Postcards for the new year junior group. Do-it-yourself postcards for the new year, photo ideas. Scrapbooking style greeting cards

To please loved ones, it is not necessary to purchase expensive presents: it is better to use your imagination and, with a little effort, make a homemade gift.

It is easy to give others positive emotions: just give them a New Year's card made by yourself. With the help of such a present, you will convey your warm wishes to others and surprise them with a beautiful handmade craft.

A postcard with congratulations to friends and family on the New Year will perfectly complement the main present; it can also be made by hand. Such a gift duet is a good way to show your attention to your loved ones.

Homemade postcards are remembered and sink into the soul much more than store ones. You can create a creative masterpiece from the most ordinary things, showing a creative approach and existing creative abilities.

The tradition of handing cards to each other for the holidays appeared a long time ago, recently it has been forgotten a little, but this situation is easy to fix. Modern technologies cannot give as much body and emotions as simple postcards made with soul.

Give joy to others by congratulating them on the New Year holidays with a homemade postcard. A colorfully decorated piece of paper is able to give a festive mood and create a New Year's atmosphere.

Do-it-yourself New Year's cards, photo

Handmade postcards can be given to relatives, acquaintances and even co-workers. Homemade postcards can make the older generation happy; this way of congratulations from loving grandchildren will be appreciated by grandparents. Believe me: a beautiful craft with the wishes of happiness will not seem as banal as a standard store souvenir.

Making a New Year greetings card is not difficult, and this article provides some ideas for creating holiday cards for the New Year for children and adults.

Bright Christmas tree

New Year is associated, first of all, with a beautifully dressed forest beauty-herringbone. A fluffy Christmas tree is the central attribute of the winter festivities. So why not decorate your holiday card with this traditional New Year symbol?

To make a greeting card decorated with a colorful Christmas tree, you only need paper.

Advice. To make the postcard more original, it is best to use paper with a different pattern.

Make a semicircular paper blank, fold it, focusing on the picture. You should get something like a fan.

The second option is to make “branches” out of paper and glue the paper parts together, otherwise they will open up. To decorate the top of the Christmas tree, glue a small star or bead to the top.

New Year card, photo

A slide of presents

It is not difficult to implement this creative idea, and the joy of receiving such a wonderful postcard will be genuine.

Take a bright paper sheet, preferably with a pattern, and fold it in half. Mark three squares with a ruler (each subsequent one should be slightly larger than the previous one). The squares will serve as gift boxes. Using scissors, make cuts (not completely) at the top and bottom: this will make the drawers voluminous.

Decorate the boxes as you wish. The original congratulatory present is ready.

Unusual Christmas trees and a button snowman

Making an original New Year's card is as easy as shelling pears, and the following ideas will make sure that you do.

You will need:

  • paper sheets with different textures;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • blue marker;
  • trimming ribbons;
  • buttons;
  • office glue.

New Year's card with your own hands, photo

winter tree

To create a paper tree, cut out a triangular blank, make the top long. Decorate the Christmas tree with two small white ribbon bows. To decorate the top, use a snowflake with sparkles.

On a note! To make the Christmas tree elegant, use snow-white paper with a pattern.

Even more unusual is the Christmas tree, made of paper circles of different colors, differing in size. Details in the form of circles are glued to the base, creating an imitation of a Christmas tree.

The top of the Christmas tree on the card is crowned with a star.

DIY cards Happy New Year, photo

Button snowman

This idea will allow you to make a baby card featuring an adorable button snowman. Take three buttons (they should differ in size). One button should be especially small and always with two holes (instead of eyes).

Glue the buttons one above the other, put a hat (for example, a paper bucket) on the snowman's head and tie a thread scarf to him.

Next to the snowman, draw snowflakes using a blue felt-tip pen. Tie a bright ribbon at the top of the card.

Beautiful New Year's cards with your own hands, photo

Button compositions

Using buttons, you can realize various creative ideas.

Make a button Christmas tree: beads, rhinestones or paper mugs are suitable to fill in the gaps. Combine buttons in the same color with decorative elements of the same color.

You can decorate with buttons a store-bought greeting card or create your own unique masterpiece by abandoning templates.

Buttons do not have to be fixed with glue, they are also fixed with threads. Snowflakes, beads and ribbon bows are suitable for decorating a button tree.

Beautiful New Year cards, photo

Not only Christmas trees are created from buttons, but also New Year's wreaths. The main thing is to choose a successful combination of buttons that differ in size and configuration. Lubricate the bottom of each button with glue and lay them in a circle, forming a wreath, supplement it with a ribbon, gluing it to the base in the same way.

An analogue of a European postcard is ready - the composition looks festive and unusual. One wreath can consist of multi-colored buttons: feel free to create original drawings from them.

Postcards for the New Year: do-it-yourself photos

Creativity and economy

When making New Year's greeting cards, use cuts of ribbons, lace, patches, ropes, threads - everything that is found in the house.

DIY cards Happy New Year

Rustic craft

Tie the cuts of different material in the center with ribbons with lace and fix them with glue, placing one element on top of the other - the rustic Christmas tree is ready.

Decorate it with beads and shiny buttons.

Original postcard "Christmas sock"

Such postcards imitate tags, and look very cute as a gift. This postcard for the New Year will perfectly complement any souvenir.

Beautiful New Year cards

For manufacturing, you will need thick cardboard and a sheet of colored paper to match, an image of two socks (cut or drawn), a ribbon, beads, beads for final decoration.

If there are special scissors for cutting scallops and a hole punch - great: the tools will come in handy to make a hole for hanging our crafts.

We cut out a wide strip from paper, draw a cut line with scallops, and glue it. We sign a congratulation and glue the cut out socks. We decorate their lapels with beads or beads.

Through the hole made by the hole punch, stretch the tape and tie a knot.

For connoisseurs of minimalism

Those who like minimalism will appreciate the following idea: take thin emerald ribbons of different widths and fasten them one on top of the other using beads or colored buttons.

After performing simple manipulations, you will receive an unusual postcard.

Living Christmas Tree

Attach the stick to the paper base and tie ribbons of different lengths to it: they will serve as spreading branches of the spruce. Decorate the top with a miniature star.

Even a child can make such a stylish postcard from ribbons.


Do you want to create your own greeting card with an exclusive design, the likes of which you will not find in the store? Use the scrapbooking technique.

To make this craft, you will need the following materials:

  • thick multi-colored paper sheets (preferably cardboard);
  • scrapbooking paper (can be ordered in the online store);
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • decor elements.

First of all, decide on the size of the future Christmas tree and, depending on this, using scrapbooking paper, make rectangular blanks that differ in width.

Using a pencil, twist the rectangular blanks, forming tubes, and fix them with glue so that they do not unwind.

The resulting tubes should be glued together, starting with the longest. Glue the tube Christmas tree to the cardboard base. Decorate as you wish.

New Year cards, scrapbooking: photo

Quilling card with the symbol of the coming year

Respect the patron of the coming year - the Fire Cockerel - and decorate the card with his image.

This requires the following materials:

  • stripes of different colors for quilling;
  • stationery glue;
  • cardboard (for the base);
  • ready-made stencil or pencil for drawing the outline;
  • sequins and other embellishments.

On cardboard you need to create an image of a bird. Twist the quilling strips and, using a little glue to keep them from untwisting, form the desired configuration. Having prepared the details, “assemble” the image of the rooster by gluing them to the base.

Remember the bright plumage of a rooster and give the craft chic by decorating it with sequins, feathers and other decorations.

Don't forget to write warm wishes inside the card.

DIY creative Happy New Year cards

Postcard with embroidery

Another way to decorate a New Year's card is embroidery.

For this you need simple materials:

  • cardboard;
  • multi-colored threads for knitting;
  • needle;
  • printed words or image;
  • scotch;
  • small details for decoration.

Fold the cardboard in half. Stick a set of words or an image in accordance with the New Year theme: you can temporarily fix it with tape at the base. Carefully use a needle to make holes along the outline of the letters or image.

To create an appliqué, use threads of different colors.

Advice! First, "draw" the contours, and then move on to decorating the inside.

Decorate the finished craft with ribbon bows or beads.

Consider another option for creating a postcard with a thread application, but it will look completely different.

To create a thread postcard, you will need:

  • a thick sheet of paper (preferably colored) or cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • thick multi-colored threads;
  • scissors;
  • sequins.

Fold the cardboard sheet in half. Cut the threads into pieces, but with different lengths (from smaller to larger or vice versa). Attach the threads with glue to the base (the longest one is glued, the next ones are smaller, and so on). The order of alternating colors is not critical.

Glue two small pieces of thread (identical length) at the bottom of the postcard: they will serve as a trunk for the tree.

It remains to decorate the thread tree with sequins.

geometric herringbone

Here is another example of an original postcard with a Christmas tree. To create it, you need a thick paper sheet (a very beautiful postcard will turn out if one of its sides is white and the other, for example, light green), a printed image of a Christmas tree, and a clerical knife. If there was no printout of the drawing, you will need a pencil, as well as a ruler.

Fold the paper sheet in half (the green side should be wrong side). Using a pencil, draw a triangle (under the ruler, this is easiest to do, in this case the triangle will turn out to be even). Divide the inner part of the triangle into small triangles - it is important that they are the same.

Using a utility knife, carefully cut through the triangles without touching the base.
Turn the triangles down from the front of the card.

"Herringbone accordion"

The principle of creating a congratulatory New Year's card "Herringbone-accordion" is quite simple, and for this you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • a sheet of green paper;
  • scissors;
  • decor elements;
  • office glue.

Fold the cardboard in half - it will serve as the basis for the postcard. From a green paper sheet (you can take any other color you like), make six rectangular parts of identical width, but with different heights (each subsequent part should differ in height by 15-20 mm).

Form an accordion from each rectangular fragment. Try to make the harmonica proportional and identical for all parts.

Fold each of the resulting accordions in half and stick them on the inside of the card along the fold line, starting from the bottom and moving up.

On a note! The largest harmonica is glued first, and the smallest one is last.

The final touch is the decoration of the “Christmas tree-accordion”. Complete the composition with congratulatory inscriptions. Warm words are always nice.

Greeting cards with felt Christmas trees

To create a greeting card decorated with felt Christmas trees, in addition to multi-colored felt, you will need scissors, stationery glue, and thick paper.

Make trapezoidal and triangular-shaped parts from felt fabric, differing in volume and color.

Stick the fragments on the base and decorate with sparkles and congratulatory inscriptions.

There is nothing difficult in making homemade cards with congratulations for the New Year. Try to make such crafts with your own hands: the creative process is exciting, and needlework will give you a lot of pleasure and allow you to please others with unusual postcards.

Combine the suggested ideas with your own creative ideas, and you will make unique New Year cards that keep your hands warm and uplifting.


There are other ideas for holiday original postcards for the New Year: see the MK in the video lesson below:

It is customary to give gifts on New Year's Eve. Handmade gifts are of particular value - they give a holiday not only to the one who receives them, but also to the one who creates them. The easiest gift a child can make is a DIY Christmas card.

1. DIY Christmas cards ("Herringbone")

The Christmas tree is an indispensable attribute of the holiday. Therefore, postcards with her image will be especially appropriate. In addition, such postcards can be very easy to make.

Christmas tree applique can be made from plain or multi-colored strips of paper. Even a small child can make this New Year's craft with his own hands.

A more complicated option is the New Year's card "Christmas Tree" made of paper tubes.

It is very easy to make a Christmas tree application using purchased stickers. Even a two-year-old can do this craft for the New Year with their own hands.

Simple and effective - homemade New Year's cards "Herringbone" from ordinary buttons.

You can also embroider a Christmas tree with threads. Only in this case, the New Year's card should be made of high-density paper or cardboard. Pre-holes must be carefully done with an awl. The simplest version of the Christmas tree, see the photo below.

Link to instructions

For a more complex version of a New Year's card with a Christmas tree made of thread, see here. To make this New Year's craft with your own hands, you will also need sequins.

An original DIY New Year's card can be made from a fern leaf or any other plant similar to it. Just take the top part of the leaflet and stick it on the postcard. This will be a Christmas tree. You just have to decorate it with sequins or confetti made with a colored paper hole punch. Instead of confetti, you can stick multi-colored pieces of plasticine on the Christmas tree. This part of the work on making a homemade New Year's card will be possible even for a baby.

On this you can see more examples of New Year's cards with leaves.
2. Do-it-yourself voluminous New Year's cards "Herringbone"

We offer you several ways to make voluminous New Year's cards "Herringbone" with your own hands.

Option 1.

The technique for making volumetric Christmas trees is similar to the method for making Christmas balls. Only you do not need to glue them completely, instead stick the Christmas trees on the card.

Option 2.

A very beautiful DIY Christmas craft, accessible in terms of complexity to a preschooler, is a voluminous New Year's card "Herringbone". The Christmas tree is made of strips of rectangular paper folded like an accordion.

Here are two more voluminous postcards with a Christmas tree made from a triangular sheet of paper folded like an accordion. Simple and tasteful!
Option 3.

Another voluminous New Year's card. Again, this New Year's craft for children is attractive not only in appearance, but also in ease of manufacture.

To make such a New Year's card with your own hands, print templates ( and ) on two sheets of cardboard or thick paper and use the detailed instructions from the photos below. It is better if the sheets of cardboard are of different colors.

At the end, decorate the Christmas tree to your liking. Volumetric New Year's card is ready!

Option 4.

Christmas tree origami. We suggest you make a voluminous New Year's card decorated with a paper Christmas tree made using the origami technique. To make the card look more elegant and festive, choose prettier paper for your Christmas tree. Well suited for this New Year's crafts with your own hands, special paper for scrapbooking. By the way, making such an origami Christmas tree is much easier than it seems at first glance. For detailed instructions on how to make an origami Christmas tree, see the link

3. Postcards for the New Year with your own hands ("Christmas balls")

Do-it-yourself Christmas cards with the image of Christmas balls look good. Christmas application "Christmas balls" can be made of bright paper and decorated with ribbons.

Christmas balls can be made not only from paper, but also from buttons.
Original volumetric New Year's cards with the image of Christmas balls offers to make a website

To make such a New Year's card with your own hands, print out the following template. See reference On each square, use a compass or an appropriately sized round-bottomed object to draw a circle. Cut out all the circles, then use the following instructions for making Christmas balls. See link Only you don't have to glue the balloon completely, stick it on the card instead.

Another New Year's decoration - a garland of flags, will look spectacular on a New Year's card. Flags can be made from paper or fabric, and then glued or sewn onto a postcard.
Even very young children can make a New Year's card with their own hands with the image of a multi-colored garland of fingerprints.
And from a handprint you can make a New Year's card with Santa Claus.

1. On any surface that does not absorb paint (for example, a regular baking sheet), make a rectangular frame (the size of your postcard) from adhesive tape or electrical tape.

2. Apply the paint evenly to the surface. Draw some picture on the New Year theme with a cotton swab.
3. Attach a sheet of paper. Do-it-yourself postcard for the New Year is ready!
4. Do-it-yourself voluminous New Year's cards

5. New Year crafts for children. New Year's application

Postcards decorated with New Year's appliqué made of rice grains are very tender.

6. Postcards for the New Year with your own hands. Christmas cards with snowflakes

Another idea for a DIY New Year's card is a card decorated with a snowflake cut out of paper.

If you have paper lace napkins at home, then you can cut snowflakes out of them.
7. New Year paper crafts. New Year cards made in the technique of iris folding

Original New Year's cards using the iris folding technique are offered by the Land of Masters website. The name of this technique - iris folding - can be translated as "rainbow folding". The drawing is filled with thin paper strips, which, superimposed on each other at a certain angle, create an interesting effect of a twisting spiral. For a detailed master class on making this New Year's paper craft, see the link

Here is another New Year's card made in this technique. Link instructions
8. Original postcards for the New Year with your own hands. New Year's do-it-yourself

We want to introduce you to another interesting technique for making New Year's cards with your own hands. The Christmas tree and Christmas ball in the photo below are made using this technique.

To make a Christmas tree card, you will need:

Red cardboard sheet
- a sheet of colored paper for origami (on the one hand - dark green,
on the other side - light green)
- scissors or a special knife for cutting paper
- glue

On a sheet of green origami paper, print out. Make cuts along the lines on it. Where the trunk of the Christmas tree is located, cut out a piece of paper completely. If you fold a sheet of paper in half before making cuts, then you can cut it out with scissors. In this case, even a preschooler will be able to make a postcard. If you want to do without a crease in the center of the postcard, then it is better to make cuts with a special knife for cutting paper. Now you just have to bend the corners back and stick your blank on the cardboard.

The card "New Year's ball" is made in the same way. A stencil for making this original New Year's card can be downloaded from the link

In the same technique, snowflakes from the section "Snowflakes with your own hands" are made. They can also decorate a postcard for the New Year.

And one more New Year's card with your own hands "Herringbone", made in this technique.
To make this postcard for the New Year, print it on a sheet of white cardboard. Glue a thin sheet of green paper on the back. Cut out the corners with a paper cutter and fold them over. Now cut and fold your Christmas card in half. If you want to write a New Year's greeting inside, then stick an additional sheet of green paper so that the letters do not shine through the holes. For a detailed New Year's master class on making this postcard, see.

Children are very fond of making something with their own hands before the New Year, in no case should you deprive them of this joy. In this master class, I will show 10 options for how to make DIY New Year cards with step by step photos. These unique New Year's cards will be a wonderful gift for grandma, grandpa, mom, dad and friends.

Today on the Internet you can find all sorts of congratulatory miniatures, emoticons and incredible masterpieces that can be sent to anyone by e-mail. Even words do not need to be invented, any phrase can simply be copied. But can it be compared with a handmade postcard, will the image on the flickering cold screen of the monitor have such positive energy?

How to make postcards for the New Year with your own hands

New Year card with yellow pig for New Year 2019

By the New Year 2019, we suggest you make a non-standard postcard with your own hands. It is unusual in that it depicts a cute muzzle of a pig, and the animal is yellow. You should not be surprised at this turn, because a new era is coming, albeit a short one - the year of the yellow pig.

Very soon, a good friend of man, a devoted and cheerful dog will be replaced by a wise and generous pig. At all times, this animal was known as an indicator of prosperity; it is not for nothing that even piggy banks are depicted in the form of a pig. We will not depict the entire figure on cardboard, but we will make only her head. The round piece will become the center piece.

What you need to prepare for the craft:

  • thick cardboard of any color;
  • yellow plasticine;
  • additionally other colors for making all parts of the animal's muzzle, for New Year's decoration, for an inscription.

Prepare green (or another color) cardboard for the base, you can cut off the edges roundly. And also knead the yellow plasticine in your hands. Of course, the pig can be made more traditional - pink, but yellow is more suitable for a real symbol.

Press the yellow ball to the center of the cardboard and press firmly with the palm of your hand. Next, press down with your fingers over the entire surface and smooth. Thus, a round cake will appear in front of you, which will subsequently become the head of a pig. You will not only deform the ball to the desired round shape, but also press the main part to the base.

Start turning the cake into the head of the planned animal. For now, use the same yellow plasticine. Attach a small circle to later get a piglet. Make pointed ears and attach from above to the head

Take a thin red strip and stick it under the snout as a smiling mouth. Use pink dots to add cheeks and nostrils.

Add eyes. Pigs are usually depicted as blue-eyed. We can also do this. Use small white and blue dots. Glue our eyebrows above the eyes.

Now you need to decorate your craft so that it really looks like a New Year's one. It is not yet clear why such a copy is shown in front of us. Make many small plasticine beads of different colors to create garlands.

Bright tinsel sparkles under the ceiling in decorated halls and rooms. We also need to create a similar festive atmosphere.

Collect small balls into thin threads, attach them to the cardboard at the top. Make some colorful stripes.

And one more touch is the inscription "Happy New Year!". It can be written with a marker, but it is better to glue it after completing all the letters from plasticine so as not to disturb the overall ensemble. Paste the words on the top, bottom, or sides, anywhere you like.

Glue also small balls, pressing each with your finger against the cardboard to simulate scattering of confetti. Now we have a real New Year's card, from the canvas of which a smiling and positive muzzle of a symbolic pig looks.

Craft for the New Year with a Christmas tree made of ribbons

This lesson shows how to make a New Year's greeting card with your own hands with the children. It will be based on cardboard, and the Christmas tree will be depicted in the picture, more precisely, its imitation - a green triangle, decorated with green and white satin ribbon, bright adhesive-backed rhinestones. If you like this version of a New Year's gift, consider what you need to make it, how to make it.

To complete the festive New Year's crafts proposed in this lesson, the following were used:

  • white and green cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • multi-colored stripes of corrugated paper;
  • glue;
  • satin ribbon 0.5 cm wide in white and green;
  • red round rhinestones;
  • rhinestones in the form of a flower - 1 piece for the top;
  • foil;
  • white lace;
  • plastic bow with rhinestones;
  • black pen;
  • orange colored paper.

As you can see, the list of materials includes a lot of items, but there are no exclusive or expensive ones. In addition, some of them can be completely replaced. For example, green and white cardboard will be needed to create a background and a triangular copy of the Christmas tree, but colors may vary.

Corrugated paper strips are needed in order to make a striped bright cover, fabric or ribbons are suitable instead, you can also come up with another Christmas tree decoration together with rhinestones and so on. So, first of all, cut out 2 rectangles from green and white paper, and the size of the second blank should be slightly smaller than the first.

Cut the crepe paper into strips of arbitrary length and width. Cut out some foil stars (or candy wrappers).

Stick the strips on the top layer - white cardboard. Make a fun, vibrant cover by applying stripes along the length. Glue the ends of the strips at the back. Glue the entire structure onto green paper. The background for the postcard is ready.

Add a strip of white lace at the bottom, bringing the ends under the top layer of paper. Cut out a triangle for the Christmas tree from green cardboard.

Wrap a white ribbon randomly around the triangle (glue the ends at the back).

Then add the green ribbon in the same way.

Glue the resulting Christmas tree in the center. Decorate with rhinestones and a bright top. Glue foil stars around the Christmas tree.

On a bright orange paper cutout, write “Happy New Year” with a pen and glue at the bottom - under the lace, add a bow.

A bright handmade congratulation is ready.

3D format is very popular in the modern world. You can apply it to a paper postcard. To do this, you just need to take a few decorative elements and stick them on a white base.

The main decoration will be a paper figurine, for example, an angel. A similar image, suitable for the New Year theme, can be found in any magazine. Cut it out with scissors, and the central part of the craft is ready.


  • A5 paper - 1 sheet;
  • sequins;
  • silicone glue;
  • paper figurine of an angel;
  • double sided tape.

Crafting Instructions

Fold a piece of white paper in half. It can be a regular landscape sheet or cardboard for creativity.

Cut off small pieces of double sided tape. We stick them on a paper base in the place of the alleged location of the angel.

Remove the top protective layer from the pieces of adhesive tape.

Glue the paper figure of an angel on double-sided tape.

Another piece of tape will be needed to attach the snowflake. We glue it on a free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet.

From ordinary white paper cut out a small snowflake. It should have an empty center. We apply it to the workpiece so that a piece of adhesive tape is in the central hole. Glue a sequin in the form of a snowflake on top. Thus, both snowflakes will be fixed on paper.

With silicone glue, draw abstract stripes on paper.

We lay out sequins of different colors along the strips of glue.

On the remaining empty areas of paper, glue single sequins. We arrange them without a specific system or put them into patterns.

All decorative elements protrude above the surface of the paper. They are convex and have different thicknesses. Thanks to this, the craft as a whole turns out to be voluminous and unusual.

A plasticine flat image of a Christmas ball glued to cardboard will look like a three-dimensional 3D postcard of the New Year theme. Even using plasticine, the ball can be neatly decorated, make an interesting drawing on it, get a unique gift or holiday decor item.

Before buying ready-made postcards in the store, try to make something with your own hands. The plasticine version can be made with the children. You will have a wonderful hand-painted souvenir in your hands.

To create a beautiful New Year's craft with a plasticine pattern, prepare:

  • bright red cardboard;
  • several pieces of plasticine of different sizes and colors to complete the body of the ball itself and the tail, decor, bow, as well as the green Christmas tree branch on which this ball is attached;
  • thin needle or stick.

It is the bright base in the form of thick cardboard that will set the character of the entire product. A beautiful ball on an expressive background will be favorably emphasized, will not get lost, but will sparkle with new colors, so take the brightest color from the set. To create a New Year's image in the form of a ball, knead a few pieces of plasticine in your hands.

Knead the selected color in the largest amount in your hands, make a round flat cake. Glue as the body of the Christmas ball on the cardboard. At the top, glue a small loop with which the ball is attached to a spruce branch (it can be made from plasticine of a different color).

Pull a piece of blue plasticine into a thin thread, make small peas from the white mass. All these details will be used to further decorate the ball. An interesting ornament is to be created.

Glue a path of two blue plasticine threads in the center across the body of the ball. Between them, place white balls in a row.

Pierce each small white dot with the tip of a needle or stick to make an interesting visual effect.

Prepare an additional yellow sausage by pressing the segments with your fingers at equal distances from each other, make a zigzag. Glue 2 zigzag strips at the top and bottom. Between the corners, also glue the white balls that are left over from the previous operation.

A beautiful bright yellow bow will also fit perfectly into the overall ensemble. Make a decoration with loops and ponytails, glue the ball itself to the loop.

It is advisable to arrange a large central pattern so that there is still room for a spruce branch at the top. The ball should be suspended from it. Make an oblong green flatbread.

Glue at the top of the picture, adjacent to the top loop. Make needles on the Christmas tree using the same thin stick. Now the product looks really like a living, voluminous application.

After the lesson, you will see that making New Year's gifts with your own hands is much more interesting than just going around the shops in search of ready-made products. And the kids will definitely love this.

New Year's card in scrapbooking technique

You will get an elegant and unusual craft if you buy designer paper and use it for needlework. Today on sale you can find all kinds of materials for creativity: foil, paper in the form of a leather texture, sheets with colored ornaments and much more. And you also need to be prepared for the fact that when creating it, you can use not only paper, but also other materials, for example, ribbons, rhinestones, bright floss threads, chains, and so on.

A simple version of a scrapbooking postcard is presented in this tutorial. What is needed to complete it? This is a limited list, but you can easily expand it.

To create a New Year's card, the following materials are suitable:

  • designer cardboard, the texture of which resembles green leather;
  • design paper of three types with different patterns;
  • cardboard with a shiny foil coating;
  • rhinestones of different sizes, but the same color and shape;
  • thin green satin ribbon;
  • Velcro sticker with New Year's inscription;
  • small pebble for a bow.

Paper Tools:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Plain colored paper or cardboard will also work, but foil and leather-like sheets look very interesting. From the prepared sheets, you need to cut out 2 layers of a rectangular shape, and then put them together. Glue the rectangles on top of each other.

Make the foil the bottom layer, the green skin the top. Using a ruler and pencil, draw sketches of rectangles on the sheets, then cut them out along the contour. It is necessary to make sure that the silvery part peeks out from under the green textured one. The size of the rectangle of the bottom layer needs to be made a little larger (with runs on the sides of about 0.5 cm).

Glue the flags on the top green paper. These decor items are often used to decorate halls, houses, shops, apartments for the New Year holidays. Cut out 3 different length flags from colored design paper. Stick the parts hardly, their length will gradually decrease.

Cut a strip from a thin green ribbon of satin texture, the length of which, with small starts, is equal to the width of the upper green rectangle. In the upper part (where the flags are located), glue a smooth satin line. Bring the ends back, after dripping with glue.

In order not to write the inscription "Happy New Year!" on your own, buy a sheet of themed stickers. Take a suitable Velcro sticker and add to the free space. Glue a bow with a pebble to the ribbon.

And the last sparkling touch - rhinestones. If they gradually decrease in size, then in general the craft will look stylish.

If creative inspiration strikes you, then you can easily make a beautiful gift to someone close to the New Year. The main thing is to choose materials that will look elegant on their own.

Christmas tree option

How to make such a craft with a beautiful elegant Christmas tree, see a step-by-step master class.

With a plasticine snowflake

An interesting handmade postcard will become an unusual craft filled with positive energy. Unique products are a gift for any occasion. But still I want to stick to the given topic. For example, if we are talking about the New Year, then it is better to depict some kind of winter ornament or figures suitable for the holiday.

In this master class, a variation of the New Year's card from plasticine with the image of a snowflake is shown. And this snowflake does not have to be white, as we are used to. If we make it green, then it will look very much like a Christmas tree - the central object of a fabulous winter holiday.

Are you interested in this craft? Do you want to repeat this New Year's craft with a plasticine snowflake with your children? This tutorial is here to help everyone. The central object of the application - a snowflake - can be made separately if you wish.

Materials needed for winter creativity:

  • canvas-cardboard;
  • mass for drawing a picture - plasticine;
  • decoration - rhinestones;
  • a tool for drawing relief lines - a stack or a toothpick.

Since we planned to create a green snowflake - the central element of the card, we need to choose some kind of bright background that blends beautifully with this color. For example, red cardboard is suitable. It just needs to be cut off from a large sheet.

You can also use scrapbooking paper with a monotonous, unobtrusive pattern, a white base, or your own hand-painted paper. A green snowflake must be supplemented with some other color, for example, white, in order to create a pattern on the figure.

Soften the green plasticine in your hands, press down on top. You can immediately press the mass with your palm to the surface in the central part. Now the resulting cake needs to be turned into a snowflake.

First, carefully cut out the star with 6 rays. Draw a sketch with the tip of a toothpick to get a smooth and beautiful result. Then cut off all unnecessary along the indicated line, pressing harder.

Using the same tool or stack, make the rays of the snowflake sharper, more carved. Press the plasticine in the right places in the same way.

Make a thin white pattern on the surface of the green blank. Glue a white thin thread along each ray, place the petals in the form of a flower in the center.

Glue a sparkling crystal in the middle, press it tightly into the plasticine. Press down on each petal with a toothpick.

Decorate the rays with small grains, pushing each with a point.

Now write a congratulatory phrase "Happy New Year!". Since the image on the cardboard is plasticine, it is better to make the inscription from thin threads of bright color.

Add a glowing effect by distributing small green segments between the rays.

Postcard "Happy New Year!" ready, it turned out bright and thematic.

In winter, when there is frost and a snowstorm outside the window, you want warmth and comfort. Everything should be warm and cozy at this time of the year, including New Year's crafts. Don't believe? Then we offer you the idea of ​​​​creating a beautiful New Year's card with a decor in the form of a mitten, which will undoubtedly cheer up those who receive it during the holidays.

To make this “cozy” masterpiece, you need: colored cardboard and colored paper, multi-colored cardboard (you can also use bright paper for gift wrapping instead), bright threads, glue, scissors and a hole punch.

The first step is the foundation. For her, we will use a sheet of white thick cardboard, folded in half. The interior decoration (the so-called "wishes box") is two rectangles of colored paper, slightly smaller than the postcard itself.

We carefully glue them inside the product. On the outer front side, glue a rectangle of cardboard of the same size and shade.

On the reverse side of multi-colored cardboard (or gift wrapping paper) we draw a mitten of the appropriate shape.

We seal its upper edge from the “wrong side” with a strip of cardboard and make a series of holes in it with a hole punch.

To decorate the mittens, we will use threads. First you need to connect the threads from different coils into one and cut into strips of 12-15 cm.

To attach the threads to the mitten, fold the strip in half, thread it through the hole and make a loop. So we decorate all the holes of the mittens.

Lubricate the reverse side of the mitten with glue (we pay special attention to the part where the threads are threaded) and glue it to the front part.

A beautiful postcard with a decor in the form of a mitten is ready. Warmth and comfort in winter days!

New Year's cards have already gone digital for many. They are sent via email or smartphones. But the paper version still retains its unique charm. If you want to surprise the recipient doubly, then it is preferable to make a paper card, like a New Year's gift, with your own hands.

Video lessons



We are used to giving cards for every memorable occasion, whether it is official (Easter, Christmas, New Year) or unofficial (Wedding Day, birth of a child, anniversary) celebration. People are pleased to receive such cute signs of attention, because they speak of respect and sincere feelings of the giver.

But, as you know, things that are made with one's own hand bring joy most of all. It is not necessary to have special skills to make New Year's card with your own hands. The main thing is to show perseverance and a little imagination.

We invite you to give your loved ones a piece of warmth on New Year's holidays. Pay attention to a selection of interesting and original ideas, and perhaps you will take note of some of them.

Christmas tree cards

The main attribute of the New Year, as you know, is the Christmas tree. It can be a magnificent graceful forest beauty or a small tree decorated with bright toys. It does not matter at all which tree you choose for the holiday - the main thing is that it be.

It just so happened, but Christmas trees on postcards are particularly successful. Let's figure out how to make such beauty with your own hands.

Corrugated paper Christmas tree

Such a postcard will be voluminous, so if you want to write a message to a loved one inside, we advise you to do it in advance.

To make this postcard you will need:

  • Thick A4 paper or colored cardboard, preferably red or orange;
  • A few centimeters of corrugated green paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue or double-sided tape;
  • Jewelry (sequins, rhinestones, beads);
  • Pencil.

Step 1. First of all, you need to make a rough sketch of our Christmas tree. To start, take a piece of cardboard and fold it in half. This is the standard size of postcards, which allows them to be made practically the same as in the store. On one of the halves, you must draw with thin, barely noticeable lines, the silhouette of a Christmas tree.

Step 2 Take corrugated paper and cut it into strips, one and a half centimeters high. The length of the stripes depends on how much volume you want to give the New Year tree. Keep in mind that they must all be different lengths to follow the shape of the Christmas tree, so try to make the stripes have different lengths: from the longest to the shortest.

Step 3 After that, start gluing the strips into place. It is best to start from the bottom, slowly fixing each layer. You should focus on the markings made with a pencil and glue the strips by picking them up a little, as shown in the photo. If you do everything right, then outwardly the Christmas tree will look very believable.

Step 4 After finishing the main work, decorate your beauty. Any decorations you find can be used. It's great if there is a small star in stock - you can attach it to the top. You can make a garland from small beads, and shiny lights from rhinestones. Come up with kind words of wishes addressed to the recipient in advance, and then the craft will bring even more joy.

Christmas tree in scrapbooking style

This option also involves writing or printing wishes in advance. Think about the words that you would like to say to a loved one, decorate them in an original way and paste them in the middle of the card.

To make a scrapbooking postcard, you will need:

  • Thick colored cardboard (can be taken with an ornament);
  • Stationery scissors;
  • Double-sided tape or PVA glue;
  • Various items for decoration;
  • scrap paper;
  • Items that would look like a pencil or small diameter tube.

Step 1. The scrapbooking technique is actually quite easy and even a child can handle it. First you need to decide on the size of the future Christmas tree. The most successful option would be a tree located over the entire size of our postcard. Once you decide on the size, take your scrapbooking paper and cut it into small rectangles of different widths.

Step 2 Now you should roll the paper into a cylinder. To make it without dents, use a tube or pencil. Roll the paper in the direction of the width, periodically smearing the inside with glue so that the cylinders do not turn around. Having wound a sufficient number of paper tubes, glue them to each other, assembling the design of a Christmas tree or a triangle.

Step 3 While our craft dries, we should do the base. Fold the cardboard in half, paste the wishes inside, put a signature below. After the tube tree has dried, it must be glued to the outside of the cardboard. Thoroughly coat the surface with glue and attach the craft. Let dry.

Step 4 The next step is decoration. Any interesting thing can turn out to be: bright buttons, ribbons, rivets, rhinestones, beads, etc. It is advisable to glue each decor element with a glue gun - this will allow them to last longer.

Postcards with Santa Claus

The theme of New Year's cards does not stop at Christmas trees. You can create anything, as long as your crafts have something to do with the New Year. An excellent addition to the gift will be a postcard with the image of Santa Claus or Santa Claus.

Postcard “Santa Claus”

To make a postcard "Santa Claus" You will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Colour pencils;
  • Colored cardboard and paper;
  • Elements for decor.

Step 1. For this craft, you need to find the good-natured face of Santa Claus, print and cut it out. People who can draw beautifully will create the face of Santa Claus themselves. Color some parts of the face (cheeks, eyes, hat).

Step 2 Fold the cardboard in half and glue Grandpa's face to the outside of one half. The edges of the card can be decorated with all sorts of decorative details (paper circles, small snowflakes, sparkles). Be sure to leave wishes inside to surprise and touch the recipient.

“Jolly Santa”

This one looks just like Santa Claus, so it should definitely bring a smile to the recipient. In such a card, you can put not only wishes, but also a small present, because it will be made in the form of a pocket. Stock up on all the necessary materials, and feel free to get to work.

For making a postcard "Jolly Santa" You will need:

  • Scissors;
  • A sheet of thick paper in several colors (black, red, white);
  • Glue;
  • Glitter self-adhesive paper.

Step 1. Take thick red paper, bend its edges so that a pocket forms on one side. How to do this can be seen in the photo.

Step 2 Glue the edges of the pocket with glue.

Step 3 Attach a black strip along it, as shown in the figure, and make a silver square out of self-adhesive. It remains to attach white curly stripes and the card is ready.

Inside such a craft, you can put a small souvenir or an envelope with money. It turns out a cute and practical postcard.

And finally, I would like to show how you can make an interesting and unusual New Year's card in just a few minutes.

To make an unusual postcardYou will need:

  • Cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • Thin felt (blue and white);
  • Beads for decoration;
  • Bright tape;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue and glue gun.

Step 1. Fold the piece of cardboard in half as you like. Glue the blue felt to the front side, then make a circle of small diameter in the right corner. Inside, you can stick multi-colored paper to make the card look more festive.

Step 2 Along the edges of the round hole, “plant” beads with a glue gun (seen in the photo), and then cut out a small Christmas tree from white felt, which will also need to be glued to the postcard with beads.

Step 3 Now, from the remaining white felt, make a strip of fabric - write or embroider the inscription “Happy New Year” on it. And glue it to the front. Decorate with beads.

Step 4 The final touch is a ribbon with a small bow. Attach it from the "ball" up to make it look like a New Year's toy. Postcard is ready!

Now we start preparing gifts for the holiday. And we will start doing this with greeting cards.

Everyone remembers Soviet greeting cards with kind hedgehogs, squirrels and Santa Claus. They are excellent and beautifully drawn, but now I want something else. More modern and creative, therefore, improvised materials and simple concise forms are increasingly used in creativity.

Now a postcard is a direction of manual creativity and is an original design element.

It is not necessary to have an art school diploma to draw the main attributes of the New Year. Most often they are very symbolic. You just need to repeat the triangular shape of the Christmas tree, the square shape of the gift box.

There are things that have already lost their functionality over time: old locks or buttons. But they will be a wonderful decor.

Or do you know for sure that you have wallpaper trimmed on the mezzanine. Take them!

The ideas of some craftswomen who create modern beautiful designs for gifts and packaging are amazing.

For example, cross-stitched snowflakes.

Or Christmas balls from the newspaper.

Absolutely everything is used for decor, up to painted pasta.

Idea: to create an unusual background, put a template on the base.
Type gouache on the toothbrush and move it along the comb.
When the application density is satisfactory, then remove the template.

We make a postcard for the new year from paper and cardboard

A beautiful Christmas tree will turn out from origami parts.

To make such a Christmas tree, we need three squares, 5 * 5, 4 * 4, 3 * 3 centimeters in size.

Take 1 sheet of paper and fold it diagonally.

We get a triangle by folding the square twice diagonally.

We turn both upper edges of the triangle inward.

We need three such details.

On a white base we glue a beautiful substrate on which our Christmas tree will be located.

We make a trunk out of brown paper, and glue a bow or an asterisk to the top, you can also use a button.

Creative ideas for New Year's cards made by hand from different materials

Use a minimalist style. Recreate the silhouette of a Christmas tree from a thin ribbon.

Or glue sequins in the shape of a New Year's wreath.

You can simply connect the dots at the branch level with colored threads.

Just select a contrasting background in advance and make holes with a needle where the threads will go.

Feel free to use wood chips, clothespins, newspapers and cloth.

Button decor is popular now.

Or, for example, try to apply an ornament in the form of a deer or a Christmas tree on the front side and carefully cut it out.

On the reverse side, glue a colored backing to get contrast.

Simple lines, several backgrounds and paper textures and an unusual creative greeting is ready.

Now let's dream up and create an unusual postcard.

Be sure to glue the substrate on the base, because the design is heavy and the postcard can bend.

To begin with, we need 12 pieces of different paper or wallpaper.

We need to cut them 1 centimeter wide less than the previous strip.

Before rolling into a tube, fold all the blanks in descending order so as not to get confused.

You can sign the width value on the wrong side of each blank.

Now take a pencil and roll up the tube. We glue the edge with glue or double-sided tape.

We carry out all the rows.

Braid and ribbons, beads or cones are suitable as decoration.

How to make Christmas cards with kids

We make a volumetric snowman.

We will need:

  • Blue background
  • White paper
  • Thick double sided tape
  • Decor

On a white sheet of paper, draw three circles of different sizes. This will be the body of the snowman.

1 circle - 5 cm, 2 circle - 4 cm, 3 circle - 3 cm.

We draw eyes on the head, a carrot nose and dots make a mouth.

We decorate with decor and a congratulatory inscription.

It is better to prepare the background paper in advance, let it be festive colors: red, green, blue, golden.

Even just applying three stripes of festive flowers already set the general mood!

In needlework stores, velvet and embossed cardboard are sold, which diversify the textured combination of design elements.

You can make a background by simply printing traces of a Christmas tree or a cone on plain paper.

Just dip the Christmas tree needles in white gouache and transfer the print to the base.

Think about napkins with monograms and ornaments.

Children's fingerprints can make Christmas balls or animal figurines.

Use cotton wool and cotton pads to create a light and fluffy snowball or a cute snowman.

It looks very creative when splashes of white paint are splashed in a chaotic manner on plain cardboard.

Another option to get New Year's greetings is to use coloring as a congratulation.

I present several options.

Color the snowman.

Print them out and let your child add color to them.

If you use thick cardboard, you can glue heavy decor in the form of buttons, beads or pine branches.

It is also easy to make a decoration in the form of a snowflake from PVA glue.

We need a tube with a spout.

We apply a drawing with a pencil on the base and squeeze strips of glue over it. It must be shaken well before use. While it is not completely high, sprinkle with sparkles and remove to dry completely.

This glue is recognized as completely harmless and non-toxic, so you can work with children.

If you are against working with glue, then get self-adhesive paper. It is easy to stick on and remove from the surface. And it is useful for the child to engage in fine motor skills (he will tear off the protective layer).

There are also curly scissors on sale, it’s great to cut the edges of the substrate or congratulatory inscription with them. It is safe for a child because they are not as sharp as regular scissors.

Also, use stamps. Bought or made from half a potato or household sponge. Believe me, the child will remember the time of your joint creativity for a long time and with pleasure.

My dears, I hope that you have found a unique and simple design for yourself to repeat. Invest in it a piece of your love for loved ones and they will definitely feel it.