Psychosomatics of pregnant women: toxicosis and other problems. Reproductive psychosomatics


Ectopic pregnancy- the case in which the embryo is attached outside the uterine cavity is quite rare. It occurs in only 2-3% of all pregnant women. There can be many reasons for such a course of gestation. Some people believe that there are psychosomatic ones among them. An ectopic pregnancy, the psychosomatics of which is quite complex, can also develop for mental reasons.


Psychosomatics is a near-scientific area located on the border between medicine and psychology. People who believe in her believe that emotional condition a person and psychological processes can directly affect his health. Simply put, those emotional experiences that have not found an emotional outlet find an outlet in physical form. In this case, one or another disease or anomaly develops.

Ectopic pregnancy

At the same time, there is an opinion that certain types of emotional reactions can result in certain type diseases. Doctors are skeptical about such a theory, although they admit that it can be indirectly associated with the officially registered placebo effect.

Currently, specific literature has become widespread. In it, the authors in an intelligible form explain to the followers of the theory the connection between emotions and the physical body. They give advice on how to reduce negative psychosomatic manifestations, etc.

mental reasons

Many problems with childbearing and conception can also have emotional overtones. For example, it is believed that infertility is a sign that a woman does not really want to have children (on a subconscious level). Or psychologically and morally, she is not ready for motherhood.

By analogy with this, an ectopic pregnancy is considered by the followers of psychosomatics as a sign that a woman doubts her desire to have children. According to this theory, if future mother not sure of her decision to the end, then an ectopic pregnancy may occur. Sometimes such indecision leads to some other difficulties with conception.

Some adherents of this approach argue that IMP is more likely to develop in those who give birth not on own will, but for the sake of other people (for example, a spouse) or for other reasons. Such reasoning is given as confirmation of this theory.

When the decision to have a child is made under the influence of emotional factors, IUD can also develop. These factors include:

  1. Guilt;
  2. Feeling indebted to a spouse or parents;
  3. False desire to have a child, imposed by a social construct.

The psychological unpreparedness of a woman for motherhood becomes the cause of this type of conception.

It is believed that working with a psychologist can help in overcoming the problem. If after one ectopic pregnancy to wait enough time until the woman herself comes to such a decision, then the second conception will pass Fine. The problem will be eliminated as soon as the woman is mentally ready to become a mother.


At present, both in electronic and in paper form many books on psychosomatics are being sold. Most of them are written in the style of manuals, from the "help yourself" series. They contain practical advice about how to change the situation. It is proposed to do this, usually with the help of a certain combination of meditative techniques and autopsychotraining.

In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, books can help identify the problem. They will also allow the expectant mother to understand herself and her desires regarding motherhood. The following books are the most preferred in this sense:

  1. Louise Hay "Heal Yourself" practical guide on working with psychosomatic manifestations);
  2. Liz Burbo "Your body says: Love yourself!";
  3. L. Viilma " Psychological reasons diseases” (a kind of reference book on diseases that may have psychosomatic causes);
  4. Valery Sinelnikov Love your disease.

Each of these books touches on the topic of ectopic pregnancy in one way or another. Some of them offer techniques for solving the problem. Others only point to possible reasons her appearance.

In any case, psychosomatics is not recognized as official medicine. So don't take it too seriously. And in the event of an ectopic pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment. After it, another course of drugs is often required to eliminate the factor predisposing to HMP ( inflammatory process and so on.).

They can not only oppress us psychologically, but also manifest themselves outwardly. Psychosomatics of pregnancy is a special language of our body. Let's learn it and learn to understand what signals our body gives us.

The defeat of the flesh entails the disorder of the soul, and the crisis state of the soul entails diseases of the body”.

This is a saying from Epicurus. What does it say? Is our psycho-emotional state directly affects our physical well-being. In psychology, these relationships are dealt with by the section of psychosomatics (from the Greek "psyche" - the soul and the Greek "soma" - the body). Today we’ll talk about how our fears, worries, worries and stresses affect the development and bearing of a baby. How to identify and overcome the cause of our fears in order to bear a healthy baby?

The inscription on the picture, translated from Spanish, reads: “My uterus is not a place to store fear and pain. My womb in order to reproduce and give the light of life ... "

“I will be a mother” is a phrase that evokes a bunch of emotions and feelings that are far from always possible to deal with right away. Especially if we cannot predict the reaction of people close to us. But what's next? The first flurry of various emotions has passed and awareness is taking place, followed by worries and fears. “But what about…?”, “What if…?”, “Is it possible…?” and many other questions flash in the head of the expectant mother. Self-doubt, fear and fear lead to the fact that during pregnancy we are faced with various complications: toxicosis, swelling, weakness, fainting, and so on. What do these and many other "companions" of pregnancy testify to? Let's take a look at each one separately.


Toxicosis during pregnancy overcomes those women who, for some reason, cannot come to terms with pregnancy and reject the fetus on a subconscious level. These may be fears of pain and childbirth, untimely pregnancy, unwillingness to have a child from specific person, fear of losing freedom and other fears “why a child is now bad.” Concomitant toxicosis nausea and vomiting indicate that the pregnant woman does not perceive her new condition, a specific object, or even a person. However, our body and our subconscious themselves choose the moment when to become a mother. Therefore, it is important to understand the cause of your fears, let them go and love yourself for who you are now.

Vaginitis and urinary tract infections

All problems associated with gynecology, directly follow from our relationship with a partner. Therefore, the source of evil should be sought in your relationship. Most often, diseases arise due to anger or resentment towards a partner or oneself. During pregnancy, there may be problems with sexual intercourse by both women and men. This can lead to the fact that diseases arise on the basis of feelings of guilt towards a partner, as a result of which vaginitis appears. If you see the guilt of a partner, then you are likely to soon encounter poor test results and you will be diagnosed with a urinary tract infection. By the way, for the same reasons, thrush occurs. And all you need to do is just sit down and discuss everything with your loved one. He loves you and is also expecting a baby. Understand and forgive each other.

Uterine tone

Usually the tone of the uterus occurs due to increased nervousness and tension. Try to relax and rest more. If you have a lot of worries, do not be afraid to ask others for help, you have every right to do so. Sip a soothing peppermint tea and let go of all worries.

Low hemoglobin

Signs of a decrease in hemoglobin or even anemia are often the inability of a woman to rejoice and relax. Therefore, learn to enjoy life and your current situation. Try to get more positive emotions: walk more, watch comedies, spend time with friends and your loved one.

Edema, constipation and hemorrhoids

Pregnancy brings many changes in a woman's life. Very often, many find it hard to come to terms with these changes. It is quite difficult to part with the old life and start new period in life. This leads to swelling, constipation and hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Don't worry about what's left in the past. After all, you have so many new opportunities and waiting for so many wonderful emotions. So let go of all the old things that gnaw at you and embrace the change.

Varicose veins

Vein problems arise if you overwork yourself too much or take on too much. Also, the cause of varicose veins may be the disapproval of your actions by others. Seek help from people close to you. Don't take on too much. Let others do the work for you.

Stretch marks or stretch marks

Horror and fear for most women. Relying on genetics is not enough, since the general tension of the pregnant woman also contributes to the appearance of stretch marks. You work too hard, believing that pregnancy should make you more responsible, reserved and serious. The period of bearing a child is special and requires more attention to your body. Let the people around you take care, whether they are relatives and friends, or work colleagues. Relax and try to get maximum pleasure from the care and guardianship with which you are surrounded by people.


From the point of view of psychosomatics, colds appear from a lack of attention to a pregnant woman. And if a cold is also accompanied by a cough, then a woman feels like screaming at the whole world, just to attract attention to herself. Here you can not do without talking with loved ones, explain to them that you need more attention and care during this period. Your attention is especially needed, so talk to him to avoid gynecological problems as well.

We have discussed with you the main ailments of pregnant women. The list is endless, but this is just an article, not a scientific treatise on psychology. Most importantly, I hope you have already understood - the cause of most of our diseases is our fears. By getting rid of them, by accepting them, we will get rid of our diseases.

« If someone is looking for health, ask him first if he is ready to part with all the causes of his illness in the future - only then can you help him.»

Love yourself and others and you will be healthy. Easy childbirth!

Daria Nastenko

A third of people on earth tend to experience some transitional moments simply not psychologically, but psychosomatically, to express their reaction to what is happening with physical manifestations, the so-called "bodily metaphor".
What might these bodily metaphors be like during pregnancy?

The most beloved sign of pregnancy by filmmakers is toxicosis, actually happens not at all women. Most often it happens to those who are very busy, work hard and pay little attention to their current situation. Sick in the morning and those who do not accept the situation, those who are sick of just the thought of the coming changes and the unborn child, and it does not matter, long-awaited or unwanted at all. Toxicosis occurs not only at the very beginning of pregnancy, when it is not easy to immediately get used to a new position, but also in the third trimester, when fears of childbirth are overwhelmed. Even a pregnant woman may experience nausea in the morning and general weakness if her husband does not pay enough attention to her. This is characteristic, first of all, of demonstrative natures.

Increased tone characteristic of those who are nervous, upset and in constant voltage. Exacerbation of vaginal infections happens in those pregnant women who become disgusted with the thought of having sex with their husband. Low hemoglobin and anemia are noted in dull pessimistic persons who do not know how to enjoy life.

If you have very swollen legs or already developed varicose veins- this means difficulties with independence, determination and self-support in general. Seek help from loved ones!

Constipation and hemorrhoids pregnant women are associated with clinging to the past, the inability to put an end to relationships, to leave what it is high time to forget - emotions that overwhelm feelings, and even old things.

Miscarriage associated with fear of the future, we are torn in the soul, the feeling that the child is now completely out of place. Heartburn pregnant women also means fear - fear of childbirth, the uncertainty of a new position and the adoption of a new social role mother.

When such problems appear, experts in psychosomatics advise, first of all, to work on your perception. There are no situations from which there is no way out. And there are no situations that cannot be somehow assessed with positive side. As long as you see everything in the negative, you will not be able to accept the real state of things. Try to get rid of junk and unnecessary items in the house, and it will be easier to clean up your soul. Listen to yourself. Do not accumulate aggression and resentment, voice your feelings, try to understand yourself and achieve harmony.

Nausea and BLEEDING are the most common problems during pregnancy, these problems indicate the fear associated with the birth of a child.

A pregnancy is considered ectopic if the fetus develops outside the uterus. Usually, after fertilization, the egg descends into the uterus and begins to grow there, but sometimes this mechanism fails, the egg is delayed and begins to grow right in fallopian tube where fertilization has taken place.
Emotional blocking

This problem speaks of indecision - either the unborn child, or the expectant mother, or both. The mother hesitates, feels guilty, as she unconsciously chooses a path that threatens with serious complications. An ectopic pregnancy can occur in a woman who has neither the strength nor the ability to give birth, but still decided to have a baby in order to please someone or awaken someone's love.

mental blocking

You have to give yourself the right to be imperfect and afraid. If you think that your possibilities do not allow you to have a child now, talk to his soul, tell him how you feel. Know that this is your body and your life, so you have the right to make decisions on your own. Whatever decision you make, you will be responsible for all its consequences. It is better not to have a child than to carry one without joy and love. If you want a child so much, you will still have time and opportunity to give birth to him.


Physical blocking

Infertility (not to be confused with IMPOTENCE) is the inability of the body to produce offspring, that is, to produce or secrete gametes (spermatozoa or eggs), as well as ensure their connection for fertilization.
Emotional blocking

I know many cases when people who were diagnosed with "infertility" by doctors had children, and those who did not have any abnormalities, long years unsuccessfully tried to have a child.

For some people, infertility is a necessary experience in this life. Perhaps they want to have a child just because "it's customary" or because their parents are eager to babysit their grandchildren. Some women want to have a baby just to feel like women - otherwise it is difficult for them to accept their feminine. For these women, infertility is a necessary experience as they learn to love themselves and feel happy without having a child.

Sometimes a person wants to have a child, but is afraid of the problems associated with this, and this fear overpowers the desire. Infertility, therefore, may be a manifestation of fear repressed into the subconscious, and in this case, one should not give up the desire to have a child. Infertility also manifests itself in those who accuse themselves of being unproductive, do not receive positive results in some area of ​​work.
mental blocking

In order to find out what your infertility is - a necessary experience for you in this incarnation or a consequence of unconscious fear - ask yourself questions to determine the mental blockage:

Physical blocking

“What epithets best describe what I feel in my body in this moment? The answer to this question will fully reflect your attitude to the person or situation that caused the problem.
Emotional blocking

“What does this disease prevent me from doing?” The answer to this question will allow you to determine which desires are blocked.

“What does this disease force me to do?” Begin each answer to this question with negative particle“not”, and you will find out what desires are blocked.
Spiritual Blocking

“If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?” (Referring to the desires that you identified in answering the previous questions.) The answer to this question determines the deepest need of your being, blocked by some kind of false belief.
mental blocking

“If I allowed myself to be… (insert answer to the previous question here) what terrible or unacceptable thing would happen in my life?” The answer to this question will allow you to identify the belief that blocks you, your desires and your need for self-realization, thus creating a physical problem.

If you are a woman, you may have been impressed by some story about a difficult birth. What did your parents tell you about having children, procreation, etc.? Maybe you are afraid that the child will push someone away from you or that pregnancy will ruin your figure?

Realize that fear associated with some words or events from your past cannot exist forever. You have to make a decision, either in favor of wanting to have a child, or in favor of fear. Whatever you decide, give yourself permission to do so. It's your life and you can do whatever you want with it. But you must be prepared to take responsibility for the consequences of your decisions. In addition, I recommend that you ask those who know you well whether you really have reason to consider yourself unproductive. Most likely, other people think of you much better than you do.

· Spontaneous abortion. Occurs suddenly and ends with the ejection of the fetus, often already dead, and the placenta. This type of abortion is commonly referred to as a miscarriage.

· Induced abortion. Since an induced abortion is performed in a hospital setting and no later than the second month of pregnancy, the likelihood of complications is much lower than with clandestine abortions.

An artificial therapeutic abortion is carried out under the supervision of doctors if the state of health of a pregnant woman does not allow her to carry a fetus for full term pregnancy.
Emotional blocking

In most cases, spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, is the result of an unconscious choice of the mother or the soul of the child she carries in her body. Either the soul of the child makes a different decision, or the mother does not feel ready for the birth of the child. During pregnancy, mother and child communicate with each other on a soul level. It is possible that this particular soul will return to this particular woman when she becomes pregnant again, then an abortion or miscarriage is nothing but a delay.

When a woman voluntarily decides to have an abortion, it means that she is very afraid. If complications arise during an abortion, then the feeling of guilt also increases. It is very important that she explain to the soul of the child that she is afraid and that she gives herself the right to this weakness. Otherwise, the guilt could cause additional complications if she ever gets pregnant again. She will constantly think about the child she refused to carry.

During a therapeutic abortion, a woman experiences the same thing as during a spontaneous abortion, with the only difference that she cannot make a decision on her own and prefers that doctors make it. Perhaps she would have felt much more guilty if she had made the decision to have an abortion on her own.

An abortion or miscarriage usually coincides with some kind of failed project or unfulfilled hopes. Thinking about the bad, a woman cannot or does not want to continue to carry a child.
mental blocking

I have repeatedly observed young women who, after an abortion, constantly suffered from various diseases of the genital organs. Feeling guilty about stopping human life they began to punish themselves. Some women after an abortion continue to wear the so-called " psychological child” - their belly is growing, as if they were actually pregnant. Some develop fibroids in the uterus, a sign that they have not fully accepted their choice.

If you've had an abortion, you must tell yourself that having a baby is simply beyond your capacity at this time.

If you are just about to have an abortion, I strongly recommend that you seriously reconsider everything. In my opinion, if a woman becomes pregnant, then this is part of the experience that she should receive in real life and if she does not give in to her fears and entrusts herself to the Divine, all will be well. Most people have much more strength- both mental and physical - than they think, so if it seems to you that you have reached the limits of your capabilities, this is most likely far from the case.

It is also very important not to fall under someone else's influence. Try to establish contact with the soul of the little being in you and make a decision for yourself. If you decide to have an abortion, know that your act towards the child will necessarily entail some consequences, the nature of which will depend on the reason why you decided to have an abortion. If you have come to terms with yourself, it will be easier for you to accept the consequences of your decision.

Instead of seeing good or evil in some action, a wise man understands that all his actions and decisions have certain consequences. Therefore, you must - on a spiritual and emotional level - accept the inevitability that one day you, too, will receive a serious rejection or rejection. Also, tell yourself that you don't have to always be successful and deal with all the challenges. Recognize that your options are limited.

Liz Burbo



        Its 2 main problems: 1) chronic dissatisfaction of needs, 2) the inability to direct his anger outward, restraining him, and with it restraining all warm feelings, every year makes him more and more desperate: no matter what he does, it doesn’t get better, on the contrary, only worse. The reason is that he does a lot, but not that. If nothing is done, then, over time, either the person will “burn out at work”, loading himself more and more - until he is completely exhausted; or his own Self will be emptied and impoverished, unbearable self-hatred will appear, a refusal to take care of oneself, in the long term - even self-hygiene. A person becomes like a house from which bailiffs took out furniture. Against the background of hopelessness, despair and exhaustion , energy even for thinking. Complete loss of the ability to love. He wants to live, but begins to die: sleep is disturbed, metabolism is disturbed ... It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because we are not talking about the deprivation of possession of someone or something.

        On the contrary, he has the possession of deprivation, and he is not able to understand what he is deprived of. Lost is his own I. It is unbearably painful and empty for him: and he cannot even put it into words. This is neurotic depression.. Everything can be prevented, not brought to such a result.If you recognize yourself in the description and want to change something, you urgently need to learn two things: 1. Learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you can use the results of these new beliefs:

        • I am entitled to needs. I am, and I am me.
        • I have the right to need and satisfy needs.
        • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to get what I need.
        • I have the right to crave love and love others.
        • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
        • I have the right to express dissatisfaction.
        • I have a right to regret and sympathy.
        • ... by birthright.
        • I may get rejected. I can be alone.
        • I'll take care of myself anyway.

        I want to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of "learning the text" is not an end in itself. Auto-training by itself will not give any sustainable results. It is important to live each phrase, to feel it, to find its confirmation in life. It is important that a person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just the way he used to imagine it to himself. That it depends on him, on his ideas about the world and about himself in this world, how he will live this life. And these phrases are just an occasion for reflection, reflection and search for one's own, new "truths".

        2. Learn to direct aggression to the one to whom it is actually addressed.

        …then it will be possible to experience and express warm feelings to people. Realize that anger is not destructive and can be presented.






        Psychosomatic diseases (it will be more correct) are those disorders in our body, which are based on psychological causes. psychological causes are our reactions to traumatic (difficult) life events, our thoughts, feelings, emotions that do not find timely, correct expression for a particular person.

        Mental defenses work, we forget about this event after a while, and sometimes instantly, but the body and the unconscious part of the psyche remember everything and send us signals in the form of disorders and diseases

        Sometimes the call may be to respond to some events from the past, to bring “buried” feelings out, or the symptom simply symbolizes what we forbid ourselves.


        The negative impact of stress on human body, and especially distress, is colossal. Stress and the likelihood of developing diseases are closely related. Suffice it to say that stress can reduce immunity by about 70%. Obviously, such a decrease in immunity can result in anything. And it's good if it's just colds, and if oncological diseases or asthma, the treatment of which is already extremely difficult?

According to the basic postulate of psychosomatics, the basis of the disease is a reaction to an emotional experience, accompanied by functional changes in the organs and psychological disorders.

An example can be given: according to psychosomatic ideas, the cause, for example, of toxicosis of pregnant women is the perception of pregnancy by a woman - unwillingness or fear of subsequent changes. It would be wrong to absolutize these provisions, because significant changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman during the bearing of a baby, which can lead to the appearance of adverse symptoms. However, it is impossible to consider the bodily in isolation from the spiritual, and the future mother's perception of her own state, no doubt, plays a role in the appearance or, at least, in the course of certain complications. In addition, the psychological comfort of the mother is also reflected in the condition of the unborn child: it is no coincidence that one of the popular "folk" advice for pregnant women is "not to be nervous." This regularity, noted even by non-specialists, is based on complex processes occurring in the “mother-fetus” system.

In this regard, I would like to give expectant mothers a few useful tips that can help eliminate the possible adverse effects of their emotions on the course of pregnancy.

Prejudice can become the basis of the disease

For example, obstetricians know that the critical period in a second pregnancy after a failed first is exactly the gestational age at which the last miscarriage occurred. Meanwhile, it is known that 15-20% of pregnancies are terminated prematurely, and 5-10% of them - in early dates. This is due to the presence of genetic abnormalities or acute stressful situations that lead to breakdowns and rejection of the developing tissues and organs of the fetus. The occurrence of malformations depends not only on hereditary factors that cause over 60% spontaneous abortions in the I trimester, but also from the presence of various harmful (teratogenic) effects on the body of a pregnant woman. That is, in fact, the likelihood that a miscarriage will occur again in the same woman in the same period is not so great. It often happens that a woman who has already had a miscarriage begins to expect it again, hence the stress and possible complications. Faced with similar manifestations in his practice, the doctor hospitalizes the woman during this most critical period, she, under the supervision of doctors (she is so calmer), is going through this alarming period for her.

Today, it has been convincingly proven that during stress, the mother's adrenal glands release catecholamines (stress hormones) into the blood, and during positive emotions (joy, calm), the hypothalamic brain structures produce endorphins (hormones of joy), which actively affect the fetus. Endorphins are biologically active substances, under the influence of which a person experiences pleasure, calmness, they are a kind of drugs that are produced in the body. It can be assumed that while future mom experiencing positive emotions, the baby is also good.

Thus, if you have this or that prejudice about the course of pregnancy or certain conditions, contact the professionals, find out the correctness or infidelity of your beliefs.

Problems of adaptation

Well, if you understand that at the beginning of pregnancy, when active hormonal changes take place in the body, aimed at the life support of the fetus, the most noticeable changes are in the psycho-emotional sphere. A woman, sometimes still not realizing her new state, notes changes in the perception of the world around her. Some have an increased, even refined, reaction to external stimuli. For others, a critical attitude towards relatives dominates. Women begin to annoy the behavior of their husbands and parents, they feel lonely. A state of depression, a feeling of hopelessness may appear, and hence - tearfulness, capriciousness. The increased demands on others that have arisen are often accompanied by an uncritical attitude towards oneself, a decrease in working capacity, and conflict. All these features are short-term and disappear when adapting to a new state. Usually this restructuring ends by 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. These are common changes that occur to varying degrees in all pregnant women.

More than half of all women during pregnancy feel the same way as before. The rhythm of life, habits, style of behavior in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy remain the same. However, the psycho-emotional changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman can cause deviations that are subjectively perceived as a health disorder. These include: subfebrile temperature (37.0-37.5 ° C); increased fatigue; irritability; dizziness; increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure; the appearance of nausea, vomiting, especially on an empty stomach; intolerance to certain smells, types and varieties of food; perversion of taste; weight loss or gain; the appearance of vaginal discharge; frequent urination.

Physiological, mild, symptoms of the body's adaptation to pregnancy do not require the intervention of medical workers, since they do not annoy the woman, do not change her usual rhythm of life, inclinations. The borderline conditions determined by the doctor require correction, which, with certain knowledge and skills, the woman herself can handle. Pathological conditions diagnosed by a medical professional require immediate treatment from specialists.

You need help

Close people surrounding the pregnant woman should remember the objective nature of psychosomatic manifestations and help the woman cope with them. Husband, relatives, loved ones should create an atmosphere of goodwill and support. The woman herself should also learn to cope with her emotions. This is possible with an understanding of what is happening: in the first 3 months of pregnancy, a significant restructuring of the endocrine, and under its influence, the nervous system occurs. At this time, the processes of excitation in the cerebral cortex predominate over the processes of inhibition. This feature of the central nervous system determines the well-being and external behavior of a woman. However, it can be controlled and regulated by the pregnant woman herself and her environment.

If this is not enough, the help of a psychotherapist, the use of medicines. In any case, you need to remember that this state is temporary.

Pregnancy management should include, in addition to medical research, mandatory psychocorrection - elimination anxiety states, fear, irritability. Methods of individual explanatory and suggestive psychotherapy, autogenic training.

In many ways, the psychological health of a woman depends on what she knows about the condition of the fetus, whether she is confident in its successful growth and development. To exclude the pathology of fetal development at a gestational age of 16-20 weeks, the level of estriol, beta-hCG and alpha-fetoprotein in the blood serum (biologically active substances produced during pregnancy) should be determined. With the aim of prenatal diagnosis congenital anomalies of the fetus, especially in pregnant women over 35 years of age, it is necessary, in addition to the above studies, to conduct an ultrasound examination and medical genetic counseling.

In the higher nervous activity of women during pregnancy, pronounced functional changes occur, which come down to the predominance of excitation processes, and then inhibition in the cerebral cortex. In this regard, the unfavorable psycho-emotional background and increased neuropsychic stress of a woman, which are directly dependent on the psychosocial conditions of the family, can negatively affect both the process of conception itself and the preservation of pregnancy. From the moment of fertilization of the egg, an appropriate focus of excitation is created in the central nervous system - the dominant of pregnancy, as a result of which in the body of a pregnant woman there are changes in all organs and systems necessary for the normal development of the fetus, for example, there is some weakening of the natural protective functions - immunity. This is necessary so that the fetus is not rejected by the mother's body. Similar changes apply to other systems.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in order to correct the psychosomatic state of women, as well as to form a positive motivation for motherhood, pregnant women need psychological help from both medical workers, including psychologists, and from relatives, especially the husband, who help to endure problems more easily.