Cast iron wedding (6 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS. Cool congratulations on a cast-iron wedding

My dear and relatives! Congratulations on your wonderful sixth wedding anniversary! This cast-iron wedding suggests that your union is strong as cast iron, but also as fragile, so take care of your feelings from storms and hardships, minor household misunderstandings, from indifference and cold! May your house be full, like a bowl, and cozy, warm, so that you return home with great joy after work! Be happy, be lucky. May God bless you for mutual love, understanding, respect and friendship for many, many years!

I'll give you a piece of cast iron
You have a difficult anniversary,
Your union has already existed for 6 years,
6 years already as a family became.

I wish you happiness, do not know dreams,
I wish you joy, love, patience,
I wish all dreams come true
I wish you harmony, mood!

You have been protecting each other for six years,
You've been faithful to each other for six years.
It is impossible to imagine a more reliable husband,
And you won't find a better wife.

Let your union, reliable and strong,
You can for a thousand years
Keep, do better, because there is no doubt -
You know the secret of happiness.

You are a family to follow
You have been together for 6 years.
You are worthy of congratulations
From which the light pours.

So that there is always a warm dinner,
Meetings are hot at times.
So that every member of the family
Happy to hurry home.

Happy Anniversary, our dears!
Hand in hand, not knowing the troubles,
You live golden years
Although cast iron is called 6 years.

Be happy like the first time
When heaven bound you
Cherish each other now
As long as fate gives you time!

Cast iron is an alloy, it is heavy and strong,
The longer together, the stronger the love.
Six years is a term, be together forever,
Let the first time you fall in love again.

In the crucible of problems, worldly troubles.
May your love be tempered like steel.
And you will be together for eleven years.
We will raise crystal glasses for you.

6 years lived together
Without quarrels, deceptions, flattery -
There is a reason to congratulate
Happy cast iron anniversary!

Let everything go well in the house
Prosperity will be normal
Love grows stronger with age
And sadness instantly fades.

The days flew by unnoticed
6 long years have sunk into memory...
You had everything: caresses in bed
And strife that "merk white light."

But you have become wiser, friendlier,
Here is the cast iron wedding now.
We wish you a happier life
So that the fire of love does not go out for a long time.

In your strong relationship
There is strength and respect.
In marriage, you are already elders,
After all, the union is now six.

Behind already lapping,
Explosions of feelings, outbursts of quarrels.
Learned to agree
Do not let discord in the family.

I wish you passionate passion,
Tender and great love,
To feel you further
They led along the big path.

Today they give you cast-iron dishes - it is as strong as your union, it is forever, like your couple! We sincerely wish you mutual trust, love and joy, warmth, as well as cleanliness, comfort in the house! May your marriage grow stronger and stronger every year.

It's our 6th anniversary again. In Rus', this significant event is celebrated in honor of the fact that after all, more than one year has passed behind the shoulders of the spouses, there has already been a lot of good and, of course, bad that they have experienced together. At this stage of life, both should preserve the family hearth, here you should pay attention to cast iron products, cauldrons and pans are usually made from it. As soon as the hostess does not clean them once, after a short period of time they turn into a black surface with soot, which is already very problematic to clean on their own, here you should seek help from your husband. The husband, for his part, should also be the master of the house and not turn away from the requests of his wife, but immediately come to the rescue in any life problems.

Usually, any woman prepares for the wedding day in advance, on this sixth anniversary it is necessary to show her housekeeping, and the measure of this since ancient times was clean dishes, especially pans and cauldrons, they should shine with their cleanliness and, as they say, you can just look in them instead of a mirror. Congratulations on a cast iron wedding may be verbal. In addition, you need to carefully consider the gifts corresponding to cast iron, of course, it can be various household utensils made of this metal or some items are necessary for decorating the house, humorous items are especially appreciated, which could also decorate the home interior.

Poems 6 years of marriage

6th wedding anniversary -
People call it cast iron!
I congratulate you cordially -
Let only comfort reign in the house!

I wish you health and happiness!
Beautiful, cloudless days!
Beautiful and bright sunsets!
Hot and tender nights!

Love is valuable not romantic
Going to a nearby restaurant
Not a general foreign tour
Along European shores!

Not a diamond ring
Not a white dress on the bride,
And the fact that the common house is strong,
And the fact that you have been together for six years!

Six years ago at the higher powers
Inspiration has awakened.
The boy loved the girl.
The result is the birth of a family.

Since then, two souls have been dancing
Under the golden-stringed lyre.
We hurry to congratulate you, friends
With a cast-iron wedding!

We congratulate you on a cast-iron wedding,
We wish you good luck and joy
More happiness, vigor and strength,
So that the Lord keeps you for each other,

Also, we want to wish you luck
Do not disappoint your love
Mutual understanding and luck
And always be in a great mood!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
You have been married for 6 years - everything is ahead!
You are the mistress of the family bosom -
You take care of love and comfort!

I wish you a drop of patience -
To smooth the corners, if that.
But let there be only happiness in the family,
Loyalty, tenderness, love and warmth!

My friend, with a cast-iron wedding!
Peaceful sky to you!
Warm summer sun!
Life is like in eternal spring!

Let everything happen as you wish!
In the house love only reigns!
I wish you good luck!
Let it be a fabulous life!

You've been together for six years
And life is good
After all, the sparkle in the eyes of the bride
And the joy of the groom.
Burning, not fading
Love your fire
He saves you in everything.
Let palm to palm
You go further
And the year flies like an hour
Let showers of lies and falsehood
They don't cool you down.

My friend, six years have flown by
And you were a timid groom -
Now a real husband
That is not afraid of winter cold,

And always protect his wife -
Faithful friend for life!
I wish you happiness with all my heart
I'm on your six-year holiday!

With a cast-iron wedding,
You are our relatives!
Love is not scarce for you,
Mutually intoxicating.

great happiness
Such as the sun
To just happen
Fight in bed.

Let peace be in the house
Enough Attention
And in matters of contention
Car of understanding.

Let's boil happiness in a cast iron
We will give you slowly
You have been together for 6 beautiful years
They lived peacefully.

Cast iron wedding your jingle
Leave warmth in the house
We warmly congratulate
Love further.

And let a fairy tale hovers in the family,
crystal words,
Live in tenderness and affection,
To the laughter of a beloved child.

Congratulations on your 6th anniversary - with a cast-iron wedding, proven by strong love and sincere happiness. I wish you to live together long and prosperously, carefully keep your feelings and respect for each other, successfully achieve all your goals and implement joint plans. Peace, prosperity and understanding to your family.

Happy Cast-iron wedding! marriage today
Fortunately, it's already six.
You are so sweet and pretty
The merits are truly incalculable.

You survived winters, blizzards,
Spring bloom, cold.
So be happy ladies
Today, tomorrow and always!

Your cast-iron wedding today is exactly six,
And we have a wonderful reason to drink,
We congratulate you all, kiss you warmly,
And, if necessary, we will turn our shoulders!

We wish you to live beautifully, in harmony and love,
Work and work and rest with children,
Love each other very much, pity and adore,
And never, never offend anything!

It's been six years since you said
That he dreamed of such a wife.
She timidly answered
What about you alone sighed.

We've lived together quite a bit
What didn't happen in marriage?
But your friendly family
Stronger than cast iron.

Let the kids grow up fast
And mom and dad are respected,
And so that the radiance of your eyes
Blinded brighter than a diamond.

As if one moment rushed by
Six beautiful, bright years.
Quarreled, sometimes said goodbye,
But they kept their promise.

Family life - roulette,
Each bid made himself.
you bet a coin
On a joint path to dreams.

I wish you happiness
Anniversary, big day.
Overcome all bad weather
Expect better changes.

You've been married for six years now. This is a long time!
Everything happened: what is there to hide?
There were also problems and scandals.
Surely, more than once I wanted to send everything.

But still, you see, there was happiness
Always much more than trouble.
And so we boldly conclude:
Your union is stronger than cast iron pans!

Let the souls play the strings
And the familiar waltz sounds
After all, with a cast-iron wedding
Congratulations to you today.

We wish you health
Let there be joy in full
May your union only grow stronger
And it will become harder than cast iron.

For 6 years now you have been keeping your family hearth,
Congratulations on your anniversary - let happiness burn in your eyes!
And let the cast-iron wedding become golden after,
The main thing is to always keep your strong love,
I wish you patience, tenderness to save
Let wealth and fun run to you as soon as possible,
Your family will become stronger in order to avoid all troubles,
So that you want to laugh and understand each other!

In your family today is a celebration
For 6 years you have been sailing on the waves together.
May happiness and goodness be with you.
Yes, by the way, here we have cast iron in high esteem.

Metal is not easy, so you now
Coins of heavy ringing we wish
And a modest cottage on a couple of floors,
To meet the golden wedding there.

six year anniversary says that it is time to strengthen your home. This is the first anniversary after the fifth anniversary, and this suggests that the first crises may appear in marriage. Therefore, this anniversary was called " cast iron wedding". In fact, cast iron is not the strongest material, but on the contrary, it is very fragile and can crack at any moment. But there is another explanation for the name of the anniversary. Although cast iron is brittle, it is a fairly heavy metal. Accordingly, on the sixth anniversary of marriage, the relationship is already weighty and significant. For 6 years, the spouses have already proved their love and the relationship is very strong and significant.

For a cast-iron wedding, it is necessary to give cast-iron products. For example, tiny cast-iron figurines. On this day, the wife must definitely tidy up the house and clean all the cast-iron dishes. Of the guests, you can invite relatives and good friends, who should also bring cast iron gifts with them, which can serve not only as a souvenir, but also come in handy in everyday life. For example, a fireplace grate, which is relevant to give for this anniversary.

You walked together for six years,
They became more related to each other.
Six years have passed for you not in vain.
With a cast-iron wedding, friends!

May your union grow stronger over the years,
Love will endure and endure.
May happiness not leave you
Let the light of your beloved eyes warm!

Congratulations on your cast iron wedding.
Family goods, we wish you love,
Survive until the golden wedding
Such a friendly family!

Raise the kids to their feet
Worthy, wisely educate.
At the same time, warm your feelings,
Don't get old at all!

And of course, live long
Appreciate your family, love,
Never lie to each other.
And always be happy!

Congratulations on your cast iron wedding. May your cast-iron family cauldron always be full of love, happiness and wealth. I wish you prosperity and daily joy, six faithful companions on a common path: respect, mutual understanding, good luck, prosperity, fun and peace.

Cast iron wedding -
You have been together for six years.
It seemed like yesterday
We made a vow
With each other and in joy to be,
And in sadness.
Well, everything coincided -
You kept your word.
Love further
Live without trouble.
family happiness
For a hundred thousand years!

A cast-iron wedding is not easy to break,
And these six years will never be forgotten,
You have been through so much together, together,
Laughing, fooling around, even sad...

Loved each other, always helped,
And the holidays are always looking forward to,
Of course, they quarreled, how could it be without quarrels,
But your family fire burned brightly!

Let it burn for another thousand years
And gives the kids his gentle light,
Love does not wither, but grows stronger, grows,
Will never leave your hearts!

You have lived together for a long time, 6 years.
You got the happiest ticket:
Your family is getting stronger, it becomes more beautiful.
And life is getting sweeter and sweeter for both of you!

Keep your family hearth cordially,
Live peacefully, happily and amicably.
Love to your couple - for many years!
So that wonderful “Skodas” run nearby!

Love each other, always help
Walk happily through life together!
Give each other reliability and affection,
Keep the family good fairy tale!

From paper to iron
6 years old you walked together
Morning, noon and moonlit night,
In sorrow, in joy, in love.

Congratulations on this date.
Well done you, no doubt.
Let love inspire you
Many, many more years.

Six years have passed since you became a family,
The time flew by so quickly.
Appreciate what is given by fate:
Years fly by, look ahead boldly!

Cast iron metal is reliable, like steel,
But he needs good treatment.
We wish you to live, appreciating the union,
And strengthening the feelings of respect!

Keep, take care of your union,
Family is your hope and support.
Live so as not to break the cast iron,
And strengthen with love, a warm word!

Cast iron wedding - that's the date so the date!
Six years together, happily married.
It's your anniversary, congratulations!
Love, prosperity, I wish you.

Let sadness and sadness bypass your couple,
Let your welcome guests come to your house.
May the nights and days be beautiful
May they give you happiness and joy!

Six years have gone by so fast
And you're still just as funny.
And you have done a lot
For your little family.

I want love to stay
So that there is always harmony between you ...
And not to touch her husband
Cast-iron pan!

It's been six years since you've been living together
And build the weather in your family together.
And it happens like this - it's a coward two hundred points,
Everything is calm, and quiet and smooth all around.
And it happens that the snow does not melt for days,
And then the heat, which already throws you into sweat,
Let your hydrometeorological center only broadcast good things,
May the sun always shine on you, and not vice versa!

You've been together for six years
And life is good
After all, the sparkle in the eyes of the bride
And the joy of the groom.
Burning, not fading
Love your fire
He saves you in everything.
Let palm to palm
You go further
And the year flies like an hour
Let showers of lies and falsehood
They don't cool you down.

Six years ago at the higher powers
Inspiration has awakened.
The boy loved the girl.
The result is the birth of a family.
Since then, two souls have been dancing
Under the golden-stringed lyre.
We hurry to congratulate you, friends
With a cast-iron wedding!

“In love, they do not look at each other,
And more often - to one side, ”-
The wise man said in testament to his grandchildren,
As knowing husband and wife,
Families are more united
Can't be found anywhere on the planet.
Six years have passed for them without controversy,
Spouses forever on the way!

Love is valuable not romantic
Going to a nearby restaurant
Not a general foreign tour
Along European shores!
Not a diamond ring
Not a white dress on the bride,
And the fact that the common house is strong,
And the fact that you have been together for six years!

Strengthen your relationship
They have metal in them!
So congratulations!
Cast iron wedding day has come!
Let the marriage become even stronger
And relationships are warmer!
Happy sixth birthday to you
I congratulate you on this day!

Cast iron - it is strong, it is not paper,
Cast iron is still metal.
Six years have passed since the wedding,
But this period is not so short.
I congratulate you heartily
May your union grow stronger.
I wish you endless love
And let there be happiness in life!

Let's celebrate a cast-iron marriage with you,
There is a gift in the oven, but let's say in words
What we wish you health and strength,
So that the boiler does not even break the life of happiness.
Love one another, always understand
Take care of your loved ones, give birth to children.
We raise our glasses and drink bitter,
Let's drink your happy health to marriage.

Have a fun holiday
The cast-iron wedding is already approaching,
The guests at the table "bitterly" scream,
They say wonderful toasts in your honor.
Be happy, live happily
Get everything you want
Let the garden of your life bloom
May everyone be happy to meet you.

You have a cast-iron wedding, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you to be happy,
Let the fun dance spin,
May only joy and good luck await you ahead.
Live in harmony and love
Raise children for the joy
Let the starfall shower you with happiness,
Let everyone be happy with your success.