Statuses about unhappy love tearing apart the soul. Statuses about unhappy love

- Mash, whiskey smells in your room. - No, mom, this is how unhappy love smells ...

The hardest thing is to refuse and forget not the person himself, but the dream that he gave, and you believed in it ..

Paradox: unhappy love, like happy love, turns into a habit ...

Nothing hurts a person more than pieces of their own happiness.

It just hurts to lose someone you seem to have been looking for all your life.

From love, only the status remained ...

They say that everything passes ... Well, come on, go already, you are blocking my future!

The soul flew into the abyss. Probably chasing a dream.

There is only one difference between us - I will cry and forget, and you walk up and remember ...

I don't hold a grudge against him - let him go in peace ...... But in the ass!!

Bitch! - What, dear? I didn’t catch it .. - I missed you, I say, I missed you, dear ...

"I love you" - have you ever said it really sincerely?

Every man should remember that a woman leaves not for someone, but first of all, from someone ....

He will definitely cry when he realizes that he has lost you forever. Sooner or later he will get hurt...

It will get really bad - call. Let's smoke together, even if we quit, even if each other.

Who needs this "I DID NOT WANT TO HURT YOU" when you sit and think how many pills you need to drink so that they don't pump out ...

He lost a goddess because of a couple of minutes of pleasure with a whore..=(

Why if a guy writes statuses, then they are about sex, and if a girl, then they are about unhappy love?

They say that fools are lucky. conclusion, unfortunate, for that not a fool.

Mom, he's gone! - So why are you crying? On the street, you go around shit and don’t roar! Take it and go around now and don’t roar!

Everything is fine with me!!…and I’m already used to the knife in my back and the shard in my heart…

It's impossible!" said Reason. "It's folly!" Experience remarked. "It's useless!" Pride answered. "Try it!" Dream whispered....

There are songs that you turn on, shrink and wait - "now it will hurt"

It makes no sense to remember the one who once forgot about you... Statuses about unhappy and unhappy love

Quiet... Quiet!.. Quiet! I may not hear his footsteps if he wants to come back..

He said that he was in love ... Me too ... But how to say that it is not for him?

I'm trying to kill love, but I'm killing the liver.

I loved - it was not appreciated. I believed it was not understood. I waited and spat on it.

It’s not enough just to leave, you need to be able to leave and not come back ...

Lying about what you love is more than a sin...

I love him very, very, very much and I don’t care how many votes the status will have ... I just love him and I can’t forget, and he is on the other.

Who had a failed first love?

A month ago on Tverskaya I had an unhappy love. Treatment cost 200 bucks.

Why are you calling me?! I won't pick up the phone... Why are you writing letters?! I won't reply...

Love brings suffering even to the gods.

A woman cannot change - she simply stops loving.

And now it's empty. It only hurts in the heart. Unbearable.

Learn to survive the moment when it seems that everything is over.

The rain has died and the pain is gone..... dried up all the eyes.... the look is completely different.... the heart is looking for its peace...

We played to a draw. You are nobody. I belong to no one.

The most tragic love not unrequited, but when it is mutual, but not destined to be together.

Tears are pouring ... and there is a smile on your face ... you don’t understand anything, but I just whisper: “go away, go away ...

There is exactly as much truth in what you say as there is in a juice box that says he is 100%...

He tried to find another with the same eyes as hers... but he forgot that the miracle of the world cannot be repeated...

The main thing is not to stay alone in this world when there are so many people in it...

Statuses about unhappy and unhappy love

A person who has received a negative response to his declaration of love may fall into deep depression. In such situations, psychologists recommend sharing experiences.

You can open alarms to the world with the help of statuses on social pages. By notifying your acquaintances in this way about your unhappy love, you will receive the support of friends who have experienced a similar situation.

Statuses about unrequited love, suitable for any situation:

  • Heart to shreds, dripping blood. Thank you for this, "girlfriend" love.
  • What should I do? Time stops without your love.
  • Let me go! My heart is occupied with you.
  • I'm stealthily watching you. On the other hand, you share a piece of Paradise.
  • Among millions of "yes" your "no" is like a bolt from the blue.
  • Maybe you yourself will understand that I can’t live without your smile?
  • Without your words, “I love you, I miss you,” I can’t think of happiness. I'm just...dying...
  • Give me back my peace, please.
  • You are my forbidden fruit.
  • It's hard to love from a distance. It hurts when your love doesn't know you exist.
  • I'm breaking, not enough dose of your love.
  • Perhaps I will see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you will say: "We will be together all the time."
  • It turned out that love is not such a sweet feeling.
  • I don't want to eat, it's hard to breathe .... All I can do is dream of you.
  • You can break on the rocks, tear your heart to pieces, but does that save you from unrequited love?
  • I want to become a scientist and create a time machine. I'll rewind time and do my best to never know you.

There are moments in everyone's life when you want the whole world to scream about your pain. What to do if the heart wants to open up and at the same time is afraid of being ridiculed? The answer is simple: put a meaningful status on the page. Thus, you can talk about your feelings, even if it is unhappy love. Believe me, the person who caused your suffering will understand everything.

Statuses with a meaning about unhappy love:

  • Remember people. For unrequited love, everyone is equal: jesters and kings.
  • Feelings from unrequited love are comparable only to the thirst of a wanderer in the desert.
  • Do you know what a "mirage" is - this feeling when you look at dear person, but you can't touch it, because it's not yours.
  • From unrequited love, as from rancid wine, no benefit, no satisfaction.

  • When breaking someone's heart on stones, remember: the planet is round, and your heart can also fall under Cupid's evil sight.
  • You can't force someone to love you just because you want to. Accept this truth.
  • We are so omnipotent when we are loved and so vulnerable when we are in love.
  • It is impossible to cross the desert without water, but to find non-existent love in the heart.
  • Do you know why many people wear masks? They are afraid to open up and not get an answer to their feelings.
  • Bypassing the pain of unrequited love It is impossible to learn to truly love.

Statuses about unrequited love are.

  • We should be grateful to unrequited love for the many masterpieces created by its prisoners.
  • Nothing invigorates like a magnet of passion. Nothing poisons the blood like unrequited love.
  • How easy it is for a heart in love to break against the stones of cold indifference.
  • Unfortunate lovers people know how to give advice, but they themselves, having fallen in love, lose their minds somewhere.

Modern technologies allow you to express your feelings for a guy without a personal meeting. It will be enough for him to see your status on a page on a social network.

Statuses about unrequited love for a guy:

  • Why did fate bring us together? Why only the heart turned into ashes? Why did I open up? Why did love come... Why, because it is a poison that poisons the blood.
  • At least with a smile, show that you are aware of my existence.
  • You are beautiful like a cherub, but indifferent like a sphinx.
  • I freeze without your smile.

I gave you my heart. It is a pity that you did not appreciate such a treasure.

  • I wanted to be your dessert, but you probably don't like sweet things.
  • You are indifferent, and I suffer. It doesn't matter that in vain, I still dream of you.
  • With you, I forgot that you can love each other.
  • You made me close my pride to the castle.
  • The whirlpool of your green eyes pulled me in with my head.
  • Catching a smile that wasn't meant for me
  • Mom, I fell in love with an indifferent person.
  • When you love without an answer, even summer seems gray.
  • Too bad it's not mine...
  • Life without your love is like food without salt - bland and tasteless.
  • I invented a new reality and in it we are together.

Life is very unpredictable. At one moment it can lift to heaven, give love and immediately throw it into the abyss out of longing and disappointment. Communicating helps to get through these moments. in social networks. And not the last place here is occupied by statuses. They can encrypt the message the right person. Beautiful words give an opportunity to tell not only about mutual, but also unhappy love.

A selection of statuses about unhappy love

Write his name on the pavement... Let the whole world help to erase him from your life.

Everything was predetermined ... and the blow, and the fall, and the darkness; did the stone know that the bottom was prepared for him ... and that his life would end like this? If I knew the stone...

Call him, apologize and wish him love and happiness. She knew his number by heart and immediately dialed it... His fingers mechanically dialed the painfully familiar digits of her number... She held the phone to her ear... He did the same... . . Z A N I T O. . .

Sometimes you write a message to a person, not with your hands, but with your soul. You press "send", and the heart is a small fraction somewhere in the throat. And then he stops and a stone in the stomach. He read but didn't reply...

Today I received an SMS from an unknown number with the content: "You yourself know that I am very ashamed." I'm sure it was God.

Something is wrong with me...
- Why?
Oh, I didn't write to you...
"So you're fine with me?"

No more walks and restaurants, they remind you of you. No more coffee and sweets, they remind of you, no more sun and air, they remind of you, and you mean you don't want to kill me?

To speak out is to write three sheets of A4 in a Word, not missing a single tear, not a single smile about what happened to you, and then take it and close it without saving it.

Too much sugar in tea. Getting up too early in the morning. It's too cold outside and inside of me... There's too much of everything in my life. But you're almost gone...

Someday we will meet by chance on the street... you will ask: "How are you?" And I will look straight into your eyes and answer that everything is wonderful ... and it will be true ...

For as long as I can remember, I always said that I had no bad habits. I don't smoke, I don't drink, I'm not familiar with drugs at all. But this is all nothing compared to one of my habits... The habit of drawing wrong conclusions and being mistaken in people. Honestly, I'd rather smoke...

Trampled? Get up!
Can not? Stop doing that!
Tears? Wipe!
Hurt? Be patient!
Resentment? Forget!
How? Somehow.

And then I decided - I will NEVER allow ANYONE to return to my life again.
I will die of boredom, I will go crazy from loneliness, I will throw myself out of the window, I will eat handfuls of pills for depression ... but I will not let you return.

Fuck me a city in which strangers make mistakes in the backs, but never meet you. Just by walking in a coat, these glitches keep teasing and teasing my short-sighted memory.

You pretend that you are having fun, that everything is really good. But you can’t fool yourself - in fact, everything is terrible, and very painful. And you can look good as you like, buy a new dress, make new hairstyle- no make-up will remove longing in the eyes ...

Morning. Bed. It's time to get up. Univer. Friends. I am going home. Dinner. ICQ. Bar. Friends. House. Dinner. Internet. Bath. Bed. I turn off the light. You see, you are not on this list ....

You know I miss you so much...
- ... And tell me a fairy tale ...
So I've already started...

And fate helps me today to mock you. The first time I didn't hear the call. The second time, the phone stupidly turned off in my hands, without even letting me decide whether I would pick up the phone or not.

Hello, honey! You know, I dreamed about you tonight! You and I walked along the seashore and admired the sunset! We held hands, laughed and smiled! Really, great?
- Yes, it's cool ... But I still won't sleep with you.

Statuses about unhappy love

Write his name on the pavement... Let the whole world help to erase him from your life.

Everything was predetermined ... and the blow, and the fall, and the darkness; did the stone know that the bottom was prepared for him ... and that his life would end like this? If I knew the stone...

Call him, apologize and wish him love and happiness. She knew his number by heart and immediately dialed it... His fingers mechanically dialed the painfully familiar digits of her number... She held the phone to her ear... He did the same... . . Z A N I T O. . .

Sometimes you write a message to a person, not with your hands, but with your soul. You press "send", and the heart is a small fraction somewhere in the throat. And then he stops and a stone in the stomach. He read but didn't reply...

Today I received an SMS from an unknown number with the content: "You yourself know that I am very ashamed." I'm sure it was God.

Something is wrong with me...
- Why?
Oh, I didn't write to you...
"So you're fine with me?"

No more walks and restaurants, they remind you of you. No more coffee and sweets, they remind of you, no more sun and air, they remind of you, and you mean you don't want to kill me?

To speak out is to write three sheets of A4 in a Word, not missing a single tear, not a single smile about what happened to you, and then take it and close it without saving it.

Too much sugar in tea. Getting up too early in the morning. It's too cold outside and inside of me... There's too much of everything in my life. But you're almost gone...

Someday we will meet by chance on the street... you will ask: "How are you?" And I will look straight into your eyes and answer that everything is wonderful ... and it will be true ...

My boy. It rains here for days.
And love dies by causes.
You burn me with prostitutes.
I love you dear men.

For as long as I can remember, I have always said that I have no bad habits. I don't smoke, I don't drink, I'm not familiar with drugs at all. But this is all nothing compared to one of my habits... The habit of drawing wrong conclusions and being mistaken in people. Honestly, I'd rather smoke...

Trampled? Get up!
Can not? Stop doing that!
Tears? Wipe!
Hurt? Be patient!
Resentment? Forget!
How? Somehow.

And then I decided - I will NEVER allow ANYONE to return to my life again.
I will die of boredom, I will go crazy from loneliness, I will throw myself out of the window, I will eat handfuls of pills for depression ... but I will not let you return.

Fuck me a city in which strangers make mistakes in the backs, but never meet you. Just by walking in a coat, these glitches keep teasing and teasing my short-sighted memory.

You pretend that you are having fun, that everything is really good. But you can’t fool yourself - in fact, everything is terrible, and very painful. And you can look good in any way you like, buy a new dress, get a new hairstyle - no make-up will remove longing in the eyes ...

Morning. Bed. It's time to get up. Univer. Friends. I am going home. Dinner. ICQ. Bar. Friends. House. Dinner. Internet. Bath. Bed. I turn off the light. You see, you are not on this list ....

You know I miss you so much...
- ... And tell me a fairy tale ...
So I've already started...

And fate helps me today to mock you. The first time I didn't hear the call. The second time, the phone stupidly turned off in my hands, without even letting me decide whether I would pick up the phone or not.

Hello, honey! You know, I dreamed about you tonight! You and I walked along the seashore and admired the sunset! We held hands, laughed and smiled! Really, great?
- Yes, it's cool ... But I still won't sleep with you.

It's a pity.
- What a pity?
Too bad they didn't make it...
- In my opinion, they succeeded. It just ended.

Quiet... Quiet!.. Quiet! I may not hear his footsteps if he wants to come back...

And I still paint my eyelashes ... I still smile ... I also eat pineapples from a can ... And at night with a cup of hot chocolate, wrapped in a blanket, I look out the window ... And everything seems to have remained so Well ... Only now without you .....

She asked God: why do I need all this, she told him that I did not want to live. I wonder if God really cares? Or did he just know that I would survive?

Mom, he's gone. I'm in pain.
-What are you crying about? When you go around the shit on the street - do not cry. And now go around and don't cry.

I'm not jealous.
I'm not jealous.
I'm not jealous.
I'm not jealous.
I'm not jealous.
Quite quite.
No no no.
Bitch, smash her head

Statuses about unhappy love

Statuses about unhappy love