Dad mom i friendly family greeting. Scenario of the competitive game program "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family". Quiz: How well do you know your child?

Scenario of the competitive game program

"Dad, mom, I am a friendly family"

Explanatory note

The main task of educational activities at the initial stage: the formation of a culture of communication between schoolchildren and comrades, parents, and teachers. The leading integrative qualities of a person in elementary school are humanity, ability to cooperate, diligence, honesty, independence, thrift, organization.

Competitive game program "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family"

is one of the events that is organized and conducted by the teacher together with the parent council of the class. This event is aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents, revealing their creative potential, improving and disseminating the experience of the best family education. Joint events with parents are held throughout the school year as part of the "Classroom" program.

To conduct the competitive game program "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family", tasks taken from television programs were used, using information technologies, modern equipment.

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

"Kurgan basic comprehensive school"

Perm Territory, Cherdynsky District

Scenario of a sports and entertainment program for parents and children

“Dad, mom, I am a friendly family!”

Physical education teacher

Kurgan settlement, 2014

Explanatory note

The specificity of the work of our school is the development of the educational system, it involves the participation of parents in all the collective creative affairs of the school and a single class, in particular, as well as cooperation with school teachers.

There is no doubt that a teacher should know his students. The task of the school today is to ensure the development of each student, creating the necessary conditions for this. In order to educate a person, one must know him in all respects - this is an axiom of pedagogy.

Parents and teachers are the two most powerful forces in the process of becoming the personality of each person, the role of which cannot be exaggerated. Both sides have their own advantages, their own merits, their own specifics, and they should not be opposed. But modern parents are pupils of our national school, they bear its birthmarks, its advantages and disadvantages. How I want to make parents real and sincere helpers! After all, the attitude of their children to school depends on how parents treat it!

Target: creating conditions for uniting the parent-child team;

teaching collective interaction between children and parents, promoting a healthy lifestyle.


    To form positive emotions that unite adults and children with common goals;

    Organize active joint recreation for schoolchildren and their parents;

    Improve the level of physical fitness of children;

    To cultivate strong-willed qualities: purposefulness, endurance, strength, dexterity, the desire to win and empathize.

Location: gym

Decor: the inscription on the wall from the letters “Mom, dad, I am a friendly family”, balloons.

Time spending: 15.00

Members : 7th grade students and their parents

Scenario of a sports and entertainment holiday

“Dad, mom, I am a friendly family”

Leading. Host: Good afternoon, dear friends!

Students and parents.Genuine sports lovers, connoisseurs of beauty and health! Weinvited you today to the sports and entertainment holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family!"

Let's welcome our members. First I would like to introduce - the heads of families. Here they are, all in front of us - slightly peppy, taut in places and even in some ways invincible, but what exactly we will find out later. I want to wish our men to maintain the same combat readiness to participate in school affairs, which only benefit from their participation!Welcome dads.

Leading. And here are the mothers! They are always in shape. Constant training in women's triathlon makes itself felt: stove, shopping, laundry. And even the annual respite on March 8 does not unsettle them. We are sure that today it is they who will set the tone for their teams in competitions, because it is known that the family rests on 3 pillars - a woman, a woman and again a woman!

Welcome moms.

Leading. And finally, your children! It was they who from the cradle for many years with constant training and united their parents in a friendly team, setting new tasks for it.

Welcome children.

Leading. The performance will be judged by a strict but fair jury.(jury presentation)

Leading. Attention! Attention! Dear fans! Now our athletes will demonstrate their ability to run and jump. We sincerely welcome and congratulate everyone who came to the start today. We wish success to our teams and victories.

Attention, read the rules of the game. For 1st place in each competition, the team receives 5 points, for 2nd place - 4 points, for 3rd place - 3 points. If someone in the team does the task incorrectly, then a fine is charged - minus 1 point. Be careful and considerate to each other. Good luck!

Leading. 4 teams take part in the sports festival.Team greetings. Each team calls the name and motto.


Equipment: cereal boxes, a bag of spices, a soup bag, cereals, a bag of coffee, a box of matches, a pack of soap, shampoo, a bag (bag) for shopping.

Conditions of the competition: Participants line up in columns behind the starting line. On a signal, the first participant runs with the package to the bench, on which there are various objects, takes the object and puts it in the package, returns to his team, passes the package with the contents to the next participant. The next participant, without laying out the contents of the package, runs and takes the next item, the relay continues until all the items are in the captain's bag Music plays during the relay.


The word "physical education" is given. You need to make as many words out of it as possible. The team with the last word will be the winner. Thinking time 1 minute.

Jury report on the results of the first two competitions


Equipment: skittles, broom, medium ball.

Conditions of the competition: On a signal, each participant needs to roll the ball with a broom between the pins, return back, rolling the ball with a broom in a straight line. The next participant performs the task in the same way. The team that completes the task first and scores the least number of penalty points wins.(The facilitator demonstrates to the participants)

Music sounds


    Relay race "Carry and do not drop".

Conditions of the competition : Dad and mom, on a signal, make a “high chair” (holding hands crosswise). The child sits on the “high chair” and wraps his arms around their necks, the parents run around the bar and back.

    Relay "Competition of strongmen"

Conditions of the competition : Dads and boys push up from the floor 30 seconds for the number of times. Moms and girls jump rope for 30 seconds for the number of times.

    Relay "Running in a hoop"

Conditions of the competition : Dad in a hoop runs to the bar and back, then dad and mom run together in a hoop, and in the end a child joins them, and the three of them run.

Music sounds

Jury report on the results of four competitions


Equipment: 3 jump ropes, stopwatch.

Conditions of the competition: At the signal of the mother, jumping rope is performed in 1 minute. Whoever has the most jumps wins(The presenter demonstrates the conditions of the competition to the participants).


Equipment: basketballs by number of dads, skittles

Figure #1

Conditions of the competition: Like a bowling game. Skittles are placed at a distance of 5-7 meters from the participants (see Figure No. 1). It is necessary to knock down the pins with the ball. 3 attempts are given. Whoever knocks down the most pins wins.(The host demonstrates the conditions of the competition to the participants)


Equipment: big balls

Conditions of the competition: Participants line up in a column one at a time in front of the start line, pinch the ball between their legs and jump to the post. They come back running. The team that completes the tasks the fastest wins.(The presenter demonstrates the conditions of the relay race to the participants) During the competition, music sounds.


True or not that

Is horse racing a purely Russian sport?

The most prestigious Derby races were first organized in 1780 by the English Earl of Derby? (+)

Conditions of the competition: And now the first numbers, saddle your horses and start! Remember to overcome barriers(The host demonstrates the conditions of the relay to the participants)

Music is played during the competition.

The jury sums up the results of the competitions


Equipment: task card

List of items:


    Item that starts with the letter "S"



    Something red

    Banknote (coin)

    Item of women's clothing

    Item ending with "H"

    A person whose name contains the letter "b"


Conditions of the competition: Each team is given a card with tasks, while the music is playing (2-3 minutes), the participants collect the items that are on the list. The team that completes the task first or collects the most items wins.

Music sounds


Equipment: 3 A3 sheets, 3 markers, 3 sports arches, 3 benches.

Conditions of the competition: Benches are placed, sports arches at a distance. Paper sheets are attached to the wall. On a signal, each participant overcomes obstacles: jumps over a bench, climbs through an arc, runs up to a sheet of drawing paper that is on the wall, depicts his face (muzzle), expresses his attitude to the holiday by writing down a word or phrase.(The presenter demonstrates to the participants the conditions of the competition - relay race)

Attention, get ready, start!

Leading: We have come to the final. The competitions and relay races are over, we are summing up the results.

Leading: The word for summing up and rewarding is given to the esteemed jury.

Team awards. The teams are awarded certificates, thanks to parents, and sweets to children for their participation.

Leading: I want to express my deep gratitude to parents for their courage, activity, creativity, children - for their love of sports, dexterity, thank the jury - for their attentiveness and fairness, our fans - for their support.

Let it all be just a game

But I wanted to say to her:

The great miracle is the family!

Keep her, take care of her!

There is no more important goal in life!

Leading : Thank you all for your participation and help in holding the holiday! Health, vivacity to you and new sports victories! Keep it up!

(Teams make a circle of honor to the music of the “Sports March”)

See you soon!LITERATURE:

1. "Health of a preschooler" - magazine No. 1 (2009), No. 5 (2011)

The course of the holiday

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, dear parents, guests, children!

Lead 2. Today we all gathered together for a family holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family!"

Lead 1.

The magical symbol of life is the family.

There is a drop of the Fatherland in it, in it - I.

It has mom, dad, brother, sister.

It has a small courtyard area.

In it - the sun, and a birch, and a house.

In it, everything warmly laughs around.

Seven notes of a magic song, seven phrases,

So that the wonderful light of the sun does not go out.

The children of the Earth laughed loudly,

They could continue the sacred race.

And on this holiday of happiness for all of you

We congratulate you right now.

May your family be strong -

Otherwise it is impossible to live in the world!

Lead 2. And how many riddles and instructive discoveries are in the word "family"! The word "family" can be divided. For example, two words "seven" and "I". Then it seems to tell us: "The family is seven people just like me."

It is useful to know that the word "family" comes from the word "seed". A small seed, lovingly planted in the ground, produces a strong sprout. Over time, first tender flowers appear on it, and then good fruits.

Our ancestors have long taught that this seed will not grow without the help of elders and without the will of God. That is why the bride and groom received a blessing from their parents, and a wedding from God.

The family grows stronger, and the seed turns into a strong sprout. The first flowers bloom on it - sons and daughters. Now the main concern of parents is that their children grow up to be good people. They spare no effort or time for this.

Lead 1. Everyone in the family has their own responsibilities. They are performed without prompting. The most difficult responsibilities lie with the parents.

Their love and patience achieve family happiness, unceasing work - prosperity and well-being.

Remember the wise commandment:"Honor your father and mother, and you will be well, and you will live long."

Lead 2.

Loved you for no reason

For being a grandson

Because you are a son

For being a baby

For what you grow

Because he looks like mom and dad...

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.

Student 1.

There will be a lot of things and roads in life.

Let us ask ourselves: where do they start?

Student 2.

Here it is, our answer, the most correct one:

Everything we live starts with mom!

Student 3.

There are many mothers in the world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

Only I love one.

Who is she? I will answer -

This is my mommy.

Student 4. Mother! Close your eyes and listen, and you will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar, so dear. You can't confuse it with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice.

Student 5. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most gentle and affectionate hands that can do everything. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for her children never goes out, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

Pupil 6. You didn't know how to speak yet, but she understood you without words. I guessed what hurts you, what you want. Mom taught you to talk, to walk. Mom read you the first book. From her you learned the names of birds, that each flower has a name. Mom helped you see the first snowflake.

The song for mothers "A true friend" sounds.

Who wakes us up in the morning with a smile,

Protects us from rain and blizzards?

We will answer directly: “Well, of course, mother.

The closest, kindest, most faithful friend.


Very smart and beautiful

Everyone around us knows about it.

Everything in the world can and will always help.

Mom is a real, true friend.

Who can always help you out.

What if something happens all of a sudden?

We will answer directly: “Well, of course, mother.

The closest, kindest, most faithful friend.

We will answer directly: “Well, of course, mother.

The closest, kindest, most faithful friend.

Presenter 1. A child in a family needs both female and male attention. The reliability of the father, his sensitivity towards children, mother, grandmother, the desire to make family life more interesting, happy - all this passes on to children: boys are taught to be real men and subsequently good husbands and fathers, and encourages daughters to compare their friends with their father, be more critical of their chosen ones.

Pupil 7

My dad has gone away.

To be honest, it’s not easy for me without a dad.

Dad, if he wants, he can sing a song,

If it's cold, warm it up with your warmth.

It's hard for me to sleep without my dad.

I'll get up and stand quietly at the door.

Dear dad, come back soon!

Pupil 8

My dad is handsome and sweet

My daddy is the best.

He always raises his hat

Meeting a lady on the street.

But there's one thing I don't understand

Sometimes I feel sorry for my dad:

He doesn't wear it at home - why?

Such a beautiful hat!

Children stage a fairy tale by Ts. Petrov "Friendly family".

Presenter 1. At the edge of the forest there was a small mitten house, and they lived there ... What do you think, guys, who?

Children. Fingers.

Presenter 1. Mom got up early in the morning (shows her thumb with the children) and says: “We need to heat the stove, cook porridge, feed the family. I'll send dad - Middle finger for cones in the forest. He is the biggest of all of us and the strongest. Dad - Middle finger, go to the forest and bring cones home!

Dad - middle finger. I am the strongest! I am the smartest! Now I'll go to the forest, I'll bring you cones.

Presenter 1. Dad ran - Middle finger into the forest, and there are many, many cones.

Dad - Middle finger. Now I'll collect them, quickly heat the stove.

Lead 1. Papa bent down - The middle finger behind the bumps, but he can’t pick them up.

Dad - Middle finger. I'll call my grandfather - Ring finger, He will help me pick up a bump. Grandfather - Ring finger, go help pick up cones!

Lead 1. Grandfather came to the rescue - the Ring finger.

Dad - Middle finger.

Grandfather Nameless!

Be like a hero

Help me bump

Take home!

Leading. For a long time they lifted the bump, but they could not lift it.

Grandfather - Ring finger. Call Grandma - Index finger.

Dad - middle finger. Grandmother! Grandma, go help raise the bump.

Lead 1. Grandmother came - Index finger, the three of them bent down. They lifted the bump for a long time, but they could not lift it.

Grandma - index finger. You, my grandson, little little finger, give me advice, there is no way with this bump.

Lead 1.

Little finger-grandson came running,

Though he is small, yes he is daring,

He only looked at the bump,

He immediately winked at his grandfather:

For a skillful hand -

This, they say, is nonsense!

Grandmother - Index finger. You are completely like our father, there is no more nimble young man.

Leading. The four of them began to lift the bump, for a long, long time they lifted it, as many as ten times in a row, but they never brought it into the house.

little finger. Let's call mom - Thumb, she knows how to do everything. Mom-mom, come, help us raise a bump!

Mom - Thumb.

Come on, family, boldly

Get down to business!

Dad, take this edge

Grandma, click here

You, son, from here, grandfather - from here ...

And now I will take it and help you all.

One, two, three, lift up!

Lead 1.

All of them together

They carry a bump

All of them together

The song is sung.

What does it mean in life

Friendly family,

Told you guys

My fairy tale!

Lead 2. Guys! Every person has a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. Many people have children, brothers, sisters. All of them together form a family. How important it is for everyone in the family to live together and help each other. Alone, it is very difficult to cope with various difficulties. If together we are friendly, then together we are strong!

There is a competitive program for family teams.

Homework - each family prepares a motto at home, and presents it at the game.

There is a "Warm-up".

Exercise: to make into a single whole proverbs and sayings cut into two parts about the house, about the family.

➢ Keep an old friend... (and a new one at home)

➢ Away is good... (but home is better)

➢ Houses and... (walls help)

➢ My home... (my fortress)

➢ When the sun is warm ... (and when the mother is good)

➢ There is no better friend... (than your own mother)

The competition "Who is more?"

Family teams inflate balloons.

Competition "Composers" is held.

Who better and faster will compose a poem on a given first line. .

➢ A cow was walking on the Moon...

For example: A cow walked on the moon,

I sang a song about myself.

➢ We asked the parrot...

For example: We asked the parrot:

"What did he do with the teacup?"

➢ A dragonfly sat on a hat ...

For example: A dragonfly sat on a hat,

The hat flew up cheerfully.

➢ Cooked ax soup...

For example: Soup from an ax is cooked,

That's the way it is, brother!

A fairy tale competition is being held.

Come up with a fairy tale based on its beginning: “One ordinary day, when you were sitting on the sofa and watching TV, a bell rang in the apartment. You opened the door and saw... You won't believe it! Elephant! He was huge! He was pink! The elephant said hello and said ... "

"Music competition" is held(for moms). Moms can sing a lullaby.

The competition "Who is faster?"(for dads). Dads must dress the child, while the clothes are turned inside out.

The competition "Ay, yes we are!" Children tell their parents as many affectionate words as possible.

Competition "Signature dish of our family". Share your recipe with the whole family.

Competition "With a song for life". The task for the teams is to sing their favorite song together.

Summing up is underway. Winner's reward ceremony.

Lead 1.

The family is truly a high creation.

She is a reliable barrier and a pier.

Lead 2.

She gives birth and calling.

It is the basis of all beginnings for us.

The family is the most important part of a child's life. Parents, brothers and sisters are the dearest people in the world. Therefore, a child studying a foreign language will perceive the topic “Family” with interest. He will talk with animation about his family, and will listen with interest to how the word “mother”, “dad”, “grandmother”, etc. sounds in French.

New vocabulary


Task number 1

Before you start working with new words, ask the child who he loves the most, who are the most dear people to him. If the child does not yet know, explain to him that all these people are called by one word - FAMILY. And tell me that today you will learn how the main word "mother" sounds in French.

Next, select a picture of a family or select a photo from your family photo album and, using new words from the table, as well as designs C' est une, (this is...) C' est un , Ce sont and possessive pronouns mon/ ma, tone/ ta/ tes, notre/ nose, sa/ son/ ses name all family members in French. First, do it yourself (twice), then invite the child to repeat after you, and then try to name all the family members yourself.

Example: C'est une mere, ce sont tes grand-parents.

Task number 2

Now using interrogative phrases Qui est- il?/ Qui est- elle? (Who He /she ?), Comment s'appelle-t-il?/Comment s'appelle-t-elle? (what is his/her name?) continue working with the picture or photo (it is better to change the picture or photo to a new one). First, ask the question yourself and answer them yourself, then let the child answer.

Example: Qui est-il? C'est mon pere.

Comment s'appelle-t-il? Il s'appelle André.

Task number 3

Take a break from the picture and invite the child to draw or sculpt. Draw or mold a family of cats, fish, mice, etc. from plasticine (depending on the child's abilities). And then introduce each character using the new vocabulary and the constructions above. You can add a question Quel ậge a-t-il/elle? and answer Il/elle a 5 ans.

Example: C'est une mere-poisson. Elle s'appelle Marie. Elle a 7 ans

Task number 4

Now invite the child to listen and then read the rhyme about the family. If the child cannot read yet, let him just listen and memorize. The poem can be learned by heart.

  • J'aime mon père, j'aime ma mère, j'aime mes sœurs,
  • J'aime mes frères - de tout mon cœur!
  • Et tante, et oncle, oui, tout le monde!
  • Oui, tous, sauf moi… Quand je n'ai pas mon chocolat

  • I love my father, I love my mother, I love my sisters,
  • I love my brothers - with all my heart!
  • And aunt and uncle, yes, everyone!
  • Yes, everyone but myself... When I don't have my chocolate.

Task number 5

And now some music. Watch, listen and repeat!

Marina Yanbukhtina
Scenario of the holiday "Mom, dad, I am a friendly family"

Leading: In the family circle, we are growing,

In the family circle, all your roots,

And in life you come out of families.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Hello, family! Beautiful word. But think about what family? (Answers). These are two oxen in one harness, this is a team, this is a cell of society, this is ... Wonderful! The significance of the concept « family» very large. Family from the first moments of life next to each of us. Family is home, This father and mother, grandmother and grandfather.

Meet the family teams that are members of our competitions: (representation of families).

Now let me introduce our jury: (jury presentation)

1. So, the first competition.

"Performance". Try to give a version of the formation of your last name, how was your last name formed? In a nutshell.

2. Competition "Warm-up" or "Nimble little tailor". Whose family thread more pasta on a string in one minute.

3. Competition "Brainstorm". The question on the answer - who will be the first to raise the flag, the jury fixes. Whose family gave more answers (correct)


1. The citizen's father's name is Nikolai Petrovich, and the citizen's son's name is Alexei Vladimirovich. What is the citizen's name? (Vladimir Nikolayevich)

2. The brothers are sitting at the table in the corners. Opposite each brother are three more brothers. How many brothers are at the table? (4) .

3. Two blind men had a brother Ivan, but Ivan had no brothers. Who were these blind people? (sisters).

4. How many cuts do you need to make to divide the whole loaf into 5 members families? (4) .

5. A child is sitting on the road and crying: “I have a father, I also have a mother, but I’m not their son!” Sorry little one! But can this be? (this is the daughter).

6. How many children does a mother have if she had to buy 8 mittens? (4) .

Jury word.

4 contest: IN family where there is a reason to laugh and live with a sense of joy, the soul blossoms. The best pedagogical technique is humor, which helps out even in the most unusual situations. A sense of humor will come in handy in this competition. (With the help of pantomime, without words, you need to sing a song). The team whose song the audience quickly guesses wins. "Grasshopper", "I play the harmonica", "Solar Circle", "Smile".

5 contest: The kitchen is not only a place where food is prepared, but something more. Here in the evening everyone gathers at one table family family affairs are discussed over a cup of tea. It is impossible to imagine home comfort without a kitchen. It is noted that in families, traditional family meals, fewer quarrels, divorces, more respect for each other and mutual understanding. Now we will see how you can understand each other. Contest "Explainers". Exercise dad - no words, using gestures to explain the words - kitchen utensils, and other members families - guess. (Saucepan, kettle, knife, refrigerator, mixer)

While the jury is deliberating, the children perform "Song about Dad".

Jury word.

6 contest: It is known that after all Mother is the main person in the kitchen. Mom always knows what family members like to eat. And now the competition for moms. Moms, please come to me. Other members families Hand out leaflets with questions. You must underline the correct answer. Then we ask mom who will have more matches, that family wins.

Sunday is Mother's Day.

A song for moms "About Mom".

Jury word.

7 competition: "Breakfast". We need to refresh ourselves. Mother blindfolded feeds his seven semolina porridge: which one families porridge will run out faster.

8 contest: "Children's" "Who is faster?" (twisting the rope)

While the jury is deliberating Competition fans: (for the correct answer - a chip, whoever has more of them wins)

For adults

For children:

1 Wife's brother (brother-in-law) 1 She still lies and looks at the sun (turtle)

2 Husband's brother (Brother) 2 They are so wonderful - with a book, with a song (school years)

3 Husband's sister (Sister-in-law) 3 Do not twist it, you will not find on it that country, a special country, about which we sing (globe)

4 Wife's sister (Sister-in-law) 4 Imagine yourself: he was green (grasshopper)

5 Wife's mother (Mother-in-law) 5 He did not pass anything, he was not asked anything (Antoshka)

6 Brother's or sister's daughter (Nephew) 6 They're Made From Flowers And Bells (girls)

7 Father's brother (Uncle) 7 They run clumsily (pedestrians)

8 Mother's sister (Aunt) 8 He runs, swings (blue carriage)

9 Mothers of wife and husband (matchmakers) 9 Drawing of a boy (solar circle)

10 It's fun to walk across the open spaces with her (song)

11 She will make everyone warmer (smile)

12 She's a foodie, an ideal pioneer (potato)

Prize for the winner.

Final competition: Mini contests:

A) "Who is more accurate?" (indicate embedded pages)

b) "Who is bigger?"(for 30 seconds - a booklet, bending sheets of paper in half and inserting them into each other)

V) "Who is more attentive?"

A game "Frogs, ducklings, kids"

Who will respond faster to the words of the presenter "language" animal.

Summing up the jury

In the meantime dance with parents "We are going…"

Results. Prize giving.

I sincerely wish that the flame of the family hearth always warms and supports you in difficult times. Be happy and see you soon!

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