Rating of the biggest cats in the world. The biggest cat in the world

All domestic cats found within and outside the city have common roots. They are believed to be a subspecies of the forest cat, domesticated 10,000 years ago. According to statistics, today there are 600 million domestic cats in the world, and each of them belongs to 1 of 256 breeds.

Over a period of thousands of years, each breed has acquired individual features and parameters by which a person can easily navigate when choosing a pet. Cats differ not only in appearance, each has its own individual temperament and even a propensity for hereditary diseases that is transmitted to offspring. These characteristics are the hallmark of each breed.

Below is information about the largest cat breeds, the star cat Omar and the humane ban on one of the feline nominations in the Guinness Book of Records.

biggest domestic cat

This cat was found in Australia - it turned out to be a 3-year-old Maine Coon named Omar. The cat is 120 cm long and weighs 14 kg. The owner of the cat, Stefi Hurst, claims that her pet was big before - Omar's weight was already 10 kg a year. She also assures that this is not the limit and Omar is still growing.

Omar cat - the biggest cat in the world

The cat gained worldwide fame after Stefi decided to create a personal account for him on the social network Instagram - omar_mainecoon. As of June 2017, Omar has over 60,000 followers, with photos and videos garnering thousands of likes.

Soon, media representatives began to contact Stefi to talk about her pet and take a photo with a star cat. Also, data on Omar's weight and height were sent to representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, from whom they are waiting for confirmation of setting a new record.

Officially, today the record belongs to the Maine Coon Ludo from the British city of Wakefield, whose length reaches 118 cm.

According to the owners of Omar, he is a calm cat who prefers to lead a measured lifestyle. During the day, Omar likes to walk around the yard, keeping the dogs company, lying on a trampoline or hiding in secluded places. The cat's favorite treat is kangaroo meat.

Earlier in the Guinness Book of Records, the nomination "The fattest cat in the world" was also presented. The record belonged to a cat named Himmy, whose weight was 21.3 kg. But at the age of 10, he died of respiratory failure. Then the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records decided to exclude this nomination from the list in order to prevent deliberate overfeeding of animals for the sake of setting records and gaining glory for the owners.

Top 10 largest breeds

These cats are the undisputed favorites of all family members. They are affectionate and are able to let both the owner whom they have determined for themselves and strangers close to them. Bobtails are able to get out of difficult situations, for example, find a way out of a closed room or cage. Also, they often manifest a predatory instinct, they love to hunt for insects.

This breed of cats appeared on the Kuril Islands, due to which it received its name. The main distinguishing feature is considered to be a very short tail, despite its impressive size. The weight of a male representative reaches 7 kg, height 35 cm.

Bobtails are full of energy, love to play a lot and are always looking for the company of people. These cats are patient and do not show aggression, even if they feel discomfort from excessive petting. From an early age they are obedient and trainable.

8. Pixiebob. Pixibob cats are artificially bred in the United States of America. The Americans tried to create a cat that looks like a lynx. As a result, this large breed was obtained. The weight of male representatives reaches 8 kg, height - 30-35 cm.

Despite being slightly wild appearance These cats are affectionate and loyal. They easily get along with other pets in the house, especially with dogs, with which they often walk around the yard. The pixie bob breed is the only one who is allowed to have polydactyl feet due to its genetic characteristics, and this factor does not affect participation in exhibitions and competitions.

This breed has lived for hundreds of years on the shores of Lake Van in Turkey, which is why it got its name. It is not known exactly how long ago they appeared in those places, but scientists define the Turkish Van breed as very ancient. The weight of male representatives reaches 9 kg, height - 30 - 40 cm.

These cats show themselves as loving and affectionate animals, often play and spend time with their owners. They are even ready to become entertainment for children, but only on condition that they do not torment them greatly. Turkish Vans are trainable, especially like games where you have to catch toys on the fly.

6. Norwegian forest. The Norwegian Forest cat is similar in appearance to the Maine Coon breed, and some scientists adhere to the theory that these cats have common ancestors. The weight of a male representative reaches 10 kg, height - 30 cm.

Norwegians are very smart cats, able to quickly learn standard commands, even as kittens. These cats remember the location of things in the house thoroughly, they are not aggressive and patient, but they do not like petting in large quantities. They are most appreciated when they are treated like full-fledged members of the family.

5. Siberian. Siberian cats are a domesticated native breed that has become widespread in Russia. The weight of a male representative reaches 12 kg, height - 33 cm.

The nature of the Siberian cat cannot be called simple, they do not like to obey someone else's will and are very capricious. Usually in the family they choose a leader to whom they are imbued with respect, and the rest of the family may not even notice. These cats rarely play briskly in the yard, preferring a balanced and calm behavior to this. Although favorite toys can still make cats want to run around the apartment with them, to the surprise of their owners.

4. British shorthair. The British Shorthair cat resembles a favorite childhood soft toy that leaves no one indifferent. The weight of male representatives reaches 12 kg, height - 33 cm.

The British Shorthair cat is independent and intelligent. No wonder they are often defined as cats for businessmen. The British outwardly do not show affection for the owners and rarely come to them for affection. At the same time, they delicately allow you to play with them, but step aside if possible. Despite this, the British are considered loyal animals, bored alone. Another feature is that they will never allow themselves to spoil the property in the house, carefully bypassing all the decor elements in the apartment.

3. Chausie. The third place is occupied by the Chausie breed - these are cats known even in ancient Egypt. The weight of male representatives reaches 14 kg, height - 40 cm.

Chausies do not tolerate loneliness, they try to be close to their owners when they are at home, they also play with children with pleasure and generally like to move a lot. Their character is peaceful, and the intellect develops rapidly, therefore, representatives of the Chausie breed are often involved in the household.

2. Maine Coon. The second place was taken by representatives of the Maine Coon breed - cats from Northeast America. The weight of male representatives reaches 15 kg, height - 41 cm. And the maximum body length, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is equal to 1.23 m.

Despite their large size, Maine Coons are homely and affectionate, they love their owners. But the wild temper will take its toll if you bring the cat to the reservoir, where he will prove himself to be a real hunter, freely walking along the water in search of prey.

Savannah cats have a calm nature and easily adapt to new living conditions. They are not afraid of water and love fresh air very much. Another pleasant characteristic of this breed is devotion, comparable to that of a dog.

Top 5 biggest wild cats in the world

Lions, tigers and leopards, belonging to the cat family, of course, represent their largest representatives. But this rating is based on little-known breeds of cats, outwardly almost indistinguishable from pets, but living in the wild.

Amur forest cats live in the Far East. The weight of male representatives reaches 6 kg, height - 35 cm.

More than anything, these cats love to feast on birds and chipmunks. They can even hunt roe deer, but this happens infrequently. On average, Amur forest cats live 10 years.

This cat is considered a representative of Equatorial Africa, living in forests. The weight of male representatives reaches 14 kg, height - 50 cm.

golden african cat

These wild cats are considered loners in life, and their species itself is recognized as very rare. Being predators, cats prefer to hunt at night, and during the day they rest in the crowns of trees.

3. Spotted cat. The second name of this species is the fishing cat. It was not obtained by chance, since speckled cats are considered virtuosos in catching fish. The weight of male representatives reaches 15 kg, height - 41 cm.

The fishing cat is an excellent swimmer due to its muscular build. There are cases when they even fought with cubs of artiodactyls and won.

2. Bush cat (serval). This is the most graceful cat of the rating. The weight of an adult cat is on average 8-15 kg, but it can reach 18 kg, height - 65 cm.

Servals are capable of jumping up to 3 m in height, they practice such jumps while hunting. Servals get their food both under and above the ground. They live in Africa. A distinctive feature of bush cats is the ability to live in captivity, and if necessary, even become tame. Servals are also known to mate with domestic cats.

The first place in the ranking is ocelot. The size of this cat is impressive - the average weight of males reaches 16 kg, height - 50 cm. They live in the tropics of America. Ocelots feed on both birds and snakes, often even small mammals are present in their diet. There are cases when ocelots coped with pigs and even donkeys.

Recently, in the circles of wealthy people, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhaving a wild cat at home, and not its domesticated relative, has become popular. Unfortunately, people do not understand that this can be detrimental to freedom-loving animals. Therefore, lovers of large and outwardly wild cats should pay attention to domestic breeds of Savannah and Maine Coon. The cost of the first today varies greatly and reaches 1.5 million rubles, the average price is 300,000 rubles. As for Maine Coons, their price is much lower - from 25,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Along with dogs, cats are the most popular pets, despite the fact that it is difficult to call a cat a friend of a person - she was and remains free and independent. The domestic cat familiar to everyone settled in humans about 10,000 years ago. Then he was just one of the types of forest cats, and now there are more than 250 breeds of this animal.

The most popular breeds are, of course, sphinxes, British and Persian cats. Everyone at least once in their life came across such animals, stroked them, admired their grace and flexibility. What about "non-standard" pets? For example, the largest domestic cats, whose weight has left far behind the usual 2-3 kilograms.

Maine Coon - a typical representative of the "giants"

The Maine Coon breed proudly bears the status of one of the largest in the world. These semi-longhair cats once lived in Northeast America, and then were crossed with domestic cats and settled around the world. Maine Coons, as a rule, have a very strong physique and an incredibly beautiful and fluffy tail. Their weight is amazing: up to 6 kilograms in females, and some males can grow up to 12 kilograms!

Despite their formidable appearance, these animals have a very docile and affectionate character (as far as it is possible for a cat). They behave calmly and restrainedly with people, they do not experience stress at various cat shows. They value their own personal space very much, but at the same time they can get bored with a long absence of the owner. By the way, these big cats are distinguished by a high level of intelligence, so if you wish, you can teach your pet some acrobatic tricks.

And the largest Maine Coon in the world is officially recognized as the cat Stewie, who lives in the American city of Reno, Nevada. This record holder reaches a length of 123 centimeters! According to his owner, Robin Hendrickson, she decided to submit an application to the Guinness Book of Records only after her friends were amazed at the length of the animal. Robin noted that Stewie is not only the longest cat in the world, but also the most gentle.

Pixie bob - a small lynx

Another large breed is the pixie-bob (bobcat). It appeared as a result of the fact that American scientists decided to breed a cat that would look like a lynx as much as possible. We can say that the idea was a success: this breed received tassels characteristic of a lynx on the ears, a short tail, multi-toed paws (up to eight fingers), a variegated color and rather impressive dimensions. The weight of female bobcats can reach 5 kilograms, and males - 10.

It is interesting that the character of these domestic cats is “dog-like”. They are devoted to the owner, easily accustomed to daily walks on the street and are not even afraid of water. At the same time, they will never spoil things and be imposed. Even the voice of the pixie-bob does not look like a typical meow: it is rather sounds that are vaguely reminiscent of twitter.

By the way, it will be very difficult to get such a kitten into your home, because bobcats are considered a national treasure of the United States. In Russia, there are only a few individuals of this interesting breed.

The most popular cat in the UK

The British cat is not only one of the most popular breeds in the world, but also one of the largest. It is interesting that such sizes were not obtained as a result of crossings - everything was given by nature. "British" are distinguished by very large forms, a round head, large cheeks and soft, almost plush hair. The average weight of such a cat is about 6 kilograms, but sometimes it reaches 10.

British kittens are quite playful, however, reaching adulthood, they lose their activity and spend most of their time sleeping. Their character is not the most accommodating, and purebred British are so proud that they will not let themselves be stroked. In addition, they are not very talkative and rarely meow.

The owners of the British should remember that they are extremely voracious and therefore prone to obesity. This means that you should carefully monitor the diet of your pet.

Savannah - record-breaking breed

Savannah is the largest cat breed in the world. It is also the most expensive - from 4,000 to 22,000 dollars per individual. The breed appeared by crossing a serval and a domestic cat. The average weight of the Savannah is about 20 kilograms, and the average height at the withers is 40 centimeters. The main features of this breed are very long legs, an elongated, sinewy body and a spotted color. In general, the cat resembles a miniature cheetah.

The character of the savannah is exploratory, she loves vast spaces very much. The ideal place to live for her is a large mansion. These cats need daily walks. Savannahs have a high intelligence, they can be easily trained. They are friendly and get along well with children and other pets. The most important thing to remember before starting a Savannah is that it should never be left alone. These cats are very active and can destroy things with ease.

And one of the representatives of the breed officially got into the Guinness Book of Records. This is Trouble - the tallest cat in the world (48 centimeters). His birthplace is the city of Sacramento, California, USA.

According to the owner, Trouble is picky about food: he does not tolerate cat food and prefers raw rabbit meat. Trouble leads a very active lifestyle and loves to play. In addition, he has a very kind and affectionate nature. It is not known for what reason he was given such a nickname (trouble in translation from English is a problem).

Surprisingly, large individuals are found even among outbred cats! Pickles the cat is not an ordinary animal. Its weight is 10 kilograms, and its body length is 91 centimeters. The animal received the nickname "Catosaurus Rex" when it got to a shelter in the city of Boston, USA.

Unfortunately, the fate of Pickles cannot be called the happiest. For the time being, he was the most common domestic cat, until he grew up to 10 kilograms. Then the owners threw him out into the street: either they didn’t want to feed the cat, or they couldn’t. For a long time, Pickles wandered around the garbage dumps of Boston, struggling to feed himself, until he was found by the guys from the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. They took the cat to the shelter.

But Pickles' troubles didn't end there either. After living for some time in a shelter, he ended up in a Canadian family. But even there the cat was put out the door, because he did not get along with other cats. Then his photo was posted on social networks and on the website of the shelter, and there was a line of people who wanted to take him home to Pickles. So he ended up with a young couple - Emily Zarvos and Andrew Milishya provided the cat with a sweet life.

According to his owners, they did not immediately get the hang of taking the cat in their arms. Pickles has an affectionate personality, loves to eat and just loves nail trimming. The cat recently turned 3 years old, but sometimes he still acts like a kitten and destroys the house. Fortunately, the owners forgive him everything. Pickles is officially one of the biggest cats in the world.

So, if you decide to get a big cat, then first think: do you have enough space, food, and most importantly, patience? After all, the biggest cats in the world are not just pets, they are unique animals that require special attention and care.

When we talk about cats, we most often imagine a cute little fluffy creature. But it happens that this animal reaches a larger size than a lap dog. It's always very impressive. Today, very large breeds of cats have been bred in the world. Their prices are quite high. However, we hope that in our selection you will be able to find a pet for yourself.

Maine Coon

To date, these are the largest cats. The Maine Coon breed is distinguished by luxurious long hair. These animals have a long, slightly elongated rectangular body. Their fur is water repellent. The weight of males sometimes reaches ten kilograms, and females - does not exceed five. Maine Coon differs from other cats in an unusual voice with a distinct vibration. These animals appeared about a century ago.

Often these beauties are called "cute giants" because of their calm nature. They are very friendly, appreciating the care and love of the owner, getting along well with children. They are able to play with them all day long, and never, even by accident, scratch the baby.

For the color of these animals is called a raccoon cat. Their amazing appearance with ears with tassels and a huge fluffy tail cannot leave anyone indifferent. Some representatives of the Maine Coon breed are included in the Guinness Book of Records. The price of such a charming kitten is from 15 to 50 thousand rubles.


These are very beautiful cats. Savannah attracts not only with its impressive size. This beauty conquers animal lovers with her grace, the habits of a real leopard, which emphasize her beauty. Savannah is covered with a short thick coat with a spotted color. The size of such pets is almost three times the size of domestic cats we are used to.

The Savannah is native to Africa and was bred from wild cats. These "babies" love to jump, and they easily "fly up" to a height of three meters. This is a rather capricious creature, so you should not go for a walk without a leash - your pet can just run away, it will take a long time to look for it.

A small "leopard" is not cheap - from 4 to 20 thousand dollars.

Siberian cat

These are not the largest cats. The Siberian breed is well known to Russians. The animal is large, physically developed. The mass of individual individuals reaches 10 kg. The wool of these northern beauties is very thick and long, a characteristic feature is a luxurious fluffy tail. Coat color can be very varied.

This is the perfect pet for people with allergies. But if you need a calm and phlegmatic pet that you can pick up and caress at any time, then the Siberian cat will not work. Her character is wayward. But the owners are guaranteed to get rid of rats and mice, as they are excellent hunters.

Siberian cat will cost you from one to fifteen thousand rubles.

norwegian cat

In Russia, far from all the largest cats are widespread. The Norwegian Forest breed is not yet very popular in our country. This cat is very similar to the Siberian. It looks very large thanks to the double water-repellent wool coat. Fur color is different. Cats grow to very impressive sizes - the weight of males reaches 12 kg, and cats - up to 5 kg.

This is a very sociable, sociable and playful animal. Despite its size, the Norwegian cat is very graceful and elegant.

The average price for a Norwegian Forest kitten ranges from 5 to 40 thousand rubles.


These beautiful reed cats were considered wild until 2003. The breed was bred by crossing Abyssinian cats and reed cats. Animals are distinguished by smooth and short hair. They have a narrow head, muscular paws, broad chest and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. Tassels on the tips of the ears.

Domestic chausies weigh up to twelve kilograms (males). Despite their impressive size, these cats have a gentle disposition and friendly character, they require affection and tenderness from the owner.

For a baby of this breed, you will need to pay from 7 to 35 thousand dollars.

pixie bob

Large domestic pixie-bob cats are also known as Hemingway cats, domestic lynxes. Very little is known about their origin. It is hidden by numerous secrets and legends. Most likely, they appeared as a result of natural intergenerational matings. However, it is impossible to deny that breeders took an active part in the formation of the breed.

Cats by adulthood gain up to ten kilograms of weight. Tassels on the ears and a short tail make them really look like a lynx. A characteristic feature of this breed are multi-toed paws.

Pixie kitten costs from 25 to 100 thousand rubles.


This is still a very young breed. Its name literally translates as "rag doll". The cat received this strange name for reduced muscle tone. The breed was bred by crossing a Burmese cat with a Siamese cat. Animals are divided into two types - colorpoint, which are more like a Siamese cat, and bicolor, which have white spots on the muzzle and paws.

Ragdolls are chocolate, lilac or blue in color. These animals are quite phlegmatic and good-natured. Future owners need to know that these cats, unlike representatives of other breeds, cannot fall on their paws from a height due to muscle relaxation.

Such a baby can be purchased for 10-35 thousand rubles.


Why these animals, having a regal appearance, received the nickname "ragamuffins", is not known for certain. There is an assumption that this breed originated from stray cats that "married" with a thoroughbred ragdoll. But the fact that ragamuffins always participate in the “largest cats” ratings is well deserved by the breed - most of its even females weigh about 6 kg, and cats - 10 kg.

Ragamuffin has luxurious thick fur, which is a bit like a rabbit fur coat. It can be of a different color, for which there are no strict requirements. It is distinguished from most cat breeds by its huge and unusually expressive eyes.

These large domestic cats are very friendly and sociable, hard to endure separation from the owner. Often they are called angels for their affection for people and gentle disposition.

The price of such a handsome man is from 80 thousand rubles.


This magnificent feline looks very much like its wild ancestors. And by nature it is a large, but domestic cat. The breed cannot be called the largest, although it is also small - males weigh about six kilograms. Animal lovers in this breed are attracted by sociability and the possibility of training.

Most Ocicats easily get used to walks on a leash, they are very quick-witted. Such cats follow the commands of the owner and some tricks that they like.

Ocicats are very fond of being petted and pampered all the time, and require this even from strangers, which sometimes makes them obsessive.

The price of a small ocicat ranges from 30 to 80 thousand rubles.

Cats are the most popular pets. Recently, large pets have become popular. If you are going to start such an animal, contact a specialized nursery, where you will be offered a purebred and healthy baby.

The cat is one of the most popular pets, the so-called companion animal. Previously, it was believed that the domestic cat is a separate biological species.

Now the domestic cat familiar to all of us, a predator from the cat family, is considered as a subspecies of the forest cat. It was domesticated about 10 thousand years ago. According to some estimates, there are about 600 million domestic cats in the world today.

largest domestic cat

The title of the largest domestic cat belongs to the Maine Coon breed (Maine raccoon cat). An adult Maine Coon cat weighs about 8 kilograms. Outwardly, the animal looks like a lynx, it has the same tassels on its ears, large paws and a tiger's gait. The record holder from the Guinness Book, who got on its pages in 2017, is the red Maine Coon Omar from Australia. In length, it has grown to 120 cm, and its weight is 14 kg.

The previous record holder, a Maine Coon from the American city of Reno, Nevada, named Stewie, from the tip of a fluffy tail to the nose, had a length of 123 centimeters, but was inferior in weight to Omar. Alas, in 2013 he died, as reported by the official website of the Guinness Book of Records.


Note that in terms of parameters, the Maine Coon is stepping on the heels of a new breed. Ashera, a leopard cat, was bred relatively recently by American biotechnologists. Geneticists led by British entrepreneur Simon Brody crossed a long-legged African serval, a wild predatory cat, with an Asian leopard. They named the breed in honor of the pagan goddess. In length, such a miracle of nature reaches a meter, weight can reach 14 kg.

Despite their formidable appearance, impressive size, predatory grin, powerful paws and exotic appearance, Ashers have a rather docile nature. They are unpretentious, a kind of typical domestic cats in habits: they love to play with kids, sleep, rub against the owner and purr. If you like this mini leopard, you will have to shell out a large sum for it - a thoroughbred kitten costs from $1,500 to $6,000. In the "kit" with a kitten there is a full vaccination, annual health insurance for the cat, as well as 10 years of consultations with a world-famous veterinarian.

Ashera plays with a child

The tallest cat

The authorship of the breed from Brody is disputed by a breeder of unrecognized Savannah cats, which were bred back in the 80s of the XX century. Experts from the Guinness Book of Records officially recognized the cat of this breed, named Scarlet Magic (Scarlett's Magic), as the tallest in the world. Its height at the withers is 48 centimeters. With its amazing length, the cat weighs quite modestly - only 9 kilograms.

The fattest cat in the world

The last weight record holder among domestic cats died in 2012 at the age of two. A cat named Meow ended up in a shelter because his elderly owner could no longer take care of him. Shelter employees asked netizens how to make their ward lose weight so that at least someone would “adopt” him, and the whole world knew about the abnormally fat cat. If the average male domestic cat weighs 4-5 kg, Meow weighed as much as 18! During his two weeks at the shelter, he lost 900 grams, after which he began to have problems with his lungs. Despite therapy at the best veterinary clinic in Santa Fe, he passed away on May 5, 2012.

Meow - the fattest cat in the world (2010 - 2012)

However, 18 kg for a cat is not the limit. In 1986, the 10-year-old cat Himmy, who weighed 21.3 kg, passed away. After his death, the Guinness World Records refused to record such records for humanitarian reasons.

The origin of the domestic cat is still a mystery. However, geneticists nevertheless came to the conclusion that wild forest and steppe cats were the ancestors of domestic purrs. It is from them that the sizes of modern breeds are inherited.

Forest northerners, of course, turn out to be larger than steppe dwellers, since their ancestors also differed in size and exterior due to modification adaptation to climatic conditions. Even modern steppe cats weigh no more than 6.5 kg, while their forest counterparts can reach 8-9 kg. That is why the largest natives will be natives of the northern regions.

In breeding work, size is given the least attention, with the exception of some breeds, for example, Maine Coons, Norwegian and Siberian cats. Therefore, the largest breeds of cats are native or hybrids with wild cats. However, large, up to 5-7 kg, individuals are also found among, Turkish Vans,.


What is the largest cat breed? The answer to this question is unequivocal: at present, the largest is the interspecific hybrid of a domestic cat and a serval - the savannah. The largest males grow up to 20 kg and can be more than half a meter at the withers. And the main standard of the phenotype was inherited from its wild ancestor, and not from a forest or steppe cat.

Maine Coon

Among the natives, the largest cats of the Maine Coon breed, the size of an adult male can reach 15-18 kg and more than a meter in length. The huge growth and weight of the Maine Coon is not the merit of breeders, the breed appeared in North America, where the climatic zone assumed increased hairline and large body sizes.

Norwegians and Siberians

In second place after the Maine Coons in terms of size, the Norwegian Forest and Siberian cats confidently hold. Until now, disputes about the differences and the origin of these two breeds have not subsided. The reason for the controversy is that Siberians and Norwegians are outwardly very similar, there are phenotypic differences between the breeds, but they are hardly noticeable.
Adult males of both breeds can reach a weight of 12 kg, but Siberians are still slightly smaller than their Norwegian brothers. The impressive appearance of the Norwegians is provided not only by weight, but also by a multi-layered hairline - which is why they seem not only larger, but also more awkward. But in growth, forest cats are much inferior to Maine Coons: no more than one meter.

british cats

Serious competitors for Norwegian and Siberian cats are. Although initially this breed did not differ in large size, but the selection is aimed, among other things, at obtaining large offspring. Currently, among the British there are males up to 10 kg.


One of the few large breeds obtained as a result of long-term selection work. Ragdolls - genetic descendants of Persian cats, as a rule, semi-longhair, males can reach a weight of up to 9 kg. But even smaller seals make an impressive impression due to the massive chest.

Features of keeping big cats

Huge cats are very beautiful, but such beauty requires a lot of effort from the owner. A ten-kilogram handsome man needs more space: he needs to run and jump as well as small sofa cats.

Much attention should be paid to proper nutrition. The formation of the musculoskeletal system and muscle tissue in large breeds takes longer. For example, Maine Coons reach their normal height and weight only by the age of three, unlike other breeds. During this period, it is necessary to carefully draw up a daily diet.

No less important is physical activity during the formation of the musculoskeletal system. Large cats need regular walks in the fresh air, but not only for physical development: the body of a large animal requires more oxygen.

Walks are important for another reason: almost all large breeds are native or hybrids, their instincts are developed in the same way as their wild relatives. Therefore, hunting for them is not a game, they need real game, or its imitation must be of high quality.