Touching congratulations to the father-in-law from the daughter-in-law to tears. Happy birthday sms for mom. Congratulations to dear father-in-law on his birthday from daughter-in-law

As often happens, a young daughter-in-law has one big problem under the name mother-in-law. But at the same time, someone appears with her who will intercede and help in difficult times, this is the father of the husband, the father-in-law of the young wife. Usually this person is always open to communication, as he is interested in communication with a young family, because by communicating with young people, you yourself become a little young.

A wise woman will undoubtedly appreciate such an ally, and congratulate him on holidays and birthdays. The easiest way is to get off with a postcard, but is it really suitable for a beloved birthday boy? Our site will help you find something that will please you and the hero of the occasion. The themes of congratulations from comic ones for merry fellows and sincere ones for sensitive people will help in choosing.

My father-in-law, I decided a long time ago
I thank you to say
wonderful son
You managed to educate!
I want to wish you happiness
More joyful worries
May wealth and good luck
Bring you this year!

Let today, on your birthday
There will be a mountain feast in the house
Let sorrows go
Let joy flow like a river!
I wish you patience
I wish you many years
Let worries and doubts
How one will come to naught!

As your daughter-in-law
I will tell you, dear father-in-law,

You have become my family.
Let your voice be heard

Let it flow through the years!

I love you, respect you
My father-in-law, second father,
Congratulate and wish
Celebrate the day with family!
Birthday is a glorious holiday
May love keep him
The most important birthday
All for him today!

As your daughter-in-law
I will tell you, dear father-in-law,
You are like my senior friend,
You have become my family.
Let your voice be heard
Strong, loud as ever
Let it flow like a song
Let it flow through the years!

Dear, respected father-in-law!
I want to congratulate you on your birthday!
And I want to wish a lot
To always be in the mood
So that your health does not fail you,
To make your eyes shine with happiness
So that the wife cherishes and loves
So that spring reigns in the heart!

So raise your glasses!
Let the wine sparkle in them
Let it beat joyfully in the heart
And the warmth will light up the soul!
Father-in-law has a birthday today
And I openly say
With sincerity and respect
I give all wishes.
I wish you great health,
Good luck in life and love,
To dispel doubts
And there were colorful days!

It’s not at all difficult for me to call you DAD,
A lot of good things to say on your birthday.
Although you are strict on the outside, you are kind on the inside.
And more than once they helped with good advice.
May there never be sadness in your eyes,
And the years go by slowly.
Your path is strewn with good deeds,
May happiness come to you and not let you fall asleep.

One of the most important people in your husband's life is, of course, your father. Therefore, on a holiday, be serious in the matter of congratulating your father-in-law on your birthday from your daughter-in-law. Choose the kindest and most sincere of them, since the choice of wishes on our website is quite wide. Congratulations to the father-in-law from the daughter-in-law, together with gifts, can make his birthday unforgettable. There are many ways to congratulate a birthday man, each of which is good in its own way. Show your kind attitude towards your father-in-law and make family relationships even stronger.

Happy Birthday.
And we wish you happiness
Many, many grandchildren
Let the din not be quiet in the house.

You, as a father-in-law, are the most important!
Therefore we wish you
Wisdom, great mind,
Be content in the morning.

Fun and under 100 grams
Let your holiday pass.
May it always be complete
Your big wallet.

happy birthday congratulations
Father-in-law dear.
I wish you happiness, peace
The sky is blue.

Let health not fail
Work is arguing.
May they never leave
Tenderness and care!

Your golden years
Like horses in a field
You won't stop for anything
Dissolve away.

Happy Birthday!
Happiness, cheerfulness to you,
Days full of emotions
And harmony in the soul.

Father-in-law of a kind, dear congratulations,
I wish you to live longer in good health,
Be cheerful, in a good spirit, do not grieve,
Live in prosperity to old age!

At work, so that success is overcome,
Head and arms and legs did not hurt,
To be appreciated, very much respected,
And on holidays all the time awarded!

To catch a goldfish
All desires instantly fulfilled,
So that a beautiful wife loves
And cooked delicious borscht!

Dear father-in-law, I congratulate you on your birthday. I would like to sincerely wish you a cheerful and long life, full of good health, family happiness and personal well-being. May all sorrows and troubles bypass you. May there always be a holiday in your home. Let your loved ones and close friends be nearby.

You are worthy of admiration
After all, the man is very prominent.
Happy Birthday,
The father-in-law is glorious and solid!

May joy and good luck
You are accompanied all the time
You solve all problems
There is no doubt about that!

Lucky so lucky!
My father-in-law is the best.
Become your relative
For me, it's a lucky break.

On my birthday I wish
On fishing you catch,
From his wife and relatives
Do not hear a bad word.

Let happiness surround you
On the magic carousel
Blow out the candles
Until we ate the whole cake!

My father-in-law is a prominent man,
Interesting, combative.
Allow happy birthday
Congratulations, dear!

I wish you health
I am many years ahead.
Everything for you - and happiness, joy,
Respect, honor!

I wish you, our dear father-in-law,
So that you achieve all the goals in life,
So that your troubles bypass your house,
And all cherished dreams come true!

Let everything be the way at your work,
Let the salary please every month!
And let life be happy in full swing,
After all, happiness is the highest reward!

I wish you always smile
And never know sorrows
And all goals are easy to achieve
To shine with happiness all the time!

I want to wish peace, comfort,
May your family be warm
And may every minute in life
Gives you only light and goodness!

The family has a birthday today.
Accept, dad, congratulations,
And a sea of ​​warm wishes.
I love my father-in-law very much!

Live long and richly
To please you grandchildren,
And get younger every year -
Bring longevity into fashion.

Happy birthday, dear father-in-law,
Happiness and health!
And so much love with luck -
How much you want.

May wisdom not leave you
Let the family idolize
Let the bad in life perish
And let the soul not hurt.

Let everything just be complicated
So that the heart was okay!

Good soul man
My father-in-law, I congratulate you.
Happy birthday wonderful
I wish you health and happiness.

You are a wise, wonderful man,
I wish you a bright summer.
So that in your rich life,
There was a lot of magical light!

I want to tell you on your birthday
A few warm, kind words.
About how the son was raised,
That your son grew up a man.

Thank you for all your concern
For kindness and love.
And that at any time of the year
We come to you, and the table is ready.

Let them say: father-in-law is not dad.
But I have a different answer!
There are few such people in the world
What they love sincerely, soul!

Happy birthday, dear father-in-law!
Everything will be wonderful for you,
All bad things are left behind
Everything ahead will be beautiful.

May your dreams come true
Let love keep warm
Let the income be multiplied a hundred times,
And health is only getting stronger.

Today father-in-law is a birthday boy,
Today is his holiday.
I want a special thank you
Speak for his son.

You managed to educate him,
And I want to wish you
Good health for life
And never be discouraged.

Always love and be loved
To raise grandchildren, not to know trouble,
So that all dreams come true soon.
We really need you dad!

Calm, kind, fair - that's what you can say about my father-in-law. I want to thank you for the golden son whom you raised as a man. You always help our family with a kind word and wise advice. Today is your birthday. I congratulate you with all my heart. May your road of life be long - long, may every day turn into a holiday. Let all bad weather and worries forget your address forever. I wish you the best of health, great happiness and all earthly blessings.

My most beloved father-in-law, let me wish you a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart. May life give you only joy, may faithful and devoted friends be always with you. I wish you a peaceful, happy family life. May you be respected, appreciated and loved. Let your experience, wise advice and support always help relatives. Good health to you, good luck in everything. May your cherished dream come true. Be always cheerful and loved. Let the lucky star illuminate your life path.

Today my dear friend, my father-in-law, is celebrating his birthday. I want to thank him for his wisdom, for his good advice and for the warmth of his soul. Let your years run for many years, like spring and clear water. Let only good and reliable people meet on your way. I wish you good health, great happiness, always good mood. May all the little things in life be easily solved by you, may luck never pass by. Love and be always loved. All earthly blessings to you, well-being, peace and tranquility in the family.

My beloved father-in-law has a birthday. I sincerely congratulate you on your celebration, wish you great happiness, good health and good luck in everything. May only a good mood always accompany you, smile more and never be sad. May good luck visit you often, and good news pleasantly surprise you. Live long and delight us with your presence. May all bad weather disappear from your life forever. May you always be surrounded by the love and attention of relatives. All earthly blessings to you, well-being and comfort.

My father-in-law is a wonderful father and well-mannered man. He always helps us with wise advice. Today is the father-in-law's birthday. I sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful event. May luck smile on you this day, may your cherished dream come true. May your family always be proud of you. Never get sick, live happily ever after. Let only good news please you. May you always succeed. Blessings to you and all the very best. Peace and prosperity to you.

My dear father-in-law, today is a solemn day in your life - your birthday. May this holiday be bright and cheerful. Let sincere wishes and compliments sound in your direction. Because you deserve it. I wish you, first of all, good health, great happiness. May your family surround you with care and love, may spring always bloom in your heart. Always be cheerful, do not lose your sense of humor. May the good that you give to your family will surely return to you with a tori. May the Lord protect you from failure.

Dear father-in-law, I congratulate you on the most wonderful holiday - your birthday. May your personal holiday bring you much joy and good mood. May your eyes always shine with joy, may spring always bloom in your soul, may your life be beautiful and long. I wish you good health, good luck in everything and always. May your family and friends surround you with love. Be always optimistic, do not lose confidence in yourself, let doubts never visit you. May the Lord protect you always.

How good it is to have two dads in the world
And this happiness is given to me by fate.
Thanks to my husband's father for his friendliness,
For kindness, doing good!

You are the best father-in-law, I will not hide it.
I can thank you for my son
I became his faithful wife.
I want to create and believe and love!

Happy birthday today
I wish you success and warmth.
In a family of prosperity and all the blessings without end,
So that life is always full of goodness!

Dear father-in-law, happy birthday
I want to congratulate you now!
I wish you all the best, luck,
Health, great strength!

Let all the goals, your plans
Implemented without difficulty!
You have pockets full of money
I wish to always have!

Dear father-in-law, I congratulate you on your birthday. I would like to sincerely wish you a cheerful and long life, full of good health, family happiness and personal well-being. May all sorrows and troubles bypass you. May there always be a holiday in your home. Let your loved ones and close friends be nearby.

It's good that there are such people
We always turn to them for help.
We will never forget their kindness.
And they will never refuse us.

On this day, I, our dear dad.
I will only say kind words to you.
It's good that we are with you in the world
One day fate met.

Congratulations dad, you
Happy birthday to me now.
I will wish you happiness
Hug and kiss.

I am very grateful to you -
Your wisdom is ingenious:
You raised from your son
A real man.

After all, there is no secret here -
We ask for your advice
We get wisdom, the right move,
You are our guru and stronghold.

Father-in-law of a kind, dear congratulations,
I wish you to live longer in good health,
Be cheerful, in a good spirit, do not grieve,
Live in prosperity to old age!

At work, so that success is overcome,
Head and arms and legs did not hurt,
To be appreciated, very much respected,
And on holidays all the time awarded!

To catch a goldfish
All desires instantly fulfilled,
So that a beautiful wife loves
And cooked delicious borscht!

The family has a birthday today.
Accept, dad, congratulations,
And a sea of ​​warm wishes.
I love my father-in-law very much!

Live long and richly
To please you grandchildren,
And get younger every year -
Bring longevity into fashion.

I have two dads now.
The first dad is my own,
And the second suddenly appeared
When I became a wife

Father-in-law I call him
And, of course, congratulations
my second dad
Happy birthday I want.

I wish you health
Big, justified victories
And a sea of ​​unearthly happiness,
And life for many long years.

Good luck in your business,
Perseverance and aspirations
Let there be a bright head
And take no doubts.

Hello my second father!
Be loved by Fate;
Lots of loving hearts
Next to you.

Be healthy for many years
radiating joy;
There was no grief and no -
He is gone.

You are a hunter, a fisherman,
May love keep you
Which is like science.

Be happy in all years
You are young at heart;
You will never sour
Kohl with a large family.

Happy birthday, dear father-in-law,
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate
Long years, health in the body,
Dad, now I wish.

Always move forward
To new, significant achievements,
Rejoice in the beautiful family
Bright life moments.

Happy birthday father-in-law today
I sincerely want to congratulate you.
Favorable wind in your life,
May the Lord grant longevity.

Only happiness, joy and success
Let them wait for you ahead.
Health, positive, laughter,
May your dreams come true!

My dear and wonderful father-in-law, on your birthday I want to wish true values ​​and important things in your life, clear days and wonderful moments, cozy evenings and happy holidays, good health and the strongest strength.

On the birthday of my dear father-in-law, I want to wish him great happiness, because all his life he took care of his family and relatives and raised a wonderful son, who became my husband, and this is not at all easy and only a person with a lion's warm heart can do it! Happy birthday dad! Be happy, loved and healthy, do not be sad and smile more often!

Today I hasten to congratulate the best person, a wonderful father-in-law, on his birthday. I want to wish you only one thing, always be yourself, just be the way you are. Because there is no one better than you! You have an incredibly kind soul who goes to meet everyone. You are always ready to help, no matter what happens! So I can only tell you not to change. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday to my wonderful father-in-law. On this delightful holiday, I want to wish you to remain the same wonderful person - wise, understanding, caring and loving. You are like a father to me, always support, and instantly come to the rescue. Thank you very much!

So the very long-awaited day has come when I hasten to congratulate my beloved father-in-law on his birthday! May this day become special for you, bring you many pleasant emotions and good mood. I wish you never lose heart and always be as positive as you are now. I wish you a miracle. After all, you deserve it. Happy Birthday to you!

I wish my wonderful father-in-law on his birthday to always remain the most authoritative, experienced and respected head of a beautiful, friendly and happy family, continue to give us his advice and wisdom, protect us from mistakes! May calmness, peace, comfort and warmth always envelop you!

My dear second dad, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to always be on horseback. Good luck. Let him carry you every day from adventure to adventure, but always return you to a cozy family nest, where you will be gladly greeted by your beloved wife, grateful children, good friends and the most cheerful grandchildren.

Let the weather be only sunny, the neighbors only benevolent, and the money itself goes into the house. Sincere and daily love, inexhaustible kindness around, and even more reliable people - they will never interfere. So that the head always helps, so that the heart feels the right direction, and the eyes see more and more new opportunities around.

For my father-in-law, I will do everything to make him feel happy. And on his birthday, I hasten to say my best wishes: health, respect for friends and colleagues, and peace of mind! Have fun today from the heart and receive welcome guests.

We became friends with our father-in-law right away! He is just an amazing person! And today on his birthday, I wish him to remain the same sensitive and kind person. You deserve the very best! I wish that all your plans and dreams come true this year!

Beloved father-in-law, on my birthday I want to say so many kind words and wish you great joy! Generous, sincere, loving and kind, worthy of any praise and gifts from fate! And may fate not skimp on these gifts and give many happy chances! From the heart, sincerely and warmly - Happy Holidays!

Accept not only congratulations on your birthday, father-in-law, but also my gratitude for raising such a wonderful son who took all the best masculine qualities from you. I want to wish you long life in a good environment of relatives, friends, colleagues and neighbors. Let everyone generously give you a piece of his soul, as you do.

Today we celebrate the birthday of the father-in-law, and I congratulate you with joy, dad! In your family, I immediately felt at home and still cannot be surprised at how you wisely and reasonably rule your home, making all household members happier day by day! Let me wish you longevity, good health, as well as good luck and inspiration, with which you will undoubtedly be able to fulfill all your dreams!

Today is the birthday of my father-in-law, a respected man in our house, my husband's father! I congratulate you and, firstly, I want to say thank you for raising such a wonderful man, and secondly, for accepting, as your own daughter, into your friendly family! I want to wish you great happiness and long years, may your dreams come true, and when we have children, I will be very proud that you are their grandfather!

Having met you, I found out who my husband is so hardworking, caring, reliable and sincere! And I am glad to become part of your family, dear father-in-law. Be always happy. May bright successes give a feeling of flight, and may health always remain strong. Happy birthday!