Orthodox congratulations to parents on daughter's angel day. Orthodox congratulations on Angel's Day in prose. Happy birthday greetings to a friend

Day Angel is the day of the name of your own Guardian Angel. Every person has his own angel who guides him from birth to death. An angel comes to the rescue difficult situations, helps to overcome them, find them the right way. So don’t forget to congratulate your near and dear people on Angel Day. And the best and beautiful congratulations Happy Angel Day are collected on our website.

Congratulations on Angel Day - this is another happy moment in our lives, another wish for a bright and kind life, Great love and faithful Guardian Angel.

The most beautiful congratulations on Angel's Day

On Angel's Day I wish
Soulful beauty,
Patience, understanding,
A dream come true,

Love from family and friends,
And with my angel
Make friends with all your pure heart,
And believe in miracles with him!

A heavenly angel protects us in the world.
Everyone has their own guardian angel.
He is responsible for you in this life,
He protects both life and peace.
Maybe he doesn't always succeed
Take away human troubles with your hand.
Know that today your holiday will begin,
So, today should be lucky.
Only for you today is sunlight.
Your name is a real image,
There is no such image in the world.
A holiday is an event in every home.
New morning brings dawn
The joy of knowledge, the discovery of the world,
Bright colors fragrant bouquet.
Let congratulations flow warmly

Happy Angel Day! Let the wings of happiness
They carry you at full speed
To the bright and beautiful heights,
Where only love and joy await!

Thank you! I'm telling you now, my angel!
You didn't leave me and you never forgot.
In difficult moments, sometimes
Your voice warmed my soul.
When the blizzard knocked on the window,
And the cold tore my heart,
Didn't forget me as a friend...
Prayer brought me back to life.
You taught me patience
The fight for life and for love.
All my doubts disappeared
That I won't see you again.
In a dream, walking with you in the meadows,
Suddenly I got my answer...
I woke up completely different
I learned the secret of wisdom.

Each of us
There is your guardian angel,
He is called upon to protect
From failures and troubles,
Happy Angel Day to you!
May it be stronger than granite
With you forever
The path of victories is passing!

On this day I really want to wish,
So that joy and happiness take care of you,
To the demons of loneliness
They never came to this house.
So that with your tender wings
Good angel covered you.
To be warm, bright, boundless
Every day of your life was!

Today is your Angel Day!
God bless you good health!
Let only peace lurk in your hearth,
Warmed with happiness, joy, love!

We congratulate you on Angel's Day!
We wish you success and joy,
Friends to be faithful with you,
I'm glad you have your destiny!
You yourself have always struggled with difficulties,
Don't expect anyone else to try for you,
Are you ready to help others -
We are proud of our comrade!
And on your brightest name day
We wish you to be an Angel!

Beautiful congratulations on Angel's Day in verse

On Angel's Day I wish
Soulful beauty,
Patience, understanding,
A dream come true,

Love from family and friends,
And with my angel
Make friends with all your pure heart,
And believe in miracles with him!

May the Angel protect your life,
Let grief flee from you,
Let troubles not know you,
Let friends not forget,

May happiness, joy and success,
Luck, tenderness, good laughter,
Like a radiant star
They always accompany you!

Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you all kinds of earthly goods,
And so that the Angel flies without falling behind,
So that he protects and it is only like that!
After all, it is he who saves us from everything,
And he protects us for his relatives,
Only he knows your way,
Only he, the holiest of saints!

An angel will wave his wing in the sky,
A holiday awaits both of you today,
I will hasten to congratulate you with him,
And I wish you a big star,
So that you can quickly get it from the sky,
And find happiness with love in a moment,
Prosperity and joy, attention from relatives,
Then your life will go like a verse!

From the highest heavens to the very bottom,
The angel is flying fast and fast,
He’s probably rushing to you, Vasilisa,
After all, this day, it gilds fate,
Who calls him - name day,
Someone simply calls Angel Happy Day,
I congratulate you and from now on,
Let only happiness live in your life!

Happy Angel Day!
Everyone has one in their life,
And those moments that were nearby,
Believe me, there are so many that you can’t count!

I wish you a path in life
Choose with your soul and heart,
Only for those who believe in miracles
An angel can give you a hint!

And if you don't hear,
The words that the angel will say
That heart will certainly
It will tell you what to do.

Look like a ray in the sky
Coming down to you today
Leave timidity, stupid fear,
This is the appearance of the Lord
This is the messenger that you
Protects from troubles today,
From terrible torment, thunderstorms and evil,
Incites to simple goodness!
Let it be on this very day
You will be able to remember that one day
All evil and laziness will leave the Earth,
We won't be afraid of bad weather!

Beautiful congratulations on Angel's Day from the bottom of my heart

Will look after you
Covering yourself from troubles.
Let the star protect your sleep,
Shining in the silence of the night,
And the sun rises in the morning,
Dispelling the darkness of the night.
Let the wind blow away the clouds,
What will happen to you?
And in the rain the rainbow will rise,
Connecting with the soul.
May God be merciful
Will give life like this:
Where are you from a thousand roads
Find your line!

Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you!
From pure heart I wish you a lot of happiness and love!
So that you, guarded by that Angel,
Lived the way we all dream!
Name day is a personal day.
Only for you now is the sunshine.
Your name is a real image,
There is no such image in the world.
A special day in every home is an event.
New morning brings dawn
The joy of knowledge, the comfort of discovery,
A fragrant bouquet of bright flowers.
Let the poems flow like a warm stream
They will bring grace into your soul.
Looking from the sky with a never-slumbering eye,
Your angel will always help.

Let the angel, without looking away,
Will look after you
Let him protect you all your life,
Covering yourself from troubles.
Let the star protect your sleep,
Shining in the silence of the night,
And the sun rises in the morning,
Dispelling the darkness of the night.
Let the wind blow away the clouds,
What will happen to you?
And in the rain a rainbow will rise,
Connecting with the soul.
May God be merciful
Will give life like this:
Where are you from a thousand roads
You will find your direct line!

Happy Angel Day
I sincerely want
It's an important day, rightfully so.
Like a fairy tale in reality.

May the angel be strong
You always believe him
Along the long road
He will guide you.

He is your friend and protector
And on this important day
You are together, you are one,
Like the sun's light and shadow!

See the wise birthday wishes in prose

for the entire Universe greatest holiday- Easter of Christ. And for every Christian there is his own little Easter. This is the day of remembrance of the saint of the same name. In church terms, Little Easter is called namesake, and among the people - name day.

Previously, a person received a name from the Church at baptism. It was not chosen arbitrarily, but according to one of several rules. Most often, the child was named in honor of the saint, whose memory fell on his birthday or the day of naming, as well as the day of baptism. For girls, a shift of several days was allowed if there was no memory of holy women. With this choice, birthdays and name days most often coincided and merged into one in the mind. Those who celebrate their birthday are still called birthday people, but Christians celebrate name days in honor of the saint.

In another case, the child was named by vow, in honor of a certain saint, who was chosen in advance and prayed to him even before the child appeared. Then the name day was celebrated on the day of remembrance of this saint of God, and if the memory was celebrated several times a year, then on the day closest to his birthday.

Nowadays many people receive Baptism as adults. How do these people find out their name day? You need to use the church calendar to find the closest day of remembrance of a saint with the same name, following his birthday. For example, a person born in early July and named Peter will celebrate his name day on July 12, and Peter, born at the end of December, on January 3.

Name days should be celebrated like twelve holidays. The most careless Christians at all times tried to confess and take communion on this day (it should be remembered that if the name day falls on a fast day, then the holiday meal should be fast).

On Angel Day, it is customary to give cards with images of angels, light candles and lamps in the “red” corner. Handmade gifts and cards are no less expensive. Folded in half album sheet, the first page is decorated with a pattern, beautiful design. Inner side The cards are decorated with a patterned frame and words of congratulations on the holiday and wishes for health and longevity are written in neat handwriting. Such postcards are stored in almost every Orthodox family and such congratulations become a good tradition that is passed on from generation to generation.

The following works were used in preparing the material:
"The Basics of Orthodoxy", K. Slepinin.
"Orthodoxy for children", O.S. Barilo.

Let the white wing behind you
Your guardian angel is watching over you
Let him be strong, protect him from troubles,
Today is a holiday - your Angel Day!

Happy Angel Day
I sincerely want
It's an important day, rightfully so.
Like a fairy tale in reality.

May the angel be strong
You always believe him
Along the long road
He will guide you.

He is your friend and protector
And on this important day
You are together, you are one,
Like the sun's light and shadow!

Mark it on your calendar
Magic holiday, important day,
May your guardian angel always
It will be a support for you.

And in agreement with him, in love
You must live
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May only happiness await you ahead!

I congratulate you on Angel's Day
I hurry you from the bottom of my heart,
May he always guide you
He's on the right track.

It definitely helps
Will protect you from mistakes
Angelic blessing
It will protect you from misfortune!

Live and remember: behind you
You have a Guardian Angel
Invisibly guides with his hand,
And he's always watching you.

Let Angel Day remind you
About this unearthly connection.
Let him be the most careful
And your Angel will be strong!

When you were born,
Your family named you
And your angel descended from heaven,
To be close to the inhabitants of the Earth.

Since the new birthday, -
Everyone should have Angel Day.
As a sign of soul blessing,
Heavenly power good sign!

Congratulations on this wonderful day
Today I want you
I wish you wisdom and happiness,
Love, warmth!

Happy Angel Day! Let the wings of happiness
They carry you at full speed
To the bright and beautiful heights,
Where only love and joy await!

May Angel Day bring good luck
He will bring it to you today
Life will become more joyful and brighter
And you will certainly be lucky!

I wish you on Angel's Day bright emotions,
Become a stronger, kinder, wiser heart!
With your smile, like a ray of sunshine,
Warm up the world hurry up!

One of the small dates in the life of a Christian is his name day, or the so-called Angel Day. In other words, this is the day of remembrance of the patron saint specific person, after which, in fact, it was named. In this regard, congratulations on Angel Day are becoming increasingly popular. For those who want to congratulate loved ones on this day, we offer a selection of original and beautiful wishes.

Orthodox congratulations on Angel Day in prose

You can congratulate a churchgoer on Angel’s Day with an original and succinct statement in prose. Such sayings are filled with deep spiritual meaning, purity, and sincerity. A believing birthday person will certainly be pleased to receive such a blessed wish on such an important day for him.

Advice. It is believed that the most important part of congratulations on the occasion of a name day is prayer. On the day of the angel of the person being congratulated, you should pray for him in the temple.

To do this, you can visit a church and even simply order a prayer service (ideally, to the patron saint of the birthday person). As for gifts, on such a day church-related items - icons, souvenirs from holy places, etc. - will become relevant.

  1. I congratulate you on Angel’s Day and wish that all your affairs will be settled through his prayers, and that you will find peace both here and in future life. May the Lord God himself protect you for many good years. Happy holiday again!
  2. On this joyful day for us - your name day. We want to wish you that your very best friend came to you as rarely as possible, since friends, as you know, are known in trouble. So, we wish you as little troubles and troubles as possible, so that your guardian angel has almost no work. We also wish you joy and happiness, health and success on your journey, may the sun always shine above your head, and may there be a little helper behind you!
  3. On this day you celebrate not your birthday, but the birthday of your angel. I want to congratulate him on this date. I don’t know how old he is, but today he is the most beautiful of the birds. Well, for you, I want to wish that you never part, that your angel will always be behind you, protecting you from all troubles and misfortunes. I wish you a kind and faithful assistant who will protect you from any bad weather with his wing!
  4. I see very good man. I want to wish that there is not a single cloudy day in his life! So that an angel would protect his every move, help in any endeavors, illuminate his life’s path and cover him with his wing! And I also want to say that this person deserves to be my best friend. I wish for him that he will find support not only in heaven, but also here among us, his friends! Happy Angel Day to you!

How to briefly congratulate you on your name day

It is no secret that deeply religious people who have made serving God not just a periodic duty, but a part of their lives, are usually as simple as possible, even ascetic in their preferences. For them it's quite short will do, a laconic sincere wish.

When composing or choosing such congratulations, you should refrain from pomp, pompous phrases and pathos.

For less religious people, you should also not choose voluminous and ornate congratulations - as a rule, for them this holiday is not at the very first place on the list significant dates. Thus, it is better to save flowery and lengthy congratulations for a more secular occasion, such as a birthday.

Advice. The word “name day” is considered symbolic and indicates the name of the person’s patron saint and, accordingly, the birthday person himself. Soulful small ones Orthodox congratulations On Angel's Day, it is appropriate to make them personalized - this will add originality and effectiveness to the wish. For this purpose, just look at the selection of thematic congratulations and choose a name that suits the occasion.

  1. Happy Angel Day! Let the wings of happiness

They carry you at full speed

To the bright and beautiful heights,

Where only love and joy await!

  1. Today is your Angel Day!

May God grant you good health!

Let only peace lurk in your hearth,

Warmed with happiness, joy, love!

  1. You know how to stand up for yourself,

I know you believe in kindness.

And always full of ideas,

Friendly with a sense of humor!

Let everything in life be smooth,

Home, family are always in order,

Great success awaits you

Happiness, joy, peace and laughter!

  1. Together with the sun we will give

This world is big for you,

A person with a kind heart

And with an open soul.

We wish you happiness in life

And love to the hero of the day.

Let on the road of life

The angels are watching over you.

Congratulations in verse

The poetic form of congratulations is always beautiful and impressive. Masterpieces composed by the donor himself are especially successful. But those who lack the gift of versification should not despair. Collections original poems, timed to coincide with the day of the angel, will help to adequately congratulate the birthday person.

Advice. Deciding to express my wishes in poetic form, again the principle of brevity should be adhered to. In all Christian treatises, modesty and meekness are recognized as virtues. It would be useful to follow it in terms of congratulations.

Of course, it is better to refrain from funny and humorous poems on this day - for such congratulations you can choose other holidays, less constrained by conventions.

  1. Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you,

I wish you all earthly blessings,

And so that the Angel flies without falling behind,

So that he protects and it is only like that!

After all, it is he who saves us from everything,

And he protects us for his relatives,

Only he knows your way,

Only he, the holiest of saints!

  1. Happy Angel Day

I sincerely want

It's an important day, rightfully so.

Like a fairy tale in reality.

May the angel be strong

You always believe him

Along the long road

He will guide you.

He is your friend and protector

And on this important day

You are together, you are one,

Like the sun's light and shadow!

  1. Mark it on your calendar

A magical holiday, an important day,

May your guardian angel always

It will be a support for you.

And in agreement with him, in love

You must live

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

May only happiness await you ahead!

  1. I congratulate you on Angel's Day

I hurry you from the bottom of my heart,

May he always guide you

He's on the right track.

It definitely helps

Will protect you from mistakes

Angelic blessing

It will protect you from misfortune!

Beautiful congratulations on Angel's Day

The very word “angel” seems to evoke thoughts of purity and beauty. It is unlikely that anyone will have any objections to the fact that congratulations on this day should also be beautiful and sublime. Regardless of how significant this day is for the birthday person, he will certainly be pleased to receive evidence that his relatives and friends remember him and his patron angel. Beautiful and sincere congratulations can be written in both prose and poetry.

Each person, of course, puts his own meaning into the concept of “beauty”. However, on days church holidays and during periods of remembrance of saints, the main emphasis in congratulations should be on spiritual, personal qualities person, excluding references to external beauty.

In addition, do not forget that key figure The saying must remain a patron saint, who, as is commonly believed, rewards a person with certain qualities at birth.

  1. Live and remember: behind you

You have a Guardian Angel

Invisibly guides with his hand,

And he's always watching you.

Let Angel Day remind you

About this unearthly connection.

Let him be the most careful

And your Angel will be strong!

  1. Today is your holiday, may God grant you good health and for long years life. May there always be peace in your hearth, warmed by happiness, joy, and love. What could be more beautiful in the world! I wish peace and happiness to your home and the sky with only small clouds above your head.
  2. Divine protection,

And in life - beauty,

The roads are all open

Bon voyage!

Fortune will smile

And he will take your hand!

To the land of a wonderful fairy tale,

He'll bring a friend!

May your hopes come true

And plans and dreams!

Always live wonderfully

And be happy!

  1. I wish to live like Christ in his bosom,

And don’t suffer, and don’t get bored, and don’t get sick!

And life shines with colorful rhinestones,

And there will be so many happy days that you can’t count them!

At all times, the guardian angel was revered as the protector and intercessor of man before God. It is this invisible helper who protects us with his wing from adversity, loss and wrong paths. In honor of the holy great martyrs who suffered for the Christian faith and took on angelic form, church calendar established special dates. On such days, it is customary to congratulate people who share the same name with the saint. These dates are not key in the list of holidays, both secular and church, and therefore wishes dedicated to the day of the angel should be as restrained as possible, but at the same time warm and sincere.

Many people believe that everyone has their own personal guardian angel who protects them from life’s adversities. He monitors our actions and intentions, stops us from making mistakes and helps us realize our dreams. Angels are glorified in poetry, they are thanked for their fate, they are mentally addressed in Hard time. Every person has their own angel day. Congratulations on Angel's Day by name in verse and prose once again emphasize respectful attitude to the name, often serve as a reminder of the importance of faith in good guardian angels and their significance in our destiny. Do not skimp on congratulations and choose the right words to wish you goodness and happiness!

Beautiful congratulations on Angel's Day in verse

Happy Angel Day! Your patron

May he send grace from heaven,

Earthly love and hope

He can give you generously.

May good luck bestow upon you,

Will illuminate with a bright idea,

Let luck come

He is like a magnet in your destiny.

About your patron

Don't forget on this day

Holy servant of God

Read it with prayer in your heart!

Happy angel day my dear

And a loved one!

Let him be on your heels

The whole life goes by.

Let it tirelessly in the night and in the day

He looks down from heaven

Deceit, hypocrisy

Let him watch tirelessly.

Let him help you accomplish everything

What will you dream about!

Happy Angel Day!

Everyone has one in their life,

And those moments that were nearby,

Believe me, there are so many that you can’t count!

I wish you a path in life

Choose with your soul and heart,

Only for those who believe in miracles

An angel can give you a hint!

And if you don't hear,

The words that the angel will say

That heart will certainly

It will tell you what to do.

Happy Angel Day to a man in prose

They say our guardian angel is guiding us to Right way, if we sincerely believe in God and the existence of higher patrons. Faith in goodness helps us see the truth at the crossroads of life, and our personal angel leaves us signs and tips for informed decisions. I wish you that your guardian angel will always follow you and protect you from life’s adversities. Happy Angel Day!

Dear, happy angel day! Your heavenly guardian has given you many qualities: virtue, respect for others, sincerity and honesty. I wish you not to lose this valuable set of angelic gifts throughout life and be proud of the name that your parents gave you.

There are times when intuition interferes with fate and no laws of nature can explain our decisions. Many believe that in such moments an angel on our shoulder whispers to us what to do, and inner voice reason is nothing more than his holy parting words. On this special day, I wish you to remember how often you act on the call of your heart and make this the main law in your life. May your guardian angel always be by your side!

Your guardian angel protects you from above. And on earth, as a sign of gratitude, you help others with your actions and kind words. As long as your goodness extends to earthly affairs, your heavenly patron will not leave you. On Angel's Day, I wish you to always find the strength to lend a helping hand to those in need and more often meet kind and sympathetic people like you on your life's path. Let harmony and love reign in your soul!

Cool congratulations on Angel's Day in verse

Happy Angel Day! Don `t doubt:

He follows you in business,

Watches the actions

Up there in the heavens.

Not all mistakes in your life

It may be possible to fix it,

But he decides your fate,

And in this matter, he doesn’t give up!

When things get difficult for you,

Don't just rush.

Listen to your heart and your angel

It will help resolve any dispute.

Day named after God

Today you celebrate.

Your angel is with you

Even though you don't notice.

So that he doesn't get distracted

On the path of life

You sincerely pray

Dedicate it to the saint.

Let him hear her

He will turn to you, friend,

And grace on earth

The prayer will return.

Happy Angel Day! Let the name

Will bring good luck

Let the angel at an important moment

He won't sleep in heaven.

Let him protect you

From unnecessary difficulties,

And let him send people

Responsive and friendly.

Do you remember this date?

Patron Saint,

Then expect happiness

From a guardian angel!

Happy Angel Day to a woman in prose

It’s not for nothing that people say: “Heaven is God’s mansion, and the stars are windows from which angels look.” May your guardian angel never tire of watching your deeds from heaven, protect you from evil words and evil glances, and help you create a family home.

A friend may not always be there, a loved one may not always understand, but your guardian angel will never leave you. He faithfully serves those who believe in truth and goodness. I wish you to choose easy paths and roads in life, and let the guardian angel with your name remain an eternal accompaniment.

A woman who becomes a mother often prays to the angels to protect her child from life's misfortunes. However, she also has her own patron saint, who bears her name. On this day, I want to remind you about your angel who follows you in all your affairs. Believe in his strength, turn to him in difficult times and you will always feel his support and grace.

Today is your angel day - an attentive heavenly patron. It cannot be seen with your own eyes, but can be understood by those life changes that, as it seems to us, happened completely by chance. The will of chance is always in the hands of an angel, and I wish you to sincerely believe in his power and firmly, confidently walk through life, remembering his tutelage.

Short congratulations on Angel's Day for SMS

On Angel's Day, give thanks

You are a faithful keeper,

A reliable ally,

Patron Saint.

Happy Angel Day! Let the name

Character will be strengthened.

Let in joyful events

Your whole life is in full swing!

A heavenly angel protects us in the world.
Everyone has their own guardian angel.
He is responsible for you in this life,
He protects your life and peace.
Maybe he doesn't always succeed
Take away human troubles with your hand.
But today is your day! This means -
You should be lucky today.

Today is your Angel Day!
May God grant you good health!
Let only peace lurk in your hearth,
Warmed with happiness, joy, love!

May your name day congratulations (Happy Angel Day) come from the very depths of your heart and warm the hero of the occasion with happiness and a festive mood!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day on Angel's Day

May good luck come to you
May your wishes come true!
May you be lucky in life!
Thank you for your attention!

May the Angel protect your life,
Let grief flee from you,
Let troubles not know you,
Let friends not forget,
May happiness, joy and success,
Luck, tenderness, good laughter,
Like a radiant star
They always accompany you!

May there be a lot of real luck
He will come to you and never leave you,
So that you are in a great mood,
Then any dream will come true!

SMS congratulations to Tatyana on Tatyana's Day

To you on the day of the angel Tatiana
From the bottom of my heart I want to say -
Can't find a flaw in you!
I want to wish you

So that you succeed in everything,
All good things have come true
All dreams came true
Happiness has been found for you too!

Congratulations on your name day - Angel's Day to Tatyana

Today is the day of your Guardian Angel. I congratulate you and want to wish you to smile more often, because when you smile, your Angel glows with happiness and this light is reflected in your eyes. May your Angel protect you! Be safe!

Expensive! Happy Angel Day! You are beautiful, and that says it all! We wish you not to know defeat either in love or in your career, and strive for new horizons under a lucky star! On this happy day, all our delight goes to the winner! Happy Angel Day!

Angel Day is a reminder of
That in life you are not alone on the road,
That he protects you with his wing
From everyone’s troubles, from pain and anxiety.
Never forget this:
And in times of trouble, and in times of joy.
You know that you have a protector,
And together you are always invincible.

May this holiday bring good luck
And success accompanies everything,
Everything that matters in this life
Let him make everyone happier!

Congratulations on Angel's Day (name day) for Tatyana

On Tatiana's day I congratulate you,
I wish you luck, money, joy.
Health, charm, more kindness,
To be the pure embodiment of beauty.

To be sincere, beautiful and reliable,
So that grief becomes impossible.
I wish you happiness, because you deserve it.
Let your cherished dreams come true!

Congratulations on Angel Tatyana's Day

Congratulations on your name day,
With birthday pies,
May all good things come true
But bad things don't happen.
And life with you is not easy
Your only saint is nearby.

Darling, today is your name day!
On this bright day I wish you,
So that there is no reason for sadness,
And spring always bloomed in your destiny!

Happy Angel Day! Let the wings of happiness
They carry you at full speed
To the bright and beautiful heights,
Where only love and joy await!

Dear (name)! I congratulate you on your name day - the day of your name. They say: “Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail.” I wish that your name helped you in creative development and in achieving goals, and so that your life path is long and happy!

May you have unlimited luck
Of course it came to you,
And a golden mood
So that it never fails!

Short congratulations on Tatyana’s name day

The verse is not simple, it contains congratulations:
Congratulations on Tatyana's Day.
On this fabulous winter day
We'll light a fire of fun.

May the angel protect you, Tatyana,
And the hero of your only novel
I walked through life with you, dear,
Protecting you from adversity.

May fate be favorable
And fortune will not forget you.
I wish everything was great
Every year and hourly.

I want to congratulate you with all my heart
Happy Angel Day to you, Tatyana,
Always be so beautiful
So that there is no deception in life,

So that all good things happen,
The soul remained calm,
So that love comes to you,
And I found a sea of ​​happiness!

Happy Angel Day,
Look, don’t be sad on this day!
We wish you a lot of happiness,
And especially happiness in love!

SMS congratulations on Angel's Day

Let the white wing behind you
Your guardian angel is watching over you
Let him be strong, protect him from troubles,
Today is a holiday - your Angel Day!

SMS congratulations on Angel's Day

On Angel's Day we congratulate you,
We wish you love and smiles,
And clear skies and sunshine,
And protect yourself from big mistakes.

SMS congratulations on Angel's Day

I wish you bright emotions on Angel Day,
Become a stronger, kinder, wiser heart!
With your smile, like a ray of sunshine,
Warm up the world around you as quickly as possible!

SMS congratulations on Angel's Day

Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you!
I wish you a lot of happiness and love!
So that you, guarded by that Angel,
Lived the way we all dream!

Let life be in chocolate,
Dear sister Nadya.

Let fate wear light clothes,
Beautiful and kind Hope!

Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you all earthly blessings,
And so that the Angel flies without falling behind,
So that he protects and it is only like that!
After all, it is he who saves us from everything,
And he protects us for his relatives,
Only he knows your way,
Only he, the holiest of saints!

An angel looks from heaven to earth.
Sees different people, subjects.
Sees falling comets
He sees who you are with, why and where you are.

He then cries sadly for his soul,
He rejoices loudly with joy.
Helps those who ask.
With faith in the angel, albeit timidly.

He comes to the one who Believes.
He comes to the one who Calls.
Who is moderate in his requests,
Who waits in hope with love.

Take his helping hand,
Just let him into your heart.
You are doubts, betrayal and torment,
Drive away from yourself and from life.

Be sure that you do not live in vain.
Be kind, Help and Create!
Believe in yourself, the rest is small,
Just open the doors of your soul.

An angel looks from heaven to earth,
Sees different people, scenes,
He takes care of you and loves you.
No matter what you are. and where are you.

What to wish a man on his birthday?
More useful business meetings,
And life is sweeter than the best jam,
And not to know genital diseases

To have more love in life,
Preferably several times a day!
So that all women love you
And they warmed the soul and the bed!

Happy Birthday
And I wish in life that
All the problems and worries
They were like a microbe!

And more laughter in life,
To be the size of an elephant
There were joys, successes,
And know love to the fullest!

What is a birthday?
Cake, candles, congratulations!
The guests are drunk at the end
Everyone with lipstick on their face!

Oh, what a pity, today I
I can't be with you
But I’ll congratulate you via SMS,
Be beautiful and lovely!

I wish you red girls,
To drive the blood through your veins,
Various wines, vodkas and sherbets,
What an empty stomach of love!

Let the fun of a fairy tale splash,
And let everyone understand the joke,
I won’t make eyes here,
Good luck in life awaits you!

Let the vodka flow over the edge
And the tables are bursting!
Celebrate your birthday
Like the best balls!

Let the girls always come to you
They fly to the light,
We wish you happiness and goodness,
So that I can do everything in the world!

On Tatyana's day, congratulations,
I send my warm regards.
Let your angel be near
Gives many bright years.

Once Tatyana's day has come,
So let sadness and laziness go away,
Health and wealth will come,
And life will always be wonderful.

Happy Tatyana's Day. I wish you not to worry about trifles, not to worry for no reason, to live for your pleasure and enjoy beautiful days happiness, moments of love.

Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha,
I congratulate you.
Let it be beautiful and bright
AND happy life yours.

On Tatiana's day I wish you:
May your fire not fade away
Guardian angel protects
Protects from grief and troubles.

On Tatyana's Day, a beautiful day,
Let happiness come to your heart,
Let lightness come to your soul
And a gift in life awaits.

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day,
Darling, I love you.
Let the angel protect
Gives the joy of life.

Openwork January snowflake
It quietly fell into your palm.
On Tatiana's day, I sincerely wish,
May your life shine and sparkle!

Happy Tatyana Day, Tanechka,
Happy holiday,
Be light like a butterfly
Love, patience, strength.

Happy Tatyana Day to you, Tanyusha,
There is no better Tanya in the world,
Illuminate with beauty
The world is beautiful and big.

My beautiful Tatiana,
I wish you happiness without flaw,
Pleasant moments for the soul,
And unprecedented compliments!

Happy holiday, Tanya!
I'll let you in on a secret:
Success and miracles await you,
And gifts from everywhere.
You can easily pass the fate tests -
There will only be ups in life!

On Tatyana's day I wish you love
And amazing discoveries.
Let life give a mosaic
Of amazing events!

On Tatiana's day we congratulate you,
We wish you joy from the heart,
And also happiness without borders,
Freedom, like a free bird.

Happy Tatyana Day,
Our sunshine, you.
Let the angel not leave,
Your shoulder for a day.

Tatiana, Tanechka, Tanyusha,
Let this day not be spoiled by the cold,
And from sincere, kind words
It will become warmer outside!

I send warm greetings to Tanya,
Live happy for many years
Share love and warmth -
Everything will return to you with goodness!

Our dear Tanya,
We wish to live only in happiness,
Be loved and dream.

On Tatiana's day I wish,
So that your life is in full swing.
Be full of strength and don’t be sad,
Go towards joy.

On Tatyana's day of success and warmth,
May fate always smile at you,
Health, wisdom, fulfillment of desires,
Prosperity, beauty and mood.

On Tatyana's day I wish,
Protected so that the Saint
From misfortune and from evil,
To help you in life.

For some reason, congratulations on
During the day
Angela is not accepted in the same way as, for example, with
During the day
Birth. Although this is also a personal holiday for each person. Well, since it is so customary that this holiday is not celebrated so widely and that the birthday person does not receive gifts, then at least he is obliged to receive an SMS.

You just need to select an SMS greeting suitable for his name day, enter the recipient’s number and send. It will only take a few seconds, and the hero of the occasion will be in a better mood for at least the whole day.

Each of us has a guardian angel, and although none of us have ever seen one in our lives, we are still all sure that they are always somewhere near us. Or maybe this is so, and every day, every minute our guardian angels are on alert to help us and protect us.

And even in calendar year There is a holiday, which, oddly enough, is dedicated to these creatures. So why not thank them at least once a year for their hard work and congratulate them on the day of the angel, but not to them, but to those who are very dear to you.

Make Angel Day one of the holidays you celebrate every year. And teach your loved ones to celebrate it too, because this is one of the few celebrations that is filled with some pleasant meaning.

Angela. May Rev. teach you.
Alexy be human
God, and not a creature of this world.

You must always be very careful not to accept into your soul any suggestions from the prince of the air. Great people fell into his net. Remember the vision of St. Antonia
Great about placed networks.
They are avoided only by humility, that is, complete non-reliance on oneself and complete surrender to oneself.
to God

Belated congratulations to Tikhonovich on the past day
Angela. May the Lord strengthen him to serve
God under the new abbot.

You only need to humbly and unwaveringly continue to pray, carry out the feat of compassionate love and courageously stand with faith in intercession before
God for the children. Dear and always warmly remembered father!

Allow a day
Your his
Greet the angel through the lips of these lines
Happy namesake day to you.
Lord, through the prayers of the saint
Zadonsky, may it prolong
Your earthly life will benefit more and more
Church and for the sake of saving the souls of their flock children

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