A declaration of love to a guy in your own words a letter. Declaration of love at the meeting. good morning wishes

People should speak words of love to each other. And the more often they do this, the stronger their relationship will be. These words are always appropriate, always pleasant and always unexpected. So if you make a beautiful declaration of love to your husband in your own words, then he will not only be happy - he will be sincerely surprised and, perhaps, even lose his speech for a few seconds. Why? Yes, because you will not speak banal and hackneyed words, but something unique in its essence.

We agree that pick up beautiful and original love words is very, very difficult. But our site is ready to provide you with invaluable assistance in finding high-quality, beautiful and touching words that will cause your husband an unprecedented storm of feelings and emotions. Rest assured, he will not miss such a confession, even if it happened before. He just can't. They will penetrate right into the heart and make it beat faster and stronger. Give love to your husband. Hug him, kiss him and make him truly happy. At least for a couple of moments.

A husband is a support and support. By choosing you as my husband, I became truly happy woman and wife. I understood what it is male shoulder, loving person near. And if I had to make my choice again, I would again make it in your favor, because I love you very much, and I am ready to spend every minute at your native shoulder ... You are the most the best man all over the earth!

Congratulations on mobile

My dear treasure! Since we've been together, the world has become brighter, love has become capital letter, and Life has become a fluttering butterfly above our heads. My sweet, (name), I can't imagine my heart beating away from yours! You are a piece of happiness that has become a reward for me after long trials!

It's good that I have you, the most gentle, kind and most beloved man on earth. You are my most important person. You are very reliable, sensitive and calm. I always look forward to our meeting. It's good to have you around. All my life I want to walk with you on the same road of love. My feelings for you are getting stronger and stronger. I so want to snuggle up to you, and feel protected from all sorrows and hardships. I love you, and my confessions are sincere and pure. Only with you I will be truly happy

The most precious moments of my life are the moments spent with you. And I want to have as many of them as possible. You are my husband. I want to be with you at any time of the day or night, I want to spend my whole life with you. This is my most cherished desire, and it is quite natural, because I love you very much!

How I rejoice in yesterday! It was perhaps one of better days with you in my life. It was great to spend the whole day together! All day long I could look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! I need you more life! I love you!

I am grateful to fate for helping me meet you, my only and unique man. One can only dream of such a thing, I have been very lucky in my life. You are my hope and support, I am behind you, like behind a stone wall. I trust you in everything and want to be with you all my life. I sometimes envy myself. I love you, my dear, and I will be the first to confess my feelings, because I no longer have the strength to hide my love. The flame of my love flares up every day more and more.

My dear, precious husband! We are connected with you by a thin but strong thread of love. I feel it all the time, and every day I get more and more confused in the feeling of happiness and the feeling of you, my love. I know that no matter how many years pass, for me you will always remain the closest and dearest person. Love you!

Two golden rings on our fingers are a symbol of the fact that we are inseparable from each other. This is a symbol of our love. I proudly wear wedding ring and I am extremely glad that my husband is you. With you, I feel like behind a stone wall. I am always sure that our family is safe if you are around. Be with me always, my beloved, because I love you so much!

You always give me love, tenderness and affection. You just a real man with whom I have been so lucky in my life. My feelings for you are pure and sincere. I have never loved anyone so much, it seems that you are my destiny. Today I decided to be the first to confess my love to you, and I don’t regret it at all. After all, my feelings are already overflowing. You are the most dear person to me, and I will be very happy if I make you happy. I so want us to be always together, and our hearts beat in unison.

When love overflows the heart, one wants to sing and laugh, but it is very difficult to find the very words to describe its power. Love! How much has been written and said about her, but each story requires its own confessions that will help express the depth of your feelings for your loved one.

This can help beautiful words in the most important points life. It remains only to choose them for your boyfriend!

  • I am grateful to life for having met you. Every day and hour that I lived without you is the most painful and lonely. But I'm glad they're gone. And today my love for you warms my heart and gives me the opportunity to live and enjoy every new day, because I know that I will see you. I love you.
  • I'm disappointed in love. Until the day we met, I thought that love was not for me. But your look made me believe that love came to me too. You are my light, air, I live and breathe, thanks to the fact that you are near. Without you, I disappear and reappear when I see you and hear your voice. Be with me, because without you I won't be able to become happy and find out what is real love.
  • For long days and nights I dreamed about you, imagined you in my dreams and dreams, and now you are finally next to me. Real, strong, beautiful, the best, as if out of a dream. I only dream of one thing - that you do not become an unattainable dream again.
  • I want to talk about how I feel when you are around. It's hard to describe, but I just melt, feeling you, seeing your eyes. I only have a desire - to give you care, affection and warmth that can express all my feelings.

  • With every day that we spend together from the very moment we met, my love only grows stronger. I want to give it to you, take care and care. Accept my love and give me the opportunity to be with you all the time.
  • Every woman dreams of meeting a man who will be the one and only, the one with whom she will feel real woman. I can no longer wait for anyone, because I already met him - it's you.
  • When there is love, life around becomes beautiful and exciting. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to know what true love is.

Beautiful words of recognition to a guy

To make your declaration of love turn out to be sincere and be able to express the depth of feelings, choose beautiful words.

  1. When you are near, I am in seventh heaven with happiness. But as soon as you move away, I feel like I miss you. I really hope that we will not part for a long time, because without you I can no longer imagine my life.
  2. I want to become for you the one and only that you dream of. I will do everything for this. My power of love will help me to be the best and desirable for you. You just have to believe in my love.
  3. You have made me the happiest woman. Your kisses and care have become as necessary to me as air. I breathe you, dream about you and look forward to each of our new meetings.
  4. Loving you has become my happiness and joy. She brought long-awaited peace to the soul and confidence in tomorrow. I, like a Phoenix bird, every day burn with love for you and reborn again. The most important thing in life for me was the desire to be always there.
  5. At night, when I close my eyes, I think of you. You appear in my every dream, and in the morning you become real. It is the power of my love that has called you to me from my dreams. If I appear in your dreams, it is my love that brings me to you.

All words about love are beautiful in their own way, because they put their soul into them. But there are special, the most beautiful and beautiful, they will always find a response in the soul of the one to whom they are addressed. There are not so few of them, as it might seem at first glance, and each will find those that express the depth of her feelings.

Love is hard to describe in words. It is too multifaceted and mysterious. Without meeting true love, it can be confused with falling in love and wonder why it passes so often, because it is impossible to love so many times. When true love comes into your heart, you know exactly what it is. But the beloved guy should know about the power of your love. In addition to actions, it is very important to tell him beautiful words of love in time, which will help express the depth of your feelings.

Modern women, both on the business and on the love front, have long been able to take the reins into their own hands. If earlier such an act caused at least bewilderment and condemnation, now it is considered commonplace. Nevertheless, for a girl, this is a serious and responsible step. After all, an explanation in one's feelings can become a new stage in a relationship, but in the absence of mutual emotions, it will lead to a break in the love relationship. Often, ladies have a question about how to competently, beautifully and correctly express sympathy. The most original and "live" confessions collected here for you will not leave any man indifferent.

Declaration of love to a man in verse

The poetic rhyming form will most accurately express what cannot be said in ordinary words. It is difficult to find a more poetic and sincere embodiment of one's feelings and thoughts than poetry. With the help of quivering rhymes, a lady in love will surely win the heart of her chosen one, and maybe even resurrect the fading flame of past passion.
Here are the most popular verses that will help you express the whole gamut of feelings. Perhaps, based on them, you yourself will create a new, original creation of a love rhyme.

Declaration of love to a man in prose

Not a single woman is immune from disappointment in the love field, and the question of how to minimize such a risk is always acute. It is impossible to claim that poetic form will be a guarantee of success, but you may have another trump card - the explanation of feelings in prose. How to teach this a pleasant surprise- you decide. You can read aloud, melting in the soul of quivering excitement. But the most memorable way will be a letter written by the girl's hand and sent, or thrown, to the addressee in an envelope.

“So I want to fall asleep, hugging your Strong arms and wake up to your gentle breath on my skin. Look at your favorite profile, watch how you move, laugh, talk. Watch movies only together, with your head on your chest and feeling the incomparable smell of your man. I would like to do this all our lives because I love you!”

“Probably, I will never forget that last August day of the outgoing hot summer. I saw you on the seashore in the pre-sunset rays, and looking into your eyes I immediately understood "this is him." Since then, every morning I wake up thinking about you. You filled all my days and nights with meaning, never before have I felt so happy and loved. We do not need extra words, at one glance we understand each other. After many years, I dream of one day returning to the place where we met. But not alone, but big friendly family. Then we will tell our children how we found our love, and we will always be an example of an ideal love for them. family life. In the meantime, this time has not come, I brew coffee for you and watch you sleep sweetly. Let it be forever, until the last breath ... I love you.

“I often think who brought us together - higher powers or chance? I don't know. Yes, it does not matter as long as our hearts beat in unison. We have experienced so much together, so many times life has tested our feelings for strength. And we did not break under the blows of fate, we survived in order to carry love through the years and distances. Having fully paid for happiness, we fully suffered and deserved it. So let the years given to us always make you happy, because I love you so much!

Declaration of love to a man in your own words

Everyone loves confessions of warm feelings - both men and women. It is always pleasant to hear in your address - "I love" because to this day this phrase has not lost its charm. But what if you want to explain more original way, and there is absolutely no time to search for such necessary romantic poems or prose? It is not necessary to have an outstanding literary talent to express love in your own words. Here are some examples that you can take as a basis:

"You are the best man in my life! I wanted to write down all your virtues on one sheet, but this is simply impossible. After all, you are attentive and gentle, caring and sincere. So understanding and reliable. I am so happy with you, I want it to be for life! Love you!"

“Someone once said that in a couple, one always loves, and the second only allows you to love. I am sure that we can completely refute this opinion with our feelings and relationships. It is difficult to find two such similar and complementary people as we are. Sometimes I feel like I know exactly what you're thinking at that moment. And you look into my eyes and read like an open book. I hope it will always be like this, because I want to connect my life only with you, my love.

A short declaration of love to a man

In fact, there are thousands of ways to confess to your beloved in passionate and sincere feelings. If a girl is afraid to rely on her intuition and imagination, you can always use the Internet and beautifully say words of love to your chosen one. It is not necessary to copy the text completely, if desired, it can be changed and supplemented in the way that only you feel. Add a couple of compliments and kind words, and now a new unique declaration of love is ready, suitable for a certain situation.

SMS declaration of love to a man

One of the most popular options for submitting a love confession is SMS. We offer the most romantic and memorable texts for your choice.

Song - confession in love with a man

Contrary to the well-known expression, not only girls, but also men love with their ears. And if you want to make a really memorable surprise, you can send it yourself dear person song as a confession of tender feelings. Well, if you have vocal abilities, it will be even easier to conquer male heart. Here are some examples for any occasion:

  • Celine Dion - "My Heart Will Go On"
  • George Michael
  • Alex Gaudino - "I`m In Love"
  • Irina Allegrova - "How I missed you"
  • Reflex - "I love"
  • Anna Sedokova and Dzhigan - "Frozen"
  • Angelica Agurbash - "I will live for you"
  • Ani Lorak - "Tenderness of the dawn"
  • Alla Pugacheva - "Call me with you"

Declaration of love to a man in pictures

Girls do not always dare to say about love, looking directly into the eyes of the man of their dreams. But the signs of such attention are simply necessary to express what you want most of all, and the original pictures-confessions.

Declaration of love letter to a man

You are mistaken if you think that such an option of recognition has long sunk into oblivion. Yes, confident modern women somewhat different from the embarrassed secular ladies in ruffles and crinolines, who, horrified at the likely rejection, passed love messages the object of respiration. Nevertheless, to this day, a written confession is the most reliable and romantic way to tell about your hidden feelings for a man. It is important to follow a few rules here.

  1. Be frank, but at the same time avoid drama, recognition in plain text. Your task is to intrigue the guy with the help of ornate turns.
  2. Correctly specify the addressee. A man must make sure that the message is intended for him - you can specify a name and a couple of details that only you two know about.
  3. Do not drag out the letter, it should be short and capacious. Don't make mistakes.

Declaration of love to a married man

Difficulty explaining and demonstrating your emotions this moment you are tormented by doubts whether to take such a decisive action, once again carefully weigh everything. If love is stronger than remorse, and you are ready for a supporting role, these confessions are especially for you. It will be useful to observe all safety precautions and choose the right method of filing. Can be transferred love note personally, send SMS, Valentine's card or explain tête-à-tête. Here is one example:

“When we first met, I guessed that you were not free, that you would never belong to me alone, but continued to believe in miracles. I cried for days on end when you came back to HER. My unfortunate soul I was tormented and tormented, but over time I got used to it. Lonely weekends and holidays, endless waiting ... Now she rushed about like a hunted animal in a cage, then she bombarded you with messages. That was distracted by other acquaintances. Weeks and months pass, and you still cannot solve this dilemma. Please, my love, give me the answer - "love or not."

Cool declarations of love to a man

Romantic dinner or extreme adventure? Which opportunity to choose for the words of recognition is up to you to choose. The main condition is not to be banal. If your beloved person is positive, not averse to joking and loves surprises, then cool love texts are your option.

Postcards with a declaration of love to a man

Confession cards are a wonderful way to remind about your feelings and make a pleasant one for your soulmate.

Playlists with a declaration of love

IN Lately The use of playcasts is gaining more and more popularity. Pleykast - a kind of composition, which consists of a postcard or picture, musical accompaniment and animations. IN this case they are connected by a single romantic composition. A harmoniously crafted playcast will become wonderful gift and in an original way to express the most hidden bright emotions for a guy.

It is not difficult to make such a surprise. First of all, find the relevant site, service or application in in social networks. After registering, you will have access to hundreds of musical cards. You can choose from those that already exist, or create a new unique playcast for your beloved man. Choose the background you like, place the text. Then, within a few minutes, the program will process the playcast, only after that add music. And now an unusual and beautiful declaration of love is ready. Present it to your beloved, using the right moment when you are together, such a surprise will surely impress him.

Erotic declaration of love to a man

And you want the object of desire to know about it? speak in intimate topics and conveying your emotions correctly is always difficult. It's hard to get enough frank words, because on erotic topics you need to speak with feeling, with a share of humor, between close people, a certain touch of obscenity is also acceptable.

To ignite a guy's passion, send him an erotic SMS for the night. All you need is imagination and some knowledge of psychology. Trust your intuition! You can start with neutral topics, then move on to more frank confessions. But do not forget about the rules of decency, because your goal is to intrigue, be unpredictable, but not vulgar. Keep a balance - be sincere and open, but do not go overboard.

Video declaration of love to a man

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations emergency care in fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give children infancy? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

It's time to open up and say to your beloved - I love you? Make this confession beautifully, from the heart and soul, so that the heart of your beloved shrinks in a “convulsion” from your gentle and beautiful words. And when it opens, absorbing love sounds, you will hear mutual words “about you and about him ...”

I want to tell you


He is leaving. You have no idea when you will see him again. You want him to know and remember your love…. Write to him! Write…. You can say if you have the courage.

I had one very "brave" girlfriend. She said that she would be able to confess her love to a guy, that it would not be difficult for her. In words, yes. She still can't confess to him. And it's been almost six months.

Show some heroism! Don't be afraid to talk about feelings! Words are not a painful injection if they are pleasant. Do not be afraid that he may not understand or reject your feelings. Let! Don't be discouraged, no matter how it turns out. The faster you confess everything, the faster you will find out what lives in the soul of your chosen one. Tell your beloved man about love beautifully!

Confessions in your own words

"Darling, I'll be waiting for you. If you knew with what pleasure I would not let you go .... I love you. You are used to hearing such words. But I can't be silent about love. She fills me up.

Can you take me with you? I promise I won't interfere. I just want to be around. I will be quieter than any silence ....

I can't live without you. I don't want to re-experience the emptiness that surrounds me when you're somewhere far away. I'm not jealous because I trust. I know how much you love me. But I don't get enough looks at your picture. I want to feel your presence. Remember what you experienced when I went abroad .... You didn't find your place. And he was also interested in whether there is an opportunity to go there together.

Love you very much. And I won't be offended if you refuse me. I'll try to understand everything. I want you to know: better than you - no, never was and never will be.

You are the wind, the sound of which I am ready to listen to even for eternity. You are the sea, the waves of which make you stir up all the blood inside the body. You are a mirror that reflects all the virtue and grace of the world.

Man of dreams…. I won't give you up to anyone. You are everything! I feel very good with you. And I'm sure it always will be. You are the best. And you have a lot to learn. For example, the resolution of conflicts. You do everything to avoid any quarrels or disputes that lead to contention or showdowns. I am so proud of you! I'm so glad you're my man. I love you! Want…. Will I say these three words a billion times? Billions are few. I love you much more, believe me ....

I know how envy my girlfriends envy me. But I won't give you to any of them! I've been waiting for you for so many years... You found me! And I won't let you go if you don't want to leave. Darling, thank you for everything! Come soon, so that I don’t completely go crazy with the power of feelings.

Call me - I'll come to you. You don't even have to doubt it. My love is boundless, boundless, sincere. I love you so much that I am ready for absolutely anything. I want to tell you about this every second. But I don't want you to get tired of confessions.

My favorite person! It's good that we are together. Separation is a temporary phenomenon. I really hope it doesn't become permanent. We leave constancy to our feelings!

I will worry and worry about you. I wanted to calm down a little such "passions" .... I am weak, powerless. Not everything is as simple as it seemed at first. I love! Thank you for accepting my such love, understanding it and enduring it. The main thing - do not try to remake it.

Beloved, priceless, beloved! I don't know if you'll like my lines. But know, my sun: they are written with all my soul! Every line is love. You feel it, don't you? I tried to….

Come back soon, my kitten. I will count every millisecond until our meeting. And I will break all the clocks in the apartment if they slowly release time. See how you go crazy with love. But I know how to go crazy, while remaining adequate. Love works such miracles!

I want to stay with you forever. Longer! Enough to enjoy you. You know, I won't have enough forever... I love you very much. The power of love is incredible! Touch me to feel it in your skin. A kiss so that I can reveal to you the rest of the secrets of the forces of love ....

Hug…. Don't let go, don't leave, don't leave! I understand: business, business trips. But I will soon hate your job because it takes you away from me. Selfish? Because I love. And not yourself, but you ....

I love falling asleep, waking up, laughing, having fun, being silent, talking, fantasizing, drinking coffee, walking, traveling…. With you, my dear! I don't want anything without you.

I love…. With each reaping, stronger and stronger. And I don't confuse love with habit. These ladies are very different. They cannot be confused. In any case, those people who know what "love" or "to love" is.

I will not tire of repeating that you are the best. And I'm not at all worried that your self-esteem will skyrocket. Love yourself! Be proud of yourself! Know your worth!

Love you. And I know how women curl around you. I'm not jealous. They envy that you are with me and not with them. You're the one. My!".

If the beloved is not going anywhere, congratulations. Interesting…. He's not going to because you confessed everything to him? Or because your situation is not the same?

One way or another, we can confess with a few words that we all already know very well. Say you love, hug and kiss. The scheme of action is simple, but can say a lot.

Love can be confessed silently

Kiss! Isn't it a confession? Something that can shock anyone! You suddenly arrive... And you kiss him, closing your eyes in pleasure. He is in shock. But he doesn't resist you. This is how recognition is born from silent silence!

Confess your love with your eyes!

A man will understand that you are not indifferent to him if you look at him coquettishly. Don't forget to smile! A smile will do two things: it will destroy all doubt and all skepticism, it will bewitch the man. Don't forget to smile...

Did the man confess first? Confess in return! You are in a winning situation: the first step is more difficult than the second. And you can speak simply, standardly, but with sincerity. “I love you” is a beautiful and pleasant banality, without which all love would have died out long ago.

Declaration of Love to a loved one in verse

Love you!
Like a thin leaf I bow down from the dew
I'll tell you
I didn't know how everyone loves...

Now I love!
Like a fairy tale I see us in a magical dream
I'll tell you:
Now all my thoughts are about you...

My love!
So I want to tell you more ... and again,
I whisper to you
I love you, because you are my Love ....

I love you, I love, I love!
I'm scared somehow from love,
I love you, understand me
I'm looking for myself in you...

I'm looking for you in myself
You didn't talk about love
I'm sorry that I love you
My voice is ahead of yours

I love you, I love you, I want you!
I'm afraid you'll tell me in return
I love you, no change
I've been waiting for you all my life

But now you are here beloved!
Love you! My cutest!

Continuation. . .

Confessions for Romantics

I love you my dear! You are all mine. I feel and understand your every exhalation and inhalation. You know, I don’t want banal scenes and empty words at all, I want to feel your touch every day, meet your eyes and silently read thoughts. I will pass by and touch your hand, linger for a moment, and at that moment a rose will unfold in my soul with a large blooming, fragrant bud. My breath will break and stop from suffocation. And then this rose turns into a soft fluffy kitten, and I breathe and live again! I live by you, I am yours, you are mine!

I am crazy in love with you! I don't need anyone else. When you are around, everything becomes beautiful around. Beautiful rain, beautiful snow, beautiful skies. When you are next to me, I feel safe and life becomes easy. I just want your reciprocity. I want to break all taboos with you. Do whatever you want, just stay close. I really, really need you, you are not a habit, you are my betrothed! Desired, dear, beloved, irreplaceable, the only one! You are my holiday, you are a healing source. It's great to have you in this world!

My beloved and dear, I fell in love with your image! I wake up and communicate mentally with you, and fall asleep and embrace the whole world called love. I lose my head from your gaze, bells ring in my ears, and my heart is torn from my chest. You are the best of men, come to me in dreams. Dreams do come true, I know it, there is no mystery here. In the meantime, I'm waiting for you, I hope and love, I will repeat everything to you again: beloved, be with me always, my glorious, gentle and dear, I fell in love with all my heart!

You are for me like the sun, like the air, you have the whole meaning of my earthly existence. You are my dear, only, desired. I know that being with me is not easy. Every day I understand more and more that you are my destiny! I can't do without you at all! My dear girl, I want to confess that I feel very big and wonderful feeling to you, without which not a single person lives, but only exists. I want to take care of you every day, hug you, warm you, kiss you. Love you!

I love your outlines sunlight, I love when a slight breeze develops your luxurious hair. I love your bottomless eyes, your walk, your gestures, your voice. I am constantly looking to meet you. Time stretches for a long time when you are not there and flies madly when you are around. You have become the meaning of my every breath, every second of my life. I don't have enough words to express my feelings. I forget about everything when you are around. I love you so much!

Words to express emotions

Often love breaks your heart and "chemistry" does not allow you to find the right ones, Right words to express the full range of feelings. We have prepared for you declarations of love in our own words, which will help you if you cannot find the right words because of the strong and suffocating emotions that overwhelm you. If you are embarrassed to say them to your beloved (beloved) in person, then these words can be sent in or in an SMS message.

Our dates, like the sweet stories of a talented writer, evoke pleasant thoughts and tender memories for the next day. Thank you for this. I love you so much…

I love you sms in my own words, very beautiful in prose

It seems to me that the little round-faced Cupid accidentally fired not one, but several arrows at me, because I love you several times more than what is permitted. And this love slowly but pleasantly burns my being.

Your hands are so gentle that they seem to me like river flows, taking my soul beyond the limits of the possible, into a world of happiness and magnificent pleasure. Thank you for this kindness. I very love you.

It is said that swans find a mate for life. I, like a swan, will remain faithful to you, dear. I will carry my love through the hardships and joys of our relationship, no matter how heavy this burden is.

You and I are like the favorite birds of Venus - doves, which, with their beauty and tenderness for each other, win the hearts of people. Thanks to our love, we gain wings, just one flap of which can give us joy, and one flight - a long-awaited happiness.

I hear how our hearts beat in unison, with their sound encouraging our souls to become sincere, kind, to be distracted from the whole world in the name of our love. This sound has become my favorite music.

You and only you are my idol. I bow before you, like the Egyptians before God Ra. And your strength - the strength that won my heart, hit the target so deeply that in my thoughts I am always only with you.

I am amazed by the bright warm radiance emanating from your heart, full of goodness and tenderness. I am smitten, like a warrior on the battlefield, with your sparkle playing in my eyes. I'm crazy, because I'm wildly in love with you.

Hungry sky drives you crazy

Heart in the head drives about pure love

I start a new day with the next confessions mentally, and then aloud, in love with you. I feel so good next to you that I sometimes think about the fact that people are really like a peach - we are divided into two halves that create one whole. You are my other half and I love you.

I love you sms in my own words to my beloved boyfriend, beloved girl

You are so beautiful that, appearing in my dreams, you amaze with your beauty not only me, but also the inhabitants of my incredible dreams. I am happy that you, a girl who, like a goddess, dazzles her eyes, chose me as her gentleman. I love you sweetheart.

I love you so much that I will vote for you like the Little Mermaid; freedom like Belle; risk my life like Quasimodo. My incredible love knows no bounds.

You are the best guy in the whole world. This is what my heart whispers to me, which beats in a frantic rhythm, like a perpetual motion machine. My soul, like a glass, is filled to the brim with tenderness for you, as well as sincere, magical love.

You gave me incredible, amazing happiness. Happiness, which has become a part of myself, and invisible to others, like the third eye of fortunetellers. This is the most precious gift in my life. And in return, I give you my eternal love.

you are in my life like a string that combines all octaves and

What does a person need in life to become a joyful owner of happiness? Probably just a few phrases spoken by another person who brought harmony to life. A few warm hugs tender kisses that created the atmosphere true love. One glance of loving eyes, remaining in the soul forever. Thank you for this.

I love you so much that the gods of Olympus descended to earth to look at a mortal who allowed himself to open his heart to sincere feelings, like the most daring god. And I will love you always, I promise. After all, the feeling that has settled in the heart usually never leaves it.

Am I in love? Probably, not. I was mad from the surging avalanche of feelings; from love, which, like a wave, swallowed me whole. I'm not in love, sorry. I love.

How many minutes of my life are spent thinking about you? It seems to me that there are more than planets in all Universes. I think about you constantly, even in a dream you come to me like a guardian angel. Your gorgeous smile lights up my life like a ray of light in the middle of the night. I very love you.

Love is only a feeling penetrating our flesh, our souls and our hearts. Love is only a feeling that becomes a priority in life. Love is only a feeling that inspires and encourages to do great things. Let love be just the feeling I have for you.

I love you. How is it shown? In blind trust worthy of respect, strange understanding and the greatest desire to make you truly happy. You know, I don't just love you. I am in love with your playful gaze, magical warmth of your hands and infectious laughter that fills my life.

Let a warm ray of sunshine into your life...


It doesn't matter if months or years of dating connect you with the man you love. In order for feelings not to cool down, it is necessary to feed them and at least occasionally voice them.

Although the representatives of the stronger sex are not as emotional as the lovely young ladies, the sincere girlish emotions will not leave anyone, even the coolest, macho indifferent.

So what is it - best recognition in love beloved? How to tell your lover about your sympathy and strong feelings? We have prepared the most pleasant, warm and tender words that every man will definitely like.

The poem will provide the girl with the opportunity to express most emotionally and reverently all her tender feelings, even those that are extremely difficult to convey in ordinary words. Poems will help romantic nature to conquer the chosen one, if he is not yet with her, or to kindle the flame of past passions that is beginning to fade.

Of course, it is better to confess warm feelings in poems of your own composition. Let them not look like the works of professional poets, but a man will like your sincerity. But not every girl is lucky enough to be born with the gift of versification, so on the Internet you can pick up surprisingly tender poems for every taste.

Time them to read or send by SMS to any important event in your life together: first date, wedding anniversary, etc. Well, or just dare to say about love without any reason!

You just be! Live under this sky
Let it be far away, at the other end of the Earth ...
You just be - good, kind, bright,
Let not with me, but loving me.
You just know that I'm under this sky
Far away, but I remember you.
You just know: soul, mind, heart -
I live, I love, I dream - for you

You have become so important to me...
So strange, but more necessary than many ...
And the sparks of your fire
Part of the road was illuminated for me ...
The warmth of short strange phrases
Warmed the soul with revelation ...
And with the past, a mad contrast,
Suddenly turned into healing ...
You have become so ... necessary to me ...
Although I wasn't looking for...
And the bitter smoke of the past pain
Remained in crumpled patterns ...
I didn't pray for you...
Shut up? Will you hide? Will you condemn?
But I live like in a wonderful dream
As long as you are... As long as you will be...

My soul, my light, my air,
I'm only yours, and it's too late to think.
Take me all without a trace -
In your arms it's insanely sweet.
My sweet, affectionate kitten,
You are my angel. I am your devil.
How are you - no one will caress,
Like you - no one warms.
My wind of happiness and hope
My devoted and most tender.
You burn with your desire
You know about me, you know everything...
My insatiable, my desired,
Crazy, the most long-awaited.
And let these lines be banal.
I'm happy with you, period!

Agree, such poems touch the soul to tears, so your man can’t resist such incredibly beautiful words.

Agree, not every man will like a poem, and not every girl will be able to easily and without excitement read it at the right time. It is good that in addition to rhyming lines, there is another declaration of love - ordinary prose.

How to confess and present this magnificent surprise is entirely your choice. You can, of course, say at a meeting, but the most memorable way is to send, as in the old days, by mail (an electronic version is also allowed).

Here are some examples:

  1. “I miss you so much. When you leave, I feel very lonely and sad. Gentle caresses and touches, yours warm hands Everything I need in this world. Hug me, and in return I will give all my endless tenderness and love.
  2. “Do you know what I dream about? Fall asleep next to you, holding tightly to your gentle hands, watch you laugh, frown, wrinkle your nose funny when you speak. I also want to smell your perfume on my clothes. Do you think these are too simple dreams? Perhaps, but for me they are the most important, because I love you!”
  3. “Remember that September day when we made eye contact? I knew right away that you are the guy I've been waiting for all my life. I can't express my gratitude to those higher powers who brought us together. And in this letter I want to admit that my feelings for you are only getting stronger every day. Love you!"

Such a declaration of love to a husband from his wife touches to tears, forcing him to seek the same pleasant words to talk about your feelings. Be sure that after receiving such a letter, the man will want to arrange for you romantic evening and also to confess sincere feelings.

Who said, that beautiful confessions in love must be in verse or downloaded from the Internet? It is quite possible to move a loved one to tears in your own words. Moreover, many representatives of the stronger sex are skeptical about pompous phrases and pathetic speeches.

So, a girl absolutely does not need to have literary talents in order to confess her sympathy and express gratitude to a man for his feelings. Describe the love you feel in your own words and send a message via text, email, or in person. And to make it easier for you, use the following "blanks":

  • “The best man on the whole planet…”;
  • “I am happy to be next to you…”;
  • “It’s hard to find words to say how much I love you…”;
  • “It is impossible to count the pleasant moments that I spent next to you…”;
  • “Your love and tenderness makes me stronger…”;
  • “I want to always be next to you - my beloved man ...”.

Declaration of love by SMS

It is not at all necessary for a girl to say words of gratitude to her man through an email or in person. Short confessions in love, you can and should send in SMS messages. It can be small romantic poems, funny and biting phrases. The most important thing is to fit the whole gamut of emotions in a few symbols.

Below are SMS about love in verse, but you can convert them into prose or even say about feelings in your own words. Try to add a couple of gentle phrases, compliments and feel free to send SMS to your chosen one with a short postscript: "From a loving and beloved wife."

Great happiness for me
Near to see only you!
Only you I will wait
Always dream of you!

There are many different men in the world,
But I don't look at others
You are indicated to me from heaven by God,
And I already love you!

I'm sad without you
I often see us in my dreams.
I dream to hug again soon,
And talk about your love.

If a girl is lucky to meet a cheerful and positive guy, then you can confess your sincere feelings to him in a joking way.

Send him an SMS or an email that will cool poems or unusual pictures.

Another unusual declaration of love is “funny” prose that your chosen one will definitely like. Use the following templates to come up with your own fun and completely unbanal love surprises:

  • "My dear human! I adore you so much that I am ready to sit forever on your mighty neck, hanging my most beautiful legs on the sides ”;
  • “My love is so strong that you will always have to carry me in your arms, because I am unable to carry the burden of my feelings on my own fragile shoulders”;
  • “My beloved! There is something very tender, beautiful and the best in the world in your life. It's me!";
  • “You are the most beautiful, sexiest, most talented and kindest ... monster. And you are lucky that I live in the world - a beauty from a fairy tale in love with you.

How else to confess your love?

You are not enough love confessions husband in prose and poetry? It's time to act decisively! To add variety to your established relationship, talk about your moods and feelings very gently and romantically. Use one of the following options:

  1. romantic dinner. Pleasant emotions will give a meal by candlelight, which can be organized at home, in a restaurant, on the roof, balcony or even on the lake. Create a relaxing environment, cook or order unusual dishes and look forward to a great sequel.
  2. A note. Write nice words on bright paper, draw emoticons in love and attach the “letter” with a magnet to the refrigerator. Another option is multiple tender words on the mirror, written in your lipstick.
  3. Unusual breakfast. Get a variety of heart shapes for making scrambled eggs, cookies and treat your loved one to a romantic breakfast. A similar charge of positive emotions will remain with him for the whole day.

It does not matter at all which way of declaring love to your man the girl will like. romantic poems, love prose, funny sms or family dinner- the main thing is that all this be sincere and disturbing the soul.

However, wanting to please your beloved, it is important not to go over fine line between surprise and annoyance. Let your pleasant words and actions become something between the rule and the exception!

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.