, apartments for dolls are cut out with shovels from compacted heaps of sand. They build a hippodrome, a space town, a workshop, a space station, a railway, etc. They create scenery buildings in the sandbox to dramatize the fairy tales “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Cat, rooster and fox”, “Masha and the bear”, etc.

From snow, children of this age construct more and more complex buildings. Usually snow figurines have a specific purpose, for example: a snow hare holds a hoop in its paws, into which you can throw snowballs. Children decorate their site: dress up snow figures in hats, scarves, scarves (lost children's things are used), hang "oranges" on the bushes (put a snowball with a loop of twine rolled into it between the two halves of the peel of an orange). The guys learn to build frame snow buildings: a frame made of slats is inserted into the snow and covered with wet snow (giraffe, palm tree, dinosaur, etc.).

In the preparatory group for school, manual labor becomes more difficult. Children continue to be taught how to work with different materials: paper, fabric, natural material. Under the guidance of an educator, they learn to create objects on their own. As a result, manual skill is formed, creativity and the ability to transform materials develop.

The peculiarity of the methodology of working with children of this age is that the teacher, organizing work, is based on their already formed skills. In the event that a new task is given with the need to master unfamiliar skills, samples of handicrafts (usually several variants of the same type of products), and an explanation and demonstration of working methods remain appropriate. However, the main methods are still verbal. Children are offered to consider, for example, crafts made from natural material, guess what and how it can be made from, explain the procedure and method of action.

At this age, children are more often united in joint activities, which involve the ability to negotiate with each other, distributing functions, helping with advice and actions. So, at the beginning of the year, it is advisable to conduct a series of classes aimed at developing children's creativity, based on firmly acquired skills in order to further develop the ability to work with paper (invent an artistic image, cut out small details to create it, decorate products with cut out details, enliven with felt-tip pens and etc.). You can invite children to make characters for a table theater out of paper strips. Usually the children are divided into subgroups of 8 people, each subgroup chooses its own fairy tale, for example, “Turnip”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Three Bears”, “Three Little Pigs”, etc. Children make characters, scenery (house, Christmas trees, furniture, etc.). In the next lesson on the development of speech, each subgroup dramatizes their fairy tale. A similar form of organizing classes can also be used in the manufacture of toys from glued and transformed paper cylinders, cones, cardboard boxes of various sizes and shapes; in the manufacture of Christmas toys, when each child makes one or two small toys, choosing any of the above methods, or inventing his own, which is especially encouraged. The teacher reminds the children how to glue a Christmas tree rain loop to the craft, fixing it with a piece of paper smeared with glue. After class, children decorate their Christmas tree, dance around it, read poetry, and sing.

It is necessary to consolidate the ability of children to fold a square into 16 small squares (in half, four times and again in half and four times), make cuts on the pattern and glue boxes, baskets, houses, doll furniture. Children are taught to make thin paper tubes (a thin strip of paper smeared with paste is wound around a pencil; after drying, the pencil is pulled out). Tree trunks, lampposts, traffic signs, wells, log huts for puppet playgrounds and much more are obtained from such tubes.

In the preparatory group, the origami technique is more widely used. Children learn how to fold a paper square in different directions and make toys, souvenirs, interior decorations, Christmas decorations, etc.

At this age, it is important to familiarize children with sewing by teaching them to sew on buttons, loops (to towels), sew with the simplest seams “forward with a needle”, “back with a needle”, “overcasting”. Children make various crafts from non-flowing types of fabric. They are taught to cut out two identical parts at the same time according to a pattern, sew them together, stuff them with cotton wool, pieces of synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, and glue or sew small elements of fabric, lace, braid, ribbons, sequins, beads, etc. to the resulting main part. For example, from round or an oval pillow can turn out a gingerbread man, a bird, a bunny, a cat, a cockerel, a flower, a butterfly, a bug and much more. If you cut a creature with a head and four limbs along the contour, then it can be turned into any little man, dressing up in any skirts, scarves, or into a fairy tale character (bunny, bear, cat, fox, etc.). If a thick wire is inserted into the limbs, then the creature can be put on four paws, and here the possibilities in children's inventions are endless.

Outside of classes and in individual activities, children can be introduced to needlework, taught to weave from paper strips, from wire, grass, twine (macrame). A useful type of work is the stringing of large beads, glass beads and beads. Children can master knitting with a large crochet (first they knit in a circle without throwing loops: beret, skirt, potholder, handbag, etc.).

Children of 6-7 years old are especially good at design activities, since they already have enough skills in working with different materials. They create puppet interiors, participate in the decoration of walls for the holiday, compositions from natural materials, etc.

A variety of materials are more widely included in work with children: packaging, plastic bottles, pieces of foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, leatherette, oilcloth, etc. Children are taught to make toys, souvenirs, jewelry, etc. from it.

Preschoolers continue to model clothes for flat cardboard dolls (draw, cut, dress up). They arrange competitions, for example, for the most elegant dress for Cinderella.

You can teach children how to make papier-mâché toys (bibabo heads, painted wall plates, nesting dolls, etc.).

Children love to make mock-ups: a street with road signs, fairy-tale castles, shop windows, scenery for fairy tales, etc. It is important that the mock-ups are not static and that you can arrange their elements differently each time and play with them.

In managing children's activities, an adult often acts as a business partner who can always give advice, help realize his plans, make something unusual himself, and play and have fun with the guys.

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municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 11 "Alyonushka"

Message for the seminar on the topic:

for design and manual labor

in the preparatory group.

Prepared by: head of MDOU L.A. Tomilova

P. Kirovsky


The child is a born constructor, inventor and explorer.

These inclinations laid down by nature are especially quickly realized and improved.

in design, because the child has an unlimited opportunity to invent

and create their own buildings, structures, showing curiosity, ingenuity,

Ingenuity and creativity.

The child learns by experience the structural properties of parts,the possibility of their fastening,

Combinations, decorations.

At the same time, as a designer, he creates, learning the laws of harmony and beauty.

Children who are fond of designing are distinguished by rich imagination and imagination,

active desire for creative activity, desire to experiment, invent;

They have developed spatial, logical, mathematical, associative thinking,

memory, namely, this is the basis of intellectual development and an indicator of readiness

child to school.

Children in the preparatory group for school have largely masteredconstruction

from building material. They are fluent in generalized ways analysis,

both images and buildings; not only analyze the main constructive peculiarities

different parts, but also determine their shape based on similaritywith familiar volumes

Items. Free buildings becomesymmetrical and proportional

Their construction is carried out on the basis of visualorientation. Children quickly and correctly

Select the necessary material. They are enoughrepresent the exact sequence

in which the construction will take place,and the material that will be needed to complete it;

capable of performing variousaccording to the degree of complexity of the construction, as according to their own plan,

as well as conditions.

At this age, children can already master the complex forms of addition from a sheet. paper

And come up with their own, but they need to be specially trained for this.This type of activity

is not just accessible to children - it is important for deepening theirspatial representations.

Complicated construction of natural material.

Children already have access to holistic compositions according to a preliminary plan, which can

convey complex relationships, including human and animal figuresin various conditions.

Considering all the above features of the children of the preparatory group, are put

the following design tasks:

1. Learn to see the structure of an object and analyze its main parts,

Establish the functional purpose of each of them, determine

compliance of the shapes, sizes, location of these parts with the conditions

in which the structure will be used.

2. Teach children based on the analysis of structures, objects, independently

Find individual design solutions.

3. To form an interest in a variety of buildings and structures.

Encourage desire, convey their features in constructive activities.

4. Strengthen teamwork skills: the ability to distribute responsibilities,

Plan the process of manufacturing an item, work in accordance

With a common idea, without interfering with each other.

In the preparatory group, in addition to the tasks of designing from building material,

Construction tasks from constructor parts are added.

Building material construction.

1.Teach children to build different designs of the same object

in accordance with their purpose (bridge for pedestrians, bridge for vehicles), determine whether

what details are most suitable for construction, how best to combine them.

Construction from constructor parts.

1. Introduce a variety of plastic designers.

Learn to create various models (buildings, planes, trains, etc.) according to the drawing,

According to the verbal instructions of the educator, according to their own plan.

Learn to assemble structures with a staple and a mallet.

2. Introduce children to a wooden constructor, the details of which are fastened with pins.

Learn to create various designs (furniture, cars, animals, etc.)

according to the drawing and according to the verbal instructions of the educator. Learn to build structures

united by a common theme.

In the preparatory group, the tasks of manual labor become more complicated,

new section: "Working with fabric".

1. To form the ability to independently make toys for

role-playing games; souvenirs for parents, employees

kindergarten, kids; tree decorations.

2. Involve children in the production of teaching aids and

independent activities (boxes, counting material, etc.), in

repair of books, desktop-printed games.

3. To teach to use skills in independent activities

works acquired in the classroom with natural material,

paper, cardboard.

4. Teach children how to use a needle, perform a “forward needle” seam and

"over the edge", sew on buttons.

5. Learn to use materials economically and rationally.

Work with paper and cardboard.

1. Learn to fold paper in a rectangular, square, round shape

Different directions, use paper of different textures, make markings

Using the template, create fun toys.

2. Learn to create objects from strips of colored paper, select colors and their

Shades in the manufacture of toys, souvenirs, costume details and decorations for the holidays.

3. Teach children to create voluminous origami toys.

4. To form the ability to use a drawing as a model.

Working with natural materials

1. Learn to create figures of people, animals, birds from acorns, cones, seeds, grass,

branches, roots and other materials, convey the expressiveness of the image, creating general


Working with fabric.

1. Learn to thread a needle, tie a knot, sew on a button, hanger,

Sew the simplest products (a bag for seeds, an apron for dolls, a needle bed) with a seam

"needle forward."

2. Learn to make an appliqué using pieces of fabric of various textures,

draw contours with a chalk and cut in accordance with the intended plot.

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Lesson scenario with which you will tell preschoolers about snitching. A speech pathologist conducts a lesson together with a teacher-psychologist. FOR WHOM, WHY AND HOW Participants: children of senior preschool age Purpose: to form moral ideas about good and evil in the context of snitching Tasks: to exercise syllabic analysis, synthesis and selection of synonyms; develop...

What aspects of readiness for school are especially important? This is the ability to accurately perceive and complete the task; memorize the sequence of actions necessary for its implementation; development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination; ability to perform sound analysis ...

Competition of readers on the theme: "The book is a source of wisdom" Objectives of the competition: creating conditions for the cognitive and speech development of children; education of a positive emotional attitude to literary poetic works; development of artistic and speech performing skills when reading poems; revealing the best reciters...

Mushakeyeva Galia Syamigullovna, educator, MBU school 26 s / p d / s "Topolek", Togliatti
Explanatory note
One of the main tasks of a preschool institution is to prepare children for school. However, there are guys who, with normal mental development, have speech deviations and are not able to master the necessary skills in preparation for learning to read and write. These are children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP). For such children, insufficient development of fine motor skills is characteristic. This is the group I work with.
There is a connection between speech development and finger motor skills. The level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine hand movements. Until the movements of the fingers become free, the development of speech cannot be achieved. In a child, special attention should be paid to the training of his fingers.
Manual labor has a huge impact on the development of the hand. We noticed that children are attracted to crafts made from natural materials, paper, and beadwork. They admire toys made from junk material. With great desire they use them in games. Therefore, the proposal to learn how to weave from beads, make paper toys, and crafts from natural materials delighted the children. Parents enthusiastically supported us - teachers and children. This is how the manual labor circle “Skillful Hands” was defined.
This circle program is designed for one year of education for children 7 years old.
We have developed a cycle of manual labor lessons for children of the preparatory group. The list of occupations included work with natural material, paper, waste material, beads.
The purpose of the circle: ensuring the speech well-being of preschoolers at the stage of preparation for schooling through the types of manual labor.
The "Skillful Hands" circle will have a positive effect on the activation of fine motor skills of the hands, the development of small muscles of the hand, the development of imagination, fantasy, memory, the ability to organize one's activities (perseverance, attention span). This, in turn, will favorably affect the successful adaptation to schooling.

Perspective plan for the year on manual labor. preparatory group


1. "Pictures from stone"

Exc.: to teach children to compose a composition of river stones by sticking them on cardboard. Develop creativity, imagination, sense of rhythm. Keep learning how to clean your workspace. Cultivate respect for natural materials. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: river stones, cardboard, PVA glue.

Exc. sod: to teach children to make an application from ash seeds. To consolidate the skills of working with scissors when cutting out individual parts from paper (eyes, mouth, ears, paws). Develop imagination and creativity. Cultivate respect for natural materials. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: cardboard sheet, ash seeds, colored paper, scissors, glue.

3. "Fairy-tale heroes of the forest"

Exc. sod: to continue to develop in children the desire to do manual labor, to use the skills of working with natural material. Continue to learn how to make crafts according to a drawing, combine different materials in one craft, fasten with sticks and plasticine. Develop creative imagination, cultivate artistic taste.
Material: fir and pine cones, ash lionfish, walnut shells, down and feathers of birds, plum stones, moss.

4. "Cactus"

Etc. sod: teach children how to make a cactus craft from natural material (cucumber, zucchini) using toothpicks. Develop imagination and creativity. Cultivate respect for natural materials. Materials: Cucumber or zucchini, toothpicks, rowan berries, a small flower pot.


Other sod .: learn to work carefully with a needle, learn the rules for using a needle, teach children to do crafts from natural material; Continue to teach preschoolers to clean their workplace, carefully handle natural material.
Material: rowan berries, strong threads, needles, if desired, melon seeds, watermelon.

Material: cardboard of various shapes and sizes, plasticine, seeds of various plants

3. "Magic leaves"

Exc.: teach children how to make leaf appliqué. Develop creativity and imagination. Continue to teach preschoolers to clean their workplace, carefully handle natural material.
Material: dry leaves, glue, cardboard.

4. "Plate for dolls"

Other sod.: to teach children to make applications from natural material on a plasticine basis, to develop creativity, imagination, a sense of rhythm, to learn to compose a composition.
Material: cardboard plate, plasticine, seeds of various plants, sample.


1. "Tea utensils for dolls"

Exc. sod: To teach children to decorate dishes with small pebbles, shells, using a plasticine base, to decorate crafts as they wish. Develop creativity and imagination. Cultivate artistic taste. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: river stones, shells, plastic cup and saucer, plasticine.

2. "Kokoshniki"

Exc.: to teach children to use different natural materials to decorate the kokoshnik, to compose a composition. Cultivate respect for natural material, accuracy. Develop fantasy, imagination, sense of rhythm.
Material: kokoshniks made of cardboard and pasted velvet paper, seeds of different plants, dried flowers, leaves, scissors, PVA glue, brushes, sample.
Literature: V. Pudova "Toys from natural gifts" pp. 41-43

3. "Snowflakes"

Other sod.: to teach children to make applications from natural material on a plasticine basis, to develop creativity, imagination, a sense of rhythm, to learn to compose a composition.
Material: cardboard of various shapes and sizes, plasticine, seeds of various plants.

4. "Bunch of grapes"

Etc. sod: teach children how to make plasticine-based walnut crafts. Develop creativity and imagination. Cultivate accuracy. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: walnuts (3 pcs per child), plasticine, cardboard.


1. "Noise Makers"

Etc.: to teach children to make musical instruments from various waste materials, to decorate crafts as they wish, to develop imagination, ingenuity, to learn to listen carefully to the work plan.
Material: yogurt cups, round stick, match, fishing line, rosin, awl, knife. (Work with an awl and a knife is done by the teacher in advance)

2. "Turntables"

Exc.: to teach children to make a variety of toys from the same blank and establish their similarity with familiar objects; learn how to do crafts based on diagrams; develop constructive thinking and ingenuity; expand personal and gaming experience; enrich vocabulary.
Material: squares of colored paper, a pencil for making sticks, carnations, a hammer.


Exc.: to learn how to make crafts from matchboxes, to supplement crafts with details, giving expressiveness and resemblance to real animals. Continue to learn to analyze the drawing and sample. Encourage children to make crafts for further use in the game. Develop creativity, imagination, thinking.
Material: matchboxes, colored


Exc.: to teach children to make a variety of toys from the same blank and establish their similarity with familiar objects; learn how to do crafts based on diagrams; analyze the schema; develop constructive thinking and ingenuity.
Material: squares of colored paper, colored paper for decoration, scissors, glue, brushes, diagrams, sample.


1. "Dress for Neptune"

Program content: to teach children how to make simple foil crafts, create their own composition in accordance with the plan, use the knowledge and skills gained in creating an artistic image. Develop a creative interest in various paper construction techniques.
Material: napkins, foil, needle, thread, pin, scissors.

Other cod. : continue to learn how to fold paper in different directions in accordance with the drawing; to develop in children intelligence, creativity, the ability to use different means of expression when creating an image; learn to simulate a game situation
Material: landscape sheet (cardboard), colored paper, scissors, glue or colored pencils, paints, orange paper rectangles, schemes.


Exc.: continue to learn how to fold paper in different directions in accordance with the drawing; to develop in children intelligence, creativity, the ability to use different means of expression when creating an image; learn to simulate a game situation;
Material: landscape sheet (cardboard), colored paper, scissors, glue or colored pencils, orange paper rectangles, schemes.


Exc.: teach children to fold paper in different directions, making a picture frame. Develop the ability to analyze the drawing. Do the job carefully. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: rectangular sheets of white paper (or wallpaper), simple pencil, ruler, drawing.


Proc.: continue to learn how to make crafts from various materials,; to develop in children intelligence, creativity, the ability to use different means of expression when creating an image; learn to simulate a game situation; enrich the emotional sphere and vocabulary.
Material: balloons for each child (different colors), self-adhesive paper, scissors, thread, adhesive tape, simple pencils, sample.

2. "Airplane".

The purpose of the lesson: to teach children to make an airplane out of paper; to consolidate the ability to fold a paper sheet in half, diagonally. Learn how to craft as you wish. Develop creativity and imagination. Develop fine motor skills.
Materials: aircraft models, colored sheets of paper, felt-tip pens of various colors.

3. "CRANKS IN TRACKS" (penguins)

Exc.: evoke positive emotions in children and the need for new information; to consolidate constructive skills and abilities; develop creativity; enrich vocabulary. Continue to perform the application in the breaking way.
Materials: black paper squares, diagrams, sample, dark blue cardboard and white ice floe paper, scissors, glue.

4. "BIRDS"

Exc.: continue to teach children how to make paper crafts, correctly transfer the stencil onto a sheet of cardboard, continue to teach how to fold paper with an "accordion" to get a fan; to develop in children intelligence, creativity, the ability to use different means of expression when creating an image; learn to simulate a game situation; enrich the emotional sphere and vocabulary.
Material: bird stencils, sample, cardboard, colored paper, scissors, pencil, glue, strong thread.


1. "TULIP"

Exc.: to involve children in an exciting game and creative activity; develop interest in the world around and constructive skills; expand social experience and enrich vocabulary. Continue to learn to analyze the drawing, do the craft according to the scheme, continue to learn to work in pairs, be patient when explaining how to do the craft.
Material: squares of different colors and shades matching the color of the tulip, strips of green paper for making the stem and leaves, diagrams, samples.
Literature: Kobitina "Working with paper. Crafts and games" p.55-56

2. "Kingdom of beads"

Etc. sod: to acquaint with the history of the development of beading. To develop positive motivation in the activities of the circle in children. Contribute to the formation and satisfaction of cognitive interest in beads of different textures. Contribute to the “immersion” of children in the amazing realm of beads.
Material for the lesson: a variety of beadwork.

3. “Belt for a doll”

Etc. sod: to promote the development of the ability to string beads on a linen thread, after making a knot at the end of the thread.

4. "Track of beads"

Etc. sod: learn to string beads on a thread, alternating beads in a certain order. Develop a sense of rhythm. Cultivate perseverance, patience. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: beads of different colors, linen thread.


1 “Doll decoration (pendant)”

Etc. sod.: Encourage the desire of children to make a funny craft for the doll with their own hands. To promote the development of the ability to string beads on a thread, give the desired shape to a string and connect the ends of the parts.
Material for the lesson: linen thread, beads.

2. "Ring on the finger"

Etc. sod: Saturate children's life with new impressions, stimulate children's creativity. To consolidate the skill of connecting the ends of a string of beads, forming a ring out of it. Encourage friendly relations between children, the desire to help each other. Develop fine motor skills.
Material for the lesson: beads, linen thread.