To avoid constipation in the baby. The composition and principle of operation of Duphalac. Taking medications

Having found signs of a rare stool, parents, as a rule, begin to look for a laxative for newborns - a medicine that helps to significantly reduce the load on the baby's intestines and alleviate his condition.

The intestines in babies are characterized by insufficiently developed muscles. Due to changes in the type of diet, such as artificial feeding or switching to a mixed diet, signs of constipation may appear. And then there is a need to take a laxative for children.

The main questions that arise in this case are: how to distinguish signs of pathology, how to choose the right remedy for constipation in infants? You will have to determine this yourself. Due to age, the baby will not be able to talk about his problems.

The main signs that can tell that the baby has constipation

  1. Feces with low moisture content. It is dry and too thick. It is normal for babies with regular feeding and healthy condition feces contain a large number of moisture and have a mushy texture. As you know, the newborn takes mostly liquid food, in which there are no solid fillers that can serve as the basis for solid feces.

    If you notice that the stool has ceased to have a liquid form or has begun to break up into "pieces" or fragments, you need to pay special attention to this.

  2. The baby is observed signs of irritation in the anus. Parents strictly follow all hygiene procedures, but for some reason, the area of ​​​​the anus of the baby turned red, and in the bathroom when bathing, the child is too worried, cries and behaves strangely. This fact may indicate that he has damage in the area anus and inflammation resulting from problems with bowel movements.
  3. Appetite has worsened. Frequent crying and waking. Watch your baby. If you see signs of a deviation from the norm - the child has become capricious, irritable, is not gaining weight well - all this may be signs of a disease.

Do you have at least two of the three above signs? Consult a doctor to find out the reasons.

Mother's milk is the best thing you can give your baby. No artificial formulas, no matter how well balanced they are, will ever replace mom's milk.

Determining constipation in an adult is very simple. It is enough to diagnose the absence of defecation within 2-3 days.

Some parents use this data to determine whether a baby is constipated while breastfeeding. But this is not entirely true.

We remind you that the quantity, quality and frequency of bowel movements in infants are individual. It is necessary to look at the monthly increase in body weight and, if it is small, sound the alarm.

Accurately say that the newborn has constipation, possible only if:

  • he has a poor appetite;
  • when feeding, the baby's legs rise, and he himself may blush;
  • body weight gain is slow, and it is below normal;
  • stools and gases have an unpleasant smell of rot;
  • when defecating, the baby is too tense and may cry.

Artificial feeding and constipation

If the mother, due to circumstances, cannot continue breastfeeding and switches to artificial or mixed nutrition, problems with stools and constipation may appear.

Constipation can also occur if you feed your baby whole cow and goat milk, fruit puree.

Treatment of constipation in newborns. What to do first?

kid on artificial feeding and is he constipated? First you need to facilitate the process of defecation. It is recommended to use means such as laxative microenemas that are safe for newborns. They make feces softer.

It doesn't matter how parents feed their baby - formula, breast milk or mixed meals, with signs of malaise in the baby, you should immediately contact a specialist who will find out possible reasons bowel dysfunction. This will help eliminate and prevent constipation in the baby in the future.

Remember the main principle of treatment - do no harm. This should be especially observed in the treatment of children under one year old with their sensitive digestive system.

When choosing a remedy for constipation in children, rely on on important indicators and rules:

  • before taking treatment measures, it is important to know that the baby, like other people, individual features of work digestive system . Therefore, if with a sharp change in nutrition, namely, when switching to artificial feeding, there is a long absence of defecation, this is the norm, and it is not necessary to treat it. If you are sure that the child really has any disease, consult a doctor;
  • do not self-medicate! This is really important. Do not give the newborn a baby laxative (tablets, drops for constipation for children and other drugs taken by mouth) until the attending physician has given the go-ahead;
  • Much has been said about this, but let's repeat. Do not use the advice of "knowledgeable" people, mothers, grandmothers and other "experts" especially if they do not have at least a medical degree. Remember that the mucous membrane of a newborn is very sensitive and does not forgive experiments with a syringe and rectal suppositories from soapy water and other irritants. So you can severely damage the rectal mucosa, causing injury;
  • observe the absence of stool in the child for more than two days, gases do not depart, does the baby show anxiety? Contact your doctor. So on early stages bowel obstruction appears. These symptoms require immediate action.

For babies who receive only breast milk, regular defecation is typical. But if it is absent for several days, it is too early to sound the alarm. However, if at the same time the baby shows signs of anxiety, strains, a laxative drug will not interfere. In this case, you can give a laxative for children Dufalac.

Children under one year of age receiving artificial food may experience digestive problems. It happens that constipation appears due to an inappropriate mixture or due to a violation of the intestinal microflora when parents give the baby any drugs. The use of Duphalac in such cases is fully justified.

The composition and principle of operation of Duphalac

Lactulose is an active ingredient that is obtained from cow's milk. It is harmless because it is not absorbed by the intestines. Passing through it, the molecules of the substance do their "work" and leave the body in a natural way.

The optimal content of lactulose in Dufalac makes its use safe and effective. Duphalac works very gently and painlessly. Lactulose softens feces, increases their volume due to moisture. Enhances natural intestinal peristalsis. The process of defecation in babies becomes easy and painless.

Coordinate all actions with your doctor and strictly adhere to the dosage that he prescribed, based on the characteristics of the baby.

Rules for the use of Dufalac

Duphalac is a viscous sweet yellowish liquid. Before use, it is diluted or taken in its original form. Newborn babies children under one year old should be given 5 ml once a day. It is better if the drug is taken at the same hour, for example, in the morning. The effect of the reception is manifested in a few hours. It keeps for one to two days.

Despite the fact that Duphalac has a sweetish taste, children do not always like it. The usual intake of the drug is carried out through a spoon or syringe. No need to increase the dose: this can cause diarrhea and intestinal cramps!

The main contraindications to taking Duphalac are intestinal obstruction, galactosemia and lactose allergy! You should carefully monitor the condition of the baby after taking the medicine. If any are observed side effects, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Duphalac's analogs

Duphalac is supplied in bottles of different volumes: 200, 500 or 1000 ml. How to use it is written right on the bottle. In the kit you will find a cap with marks, with which you can determine the required amount of the drug.

The average price of the drug Duphalac: 200 ml - 290 rubles, 500 ml - 460 rubles, 1000 ml - 750 rubles.

Analogues: Normaze, Lacturose, Protalak, Goodluck. Before use - consult a specialist and familiarize yourself with the official instructions for the drug.

Remember that any laxative drugs do not eliminate the very cause of constipation. They are used only to alleviate the condition of the child, if defecation brings pain and discomfort. The main thing is the natural work of the intestine. The causes of constipation will help determine the attending physician.

Warm up your baby's tummy. Cover it with a warm diaper or put it on your stomach. Heat relieves spasms and soothes.

Use enemas for children with ah - water, herbal, oil, but it is better to use them only in case of emergency.

To make an oil enema, take oil - sunflower, hemp or vaseline. Warm it up to body temperature before use. Lay the child on his left side or back and, slowly, introduce the contents of the enema into the baby's body. Pull out the tip slowly and carefully. Then bring the child's buttocks together and hold them in that position. The result of exposure occurs somewhere in 7-12 hours from the moment of setting. The oil introduced into the baby's body envelops the entire contents of the intestine, which contributes to its easier removal.

Use medications such as "Duphalac" or "Laktuvit" as directed by your doctor. Effective in the treatment of constipation in young children "Hilak Forte" or bacterial preparations such as "Bifidum Bacterin". In they are shown past antibiotics. In general, if you are calm and the stool is rare, but soft, you should not have any reason to worry.

Seek medical attention if stool retention is 48 hours or more. Perhaps the doctor will conduct additional examinations in order to identify similar condition.

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Most newborns pass several stools a day. However, some babies experience digestive disorders during the first months of life, which manifest themselves in the form of regurgitation, constipation, or intestinal colic. It's quite physiological phenomenon, it is associated with the immaturity of the digestive system of the child.

The frequency of stools can vary, and if a baby has infrequent stools, this does not mean that he has constipation. Look at the quality of the stool, if it is soft and the act of defecation is not accompanied by crying and anxiety of the child, then this is quite normal. But if the stool is hard, in the form, the baby is crying, and cracks appear in the anus, then you need to take action.

If the child is on, pay attention to the composition of your diet. Eliminate foods from the mom's menu that can provoke constipation. This is milk, fatty meats, butter. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and wholemeal bread in your diet.

Often occur as an adaptation of the intestine to new food, for example, when transferred to artificial feeding or to the introduction of a mixture as complementary foods. In this case, start giving your child once a day formula. The reason may be dehydration, be sure to give the child a drink between warm boiled water without added sugar. You can use a special pharmacy tea to relieve constipation, but you should not get too carried away with them. Need to adjust a chair in a child natural ways by regulating nutrition and drinking regimen.

To increase intestinal motility, make sure that the child moves more. Do not swaddle him tight, put on loose sliders. Do exercises that imitate cycling: lift and bend his legs at the knee joints, move them in the position of the baby lying on his back. Use a light massage of the abdomen in a clockwise direction, use this method not immediately after feeding, but in between meals.

If, despite all the measures, the baby still has problems with it, examine him with pediatricians. Perhaps constipation in your case is some kind of disease, for example - congenital pathology bowel or thyroid problems.

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One of the common problems faced by new mothers immediately after childbirth and during lactation is constipation. And not always a woman can immediately notice this problem. This is due to the fact that after childbirth, the organs return to their usual position in their natural position. Therefore, a young mother may not yet pay attention to the fact that not everything is functioning as it should. Although constipation for a nursing woman is very harmful.

Constipation can bother a nursing mother quite long time- and a few days, and even weeks. And the problem usually lies not only in nutrition. Digestive problems are further exacerbated by sleepless nights, lack of active exercise etc. Since a woman passes various substances to her baby through her milk, incl. and toxins resulting from the decomposition of food in the intestines, she definitely needs to pay attention to her health and solve this problem.

Symptoms of constipation in a nursing mother and the causes of its occurrence

If a woman remembered that she had not visited the toilet for a long time, you need to look at yourself. Often, a number of additional characteristic symptoms indicate constipation. For example, these can be:
- heaviness and pain in the abdomen;
- headache;
- drowsiness and lethargy;
- irritability;
- apathy;
- loss of appetite.

The causes of constipation, in addition to natural problems after childbirth, may be other factors. So, for example, often nursing mothers start having problems with defecation due to diet. Many ladies during lactation begin to severely restrict themselves in food, trying to exclude from the diet potentially dangerous products. Often such zeal leads to the fact that only buckwheat remains on the mother's menu. Naturally, her body lacks useful trace elements and vitamins, and digestive problems develop.

Other causes of constipation in a breastfeeding mother include:
- the stitches that the woman was given after childbirth (because of them, the woman is limited in her activity, as a result of which stagnation appears in the pelvis and intestines);
- bowel diseases that interfere with progress stool;
- insufficient amount of fluid that the young mother consumes;
- too much animal food (eggs, milk, meat) and insufficient fiber intake.

What to do

Naturally, the first method of struggle is nutritional correction. Nutrition must be balanced - and this is the key word. You can not cut yourself in the diet to the maximum. You just need to choose the right products and, if it is impossible to eat one or another, replace them with others that are similar in nutritional value.

The diet of a nursing mother must include those foods that contribute to correct work intestines. This vegetable oils, bran, whole grains, dairy products, vegetables - both fresh and boiled, black bread. An excellent option for developing the intestines will be various fruit drinks, compotes, etc. Also, doctors recommend drinking in the morning on an empty stomach. cold water, which serves as an excellent stimulant of the intestines.

But from the use of products such as semolina, wheat bran, rice, pears, blueberries, currants, walnuts, legumes, hard cheese, etc. it is better to refuse, because they usually lead to constipation.

It is better to refuse mother's laxatives during lactation. After all, such drugs can cause an undesirable reaction in a child as well. Moreover, this reaction can be expressed as pain syndromes. To correct the situation, a young mother is recommended to use medicinal herbal preparations. So, great option potato juice diluted with water in equal proportions is considered. You need to take such a remedy for a quarter cup an hour before meals.

You can also enjoy a belly massage. To perform it, it is enough to lie on the bed, bend your knees and massage the skin very intensively from the navel to the groin. Massage session time is 10-15 minutes. Alternatively, you can simply lightly stroke your belly around your belly button in a clockwise direction for 10 minutes.

Naturally, you will have to take care to add a little more movement to your life. Fresh air, walks with the baby and other activities - the key to normal functioning digestive tract. You need to sit and lie down less, and walk more, because. movement helps to increase the efficiency of the intestine, and also has a positive effect on the crushing of feces.

If without medicines not to do without, it is better to choose candles. Most often, glycerin is recommended. However, it is worth remembering that suppositories are not recommended for use if a woman has hemorrhoids (in the acute stage), cracks in the anus, and rectal tumors. Before using them, you should consult a doctor.

- This disease state, which is characterized by slow and difficult bowel movements.

The body of a newborn is so different from the body of an adult that sometimes mothers face an insoluble problem: is this or that condition of her baby the norm or is it necessary to sound the alarm.

In the understanding of adult medicine, the diagnosis of constipation can be made when:

    no stool for more than a day;

    feeling of incomplete bowel movement after a bowel movement;

    solid feces;

    the application of effort (straining) in the process of bowel release.

Inexperienced parents, applying these criteria to their newborn children, often begin to suspect that they have intestinal disorders in vain. Well, if after that mom turn to pediatrician and ask for his advice. It is much worse when the diagnosis is made independently and treatment begins on the basis of the advice of friends, grandmothers and Internet forums.

In order to understand the state of baby is actually constipation, it is necessary to consider the normal functioning of the baby's digestive system.

First days of life. The first stool of a newborn is called meconium. It is the remains of intestinal cells and digestion products amniotic fluid that the child accidentally swallowed. Normally, meconium begins to depart immediately after the first feeding. The color of the first stool is dark, in some cases almost black, odorless, similar in consistency to toothpaste.

In the first 1-2 days of life, the baby empties the intestines infrequently - 1-3 times a day. After the complete discharge of meconium, the nature of the stool begins to change depending on the type of nutrition that the newborn receives.

At breastfeeding loose stools, like mustard or pea soup. Color - yellow, yellow-brown, a greenish tint is acceptable. Has a pronounced odor sour milk. May contain undigested lumps of curdled milk and a small amount of foam.

In formula-fed babies, stools are darker in color, have a fecal odor and a thick consistency.

first 2 months of life. With breastfeeding, the norm options are quite wide: from bowel movements after each feeding to 2 times a day.

There are more stringent requirements for formula-fed babies. The norm is the daily emptying of the intestine at least 1 time.

From 2 months to 6 months. With the age of the child, the frequency of stools per day decreases: from 5 times a day in 2-month-old babies to 1-2 times a day in six-month-old children. In some babies, mother's milk is so well absorbed that they can empty their intestines once every 2-3 days. This is considered normal if the child is cheerful, eats with appetite, gains weight well, defecates effortlessly, the stool is soft and does not have a putrid odor.

Children over 6 months old. After the introduction of complementary foods, it is considered normal to empty the intestines 1-2 times a day. At the same time, the characteristics of the chair change markedly. When switching to solid food stools begin to form. They acquire dark color, an unpleasant fecal odor and a denser consistency.

Thus, summing up all the above written, we can draw the following conclusions.

For breastfed babies:

    number of bowel movements per day infants before the introduction of complementary foods strictly individually;

    when assessing the condition of the baby, one should focus not on the number of bowel movements, but on general state and monthly weight gain;

For formula-fed babies:

    the chair should be at least 1 time per day.

When is a delayed bowel movement considered constipation?

The diagnosis of "constipation" can be suspected in the absence of stool in a newborn, accompanied by the following signs:

    anxiety of the child and loss of appetite;

    strong straining during attempts to defecate;

    reddening of the face, crying, tightening the legs during feeding;

    excretion of intestinal gases with a putrid odor, an unpleasant odor of the stool;

    poor weight gain.

It does not matter how much time has passed since the last bowel movement.

Constipation in breastfed newborns is associated with:

    Bowel disease

    These include congenital anomalies digestive system: megacolon - Hirschsprung's disease, absence or narrowing of the anus, lengthening of the sigmoid loop.

    Diseases of other organs and systems

    Insufficient production of hormones thyroid gland-, rickets, lesions nervous system- all these diseases negatively affect intestinal motility and cause constipation.

    Immaturity of the nervous system

    Often babies are born with immature nerve endings in the intestinal wall. As a result, it cannot contract properly, moving the food slurry towards the anus. This physiological state, which disappears by the 2nd month of life without special treatment.

    Mother's diet

    Everything that mom eats is reflected in the quality breast milk. There are products that cause a fixing effect in a newborn.

Foods that cause constipation in babies:

    fatty cheeses;

    whole cow's milk;

    fatty meats;

    White bread;

    nuts (peanuts, cashews);

    pastry products;

    strong tea, coffee;

    medicines (no-shpa, remedies for and treatment, diuretics, iron preparations).

Increased gas formation

Various processes occurring in the intestines of the newborn, can lead to increased gas formation during the digestion of food. Gas bubbles, accumulating in the intestinal lumen, prevent the normal movement of intestinal contents.

This may be caused by:

    maternal consumption of foods that cause increased gas formation(radishes, cucumbers, hot spices, chocolate, carbonated drinks, cakes, fresh onions and black bread, cabbage, grapes, legumes, bananas);

    violation of the intestinal microflora.

Causes of constipation in formula-fed babies

The following factors can be added to the above:

    Inappropriate milk formula

    most common cause the development of constipation in children on artificial feeding is an incorrectly selected milk formula. Breast milk is best for the baby, but if breastfeeding is not possible, an age-appropriate formula should be chosen as a substitute.

    Abrupt transfer to another mixture

    Lack of water

    If during breastfeeding, supplementation of newborns is not recommended up to 6 months and is used only in extreme cases(, heat), then when feeding with milk formula, an additional introduction of pure drinking water is mandatory.

What to do with constipation in a newborn?

If a mother is sure that her baby has constipation, then the first thing she should do is go to the pediatrician. The causes of the development of difficulty in emptying the intestines can be serious illness which only a specialist can identify. The doctor may prescribe a blood test for hormones and vitamin content, recommend an ultrasound internal organs, x-ray or donate feces for dysbacteriosis. Then, depending on the results, prescribe professional treatment.

If during the examination no deviations from the norm were found, then it is highly likely that constipation is associated either with the immaturity of the baby's nervous system, or with the quality of breast milk or formula.

All methods of helping with constipation can be divided into the following groups:

  • changing the mother's diet or changing formula;

    medicines (duphalac, espumizan, plantex);

    mechanical methods (vent tube, irritation of the anus, glycerin suppositories).

When treating constipation, it is better to start using these methods in order from first to last, but not vice versa.

Massage for constipation in newborns

Since the nervous apparatus of the intestine and the synthesis of digestive enzymes in the newborn are still underdeveloped, then the best way to stimulate motor skills and improve the waste of accumulated gases is massage techniques. They are safe and easy to perform.

Reception 1. The baby lies on the back. Stroking movements are made around the navel in a clockwise direction. Make 5-10 circular movements.

Reception 2. The child lies on the back. Alternate flexion-extension of the legs in the knee joints, while the front surface of the thigh is pressed against the tummy. The legs are best held by the ankle joints. Do 5 reps.

Reception 3. The baby lies on the back. Pulling the legs bent at the knee joints to the tummy and alternately straightening them. Do 5 reps.

Reception 4. Laying the child on the tummy before each feeding for 2-15 minutes, depending on age and physical condition.

Reception 5. Put the baby on the tummy on the bed or knees of the parent. Make circular stroking movements with the palm of your hand from the area between the shoulder blades smoothly down to the sacrum. Repeat 5 times.

Maternal diet and formula selection

For breastfed babies, the problem of constipation can be solved by changing the mother's diet. It is necessary to exclude products with a fixing effect, which are described above, and add products to the daily menu that give mother's milk laxative properties.

Foods that improve the digestion of a newborn:

    fresh vegetable salads containing In cases where massage and diet do not have a sufficient effect on bowel function, medicines come to the rescue. Before using any of them, be sure to consult your doctor.

    These include:

    • Espumizan (other brand names are Bobotik, Sub-Simplex);


      Candles Glitselaks (prescribed for lactose deficiency)

    If the methods listed above do not show their effectiveness, then you can try mechanical methods of stimulating bowel movements.

    One such remedy is glycerin suppositories. Their effect is based on irritation of the rectal mucosa, which causes an increase in its motility. In addition, melting under the influence of body temperature, they play the role of a lubricant, facilitating the discharge of feces.

    An enema is an extreme way to deal with constipation. Their frequent use can lead to the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis, lack of vitamins and minerals. For babies, the smallest syringe No. 1 with a soft tip is used. Boiled water at a temperature of about 30 degrees or a mixture of water and a few drops of oil is most often used as an enema solution.

    Soap for constipation in newborns is an unacceptable method!

    Very often, mothers follow the lead of grandmothers or neighbors, trying to use a piece to combat constipation in their baby. laundry soap. This invalid method intestinal stimulation! Substances in the soap cause severe irritation of the rectal mucosa, which can lead to the formation of ulcers, bleeding and chronic inflammation.

    Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" received in the Volgograd State medical university. He also received a certificate of a specialist in 2014.

The problems of proper digestion are of concern to all parents of newborns without exception. loving mom and dad carefully monitor how the baby eats and poops, and unexpected failures - liquid stool or constipation - literally lead parents into a panic state!

When is delayed bowel movement constipation?

The concept of constipation in an adult and in a baby is significantly different, so the mother should know what signs signal this problem and why it occurs in order to deal with it in a timely manner.

If small child during the day there is no stool or there are certain difficulties with emptying the intestines, then we can talk about constipation.

The total number of daily bowel movements directly depends on the age of the baby and its nutrition. At first, it can reach 10 times a day, but as you grow older, this number decreases significantly.

Very often, in newborn babies, the number of bowel movements is equal to the number of meals. Moreover, this option is considered the most ideal. In practice, most breastfed babies poop no more than 2 times a day by the age of 1 month, and artificial babies and babies who are on mixed feeding, go "in a big way" only 1 time during the day. Moreover, in infants, the stool is more liquid, and feeding with a mixture leads to the formation of thicker and even hard feces.

The "correct" consistency of the normal stool of newborns is mushy. In all other compacted variants, it is believed that the child has a tendency to constipation.

Lack of bowel movements during the day or bowel movements that do not occur daily may be for specific child individual feature body, and not a signal of the presence of constipation.

In infants, during the first 6 weeks after birth, bowel movements occur in small portions many times throughout the day. normal stool during this period of life is quite liquid, without bad smell, with white curdled lumps of undigested mother's milk.

A 4-month-old baby has excessively dense feces, serious difficulties with stools or its complete absence is considered constipation.

Usually, in a 6-month-old peanut, these problems are normalized. naturally, and the baby walks “in a big way” only 1 time per day. This is due to the fact that the child's gastrointestinal tract has become more mature, digestive enzymes are produced by the baby's body in much greater quantities than immediately after birth. However, if the baby seems to poop regularly, but each bowel movement is accompanied by a certain discomfort or even pain for the baby, he is naughty and cries loudly, then there is a high probability that he has constipation.

Signs of constipation:

  1. stool less than once a day
  2. lack of appetite
  3. bloating
  4. sleep disturbance, general restlessness, moodiness
  5. putrid smelling gas
  6. hard stools streaked with blood

What causes constipation in babies?

The causes of all types of constipation in infants can be very diverse, among them:

  1. infant immobility
  2. improper diet, certain violations in the diet of a nursing mother, products from the “forbidden” list: flour and confectionery products, thick fatty broths from homemade meat, cheeses high fat content, nuts
  3. "Hungry constipation", which occurs due to a lack of milk in the mother, when the body of the baby completely absorbs all the food that comes
  4. abrupt end of breastfeeding and transition to adapted formulas
  5. changing the usual brand of infant formula to another with artificial feeding
  6. feeding newborns with iron-fortified milk formulas
  7. physiological problems of the intestines - lack of muscle tone(this problem is diagnosed by a neurologist)
  8. high fever, colds or infectious diseases
  9. treating the mother or baby with antibiotics, antispasmodics, anticonvulsants, and other medicines that cause constipation
  10. early introduction of complementary foods, intestinal immaturity
  11. lack of fluid in newborns who are bottle-fed
  12. intestinal dysbacteriosis
  13. an allergic reaction to animal protein if the child is fed cereals on cow's milk, and not by special adapted mixtures

Symptoms of constipation in an infant

  1. Absence of stool, accompanied by an obvious desire to have a bowel movement.
  2. Excessively hard consistency of feces, often in the form of dense balls, delivering pain peanut.
  3. Lack of gazik, "stone" tummy. If the baby is active, does not worry, eats well, he regularly and without problems go gassies - this is normal. If his tummy is hard, gases do not go away, he is naughty and cries, then this is a symptom of problems with the intestines.

When should you worry?

Causes of constipation in each specific case must install children's doctor, he will give clear recommendations for their elimination. The task of the mother is to fulfill them unconditionally and consistently.

If the baby eats mother's milk, and does not walk "in a big way" for several days, but the general state of health is normal, then it is too early to sound the alarm. Perhaps the baby’s body “wants” to see if his intestines can accumulate a certain amount of feces, sufficient for bowel movements.

Usually problems with bowel movements are normalized already in 3-month-old children.

WITH special attention constipation in very tiny newborns must be treated, since they may have a so-called organic constipation, which requires immediate surgical intervention to eliminate.

Algorithm of actions of parents

If you see that the baby cannot poop, pushes, cries restlessly, his face turns red, then you can use the following tricks to alleviate his condition:

  1. Massage the tummy: stroke it clockwise with a warm palm.
  2. Lay the baby on the back and, taking him by the legs, do the “bike” exercise - it perfectly stimulates the intestines.
  3. Turn the baby on the tummy - this exercise activates the activity of the intestines well.
  4. Take a large bath of pleasant warm water and arrange a joint reception water procedures, try to relax and calm the baby, breastfeed him.
  5. If the baby continues to push hard and to no avail, try lubricating it anus baby oil or petroleum jelly - this will help him poop.

If these techniques did not help the baby empty the intestines, you can try to stimulate it mechanically:

  1. Lubricate liberally cotton swab baby cream, gently insert its tip into the anus and slowly turn it several times clockwise. Put your baby in a diaper and put him on his tummy.
  2. If the first method did not bring results, then use the special glycerin suppository to be bought at the pharmacy. To empty the child's intestines, insert 1/3 of the suppository into the child's anus.
  3. A good result is the use of an enema with water or chamomile decoction. A cleansing enema is placed only with cold or chilled liquid - this stimulates bowel movements. warm water will not lead to defecation, but will be absorbed through the rectum into the general circulation.

If the actions of the parents did not lead to success, then you need to urgently seek help from the children's hospital, because in this case the child may have a serious intestinal obstruction or atonic constipation, which only doctors can handle.

If the problem of bowel movement for your baby has become regular, then without medical examination and consistent treatment in this situation is indispensable. Talk to your pediatrician and he will recommend a mild laxative that is approved for use in infants.

Therapy permanent delays defecation with the help of pharmaceuticals in newborns is the same with breast, artificial and mixed feeding.

How to avoid constipation?

To do this, you need to carry out simple preventive measures:

  1. regularly do gymnastics for your baby, pay special attention to exercises for the tummy
  2. try to notice which exercises help your baby
  3. lay the baby daily for a few minutes on the stomach
  4. if the peanut is artificially or mixed-fed, do not forget to give him baby drinking water
  5. a nursing mother of a baby should eat fresh and dried fruits daily - dried apricots, prunes, figs and other foods rich in calcium
  6. for a 6-month-old baby, prune puree and juice should be in the diet daily
  7. keep your child warm and dehydrated
  8. if the baby has a tendency to constipation, then you can drink it with a decoction of raisins, which is easy to prepare: pour a spoonful of raisins into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water

breastfeeding mom diet

If the problem of constipation in crumbs has become obvious to you, then you should carefully review your own diet. Be sure to eat foods containing coarse fiber. Beets, green apples, dried apricots, pumpkin, prunes should be regularly included in the diet of a nursing mother.

Try to solve the problem of constipation in a toddler available means- do gymnastics, give him some water to drink, cook fresh vegetable and fruit food for 6-8 month old baby. All these simple means can make your crumbs health stronger, and your life much happier.

From the presented video you will learn how to properly massage the baby with colic or constipation.

At birth, the organs and systems of the baby are in the process of formation, they continue to develop throughout the first year of life. imperfection gastrointestinal tract makes it vulnerable to various violations. What to do if the baby can not go big?

To find out if the baby really has problems with bowel movements, it is necessary to monitor the frequency of the stool, the consistency and color of the feces.

  1. Defecation should not cause discomfort to the child. Anxiety, strong straining and crying signal constipation, the treatment of which cannot be delayed;
  2. For babies, the norm is 4-10 bowel movements per day. Every month this number is decreasing. one year old baby stool occurs once a day. But even if the baby does not have a daily bowel movement, this may not indicate the presence of pathologies;
  3. The consistency of feces in infants in the first month of life is soft, mushy. With age, it gradually approaches the shape of a "sausage";
  4. The color of feces is influenced by the nutrition of the baby. Before the introduction of complementary foods, the stool is yellow in color, and after it is brown.

So, they talk about constipation the following signs: stool less than 1 time per day, while the baby shows anxiety, refuses to eat, cries, sleeps poorly.

There may be vomiting, bloating. IN this case the act of defecation is hindered by the high density of feces.

Possible causes of colic and constipation in newborns

What to do with constipation in newborns

  1. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the most obvious causes of indigestion: adjust the mother's diet during breastfeeding or replace the milk formula with artificial. It is important to observe the drinking regimen. A negative reaction of the body can also be caused too early or wrong introduction complementary foods;
  2. If the situation does not change in better side, to exclude diseases, you need to be examined by a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neurologist. If pathologies are found, the doctor will give necessary recommendations to be followed;
  3. Place your baby on your tummy more often. You can apply a slightly warm diaper to your stomach. The warmth of the mother's body also has a positive effect;
  4. The problem of constipation in children 6-8 months old can be solved with the help of fruit puree from plums, apricots, peaches, apples, as well as freshly squeezed juices diluted with water, a decoction from a mixture of dried fruits. Start with a teaspoon and, guided by the result, determine the optimal dose.

How to give an enema to a newborn baby with constipation

Before proceeding with the procedure, prepare everything you need:

  • small can pear-shaped with soft tip. As a rule, pharmacies offer the following varieties devices: No. 1 for newborn babies and No. 2 for babies;
  • boiled water 24-25 degrees. Too cold liquid can cause spasm, and warm one will not have the desired effect. You can add a spoonful of chamomile broth;
  • baby cream or vaseline, hemp oil for lubricating the anus and balloon tip;
  • oilcloth and clean diaper;
  • for convenience, you can use a diaper.

How to give a baby an enema? Here are the detailed instructions:

How to massage the tummy of a newborn with constipation

The massage procedure should be carried out several times a day, one-time manipulations will not give the desired effect.


  • so as not to damage delicate skin baby, cut your legs short, hands should be clean;
  • the room should be at a comfortable temperature;
  • put a little oil or cream on your palms and rub it to distribute it evenly;
  • so that excess air comes out of the stomach, hold the baby with a “column”;
  • after feeding, at least an hour must pass so as not to provoke vomiting;
  • the surface on which the child lies should be moderately hard, provide back support.

Massage when the baby is relaxed and in good mood, in this case, his abdominal wall remains relaxed and the impact will be most effective.

Proper massage technique

Simple manipulations can enhance the ability of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract to contract, facilitate the removal of gases and feces. The duration of the session should not exceed ten minutes.

stick next sequence actions:

  • put the child on the back;
  • lightly stroke the tummy clockwise 10 times;
  • put your wrist on the navel area, with the other palm make spiral movements, slightly pressing;
  • left and right side massage the abdominal wall a little more intensively;
  • in the lower abdomen, where the large intestine is located, work with your fingertips, repeating the shape of the letter "P";
  • make soft vibrating movements and light pushes;
  • turn the baby over on the tummy and stroke along the back, starting from the shoulder blades and ending with the sacral region.

Important nuances

Deciding to fight constipation with massage, you need to consider in which cases it is forbidden to do so as not to damage your health.

Massage should be avoided if:

  • the child is lethargic, his face is pale;
  • there are rashes or lesions on the skin;
  • blood is visible in the feces;
  • constipation is accompanied by hyperthermia;
  • the abdomen is very tense, swollen on one side;
  • when touched on the stomach, the baby begins to cry.


With systematic stool delays, medications are prescribed. Therapy will be the same for both breastfeeding and artificial feeding.

  1. For children up to a year, products with lactulose, such as Duphalac syrup, are suitable. The drug is not addictive, the maximum single dose is five milliliters;
  2. Babies older than six months can be given a mild laxative Forlax;
  3. You can also use glycerin suppositories that promote bowel movements;
  4. Irritant laxatives and saline osmotic agents for children under one year old contraindicated.

It is important to remember that using medicines from constipation should not become regular. It is necessary to identify the cause of the disruption of the intestines and eliminate it.

What does Komarovsky recommend if a newborn has constipation

Dr. Komarovsky gives some tips to help alleviate the condition of the baby. If these measures do not help, you should contact a specialist.

What to do if the baby has constipation?

  • do the “bicycle” exercise: bend the child’s legs in turn 10 times;
  • put the baby in a warm bath;
  • massage the baby's tummy, cover with a warm diaper.


  1. The main method of prevention is proper nutrition nursing mother and child. If there is a predisposition to stool retention, the mother should regularly consume beets, prunes, apricots. But baking, flour and fatty foods will have to be limited;
  2. If constipation recurs frequently, use a special milk formula for feeding;
  3. The kid should move, spend enough time in the fresh air;
  4. The emptying procedure should take place in a calm environment, preferably at the same time.

Elimination of constipation requires integrated approach. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor and give the child medications only under the supervision of a specialist. It is important to monitor the diet and the sufficient amount of fluid consumed to prevent intestinal disruption.

And a bit more additional information about constipation in newborns - in the next video.