The chin of the baby is shaking. Should I be worried if my baby's chin is shaking? Photo gallery: causes of pathological tremor of the chin

When a child is born, many of its organs function defectively. Therefore, such a phenomenon as tremor in newborns is considered absolutely normal. But only up to a certain point.

Pediatricians advise mothers to monitor the trembling of the chin and limbs of the baby, but not to panic at the slightest hesitation. Also, parents, in order to reassure themselves, should study the relevant information and understand when a tremor in a newborn is the norm, and when it is a deviation.

What does it look like

Tremor of the limbs and chin in babies, which often occurs during crying, is associated with a balancing excitation of the nervous system, which helps to stabilize the state of the body. The twitches, which usually occur against a background of stress, have a small amplitude and occur at very short intervals.

We can say that the tremor of the chin and legs in a newborn is by-effect increased tone muscles. So the first three months of a child's life, small twitches are the absolute norm. In addition, this picture is directly related to the immaturity of the nervous system of the baby.

Also, tremor in newborns can be observed during the phase REM sleep. It looks like this - the arms and legs of the child tremble intensely, the eyes under the half-closed eyelids often move.

A week after the birth, tremor attacks gradually begin to disappear, manifesting themselves only with a strong fright or a hysterical cry. If the child's limbs or chin tremble even when relaxed, a doctor should be consulted.

Variants of the norm: what provokes tremor in newborns

If you notice an involuntary trembling of your baby's chin or legs, you can safely attribute them to the immaturity of the nervous system or adrenal glands. In both the first and second cases, when overexcited or uncomfortable, the body reacts with the release of adrenaline, which provokes a tremor. Discomfort refers to the discontent of the crumbs that arose when dressing, feeding, bathing. For example, if the water in the bath is uncomfortable - too high or low - the temperature, the child may burst into tears, and his chin will tremble.

Also, there is often a tremor of the chin and limbs in newborns who have appeared ahead of schedule. In premature babies the peripheral and central nervous systems are even more immature than those of term infants. And although they continue to develop outside the womb, the stress that the child received when born prematurely can make itself felt in the form of twitching of the arms and legs.

In addition, if during childbirth there was fetal hypoxia , most likely up to three months the child will have a tremor. This condition is considered normal when crying or overexcited. But if the trembling of the limbs occurs involuntarily, and continues after the child reaches the age of three months, this serious occasion to visit a neurologist.

When is tremor abnormal?

Tremor in newborns that occurs without visible reasons, may be evidence of some diseases. In any case, if you notice suspicious symptoms, it would be useful to consult a neurologist and, on the advice of a doctor, examine the child.

Sometimes a tremor of the chin in a newborn covers the entire head. If this is an isolated phenomenon, explained by crying, there is no reason to worry. But if the trembling of the head, accompanied by hypertonicity of the neck muscles, is repeated again and again, we can talk about a serious neurological ailment. Involuntary twitching of the head can occur against the background of sepsis, intracranial hemorrhage, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, hypocalcemia, hyperglycemia, hypomagnesemia, drug withdrawal syndrome.

Tremor of the chin, by and large, is considered the norm. But if it continues after three months, and is also accompanied by muscular dystonia, frequent regurgitation, lack of sleep and overexcitation, it is still worth consulting a doctor.

involuntary limb contractions after leaving the neonatal period, arising for no reason, should alert parents. For example, trembling of the handles may be a sign of a malfunction thyroid gland. Especially if the tremor is accompanied by insomnia, increased sweating, intestinal upset and colic. When such symptoms appear, it is worth showing the child to an endocrinologist.

Sometimes the tremor of the legs in newborn mothers is confused with convulsions that occur when. Only a doctor can tell the difference between these symptoms. So do not neglect regular check-ups with a pediatrician. In addition, tremor can be associated with or hemorrhage, as well as the wrong structure of the foot or lower leg. Sometimes twitching of the lower extremities occurs after an injury.

What should parents do

First of all, mothers should learn that it is impossible to take any active actions without the permission of a doctor. From inept massage, the child's condition can only worsen.

First, listen to your doctor. If he advises any medicines - do not resist. They are prescribed in difficult cases and are designed to improve the supply of oxygen to the cells. Such drugs include Mydocalm, Pantogam, Glycine, etc.

In addition, if twitching of the head and limbs is a symptom of a disease of the nervous or endocrine systems, then the cause should be treated, not the effect. In this case, medication is indispensable.

But most often, tremors can be dealt with with easier methods. These include: relaxing baths with herbs, massotherapy and, most importantly, creating a calm atmosphere around the child.

It is necessary to rid the child of all stressful situations. From feeding, bathing, dressing, of course, there is nowhere to go, but to remove extraneous noise, to provide the baby with pleasant, non-cutting eyes, lighting and a friendly atmosphere, all parents can do it.

Program with the participation of an expert: neurological problems in babies under one year old

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Psychology, which is fashionable in our time, explains most of the problems of mankind with the constant stress that every day of our life is filled with. But what do all these problems and troubles mean, as a result of which we are all ready for the most desperate deeds, compared with the very first stress that an adult cannot comprehend?

One has only to try to imagine what a newborn is experiencing, just born, and the mind of the sage refuses to understand it. The baby receives such an overload on all his still fragile organs and systems that his desperate cry, with which he notifies the world of his arrival, becomes not at all surprising.

However, the matter is not limited to one cry, and one of the symptoms that can scare an inexperienced mother to hysteria should be considered, although in most cases there is absolutely nothing to fear. At least, the famous doctor Komarovsky claims so, and there is no reason not to believe him.

Two main reasons

The baby, torn from the usual intrauterine calm, in the first days and even months is forced to fight with the external environment. Learn to breathe, eat, look and so on. For a still unformed nervous system, this is not an easy job, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that it falters from time to time. But there is another reason why a newborn's chin may tremble when feeding, crying, and other irritants.

So here are the two reasons:

  • Neurological.

The coordination of the newborn still leaves much to be desired, but the reaction to any stimuli may be too violent.

  • Hormonal.

Too much norepinephrine, the so-called stress hormone, enters the blood from the adrenal glands, and it, in turn, overexcites the nervous system.

You can also add to this the hypertonicity of the baby's muscles. The brain has not yet fully learned how to manage them correctly and efficiently and, most importantly, to relax in time. Because of this, infantile tremor can also begin, but in any case, some external reason must provoke it.

External stimuli

It is impossible to create absolutely stress-free conditions for newborns, no matter how well-intentioned it is. By and large, this will even be wrong, because the baby must develop and contact with outside world, otherwise he simply cannot become a normal person. However, it is necessary to know what reasons can cause a situation when the chin of a little one is shaking and, if possible, to minimize them.

By the way, there are not so many of them, so any special unique efforts and actions for this will not be required from parents.

  • cold.
  • hunger.
  • thirst.
  • food intake.
  • water treatments.
  • bright light.
  • loud or harsh sound.
  • fast movement within sight of the child.
  • bad smell.

As you can see, almost all causes are natural and even habitual, and therefore it is necessary to deal with them moderately. Feed and water on time, make sure that there are no drafts, do not yell or make trouble in front of the child, create a gracious, kind and cheerful atmosphere while bathing, and so on. All this is within the power of attentive and loving mommy. This struggle with external stimuli should not be brought to fanaticism, but it should not be left to chance, they say, the child himself will learn to respond correctly, too. He, of course, will learn, but why turn this school into torture?

Symptoms that you should go to the clinic

In the school for expectant mothers, which is recommended during pregnancy to attend even for those women who have already had the good fortune to give birth to a child, or in antenatal clinic should persistently mention that every three months it is necessary to show the newborn not only to the local therapist, but also to the neuropathologist. In the first year of life, these visits should be at least 4. At 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of age. Even if your baby does not have any developmental disabilities, these consultations will not be superfluous. Firstly, an experienced doctor will be able to recognize the symptoms of an incipient disease (if it, God forbid, takes place) on early stage and in a timely manner, which means much better treatment. And secondly, mommy herself will calm down when the doctor, having examined her pink-bottomed little one, smiles broadly and says that everything is fine.

It is worth consulting a doctor, without waiting for a scheduled examination, in cases where the baby has:

  • shaking chin at rest.
  • when the tremor extends beyond lower part face, but also on the whole head.
  • the newborn begins to sweat suddenly.
  • the baby's skin turns blue.
  • if during childbirth there were any undesirable complications (prematurity, intrauterine hypoxia, protracted labor).

In these cases, constant monitoring by a neurologist and even the use of certain medications happens to be necessary.

Methods of treatment

And again, let's start with the fact that you should not panic and start rushing from one specialist to another in any case. The first thing to do in such a situation is to calm down the mother herself. A newborn, despite the fact that, as already mentioned, his nervous system is still very far from perfection, very subtly feels the state of his mother. When a mother is annoyed, frightened, or angry at something or someone, the baby perceives this as an alarm signal with all the ensuing consequences. He cries, is naughty, refuses to eat, especially when breastfeeding, sleeping badly. As a result, a disorder of an immature psyche and a shaking chin, which no longer only barely noticeably trembles, but walks with a shaker. From this it follows that Bad mood mothers is one of the main causes of such troubles.

The second situation: mommy is calm, in a good mood, and the baby still has a tremor. In this case, it is worth taking a closer look at what stressful situation for the newborn caused this phenomenon and try to eliminate it. Change position when feeding, put on socks, add warm water in the bath and so on. It will be useful to master a few massage soothing movements.

Pediatricians in such cases recommend bathing the baby in a bath with decoctions of herbs such as valerian, lemon balm, peppermint and oregano. Sometimes you have to resort to pharmaceuticals. The doctor may prescribe antihypoxants (glycine, mydocalm) - drugs that stimulate the flow of oxygen into the tissues.

Calming Conclusions

It is worth going back to the first three months after the birth of the baby. At this time, the baby's chin trembles quite often and quite noticeably to disturb an inexperienced mother. The reasons why this happens have already been listed above, but it should be emphasized that at this age this phenomenon is quite normal and in the vast majority of cases does not pose any threat to the health of the newborn. This is a common reaction of a fragile nervous system, and if the chin trembles without any consequences, there is no reason to be very worried.

Surround your little one with care and love, talk to him and do not believe those who claim that at this age the baby understands absolutely nothing. Even so, the very voice of his mother has a calming effect on him.

In no case do not create artificial stress for the baby - you are not in ancient Sparta and you are not required to raise a harsh warrior, especially if you have a daughter. Everything should be natural and calm.

Well, if misfortune happened and the child has some kind of disease that affects his nervous system, you should not despair and panic either. First of all, it won't help. And secondly, modern medicine be able to cope without any difficulties and consequences.

Young parents are very sensitive to the health of their tiny child: they are frightened by all the unusual manifestations in his condition. Therefore, when a baby has a tremor of the limbs or chin, they begin to sound the alarm.

Is it correct? What is a tremor? Is it a symptom serious deviations in a newborn? We will discuss all these issues in today's article.

What is a tremor

Tremor in a newborn is shaking or twitching different parts bodies observed in babies from the moment of birth. More often we are talking It's about the trembling of the arms, legs or chin. There is also a tremor of the head - but this sign, as a rule, indicates serious problems in neurology, but the trembling of the limbs and chin when the baby is crying is not considered a pathology.

When does twitching occur?

Usually, a chin tremor in a newborn, as well as trembling of the arms and legs, is noticeable when crying or after physical activity(after bathing, when feeding, while yawning, etc.). Periodically, such phenomena can also occur during REM sleep of the baby. This condition usually lasts a few seconds and goes away on its own.

If tremors occur at a time when the child is calm, then this can become a signal of muscle hypertonicity and requires contacting a pediatrician. The specialist will tell you what should be done to relax the muscles of the crumbs. As a rule, this is swimming in the pool, regular therapeutic relaxing massage and soothing baths. By the way, they are carried out no more than three times a week, adding decoctions of mint, lemon balm, valerian and motherwort to the water.

How does twitching occur?

Tremor in a newborn occurs due to the immaturity of those nerve centers that are responsible for controlling movement in the baby's brain, as well as due to an excess of norepinephrine in his blood that occurs when crying, fright or hunger. And this excess, in turn, is also provoked by the immaturity of the adrenal glands that produce this hormone.

This condition is especially common in premature babies, since the development of their initially immature nervous system outside the mother's womb is much more difficult than in babies born at term.

At what age does the onset of tremor become a sign of illness?

In the development of a baby in the first year of life, these are the so-called critical periods in the formation of the nervous system. At this time, it is most vulnerable to failures in its functioning. These periods include the first and third, as well as the ninth and twelfth months of a baby's life.

By the way, it is at this time that you should visit a pediatric neurologist. If the tremor of the limbs or chin is observed longer than the specified age, then this may act as a sign of damage to the nervous system both during pregnancy and during childbirth.

What causes tremor

How to deal with tremor in a baby

As you probably already understood, the tremor of the chin in a newborn, as well as the trembling of the arms or legs, is not necessarily a sign of a serious illness. But anyway, having noticed this in your little one, watch him and be sure to report what he saw to the pediatrician, he will tell you what to do.

A calm atmosphere in the family, love and affection of parents will definitely help little man deal with the problem, and his mother will breathe a sigh of relief. Good health!

If a mother notices that a newborn's chin is shaking, thoughts of all sorts of terrible diseases and deviations begin to creep into her head. Does a shaking chin really mean that the baby is unwell?

All up to three months internal organs and systems of the baby are undergoing major changes. Despite the fact that the baby can be born exactly on time or even postponed, the structure of the body continues to improve already in the postnatal period. This is especially noticeable in the development of the nervous and endocrine system. Nerve centers, kidneys and adrenal glands continue to adapt to the needs of the child. Sometimes this process becomes noticeable in the behavior of the baby.

In a child up to three months, arms or legs may tremble, the chin may shake periodically after exercise, or strong feelings. These phenomena are explained by overexcitation of nerve centers and endings. Vivid emotions, strong frustration, prolonged crying and muscle strain can cause voluntary contractions of some muscles. If, after these situations, the baby's chin trembled, there is nothing to worry about.

The situation is different if the baby was not tense, not frightened and did not experience any stress, and the chin visibly shakes with the apparent calmness of the child. In this situation, parents already need to be more careful.

Muscle hypertonicity

A state of increased tension in the muscles of the body is a normal manifestation for newborns under the age of three months. It is due to the position in which the baby spent all the time before birth. The muscles of the embryo are in constant voltage: the fists are compressed, the knees and arms are pulled up to the stomach, the head is thrown back. After birth, the baby's body can perform actions that were impossible while the baby was in the mother's womb. Arms and legs can be extended, the back can be straightened. This condition is unusual for a baby.

If you leave a newborn naked and watch his movements, you will notice that the child seems to be lost in space and often throws up his limbs. No wonder. After all, there was not so much space in my mother’s stomach. Now the baby has no border that would hold back movement. Freedom of action scares the baby, his muscles tend to return the body to its usual position.

Up to about 6 months, the child's body gets used to new conditions, settles in a space that differs from the intrauterine one. Signs of physiological hypertonicity gradually disappear by three months. If this does not happen, it is necessary to consult a neurologist.

Symptoms of hypertension include:

  • trembling of the muscles of the chin;
  • strong resistance of the muscles of the limbs when trying to spread the legs or arms;
  • short and restless sleep;
  • holding the head, which occurs only due to the muscles of the neck.

If similar symptoms are observed in a baby after he is 3 months old, you need to contact pediatric neurologist as soon as possible.

What will the doctor do? To begin with, he will conduct a series of simple tests that will help determine the degree of hypertonicity.

  1. From a prone position, they will try to lift the child by the handles. If the baby does not unbend the elbows and presses them to the body, hypertonicity persists.
  2. Up to two months, a newborn can be observed stepping reflex. If you put the child on a flat surface, he will try to step from foot to foot, as if walking. This habit should disappear 2-3 months after birth.
  3. It is common for a newborn to press his legs and arms to himself if he is turned on his stomach. When turning on the back, the child straightens the limbs. If the baby has muscle hypertonicity, this reflex will continue after the age of three months.

Having found hypertonicity in a child, a neurologist may prescribe several procedures that will help relax the muscles. It could be special massage, physiotherapy, swimming, electrophoresis. IN last resort doctor prescribes medication.

Tremor of the chin in newborns

The term "tremor" refers to trembling or shaking. Up to three months, periodic twitching of the chin is considered physiological and normal. If such muscle contractions persist for more than late age, the neurologist may conclude that nervous system child develops with small deviations. In this case, we are talking about pathological tremor. The child who was identified similar condition, restless, capricious, sleeps badly and often cries.

Four ages are considered critical in the development of an infant: the first, third, sixth and twelfth months of life. It is at this time that all systems, including the nervous system, are rebuilt. Possible deviations needs to be controlled.

Therefore, if parents notice in a child incessant and unprovoked (fear, hunger, strong emotions, and so on) twitching of the chin muscles, you need to tell the doctor about this and get recommendations on how to calm the child's nervous system.

It should be noted right away that tremor is treated without special efforts and expensive drugs. For treatment, the following procedures are used:

  • warm baths with decoctions of soothing herbs. Most often, mothers are advised to brew lemon balm, chamomile, lavender or oregano. Baths should be done no more than three times a week, so as not to provoke drying of the baby's skin and the appearance of a rash.
  • swimming in the pool or bath. Lungs physical exercise and just being in the water soothes the baby and trains the muscles.
  • soothing massage. As a rule, the procedure includes 10 sessions, which are carried out by a massage therapist with relevant skills. After that, the mother is given advice on how to massage the child on her own, in what order to knead the baby's body. If necessary, the treatment course is repeated after 1-2 months.

All the described activities can be carried out at home, without involving specialists for this. In severe cases, tremor is treated with medication or surgery.

It should be noted that a child who has problems with the development of the nervous system must be provided with comfortable and calm conditions in the house. The baby needs to be surrounded by care and affection, there should be no quarrels, noise and scandals in the family that can scare the child.

Why can a newborn's chin start to shake?

There are several reasons for the occurrence of tremor. Most of them lie in the perinatal period of fetal maturation.

  1. Stress and constant experiences of the mother during pregnancy. The hormone norepinephrine, which is released in this state, affects the nervous system of the child. Subsequently increased concentration This substance causes arbitrary contractions of muscle tissue in the baby.
  2. Oxygen starvation or impaired blood supply to the fetus, which can be seen from the second trimester of pregnancy. Hypoxia is a condition of mother and child that can threaten the life and health of the fetus. Usually, for the prevention and treatment of this pathology, the mother is prescribed blood-improving drugs, oxygen-containing medicines, and drugs that help relax the muscles of the uterus.
  3. Infectious diseases of a woman who were not cured before childbirth.
  4. Placental abruption, as well as oxygen starvation considered a life-threatening deviation from normal development pregnancy. As a rule, with placental abruption, a woman is determined for inpatient treatment, where, under the supervision of a doctor, hemostatic drugs are given.
  5. Cord entanglement or weak generic activity These are risk factors that may subsequently affect the health of the child. Deviations in the development of the baby with a difficult course of childbirth are clarified already in the first two months of the child's life.
  6. If a child is premature, his nervous system is even less developed than in children born on time. Therefore, chin tremor is more often observed in those babies who were born a little earlier than expected.


A shaking chin in a newborn in the first three months of a baby's life should not cause panic in parents. But it is necessary to monitor this state. If the chin muscles continue to contract in a child during sleep or at rest, and this symptom does not go away with time, a consultation with a neurologist is required.

At birth long-awaited baby, especially if he is the first, newly minted parents are eyeing any of his movements. At the same time, many are afraid of the trembling of the chin in the crumbs. How normal is this phenomenon? When does it refer to pathology?

What causes chin tremor in a newborn baby

Shaking chin in medicine refers to a type of infantile tremor.

Tremors are small, involuntary movements of body parts that cause muscle contractions. In other words, it is trembling, twitching.

In general, this feature of the newborn is explained by the following reasons:

  1. Neurological. The nervous system of the baby is not yet fully mature, the child does not know how to coordinate its own movements, it responds too violently to any external stimuli. He learns to live outside comfortable conditions inside the mother's tummy.
  2. Hormonal. The adrenal glands secrete too much noadrenaline (stress hormone) into the bloodstream even with minimal excitement, and this excites the nervous system. This substance is directly related to muscle contractions, and in addition to twitching of the chin, the crumbs may experience a tremor of the hands and lower lip.

As for provoking stress factors, for a baby it can be anything: fear and, conversely, joy, hunger, thirst, cold, a loud sound and a flash of light, a certain smell and rapid movements, bathing and fatigue, a filled diaper, etc. A newborn learns the world, continuously discovers something new in him, and his unformed nervous system reacts violently with tremors, as well as crying.

Stress for a newborn can be any external factor- underdeveloped nervous system reacts too violently to everything

Even such a seemingly pleasant procedure as feeding can provoke twitching of the chin. Indeed, for a child, this is a very emotional moment, and in addition, significant physical stress. A well-fed baby calms down, and the tremor quickly stops.

Even the process of feeding is associated for the baby with bright emotions and significant physical stress

Tremor of the chin in an infant is normal state, which passes on its own by about three months. In premature babies, this process can be delayed (about five months, sometimes longer), and the manifestations themselves can be much brighter: after all, their nervous system at birth will be in an even more imperfect state.

A premature baby is born with an even more immature nervous system, so his tremor goes away later.

In general, the infant's nervous system has a number of critical periods- a time when it is especially vulnerable due to rapid growth spurts. These are three, six, nine and twelve months.

How to respond to parents

Having noticed a tremor of the chin in their baby, parents should not panic, but try to alleviate the condition of the crumbs - to create an atmosphere of maximum comfort and peace for him:

  1. Various care manipulations (feeding and swaddling, bathing and walking, etc.) should be carried out measuredly, without too much fuss, talking affectionately with the baby.
  2. Mom should learn the techniques of relaxing massage.
  3. When bathing, you can periodically add soothing herbs to the water: these are lemon balm, motherwort, oregano, etc.
  4. It is very important to follow the daily routine.

An observant mother can always notice exactly what circumstances cause her baby to have a special overstrain.

The task of parents is to create an atmosphere of maximum peace for the baby.

When there is reason to worry

Parents should be aware that infantile chin tremors can also be pathological. And its causes are already disturbances in the work of the central nervous system, namely, the brain. provoke given state the following factors:

  1. Intrauterine infection in a baby.
  2. Hypoxia due to placental abruption, cord entanglement, too viscous maternal blood, etc.
  3. The threat of abortion.
  4. Polyhydramnios.
  5. Strong emotional upheavals during the gestational period. The maternal "stress" hormone enters the blood of the fetus, provoking endocrine and nervous failures in it.
  6. Problem childbirth: protracted or, on the contrary, rapid.
  7. Birth trauma in a child.

Photo gallery: causes of pathological tremor of the chin

Nervous shocks of the mother cause bursts of the stress hormone in her, which enters the blood of the fetus and can cause developmental disorders in him Hypoxia of the fetus can cause disturbances in the functioning of its central nervous system At birth, the child could receive birth trauma which affected his brain

Pathological tremor can be suspected by the following features:

  1. Tremor does not stop after the baby reaches six months, and even more so if it gets worse.
  2. The baby's chin twitches (perhaps even the entire head and limbs) not only during arousal, but also in a relatively calm state.
  3. The twitches last over thirty seconds.
  4. The trembling is large, the child seems to be “pounding”.
  5. With tremor, the skin turns blue, covered with perspiration.
  6. The child additionally suffers from muscle hypertonicity.

At similar signs, and even more so if the mother knows that her pregnancy was complicated (or childbirth), you need to seek help from a neurologist. The specialist will appoint the right treatment, including medication.

Video: chin tremor in a child (neurologist explains)