What to cook in the summer for a wedding on the table for guests and newlyweds - a selection of delicious and unusual dishes for the menu. Wedding at home: a sample menu for a festive table

Wedding salads included in the banquet menu should be varied, because people with a wide variety of taste preferences gather at the table. Fish, meat, vegetables, seafood - there should be enough salads on the wedding table so that the guests are full and satisfied.

The very design of the dishes should be beautiful and appropriate for the occasion on which everyone gathered at the table that day. With the help of carving, you can decorate any salad, but you need a little for this: curly knives and a little imagination.

If possible, it is better to serve the salad in portions, and not on a common dish. This presentation is more convenient for guests.

How to cook salads for a wedding - 15 varieties

A salad with such a romantic name must be on the wedding table, especially since it looks so much like a real bouquet. Salted fish lovers will undoubtedly appreciate the familiar taste of “herring under a fur coat”, which sounds in a new way.


  • Carrot
  • Beet
  • Potato
  • Herring fillet
  • Fresh cucumber
  • lettuce leaves
  • Mayonnaise
  • hard cheese
  • Garlic
  • Pita


Boil and grate vegetables on a fine grater, and finely chop the herring and cucumber into cubes. Put fresh lettuce leaves on a dish, and lay the rest of the products on them in layers: first herring, then chopped cucumber, carrots and potatoes. Make a layer of mayonnaise between each layer. Boil the beets, grate with cheese on a fine grater and add chopped garlic to taste. Stir and cover the salad on all sides with this mixture. Roses and lettuce made from pita bread will help make the dish look like a real bouquet.

Among all the salads on the table, there should be salads that are not seasoned with mayonnaise, because there will definitely be a person who does not eat it. Such a light salad with vegetables, chicken and crispy croutons is just right for such people.


  • White loaf
  • Boiled chicken fillet
  • Hard cheese (parmesan)
  • Yalta purple onion
  • fresh cucumber
  • Lemon juice
  • Vegetable oil
  • lettuce leaves


Prepare croutons. To do this, cut the loaf into cubes and fry them in a pan until they are browned. Disassemble the meat into fibers and put in a salad bowl. Add grated cheese and cucumber, cut into strips. Add the onion, cut into half rings, and lettuce (just pick it with your hands). Add croutons and dressing from vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

A delicious salad with a name corresponding to the event will also be appropriate at a wedding banquet. The salad is decorated with swan figurines made from boiled eggs.


  • boiled eggs
  • Onion
  • hard cheese
  • Apple (sour)
  • Crab sticks


Boil hard-boiled eggs, four of them are needed for decoration, and the rest of the whites are separated from the yolks. Separately grate egg whites with yolks on a fine grater. Chop and pickle the onion to get rid of its bitterness. Coarsely grate the cheese together with the sour apple, and cut the crab sticks into thin strips.

Spread layers on a dish: yolks, pickled onions, cheese, apple, crab sticks, egg whites. Add a little mayonnaise to egg whites with yolks and crab sticks to make the salad more juicy.

Swans are made from the remaining eggs. Two eggs are torsos, and two are heads. Connect them together with a toothpick. On the torsos, a cut is made at the bottom to achieve stability. From the cut protein, you can build ponytails, wings, necks. Small pieces of carrots will be used instead of a beak, and eyes can be cut out of pieces of olives.

Snacks and salads with red fish are regular guests on the festive table, and a wedding is no exception. After all, the richer the wedding table, the better the young people will live - this is what the people think. It is worth preparing this salad, at the end of the feast there will be no crumbs left of it.


  • Smoked red fish
  • Crab sticks
  • boiled eggs
  • boiled rice
  • boiled carrots
  • Curd soft cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sour cream


Carefully cover a container with a deep bottom with cling film, and then line the walls and bottom of this container with thin strips of red fish.

Prepare a cream for the salad: mayonnaise and sour cream (4 tablespoons each) and a little curd cheese. Mix well until smooth and apply a little mixture on the fish in an even layer. The next layer is chopped eggs and cooked cream as a layer. Then crushed crab sticks with a layer follow. Grate the carrots and put on the salad, smooth and grease. At the very end, lay out the rice, smooth and grease with the rest of the cream.

Carefully wrap the ends of the film and put the salad in the refrigerator overnight for soaking, and then, gently turning it over, put it on a dish. Thus, it turns out that the top layer will be the bottom, and only the fish will be visible from above.

Among other salads, try making a salad called "Royal". The products in it are chosen so well that the result will definitely please. Chicken, mushrooms and prunes are the perfect trio for a salad.


  • Boiled chicken fillet
  • Champignon
  • Prunes
  • Walnuts
  • Onion
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery


Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil along with finely chopped onions. Cut the chicken into small cubes and add the mushrooms to the meat. Grind the steamed prunes and cheese, add to the rest of the products.

Season the salad with mayonnaise, add salt and pepper to taste, and top with nut crumbs. You can decorate with greenery.

Chicken can be replaced with turkey fillet or quail meat.

If you cook a salad according to this recipe, you should get not only a delicious dish. It will really look like a bouquet with delicate violets.


  • Boiled chicken fillet
  • Prunes
  • Fresh champignons
  • Cucumber
  • Korean carrot
  • Mayonnaise
  • salted cracker
  • spinach leaves
  • Radish


Chicken, prunes and cucumber cut into strips. Fry the mushrooms in oil, add pepper and salt to taste. All products are laid out in layers on a dish and each one is smeared with mayonnaise: chicken, prunes, fried mushrooms, cucumber and, at the very end, Korean carrots.

You can start decorating. Cover the sides with crackers, make violet leaves from spinach. The flowers are made from radishes, which are cut into very thin rings and stained with blue cabbage juice to resemble the flower.

Salmon salad with crab sticks will undoubtedly delight guests, because it is seasoned with a delicate dressing of sour cream, mayonnaise and mascarpone cheese.


  • Lightly salted salmon
  • Crab sticks
  • boiled rice
  • Cucumber
  • Gelatin
  • Mascarpone
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sour cream
  • Paprika
  • lettuce leaves


Hard-boil the eggs, and rice until tender with paprika and spices.

Next, a deep dish is lined with cling film and laid out with slices of fish. Grated egg yolks are laid on it. They need to be smeared with cream, and for it the dissolved gelatin is mixed with mayonnaise, sour cream and mascarpone. The cream is well mixed. Next comes a layer of crab sticks, cut into small strips, and a layer of cream. Then follows a layer of grated egg whites and a layer, and at the very end a layer of rice. Gently smooth and brush with the rest of the cream.

Send the salad cake to the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Next, fresh lettuce leaves are laid out on a dish, and you need to put a salad on them. To do this, you just need to turn it over and remove the cling film.

Salad called "Jelly" is a tasty and original dish that can decorate any wedding banquet.


  • Carrot
  • Canned green peas
  • Potato
  • Ham
  • Apple
  • Lemon juice
  • boiled eggs
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sour cream
  • Mustard
  • Gelatin


Boil potatoes and carrots. Drain liquid from canned peas, dissolve gelatin in it. Next, prepare the sauce from mayonnaise, mustard and sour cream. Salt and pepper to taste. Cut the ham with vegetables into cubes and mix them with canned peas. Cut the apple into cubes, sprinkle them with lemon juice and leave on the board.

When the gelatin swells enough, put on the stove and heat, but do not bring to a boil. When the gelatin cools down a bit, it is mixed with the sauce and the resulting mixture is poured over the chopped products. Mix well and put in a form lined with foil, half of the salad. Then lay whole boiled eggs and fill them with the second half of the salad mixture. Smooth out and put in the refrigerator. In order for the gelatin to harden, 6-8 hours are enough. The salad is laid out from the mold on a dish, you can cut it with a knife into even parts.

This salad is very colorful in design: a lot of greens, flowers from vegetables and bright lingonberries. It all looks very appetizing on a platter.


  • Boiled potatoes
  • Fresh cucumber
  • boiled carrots
  • Marinated mushrooms
  • pickled cucumber
  • canned green peas
  • Bulgarian multi-colored pepper
  • Cowberry
  • green onion
  • Parsley
  • lettuce leaves
  • Olive oil


Cut the potatoes into small cubes, and the carrots into half circles. Take a fresh cucumber and cut into slices, and peeled bell pepper into cubes. Cut pickled mushrooms and cucumber in the same way.

Chop the green onion and cut in half. Mix one half with chopped vegetables. Drizzle salad with olive oil, pepper and salt. You can add a little mustard. Decorate arbitrarily to get an imitation of a forest clearing.

Why not make a salad with such an impressive name? It is quite suitable for a wedding banquet. The sweetish aftertaste of crab sticks in tandem with apple sourness is an unexpected pleasant taste.


  • Crab sticks
  • Processed cheese
  • boiled eggs
  • Green apple
  • Onion
  • Butter
  • Mayonnaise


The salad is laid out in layers on a wide flat dish and after each layer a layer of mayonnaise is made. First comes the grated egg whites. They are followed by crab sticks, very finely chopped. Next comes chopped onion and butter, finely grated (from the freezer). The oil is not smeared with mayonnaise, it is better to slightly salt it. The next layer is an apple grated on a fine grater, followed by grated processed cheese. The last layer is crushed yolk. Cool and let soak, decorate as desired.

To make the processed cheese easy to grate, it is slightly frozen in the freezer, and the grater is smeared with refined vegetable oil.

In this salad, in addition to healthy vegetables, there is an ingredient unusual for a salad. Berries from cherry jam do not spoil its taste, but add "zest" to this light vegetable salad.


  • White cabbage
  • green apples
  • Carrot
  • Lemon
  • Pitted cherry jam


Chop the cabbage, and cut the carrots and apple into strips. Remove the zest from the lemon and squeeze the juice into a separate bowl. Mix together chopped food and lemon juice in a salad bowl. Season the salad with a small amount of cherry syrup and garnish with jam cherries.

Which place always knew how to please wedding guests? Only in the village, because all the inhabitants gathered for the walk and everyone had to stay full. It is such a rustic salad, hearty and unpretentious in cooking.


  • Pork
  • Onion
  • Greenery
  • Sugar
  • Vinegar
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices


Boil pork for one hour with a whole onion and spices, salt shortly before the end. Cool the meat and cut into strips. Put in a deep bowl and cover with a lid.

Cut the onion into thin rings and chop the greens. Mix. Prepare a marinade from 50 ml of boiled water, 3 tbsp. sugar, 1.5 tsp salt, 9 tbsp. vinegar, 0.5 tsp ground pepper and 5 tbsp. rast. oils.

Now spread the meat and onions with herbs in layers, pouring them with marinade. Then put the salad in a cold place for soaking for 8 hours. Be sure to mix several times, but very gently. It remains only to put the salad in a salad bowl and decorate with chopped herbs.

This salad is usually prepared in Jewish families for a wedding. Why not make the same layered salad?


  • Pork or beef
  • Onion
  • boiled eggs
  • Chopped walnuts
  • Beet
  • Prunes
  • Mayonnaise


Lettuce is laid out in a salad bowl in layers, starting with onions. It must be cut into half rings and briefly pour boiling water, then squeeze. Behind him spread the meat, cut into small cubes, grease with mayonnaise. Then spread the grated eggs, a little mayonnaise. The next layer is repeated - it's onions, and then grated eggs and a little mayonnaise. Now it's the turn of the prunes, it needs to be steamed and cut into thin strips. Smooth, grease with mayonnaise, then a layer of boiled beets, grated on a fine grater. Lubricate everything with mayonnaise, decorate with chopped walnuts.

Another interesting salad, which is prepared in portions. A minimum of products and unusual preparation are the keys to the success of this snack salad.


  • Potato
  • hard cheese
  • Crab sticks
  • boiled eggs
  • Mayonnaise
  • Red caviar


Cut the potatoes into thin strips and fry until golden brown, let it dry on a paper towel. Spread fried potatoes in greased small molds and add a little grated cheese with mayonnaise on top. Place in oven and bake until cheese is melted. Carefully remove the potatoes from the molds so as not to destroy the structures.

Cut crab sticks into thin strips and mix with chopped eggs, add mayonnaise. Salt a little, mix. Spoon the mixture over the potatoes and smooth out. Decorate with grains of red caviar with sprigs of greens.

Another delicious salad with a name and decoration appropriate for the celebration. You should definitely cook it, lay it out in the form of wedding rings, which are a symbol of the wedding.


  • boiled pork
  • Marinated mushrooms
  • boiled carrots
  • Boiled potatoes
  • boiled eggs
  • Onion
  • Mayonnaise


Coarsely grate the carrots and potatoes, cut the mushrooms with meat into cubes. Chop the onion in half rings, marinate it for a short time. Eggs cut into slices. Spread in layers in the form of a ring or two crossed rings. Products should be laid out as follows: potatoes, mushrooms, pickled onions, meat, carrots and eggs. Coat each layer with mayonnaise. You can decorate with pomegranate seeds and canned corn. Let the salad rest in a cold place.

You can not buy mayonnaise in the store, but cook it at home. To do this, beat the egg and, without turning off the mixer, gradually add vegetable oil in a thin stream. As soon as the mass acquires the desired color and consistency, add salt, ground pepper, a little mustard, sugar and a little bit of vinegar or lemon juice.

Let your wedding table burst with salads and all kinds of dishes, and the young ones glow with happiness, and then the holiday will be a success!

Every bride knows that 90% of success with guests is a good table. At the ceremony, they will appreciate the beautiful bride, the groom's suit and decorations, but at the banquet they will evaluate the dishes: their quantity, quality and serving. Therefore, after choosing a dress, rings and a banquet hall, the young people have another question - how to feed the guests so that everyone likes it, and at the same time not cost a pretty penny. According to Russian tradition, it is not customary to arrange light receptions, guests should leave the holiday full and satisfied, only then it is believed that the Russian wedding was a success.

Wedding table: menu, recipes

There are no specific rules on what exactly to serve on the table on the day of the celebration. However, there are unspoken rules that are generally followed, unless it is a completely informal celebration. So, for example, beer should not be among drinks. Perhaps wine, champagne, vodka, cognac, martinis or cocktails, but not beer.

All restaurants have their own menu, and in a variety of options and for any amount. The administrator and the chefs will tell you what is better to choose and how to please the guests. It includes several cold starters and two hot ones, as well as tea and cake. This is the minimum that is usually present everywhere. Consider the most popular dishes at Russian weddings.

  • Among the appetizers, seafood (fish, shrimp, mussels), sausage, cheese, meat, cuts of fresh vegetables are usually served.
  • The wedding table menu should include several salads. Let it be better a little, but a lot, than one large bowl with one salad. Olivier, herring under a fur coat, Caesar with chicken, salads with mushrooms, vegetable variations are popular in Russia. You can mix just 2 ingredients, for example, green beans with chicken, tomatoes with cheese.
  • Tartlets with various fillings are also popular. It's always filling and delicious. You can put almost anything inside.
  • Stuffed vegetables and eggs will also please guests.
  • Meat is served hot. It can be a fish, pork or beef steak with a side dish of rice or vegetables, chicken julienne. Despite the beautiful name, julienne is prepared simply. To do this, you only need chicken fillet, milk, cheese, butter and seasonings. It turns out very tasty, satisfying and inexpensive.
  • Do not forget that in addition to alcohol, there should be soft drinks such as fruit juice, mineral water, sparkling water.
  • Cake is usually served for dessert. You can also make a sweet table, to which guests will come up and take sweets. Sweets, muffins, cakes, cookies are suitable for treats. Tea or coffee is required.

Calculation of the wedding menu for 1 person

The basic rule of a successful holiday is that everything should be tasty and everyone should have enough. But at the same time it is undesirable that a large number of untouched food, because young people spent money on it that could have been spent on something else.

When calculating food and drinks, consider not only the number of guests, but also the duration of the holiday. The longer the banquet lasts, the more they eat and drink. The average wedding lasts 5 hours. In this case, the best option would be 1.5 kg of food per guest. Cold appetizers, salads and meat with a side dish should be approximately equal, you can make more hot, but fewer salads. On average, 250-300 g of food should come out for each of the items per person, that is, 250 g of salad, 300 g of snacks, 400 g of hot food, etc.

Fruit and cake should also be 200 g per guest. If you have small children, you can reduce the volume.

Drinks should be plentiful. This is something that does not spoil for a very long time, and if unopened alcohol remains, it can be left for another celebration. Strong drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey) are taken in half a bottle per person, weak drinks are taken in a bottle per person, of course, children are not taken into account. You don’t need much champagne, they drink it only at the very beginning, so take 1 bottle for three. Soft drinks should be more, especially in the heat, about 1.5-2 liters per person.

Wedding menu: how to compose

When choosing dishes, be sure to take into account your budget, season, number of guests, and the duration of the feast. If yours, and a lot of guests were invited, there are a few tricks that will help everyone feed and save money at the same time.

Be sure to specify which foods the invitees do not eat, whether they have food allergies, whether there are vegetarians. An allergy in one of the guests can seriously spoil the event and scare the young. Vegetarians, on the other hand, are not troublesome people. Dishes from vegetables will cost inexpensively, besides, they are quite tasty, meat-eaters will also taste them with pleasure.

Don't forget age. Children do not want a lot of spices, and the older generation will not appreciate newfangled dishes such as rolls, Chinese salads and carpaccio.

  • Wedding menu for 15 people. This is a modest wedding, where only relatives and close people are present. Such banquets can be quite arranged at home, cooked by yourself. You can cook 5 different salads or 2-3 salads, but in several dishes, so that it is convenient for everyone to take. Salads should have different ingredients. You don’t need to put just chicken or mushrooms everywhere in case someone doesn’t like something. Be sure to 2 hot ones, for the sake of economy, you can take a chicken. For snacks, any sandwiches, cheese and meat cuts are suitable. For dessert, you can offer a traditional cake, pastries, chocolate, ice cream, fruit jelly, muffins or any other sweets. Guests will enjoy fresh coffee brewed in a coffee maker.

  • Wedding menu for 20 people. It is already more difficult to accommodate 20 people at home if you do not have a cottage. Most often, modern newlyweds still prefer to rent cafes and restaurants. No need to cook, wash dishes, serve food on the table. To make it convenient for everyone to take food, divide each dish into 3 plates. It turns out that for every 6-7 guests you will have a salad, cold cuts, etc. Then you will not need to run to the other end of the table for the desired snack. Consider the gender of the guests. If there are more men than women, increase the amount of food. There must be 3 salads, several plates with various snacks: vegetables, cheese, meat, fish sausage, as well as 2 hot dishes (preferably meat and fish) and desserts. For such a large number of guests, it is better to have at least 10 bottles of wine and the same number of stronger drinks, as well as at least 5 liters of juice, not counting soda and mineral water.

  • Wedding menu for 30 people. This is still a small wedding, but already requiring the rental of a banquet hall. If you want to save money, then choose more budgetary products, and do not reduce portions. So, for example, you can replace pork chop with chicken, instead of red fish, choose cheaper varieties, pancakes will be inexpensive if you choose a simpler filling, canapes and various snacks will also help save money. Chicken can be cooked as you like - grilled legs, stuffed, baked, fried, stewed. Hot can be both portioned and shared, on a platter. The cake should be big enough for all the guests. Total weight - not less than 7.5 kg. In summer, instead of a cake, you can present ice cream with fruit.

  • Wedding menu for 40 people. Dinner for 40 people is not cheap. It is advisable to lay out snacks on small plates so that everyone can try everything and not reach far for food. Snacks include eggplant, fish and meat platter, pickled vegetables, olives, mushrooms. Among the inexpensive salads is "Capital" with chicken breast, potatoes, cucumber and green onions. For hot, you can serve pancakes with meat filling, chicken julienne, tobacco chicken, baked pike perch. Instead of a cake, you can make a pyramid of muffins, which show the initials of the newlyweds.

  • Wedding menu for 50 people in a cafe. It is not possible to organize a holiday of this magnitude at home, so it is better to entrust serving and cooking to professionals. You can make more snacks, put different types on the tables: liver with onions, breaded fish, sausage, meat, cheese, olives, beef tongue, stuffed prunes, aspic, sandwiches, stuffed eggs, salted fish. It is recommended to do hot portions for convenience. In the role of second courses, cabbage rolls, duck stuffed with apples, roast with mushrooms, and potatoes baked on coals will look great. The cake will have to be made large and multi-tiered, or offer cakes for every taste.

  • Wedding menu for 60 people in the restaurant. To save on a banquet, make chicken and fish hot. This is the most budget option, and everyone loves chicken and fish, which cannot be said, for example, lamb. For salads, Caesar with chicken, Meyerhold with tongue, apples and cheese, herring under a fur coat, vegetable salads are perfect. Among inexpensive snacks, one can single out pickled mushrooms with onions, a cheese plate, olives, chicken roll, sausage. The cake can be made in portions in the form of cupcakes or cakes.

  • Wedding menu for 80 people in summer. Summer is a fertile time for weddings. At this time, a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you have your own garden, then you can save a lot of money. Feeding so many guests is not easy. Salads should be at least 4 with various dressings and ingredients. You can make 1 or 2 vegetarian salads, such as Greek. This is a great option for summer. For hot, poultry and roast beef with a side dish of vegetables or rice, roast goose with stewed cabbage are suitable. There should be enough cake for everyone, so it will be big. It is also desirable to have a dessert table with all sorts of sweets, if suddenly someone considers a piece of cake too small.

  • Wedding menu in summer for 100 people. This is already a big wedding, where the banquet will take most of the entire holiday budget. If your guests are waiting for the arrival of the young, there should be a small buffet table with fruits, light snacks and champagne, then no one will get bored. The more you bring with you to the restaurant, the more you save. So, for example, you can make some snacks yourself, and instead of a cream cake, serve a light fruit dessert or ice cream in the summer. When calculating per 100 people, the savings will be tangible. Pies, sandwiches with caviar, meat rolls are suitable as snacks.

Wedding menu in nature

A summer wedding in nature has its pros and cons. It will not be easy to take waiters into nature, set up tables and get rid of insects. But what a beauty all around, birds sing, fresh air. Usually, outdoor banquets involve a small number of people, barbecues and a relaxing holiday. It will be difficult to think over a wedding menu for 60 people in nature, especially considering the complexity of food delivery.

The first rule of such a banquet is that snacks should be fresh and drinks should be cold. You are on a street where there is no air conditioning, so take care of a sufficient amount of ice or portable refrigerators in advance. It is better to refuse powdered juices, replacing them with natural lemonade or just water with ice and lemon slices.

There should be a lot of greens, fresh fruits, vegetables, berries on the table. For salads and snacks, it is advisable to choose lean fish, chicken, so as not to overload the body with fatty foods in the heat. Tarts, fresh vegetable canapés and olives are also welcome. For hot dishes, shish kebab from any meat, barbecue ribs, steaks, fish is perfect. Prepare sauces in advance for such a treat.

Cream cake for nature is not the best choice, preferably ice cream or fruit. For dessert, you can also serve shortbread baskets with jam or fruit mousse, soufflé and, of course, tea.

To prevent guests from feeling too tired in the heat after strong drinks, serve refreshing cocktails with ice and mint. You can even replace them with strong alcohol. Chilled sangria with fruit is the best way to go. The less alcohol there is, the easier and more fun the wedding will be. As you know, heat and strong drinks do not mix well.

Try to put more cold snacks on the table, they are often eaten with alcohol.

Anna Lyubimova June 21, 2018

Today, newlyweds often plan to set the table for a wedding at home, where they invite their closest people. After the date of the solemn event and the number of invitees become known, you need to start thinking about the banquet in detail.

What to cook for a wedding at home?

If your budget is limited, still try to prepare meals with guests' preferences in mind. After that, you can go to the purchase of products.

You can easily create a wedding menu for 15-25 people on your own. It is enough to cook 4-5 salads or even less, with a variety of ingredients and put them on several plates so that guests can easily reach them. You should not add the same ingredients everywhere, for example, chicken, olives or mushrooms. Can serve sandwiches, cheese, meat, fish cutting.

For dessert, cake and other sweet delicacies are served with tea or coffee.

The menu for a wedding at home for 20-30 people is a little more difficult to think over - it is no longer so easy to accommodate such a number of people in an ordinary apartment. But nothing is impossible. Each dish should be distributed among three plates placed at different ends of the table so that everyone can reach it. Then each of the six or seven guests will get a portion of salad, cuts, etc. In this case, you don’t have to run to the opposite end of the table every time for your favorite snack. If there are more men than women among the guests, the amount of food should be increased.

Photo of the wedding menu at home

Must be at least three salads, several different cold appetizers with meat, fish, cheese, sausage. And preferably two hot dishes. For such a large number of people present, you need to stock up on 10 bottles of wine. The same number of bottles of alcoholic beverages will be needed. Juice at least 5 liters, soda, mineral water.

When planning such a celebration with even more guests, it is very important in advance calculate the amount of products needed, as well as compose a menu for a wedding table for 50 people, which should include salads, meat, fish and vegetable dishes, fruits, sweets, and a cake. If you understand the rules of calculation, then this is not at all difficult to do.

Photo of cooked food on the wedding table

Even bad weather in summer will not be able to overshadow the festive mood of the newlyweds. The celebration can be organized in a country house, and in the country, and in an apartment. The menu for a wedding in the summer should be light, the emphasis is on soft drinks. On the table should be an abundance of vegetable snacks, salads, fruits. Here are some tips:

  1. In hot weather, after the registry office, all invitees will want to freshen up, so you need to prepare large quantities of cold drinks and ice. Treats from the supermarket are not very suitable. Let it be better lemon water with chunks fruits. This drink is best served in a large bowl with ice.
  2. As for cold dishes in summer, they should be served on lettuce leaves. It can be: several types of vegetables, cheese, seafood, nuts. It is better to put fish in snacks. They are usually served chilled, so they are stored in the refrigerator until serving.

Do not forget to take into account the culinary preferences and vegetarian guests, so there should be an abundance of various snacks without meat and fish on the table.

An example menu for a wedding table might include:

  • light, fresh treats like "Caesar", "Greek", etc .;
  • seafood, vegetables in any form, forest mushrooms, nuts, chicken breast;
  • cheese, meat, and fish.

In the summer heat, intoxication occurs faster. Therefore, weak alcoholic drinks, cocktails with ice and refreshing fillers are preferred. It can be Mojito, Sangria wine and others chilled.

Sample photo of how to set the table for a wedding at home

When planning a festive menu, one must take into account how many women, men, and children will be among the invitees. Men are delighted spicy and hearty dishes, as well as from alcohol. Ladies love wines, different types of cheese and fish. Their age is also important.

What salads to cook for a wedding

Salads are especially popular on the festive table. Cooking them at home is a very responsible business, because any of your mistakes can overshadow the guests' feast. Your choice is huge. What tempting things do not exist salads in cooking: summer and winter, spicy and sweet, puff and cheese, meat and vegetarian, mushroom and seafood. We bring to your attention salad recipes for a wedding , which will decorate the table on such a day.

Puff "Wedding Waltz"

Prepare four layers. Each is covered with mayonnaise sauce:

  1. A layer in the form of boiled chopped chicken, garlic, nuts.
  2. Mushrooms fried with onions.
  3. Protein.
  4. Cheese (it can be grated).

"Wedding ring"

photo lettuce engagement ring

Grated carrots and potatoes, pickled mushrooms, boiled meat, onions, eggs. Layers:

  • potatoes (3 pcs.);
  • mushrooms (1 bank);
  • onion (1 pc.);
  • meat (400 g);
  • carrot (300 g);
  • eggs (4 pcs.);
  • a jar of corn - to decorate the dish.

Everything needs to be greased with mayonnaise. A round vessel is placed in the center of a beautiful flat bowl. Cover it with salad - a circle comes out, symbolizing wedding ring decorated with bright corn sprinkles. You can also cross two rings.

Appetizer recipes for a wedding at home

Cold and hot snacks for the wedding table at home must be present. It is necessary to correctly calculate portions so that all guests get them. Each of them has their culinary preferences, different appetite. The approximate weight of a snack for each person is 50-70 grams.

Do not forget that the invitees will actively eat at the beginning, during the first 40 minutes. Then they drink and eat more and more

Before moving on to the feast, you can organize a light buffet - tartlets, canapes, sandwiches.

Photo of tartlets on the wedding table

On the main table may be present:

  • stuffed pancakes,
  • mushroom skewers,
  • spicy eggplant,
  • cold chops,
  • sandwiches with caviar,
  • cucumber rolls,
  • olives,
  • cheese cut,
  • julienne,
  • seafood in batter,
  • meat and fish cuts,
  • salad baskets, etc.

Better of course cook some meals, which are not ashamed to serve on the festive table.

Beef basturma

Photo of beef basturma

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and add salt to it. Lay out the meat, pressing lightly so that it is in the water, and keep it in the refrigerator for at least one day.
  2. Remove the meat, wring it out a little, and put it under a press at an angle overnight so that the water drains.
  3. Mix all the seasonings: 20 g of ground black pepper, 30 g of suneli hops, 10 g of ground paprika, 10-15 g of dry ground garlic. Brush generously with meat.. Make a hole in each piece and string it onto the threaded rope.
  4. Wrap the meat tightly with cling film or gauze and hang it in a ventilated room for two weeks.

Roll with salmon and cheese

  1. Unfold a large thin pita bread on the table, from which a roll should turn out. Lubricate it liberally with soft cheese or butter, mayonnaise.
  2. Spread the cut lightly salted fish on top of the pita bread.
  3. Roll it into a roll and refrigerate for half an hour to soak. Then cut into pieces and lay out beautifully. Decorate with greenery.

Hot dishes on the wedding table

A celebration for 50 people will cost a lot. Wedding dishes should be served piping hot. Therefore, it is necessary to appoint one of the relatives in advance to warm up and serve them. A duck with apples can flaunt on the table, baked pike perch, chicken tobacco, home-style roast, sea bass with vegetables, roasted pig.

Photo of baked pike perch on the wedding table

Gingerbread wedding house as an alternative to cake

By tradition, at the end of the feast, guests are offered a luxurious cake. It must be ordered from the pastry chef the day before. But we propose to present a gingerbread house instead.

This is a product from a special test appeared in ancient times in Rome and had a shape symbolizing the dwelling of the Gods. In Rus', such a confectionery masterpiece was prepared during the Christmas period.

Now, such masterpieces of confectionery art often appear at wedding events.

The gingerbread house is the personification of the cozy life of the young - everything that symbolizes the beginning of something new and important. In addition, the delicacy is often styled in the wedding spirit: it is decorated with marzipan hearts and doves.

Photo of a wedding gingerbread house

In a word, such a house is an unusual variation of a wedding cake, which will look very attractive on the table. Such an extraordinary house can be a gift for the young and elegantly decorate the feast.

Treat Recipe

To prepare the dough, you need to use flour - about 300 g, 2 eggs, a glass of honey, butter - 55 g, sugar - 60 g and baking powder - 1 tsp each. You also need to take a little cloves.

In order to prepare the icing (prepared twice), you should stock up on 0.5 cups of powdered sugar, lemon juice, egg white.

As decoration suitable for dragees and sprinkles.

Put honey, regular sugar and vanilla, butter in a saucepan. This mixture is heated over low heat. It needs to be stirred. Then it cools down.

Add the egg with spices to the butter-honey mass and mix.

Flour is mixed with baking powder and introduced into this mixture.
Once the dough is kneaded, it is rolled into a ball and wrapped in cling film. It cools down within two hours.

All elementscut out of paper. For the roof, two products of 12x14 cm are needed, for walls, too, two - 6.6x12 cm, for the facade - 16x12, the height of the wall should be 6.6 cm. A pipe is also made from dough.
After rolling the dough into a layer, the products are superimposed on the very top and the elements of the house are cut out.

Baking blanks lasts approximately 10 minutes. The baking temperature should be 180 C.

Glaze preparation

Add powdered sugar and lemon juice (1 tsp) to the protein.

Pour the icing into a bag and use a nozzle with a small hole to circle the contours of the windows and each door. The house can also decorate with colored sprinkles.

Apply glaze to the facade from below and to the side. To do this, use a nozzle with a huge hole and place the front on the base (in the form of cardboard).

After that, apply glaze to the lower part of the walls and fix it near the facade - press the blanks with your hands and hold a little until they are installed.

After a day, prepare another icing from protein and do not forget about the roof. First, plant half of the roof on the glaze, press it with your hands and secure with toothpicks. Do the same with the other part of the roof. Install the fence in the same way, attach the pipe to the roof of the house. Now the sweetness is "built".

Finished gingerbread house

Today, confectionery professionals compete in the production of gingerbread dough treats - large and small, containing a variety of ingredients. Only one thing remains constant: such a house - real symbol love and peace.

Preparing for the most solemn day in a couple's life requires a lot of effort, dedication, and time. In addition to hundreds of little things that future spouses have to take into account, the main points of the celebration of the wedding day are in question: where will the event take place, how many guests will come, how much money should be invested in decorating the hall, ordering dishes for a magnificent banquet? A separate item for organizing a holiday is the wedding menu. In order for everyone to like it, the heroes of the occasion will have to seriously approach the issue of selecting festive food.

What should be considered when compiling a menu at home?

A wedding banquet is always a real feast. If you are not ready to celebrate an event in a restaurant, you want to hold a home wedding with your family and friends, there are several practical recommendations for organizing a meal, compiling a festive menu:

  • All the time while the guests are at the wedding event, the table, as a rule, is bursting with all kinds of dishes - gourmet snacks, hearty hot dishes, salads. The ideal option is when the prepared culinary masterpieces are constantly replaced throughout the celebration, during breaks for dancing, communication, and a competitive program. To prevent guests from getting bored with wedding dishes, calculate the approximate duration of the banquet, distribute the takeaway and change of dishes in time: then even with a small number of recipes, a feeling of diversity will be created.
  • Surely all the hardships of preparing dishes from the menu will fall on the shoulders of the mother of the bride or the groom, and it is possible that both of them, so the hostess of the house needs to start planning the cooking time in advance. Some items from the wedding list of dishes are best done in advance, or at least to carry out preparatory work. For example, the day before the event, you can marinate meat, cut sausage, cheese, prepare sandwich spreads. Semi-prepared ingredients are best stored in the refrigerator under transparent cling film.
  • Meat requires increased attention, so it is unlikely that the parents of the newlyweds will want to spend their wedding day stewing, frying or baking it. Home chefs can prepare meat dishes on the eve of the banquet, make cue balls or stew roasts, and before guests arrive, it’s enough to warm up the ready-made menu items and pour some delicious creamy / tomato / spicy sauce - there will be a feeling of a freshly prepared meal. To learn how to make a menu, watch the video:

  • Separately, it is worth thinking about the theme of the wedding celebration. If the newlyweds have chosen a certain style of celebration, decorated the room, prepared appropriate outfits, then the menu should reflect the thematic mood of the wedding. For a wedding in a marine style, it would be logical to cook a lot of fish dishes and snacks, light meat dishes, Mediterranean salads. If this is a Hawaiian event, the wedding table should be decorated with island-themed menu items: chicken with pineapple, shrimp in coconut, salad using fish, banana-mango cocktail.
  • An important tip before starting preparations for the wedding banquet: if you have never tried the dish you want to serve, it is better to make a few trial attempts. Perhaps preparing such a wedding meal will be much more difficult than described in the recipe, and it will also be possible to adequately calculate the amount of time spent. It can happen that the combination of ingredients tastes unpleasant: you can change the proportions, replace one item from the menu with another, or completely abandon the recipe.

Number of invited people

The number of people who are invited to celebrate a wedding event is one of the main factors that affects the number of products, their variety, and the frequency of changing dishes. If no more than ten of the closest people are invited to the table, it is clear that the relatives of the young people or the bride and groom themselves are aware of the tastes of the guests, so it will be much easier to prepare the wedding day menu. It is quite another matter if the banquet involves a large number of guests - from twenty and above. You will have to think about the selection of festive dishes that will please everyone.

Correct calculation of alcohol and the number of dishes

A wedding is a holiday that involves a big party dedicated to the unity of two families. Alcohol at a wedding event flows like water, and the menu includes so many items that the guests' eyes widen. However, it will not be enough to simply cook a lot of food according to the recipes that you liked on the culinary forums - the purchase of products is subject to a clear calculation of the amount of alcohol, drinks, edible products. What do they drink at the celebration:

  • Champagne. This drink is usually poured in the registry office, as well as during the first toast, when guests meet the newlyweds at a banquet. Then those present move on to other alcoholic beverages. The required number of bottles is 1-2 for ten people.
  • Wine. Alcohol of medium strength, which is preferred by girls and women during the holiday. It is better to take 2 dry red, dry white, one semi-sweet. About 4-5 bottles for ten people.
  • Strong high-grade drinks - vodka, cognac and others at will. These types of alcohol, as a rule, go to men. Considering that the wedding banquet will last for six hours or more, you will need about 3-4 bottles of spirits for ten people.

The calculation of alcoholic beverages is carried out independently, taking into account the tastes of the guests. Some invitees may drink little alcohol, while others, on the contrary, drink and not get drunk all the wedding day, so in the end the amount of alcoholic drinks is selected individually. How to calculate the number of appetizers, salads, main courses in grams at the exit (10 people) subject to a long banquet:

  • Cold fish appetizers, in total - half a kilogram of salted salmon and cold-smoked fish, 200 grams of sprats and sardines canned with oil, a kilogram of jellied carp.
  • Salads and vegetable cold appetizers for the menu. Approximately 1200 grams of meat salad, a kilogram of pickled tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, 300 grams of green peas.
  • Meat cold appetizers. Half a kilo of boiled pork roll, 700 grams of jellied tongue.
  • Bread snacks, butter. Approximately 200 grams of butter for ten people, twenty pies with bacon (2 each), 800 grams of rye bread, 400 grams of wheat.
  • Hot dishes. Sample menu: a kilogram of roast goose, 400 grams of baked apples and sweet stewed cabbage, 800 grams of roast beef, 400 grams of mashed potatoes, baked or in their skins.
  • Dessert. For 10 people, you will need about 1-2 kilograms of cake, a kilogram of fruit, 200 grams of sweets, half a kilogram of cookies.
  • Soft drinks. 3 liters of mineral slightly carbonated water, 2-3 liters of sweet sparkling water, 3-4 liters of juice.

Sequence of serving dishes

Serving dishes during a wedding banquet has clear rules. To ensure that everything goes well, the guests are satisfied, and fresh new dishes are constantly pleasing to the eye, follow the natural sequence of serving appetizers, hot dishes, and desserts. How to Serve Wedding Day Menu Items – From First Course to Last:

  1. When guests just sit down at the table, snacks from the menu should already be waiting for them - these are, as a rule, spicy salted and smoked fish, pickled foods (tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms).
  2. This is followed by such positions of the wedding buffet as all kinds of hearty salads, fish, canned or marinated in oil, stuffed pike, carp, etc.
  3. Natural meat dishes: sausage cuts, boiled tongue with mayonnaise, boiled pork roll, roast beef, pies. When the appetizers thin out significantly, the hosts can shift the leftovers into one or two dishes and take out the first hot dish of the festive menu.
  4. After the first main course, following the appetizers, take a break. If the second dish is not provided, a short pause will take place immediately after fish, vegetable, meat snacks and salads.
  5. When the guests are already full, and the wedding feast comes to an end, it's time to take out dessert. There is another break before sweets while the guests rest in another room. The owners take away dirty plates, cutlery, leftover food, replacing them with dessert dishes. A cake appears first on the table, the newlyweds cut the dish, then sweets with fruits are served. Those who wish are treated to tea and coffee.

How to calculate the amount of food for 40 people?

Above was the calculation of dishes for 10 people. To get the approximate amount of necessary products, multiply the indicators of wedding snacks, hot dishes, desserts by 4. It turns out: fish snacks will need about 7 kg; salads, pickled vegetables - 10 kg; meat snacks - about 5 kg; bread and flour products - up to 6 kg; hot dishes with side dishes - about 12 kg; cake, fruit, sweets, etc. - up to 13 kg.

Sample menu for a wedding banquet

The selection of wedding dishes is a troublesome business, ready-made lists of dishes will help with this. What wedding menu items would be appropriate for cold appetizers: olives, olives, pickled tomatoes, mushrooms, Greek salad, chicken salad, sliced ​​​​sausage, roll, salted fish, stuffed fish, a dish with cold seafood. First hot course: baked chicken + jacket potatoes. Second hot: rice and chalagach. As a dessert wedding dish - a multi-tiered cake, sweets, fruits.

The second option of the menu of the home wedding table

What is suitable for wedding cold appetizers: fish rolls with cream cheese, ham, smoked fish, meat pies, small sandwiches with several types of spreads, meat salad, seafood salad, Winter salad with pickled vegetables. The first hot wedding dish: chicken chops baked with cheese and pineapples, garnished with mashed potatoes. Second hot dish: fried pork steaks + rice. For a wedding dessert, the hosts can serve homemade cupcakes, sweets, and fruits.

Recipes for wedding dishes with photos

Choosing between a home wedding celebration and ordering dishes in a cafe, many prefer a family holiday for a reason, because delicious recipes will be prepared from the best ingredients by the loving hands of close relatives or friends. Below are some interesting recipes for wedding dishes that will fit perfectly into the festive menu:

  • Summer appetizer "Fish rolls". What you need for 7-8 portions of the dish: two fresh cucumbers without skin, 200 grams of slightly salted salmon, Philadelphia or other cream cheese. How to cook: put the fish on the table, brush with cream cheese, stepping back from the edge by 0.5 cm, put a piece of cucumber in the middle, as in the photo. Wrap the roll, cut into pieces. Summer wedding dish is ready!

  • Hawaiian salad. For this wedding dish (yield - more than a kilogram) you will need: chicken fillet 600-700 grams, 300 grams of hard cheese to taste, a jar of pickled pineapples in their own juice. To prepare the dish, you need to boil the fillet, chop finely, cut the cheese into cubes or small strips, cut the pineapple into small pieces. Mix everything, add mayonnaise, pineapple marinade - that's the wedding appetizer ready. If desired, the dish can be dressed with corn, crackers, green salad.

  • Chicken baked with mustard. This wedding dish requires the following ingredients: one chicken, mustard, salt, pepper, lemon. A lemon cut into four parts is thrust inside the chicken, then the skin is sewn up with threads or tightly fastened with toothpicks, rub the bird on top with seasonings, anoint with mustard. Bake for an hour and a half at 180 degrees. For a side dish for a wedding hot dish, ordinary mashed potatoes are suitable.

  • Pork fried with cheese is a good option for the main dish. What you need for 7-8 cue balls: 700 grams of fillet, 100 grams of grated cheese and crackers, two eggs, salt, pepper, vegetable oil. How to cook a wedding dish: cut the pork into layers (1 cm thick), mix the breadcrumbs with cheese, beat the eggs with seasonings. First dip a piece of meat in eggs, then roll in breadcrumbs with cheese. On low heat, cook the wedding dish on readiness - about seven minutes on each side. The dish can be served with rice, potatoes.

  • Wedding dessert - homemade sweets. For the dish you will need: a form for sweets, 150 grams of milk chocolate, condensed milk, nuts. Melt the chocolate with a water bath, pour the molds, turning them so that the chocolate covers the walls, send to freeze for half an hour. Then, for a wedding dessert, put condensed milk, a nut in a candy, fill in the molds, melt more chocolate, pour on top, removing excess. The dish is put in the freezer for five hours. The wedding dish is ready!

  • An interesting wedding treat is cherry oranges. You will need for the dish: five oranges, cherry compote (half a liter), 100 grams of sugar, 25 grams of gelatin, 150 ml of pure water. Soak the gelatin, leave for an hour, cut the fruit in half, remove the pulp from the peel. Pour the compote into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, then add the gelatin-water mixture, boil again and immediately remove from the stove. After cooling the liquid, pour it into the peeled peel, leave in the refrigerator for seven hours. A simple wedding dish will not leave guests indifferent.

It is a difficult task to think over the wedding menu on your own, and then, without outside help, prepare dishes for the solemn table. To cope with it, plan the cooking stages in advance - only then will it be possible to prepare wedding dishes on time, please the guests, please the newlyweds, in other words, organize a real feast for those present. Delicious meals for you!

Preparing a wedding is pleasant, but still chores. In the series of these efforts and preparations, there is no less important, or more important. The selection and invitation of guests, the bride's wedding dress, the groom's suit, the script for the wedding, the music, the decoration of the hall - you can't count everything, and all this needs to be done well and on time. And the preparation of the wedding menu is also one of the important and necessary preparations for this celebration.

Not only the mood of the guests, but the very holding of this holiday depends on what, and in what quantity, will be on the wedding table. Imagine that there are enough strong drinks at the wedding table, and there are almost no different dishes and snacks, for example, by the second half of the wedding evening.

As the saying goes, "we danced, had fun, sitting at the table, we shed tears." And what will happen then? And there will be a very unpleasant picture - the guests will slowly (some quickly) and systematically get drunk. There won't be much to eat. There is one general rule for almost all festive feasts, guests eat only the first 15 - 20 minutes, the rest of the time they have a snack.

So the lack of food on the wedding menu can turn into a lack of fun and the presence of despondency or even scandals and fights on this holiday. After all, excessively drunk people are divided into two categories: dull and aggressive.

But an overly overloaded wedding menu is also useless - an extra waste of money. And then where to put the food left on the table? It's kind of a shame to leave. Putting it in saucepans and then eating it for a whole week with the whole family?

Therefore, a properly composed and balanced wedding menu is very important during this holiday.

There is no need to worry about how much each dish should be on the table. The employees of the cafe or restaurant where you are going to hold the wedding are professionals and everything will correctly calculate how much each dish should be and the number of products for the wedding menu, according to the number of those present at the celebration. But the number and composition of dishes for the wedding menu is chosen by those who order - the parents or other relatives of the bride and groom.

What to consider when choosing a wedding menu

  • After looking at the selection of dishes that the restaurant has to offer you, decide which ones you will order, do not order those that you have not tried
  • If your financial resources are limited, do not order the most expensive dishes, you can order similar, but more economical ones.
  • For a more varied wedding menu, order more of a wide variety of appetizers, your guests may have different tastes: someone does not like fish, someone prefers fish to meat, someone may be a vegetarian. A wide range of snacks will satisfy the tastes of all your guests
  • The wedding menu must include two hot dishes: a hot appetizer and a main hot dish.
  • Discuss in advance with the restaurant manager how many alcoholic drinks you can bring with you. Alcohol in a restaurant is more expensive than in a store, and the restaurant management usually allows you to bring a certain amount of alcoholic drinks, provided that you order some of them in the restaurant
  • Order the organization of a small buffet table, it is necessary when compiling a wedding menu. Usually some guests, after registering at the registry office, when the young people ride before the wedding feast, appear in the restaurant earlier than the young ones. Such a buffet table, where you can put champagne, wine, fruit and a few light snacks that you can take with your hands without using cutlery, will allow guests to feel more at ease. They do not have to stand along the walls, waiting for the newlyweds

What does the wedding menu include?

  • Various cold snacks: vegetable, meat, fish platter, cheese or cheese appetizer, seafood, portioned salads and they are also in common vases, stuffed vegetables and eggs
  • Two hot courses, main and hot appetizer
  • Juices, compotes, mineral water
  • Fruits
  • Alcohol: champagne, wine, vodka or cognac, calculation of alcoholic beverages, approximately 1.0 - 1.5 liters per person
  • A wedding cake

Serving Order

By the beginning of the wedding feast, all snacks should be on the table, including portions, various assortments, juices, mineral water, fruits, alcoholic beverages
. After a short period of time (20-30 minutes), salads are served on the table, there should be several types
. A hot appetizer is served at the wedding table approximately after the first third of the wedding evening, when the guests have already tried all the cold appetizers
. The main hot course completes everything ordered on the wedding menu (except cake and dessert). Whatever the hot dish, a vegetable side dish is sure to be served with it. Before the appearance of the main hot, the waiters must clean the tables, take away the dirty dishes, put clean plates and cutlery. At this time, the toastmaster can entertain guests with contests.
. The crown and peak of the celebration is the appearance of the wedding cake. By this time, the buffet table needs to be converted into a tea table, where you can place a samovar, tea, coffee, sweets, cake plates. It's time for tea and coffee after the wedding cake has been cut. The guests themselves decide whether to drink tea, and when to drink it, they come to the tea table and serve themselves.
. sometimes the wedding menu, dessert, in addition to fruit, may include ice cream and some cooked desserts. They are usually served after cutting the wedding cake.

Two wedding menu options

Wedding menu - Option number 1

. Salads and cold appetizers:

Salad "Sea Breeze" - seafood, slightly salted sturgeon, pineapples
Salad "Oriental Tale" - fried chicken fillet, red and yellow bell peppers, pomegranate seeds, canned pineapple
Salad "Royal Folly" - king prawns, cherry tomatoes, lettuce, arugula, lemon juice
Salad "Tropical heat" - fresh cucumbers, lettuce, orange, squid meat, bell pepper
Dressings and sauces for them in the competence of the cook
Assorted meat (ingredients to taste and of your choice)
Assorted fresh vegetables (tomatoes, Bulgarian red and yellow peppers, cucumbers)
Assorted salted and pickled vegetables (sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, pickled tomatoes, pickled garlic or onions)
Assorted fish with lemon and olives (fish, to taste and your choice)
Eggplant stuffed with ham and rice
Tomatoes stuffed with grated hard cheese with garlic and sour cream

. Hot snack:
Pieces of chicken fillet in orange sauce
Eggplant baked with tomatoes, cheese and garlic

. Main hot, garnish:
Pork rolls stuffed with fried mushrooms and onions
Ragout of fresh or frozen vegetables (zucchini, bell peppers, young bean pods)

. Dessert:
Fresh fruit (your choice)
Ice cream

Wedding menu - option number 2

. Salads and cold appetizers:
Salad "Renaissance" - pieces of fried pork, anchovies, cranberries, Parmesan cheese, parsley leaves
Fantasia salad - bacon, boiled egg, fresh cucumber, pickled cucumber, small toasted white loaf croutons, Blue cheese sauce
Salad "Russian Summer" - apples, fresh cabbage, bell peppers, fresh carrots, greens
Starry Sky Salad - ham, marinated artichokes, boiled tongue, bell peppers, apples, canned corn, rice
Dressings, sauces, spices for them in the competence of the cook
Black olives and olives framed by greenery
Assorted meat (composition at your discretion)
Assorted smoked, marinated and salted fish (composition of your choice)
Assorted fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, green onion stalks)
Cheese platter (the composition and number of cheeses in the platter is up to you)
Pickled mushrooms with onions (honey mushrooms, butterdish, porcini)

. Hot appetizers:
Japanese Chicken in Tonkatsu Sauce
Pancakes with mushrooms and cheese sauce

. Main Hot:
Fish pigtail - fillet of sturgeon, pike perch and halibut poached in white wine with Champagne sauce
Eggplant baked with fresh tomatoes and onions in garlic sauce

. Dessert:
Fruits (composition of fruits at your discretion)
Fresh raspberries (strawberries) with whipped cream, served in portions

Wedding menu on the second day of the wedding

Usually the restaurant is booked for one evening. On the second day, there are already fewer guests - only close relatives remain. Nevertheless, it is worth considering the wedding menu on the second day. If the wedding takes place in the warm season (late spring, summer, early autumn), it’s nice to spend the second day in nature, where, in addition to two or three light snacks, you can cook fish soup and barbecue.

If the wedding is in winter, and a small feast in the apartment, you can put two or three salads, homemade cakes and always some light soup (chicken, mushroom, just broth with herbs) on the table.

Let your imagination, the art of the chef and your financial capabilities help you create an excellent wedding menu so that all guests have not only unforgettable impressions of a fun and interesting wedding, but also pleasant memories of a beautiful wedding table and unusually delicious dishes.