The most frank words to a girl. The warmest and most tender words to your girlfriend

It doesn't matter how long the relationship lasts. A girl always wants to know that she is the best for her beloved. But not always and not all compliments are appropriate.

You can talk anytime, anywhere. And for any reason. A kind word said in time can remove the scandal and solve the problem. But there are situations when affectionate words must be spoken:

What you should not do is to insert affectionate words into every sentence. One or two calls during a conversation with her will be enough. Also, you do not need to mix nickname words and call the girl in some new way in each new phrase. For such an appeal, it is best to choose one suitable word.

Affectionate words for a girl: list

In fact, an affectionate word that will make a girl smile and a surge of tenderness can be anything. Many people like to be compared to cute animals or birds. For such girls, the words will be a pleasant nickname:

Which of these affectionate nicknames a girl will like, it is better to carefully find out from her. But there are a number of appeals and gentle words that, according to psychologists, most girls like:

But, oddly enough, many girls love to be given extravagant compliments. Just before you tell them to a girl, you should find out if she considers them acceptable to herself. This must be done with the utmost tact. However, you can understand her attitude to these words by the reaction to each of them:

Some of these words will be appropriate in certain cases, some girl can always be affectionately called. The main thing is to be sure to tell her them.

Poems for your beloved girl with affectionate words

But beautiful and tender words can not only be said to a girl, but written to her in greeting cards in the form of compliments and even poetry. Coming up with such poems is not difficult.

Emotions and sincere feelings expressed in them mean much more to a girl than the correctness of rhythm and rhyme.

How many stars are in the sky

How many dreams in the darkness

How many words in silence

I have so much tenderness for you, my love.

I know there is happiness in the world:

He has a playful look

And the curls are burning with passion

And every day I get drunk.

Affectionate, dear, my dearly beloved,

You are the most desirable and the only one for me.

But in addition to poems of your own composition, you can also turn to the classics or modern poetry. Almost every poet wrote something beautiful and tender about a woman.

Kissed, bewitched

Once married to the wind in the field,

All of you, as if chained,

My precious woman! …

Zabolotsky N.A.

Like a sea wave

Like a spring wind

Like winter lace

Like dew at dawn...

Yatsura L.A.

Compliments for a girl: what words to choose?

When complimenting a girl, you should be extremely honest. A girl should know that what a man praises in her is inherent in her.

Therefore, it is not necessary for a blue-eyed woman to say that she has a languid look. It is unlikely that this will be true. But she will definitely appreciate the compliment that her eyes sparkle like stars.

The second rule of a good compliment is improvisation. Women often hear that they have beautiful figures, legs or lips. But a woman will be surprised and amazed to hear about the beautiful shape of her chin or beautiful thin collarbones.

Therefore, the more a man notices something unusual and attractive in a woman, the better.

Well, for each compliment to sound special, a man needs to be creative. Compliments said with a metaphor or unusual epithets are very much appreciated.

Tell the girl that she is not just slender, but looks like a ballerina or a flexible tree, and this compliment will amaze her.

Compliments to a girl in verse

Girls really appreciate it when men express their feelings in such a romantic way, like dedicating poems in their honor. Therefore, a poetic compliment will always be heard and accepted. And even if these are poems by famous authors.

Your camp is built like church candles.

Your gaze is a piercing gaze with swords.

Virgo, I do not expect a dazzling meeting -

Let me, like a monk, climb the fire!

Alexander Blok

You are a woman, you are a book between books,

You are a rolled up, sealed scroll;

In his lines there are an abundance of thoughts and words,

In his sheets every moment is insane. …

Valery Bryusov

But if such a compliment was written by a man personally, its value increases many times over:

Your smile is tart wine:

Playfully, intoxicatingly beautiful.

I know I'm destined to love you.

And I am grateful to fate for this happiness.

The most affectionate words for your girlfriend at night and in the morning

"Good morning, darling" is the perfect phrase to start any day, just like a wish for pleasant dreams is suitable for an evening goodbye. But to please your girlfriend, you can pick up other beautiful phrases for the morning and night.

These words do not have to be spoken in person. They can be sent via SMS, written on a social network on her page, or if you live together, write them on a piece of paper and attach it to the refrigerator using magnets.

In the morning, such a simple entry will cheer you up for the whole day, and in the evening it will remind you how important it is in the life of your lover.

What kind word can be said to a girl when she is sick

When a girl is sick, she hardly wants to hear that she is the brightest, most energetic or sexy. Inflamed eyes and a runny nose do not contribute to the appearance of charm and special charm. But this does not mean that these days the girl does not need attention. Just compliments should be correct and indicate care.

  1. My sunshine, get well soon. I already miss you;
  2. My most beautiful diamond, this cold is just a random nuisance that will soon pass. I will be glad to look after you;
  3. Good luck my fish.

The more participation will be reflected in the message, said personally or sent via SMS, the happier the beloved will become. A good mood will help her recover faster.

Affectionate words for a girl on her birthday

Many people approach birthday celebrations very responsibly. Therefore, from the very morning, most girls decorate and dress themselves up in every possible way. And a man in love is simply obliged to note this.

However, on this day, you need to compliment your girlfriend in any case. After all, if she has not made herself a new hairstyle, this does not mean that she does not want to learn something special about herself on her birthday.

A compliment from him should include not only an indication of her beautiful appearance, but also a wish for a happy birthday and everything that a man would like to say to his beloved.

Is a long, strong and harmonious relationship possible without such cute signs of attention as words of approval and compliments? Psychologists say no. Truly in love and happy people do not hesitate to tell each other about their feelings every day and many times. Therefore, affectionate words are so valued in communication. But only you need to say this not from the calculation, but from a real spiritual impulse.

And a few more tips on the topic of the article - in the next video.

What drives your loved one crazy? Here are 50 beautiful compliments to a girl, the most beautiful, gentle, pleasant, affectionate words and phrases that will make your beloved happy and make your cheeks burn with a bright flame of love.

Making an impression on a girl and harassing (in the sense of courting) her is the first and most faithful, time-tested way to charm, win a girl and be with her.

But the relationship of a man and a woman is somewhat more than a simple pursuit, the pursuit of the Predator after the Victim.

And the more love in the relationship between a guy and a girl, the more valuable the most minimal signs of attention from lovers to each other.

H tender, beautiful words, pleasant and affectionate compliments to your beloved girl just need to be said from time to time.

Aren't you flattered to hear sometimes a well-deserved compliment about your mind, strength, beauty, caring? Isn't it nice to hear a high assessment of your abilities and talents, especially from the lips of a dear, dear person?

So your girlfriend, too, sometimes just needs to HEAR that she is super, that she is the most beautiful of all, the most attractive, the most charming, the most delightful.

And even more so when it comes to girls, romantic gestures and heroic deeds are so important, sweet, sweet, kind words, meaningful quotes about love, but, most importantly, real deeds and attentive attitude, which again and again prove the love of a guy for a girl. .

After all, we do not waste time on those whom we do not love, who are indifferent to us. We do not compliment a random passerby without a special reason. But the beloved girl is not random and not any.

It is necessary to invest in her not only with strength and time, money and energy, but also with words, a high assessment of her achievements - so that she wants to become better for you.

How to give a girl a nice compliment? Yes, very simple. Pay attention to what she is most proud of in herself - and praise it, whether it be talent, appearance or a special wardrobe.

And do not forget about 50 beautiful compliments to a girl, which I publish below - they will help you speak gentle and affectionate words at the very first stage of mastering a difficult science.

50 beautiful words for a girl, gentle and pleasant compliments to a beloved woman

These compliments will make your girlfriend feel special. These compliments to your favorite girls really work - and they work for "Excellent".

But, before using them as a weapon to cheer up your beloved lady of the heart, consider a number of important points - otherwise they will not work.

How to compliment a girl

  • Choose the right moment - when she is not in a hurry, not in a hurry, not busy with anything, not longing for loneliness at all costs.
  • Be truthful and don't lie: only say what you really have in your heart. Lying or making fun of romantic feelings will be taken as a mockery and will hurt your girlfriend to the core - especially if the first part of the compliment was true.
  • These beautiful words and compliments to a girl can be said eye to eye, hugging her, or you can send them via SMS, e-mail and other modern methods.
  • The most important - FEEL IT FIRST, SPEAK AFTER.

The most beautiful compliments for girls are affectionate and the best

  1. Thank you for making me believe that kindred spirits do exist.
  2. You gave my life meaning - you are now the meaning of my life.
  3. I can't imagine life without you.
  4. How do you always manage to look so beautiful, amazing?
  5. When I'm next to you, I feel lucky. All my friends envy me because of you.
  6. You always know how to surprise me and make me happy. Just read in my heart like a book.
  7. You are the reason why I think my life is perfect.
  8. You look so cool when you laugh.
  9. You light up my day every time I see you.
  10. I dreamed about you all last night.
  11. I thought of you and kissed my pillow before waking up. Can you imagine?
  12. I can look at you forever. And I always feel like I miss you all the time. I always miss you. Can't get enough of you.
  13. I like the scent of your body.
  14. I feel so happy when I'm next to you, and when you're not around, my heart hurts.
  15. Spending time with you is my favorite hobby. At work, I only live in hope that I will see you later.
  16. You dance so well! You move so organically.
  17. You understand me so well - you directly read in my soul, as if from a book. Even I myself do not know myself so well and do not understand how you me.
  18. I can't wait for our wedding - I so want to spend the rest of my life with you.
  19. I'm happy just because I have you.
  20. You are my best friend.
  21. Thanks to your beautiful smile, all my stresses, troubles and problems disappear. You are like the morning dawn, like the sun that drives away the darkness.
  22. No, you're not fat at all. You are perfect - just the kind of complexion that I like. There is something to take on, it's nice to hold on.
  23. You could have any guy in this world, but you chose me - and I thank you for that.
  24. When I see you, I feel an incomprehensible tremor in my knees and an irresistible desire to touch you, hug you, caress you ...
  25. When I'm with you, I want time to stop. But, alas, it flies too fast.
  26. I regret that I did not meet you much earlier, that I wasted so many years.
  27. Just hearing your voice in the morning, I get a huge boost of energy and vigor for the whole day.
  28. From your smile I melt, fly away, and ...
  29. When we part and you look at me when parting, my heart literally stops and I don’t want to go anywhere ...
  30. You fulfilled all my dreams of the perfect girl - beautiful, smart, strong, and self-confident.
  31. I have never met such a wonderful person like you.
  32. I love you so much that I can’t even explain it to you, even though I tried many times. I love you more than any strongest love!
  33. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met.
  34. I love touching your delicate skin with my hands - my hands enjoy giving you a massage.
  35. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.
  36. Never change - I love you just the way you are.
  37. Thanks to you, I feel like a little joyful child in an extreme park. You are my adrenaline rush.
  38. It hurts me a lot to see you sad.
  39. You have such expressive eyes and a surprisingly deep, wise look ... I adore you, and I love your eyes.
  40. Because of you, I want to become better, change for the better - so I want to be worthy of your love.
  41. Butterflies flutter in my stomach when your hands touch my face.
  42. You look so chic and luxurious, and at the same time childishly naive that I'm afraid to touch you - you seem so airy and fragile.
  43. I don't think any other girl is anywhere near as perfect as you.
  44. You are exactly the person for whom I want to thank my fate.
  45. I love you.
  46. I love the way you say goodnight honey to me and kiss my cheek on the phone.
  47. I love it when your hair touches my fingers.
  48. I love it when you hug me and stroke me with your hands.
  49. I want to kiss every centimeter of your body.
  50. I got up in the morning with the thought of you and go to bed with a dream of you.
  51. I love you so much that I can't imagine life without you.

Do you want to check out these 50 affectionate and pleasant, beautiful compliments to your girlfriend in practice? Just tell the girl tender words from the bottom of your heart, from the bottom of your heart right now - and share the result!

Women love with their ears - this has long been known. What girl would be unpleasant to hear a few nice words about herself. Be sure to tell the girls compliments, it cheers them up and improves relationships.

This will let her know that the complimenter appreciates and loves her and she is not indifferent to him. Good words must be spoken daily, and done from the heart and sincerely. It is best to speak on your own, but if you can't, you can use the phrases below.

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Compliments to a girl

So, what will a girl like:

  • I love you very much, you are my happiness.
  • If you suddenly feel sad, always remember that I am there and I will always support you.
  • Good morning my love, how are you? I missed you. You dreamed me.
  • Good night, my happiness. There is no better girl on earth than you.
  • You are my guiding star, you are everything I need.
  • I need you like air. I can't live a day without you.
  • I miss you very much, I want to be with you every minute.
  • I love you any, sad, funny, serious, capricious. You are my happiness.
  • You are the dearest and most beloved person. I love you with all my heart and can't imagine life without you. I am ready to follow you even to the ends of the world, just to look into your beautiful eyes and see your charming smile every day.
  • My baby, you are the best thing in my life.
  • You are the most beautiful girl I know, you light up the whole world.
  • Next to you, I forget about everything. You occupy all my thoughts.
  • T s my love. I will love you ever.
  • I will do everything to make you happy, my love. Not a single tear of yours will shed while you are by my side.
  • You inspire me to do good deeds. You make me and the world a better place.
  • I so want to wake up next to you now and tell you how much I love you.
  • You understand me better than anyone in the world. I can talk to you about anything. You are the kindest girl in the world. I love you, my bunny.
  • I would like to give you all the flowers of this planet. Only such a bouquet is worthy of a queen like you.
  • You give me confidence in myself and always support me. You are my hope and love.
  • You are more beautiful than all the stars in the sky. You are the brightest star.
  • You are the real gift of fate. I am very happy that I can be near you. I live by you and I don't need anyone else. You are my only one and always will be.
  • I'm crazy about your blue eyes. I drown in them like in a lake. You are my life.
  • You are very beautiful, sweet, affectionate. I feel very good with you.
  • You are very smart and beautiful. These two qualities rarely go together, but you are just that.
  • There is no person more beautiful than you. You make this world more beautiful.
  • You have a very beautiful smile and I want to see it every day. Smile more often, and I will try to do everything for this.
  • I get goosebumps from you.
  • Thanks to your parents for giving the world such a perfect creature as you.
  • You are a real angel because women cannot be as beautiful as you.
  • You can paint pictures of how beautiful you are.
  • I can't hide my delight when I look at you.
  • There is no one else like you and even like you. You are the best and my favorite girl.
  • You attract me like a magnet. I can not live without you.
  • Even without make-up, you look just gorgeous.
  • You stole all my thoughts and my heart.
  • You are my real treasure. I love you very much, my love.
  • I want to write poems about you and dedicate songs. You inspire me.
  • I need you like air, I'm very afraid of losing you.
  • I like absolutely everything about you. Your face, your beautiful eyes, your voice, your kind heart, your sensitivity and tenderness, your inner and outer beauty. I found the one I've been looking for.
  • You are just lovely, I have never seen such beauty in my life.
  • You are my goddess, I can't breathe you. Stay with me always and I will make you happy.
  • There is no word in the world that can describe my love for you.
  • You are a treasure, my treasure, I will do everything to make you happy.
  • I will throw the whole world at your feet, if only you were with me.
  • Your beautiful soft hands warm me when I'm cold in the shower.
  • I love you forever and ever.
  • I want to wake up with you and fall asleep with you every day. I want to look at you 24 hours a day. You are everything I need and I am very happy that I have you.

They love with their ears. And, you know what, unlike most of these statements, this is actually true. Your experience should tell you this, because you have probably watched the reaction of a woman who received a dose of nectar in her ears from a man she cares about more than once. Beautiful words of a woman are valued no less than expensive gifts. So you can quite arrange a surprise, or just pleasantly surprise your chosen one.

Saying nice and tender words to your girlfriend is not so difficult. Of course, you will have to show a little eloquence and work on intonation, but after a few minutes of practice, you will be much better than at the very beginning. You just need to believe in yourself and not give up. Moreover, you do not have to invent specific words. Vlio will provide you with a complete set of correct, pleasant and which you can address to a girl dear to your heart.

Well, you just have to choose one of the options and use it in finished or modified form. Don't be shy and don't be afraid. For the sake of loved ones, we must go to the most desperate deeds, in particular, to overcome our pride. Just please your loved one and make her day a little brighter!

You are the angel that shines before me.
Darling, you are the best in the world!
I love the moment when with you
We kiss passionately in the moonlight.

You are feminine, beautiful and tender,
You seduce everyone with just one look.
Oh, if I knew how much I need you.
I always want to be by your side.

Congratulations on mobile

My love cannot be expressed in words
I love you like the bright light of the sun!
With your kind and gentle eyes
I'm enchanted! I know there is no world
More beautiful than you, my dear!

I will give you a bouquet of stars collected in the sky,
The wind will bring them to you and say something good,
You put them in the room and they will be eternal,
Such as the love we have with you, endless.

I love you more than anyone in the world
You will not find such love on the planet!
I love your smile, gentle look,
Dear, you know, I'm extremely happy
What we met! And I believe for centuries
We will walk hand in hand!

Love inspires, love inspires
And gives strength to live happily!
And that's why this is the highest happiness for me
Love such a beautiful lady!

I am the happiest man in the world
And you are my fairy and my muse!
With you we live in a happy duet,
Our love carefully, tenderly keeping!

I love you more than life, dear!
And I will always love you!
Without you, I'm just dying!
You give me life, my love!

There is nothing more beautiful in the world
Your smile, the sparkle of your eyes,
May we not always be together, dear,
Know that I'm only yours! and was, and will be, and now!

Your eyes glow with love
And I see my reflection in them.
Beautiful phrases are spinning in the mind,
You are my muse and inspiration.

My love how good you are
Your magical smile gives light
Admires your body and your soul
There is no one better than you in the world.

Your hair is not softer
And captivating hands every time.
With you I get better
With you, every hour is precious to me.

There is no girl cuter than you.
And sometimes beauty fades.
When you are near, there is no dearer
You and your wonderful eyes.

Oh my dear, I love you!
You are the word the sun shines on me.
I'm like a storm without a sea without you
I don't need the world without you
How sweet is the moment when you are near
How I like to live with you
Today I dream of one thing,
To always be with you.
Otherwise your heart will break
And there is no need for me to live!

My sweet, fragile, tender,
You smile like the sun.
Like a boundless river flowing
So love for you never ends.

I love your hands and hair
I don't value your joy.
About your love in full voice
I will shout to the world without fatigue.

You drove me crazy with beauty
And it became indispensable to me.

I don't look at anyone anymore
I don't need other girls.
I only give you feelings
And these feelings are passionate and tender!

I am forever in love with your soul.
Maybe it's too pretentious,
But, captivated by their passions,
Only with you I dream of the highest.

I know - there is so little benefit from words
Without deeds that confirm them.
Ready to be a reliable support
I am for you if you wish.

Trying to get away from emotions
And I love, and quietly sad -
If you just want to come in
I will let you into my heart.

You are a beautiful creature
The sun is a ray in my soul.
My longing
To be with you even in a dream.

Feelings in my chest are breathtaking
I'm crazy about your beauty.
I can say about love out loud
And write poetry - read it yourself.

You entered my dreams
Into my thoughts and plans.
Like all miracles
You came unexpectedly.

Darling, you shine so bright
You overshadow everyone around you with beauty.
And I'm happy that you're by my side
My love, my kind unearthly angel.

May every day bring joy
May our feelings be mutual sweetness.
And hand in hand, we will go a long way,
Together we will find harmony and happiness!

I love you, you alone
You are the bright light in my life.
I'm going down without you
And there is no meaning to life either.
I want to see you now
Or rather be near
Don't let go, don't leave
All my life, like on a river, to swim with you!

I will give you the dawn
Moon and stars, moonlight.
And the breath of the breeze
As gentle as lips touch.
I will give myself to you
Because I love you!

You are the angel that shines before me.
Darling, you are the best in the world!
I love the moment when with you
We kiss passionately in the moonlight.

Why keep silent about your love?
Oh, how are you, my dear, good!
I want to whisper in your ear
Words that fill the soul.

My patience and soul
I found revelation in you
You are the one I always need.

I'm happy because I love!
I love only you with all my heart.
I'm enchanted in heart and soul
What warm in the cold or heat.

We can't be without each other
We will lay the path of love in pitch darkness
And sanctify our path with a beautiful light
To the sounds of an ageless summer.

The night yesterday revealed a secret to me,
What is in the world one gift
Which secret life covered -
Which throws everyone into a fever.

That gift is divine and bright
He makes me live.
Beautiful feelings of cherished love
A wonderful gift to love you!

May you be far away, dear
Between us roads, forests,
The beauty of the native land,
Bottomless sky eyes.

I myself without a trace
I will give you.
How many times to repeat
What do I love you?

Your lips, eyes
A wave of eyelashes and wrists.
Just a chance to see
You are already happiness to me.

Do you love me,
And the heart sings
Even from this
Rushing into flight.

Do you love me,
And how I love it!
If you want,
I will give life.

Do you love me,
I love you.
You are my happiness,
My dear.

You are beautiful, artistic and smart,
You made me so happy
You drove me crazy with beauty
And it became indispensable to me.

You are my understanding, my humility,
My patience and soul
I found revelation in you
You are the one I always need.

Love inspires, love inspires
And gives strength to live happily!
And that's why this is the highest happiness for me
Love such a beautiful lady!

I am the happiest man in the world
And you are my fairy and my muse!
With you we live in a happy duet,
Our love carefully, tenderly keeping!

Your eyes glow with love
And I see my reflection in them.
Beautiful phrases are spinning in the mind,
You are my muse and inspiration.

My love how good you are
Your magical smile gives light
Admires your body and your soul
There is no one better than you in the world.

Eyes of a goddess, eyes of a queen,
I dream every night now.
I want again, at least once,
See them right now.
Take a look and don't look away.
You smile and come
Stay the same with me
I am your unrecognized hero
Who is waiting for his reward -
Eyes that make me happy.

My beloved, my beautiful flower, my angel and my star, you are for me like a clear light that is brighter than the moon and the sun, you inspire me and give incredible happiness, you are my love and tenderness, my care and luck, my ocean of desires and waterfall of hope

My bright hope, my sweet dream and joyful reality, my dear, I love you very much and cherish every moment and every minute spent next to you, you are my own world for me, filled with happiness, love, cherished dream and desire.

Darling! You can't imagine how much you mean to me! You are my life, part of my heart and soul! And how did I live without your love? I existed! And you, dear, turned the days and nights into paradise! I run to you, I think of you, I crave you! I love you!

The best girl in the world
I say, from the heart I am the words,
You are beautiful like the sun at dawn
Just as bright, beautiful and tender!

Delicate and attractive
Always charming.
Cheerful and cute
Wonderful, beautiful!

You are the queen of my heart!
You are so beautiful and wonderful!
I want only one thing in life:
May you always be my princess!

You are the best girl in the world!
Beautiful, smart and mischievous!
It is so easy and pleasant to communicate with you!
Thank you for being who you are!

Your eyes! I want to drown in them.
When you look at me
I forget that I can swim

Haven't seen one like this anywhere else.
You are my cherished dream!

My girl, as soon as I close my eyes, I think of you - I remember your gentle smile and your sweet voice. You are the most precious thing in my life, and I will not give you to anyone. I love you my treasure!

You are my life, part of my heart and soul! And how did I live without your love? I existed! And you, dear, turned the days and nights into paradise! I run to you, I think of you, I crave you! I love you!

My goddess, you are the most luxurious girl in the whole wide world. Your eyes inspire me to the strongest feelings for which there is no time and distance. Darling, I'm forever yours!

Darling! You can't imagine how much you mean to me! You are my life, part of my heart and soul! And how did I live without your love?

My good, do not be sad, I only think about you, not noticing anyone around. Remember more often that I love you, my most desirable girl in the world! And all will be well!

When you are near, I feel the sweet taste of sweet air around my soul, it intoxicates and intoxicates me from head to toe, like red semi-dry I don’t know what it is and how to deal with it and whether it’s necessary at all

Your gaze is like a bottomless ocean in which I want to dissolve and forget about everything. Your touch is like magic rites that make me want only you and love you forever. Thank you, dear, that I have you!

The touch of your hands makes me forget about everything that seemed important before. The expression on your face is a divine painting created by an inspired artist. And I know who inspired him Beloved, I want to dissolve in your beauty and charm, knowing the bliss of infinity.

Only for you, only for you I sing, my love! And I'll get the stars of the sky just for you! And you do not cry and do not be bored, because I will be there for you and for you! I will only be yours!

You are the real sunshine of my heart, with you I feel that life is beautiful and full of goodness. I am very glad that I met you once, my beloved.

beautiful, most tender, warm, kind words, to a beloved girl that warms the soul and heart. They will help you open a piece of your soul and convey the feelings that you have for it. Make your life more romantic and beautiful with these lines:

“You have a lot of warmth in you. You are like a bright sun in a clear sky. I am attracted to you"

“When you are around, I forget about all my problems, thanks for being you”

“Goddess of marvelous beauty, I’m ready for anything for your love, there are no more like you in the world”

“There is no place in my heart for anyone, because in my heart there is only you!”

“The fire of your living candle always saved me on the way, you are like my angel, with your wings you cover me from troubles and bad weather”

“The world is beautiful, but it is empty without you. I'm crazy about you at night!"

“With you I am insanely happy, my soul is embraced by your warmth.”

“Your soul is rich in kindness and caring tenderness. your femininity enchants!

“My heart is forever in your captivity, I breathe you alone I live”

“Your smile is the kindest, radiant and bright. I love you more than life, my beloved girl, more than you, I have no one.

“Your smile shines much brighter than the sun in the sky, your laugh is mesmerizing and makes you the most beautiful.”

“I love you with an unearthly love. You are so divine that there are simply no dots and admiration!”

"I'm waiting for the warmth of your palms, my whole soul reaches out to you, my dear tender." (Warm words to my beloved girl)

“You are my ideal, my dream, my guardian angel, the meaning of my whole life, you are just my only one”

"You are a deity who is able to sow grace and repentance for my heart"

“You gave birth to a fire in my soul, love began to reign in my heart!”

“You are like an angel descended from heaven and my life is now full of miracles”

“You are like a ray of sunshine - wake me up in the morning with your light and warmth”

“You are a sunny ray of happiness in my heart, when you are near, the world around is filled with happiness”

“I am amazed at your ability to drown all personal defeats in a smile, I love you, my dear”

I have never met a person with whom hours would fly like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part. You captured my heart.

“My only woman, desirable. You are a triumph of grace and passion!”

“I’m only yours and forever, sometimes I upset you, forgive me, I’m ready to throw the whole world at your feet! If only you were with me"

My precious queen, you are a crystal of divine glory!

How happy I was, my dear, calling you mine! My destiny, the fire of my soul! You alone give love I decided for myself!

Dear heart! Know that you have a person who is devoted to you, who will protect you, for whom you are everything that is in this world!

I am the darling of fate, because you are for me a priceless prize given by fate.

Beckons me, enchants, your gentle look! I burn with passion for you.

I have never met girls like you, you are special, real: sensual, feminine, weak, so vulnerable and at the same time incomprehensible and inaccessible

You are my happiness forever. Now you are "Mine" - how happy I love you with all my heart.

I value you very much. Every day, and minute, and moment.

I’ll come home from work so angry, tired and sick And you will touch the tenderness of care and tell me quietly: “Dear!”. Beloved, thank you, you are a heavenly creature, as they used to say in the old days.

You have everything - beauty, intelligence, and youth!

You are my sunshine that warms me every day!

There are no more beautiful moments than the minutes spent with you!

Your sweet smile and affectionate look are simply amazing!

You have the most beautiful eyes and sensual lips!

For me there is no person closer and dearer than you!

Your kindness and sincerity won my heart!

When I'm next to you, I'm in seventh heaven!

Your alluring smile haunts me!

Your eyes are like a bottomless ocean, you can look into them forever!