Essay on the topic “Characteristics of a person” (about a friend). Essay describing the appearance of a friend or girlfriend Brief description of a best friend

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Description of a person

Compiled by students of grade 8B

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"

Saransk, 2005


"My girlfriend"

Performed: 8B grade student Olya Beketova Checked: Sizikova Valentina Ivanovna

Saransk 2005

I want to write an essay about my best friend, Inessa. She is a wonderful friend. Inessa is kind and sympathetic, she will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Like all people, she has flaws - she is a little secretive, but this adds to her personality. Inessa is short, she has an upright posture, she is not plump, but at the same time not thin. She has a smooth gait; when she walks, she seems to be floating. Inessa dresses with taste, mainly in her wardrobe things are blue and its various shades, because these are her favorite colors. Inessa's face is round, and on it are two clear, shiny eyes, gray in color. The nose is wide, but not potato-shaped, small bow-shaped lips, bright scarlet. Inessa's voice is pleasant and gentle, a little trembling. Her hair is light brown, faded in places by the sun. Because of this, it seems that she has been highlighted, although this is not the case. I am happy that I have a friend like Inessa. And for everyone who doesn’t have a girlfriend, I wish to have one like her.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"




Performed 8B grade student Elena Burova. I checked

Saransk 2005

I believe that you can’t have too many true friends! And no matter how sociable a person is, only a few are his true friends. This is exactly how I consider my cousin Irina. I want to tell you about her. Ira is short, but she is beautiful in her own way. She has a round, friendly face with a high forehead and an open, cheerful smile. Her eyebrows are thin, dark, and crescent shaped. My sister has gray-blue eyes with fluffy eyelashes. They always have some kind of sparkle! Irina is brown-haired, her hair is dark brown, straight and shiny. Ira's clothes are dominated by a sporty style. She loves pink very much and therefore tries to choose clothes in accordance with this color scheme. She is always dressed tastefully and neatly. I don't like people who don't like anything and don't make the slightest effort to be pleasant to interact with. But my sister is not like that! She is the funniest person in the world! Irisha is a very cheerful girl by nature, and always takes every opportunity to laugh! She knows a lot of fascinating stories and funny jokes. I like spending time with Ira. We always meet on weekends. We often discuss books and new films, listen to music and visit friends. Irina is doing quite well at school, and it seems to me that all subjects are equally easy for her. We look at the world in many ways the same way, valuing in people, first of all, intelligence and honesty. Irisha and I are good friends. We help each other a lot and try to never quarrel. But if it suddenly comes to this, then we immediately meet each other halfway and be sure to make peace! I am happy that I have such a sister and friend like Irina!

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"


"My sister"

Performed: Zhuravleva Zhenya, 8B grade student. Checked: Sizikova Valentina Ivanovna

Saransk, 2005

Every summer my cousin Ksenia comes to visit me. She graduated from art school and spends every free minute doing what she loves - drawing. And I love watching her, the process of a new portrait, landscape or still life appearing on paper. Ksenia sits down on a chair on the balcony, legs tucked under her, puts a board with paper on her knees, picks up a pencil and plunges into her world. Her head is slightly tilted forward. Thick curly hair, as always, is styled in an unusual, peculiar hairstyle, but sometimes a gust of wind tugs at a stray curl. Long brown bangs cover her brown eyes. With a sharp movement of her head, Ksyusha tries to push it away from her high forehead, but the stubborn bangs return to their place again. Sometimes, lost in thought, my sister bites her thin lips. Monotonous hand movements are sometimes interrupted. She puts the drawing aside, takes a knife and, with sharp, clear movements, begins to fix the pencil. If you approach her with any question, she will calmly answer without raising her head or stopping the movement of her hand. The only thing that can bring a sister out of her state of tranquility is a mobile phone. With a sharp movement, Ksyusha grabs it and enthusiastically reads the message, immediately scribbling a response. It is clear that this is an important message for her. Then she puts the phone aside and looks into the distance for a few minutes, tuning into her previous “wave.” And now the drawing is in my hands again. So the sister can sit until dark, until the details of the drawing merge into a single whole. Watching Ksyusha, I try to understand what she is thinking about. It's always interesting to watch a person doing what he loves.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"


"My brother"


8B grade student

Plekhanov Igor


Sizikova Valentina Ivanovna

Saransk 2005 I have a brother Dima. He will soon be twelve years old. He is still short. He has brown hair, blue eyes, a straight nose and thin lips. By nature, Dima is very sociable, he easily gets along not only with his peers, but also with people older than him. Cheerful, energetic. He is friends with both boys and girls. Among his classmates, Dima occupies one of the leading places. He loves to argue and always defends his point of view. He is very active and likes sports. He used to play in the football section, now he plays table tennis. The dexterous brother is a dexterous, brave, active person who overcomes obstacles. He always strives for victory, and is very worried about defeats and failures. All these qualities help him in his studies. Dima is hardworking and disciplined. He enjoys solving crossword puzzles and solving puzzles. His favorite subjects at school are mathematics and physical education. He also really likes Viktor Tsoi’s songs. Dima is a kind and sympathetic boy who never refuses help.

M.O.U-Lyceum No. 43


My best friend.

Completed by: Kiyaikin A.G.

Checked by: Sizikova V.I.

Saransk 2005

In this essay I want to talk about my best friend. Nine years ago, my parents and I moved to a new apartment. I was incredibly happy about this. I wanted to quickly explore the new house, learn about its inhabitants and, of course, make new friends. One day I was riding a bicycle and a short guy with dark hair joined me, he said his name was Sasha, he invited me to ride with him to the race. That's how we met. Later I met other guys, they all knew Sasha. The guys said that he is a good person and a great friend. In nine years of friendship with him, I have only become convinced of this. Sasha is a desperate, brave and good-natured person, ready to give up everything and help his friend at any moment.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"

An essay about:

"My brother".

Completed: 8B grade student Alexander Kornev Checked: Sizikova V.I.

Saransk 2005.

I would like to tell you about my brother. He has gray eyes, a short nose, small pink lips, light brown hair. He has an upright posture, but a very interesting manner of walking quickly, which manifests itself in the desire to never be late. Blue is my brother's favorite color. This can be seen in his love of dressing in blue clothes, which include shirts and denim. My brother is a very simple person. He cannot live without communication. Therefore, he values ​​​​friendship very much. My brother is still small, so he, like all children, has an idea of ​​the world as something good and unique that must be protected and treasured.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"


“Take care of your honor from a young age”

. Completed: Julia Lazareva, 8B grade student Checked: Sizikova Valentina


Saransk, 2005

Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is the main character of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". In his carefree childhood, Peter chased pigeons and played with the yard boys. But after Grinev’s appearance in the Belogorsk fortress, the life of himself and the people around him changed. Having met the daughter of Commandant Mironov, he fell in love and began writing poetry, which was the reason for the duel. By challenging Shvabrin to a duel, he wants to prove that he can stand up for himself and will not allow Masha’s good name to be discredited. The duel could have ended in the death of Grinev, due to Shvabrin’s meanness, which Peter did not expect. During the young man’s illness, Shvabrin writes a denunciation against Peter to his parents, after which Shvabrin becomes an enemy for Peter Grinev. During the uprising, the commandant, his wife and all the officers were executed. Shvabrin tarnished the honor of the officers, betrayed his oath, and began to serve the rebels. Grinev would never have become a traitor, but the faithful Savelich saved him from death. The young man could not even imagine that a child’s rabbit sheepskin coat, once given to a tramp, would save him from the noose. Being completely in the hands of Emelyan Pugachev, he was not afraid to tell the truth. This is what the leader of the rebels valued in people. Grinev was not afraid to sacrifice his life to save Maria from the hands of Shvabrin, and how he behaved in court, when at the risk of being sentenced to lifelong hard labor, he tries not to tarnish Maria’s honor.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"


"My mom"



Student of 8B grade.


Sizikova Valentina Ivanovna.

My mom.

My mother's name is Maria. All children think that their parents are the best. But my mom is the best.

Her appearance is attractive. It's a pleasure to talk to her and spend time with her. You can always turn to her for advice, she will support you in difficult times.

Sometimes we quarrel, but it doesn't last long. We have many common interests. In the evenings we talk about school, sports, movies. Mom is very hardworking: in one day she manages to cook food, wash, iron.

If she comes home from work and sees me sleeping, tired after school, she will cover me with a blanket and wash the dishes for me.

I love my mother very much and cannot imagine my life without her.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"




Napalkov Vladimir

I checked:

Sizikova Valentina Ivanovna

Saransk 2005

I will tell you about a person I know well - about my mother. She looks like this: curly brown hair, blue eyes, long eyelashes, a small straight nose, small ears. She is kind and cheerful by nature, with a good sense of humor. She loves listening to music and watching TV. She simply loves cleanliness and order, so every weekend our apartment is cleaned. She also loves cosmetics and beautiful jewelry. She just can't leave the house without her hair and makeup done. My mother and I often walk and go shopping. She and I spend a lot of time together, which is why I learned so much about her.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"


« Egoza»

Performed: student of 8B grade Napalkova Masha. Checked: Sizikova V.I. .

Saransk, 2005

A.S. Pushkin is a famous person all over the world. His fairy tales do not allow a child to grow up without joy. And it’s not for nothing that this playful child in childhood loved it when his beloved nanny, Arina Rodionovna, read them (fairy tales). Childhood. Here he is, a teenager, twelve years old, thick-lipped, with curly brown hair, wearing a blue uniform with red cuffs and trousers made of white cloth - a lyceum student. Pushkin was far from diligent in his lyceum studies, they were boring to him, he did best in the Russian language, and even then his success, according to the teachers, was “not as solid as brilliant.” By the time he entered the Lyceum, his character had radically changed. His comrades nicknamed Pushkin Egoza. He was restless, active, and sharp-tongued. His pride sometimes made him shy, and his hidden shyness sometimes pushed him into rash, abrupt actions. Even towards your friends. Kind, impressionable, then he suffered doubly. His temper was known, and his ability to give himself entirely to the emotional impulse that gripped him was also known. Pushkin's gaze always burned with new thoughts and ideas. His own character even then gave him a lot of trouble. But still, Pushkin had many friends at the Lyceum. Poetry united them all. Poetry, literary studies, lyceum handwritten journals... But the main thing is this: poetry strengthened everything human in them. She opened up to them, teenagers. The wealth of a person's inner world. The greatness of the historical life of the people taught respect for man, for human dignity and, therefore, for oneself - thinking and lawless beings. In their glorious lyceum community, in spite of how they were going to be raised, life was overflowing. They had everything: the boiling of thought, and friendship, warmed by the similarity of opinions and tastes, and true love, and the playfulness of childhood. To ask: what was the main thing, what moved them, what developed their hearts and minds? The answer can be this: time. The majestic and stormy years of youth. Pushkin was an unpredictable man. And most importantly, talented. He had a brilliant mind, which he worked hard on. I want me, to some extent, to have the same mind, and most importantly the same imagination.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"


« Mother"

Performed: Student of grade 8B Ovchinnikova Ksenia Checked: Sizikova Valentina Ivanovna

Saransk 2005

The person I know very well is my beloved mother. She is an interesting, mysterious woman. The face shape is round. She has beautiful, large, expressive eyes of light green color, framed by dark eyelashes. Clear eyebrow lines. There is so much willfulness and fire in these eyes, they can be tender and affectionate, tough and demanding. Middle lips. Short haircut, dyed hair. The gait is proud, majestic. Your posture is always straight. A full, curvy figure that emphasizes kindness. Hands are tender, nails are always well-groomed. Selects things correctly, harmonizes. Favorite color is black. Work is interconnected with control over other subordinates. Therefore, she notices the shortcomings of people, who has what character. My mother’s character manifests itself in grumpiness and harmfulness, but she is very wise. Mommy knows where to scold, where to talk, where to scold, and where to caress. This is why I value her, cherish her and love her very much. No one can replace my parents.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43".


"My best


Performed: Chills Elena. Checked: Sizikova Valentina Ivanovna.

Saransk 2005.

My best friend's name is Natasha. He is a good-natured person with a very strong character. She is vindictive, but never forgets kindness. You can immediately see what her mood is by looking at her face. My friend has brown eyes that stand out against her pale face. Red curly hair falls below the shoulders, which supports a long neck. Natasha is very active. Walks with a fast gait. Her favorite color is pink, so almost everything in her wardrobe is pink. She differs from other people in that she can help at any moment, regardless of her problems. She believes that with patience and hard work you can achieve a lot in this life, the main thing is to never give up on your goal. Natasha can do what she is not interested in because she knows that no one else will do it for her. I really like this persistence. When I communicate with Natasha, I seem to be charged with her energy to achieve her goal.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"


« My favourite teacher"

Performed: Elena Sityaeva, 8th grade student Checked: Sizikova Valentina Ivanovna

Saransk, 2005

In the life of every person there is something dear, important, leaving a mark for life. Teaching is a difficult profession. How much work and patience is needed to turn naughty mischief-makers into young people striving for their goals. When it comes to teachers, I immediately remember the Russian language teacher Galina Grigorievna. The first impression was mixed. Her entire appearance expressed severity and restraint. She is a short, thin woman with kind, brown eyes. She always dresses strictly, but very beautifully. Galina Grigorievna has a very good character; even when confronted by notorious hooligans, she never raises her voice. She builds relationships with students on mutual respect. If someone does not understand the material presented, she will patiently explain and give accessible examples to everyone. Very soon we fell in love with her. She truly became our second mother. During lessons, Galina Grigorievna was a strict but fair person. During breaks, she lived the life of students, never raising her voice, and this was usually not required. Of course, our noisy class causes a lot of anxiety, but she is always sympathetic to all our problems. My favorite teacher is a worthy role model in everything. I will always remember her with great warmth!

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"


“What should a doctor be like?”

Completed: student of grade 8B Syresin Vitaly Checked: Sizikova Valentina Ivanovna

Saransk 2005

I I think that a doctor should be beautiful not so much in appearance, but in spiritual qualities. A doctor must be a Person with a capital P. He must have not only high professionalism, but also dedication and nobility, mercy and kindness, courage and determination. However, the one who chose this profession must be prepared for the fact that he will not only not hear words of gratitude, but will also be cursed. In my opinion, this is one of the most noble professions on Earth.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 43"


"My brother"

Completed: Ruslan Tazhigulov, 8th grade student Checked: Sizikova Valentina Ivanovna

Saransk, 2005

I have a younger brother. His name is Albert. In March he will turn 7 years old and will go to first grade. But I will not focus on this and want to move on to a description of his appearance and character. My brother looks a lot like my dad: he has the same brown eyes, the same round face, the same dark brown hair. His posture is slender, but he walks swaying. My grandfather says that Albert walks like a little bear. My brother loves to draw. He has already created several “masterpieces”. Albert also loves to play sports and often visits the Mordovia Sports Complex with his parents on weekends. His character is friendly. He himself is sociable, loves to play with guys his age, and has a quick temper, but this quick temper goes away quickly. Albert is a cunning but honest man. One day he spilled water in the kitchen. The brother quickly and casually wiped the floor with a rag, ran up to his mother and immediately told her about it. Albert doesn't know how to read yet, but since he is a hard worker, my brother is trying his best to learn. He understands that this is very important and necessary for him. I think my brother will grow up to be a good man.

I love my girlfriend very much. We spend a lot of time together, we always have fun and interesting. We can walk around our city for hours and discuss everything under the sun. I will try to describe her appearance and some character traits.
General impression of my friend's appearance
Let me start by saying that my friend is quite tall, about 175 cm, slender and long-legged. In clothes, she prefers a classic and casual style: strict, simple dresses, slightly above the knee length, jackets, neutral sweaters, ballet shoes. She also loves

Wear jeans and discreet T-shirts; she wears sneakers or moccasins with this outfit. She reads a lot and therefore has to wear glasses. Her glasses are very ordinary - rectangular lenses in black plastic frames. She has long and thick hair, brown in color, usually loose and hanging down below her shoulder blades, but sometimes she wears it in a thick bun at the back of her head.

Details of her appearance
My friend's eyes are almost always hidden behind glasses and therefore appear larger than they really are. As you know, eyes are the mirror of the soul
My friend’s “mirrors” are very mischievous and smart, green

The colors have small splashes of yellow and are surrounded by dark eyelashes. Her eyebrows are thin, and since she doesn’t use makeup, they are the same color as her hair. There is a small mole above her thin and sharp lips, which suits her very well. Her nose is small and slightly upturned. The ears are most often hidden by hair and do not stand out much against the general background.

A distinctive feature of her appearance are her hands - narrow palms and very long, thin fingers with almond-shaped nails. Such fingers are called “musical”, but she does not know how to play musical instruments.
Overall, I think my friend is a very pretty girl, with her own style, inner charm and a great sense of humor.

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Essays on topics:

  1. I have known my friend Anya since I can remember. And my mom says that we...
  2. Vera and I have been friends since early childhood because we live in the same house. Vera is a very beautiful girl. She has...

I have a friend Sveta. We've been friends since kindergarten. At first we were in the same group, now we study in the same class. I would like to tell you about her.


Sveta is a very beautiful girl. She is tall and slender, like a birch tree. She has long legs and a wasp waist. I also really like that Sveta has beautiful, long fingers. It feels like she's making music.

My friend has a very cute face.

Large eyes surrounded by long black eyelashes.

She has dark brown eyes and fair skin. Her hair is also dark as night. She currently has a bob cut that looks good on her thick hair. Also, my friend has a neat nose. Her mouth is small and her lower lip is slightly larger. Because of this, she always looks a little capricious.


But I’m friends with Sveta, of course, not because of her appearance. In general, I believe that the most important thing in a person is his soul. Here she is very light. Her name reflects her character well. She is kind and always tries to help everyone. She is very active, because she manages to study well, help her parents and draw. It's very interesting with my friend. She always comes up with some interesting activity. She is cheerful and always finds a reason to laugh. But Sveta cannot be called frivolous; she knows when to put jokes aside and become serious. That's why she studies well.

Sveta is very faithful. She will never leave a friend in difficult times. You can tell her any secrets and know that she won’t tell them to anyone.

I really enjoy spending time with her. I'm glad that Sveta is my friend.

In the essay I will talk about my friend Marina. Marina and I have been friends since first grade and even sit at the same desk.

Marina has a beautiful round face. Small, slightly convex forehead. Her skin is fair and her cheeks are rosy. The eyebrows are dark, in an even semicircle.

The nose is small, straight, slightly turned up. When Marina laughs, she wrinkles her nose, and it looks funny.

The eyes are large, gray-blue, with long thick eyelashes. The expression in the eyes is always friendly and kind. But sometimes, when Marina is angry, her eyes become dark and green. And when they are not angry, they are radiant. If Marina thinks, she squints her eyes a little and turns them to the side.

Lips are pink and smooth. Teeth white. When Marina smiles, funny dimples appear on her cheeks. She laughs often and with pleasure. The laughter is loud and cheerful.

The ears are small and pressed to the head. She wears silver heart-shaped earrings on her earlobes.

My friend's hair is dark and wavy, cut straight. Length - just below shoulders. She has a straight bang on her forehead. Most often she wears her hair in a ponytail at the back of her head. But sometimes she braids two braids and secures them with beautiful elastic bands. On holidays, Marina lets her hair down and gathers it under a headband.
Marina's height is average. She is slim. Posture is straight, shoulders slightly thrown back. Marina never slouches and always sits or stands straight. She has a long slender neck. This is especially noticeable when she makes a ponytail on her head and her neck is open.

Marina has very beautiful, smooth, long fingers, probably because she plays the piano.

When talking, Marina does not gesticulate very much and does not wave her arms. But when he wants to highlight some point in his speech, he raises his index finger up.

The girlfriend dresses neatly and beautifully. She especially likes to dress up in skirts and blouses. Sometimes she wears jeans and sweaters, they suit her too. He wears a beautiful watch or a plastic bracelet on his wrist.

I really like being friends with Marina. I like her attractive appearance and her kind, sympathetic character.

Description of a person's appearance Girlfriends essay

Frankly speaking, I have many good, loyal friends. They are my classmates, boys and girls from my city. But my best friend for more than 5 years has been Elizabeth. She looks nice and is 17 years old. Lisa is not very tall, but she has a very attractive body. She plays sports every day and attends yoga classes twice a week, so her figure is beautiful, athletic, and toned. Of course, an ideal figure is only part of beauty. After all, only a combination of a beautiful body, spirit and mind can make a person beautiful, even if the facial features are generally ordinary.

Elizabeth has straight, long, blonde hair, which she often wears in a bun. She has blue eyes and long dark eyelashes, as well as large lips, which she always wears with clear gloss. She has an oval-shaped face and a small nose. Lisa is always very elegant, she wears clothes in accordance with fashion. I can say her charm is irresistible.

In short, Elizaveta is a beautiful, attractive girl. But in my opinion, inner beauty is more important than physical beauty. Lisa is a well-mannered, cheerful and kind person. She is very tactful, sensitive, moderately emotional, witty, generous and with a very kind heart.

Essay Description of a person’s appearance (Friend)

The most unusual-looking of my friends is Vlad. He is twelve. He's pretty skinny. Of course, he describes himself as “slim.”

He has black hair, a little longer than normal. This is what I think, of course. They are a little frizzy. His eyes are dark blue. Unusual color!

The girls envy his eyelashes - they are quite long and curved. They piss him off!

He really likes to sunbathe. In fact, he's even allergic to the sun. I myself saw that his skin was turning red. And even if a ray of sunlight hits his nose, Vlad sneezes.

His face is a little elongated. The fingers are also long. He's a little taller than me.

In general, we joke that he should write poetry, because he looks like some kind of gothic poet. He is offended.

Pimples haven't bothered him yet, he's lucky. In general, he looks healthy, although he is thin and pale. My grandma loves feeding him!

I think he will gain weight over time.

So, he prefers to dress in dark clothes. (It’s more practical!) He has his favorite black jeans. Sneakers, of course. And some dark T-shirt, for example, blue. Definitely with your favorite hieroglyphs. I always tell him that it’s not clear what is written there. And he pretends that he understands.

He often has headphones in his ears. He really likes to listen to music. Sometimes he even dances a little. In general, he loves heavier music - rock, not pop or classical.

I have a stupid habit that spoils my appearance a little. The habit of chewing a pencil. Rodent! And then he twirls it in his hands constantly. And the main thing is that he doesn’t need this pencil at all. I'm afraid that when he grows up, he will start smoking cigarettes.

He rarely smiles. But he smiles well! The teeth are white and straight. And his lips are thin, by the way.

What else? Appearance is generally pleasant. And he looks very cool in the photo. Sometimes I don’t even recognize him right away. So serious.

He definitely doesn’t spend hours in front of the mirror, but he always tries to be clean and neat. In this he is an example to me. I sometimes forget to comb my hair. And even wash your face.

That is, he is a neat guy. The school uniform suits him very well, as well as the tie. It turns out to be representative. The main thing is the size.

His appearance attracts attention, although he does not accept anything bright. But there is some kind of depth to everything.

Essay on the topic Description of the appearance of Mom for 7th grade

In this essay I want to talk about my mother. She is my dearest and closest person, her name is Anastasia Sergeevna. In my opinion, my mom is the most beautiful in the world.

She is of average height, but at the same time very slender, feminine and charming. Her wheat-colored hair is always styled in beautiful curls, her eyes illuminate the world with bright green rays, a light blush plays on her cheeks, and a cheerful round dance of freckles dances on her nose. The voice is filled with warmth, and the manner of speech is always friendly and calm. Mom always takes care of her appearance, dresses tastefully, fashionably and stylishly; her favorite clothes are elegant dresses, they make her slender figure look like a real actress.

I love my mother’s hands very much, they are the most caring and gentle in the world. She does every task with a smile, which is probably why everything goes well in her hands. Her gait is always graceful, like that of a cat, and all her movements are full of friendliness. My mother is a very kind and sympathetic person, always ready to help anyone in need. He tries to notice only the good in every person, and looks at any situation with optimism.

I owe everything good that is in me to my mother. In any situation, I know that there is a person who will find the right words and help me understand life’s difficulties. My mother is a very versatile person: she loves to read, travel, and often goes to the theater or museum. She is also a real athlete, leads a healthy lifestyle - she rides a bicycle and rollerblades in the summer, and skis or skates in the winter, and plays tennis well. My mother loves animals, and therefore we have a small home zoo in our apartment - a dog, a cat, a parrot and hamsters.

Anastasia Sergeevna is engaged in a very important and noble work - she works as a teacher in a kindergarten. At work, her colleagues appreciate her professionalism and responsibility, and her young students adore her for her cheerful disposition, activity and kindness.

I am proud of my mother and try to follow her example in everything

Essay My grandmother (description of appearance)

Zinaida Pavlovna stood silently at the window and stroked through the slightly open window the old ginger cat, who was basking in the gentle, last this year, autumn sun.

This woman, despite her far from young age, looked beautiful. Brownish freckles huddled on her dark and rough skin, and her wrinkles looked like kitten whiskers. When she smiled, her eyes were practically hidden among the wrinkles, but they still sparkled. Everyone saw the radiance and sparkle of her eyes. But her eyes were green-yellow, beautiful and bright, like ripe gooseberries, and also large and kind.

Her hands were “tired”: these hands were not smeared with aromatic creams every day, but it was with these hands that the most delicious cabbage and mushroom pies in the world were prepared. The skin on her hands was slightly cracked and rough from work. After all, Zinaida Pavlovna was never afraid of hard work in the house, in the field or in the garden, and she is not afraid now, although she probably should have.

This woman is very petite, short and thin. If it were not for her age-related stoop, from the back she could be mistaken for a girl. But this fragile woman gave birth to and raised 3 children and raised 5 grandchildren. The sixth is waiting and will definitely wait. And how fervently she laughs! Anyone will be jealous.

A lilac scarf with small flowers and a fringe hides her short, ashy hair, which was once jet black and curly. I love watching her take off her headscarf, turn on the radio on the wall, and comb her sleek hair with a large wooden comb in front of the mirror. At such moments it is as if she becomes young again. She still has to live and live. How else?

Zinaida Pavlovna turns to me and speaks in her quiet and incredibly kind and calm voice. He talks about the good weather today, that the cat is probably sick, and that the pies in the oven have been cooling for a long time. And I sincerely smile and hug her tightly. Because this sweet woman is the best and most beautiful in the whole world. Zinaida Pavlova is my beloved grandmother.

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