We make linalool in perfumes ourselves. Perfume recipe for romantic natures. How to make your own perfume with natural essential oils

Creation of perfumes for men. Features of men's perfume. Do-it-yourself men's perfume. Which essential oils are masculine and which are feminine. Perfume for men at home. Essential oils for men. Aphrodisiac perfumes. Perfume with your own hands. Order aphrodisiac perfume>>>

Part 7. Features of men's perfumery.

In previous articles, I have described in detail many of the subtleties, nuances and methods of creating perfumes. In this part, I want to convey to the readers of "Green Sachet" the specifics of the creation of men's perfumes.

The procedure for compiling a men's perfume composition is no different from the procedure for creating women's perfumes, except for the composition of essential oils and proportions.

Unavoidable Factors.

The aroma emanating from the male body is more intense due to physiological characteristics. And oddly enough, a man more often does not know what corresponds to him and relies on the opinion of another person, especially a woman. While a woman willingly and confidently buys perfume for herself.

The best perfume for a man can only be created by a woman. It is she who is able to catch unique notes, create the desired image - courageous and sexy.

It has been established that a woman chooses a scent partner. Subconsciously, she chooses a partner whose genetic code is far from her own. This difference ensures normal healthy offspring. The smell of a clean male body with a hint of perfume is considered the most attractive to women. It is now clear why only a woman can create the best perfume for a man. It is she who is able to catch unique notes, create the desired image - courageous and sexy.

The main styles of men's perfume.

As in clothing, in perfumery there are several recognized masculine compositions that create the image of a man in a certain style. This:

Classical. This is a fragrance for respectable, self-assured men... with an arrogant touch of aristocracy. Not everyone can wear it. This is the aroma of money, chic, expensive cars. Next to such a man there should be an appropriate lady, lady.

Sports. This is a tonic aroma of youth, freshness, purity and energy. It is suitable for all men leading an active lifestyle. It has a nautical theme. Citrus aromas and aromas of fresh young grass are present in large quantities. This is the aroma of young men and mature youth.

Democratic. This is a fragrance for every day. It is appropriate for men leading a free lifestyle, both in clothing and in behavior. Without fears and reproaches! It is convenient and does not dictate forms and actions. There are no dominant, defiant aromas in this perfume. This flexible, calm and flowing fragrance is suitable for all men.

Oriental. Oriental (oriental) aromas can be traced in this perfume. It is preferred by men belonging to the bohemian society, artistic, creative natures, capable of sensory perception of the world. The aroma, however, is not pronounced. Rather, it is elegant, refined and modest - "a thing in itself."

Business. These fragrances are for business men, for executives, for those who have to deal with partners. In its style, the business fragrance is close to the classic one. It has citrus, spicy and exotic notes. The aroma is not intrusive, not attractive and without any special claims. He does not distract from solving problems, does not cause irritation in other men.

Leather. These are very sexy, languid men's fragrances. They are used in the evening, before a date with a loved one. They give back
tobacco and worn leather. They track woody notes of sandalwood, oakmoss, virginian cedar, amyris and lime.

Rules for creating men's perfumes.

Before you start creating perfumes for men, you must decide:

  • In what style do you want to make a perfume.
  • How old is the man.
  • What kind of life does he lead, what are his passions and hobbies.
  • What time of day are you creating the fragrance for?
  • What will it be: cologne, perfume or toilet water.

Essential oils for men:

Plants and their scents can be female, male, and may be general, that is - suitable for both. For example,

Women's: anise, basil, jasmine, rose, geranium, vanilla, ylang-ylang, neroli, etc.

Men's: ginger, atlas cedar, virginian juniper, cypress, sandalwood, thyme, bark cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, etc.

Are common: bergamot, patchouli, juniper, lavender, rosemary, etc.

Are floral scents appropriate in a men's perfume?

Of course they are appropriate! Only their presence should be minimal, barely perceptible. For example, the scent of lavender has historically been considered masculine.

Ylang-ylang is considered a purely feminine fragrance. Men don't miss it! This aroma is able to make the spermatozoa move faster. Why deprive men of the pleasure of wearing this fragrance? But, if you make perfume for a man with an overwhelming amount of floral and sweet aromas, then this will at least be perceived by others as very strange. That is why the dosage is so important. Let the floral scent be light, imperceptible ... This is art!

Floral fragrances for men: lavender, rose, flower carnation (absolute), iris (absolute), mimosa (absolute), vanilla (absolute), ylang-ylang, hyacinth (absolute), narcissus.

Top note: lime, bergamot, lemon, tangerine, orange, petitgrain and other citrus fruits, mint, nutmeg, clary sage, bay, rosewood, etc.

Medium: coriander, black pepper, clary sage, pine, leaf clove, bay, rosemary, rosewood, etc.

Bottom note: patchouli, sandalwood, atlas cedar, virginian juniper, pine needle juniper, oakmoss, flower cloves, bay, bark cinnamon, cypress, ginger, guaiac wood, peru balsam, vetiver, galbanum, violet leaf absolute, rosewood, etc. .

How to make a perfume that looks like an industrial one?

The desire to create a men's perfume that is identical to the industrial one will not lead you to success. Industrial perfumes are made using synthesized fragrances. Experienced perfumers have been working on their formula for years. The formulas are kept in the strictest confidence and are the property of the Trading House. It is impossible to reproduce them at home. Experienced perfumers know this.

Interestingly, the vast majority of industrial perfumes do not perform a therapeutic function. If you want your man to exude the aroma of a perfume store, then it is easier to purchase ready-made fashion or classic perfumes. For the most persistent, I suggest that you read the information on my Blog in the section Fragrant> Fragrant imitation>>>.

Perfume to increase potency.

Doctors in the field of urology and sexology have long used Aromatherapy for patients with pathologies in the sexual sphere. This happens due to the fact that essential oils (essences) are the life-giving juice of the plant. It is an energetically charged substance with a high frequency vibration. The aroma of essential oils can very quickly bring a person's condition to another, higher level.

Essential oils contain hormone-like substances. This allows them to participate in the psychophysical functions of the body, solve problems of dysfunctions of the hormonal and central nervous system. Essential oil works on a psycho-emotional level, almost instantly gives pleasant memories of the most touching and valuable minutes of life.

Many oils are aphrodisiacs. They contain substances known as pheromones. For example, patchouli oil and nutmeg contain the substance farnisol, which has great power to attract the opposite sex.

Two types of aphrodisiacs.

Aphrodisiacs are divided into two types classical and impressionistic.

Classic - affect the physiological processes in the body. They eliminate erectile dysfunction, contribute to the duration of sexual intercourse. Some essential oils have the ability to relieve pain, calm the nervous system, even out blood pressure, influence the production of hormones and give energy and vitality.

Impression - tend to change the psycho-emotional state. They correct the mood of partners, liberate, turn on sexual fantasies, allow you to experience pleasure more sharply, educate sensuality, enhance sensations during orgasm, and make relationships unforgettable.

Men who use aphrodisiac fragrances become very attractive. Women sometimes cannot explain why they are so attracted to THIS man.

Classic fragrances: geranium, verbena, jasmine, vetiver, clove bud, ylang ylang, myrtle, ginger, cypress, bark cinnamon, nutmeg, pine needle juniper, palmarosa, rosemary, patchouli, citronella, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, etc.

Impression fragrances: pine, orange, cedar, bergamot, frankincense, grapefruit, marjoram, myrrh, mandarin, rosewood, sage, thyme, etc.

Essential oils can be used as mono - oil, that is, in its pure form without mixing with other essential oils, or you can make amazing, unlike aromatic compositions. It should be noted that it is the compositions (multi-component mixtures) that have the most pronounced effect. This is due to the fact that essential oils mix with each other, as if confirming each other, creating new possibilities.

What essential oils can do:

  • They cause the formation of endorphins, which exacerbate sexual desire.
  • Reduce stress, relax.
  • They give strength, give vigor and energy.
  • Get out of depression.
  • Improve sleep and relieve anxiety.
  • They instill confidence in themselves and their strengths.
  • Improve blood circulation.

How to create a fragrance for a specific person?

How to select from the general list of essential oils exactly those that suit your man.

“The aroma of an essential oil should be pleasant… It’s true…”

But the rule works mainly for mono-flavors. In the composition, the fragrance can be so disguised that the man will never realize that it is present in the perfume. For example, I can give an image from painting:

Dye yellow and blue when mixed gives a completely new color green! He can be warm green, if you add more yellow. Maybe cold green , if blue prevails. So it is with aromas: a combination of two, three or more aromas gives a completely new aromatic color scheme.

When determining a set of oils, you need to take into account the tastes and preferences of the man for whom you are creating perfume. You should not "push" flavors to which there is a negative reaction. Their number should be optimal so that the smell will be elusive during testing.

On the contrary, the essential oil, which causes the most pleasant associations, can be emphasized.

Test for individual intolerance.

Before giving perfume to your man, do a little test. Put on some object (handkerchief, napkin, writing pen), the finished fragrance and casually ask his opinion.


Aromatherapists are very sensitive to contraindications regarding the effect of essential oils on humans. And this is reasonable, so before using an essential oil, you should familiarize yourself with the information about the properties of the essential oil. If a man suffers from high blood pressure, then you should not create perfumes using cloves from buds, thyme or rosemary. If the presence of these oils in the formula is necessary, then “extinguish” them with oils that have the opposite effect, neutralize the objectionable property.

Examples of male compositions:

  • Top note: Bergamot, grapefruit, leather
  • Medium: Nutmeg, Amyris, Jasmine
  • Lower: amber, oakmoss, vanilla
  • Upper: violet leaf absolute, ylang-ylang, bergamot
  • Medium: vetiver, atlas cedar
  • Lower: pine, juniper needles, musk
  • Upper: bergamot
  • Medium: patchouli, green tea
  • Lower: lime, mandarin, musk
  • Upper: bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, pelargonium, lavender.
  • Medium: jasmine, violet leaves, mimosa
  • Lower: sandalwood, oakmoss, amber
  • Upper: lime, bergamot, peppermint, cardamom
  • Medium: violet leaves, sandalwood, atlas cedar
  • Lower: Juniper their berries, tobacco, oakmoss
  • Upper: Grapefruit, rose
  • Medium: lavender, melissa
  • Lower: guaiac wood, patchouli, atlas cedar
  • Upper: thyme, wormwood, tobacco
  • Medium: leather, vetiver, balsam of peru, jasmine
  • Lower: amber, musk, cistus
  • Upper: cinnamon, black pepper, lavender
  • Medium: lavender, tobacco
  • Lower: tobacco, amber, vanilla
  • Upper: spruce, pine, juniper from berries
  • Medium: cistus, black pepper, bergamot
  • Lower: patchouli, frankincense, vetiver
  • Upper: lemon, orange, bergamot, cardamom
  • Medium: nutmeg, bergamot, petitgrain, violet leaves,
  • Lower: Green tea, sandalwood
  • Upper: nutmeg, cumin, guaiac wood
  • Medium: cistus, mint
  • Lower: sandalwood, atlas cedar, vanilla, amber
  • Upper: lavender, fir, juniper, basil, mint.
  • Medium: rosemary, verbena, oakmoss, patchouli
  • Lower: patchouli, cedar
  • Upper: mint, yarrow, wormwood, iris.
  • Medium: jasmine, mint, basil,
  • Lower: leather, violet, benzoin, vetiver
  • Upper: lemon, pine
  • Medium: cedar, rose and jasmine
  • Lower: tobacco, patchouli and sandalwood
  • Upper: grapefruit, peppermint,
  • Medium: pepper, nutmeg, ginger, jasmine
  • Lower: cedarwood, balsam of peru, vetiver, patchouli
  • Upper: bergamot, orange, lime
  • Medium: cardamom, nutmeg, geranium
  • Lower: vanilla, sandalwood, musk, atlas cedar
  • Upper: mandarin, bergamot, black or bay pepper, cardamom, rose
  • Medium: laurel, neroli, patchouli, cinnamon bark, cedar;
  • Lower: sandalwood, cistus, oak moss, amber, musk.
  • Upper: bergamot, mandarin, black pepper
  • Medium: musk, guaiac wood, atlas cedar, oak moss.
  • Lower: amber, patchouli, vanilla.
  • Upper: bergamot, lemon
  • Medium: clove, geranium, nutmeg
  • Lower: sandalwood, amber, patchouli, musk, virginian cedar.
  • Upper: neroli, orange
  • Medium: rosemary, thyme;
  • Lower: Atlas cedar, vanilla

Creative success to you!

The aroma of perfume can emphasize femininity and individuality, reveal the image, or maybe vice versa.

It is important in this matter to independently study all the little things or trust a professional perfumer.

We will tell you how to make perfume at home.

It turns out that creating a perfume composition is very easy. The most important component of this magical action are oils - sources of originality. Oils are selected strictly of the best quality from good proven companies. It is better to buy from the manufacturer. It is on this that a large part of the success in this perfumery work depends.

What is needed for this

Aromatic essences are inherently volatile. If a fragrant liquid is applied to the body, then over time the smell emitted changes. Knowing all the rules for the composition of compositions described below, it is easy to understand how to make perfume at home. Perfumers combine components with different aromas to form a “base”. It is divided into several "notes":

Base note (loop);

Heart note;

Top note (head).

From the time of application, their period of active action begins: they evaporate and exude aroma in turn - from top to bottom.

The base note is considered the most persistent in the composition.. The fragrance lasts from twelve to 24 hours after application. The duration of action is directly related to the particular essential oils chosen by the perfumer.

heart note- This is the first element of the composition. By interacting with other essential oils, it reveals their shades and opens up new sensations.

top note- fast evaporating essential oils. You can call them citrus fruits.

All fragrant liquids contain one of the listed additional elements: distilled water, alcohol, coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil. It is believed that every woman should have her own special (genetic) fragrance, the composition of which is possible only by a delicately sensitive master.

Step by step instructions

In the beginning, you need to put the following things on your desktop:

Distilled water, real spring;

The existence of a long aroma is provided by glycerin in a small proportion;

Fresh coffee (used to refresh the sense of smell);

The essential oils themselves;

Necessarily: a notebook, a pen, from 5 to 15 clean pharmacy pipettes, paper strips 0.4 by 10 cm, bottles for future aromatic essence.

If you make perfume at home with a sharp aroma, the combined liquid should contain 70% essential oils. For a gentle smell - 20 percent.

To obtain a perfume with a “long-lasting” aroma, the resulting liquid must be infused: first 48 hours in a dark and cold place (not in refrigeration) and after adding water (if the base is 80 milliliters - a couple of tablespoons) and glycerin (a few drops) - another 48 hours. There are recommendations for infusion (before adding water and glycerin) for one month. Experts assure that spirits, like good wine, need time to mature.

One drop of oil is applied to paper testers and brought to the nose, the best flavors you like are selected. Preferences are indicated in the notebook.

It is believed that the best composition ratio is 1:2:3 (head:heart:base).

After the composition of essential oils is ready, the work ends with the addition of alcohol or jojoba oil, or olive oil, or distilled water, or pure spring water. In the case of the preparation of dry perfumes, a combination of fatty oil and wax is added.

Odor blending options

Recipe #1

How to make perfume at home for an evening romantic mood:

The first note is rose (1 cap.), sandalwood (6 cap.);

Recipe #2

Scent of lightness and summer:

The first note is a rose (1 cap.);

The second note is melissa (2 drops);

The third note is bergamot (2 drops), lemon (4 drops).

Recipe #3

Male fragrance:

The first note is sandalwood (2 drops);

The second note is lavender (2 drops), juniper (2 drops);

The third note is lemon (1 cap.), Bergamot (4 cap.).

Recipe #4

Exciting fragrance:

The first note is rose (1 cap.), Sandalwood (8 cap.), Patchouli (3 cap.), Jasmine (3 cap.);

The second note is ylang-ylang (3 drops);

The third note is verbena (3 drops).

Recipe number 5

Night gentle aroma (infused for at least 15 hours):

The first note is sandalwood (5 caps), musk (5 caps), incense (3 caps);

The third note (the second one is not) is jojoba (3 drops).

The best fragrances at home are obtained by mixing rose, lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, jasmine and iris. The smell of peppermint is softened by either lavender or rosemary. Citrus blends beautifully with juniper. Never mix rosemary and lavender.

To keep for a long time

In case of inattentive storage, the resulting composition may become cloudy, lose its exquisite aroma, and even disappear. However, even the highest quality perfumes have a shelf life of no more than 3 years.

First, perfumes are best stored in a dark place. It is better to keep the bottle in a box and not expose to direct sunlight.

Secondly, the tightness of the bottle is of great importance in extending the shelf life. Spray perfumes are best kept.

Thirdly, when applying perfume to the body, do not use your fingers in this process. This is an unnecessary and unnecessary contact of the skin with perfume. You must use a disposable plastic stick or something similar.

And, in conclusion, nothing will stand the test of time, but the highest quality perfumes - oil-based - last the longest. Because natural perfumes are much more expensive than their competitors. Perfume made at home or bought in a store with an alcohol base, even from a sealed bottle, slowly evaporates under the influence of heat. They should only be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container.

The aroma of perfume says a lot about the character and inner world of a woman.

Also, the aroma of perfume speaks of status and well-being ...

Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to this, today I will share several ways to prepare perfumes at home.

If there is no money for expensive perfume, then it is better to smell naturally, this of course does not mean that you need to “smell” afterwards!

The natural smell of a clean and healthy body is better than a cheap perfume that carries sweat through it

But a good perfume is not cheap, not every girl can afford it, so we will learn how to independently create fragrances for ourselves, our beloved, that would smell like a Goddess ....

Many things will help us in this, not only perfumes - good soap, shampoo, pleasant fragrant baths - which we can also make for ourselves at home.

I will not describe all these recipes here, here on the site, there are many recipes on this topic, use the search or tags at the bottom of the page.

Today we will talk about how we can make good perfumes for ourselves at home.

So, first you need to decide which flavors are closer to you, what you like:

To do this, you need to decide on the family of smell - floral, chypre, fougere, and so on. Among these options, look for those that contain the most chords that are close to you.

A bit of theory.

To create a natural perfume, essential oils and a carrier substance are needed.

In principle, there are only two carrier substances used to make natural perfumes: jojoba oil and alcohol.

What to prefer is a matter of taste and ... smell.

Traditionally, perfumes are a mixture of a composition of essential oils as a base, alcohol and water.

To prepare this version of the perfume, you need the following:
- 15 ml of jojoba oil or almond oil;
- 75 ml of ethyl alcohol;
- 2 teaspoons of spring or distilled water;
- coffee filter;
- a glass bottle made of tinted glass;
- 25 drops of essential oils (buy them at a pharmacy or online, or make your own);
- 7 drops of essential oils for the base note;
- 7 drops of essential oils for the middle note;
- 6-7 drops of essential oils for the top note;
- a couple of drops of essential oils for transitional shades (to taste).

The essential oils you use are the foundation of your perfume.

If this is your first time blending fragrances, start with a small amount of different essential oils.

For starters, three oils are enough for each of the parts (notes) of the fragrance.

These oils are called fragrance notes.

base notes- the part of the perfume that stays on the skin the longest.

middle notes open a little earlier.

top notes are the most volatile and evaporate first.

transitional notes differ in an average degree of volatility and serve to assemble the composition together.

Sometimes other substances are added to perfumes, for example, sea salt (for a marine aroma), black pepper (for pungency), camphor and vetiver. Since essential oils evaporate in different proportions, perfume scent changes as you wear it.

Here are some common examples of base, middle, high, and transitional notes.

- Base notes: cedar, cinnamon, patchouli, sandalwood, vanilla, moss, lichen, fern.
- Middle notes: clove, geranium, lemongrass, neroli, nutmeg, ylang-ylang.
- top notes: bergamot, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lime, neroli, orchid, rose.
- Transition notes: vanilla, lavender.


The order in which you mix the ingredients matters., because directly affects the aroma.

If you change the course of the mixing process, write down the original version so that you can re-create it later.

Rose and jasmine flower oils are very expensive, and until you have decided which direction of the fragrance you like best, you can use more available oils of ylang-ylang, geranium and myrtle.

In addition to essential oils, you will need a base (carrier).

For these purposes, as we have already said, alcohol and / or jojoba fatty oil are suitable.

In addition, you will need small containers for dosing and mixing oils.

You can take any vessels - cones, vials, bottles. Volume from 10 to 100 ml. They should be large enough to make it convenient for you to mix the oils, but at the same time, not very large - the less air in the vessel, the better.

It takes some experimentation to get the right scent, but to get started right, it's best to memorize the types of scents and their respective essential oils.

earthy: patchouli, vetiver.
Floral: geranium, jasmine, neroli, rose, violet, ylang-ylang.
Fruit: bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, lime, tangerine, orange.
Herbal: angelica, basil, chamomile, clary sage, lavender, peppermint, rosemary.
Nautical: sea salt.
Spicy: black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, ginger, juniper, nutmeg.
Woody: acacia, cedar, cypress, pine, sandalwood.


  • If the flavor is too strong you can dilute it with plenty of water.
  • If you want to, to make perfume last longer, add a tablespoon of glycerin to the perfume mixture.

To determine the aroma, you will need snuff papers.

These are highly absorbent paper strips with which to test the aroma.

They are simply necessary, because if you "try" the fragrance from the bottle, you will not be able to feel all its subtleties. One way to "mix" different essential oils is to moisten different snuff papers with different essential oils and bring them to your nose in different combinations.

As a result, you will be able to determine whether the flavors are suitable for each other. This is what professional perfumers do.

However, you will not be able to understand in this way what the final character of your fragrance will be, since,

  • firstly, fragrances are eventually diluted to a concentration of 4-25%, which can significantly change their "sound", and,
  • secondly, any perfume must first "ripen" two or three weeks to form its final scent.

So, let's start mixing perfume

1. Pour jojoba oil or almond oil into the bottle.

2. Add essential oils in the following order: base notes first, then middle notes, then top notes. Add a couple drops of transitional notes if you like.

3. Add alcohol.

4. Shake the bottle for a few minutes, then leave the mixture to infuse for a period of two days to 6 weeks.

5. When you get the desired flavor, add two tablespoons of spring water. Shake the bottle to mix the perfume, then strain through a coffee filter and pour into a beautiful bottle. It is best if it is a darkened bottle with the narrowest possible neck, since light and contact with air contribute to the volatilization of many essential oils.

6. You can pour some perfume into a decorative bottle, but in general, store it in a sealed opaque glass bottle in a cool, dark place.

7. Make a label for the resulting perfume. Don't forget to write down the process of mixing the fragrance so you can make it again if you want.

Another option for mixing perfume:

  • play the base note you like best.
  • For example, patchouli oil.
  • Patchouli is a very powerful and versatile fragrance. Therefore, it is advantageous to combine it with any soft base note, for example, with tonka bean butter or vanilla.

If you like the base note, you can add a heart note to it.

  • For patchouli, for example, rose and / or geranium.
  • Patchouli also pairs well with ylang ylang.
  • However, some do not like this combination. After all, fragrance is a matter of taste.
  • As a head note, blood orange can be added to the patchouli-pink mixture,
  • in patchouli - ylang mixture - bergamot.

When the mixture is ready, a carrier substance (alcohol / fatty oil) can be added to it.

  • You can add quite a bit, because you can reduce the concentration at any time.
  • A fragrant mixture can be prepared even without a carrier substance.
  • In this case, it can be used to scent cosmetics, soaps or create massage oils, as well as in aroma lamps.

As soon as you start mixing oils, you will immediately have a small "collection" of combinations that you like best.

After all the components of the perfume are mixed, your perfume will have to mature for a relatively long time.

The time it takes for spirits to mature can be quite different.

  • As a general rule, perfumes are expected to take at least two weeks to mature in jojoba oil,
  • for maturation in alcohol - at least four.

You can't just sit around waiting for a fragrance to take shape. You can start tasting after two or three days (preferably with snuff paper strips) how the scent changes over time.
This, believe me, is no less interesting than the direct mixing of the components.
In addition, at this point, you can still add components to the composition that you think are missing, or when one of the substrates is too dominant.


When creating your perfume by mixing different compositions of oils - write down the number and name of the oils, and after receiving the result, write down your feelings and your assessment of the resulting perfume!
This will help you next time either avoid mistakes, or vice versa repeat the successful version of your perfume!

So gradually you will develop a memory for smells and you will already be able to independently determine what aroma you will get at the end of the procedure for preparing homemade perfumes.
Also, you will gradually gather a whole collection of aromatic oils, from which you you can create all sorts of combinations and smell different every time surprising your friends and acquaintances.
The main thing will be real genuine rich flavors, which are perceived by the human sense of smell very positively and attract to themselves.
Another very important positive factor of such perfumes is that they have a very persistent aroma!
This means that your clothes will retain this smell even after washing, and your skin will be fragrant even after swimming in the sea!
There are no such advantages in cheap cosmetics.

You can also create as an option - Solid perfume

You can also make solid perfumes. They are easier to make and also a very practical way to release fragrances. They do not contain alcohol and cannot be spilled.

To make a solid perfume, you will need the following:
- 1 tablespoon of beeswax or vaseline oil;
- 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil or almond oil;
- 8-10 drops of essential oils used in perfumery;
- a small clean container (about 15g) for packing solid perfumes.
If you don't want to buy a brand new container for your perfume, you can use an old lip balm jar.

Containers from under decorative or hygienic lipstick will also fit.

So, the sequence of preparation of solid spirits:

1. Melt wax or Vaseline oil and jojoba oil or almond oil. You can either put the ingredients in the microwave for a few seconds in a heat-resistant container, or melt them using a double boiler.

2. As soon as the mixture becomes liquid, remove it from heat. Stir in the essential oils using a wooden stick, straw, or spoon (but not a wooden one, otherwise it will always smell).

3. Pour the liquid mixture into the container. Cover with a lid, but do not close tightly, so that condensation does not form and bacteria subsequently multiply.

To comprehend the basics of perfumery, you must also know the terminology.

This will help you easily navigate the recipes and flavor compositions that you can find on the Internet and special manuals.

Absolute. Also called essence. The richest aromatic material that can be extracted from a plant or flower.

Chord. A mixture of two or more fragrances that, when combined, create a new, completely different scent.

Aldehydes. Organic constituents found in many natural materials that can also be synthesized artificially. Chanel No. 5 is an aldehyde-floral fragrance.

Animal Components. Animal derived ingredients such as civet, amber, musk and castoreum. In modern perfumery, as a rule, they are reproduced artificially. Strong and unpleasant in concentrated form, these notes provide depth to the fragrance in small amounts.

Apocrine sweat glands. These are the glands on the human body that give it its own special scent that can overpower or enhance the perfume you wear.

Water. The definition refers to a perfume based on an "aquatic" scent.

Essential oil. Any fragrant essential oil distilled from flowers.

base notes. The third and last phase (after the top and middle notes) of the evaporation of the perfume, its "life" on the skin.

balsamic. Rich, sweet, resinous and warm notes derived from herbal balms and resins. The category of oriental fragrances is characterized by just such a composition.

Bouquet. Blend of floral notes.

camphor. Fresh, clean, cooling qualities exhibited by eucalyptus, but also characteristic of rosemary and other herbal notes.

Cypress (chypre). Pronounced like "shipre", "chypre". Refers to woody, mossy, earthy aromas.

Citrus. Fresh, sour notes typical of lemon, orange, grapefruit and bergamot.

Compound. A concentrated perfume blend before it is diluted and made into a finished perfume. Also called perfume oil.

Distillate. distillation product. For example, lavender oil is the distillate of the fresh, flowering lavender plant.

Cologne. A solution consisting of approximately 3% alcohol-based or water-based perfume mixture. Much lighter than concentrated perfumes.

Eau de parfum. Alcoholic perfume solution containing 10-15% perfume composition.

Eau de Toilette. Alcoholic or aqueous perfume solution containing 3-8% perfume composition.

earthy. Fragrance notes that are reminiscent of earth, soil, forest soil, mold and moss.

Essential oil. Highly concentrated, volatile aromatic plant essences obtained by distillation or extraction.

Fleeting. Volatile or quickly vanishing fragrance note.

Extract. Alternative name for alcohol perfumes. Extracts contain from 15 to 45% of the perfume composition mixed with alcohol.

Fixative. An ingredient added to perfumes to make them last longer.

Floral. Perfume characterized by predominantly pronounced floral notes.

Floral fruity. Perfume with distinct fruity, mostly top notes as a complement to the middle fruity notes.

Fougere (fern). From the French "fern". Fougère fragrances are herbal based and may contain notes such as lavender, coumarin, oak moss, woods and bergamot.

Green. General definition for grass, leaf and stem aromas.

Middle (middle) notes. The second phase of the evaporation of the perfume from the skin, which gives the fragrance its character after the top notes have faded.

Herbal. The note is naturally cool, leafy or straw like chamomile or sage.

Pomeranian. General term for citrus oils.

Ionony. Valuable synthetic compounds used in small amounts in many floral, green, woody perfumes. They give an aroma reminiscent of violet or iris.

Leather. Pungent, animalistic, smoky characteristics of ingredients used in leather coloring. In perfumery, they are achieved through castoreum, labdanum and synthetic chemical compounds.

Mossy. Perfume with earthy, fragrant forest notes.

Nose. A person who mixes fragrance ingredients to make a perfume, i.e. perfumer.

Oriental. A family of perfumes based on balsamic, exotic scents such as vanilla, oak moss and animal notes. Such fragrances are usually used as evening fragrances.

Ozone. Aromatic chemicals that are designed to mimic the smell of fresh air after a thunderstorm.

Perfume (perfume, extract). The most concentrated and most persistent form of perfumery, containing 20 to 50% of the perfume composition.

Powdery. A baby powder-like aroma produced when a heavier sweet or woody note is mixed with a lighter note such as citrus, fruit or green.

Resinoid. Extract of resins, resinous balsams or roots. It is commonly used as a fixative in perfume compositions.

Plume. A trail of fragrance left after a perfume. Perfumes with minimal sillage are often referred to as "close to the skin".

monofloral. A fragrance based on a single flower.

Spicy. Spicy or spicy notes with a warm or hot character such as clove oil, cinnamon and thyme oil.

Stability. Characteristics of the persistence of perfume, both in packaging and when exposed to temperature, light and air.

top notes. The impression of a perfume when it is only inhaled or applied to the skin. As a rule, the most volatile constituents of perfume.

Woody. Aroma reminiscent of freshly cut or dry wood.

The content of the article:

An alcohol-based perfume is a persistent fragrant liquid that is prepared using a special technology and aged for 3-8 weeks. Ethyl alcohol is taken as the basis for their creation, its specific alcoholic aroma quickly disappears, leaving a pleasant rich smell of flowers or fruits. Making perfume yourself is not difficult, the main thing is to know the technology and recipes.

The composition and components of alcohol-based perfumes

The composition of perfumes largely depends on the main ingredient. Alcohol-based perfumes are obtained with a pronounced sharp bouquet, which gradually disappears, leaving a delicate expensive aroma. Most of these perfumes do not leave marks on clothes.

Industrial aromas are complex compounds of phytoessences of herbs, spices, leaves with the addition of fixatives that enhance the aroma and maintain durability. Perfumes at home are created according to simplified schemes, so they are not as persistent as factory ones, but completely natural.

In addition to the main component - alcohol, the composition of perfumes also includes:

  • Essential oils. They are of three types, depending on their purpose. The top note of the fragrance includes oils that can be smelled in the first minutes of use - orange, lemon, bergamot. The next phase is the heart note, it is created from oils such as rose, geranium, jasmine, carnation. And the main note includes the oils on which the fragrance is based - vanilla, sandalwood, myrrh, incense, etc.
  • Spices. These components strengthen the texture of the perfume, add durability, leaving a noble trail. Most often, cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander are used for these purposes.
  • Herbs. Thyme, mint, lemon balm, tansy - all these herbs have amazing fresh smells that will enrich any home-made perfume. They are squeezed out of them and added to the alcohol base along with other components.
  • natural fruit juice. The presence of this component in the composition immediately reduces the shelf life of the perfume, but the effect of using freshly squeezed juices is amazing. Firstly, they give an interesting color, and secondly, they saturate the perfumed product with useful acids. For perfumes, juices of orange, lemon, melon, watermelon, raspberry and strawberry are most often used.
  • Squeeze from the bark and needles of coniferous trees. You can make perfumes with a tart coniferous aroma using natural ingredients, namely squeezed from the bark and needles of spruce, pine, and juniper. The resulting essence will be stronger than the essential oil.
  • Chemical components. They enhance the persistence of the fragrance or have an impact on the human mind. This includes a variety of amplifiers, concentrates, including pheromones. In the case of home perfumes, plant-derived pheromones can be used so as not to cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness, and complete rejection of the aroma.
  • Distilled water. It is added to dilute too concentrated essence, to soften sharp notes of smell.

Perfume recipes for alcohol

A base such as ethyl alcohol or vodka goes well with a wide variety of components. Berries and fruits provide a subtle fragrance that can be enhanced with essential oils, while a variety of flowers and herbs are the best option for creating a natural, fresh scent. The main thing is to stick to recipes and not be afraid to experiment by combining ingredients. For those who have decided to try their hand as a perfumer for the first time, there are several proven combinations that can be easily repeated at home.

Mono-aromas from essential oils

In such perfumes, one pronounced aroma prevails, which is obtained by combining essential oils with an alcohol-based perfume. To “hear” the main smell, you need to combine several components so that other ingredients emphasize and highlight it.

There are classic versions of mono-perfume that will appeal to many women. These include:

  1. jasmine paradise. The scent is sweet and very rich. Combine 10 ml each of jasmine and rosewood essential oils and inject into 100 ml of alcohol. If necessary, if the liquid is cloudy, filter it through a cloth or paper filter. Shake and place in the refrigerator for a day. Then leave to infuse in a dark place.
  2. Neroli scent. These perfumes are reminiscent of several well-known sophisticated perfumes at once, because their formula is created on the basis of such a combination. Combine in one container 10 ml of neroli essential oil, 3 ml of bergamot oil and one milliliter of lemon and mandarin oils.
    Combine the oil mixture with 100 ml of alcohol and 3 tbsp. l. distilled water, shake. Leave overnight in the freezer, then filter and let it brew.
  3. Green apple. It vaguely resembles the famous Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue perfume. To create them, combine 20 drops of green apple essential oil and 10 drops of lemon oil, for a sweet plume, add 7 drops of rose oil. Combine with 100 ml alcohol base.
  4. lavender color. Combine 20 ml of lavender oil for a long-lasting and gentle scent, add 7 ml of juniper and orange oil for balance. Combine the resulting mixture with 100 ml of alcohol and 20 ml of distilled water. The result is a rich, delicious lavender scent.

Alcohol perfume from flowers

Making a fragrant liquid from petals is an ideal method for obtaining natural and high-quality perfumes. You can use a variety of petals for cooking, the main thing is that the flowers are fresh - they retain the maximum amount of aroma. For perfumes, flowers are ideal, which have a strong, bright and even heavy smell.

The most popular floral fragrances do:

  • From rose petals. To do this, take 50 g of fresh tea rose petals and fill them with 500 ml of purified water. Petals should be infused in water for a day. Then remove the petals, and put the fragrant water on the fire, where it will slowly boil for 10-20 minutes. After half of the rose water remains in the container, turn off the stove and let the liquid cool. At this time, take 50 ml of alcohol and put in it a few small unopened rosebuds, they will give the perfume a tart note. Combine alcohol and rose water, and leave the buds in a vessel with perfume. Such a natural perfume will not be too persistent, but after use it will leave a thin plume of a delicate, refined aroma.
  • From lilac flowers. This bouquet will be more saturated and bright. To create it, take 100 g of lilac flowers and fill them with olive oil so that the flowers “drown” in the oily liquid. Tightly cover the container with lilacs and oil with a lid, and press down on top with some kind of weight. Let the flowers release their fragrance into the oil, open the lid after 24 hours and strain the oil through cheesecloth. It needs to be warmed up and filtered again. To create a perfume, take 50 ml of this oil and dilute it in 100 ml of alcohol or vodka.
  • From lily flowers. To prepare a bright bouquet with tart notes, you need to use the entire flower bud without residue. Cut off the heads with lily flowers, chop them finely, pour 100 g of chopped lilies with 100 ml of alcohol. Let the liquid brew in a dark place for several days. Then strain and add 5 drops of lemongrass oil and 20 ml of water to it. Cover and let steep for another week, store the liquid in the refrigerator.

Exquisite fruit perfume

Many girls like fruit perfumes for their bright, “tasty” aroma, but not everyone runs the risk of using such products because of the too “sweet” and sugary smell. Do-it-yourself fruit-based perfumes have a subtle, unobtrusive aroma, because they do not have chemical enhancers.

Fruit perfume recipes:

  1. citrus mix. To create such a perfume, prepare the juice of one kiwi, three oranges, one lemon and one grapefruit. Grind the fruit in a blender along with the skin. There will be a lot of liquid, put it on fire and start slowly evaporating. After 10 minutes, fruit cake will remain on the surface, it must be removed, and the juice should be filtered through cheesecloth. When it cools down, take 50 ml of juice and combine with 50 ml of alcohol, add one sprig of cloves there for a day. It will make the fragrance more intense. After 5 hours, remove it and add 100 ml of water, shake.
  2. Berry mousse. This delicious flavor will be indispensable in the summer season. Prepare a 250-gram berry mix of raspberries, strawberries, strawberries and blueberries. Grind fresh berries in a blender and strain. To prepare perfume, take 50 ml of pure juice and let it boil, cool. In the berry liquid, add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 10 drops of lemon essential oil, 20 ml of water and 50 ml of alcohol. Shake well.
  3. melon paradise. Perfume with the scent of melon has long been a leader in sales. An analogue of production facilities can be made at home. Remove the skin and seeds from one small melon and cut into small cubes. Put it in a deep bowl and pour a glass of olive oil, cover the container with a lid and leave for a day. After that, using gauze, squeeze the melon cake from the oily liquid. Heat the oil and take 20 ml to prepare the perfume, add 50 ml of alcohol, 20 ml of water and 10 drops of almond oil.

How to make perfume with pheromones

Pheromones are substances that can attract the attention of men or women, cause sexual attraction. Today, a wide variety of perfumes with pheromones are produced; special equipment and complex chemical components are involved in their manufacture.

But at home, you can make perfumes with pheromones without all of the above devices. It turns out that there are a number of natural substitutes, which are also called aphrodisiacs, and they are able to have a similar effect on a person, namely to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Plant pheromones include:

  • Ambergris. This is a waste product of the sperm whale, which the animal throws onto land. Due to the long stay in the water, this substance takes the form of a hard, stone-like piece, but it can be easily crushed. This substance is used as an odor fixative and is sold in specialized perfume stores. It has a marine and at the same time slightly earthy aroma. This is the strongest pheromone that attracts the attention of a man to a woman.
  • Musk. Only black musk of animal origin is suitable for use in perfumery. This is the strongest aphrodisiac that causes sexual attraction to the opposite sex. Such musk is sold in the form of a concentrated essence.
  • Essential oils of verbena, jasmine, sandalwood, ginger, nutmeg, patchouli, cloves. In fact, any perfume that contains these oils can be addictive in a mild form, but high dosages should be used to create a pheromone-rich perfume. It is very important to be able to combine the above ingredients correctly.
To make perfume with pheromones, take 20 g of ambergris, cut into small pieces, pour 100 ml of alcohol and add 1 g of musk. Alcohol should be infused for 10 days, after which add 10 drops of jasmine essential oil to the liquid, and persistent perfumes that will kill men on the spot are ready.

By analogy, you can make toilet water, using less ambergris or without musk.

Stages of preparation of alcohol perfumes

The main disadvantage of creating alcohol-based perfumes is that their aroma must “ripen” for at least three weeks, or even two months. Despite this, do-it-yourself perfumes will surely delight you, the main thing is to follow the rules for preparing the product.

Steps for creating perfume at home:

  1. Prepare special glass jars or bottles for storing perfume, a paper or fabric filter for straining, and all the ingredients indicated in the recipe.
  2. If essential oils are used according to the recipe, take paper strips 10 cm long, 2 cm wide and a cognac glass. This is necessary in order to evaluate the bouquet of the oil aroma before combining it with alcohol. Apply one drop of oil to each piece of paper and sign them.
  3. Place the papers in a glass and hold there, stirring occasionally with your hand. After a few minutes, remove and sniff the aroma from the glass, which, thanks to its rounded shape, can hold it. If you don't like the smell, try to remove some oil, try to achieve a result that satisfies you. Only after that proceed to mixing the components.
  4. Fruits, flowers or spices must be washed and boiled over before use.
  5. Any liquid that needs to be combined with alcohol (juice, oil) should be at room temperature.
  6. Buy alcohol at the pharmacy. Do not use expired fluid.
  7. Shake the liquid well after combining all the components. If necessary, place in the refrigerator or immediately in a dark place to allow the aroma to mature.
  8. Infuse perfume for an average of a month, shaking every 2-3 days.

Rules for storing alcohol-based perfumes

Any tool can be spoiled by destroying its properties due to improper storage. Homemade perfume is a very sensitive substance that must be carefully stored.

Rules for storing alcohol perfumes:

  • They should be stored in glass jars (crystal can be used), preferably with tinted glasses so that artificial light does not get in.
  • Close jars tightly with lids, if gaps remain, purchase additional special silicone pads that will ensure a tighter fit of the lid to the vessel.
  • Be sure to put perfumes in a dark place where the sun's rays will not penetrate. Ultraviolet is destructive to any perfume, and home remedies are devoid of chemical compounds, and they will lose their fragrance very quickly.
  • Monitor the temperature in the room. If it exceeds 20-22 degrees, it is better to place natural perfumes on the refrigerator door.
  • Even after the alcohol perfume is infused and you use it, continue to shake it periodically to enhance the aroma.
  • The period of storage of funds is limited - a maximum of three months after creation. Even if you store perfume in the refrigerator, it will still lose its fragrance.
How to make alcohol perfume - look at the video:

Please note that alcohol-based perfumes tend to run out of steam even under all storage conditions, so do not take care of them until better times, but use them, enjoying the aroma every day.

Very pleasant scents!

Perfume options:

Eau de Parfume: 2 ml 96% alcohol + approximately 40-60 drops of essential oils
Eau de Toilette: 6 ml 96% alcohol + approximately 40-60 drops of essential oils
Eau de Cologne: 10 ml 96% alcohol + approximately 40-60 drops of essential oils

Insist three weeks. Use as an independent perfume product, to enrich cosmetics, as well as for general aromatization.

There are so many perfumes on sale, good and different! Wouldn't you like to create your own, unique fragrance, according to your personal taste? And with its help to express your individuality, emphasize special sensuality and sophistication? Creating your own fragrance at home is quite simple. To create a natural perfume, essential oils and a carrier substance are needed. In principle, there are only two carrier substances used to make natural perfumes: jojoba oil and alcohol. Jojoba oil has practically no odor of its own and is stored for a long time. The aromatic composition in jojoba matures faster, after application it lasts longer than on the basis of alcohol, and even the aroma itself in alcohol and jojoba is revealed in completely different ways. However, an alcohol-based fragrance can be applied to hair and clothing. And if in essence, then Therefore, what exactly to prefer is a matter of taste ... or smell.

When creating famous elite perfumes, perfumers adhere to the following rules:

Initial (top) notes + heart notes + base notes (which corresponds to the time of their life in the composition, usually these notes "sound" each at its own time).

All these notes (essential oils) have different volatility: the opening notes are bright and highly volatile (that's what you hear first), the heart notes give depth to the fragrance, the base notes set the character of the fragrance (these are the notes of essential oils with low volatility). It is by mixing essential oils that you can enhance their properties and create the aroma that is most beneficial to you.

Essential oils with a "base note" - with a persistent aroma that goes well with the aroma of other essential oils that make up the perfume. This is the smell that we feel at the base of our composition, after the lighter smells of the main and heart notes disappear. This fragrance is heavy and lingers until the composition disappears completely. these are oils of benzoic, vetiver, galbanum, clove, cedar, cypress, cinnamon, frankincense, juniper, musk, patchouli, rosewood, sandalwood, styrax, elemi, as well as fruit aromas and smells of oriental spices.

Essential oils with a "heart note" - this is the heart of perfumes, their most important part, which actually makes up the main aroma of perfumes. It is felt after the smell of the top note has dissipated. Middle note fragrances are less volatile and more persistent. They last longer: 12-24 hours. At the same time, this group is, as it were, a link between the first and third groups. These are oils of geranium, jasmine, ylang-ylang, iris, hyssop, lavender, lemon balm, mimosa, myrtle, clary sage, neroli, rose, chamomile, tuberose.

Essential oils with a "top note" - we perceive their aroma first, and it kind of prepares us for the main aroma of perfume. This is the smell that we feel immediately as soon as we open the bottle and apply perfume. This fragrance is unstable and disappears quickly. It lasts approximately 5-30 minutes. The importance of the top note of a perfume is that it creates the first impression of a perfume. As the top note, citrus aromatic oils are often used: orange, lemon, grapefruit, limette, bergamot, mandarin. As well as essential oils of lavender, rosemary, basil, thyme, nutmeg, verbena, peppermint and lemon balm.

Complementary fragrance - an aromatic substance that introduces corrective shades into the aromatic bouquet. Such aromas bind all three parts together, making the composition softer and more harmonious. The oils of those plants that belong to the same botanical family and also contain the same components mix well. Flower oils and oils obtained from wood, citrus oils, oils from spicy plants mix well. Eg,

- the aroma of lavender goes well with everything except rosemary;
- the aroma of sandalwood gives the composition depth and astringency;
- all citrus aromas are successfully combined with conifers;
- aroma of lavender or rosemary will add sophistication to pronounced mint aromas
pepper and eucalyptus.
An aromatic compliment can be added immediately (if you need to correct the top tone of the fragrance) or after a while (if the bottom tone does not suit you).
To make perfume with your own hands, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • Use only glass bottles and glass sticks for mixing fragrances.

  • You can take alcohol or oil (jojoba oil is best) as the basis (the carrier substance of the perfume), then you will get alcohol or oil perfumes. You need to start compiling the composition with the addition of base notes, then add middle notes, and finally - top.

  • When compiling compositions, fragrance notes are usually mixed in a ratio of 1:2:3. This means that the fragrance should consist of one part of the base note (1 oil), two parts of the heart note (1-2 oils) and three parts of the top note (1-2 oils). That is, your bouquet will consist of 3-5 essential oils: 1-2 drops of EO + 10 ml of base (fatty - jojoba, olive) oil + complimentary aroma. If the main bouquet consists of 6-7 drops, then add 1-2 drops of the complementary aroma. If you want to correct the top notes, then add it to the aroma mixture immediately, but if you want to lighten the aroma, wait 5-10 minutes. The maximum proportional ratio of the complementary aroma to the main one in the mixture is 30%. (3:7). More interesting is the transparent complementarity of 10-20% (respectively 1:9 or 1:4). There can be more than one helper fragrances, but no more than three, because a large number of heterogeneous compliments creates a crowd of smells and usually causes emotional irritation. The need for complementary correction often disappears over time, as the negative attitude towards the main flavor disappears.

  • Add 5 drops of glycerin for every 50g of perfume for longevity.

It is important to choose oils not only according to your taste and mood, but also considering their beneficial properties. Eliminate oils to which you have an allergic reaction. All this is not a strict rule, but only an approximate guideline.

After all the components of the perfume are mixed, your perfume will have to ripen for quite some time. Only after maturation, perfumes begin to exude the aroma that will remain with them forever. As a general rule, perfumes need at least two weeks to mature in jojoba oil, and at least four weeks to mature in alcohol. Store the resulting perfume in dark glass bottles. In order for perfumes to retain their qualities for a long time, they should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Examples of combinations of esters to create a fragrance

Mixtures of hot and cold aromas are considered especially exciting and awakening fantasies (they beckon, attract, interest and tease at the same time):

  • ginger + lime (plus and minus, attraction)

  • lemongrass + cinnamon (freshness of new desires)

  • orange + jasmine + cinnamon (gives vivacity and freshness)

  • bergamot + lemon + orange + cardamom (good lifting effect)

  • geranium + jasmine + sandalwood (man and woman, harmony)

  • ylang-ylang + lavender + sandalwood (to relieve nervous tension)

Perfume "Julia" (erotic):

3 drops of patchouli, jasmine, ylang-ylang, verbena, 1 drop of rose, 8 drops of sandalwood.

Perfume for the timid :

3 drops benzoic, 8 drops sandalwood, 2 drops patchouli, 5 drops each chamomile, ylang-ylang and bergamot.

Perfume for those who are afraid of getting fat :
8 drops of honey essential oil, 3 drops of jasmine or lavender, ylang-ylang, 1 drop of rose, 5 drops of bergamot and grapefruit.

Man perfumes :
3 drops each of sandalwood and myrtle, 2 drops of juniper or 1 drop of styrax, 2 drops of lavender, 4 drops of bergamot, 1 drop of vetiver and lemon.

Before use, let the perfume "brew" in the closet for two to three weeks.

(Source G. Bull "Aromatherapy")

The secret of the perfect "fitting" aromatic "dress"

Certain zones of aromatic pulsation on the body quickly “assign” and retain the odorous substances applied to them for a longer time, giving them, moreover, a brighter rhythm.

  • Head and neck: crown, occipital fossa, middle of the forehead, earlobes and junction point of the lobe and occipital region, pulse point in the subclavian projection;

  • Hands: bracelet part of the wrist, elbow bend;

  • Body: a point under the sternum, the middle line between the pubic joint and the navel;

  • Legs: bracelet area of ​​the lower leg, popliteal fossa, middle of the inner line of the thigh.

The smell of leather is a luxurious and attractive element of self-expression. The aroma of the body cannot be repulsive if emotions bring light, thoughts bring warmth and purity, and the body brings vigor and strength. Compositions of functionally essential essential oils are a source of inspired filling in the gaps in endogenous harmony and the talent to smell beautifully and spiritually. Always.


Very light smell, it reminds of freshness during a downpour.
5 tsp 80% alcohol

5 drops em bergamot
3 drops em sandalwood
5 drops em cassia

Place all ingredients in a dark glass bottle and shake. Store in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks to infuse.

"English Garden"

5 tsp 80% alcohol
1/2 teaspoon distilled water
5 drops em valerian
5 drops em chamomile
3 drops em lavender

Place all ingredients in a dark glass bottle and shake. Store in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks to infuse.

Perfume handmade.

Summer perfume
To prepare summer perfume you will need: bergamot essential oil - 2 drops; neroli oil - 2 drops; lemon ether - 4 drops; lemon balm essential oil - 2 drops; rose essential oil - 4 drops; 90% ethyl alcohol - 25 ml.
Alcohol should be poured into a dark glass bottle and, adding essential oils, mix thoroughly. You need to insist on such perfumes for at least three days.

Perfume "Erotic Fantasy" (oil-based)
You will need: rose essential oil - 14 drops; neroli - 14 drops; lemon - 4 drops; benzoin - 5 drops; verbena - 3 drops; cloves - 3 drops; sandalwood - 3 drops; ylang-ylang - 7 drops; jojoba base oil - 20 ml; almond oil - 10 ml.
Pour base oils and esters into a dark glass bottle, shake well and leave to infuse for two days in a dark, cool place.

Perfume Basic
To prepare the base perfume, you will need fresh flower buds (1 cup), mineral water (1 cup).
To prepare a light and unobtrusive base perfume, put flower buds in cheesecloth and place it in a large bowl. Fill the flowers with mineral water and leave them to infuse overnight. In the morning, squeeze the gauze with flowers, and place the resulting fragrant water in a bottle with dark glass and put it in the refrigerator. You can use this fragrant water for a month.

Perfume "Quiet Rain"
To prepare the Quiet Rain perfume, you will need ethyl alcohol - 3 tbsp. spoons, water - 2 cups, bergamot aromatic oil - 10 drops, sandalwood oil - 5 drops, Cassis essential oil - 10 drops.
Place all ingredients in an airtight container and mix thoroughly. Leave the perfume to infuse for 15 hours. Shake well before applying perfume.

Perfume "Starfall"
To prepare Starfall perfume, take distilled water (2 cups), valerian and chamomile essential oils (10 drops each), lavender essential oil (5 drops), vodka (1 tablespoon).
Place all oils, water and vodka in a dark colored bottle and mix thoroughly. Put the mixture in a dark place to infuse. After 12 hours, the Starfall perfume is ready.

Perfume "Night"
To prepare the Night perfume, you will need the following ingredients: 5 drops of musk oil, 5 drops of sandalwood oil, 3 drops of frankincense oil, 3 teaspoons of jojoba oil.
Place all the ingredients in a dark bottle, mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for 15 hours. Perfumes should be stored in a dark, dry place.

Perfume flower
To prepare floral perfume, take 50 ml. ethyl alcohol, lemon essential oil - 12 drops, rose essential oil - 5 drops, rosemary essential oil - 30 drops, sage essential oil - 2 drops, mint essential oil - 2 drops, neroli essential oil - 5 drops.
Pour all the ingredients into a dark bottle, shake well and leave the mixture to infuse in a dark place for 10-12 hours. Perfumes should be stored in a dry and cool place. These perfumes have a short shelf life - only 1 month.

Perfume recipe with a sensual, spicy and warm scent

For the head note, take 2 drops of ylang ylang oil. For the center, mix 3 drops each of frankincense and orange. For the base note, you need to mix 10 drops of sandalwood and 5 drops of benzoin (dilute in the same amount of jojoba oil or alcohol)

Perfume recipe for energetic and active women

For a head note, mix 1 drop each of lemon and peppermint. For the "heart" mix 2 drops each of cypress and myrtle. For the base note, you need to mix 3 drops of bergamot, clary sage and 5 drops of sandalwood.

Perfume recipe for sublime, creative people

For the head note, take 1 drop of rose. For the "heart" 2 drops of cinnamon, yarrow and 3 drops of iris. For the base note, 5 drops of lemongrass and 10 drops of sandalwood.

Perfume recipe for romantic natures

For the head component 1 drop of rose. For the "heart" 3 drops of ylang-ylang, patchouli, verbena and jasmine. For the base component 8 drops of sandalwood.

Perfume recipe for men

For the top note, 1 drop each of vetiver and lemon. For the central, 2 drops of juniper and lavender. For the base note, 3 drops each of myrtle, sandalwood and 4 drops of bergamot.

Perfume recipe to lure money

You will need: 5 drops of cedarwood oil, 7 drops of patchouli and 5 ml of sweet almonds.

Recipe for a sexy, erotic fragrance

For the head note, a drop of rose. For the center, 3 drops each of ylang-ylang, patchouli, verbena and jasmine. For the base note, 8 drops of sandalwood.

summer scent recipe

You will need: 2 drops of neroli, 2 drops of lemon balm, 4 drops of rose, 2 drops of bergamot and 4 drops of lemon. To all this, you will need 25 ml of 90% alcohol.

flower scent recipe

To create this fragrance you will need: 5 drops of rose, 12 drops of lemon, 2 drops of mint, 30 drops of rosemary, 2 drops of sage, 5 drops of neroli, 50 ml. alcohol

How do you see the manufacturing process? perfumes with their own hands very simple. So stock up on oils and whatever else you need, to make perfume at home and start creating masterpieces.

The perfume composition of Etoile Parfum opens with top notes of ginger, bergamot and red apple, which are replaced by delicate floral fragrances of jasmine, gardenia, lily of the valley and lily in the "heart" of the bouquet. The finale of the fragrance captivates with the depth of sensual warmth of virginian cedar and precious amber.