Congratulations to a woman on others in your own words. Happy Birthday to a woman in your own words: beautiful words in prose for your beloved woman. Congratulations on the anniversary of a woman in your own words

Good day! On a child’s birthday, especially in kindergartens, guests (children and a teacher) arrange a round dance around the birthday boy and sing the song “Loaf” and “Let them run awkwardly ...”. Now, under the influence of Western culture, "Loaf" is sometimes replaced by "Happy birthday to you." There is a custom to pull the ears of a birthday celebration in the number of years completed.

In probability theory and combinatorics, a well-known problem is associated with birthdays, called the “birthday paradox”. This "paradox" says that in any randomly assembled group of 23 people, with a probability of more than 50%, two or more people have the same birthday (at first glance, this contradicts worldly intuition). As the size of a group of people grows, the probability of having a coincidence in birthdays quickly approaches one: for example, in a randomly collected group of 57 people, two of them have a birthday on the same day with a probability of 99.

Happy Birthday to a woman in prose

Happy birthday! May peace, comfort and harmony always reign in your home. I wish you to be happy, enjoy life, be surprised, enjoy every minute, dream, always have true, reliable friends and, most importantly, love and be loved. Stay always the same young, bright, kind, cheerful and smiling!

Happy Birthday! I wish to be loved, desired, irresistible, dizzying! Health, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of the most secret desires, women's joys, life's sweets, wonderful moments and endless happiness!

On this wonderful day, with all my heart I want to wish you the fulfillment of all desires. May all dreams come true! Let success, joy and inspiration become constant companions. Let your head spin only from an overabundance of delight, energy and happiness. I wish that you are always surrounded by joyful and sincere smiles of your relatives. Still, of course, I would like to wish that you always remain the same unique and charming. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! I wish good health, joy, fun, prosperity and good health to you and all your relatives and friends. And also many smiles, confidence in the future, success and huge, immense, daily and high-quality female happiness!

Dear, I congratulate you on your holiday! Today is your day and all the best wishes for you today! I wish you to remain as beautiful, feminine, sweet and beautiful! I wish you to drown in love, respect and admiration. Good health, patience, strength! Be truly happy!

Beautiful birthday greetings to a woman in your own words

Happy Birthday! I wish you immense happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! Let life be filled with positive emotions, true friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events for you!

Happy Birthday! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, loved ones give attention, joy, warmth and affection, friends surround you with sincere understanding and support, colleagues respect and cherish. May everything that seemed unrealizable come true, and let the most desired thing happen!

Congratulations on your birthday! May any day of your life be filled with positivity and optimism, interesting ideas and pleasant meetings. May your health never let you down and give you a cheerful mood. Let good luck and success be your constant companions, and let any few difficulties be easily overcome.
Happiness, luck on your birthday!

Happy Birthday! Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish you never stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

I congratulate you on your birthday, and I want to wish you to always remain as sincere, cheerful, sincere and joyful, because everything that happens is ultimately for the better! Always remember this! Let your life be not only a bright stripe, but also full of all the colors of the rainbow, excluding gray and black! And I wish that all your plans end with the expected result, and that you are always proud of yourself! May all your hopes and desires come true, turning life into a real fairy tale! Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman on earth!

Happy birthday queen! I wish this year to be full of amenities, surprises, love, bright meetings, travel, shopping, tenderness, romance and good news! Become even more beautiful, even kinder, even smarter, richer, more necessary, more interesting and happier! And I wish you a great birthday!

Happy Birthday to a young woman in prose

Happy birthday to a young, beautiful, attractive woman! I wish sparkling eyes, joyful events, sincere confessions, fun, carelessness and lightness. Let luck lie at your feet and open any doors. Love, prosperity and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsmiles!

On this special and important day, from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you harmony, happiness and confidence. You are a young, beautiful, extravagant woman with a stunning appearance and with the same character. I wish you that each of your ideas "comes to life" and dreams come true. Happy Birthday to You! Do not lose your inner strength and optimism!

Happy birthday, sweet and charming, adorable and irresistible. I wish to shine brighter than the sun, radiating joy, happiness and charm, I wish for a loved one to be a whole world of delight and surprise, I wish in my life to have everything that is most important and dear to my heart. Be always at the height of success, enjoy every moment and the beauty of this world.

Happy birthday, the most charming and attractive. I wish you the eternal color of youth and beauty, as well as health, good luck, worthy of attention and good mood. May people dear to your heart always pleasantly surprise you, may a new clear horizon of success, happiness and miracles open up for you every day.

Congratulations and wish you always be charming, beautiful, sweet, gentle, irresistible, successful, fun, interesting, happy, delightful, beloved, purposeful, resourceful, enthusiastic, self-confident and wonderful. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to a woman on you in prose

Happy birthday to you! I want to be always as beautiful as now. To make all your dreams come true. So that every day you live brings only the best, the brightest, and black stripes slip past. I wish you happiness, inspiration in your work, peace in your home and fire in your heart!

Please accept our most cordial and sincere congratulations. On your birthday, we want to wish you ordinary, but at the same time the most important things. Happiness, success, health and joy. Fulfillment of all dreams, well-being and health. Peace in the family, good luck in work, faithful friends, at a hospitable table. To always have family and loved ones around.

Today, on your day, I would like to wish everything that you cannot buy for any money, namely good health, joyful mood and sincere love. May everything you desire so much come true. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday!

Happy birthday! Women's happiness and health to you. May you always be accompanied by good luck, luck and support from relatives and friends.

I want to congratulate you and wish the people around you to warm you with their warmth. May there never be falsehood and insincerity in your life. I wish you to keep all your wisdom, tenderness and sensitivity. Always remain the same extraordinary and amazing woman.

Happy Birthday to a middle-aged woman in prose

Some say that real life begins in youth, others that it begins in middle age, but it seems to me that life begins when you want it. Happy Birthday! Let life give only positive moments, memories that will not be forgotten. Let the heart be filled with joy and love, and everything around pleases the eye. Happy holiday!

Birthday is the very holiday on which everyone rushes to wish all that is so necessary in life. I want to congratulate you and wish you good health, success and good luck. But most importantly, wish women's happiness, which is so important. Let it be formed for you from all those moments that are dear to your heart!

Darling, happy birthday to you! May joyful events happen in your destiny as often as possible, may your relatives and loved ones surround you with care and warmth. Be always bright, charming and unique.

Wonderful woman, happy birthday to you. And I want to wish warmth and light for the soul, joy and love for the heart, comfort and prosperity in the house, harmony and trust in relations with relatives, attention and respect from others, success and high results in activities, unquenchable happiness and good miracles in life.

Happy birthday! I wish you happiness, joy, great health and the removal of all problems from your life. Live festively, beautifully. May you meet only positive events and there will be more reasons for joy.

Happy Birthday to a beautiful woman in prose

Happy Birthday Beauty! I wish the whole world smiled, looking into your eyes. Continue to give people warmth and kindness, let no one see you sad, and let sadness not be found on your way. Let all dreams come true, but new ones appear so that there is something to strive for!

Happy birthday to a charming and stunning woman. I want to wish romance and happiness in every day, great luck and patience in business, full prosperity and goodness in the house, a chic mood and real luxury in life.

Wonderful, sweet, wonderful, charming, beautiful, kind, amazing and irresistible woman, on your birthday, I sincerely want to wish you never be bored and always feel your superiority. May there be no cloudy days in life, may every moment be full of happiness, warmth, smiles and joy.

Happy birthday, wonderful woman, the standard of magnificence and beauty. I wish that the surrounding nature gives incredible feelings of joy and pleasure, that an air of happiness and inspiration soars in life, that every day begins with a sincere smile and a radiant mood. May your beauty save this world and make it better, may you always have true friends and loved ones by your side.

Beautiful goddess, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish that happiness is constantly dizzy, and love always inspires new ideas, interesting ideas and creative projects. May every day bring overwhelming success and joy, may every moment be wonderful and unique. I wish you the eternal radiance of your beauty and wonderful smile

Short birthday greetings to a woman in prose

Dear, happy birthday to you! I wish you endless beauty, youth and femininity, joy and inspiration, health and wealth, abundance, security and prosperity. Let your dreams please with their accomplishment. Love you and prosperity!

Happy birthday! I wish you family well-being, comfort and home warmth, a favorable atmosphere and harmony.

Happy birthday! Stay young and beautiful, desired and loved. Happiness, goodness and fulfillment of desires!

Dear woman, creation of the sun, we congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you the most pleasant compliments and surprises on this day. Love, care, joy, fulfillment of desires and great all-encompassing happiness!

I wish you Siberian health, female happiness, love of relatives and friends, always feel important and necessary.

Happy Birthday! I wish you a fresh stream of change, miracles, inspiration, charm, happy accidents and indecent wealth!

Funny birthday greetings to a woman in prose

Happy birthday, wonder woman, fairy tale, dream. I wish to be groovy and invigorating, like expensive coffee, I wish to be kinky without a button accordion in a good mood, I wish in moments of sadness to call for help a team of faithful friends with a bottle of sparkling, I wish to never feel like a tired horse, I wish to always feel like a magnificent queen of this world.

Since you are so beautiful with us, I hasten to wish only prosperity, boundless love, true friends, healthy relatives, understanding, prosperity, smiles, joy, good luck, laughter, happiness, success, inspiration!

Not a woman, but a fire, not a young lady, but a feast for the eyes, on your birthday I want to wish you to eat and not get fat, work and not get tired, to be a muse for this world and a dream for any male team. Let the nails do not break, and the tights do not tear, let a smile shine on your face, and a cheerful boogie-woogie melody always sounds in your head.

Happy Birthday! I wish you to live like in a fairy tale: to have rejuvenating apples for breakfast, to go shopping on the Serpent Gorynych, so that the Firebird illuminates your life, and a self-collected tablecloth is spread on the table. And so that any Ivan the Fool turns into Ivan the Tsarevich at your request!

Happy Birthday. Today is not in vain such a bright and bright day. After all, such a wonderful and kind woman was born today. So let the sun shine only for you, and the birds sing in your honor. And most importantly - may there always be peace and tranquility in your soul. And luck, success, love, respect and joy will surely come to you. After all, with such a person it cannot be otherwise.

I wish you a good mood, the fragrance of your favorite flowers, cheerful smiles and happiness on your birthday!

Happy birthday, our protector and protector! “A house is a full bowl” is said about your house! The family hearth burns inextinguishably thanks to your care, sensitivity and worldly wisdom! Be happy, loved and strong on your birthday and the rest of the 364 days of the year! We wish you many pleasant emotions, a house full of welcome guests, a clear family horizon, obedience from children, and also that your husband shines with love for you, like the sun at its zenith! And no clouds, no-no!

Dear (name), happy birthday! On this beautiful day, I want to wish you one thing: let a smile always illuminate your face - both in moments of joy and in moments of sadness. When a woman smiles, all her affairs are arguing, she is lucky not only in business, but also in love. Smile is our weapon and our helper. So let every day be a small holiday, and you will always have a reason to smile!

I so want to wish something special on this festive day for all of us, but there are no words. However, I will try. It seems to me that you have everything you need for happiness: beauty, intelligence, fantasy, wisdom, self-confidence, purposefulness, activity, knowledge, understanding of life. Therefore, I just want health and good luck to be added to all this, which will accompany you throughout a long and beautiful life! Love and be loved! Happy birthday!!! :)

God rewarded the Indian woman with industriousness, the African woman with passion, the French woman with piquancy, the German woman with thriftiness, the American woman with efficiency. And you already have all these qualities. Because you are the best!

I don't even know what to wish you. It would seem that you have everything. But most importantly, I wish that you could save all this and carry it through your whole life. And may there always be true friends, loving people and reliable acquaintances in this life. Let all the cases that you take on turn out the first time. I wish that the mood was only excellent. And let all life be like a fairy tale.

We live in a huge, fascinating world. It is so boundless and bright that for eternity you can find something new in it. I wish you to know yourself as the whole world, and the world as yourself.

Let this day be remembered with the most unusually warm and positive emotions! May others give affection and kindness, may the most cherished dreams come true in an instant and fill the world around with illumination! Let new heights give in and be overcome with ease, and let old friends forever remain true support and reliable rear!

Happy birthday in prose dear woman! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations, a box of chocolates, a gift and, of course, warm wishes! What do you dream about? Let everything be fulfilled! Let your every day begin with a smile, and remember that you are the best and beloved for your family, which means that everything will always be better for you than in the good old fairy tale!

Expensive! Happy Birthday to You! We wish that your youth does not wither, that you do not be sad about the past years! May joy, fun, happiness and good luck always be with you! happy birthday! Happy and happy day!

They say that once Lyubov Orlova said: “I am 39 years old and not for one minute more!” The same can be said about our dear hero of the occasion. Let's wish her warm human relations, the participation of friends and relatives, health and happiness in her personal life!

Happy birthday to a beautiful, tender, affectionate, beautiful, simply incredible woman today. I wish you to be cheerful, cheerful, glow with happiness. Let every day give many unforgettable moments, only pleasant people surround you, and all cherished desires come true.

You go through life like a queen, you are always successful and brave! And you will solve any problem and penetrate into all matters! So always stay like that and reach for the stars with your hands! And always, let your life be filled with luck and happiness

Do not be sad that you have become a year older. After all, if you look from the other side, then you have become more beautiful, more attractive and smarter for a year. And you can't stop on this path! Happy Birthday to You!

I will give recognition and tenderness, sincerity and true friendship to the most wonderful woman in this raging world. The most beautiful, I wish you not to depend on men and their whims. I wish you rapid career growth, I wish you peace of mind, I wish you peace. May all your sweet dreams come true and all your wishes come true. I wish you to find the most powerful guardian angel in the world.

Beautiful birthday party! Especially when you celebrate it! You have everything thought out in advance, You are a wonderful hostess, a cheerful friend, a master of all trades! With all my heart I wish you mutual and impartial love, understanding, financial stability and good health like a diamond! Happy birthday!

I wish you that in your life there will always be four animals necessary for every real woman: a mink on her shoulders, a jaguar in the garage, a lion in bed and a ram who will pay for it all. Happy birthday!

Young woman, you are in your prime. Congratulations on your birthday! May you be the most beautiful, talented, charming, most gentle, kind and beautiful. With all my heart I wish you real female happiness, so that you are a beloved wife and a caring mother.

I wish you to always be beautiful, to love and be loved, to heal someone's wounds, to bring someone back to life, to be unique, cheerful, gentle, glorious, sweet for someone! And so that you have enough strength for everything!

Love, as you know, is the main force in the world, and a woman is the perfect embodiment of love! We are happy to congratulate a very beautiful, kind and talented woman on her birthday today! For her, all of us who have gathered for the holiday are friends and close people, and I want to wish her long years and bright happiness! I also want to wish her to always generously give love to those who occupy a special place in her life!

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish with all my heart: be sweet, beautiful, beloved, happy. Smile more, do not give in to fatigue. I wish you a lot of money, so that everything is enough. So that happiness in your personal life will soon fall. Never be discouraged, drive sadness away. Be healthy, young, energetic and cheerful.

Happy birthday to a kind, sincere, magnificent woman. We wish you to flutter like a butterfly, bloom like a rose in spring, shine like the sun. Let relatives and friends rejoice with care, understanding, warmth and respect. You are beautiful, graceful, irresistible always.

On this day, I congratulate a beautiful young woman on her birth! Let your husband carry you in his arms. May there be a lot of laughter, luck, smiles and joy in the house. May there always be harmony in your soul, tenderness settle. I wish you to always be the standard of femininity, not only externally, but also internally.

On your birthday I wish you many flowers, gifts, good and sincere wishes! Continue to combine fragility and great strength, kindness and firmness of character, refinement and the ability to cook deliciously, elegance and a sense of humor, external defenselessness and wisdom! I wish you new achievements in true love and a pleasant aftertaste from the upcoming holiday! Hooray!

Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, desirable, kind, cheerful, appetizing girl! Your beauty conquers the hearts of men, your mind makes you respect, your wisdom delights, and fortitude causes respect! You are a rare diamond, so I wish you to find your exclusive cut and unite in harmony, love, so that another (and maybe more) beautiful diamond will appear on the planet!

A gentle spring breeze, the first glimpse of the spring sun, a snow-white forest snowdrop - how can they compete with your tenderness and youth, my dear, beloved, beloved! On your birthday I will present you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a timid declaration of love! After all, my every moment is filled with this feeling! All my affairs and worries, all my time I devote to the well-being of our family. Even when I'm not around, my soul with weightless, the thinnest ethereal silk hugs your fragile shoulders! Feel me near, hear me…. Happy birthday, my happiness!

Be happy, always unique, we wish to be loved and love! May the most beautiful flowers always bloom on your road, and wherever you go, there will always be a holiday!

I wish you happiness in this big world, may there always be a smile on your face, may your dearest friends always be there. Be always happy.

Hello dear lady! I hasten to congratulate you on another eighteenth birthday. I wish you unlimited harmony in life. Fulfillment of any and every dream of yours. Let there be only a cloudless sky above your head. I wish you simple female happiness! And so that grief and bad weather never touch your clear eyes, glowing with happiness.

My dear! Today is your wonderful and festive birthday! I sincerely congratulate you and wish that we will celebrate this day with you for many, many years, so beautiful, young, kind, sympathetic and very sweet! May you meet only very good people on your life path, be sincerely loved and truly love yourself, enjoy every minute the Lord has given us and appreciate every moment! I wish you the strongest health, happiness - the sweetest, great love, but no trouble!

I want to wish the most wonderful woman in the world, to have everything, like people have. I wish that it was not a secret that I love you, that I give the whole world a multi-colored gift. May no loss, misfortune and evil be in your way. I wish that I easily solved all my affairs, I wish that the house was a full cup. Let all the bright dreams in the world flutter like a butterfly, sitting on your hand. I wish that there is no place for boredom on your birthday!

A few years ago, God decided to make one day special and he succeeded! An amazing baby girl is born! She is the embodiment of an ideal woman, fragile but strong, beautiful but smart, she changes the boundaries of conventional thinking! Dear, Happy Birthday! We are happy to have you in our life! Let the days be full of new, good events, vivid impressions and magic that will make you truly happy!

Congratulations on your birthday! You are the best, you are a source of warmth and light for us, you bring so much sun, joy and hope into our lives. Always remain the same cheerful, energetic, with a young soul. Happiness to you, health and long life!

The birthday has come, you smile and, as always, bustle around the house, because so many guests have come, and you want to treat everyone, let no one be bored on this holiday! It's good to visit a real hostess, but today is your birthday, and let yourself be distracted from worries for a moment and listen to our congratulations! We all congratulate you on your holiday and wish you dazzling happiness! And let it accompany you every moment, so that you do not know another life, except in abundance, good luck and surrounded by fulfilled desires!

We wish fulfillment of desires, material well-being, female happiness, health and mutual love. Let your eyes glow with joy, and the smile does not leave your lips! Surprises - only pleasant ones. Never stop there, never lose your sense of humor and never lose heart!

I wish you all the best, as pure and sincere as you yourself! I wish that dreams come true and all today's wishes turn into reality! May fate love and pamper you, give good and devoted people around! Thanks for being you!!! Happy birthday!

Today is the birthday of an incredibly talented person! Dear, you are incredibly beautiful, kind, caring, attentive! You have a great family: a loving husband, lovely children, wonderful parents! You are building a career and I believe that in time you will become a big Boss! People follow you, they listen to you, sometimes they are afraid, they respect you! From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you never stop there, improve, but most importantly be HAPPY!!!

Happy birthday! May this sunny morning fill your life with energy and positive, a wonderful day bring you interesting acquaintances, a warm evening will dilute your day with light champagne bubbles, and the night will end in the hot embrace of your beloved man. Immeasurable happiness to you, health and fidelity.

My wise friend, my critic, my adviser, my loved one, my best stylist, my personal psychologist and just my beautiful friend! From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your birthday! I do not want to write many different words, just know that if you need help, I am there. If you need advice, I'm here. If you need to let off steam, I'm there 🙂 Be always as attractive, happy and mysterious! Happy Holidays!!!

I congratulate you and your mother on the birth of a wonderful daughter who pleases us all every day with her achievements, beauty, confidence, humor and fortitude! May all dreams come true, realize all ideas, may miracles happen to you throughout your life, may your life be like a beautiful legend! Congratulations!

Good day to all!

Today we will talk about something pleasant, namely congratulations. Congratulations are not only pleasant to receive, but also to give. Especially if they are intended for the beautiful half of humanity - women.

You can congratulate, of course, on very different events, but among all the holidays, the most important is the birthday.

Agree, how nice it is when you suddenly start receiving congratulations. Even if for some reason you decided to hide this event, but you were calculated and congratulated, then all the same, it becomes much brighter in your soul.

In this article, we will help those who are going to congratulate their friends or beloved women on this joyful day. I would like to hope that the congratulations given here will help you find the right one for your lady, girlfriend, mother or grandmother.

And although poetry is the most vivid and expressive for any festive event, I would like to start with prose.

On your holiday, I wish you a good mood, sincere smiles and vivid impressions! May everything that you dream about come true when you most want it! Stay the same charming and direct! May good luck and success accompany you in everything!

What can you wish for such a beautiful and charming woman on her birthday? Happiness, full of unique and colorful moments of life. Let all your close people please you, and your hobbies bring only pleasure and all your undertakings are accompanied by only success.

These greetings can also be used as a template. Add your own words as well. And it will also be nice if you send a postcard like this:

My dear, I congratulate you on your birthday! On this beautiful day, I want to wish you that a smile always illuminates your face, both in moments of joy and in moments of sadness. When a woman smiles, she is doing well, she is lucky not only in business, but also in love. So let every day be a small holiday, and you will always have a reason to smile!

Congratulations on your birthday! You are the best, you are always an unquenchable source of warmth and light for us, you bring so much sun, joy and hope into our lives. Always remain the same cheerful, energetic, with a young soul. Happiness to you, health and long life!

Happy birthday! I wish you wisdom, kindness, generosity. May health never fail. Let the mood always be on top. And in the family, let it always be warm and cozy. Success, luck, luck.

Such wonderful congratulations can be expressed to your women. At the same time, try to say what is in your heart. Then the words will appear by themselves.

Congratulations on your 50th anniversary

Anniversaries are not only a round date. It represents the transition from one age period to another. This is especially evident from the age of 30. Before this period, you are still young. Therefore, not many people like big round dates. But, if there is a close-knit team at work, then the celebration of anniversaries turns into a whole celebration. Well, let's not even talk about the family anniversary celebration.

What congratulations can be prepared for the anniversary of 50 years?

Fifty is not much
Paved the right path in life.
Let there be anything on the road
You can't turn away from him.

I congratulate you on your anniversary

With a beautiful pure soul

And on this holiday I wish

Stay healthy and young.

For a work colleague, such congratulations are suitable:

Today is a bright anniversary
And the date is golden.
You are all more beautiful and brighter,
So beautiful.
You face this age so
And the sparkle of magical eyes.
You are like a fairy in reality
We love you very much!

Happy Anniversary to the most beautiful
Stylish and kind, sweet, beloved,
Affectionate, gentle and unique,
Cheerful and sometimes funny woman
You are bewitched, we will express doubt,
That five tens
to you on this birthday.

And here is a good congratulation on the anniversary for mom:

Mommy dear, you gathered us
At the rich table on this anniversary.
Fifty is not much, even "just right"
Look: you raised glorious children!

We are grateful to heaven for you, mother,
Grandchildren also love their grandmother.
Be strong, healthy (let me kiss!),
And live, as before, with dad, as in paradise!

Let only joy settle in the soul,
Filling the future with happiness.
Though the times gone by can't be brought back,
Know: they did not pass uselessly!

Another few congratulations with humor:

They say that at forty-five -
Baba berry again.
But I will say, at fifty -
Baba is a real treasure!
Knows how to build a husband
Prepare a delicious dinner
Children will give sensible advice,
The house is like new in her hands.
May your family take care of you
And respect all friends.

If the hero of the day is a little shy about her 50th birthday, then congratulate her with such a poem, maybe she will smile:

Who said fifty
Is this mature age?
Together for you
We're pushing toasts!

Energetic, naughty
And extremely slender.
Believe me, everything about you
We speak honestly.

Stay always
You are so beautiful.
Let the years go by...
Be always happy!

Short and beautiful poems happy birthday

If you are a fan of sending congratulations by phone, then you need small quatrains.

charming, beautiful,

Kind, always be strong.

May wishes come true.

Happy Birthday to You.

Let your soul sing

And let life be good.

Be happy, always love

And every day is unique!

And this may be a standard congratulation, but it is well suited if you plan not only to be the first to check in “on the phone”, but then personally come to the celebration with flowers.

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you eternal happiness
So that you do not know sadness
That came true, what she dreamed of.

And a few more short congratulations in verse.

Happy Birthday
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
To keep everything stable
Happiness, joy, love!

Smile on this holiday
Let life seem like a good fairy tale.
Peace, health, success to you,
Only happy moments in fate!
Let happiness be a downpour and an avalanche

A whirlpool, a whirlpool, a river.
And what is happiness? - Be loved.
So be loved like no other!
Happy birthday!

Be happy, unique
Always love and be loved!
Let flowers grow for you
And there will be a holiday where you are!

Congratulations cool and beautiful at the same time

Birthday is such a holiday when you can give cool congratulations. Especially if the hero of the occasion is the same age as you.

For the hero of the day, you can prepare such a congratulation:

You are always seventeen
And you look great
And you won’t give more for a year,
After all, you are a famous coquette.

I wish you happiness and love,
Luck and success in business.
And a few tears, but mind you -
So that only from happiness and laughter.

Humor is loved by many, but there is no need to overdo it.

Happy birthday beautiful woman
A ray of light on a gloomy earth.
Sun, peace, warmth and smiles
I wish, dear, to you!
Don't count your years girl
Let them leave like sand through fingers.
Put on a shorter skirt
Sing, dance, remember my congratulations.

I wish immodest profit
Huge Swiss bank account
Outside the city a big cottage
Good health in addition
Big victories in amorous affairs
Canaries and Côte d'Azur
Success in all kinds of life
And most importantly, reliable friends!

This congratulation, of course, is more suitable for young people:

So that you live beautifully
I want a lot of beer!
In mugs, jars and bottles!
A case of beer in the freezer!
And for you to deal with it
We are already running to you!

Let life play the button accordion
Will give a golden "Ferrari",
And happiness is a fabulous wave
Let him take you with him.

I wish on my birthday
All wishes come true
trendy phones
Compliments of millions
Dresses, blouses, boots
From trendy glossy covers
Get more bouquets
And in the soul so that it was summer!

These last greetings are good for girlfriends. Therefore, we turn to congratulations, which are intended specifically for them.

Wishes for a friend on her birthday

So, how can you congratulate a friend? Well, it's a little easier here, because the relationship is somewhat free and you can both joke and speak seriously. As they say, who will tell you the truth, if not your best friend.

But back to congratulations. If you've known each other for a long time, then congratulate like this:

We know each other
Many winters and many years.
You are always my friend
Cheer up and give advice.
Even if we are far away
You are always with me in my heart.
I remember your birthday
I am without a notebook.
And you again today
I'm in a hurry to congratulate.
Be lucky, be healthy
Let sadness leave your heart!

I wish you happiness
Cool life and love,
To glow with joy
Your smart eyes!
To be so beautiful
Many, many more years.
To shine without fading
Our friendship is a bright light!

If your girlfriend is a fashionista, then the following lines will undoubtedly fit:

I want a bag from Vuitton,
"Dior" - perfume, lipstick to match,
Snakeskin boots
And a mink coat too!
And rest is only exclusive:
From Guatemala to the Maldives.
Days - fine and comfortable,
And feelings - desired and reciprocal.

Beloved girlfriend can congratulate her birthday girl-girlfriend:

Happy birthday, girlfriend!

Let life not be boring!

Let the men love

Never offended.

Stay beautiful

Kind, sincere and sweet.

Let dreams come true

It will be the way you want!

Such a good congratulations:

They give you flowers from the heart

And the compliments say

And let happiness be paired with fun

Your house, friend, will be visited

And they'll stay there forever

Giving beautiful love

And there will be endless joy

So that you laugh again and again!

On a friend's birthday
I want to wish with love
sunny mood,
100% health.

In business - recovery and success,
In the soul - fun and laughter,
In love - and fidelity, and passion,
And in life - joy and happiness!

Choose, congratulations. In general, please your friends and rejoice with them.

The best options to congratulate a girl to tears

These are touching congratulations that can shed tears, but in a good way.

Petals, touching the skin, let them whisper:
"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations"
Let the stars in the sky shine with just one word:
"I love you, I love you so much!"
Let everything sing in the world today
How madly I miss you.
So I wanted to say: "I love selflessly"!
But again I will whisper only: “Congratulations!”

Here is a very wonderful poem from the cycle "I will give you a star."

It's your birthday today
Only I will not give flowers,
I will not write congratulations
From hackneyed and colorless words.
But I will take in a bunch of dawns,
I will collect the pearls of dawns,
I'll scoop up the emeralds of the sea
And I will give you all this.
I will weave a holiday for you from rainbows
And I will order a nightingale orchestra,
I ask fate for happiness
And love is infinitely beautiful!

But, unlike the hero of this poem, it is better to give flowers and always give them.

Let a sprig of languid mimosa
The holiday will give you tears -
Tears of happiness, love and hope
According to the dream of a quiet, bright and tender!
Don't be sad, birthday is an occasion
Cut the pull wire
And go down the raging river,
Dive into true love!
I wish you courage
You swim, I'm chasing you
I promise to be with you forever
Adore, rescue and love.


I'm happy when you're happy
With you, flowers bloom in my soul.
With you my world is bright
And every day is incredibly sweet.
Happy birthday today

And I wish you unprecedented happiness.
Bloom bright like a rose
Don't shed your tears
Let life be filled with colors
And your dream will come true.

I want what is called happiness
Let all anxieties, like ice in spring, melt,
Good luck unearthly and inspiration,
Love and fidelity, iron patience,
Creations of new and crazy thoughts,
And so much happiness that can not be listed,
May life shine for you with success,
And on your birthday, a miracle will happen!

You are one of those who will not betray in life,
And to whom they rush when it's so hard,
Who in trouble will help and give
Middle last shirt.
Happy birthday, kind person!
And tears sparkle in my eyes
Life will give you a long life
And fate will reward you a hundredfold!

And finally, a wonderful little poem:

Beloved eyes boundless lakes,
Cheerful disposition, sparkling kind laughter,
A smile is bright ... Undoubtedly,
For me, you are always the best!
I wish, having drunk a glass to the bottom,
So that you go through life without interference.
So that love is forever alone
May success be your faithful friend!

Here are some wonderful congratulations I would like to bring to your attention.

Happy birthday to a charming woman. May the world around you be beautiful, may it be bright and joyful every day, may there be no despondency and sadness in life, may the warmth of relatives and dear hearts warm in cold weather.

Happy birthday! I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity, kindness, joy, love, happiness, good mood, smiles, vivid impressions. May warmth and comfort always fill your home, may the sunlight warm you in any weather, and may wishes come true at the mere thought of them.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you immense happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! Let life be filled with positive emotions, true friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events for you!

Happy Birthday! I wish you joy, love and luck. To make dreams come true and plans come true. I wish you good luck, harmony, happiness and holidays. Let every day give new rays, and let people only inspire and not upset. So that the sky shoots with bright colors, and the birds sing symphonies to you. I wish you all the best, and may it all come true soon!

I wish you to remain as sweet, gentle, radiant, cheerful,
good-natured, smart, beautiful. Always be happy and smile
unique and flawless. Never get upset and never be sad
against the haters. May every day be filled with bright
events, and each goal will be achieved.

Happy birthday wishes to a woman sincere in your own words

Dear, sweet, beautiful, unique! May this birthday bring you joy and happiness, may positive changes take place in your destiny. We wish you good luck, luck, kindness and good health.

I congratulate you on your birthday, and I want to wish you to always remain as sincere, cheerful, sincere and joyful, because everything that happens is ultimately for the better! Let your life be a bright streak, let it be full of all the colors of the rainbow! Let all your plans end with the expected result, so that you are always proud of yourself! May all hopes and desires come true, turning life into a real fairy tale! Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman on earth!

Dear birthday girl, we wish breathtaking achievements on the highway of life. Let the landscapes along its smooth path delight you with the unique multicoloredness of fulfilled desires and peaks of victories!

Please accept sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! May health, love and happiness be poured on you like a summer shower! We wish your house to be a full bowl, and fate always protects from misfortunes!

I so want to wish something special on this festive day for all of us, but there are no words. However, I will try. It seems to me that you have everything you need for happiness: beauty, intelligence, fantasy, wisdom, self-confidence, purposefulness, activity, knowledge, understanding of life. Therefore, I just want health and good luck to be added to all this, which will accompany you throughout a long and beautiful life! Love and be loved! Happy birthday!!! :)

On your birthday, I wish you all the best and brightest! Let love burn brightly in your heart, children make you happy, health does not fail, everything goes well at work, and peace and prosperity will forever settle in your house!

Here you are one more year older. I must say that years suit you. May every new day bring you only happiness and joy, may loved ones always be kind to you, may life indulge and give many miracles. Happy birthday dear, be always the way you are!

God created woman to delight and inspire the world! I wish you always remain optimistic on your birthday, never be sad, easily overcome all obstacles and not look back! All the best in life is yet to come! I wish all your wishes come true!

What to wish you on your birthday to hit the bull's-eye? Only the woman herself knows about it! Therefore, I wish you that all your secret and innermost desires come true quickly and in the format in which you prefer, want and see! From myself I will add - the most important thing is to wish you health and happiness! May both be your strongest! Take care of your nerves, if they loosen, they will knock a healthy tone out of the rhythm! Bear in mind! And for happiness, you need to sincerely love loved ones and enjoy every day of your life! Happy birthday! All the best and enjoy!

Happy birthday! On this day, I want to wish you all the best, purest: comfort and coziness in the house, an understanding and loving life partner, small bright joys and the achievement of your goals. May your bright and sincere heart illuminate your path to happiness.

Poems for a woman happy birthday sincere in your own words

Happy birthday and wish you all the cherished ladies' dreams come true: cakes did not affect the volume of the waist, the closet was replenished with new branded items, the beloved was included in the Forbes list, and sales never ended in boutiques.

Congratulations on your birthday. I want to tell you that your sincerity attracts people, your laughter makes others laugh, and your sharp mind is able to find a way out of the most difficult situations. When you are happy, you want everyone around you to be happy as well. So be happy always! Achieve, conquer new heights, love. Live in such a way that you will not regret a single minute of your life later. Let all the surprises of fate be pleasant, and the broken nail will be the biggest reason for worry. May fate save everything that is important to you. Health to you and your family! Friendship, strong as wine! Love passionate and long! Happy birthday to you - on this bright day, dear and beloved birthday girl!

I don't even know what to wish you. It would seem that you have everything. But most importantly, I wish that you could save all this and carry it through your whole life. And may there always be true friends, loving people and reliable acquaintances in this life. Let all the cases that you take on turn out the first time. I wish that the mood was only excellent. And let all life be like a fairy tale.

May this wonderful birthday bring the fulfillment of cherished desires, and all the intended goals will noticeably approach and be defeated by a well-aimed hit by a professional. Let the golden steps of a career not be steep and hard, but, on the contrary, submit to a quick and bold ascent to the very top! May the wonderful splendor of the bright colors of life always fill the daily palette with freshness, and may fleeting clouds boldly disperse the lightning rods of your loved ones. In pursuit of the joy of success and prosperity, do not forget about your friends, because the most valuable thing a person has is enduring values ​​that cannot be bought: sincerity, love, compassion and support. Be happy, love and cheerful - happy birthday!

It just so happened that every year we gather at this table to express words of admiration to our friend, and today is no exception to the rule. Dear ... We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you great and truly sincere happiness, good health, true friends, peace and tranquility in the family, prosperity and always a great mood!

Is your sister or friend, work colleague or boss celebrating a birthday? Finding the right words to congratulate the fair sex on this holiday is not so easy.

We decided to help you by presenting happy birthday wishes on this page, expressed in our own words, that any woman can like. From several text options, you will surely find something suitable.

My dear! It seems to me that you have everything you need for happiness: beauty, intelligence, fantasy, wisdom, self-confidence, determination, understanding of life. Therefore, I just want to wish that luck is added to all this, which will accompany you throughout a long and happy life! Love and be loved! Happy birthday!

I congratulate you! I wish you to remain as sweet, gentle, radiant, cheerful, good-natured, smart and beautiful. Always rejoice and smile, be unique and impeccable. Never be upset or sad, despite all the envious people. And may your every day be filled with bright events.

On your birthday, I wish you all the best and brightest! Let love burn brightly in your heart, children make you happy, health does not fail, everything goes well at work, and peace and prosperity will forever settle in your house!

Happy birthday greetings to a woman in your own words

What to wish the birthday girl so that she remembers this day with tenderness and warmth? Happy birthday words for a woman can be different, the main thing is that they sound sincere and warm.

They say that there are women in the world who are harmoniously endowed with all the virtues - they are beautiful in face as well as beautiful in soul, smart and generous, reasonable and friendly, they are ready to give their warmth and love to their loved ones. Today I can say that I know such a woman and at this moment I congratulate her on her birthday! May your life turn out better than in a fairy tale, may your relatives always be there, and well-being reign in the house.

Dear ... (name), happy birthday! On this beautiful day, I would like to wish you that a smile always illuminates your sweet face. When a woman smiles, all her affairs are arguing, she is lucky not only in business, but also in love. Smile is our weapon and our helper. So let your every day be a small holiday, and you will always have a reason to rejoice!

Happy birthday to a very beautiful, tender, affectionate, beautiful, simply incredible woman! I wish you to be as cheerful and cheerful as now. May every day give you many unforgettable moments, only pleasant people surround you, and all your cherished desires come true.

Happy birthday greetings to a woman can be written on a postcard or sent to the hero of the occasion in the form of SMS. If the birthday girl has her own page on social networks, you can post a greeting card there. Available applications usually allow you to select a melody accompanying the image.

I don't even know what to wish you. It would seem that you have everything. And I want to wish that you could save all this and carry it through your whole life. May there be true friends, loving people and reliable work colleagues in this life. Let all the things that you will undertake, you succeed the first time, and your mood will only be excellent. And may your life be like a fairy tale.

We are happy to congratulate today a very beautiful, kind and talented woman on her birthday! For her, all of us who have gathered for the holiday are friends and close people, and I want to wish her long years and great happiness! I also want to wish her to always generously give love to those who occupy a special place in her life!

Congratulations in your own words on the occasion of the birthday of a female colleague can be made in an official and informal setting, on behalf of one employee or a whole team.

Even if the hero of the occasion occupies a high position, one should not forget that a birthday is a personal holiday, so it is better to pay attention to her first of all as a representative of the beautiful half of humanity and you should not once again remind about industrial affairs on this day.

Dear colleague! I wish you on your birthday that your dreams come true, your plans come true, and interesting people and bright events meet on your way. May there always be those who love and appreciate you, and may all the wishes that you receive on this birthday be heard by higher powers and come true!

Happy Birthday! We wish you eternal spring in your soul, birds singing, bright sun, flowers and smiles. May peace, love, warmth, joy, prosperity and kindness always reign in your home. Be always the same sweet, beautiful woman; the same kind, honest and sincere person.

On this wonderful day, we wish you real female happiness, to be always loved and desired, attractive and kind. Let the problems and difficulties that everyone faces alternate with wonderful memorable moments. You are a real beauty, smart and wonderful person, and everything in your life will be wonderful. We sincerely wish you this!

Expensive! Today is a wonderful holiday - your birthday! I sincerely congratulate you on him and wish that we will meet him with you for many, many more years, so beautiful, young, kind, sympathetic and very sweet! May you meet only very good people on your life path. Be loved and love yourself, enjoy every minute released by the Lord and appreciate every moment! I wish you the strongest health, happiness - the sweetest, great love, but no trouble!

Your sincerity attracts people, your laughter makes others laugh, and your sharp mind is able to find a way out of difficult situations. When you are happy, you want to be just as happy and everyone around you. So be happy always! Live in such a way that later you will not regret a single minute of your life. May fate save everything that is especially important to you. Happy birthday to you - on this bright day, dear and beloved birthday girl!

God rewarded the Indian woman with diligence, the African woman with passion, the French woman with piquancy, the German woman with thriftiness, and the American woman with efficiency. And you already have all these qualities. Because you are the best! Health to you and your family! Friendship strong as old wine! Love passionate and long! Happy holiday!