The child twists its legs when you swing in your arms. The baby jerks violently with arms and legs. Why and what to do

If infant crying for a long time certain time days (usually in the evening), pulls the legs to the tummy and twists them, and the baby is almost impossible to calm down - these are colic.

Colic is not a disease, but a characteristic infants second or third month of life physiological phenomenon.

Colic occurs around the third or fourth week of life, and by the 4th month it gradually fades away.

Why does colic appear?

The exact cause of colic is not known. However, they occur during changes in atmospheric pressure, before a thunderstorm, in cloudy, rainy or windy weather, usually affecting babies with a dysfunctional birth and a diagnosis of "increased intracranial pressure", which suggests that the baby has vascular headaches. By three months, the baby's weather-related headaches subside or almost go away, and he cries much less. And by 6 months the child is completely free from headaches.

Attacks of colic should be tried to alleviate. At this time, you do not need to put the baby to the chest, sucking movements only increase the pain. In such a situation, it is difficult to remain calm, but you need to try not to be nervous. The child is given emotional condition mother, but he is already so bad.

All efforts should be directed to increasing lactation, providing the child with a full breast-feeding(without any complementary foods) up to 6 months, apply it on demand to the breast.

Carry the baby in your arms more often, put it on your stomach - bodily contact with the mother is necessary for him no less than breast milk.

Mom should be attentive to her diet, avoiding errors in nutrition.

With long-lasting pain, a warm bath helps. The child is dipped into the water and gently rocked in his arms. The procedure helps relieve spasm.

Before eating, the child should be laid out on a warm diaper with a tummy, this reduces intestinal muscle spasms. If you press the child to your back, and bend the legs at the knees and pull them up to the tummy, the muscles of the anus will relax and the gases will go away.

During feeding, the baby's head should be higher than the body, and the tummy should touch the mother's stomach. It is necessary to ensure that the baby correctly grasps the nipple, and when feeding with a mixture, so that the nipple is filled with milk.

After feeding, the child is held upright, waiting for him to burp so that the air does not cause.

During an attack, you need to find the position and rhythm of motion sickness so that the baby falls asleep. After sleep, the pain usually stops.

Tremor in children is called involuntary trembling of the muscles, fingers and chin. Some parents consider these signs normal. It is not right. Why is it important to quickly identify the disease, and does prolonged lack of treatment have consequences?

If the child's hands are trembling, it must be shown pediatric neurologist in order to rule out the presence pathological processes or promptly start treatment. It is especially important if the baby, compared to peers, jumps poorly, develops slowly, is inactive, and often cries.

Neurologists say that tremor in children can be physiological or pathological. The disease is diagnosed by involuntary muscle twitching in any part of the body, including the abdomen.

Children experience leg twitching older than a year and breasts. The type of tremor is determined by the frequency of limb shaking in a newborn. Tremor for a child is not dangerous only in case of hypertonicity. The baby, involuntarily pulling a leg or handle, experiences normal sensations. The condition usually resolves by 3 months of age.

In most cases, tremor in infants is caused by immaturity. nervous system. If the symptoms get worse, or the child often jerks his arms for no reason, most likely he is suffering pathological tremor. Indicates presence serious violations from the baby's nervous system. Sometimes, tremor is a symptom of a serious neurological disease.

At the baby


At nervous tension or in phase REM sleep the newborn is shaking one or more parts of the body:

  • legs;
  • chin (why does the child's chin shake);
  • pens;
  • sometimes - the muscles of the neck.

Physiological tremor in infants is considered when the child is less than 3 months old and the problem occurs immediately after stressful situation(dressing, fright, discontent, crying). Moreover, the physiological tremor in newborns is most pronounced, parents are very worried about the condition of the crumbs. Sometimes trembling of the head is manifested during feeding.

These types of tremors in infants rarely persist beyond the age of 3 months, but children under one year of age sometimes experience them. Often with a physiological tremor, the baby is also at the age of 9 months.

It should be noted that, compared with pathological, with physiological tremor in newborns, the limbs twitch with a lower frequency, duration and amplitude.

When parents carefully observe the baby, they immediately understand why their crumbs have episodes of physiological tremor. by the most critical period for an infant, the age is considered to be from 1 to 3 months.

After a year, a tremor of the head and limbs should not be observed, otherwise the disease is pathological, acquired either in the mother's womb or during childbirth. This type tremor in children lasts up to any age, sometimes adolescence, leads to twitching of the head, chin or limbs and other symptoms:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • nervousness;
  • crying often.

Important! If a child has frequent twitches of the head (especially after sleep), it indicates a high intracranial pressure, perinatal encephalopathy, hyperglycemia and other diseases no less dangerous for him. A timely appeal to a pediatric neurologist will eliminate tremor in newborns as soon as possible.


Why do young children experience given state? It's all about wrong development centers of nerve endings. And since these centers are located in the brain, trembling of the head is not uncommon. When the baby is stressed, the level of norepinephrine in his blood increases, after which strong muscle tension and twitching of the limbs occur.

Common causes of tremor include:

  1. Fetal hypoxia. When entangled with the umbilical cord or due to any other cause of hypoxia, the newborn experiences severe stress.
  2. Risk of miscarriage . At hormonal disruptions or diseases of the genital organs, uterine hypertonicity appears. This functioning of the body of a pregnant woman greatly affects the fetus, the baby shakes her arms and legs even after the first year of life.
  3. Infections transmitted by a pregnant woman. Pregnancy needs to be planned. Before it requires diagnosis and treatment infectious diseases. Otherwise, after passing through the birth canal, the baby is born with serious diseases.
  4. Placental abruption. If this happened before childbirth, the risk of losing a child greatly increases. Urgent treatment of a pregnant woman consists in rapid delivery and prevention of inflammation, shock and blood loss.
  5. Prematurity. Babies born between 28 and 37 weeks, weighing no more than 2500 kg and up to 45 cm tall, are considered premature. Some parents believe that such children are incapable of further development. However, it is not. They are very weak, their psychomotor and speech development happens more slowly. But they catch up with the development of their peers at the age of 2 - 3 years, with 3-4 stages of prematurity - at 5 - 6 years.
  6. Birth injury . The main reasons are mechanical and hypoxic, when, due to too long labor, constant pressure is exerted on the fetus.
  7. Severe stress during pregnancy. It is known that increased norepinephrine affects not only the pregnant woman, but also the unborn child in the stomach. Even a systematic lack of sleep can cause a tremor in the crumbs. And therefore, so that these reasons do not arise, a woman should not experience constant stress and lack of sleep.


Having determined the cause of the trembling of the limbs in a child, the neurologist prescribes an individual treatment. Most often it does not consist in therapy. medications, but includes medical physical culture, massage, can prescribe a light electrophoresis of 7 - 10 sessions. After such complex treatment the arms, legs, chin of the crumbs shake less, he sleeps better and feels better in the morning.

Neurologists also allow:

  • massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs and arms;
  • do gymnastics;
  • take baths with lavender, chamomile or other soothing plants, provided that the baby is not allergic;
  • take air baths.

Therapy of physiological tremor for children under one year is not prescribed.

If the tremor experienced by newborns is pathological, the environment in the home should be kept as calm as possible. The more tense atmosphere the longer the treatment will be.

In children older than one year


Involuntary shuddering of a pen or other part of the body also occurs in children older than 1 year. Sometimes they feel as if a certain part of the body is not moving smoothly, but jumping. This condition is associated with muscle hypertonicity. With a pronounced emotional outburst, the child experiences twitches in the area:

  • chin
  • sometimes the muscles of the neck, tongue, trunk or facial muscles are involved.

Sometimes the child's hands or other limbs are shaking even at rest. It has been noticed that a baby who prefers to fall asleep on his stomach trembles less with them than sleeping on his side or back. In addition to muscle tremors, a child may experience:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability.

It is worth noting that in children at any age, tremor can progress if you do not prescribe timely treatment. First, one limb is involved in the process, then the second, then other muscle groups.

Among all types of tremor, the safest is benign, in which only one limb trembles. It is more severe when the child's arms or legs are shaking. The most difficult is Asterixis: the child performs very slow and uncertain movements and experiences liver or kidney failure.

Trembling of the hands or other parts of the body in children older than one and a half years is manifested only due to pathology, infectious diseases of the female genital organs, unsuccessful pregnancy or difficult childbirth. Therefore, this condition needs to be treated.

How are they treated?

Even if the disease is determined only by hand trembling, it is required complex therapy. The child is assigned:

  • sessions of electrophoresis possible use"Eufillina" and Mg 2%;
  • walks in the open air;
  • balanced diet;
  • gymnastics;
  • massage.

In some cases, beta-blockers are required. If the cerebellum has been damaged, surgical treatment is prescribed. The neurologist recommends monitoring the dynamics of therapy using ultrasound or an electroencephalogram of the brain. Upon completion of treatment, a consultation with a pediatric neurologist about the prevention of tremor is necessary.

Thus, if a child has a tremor of the head or limbs, attentive parents urgently show it to a qualified pediatric neurologist. If all the recommendations of the doctor are followed, the most positive prognosis will be achieved.


The very first consequences of a tremor the child experiences even in infancy - nervousness and frequent crying. Sleep is gradually disturbed, and the range of motion increases. Trembling begins to appear absolutely for no reason.

The tremor itself does not affect life expectancy in any way. But pathology in a child older than a year and in an adult always signals a neurological disease, a violation of the cerebellum, or the accumulation of copper in the blood, liver, or membranes of the brain.

The danger of the disease lies in the gradual loss of ability to work. This is especially true for people who do not treat the tremor at the same time as its cause. Parkinson's disease (which mostly occurs in older people) is also slowly developing.

motor reactions. During wakefulness, a “complex of revival” often and easily arises. The child twists its legs and arms, showing animation and joy. Raises legs up, quickly straightens them. Supports its weight by resting its legs on a support. Lying on his stomach, he leans on his forearms, he can, resting his hands on the mattress, slightly raise his torso. Turns on its own side.

Skills. Holds mother's breast or bottle while feeding. At the sight of the mother's breast, he reaches out to her with his hands, captures. In the process of feeding, does not remove hands from the bottle or breast.

Hand movements. He examines, feels and grabs the toys hanging low above his chest, stretching out both hands, pulls the toys into his mouth. The occurrence of grasping is very milestone in the development of the baby. Expresses joy when new toys appear. Developing tactile sensitivity, which has importance for the occurrence of the act of grasping and examination.

From 4 to 7 months, effective actions arise: moving objects, moving them, extracting sounds from them.

visual reactions. Recognizes mother or loved one smiling happily. He looks calmly at a stranger. Distinguish between flat and

volumetric image. Follows the toy for up to 3 minutes or more in all directions.

auditory reactions. He listens to the sounds of a voice, music, a sounding toy, looks for the source of the sound with his eyes, clearly turns his head towards it. Looks at him for 10 seconds. It reacts differently to calm and dance melodies. Calmly listens to a lullaby and perks up at the sounds of a dance. Distinguishes the voices of loved ones from the voices of strangers. The mother's voice connects with her face.

speech reactions. Gulit itself after eating, when falling asleep and after communicating with adults after 1-3 minutes. Pronounces repeated vowel sounds, emits enthusiastic cries, plays with sounds that he makes with saliva. A melodious hum is pronounced.

Emotions. The child laughs from the bottom of his heart, out loud. For the first time, the child begins to respond to tickling: the effectiveness of tickling depends on whether the baby is aware that another person is doing it. Until 3.5 months, the child is not able to be aware of another person.

Interested in everything that happens around, looks around. Reciprocates a smile with a smile. He looks for another child, reaches out to him, tries to touch him.

A child at 4 months is a creature with a developed visual-motor system, good general auditory abilities.

He is able to control the movements of his arms and legs, but he still has difficulty controlling his torso.

There is a reaction to novelty.

The baby sleeps all night long.

Gives parents a real smile and laughs out loud.

A child at this age becomes round, elastic and unusually beautiful.

Boy's weight - 6000-6900 g

Girl's weight - 5500-6400 g

Boy's height - 62-64 cm

Girl's height - 61-62 cm

Intelligence. The third stage of development of sensory intelligence begins (from 4 to 8 months) - the implementation of purposeful actions. The child begins to distinguish between cause and effect: if you pull the ring, the bell will ring, if you press the switch, the light will go out.

A four-month-old baby has certain facial patterns of its parents. He will look for a long time at a graphic or sculptural image of a face with eyes located in place of the mouth, but will briefly dwell his gaze on the image of a face without eyes at all. This suggests that minor changes in an object or phenomenon are much more attractive for an infant than a complete novelty.

At 4 months, the reaction to novelty is manifested in the duration of keeping the gaze on a new object.

First attachments. Try standing next to your baby without looking at him. At first he will smile, look expectantly, wait a bit, and then, most likely, he will begin to twist his arms and legs.

If you refrain from an answering smile or look, which is very difficult to implement, then the baby’s attempts to induce you to respond with inviting sounds that turn into displeased intonations, or even whimpering, are still possible; resentment is also possible - the child will turn away.

If a four-month-old baby does not react in this way in the proposed situation, but simply does not pay attention to you - and this is repeated several times at other moments of wakefulness - this is a signal: the child does not show initiative in communication.

If he, with your passivity, is passive himself, you can be sure that this is the result of your attitude towards the child, which does not develop and reinforce his own initiative, the result of your incorrect organization of communication with him.

Discharge from the hospital is an event that is not inferior to a wedding in terms of scale and level of excitement, do you agree? Finally, you are home... I breathe a sigh of relief with you, a little nostalgic and at the same time share your unspeakable joy! Now everything in your life will be different.

Time flies, you have almost adjusted your life, strictly following the rules dictated by your newborn boss, and everything seems to be fine, but the endless crying of the baby and his anxiety during feeding literally drive you crazy!

Believe me, this happens in almost every family, do not panic ahead of time. I will tell you what to do, but first I urge you not to be too nervous and figure everything out with me.

What are the reasons?

To help the child calm down, you need to at least roughly understand why he cries a lot, twitches his arms and legs, and is naughty after feeding.

Briefly about the main reasons:

Of course, every baby is different... If your baby constantly cries, shudders in his sleep, tucks his legs, and behaves restlessly during and after feeding, seek medical help.

At the first ultrasound at 1 month, my son was found to have an inflection of the gallbladder. Throughout the first year, we were constantly observed by a gastroenterologist, because colic and gases did not give us rest at all! My son even cried on his chest!

But time, as you know, is the best healer! Now we are already 3 years old, we have overcome all difficulties and we are growing to the envy of everyone. By the way, my toddler looks like 5 years old! Elephant - I affectionately call him!

It happens that a newborn cries before urinating. The son of a friend of mine had a similar problem, but everything was quickly resolved. Of course, you need to see a doctor, because. the pain that makes the baby cry may be due to a developmental disorder in the penis.

So, enough of the complications! Let's move on to something more pleasant - to first aid measures for a crying baby.

Help without leaving home

You can easily ease the pain of your baby if you remember a few simple tips. Proven to handle strong crying, really and at home!

I'll start with a tummy massage. I think there is no need to further explain how good the massage itself is! Moreover, the place of its holding (back, neck, stomach, legs, etc.) does not matter.

Warming up tissues and bones is always wow! You relax and your body heals. What could be cooler, right?

Your newborn lump is a full-fledged person, and his growing body also wants to regularly receive a portion of relaxation in the form of a massage.

And since we know that in the first months of life, the main emphasis in the development of a child is on digestion, on its normalization and stabilization, my first advice becomes obvious - it is necessary to massage the tummy.

The main function of massage is to remove gases from the intestines. Your pediatrician will tell you how to carry it out correctly, and I will recommend that you use a baby Weleda oil . It is designed specifically for babies and, with regular use, helps to reduce colic.

Unable to massage regularly according to the doctor's instructions? No problem! There is an alternative: put the baby on his tummy as often as possible so that he massages himself! When a baby cries, this will calm him down a little, because. he will like to look at the world from a different position, and in the meantime, the extra gas will come out on their own.

If your little one has irregular and hard stools, he presses his legs when pushing, I advise you to give him plenty of water. Water will dilute your milk, and it will go through all the stages of digestion correctly! Bowel movements will be a joy!

Sometimes in the evenings the child cries especially strongly and pulls legs and arms. What does it say? Your baby is just tired, he's a common person, Do not forget! Do you think it's easy to explore the world all day when there are new sounds and movements every minute?

And what mileage do small legs wind up, constantly moving in the air? It doesn't seem like much! The less nervous you are, the calmer your miracle will be even at the end of the next working day!

look video from Dr. Komarovsky about the causes of baby crying:

I will finish today with my favorite "axiom of child-rearing": hug the kids under any pretext, because little children still smell of God!

We will tell you how to relieve the pain of a newborn.
Colic is not a disease, but a physiological phenomenon characteristic of infants. Still, parents need to be careful. Many diseases abdominal cavity similar in symptoms to colic and sometimes difficult to recognize in time. To prevent this from happening, you need to constantly consult with your doctor. Especially if the pain is accompanied by fever.

As a rule, they occur in the third week of a child's life, reach a peak by about the sixth and gradually fade away by fourth month. They last in attacks for at least three hours a day. There is no fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea. Takovo short description phenomena called colic. Dear Parents if your baby has their symptoms, do not be alarmed. You can help, most importantly, be patient!

Why do they appear?
The exact cause of colic is not yet known. Experts can only guess what causes them:
. underdeveloped digestive system crumbs;
. special sensitivity of the endocrine and nervous system;
. improperly prepared mixture (for artificial);
. swallowing air while breastfeeding or from a bottle;
. the reaction of the intestines of the newborn to the legumes that the mother ate the day before.
Try to ease the bouts of colic. But don't despair if it doesn't work right away. Many pediatricians believe that they just need to wait it out. Remember important rule: be gentle and affectionate with the baby. Yes, you are having a hard time. You probably feel overwhelmed, tired (especially mom). Because of this, irritation and nervousness appear. Still, try to de-stress. After all, it is transmitted to the baby, and this negatively affects his condition. In addition, the emotional connection between you is weakening. little man your love and care, support and sympathy are so necessary. Believe me, you are already helping if you just hold him in your arms.

Helping the baby
To cope with pain, use all the ways that will help alleviate discomfort. the main task now - to make the first months of a newborn's life painless and joyful.

Watch out baby
. Do not rush to transfer the child to the mixture. Every effort must be made to increase lactation. It is quite possible to do this with the help of special herbal preparations, procedures and even gymnastics.
. Carry the newborn in your arms more often or lay it on your stomach. A baby needs physical contact just like breast milk.
. Talk to your pediatrician about homeopathic remedies. He alone must select them.
. For pain that does not go away for a long time, use a proven method. cook warm bath. Dip your baby in the water and gently rock in your arms. This procedure usually relieves the spasm quickly.
. Let the mother of the baby for a while refuse dishes from peas and beans. Such food can adversely affect the digestion of the newborn. There is an opinion that a woman who is breastfeeding should forget not only legumes, but also almost all vegetables and fruits. Then the baby will not know about colic. The experience of many mothers proves that the diet has nothing to do with it. She saves the child from allergies, but not from pain in the tummy.

Make a choice
by the most effective methods prevention of colic are considered massage and proper feeding. And yet they do not guarantee complete relief from pain. Many experts still advise to alleviate the condition of the crumbs. dill water, children's teas with fennel. If the mother does not yet want to introduce the baby to the bottle, let her drink such tea herself. Still, he'll get there. It is impossible to recommend the same remedy for everyone: the body of each baby is individual. Only time, breastfeeding and a gentle attitude help everyone.

Master Class
1. Choose a position while feeding the baby. Always hold your baby so that his head is higher than his body, and his tummy touches your stomach. The baby should capture the areola of the nipple as much as possible. If your baby is bottle feeding, be sure to keep the nipple full of milk.

2. After feeding, slowly lift the newborn upright. Press it with your tummy to your chest and gently massage your back. Wait ten or fifteen minutes for him to burp. Do this every time, then the air in the intestines will not cause colic.

3. Before eating, lay the baby on his tummy on a warm diaper or on your left hand. This will relieve painful spasms of the intestinal muscles. Right gently stroke the back from top to bottom. Turn the child with his back to you, bend his legs at the knees and press them to the tummy. In this position, the crumbs will relax anus and gases will come out.