A log lay on the way to pick up a proverb. Proper upbringing of a child, children, adolescents in the family and school. Educational work. Kind, useful poems, poems for children. we try to give them a rest



Sense education

Who leaves what

branch fruit,
Honey bee.
Niva -
grain gold,
Golden amber -
Sheep -
thin fleece,
Vines -
spicy drink,
Leaves a man
Your good name.

There was a log on the way.
It disturbed travelers.

One said:
- Not good! -
And know yourself went.

The second looked
Then sighed
And that log
Stepped over.

But the third traveler remained silent.
He looked like
And frail and small.
He silently
Threw off a short fur coat
And aside
Removed the beam.

(S. Baruzdin)

Strength of will

I frankly confess
That in the dark I'm afraid to sleep.

I just want to jump
And quickly turn on the light
When it's dark around me
And the window is covered.

I'm afraid of this feeling
But by force of will I fight with him -
I tell myself: "Lie down!
Keep your eyes closed!"

And I lie, I lie, I lie
I keep my eyes closed
And finally I fall asleep.
Well, am I not well done!

And you could start
From not excluding the light
And not to be dark
Window not covered.
And sleep until the morning in the light ...

But you can also become a coward!
(S. Mikhalkov)

At a break

You have to be very strong
That is, to have willpower,
So that the neighbor has a piece
Do not ask for a donut.

You have to be very strong
That is, to have willpower,
To not give a neighbor
Bite off a donut.
(O. Bundur)

Who broke the big vase?

Who broke the big vase?
I confessed, but not immediately.

Let them think a little
Let them look at the cat:
Maybe the cat broke it?
Maybe I'm not to blame?

Cat, did you break the vase?
Pity the gray passage.
The cat squints at the light
And he can't say no.
I still hesitated
With half a minute - and confessed.

(A. Kushner)

Dad told me

Dad told me
That men don't cry
That it does not suit them to lose heart.
That your tears
Far away they hide
And no one can see them.

Dad told me:
- A real man
Always keeps his word.
No abyss to him
Not terrible, not an avalanche,
There is no one stronger than him!

What if a man
Takes on the job
Brings it to an end.
man by man
Always remains
It has the strength and will of a fighter.

And if he
Alone in the evenings
Sometimes it's not easy without a mother,
a mean tear
He wipes his hands
So that no one can see it.

(N. Anishina ■)

Responsive Nastya

If misfortune falls
Come to our Nastya!
Helpful tips for everyone
Nastya really distributes.
Answers for all occasions
Will definitely find it.

If your tooth hurts
Nastya will give you a pill.
Lost somewhere cat
And suddenly a little sad,
Do not be sad, at the same time
Nastya will calm you down.

Treat you with respect
Find a cat with her
And from past suffering
There won't be a trace.

Why so sad?
Did you get a three at school?
Hurry to our Nastya,
Allow failure.
Explains to everyone
Gets rid of problems.

Nastya knows a lot of things,
Not terrible at all misfortunes.
Can cook, sing and sew
And live in friendship with everyone.

If someone "sags",
Nastya helps with deeds.
Our Nastya is just a treasure,
Everyone thanks her.
And responsive Nastya
Just glowing with happiness!

(N. Anishina ■)

Try it yourself!

Become a good wizard
Well, try it!
Here are the tricks
You don't need a special one at all.

understand and fulfill
Desire for another
Pure pleasure,

There is a flower in the flower bed.
Its leaves have drooped.
He is sad...
About what?
Guessed his thoughts?
He wants to get drunk.
Hey, rain, fields!
And the rain is pouring down
From your watering can.

What is sister about
Bored on the sidelines?
Magic anything
Do it for your sister!
And you turned around
Zealous horse -
Jumped on it!

Though mom
Not back from work yet
It's not hard to know
Her thoughts and worries:
"I'll be back - it would be nice
Sewing, reading...
Yes, with cleaning
Mess around again."

And you make
funny miracle -
The floor sparkled
Dishes shone.
And my mother gasped
Returning home:
- Yes, it's like in a fairy tale! ..
You are my wizard!
(S. Pogorelovskiy)

Kindness Lessons

Good morning

"Good morning!" -
Tell someone
And he will
Very good morning
And the day will be good
And good meetings
And kind, of course.
Evening will fall.
How important and necessary
So that immediately in the morning
Wishing you well.
(O. Bundur)

About dad

Angry dad came home from work
He looks tired.
Maybe something didn't work out.
Maybe your head hurts.
And Ritulechka quietly
Papa will bring a chair,
Strokes daddy lightly,
Let the poor man rest.

Papa will feel better
Daddy will be kinder
Rides on a "horse"
Laugh more cheerfully
Give Ritulichka a candy,
Stored in the morning
And won't take a pill
To keep your head quiet.

the law of kindness

Think for yourself guys

It happens so why -
one kitten offends,

Another heals his paw.

One sparrow from a slingshot

Tries to knock down
the other to go out the birdie,

Picked up a sparrow from the ground.

One hurts a frog with a stick,

She is dragged into the fire alive,
and someone from the puddle-trap

Malkov transferred to the reservoir.

There are many such examples

Such actions are innumerable.
The law of kindness governs life,

Everyone has kindness in their hearts!
(E. Andreeva)

Please be kind!

It's easy to offend a dog

And easier - a stray cat,
And laugh out loud at a friend

Putting him on a pedestal.

It's easy to disobey your mother

And it's easier to stamp your foot,
Forgetting that she's tired,

But he still plays with you.

It's easy to be mean and stubborn

Locking up your heart.
But it's easier to be the kindest,

Souls opening their doors.

Then you pet the dog

And give milk to the kitten
And with a good friend

You will laugh out loud!

You see that mom is bad,

You will take pity on her, hug her,
And my mother's fatigue for the day

You, as if by hand, will take off.

Please be kind!

Love both animals and books
And will be grateful to you

Even a simple ant...

Good will return good.

Smile smile will return
And in your hot heart

Only good will respond!

(L. Erokhina)

There's a present for everyone

A little morning lights up
like I'm in the garden.
For everyone who meets
find gifts.
For Alenka - a fairy tale,
Dog - affection.
Joke - the sun-friend.
A joke - to the breeze.
Grishka - half-pots.
Crumbs - sparrow.
Ribbon - rowan.
Song - Marinka.
Everyone - smile and hello.
There is nothing more expensive!

(S. Pogorelovskiy)

Soul Bell

Where the cloud floats
In the bright heavenly chamber
The good word lives on.
And from the azure sky
Hurrying towards us in silence
To ring in a song
Bell of the soul.

What is virtue? -
These are rays of miracles.
God's angels are like children
Smiling from heaven.
Try to live without cheating
With faith in good deeds,
To make mom happy
To be happy.

Everything happens in life.
It even has evil in it.
The cross warms the soul
And it becomes light.
good word comes
Together with a good angel
A ray of sunshine finds
In your little heart.

Where the sun is over the forest
Where the cloud floats
In the bright heavenly chamber
The good word lives on.
And from the azure sky
Hurrying towards us in silence
To ring in a song
Bell of the soul.

(P. Sinyavsky ■)

kindness lesson

In the classroom on a winter day in the morning
There was a lesson in kindness.
Everyone studied hard
And today among themselves
Didn't share sweets
And share kindness.

All insults are forgotten
Peace was made by the whole class.
And decided - from now on
There will be no quarrels.
In order not to close in,
Let's all stick together
Let's be classy
Everyone help each other.

On a tour of the museum
Sergey invites us.
A Semyonov Nikolay
He invites everyone for tea.
Take a walk in nature
And go skiing
Suggested by Katya and Inna
and Marina Kudryavtseva.

Angelica with Gena
Convince with inspiration
To take patronage over the shelter -
Take care of the kids.
- It is difficult for them without dads and moms.
Let them become family to us! -

In the lesson of kindness
There was so much warmth
What of this warmth
All flowers have blossomed!
(N. Anishina ■)

world of kind hearts

In our family, everyone is kind to each other,
we live soul to soul in seven ways.
Grandmother is a storehouse of earthly kindness,
all day standing at the stove.
Dishes are prepared for the table from the heart,
All her meals are good.

Grandma, our grandfather is a humble servant,
a pair they are like two boots.
Grandmother gently calls "dove",
everything she needs is brought from the market.

Our parents serve in the hospital,
there they have to work hard.
Sometimes we don't see them for days,
just come home from duty
we try to give them a rest,
to return all the strength and vigor.

Our duty in the house is simple -
live by helping your loved ones in everything.
Do not upset them, be healthy
and go for a walk with the dog.
A daughter is like a mother, a son is like a father,
our family is a world of kind hearts.

(N. Anishina ■)

Fighters and stubborn

Cup and saucer.
They will break
In the kitchen, on the shelf
Will lie
And you
Do not quarrel in vain?

Who is stronger?

The one is braver
Who is kinder.
That one is stronger
Who is smarter.
Only cowards with fools
The dispute is settled with fists
(Yu. Moritz)

Sent by mother-quote
To school dear son.
She said: - Do not tease!
Don't fight! Don't rooster!
Hurry, your time is up!
Well, neither fluff nor feathers!
An hour later, barely alive,
The rooster is going home.
Barely hobbles
He's from the schoolyard.
And on it, in fact
No fluff, no feather!

(V. Orlov)

Two cats

Lived once
Two cats -

eight paws,
Two tails.
Fight among themselves
Gray cats.
They rose like a pipe
Gray tails.
Fought day and night
Pieces flew away.
And left from the cats
Only the tips of the tails.
You see, brothers
How dangerous is it to fight?

(S. Marshak)


Made up girls
Made up by the boys

Girls walk proudly
Ah, heels!
Boys walk proudly
Oh yes bruised!
(O. Bundur)

Stubborn goat

A storm is coming;
Thunder rumbles overhead.
The goat is tearing
Drags the goat home:
- Well, let's go.
Let's go son!
Here a thunderstorm will kill us,
Here we are wet with rain ... -
But the goat does not go:
Butting, kicking,
Legs rests…
Mothers suffer a lot of grief,
If their children are stubborn!

(G. Ladonshchikov)


On a steep mountain path
Black lamb went home
And on the bridge humpbacked
Met a white brother.

And the white lamb said:
"Brother, here's the thing:
You can't go through here together.
You're standing in my way."

The black brother replied: "Me-e,
Are you out of your mind, ram?
Let my feet wither
I won't get out of your way!"

He shook his horns,
Rest your other feet...
No matter how you turn your horns,
And you can't get through both.

The sun is shining from above
And below the river flows.
In this river early in the morning
Two sheep drowned.

(S. Mikhalkov)

Know how to be friends

Why one Yegorka?

Yegorka screams in the yard
- My book! My hill!
My ball! Shovel, watering can!
I won't let you! My bench!
You don't have to take anything!
I want to play alone!
There is a sad bench in the yard.
Near the ball, spatula, watering can.
A hill is missing in the yard ...
And there is one Yegorka!
(G. Lagzdyn)

About Artem

Here is Artyom's habit:
He never eats at home
But then walk Artyom
Departs with a slice
How to go for a walk
So he takes a bun with him
Or sweet candy
Or pickled cucumber.
Everyone is playing - he is on the sidelines.
Teasing the poor girl.
He sighs and again
Accepted to chew.
He is all in crumbs and jam,
In cream from head to toe
So bewildered that it is not visible:
Is he a boy or a pie?
(A. Barto)

Snail and beetle

I met a snail beetle:
Don't be afraid, I'm your friend!
What aimed the horns
On me as an enemy?
If friends meet with horns,
They will all become enemies.
(V. Orlov)


The villain dug a hole on the forest road,
So that a passerby falls down at night.
Here is the finished hole.
He got out.
- Wait!
A passer-by will get out too!

For two more days the robber sweated.
The earth flew out of the pit.
Tried to get out
But failed.
Then he chuckled.
- Suitable!

(E. Efimovsky)

Oh guys!

Oh guys -
Believe, do not believe, -
The door ran away from me.
- Farewell, - she said, - dear,
You opened me with your foot!
(V. Prikhodko)

Lessons in courtesy and respect

At the hemp

Hare, sitting by the stump,
She taught a smart son:
- Be brave
Don't brag and don't lie!
Do not take someone else's cabbage!
Do not press when meeting
Wolf paws!
Don't hurt the weak!
Do not laugh at someone else's misfortune!
Share food with the hungry!
Do not give offensive nicknames!
Don't call the donkey stupid!
Also remember son:
Give a mouse a mousetrap
Fox - trap,
Ruff - hook,
And the piglet is a piglet!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

Polite bull

Good morning, home goby!
In the morning, the hamster spoke to the bull.
- Good morning, forest hamster.
The goby answered with a kind smile.
Everything is great if in the morning
We all wish each other well!

Past the white bull
There were four patches.
Piglets - crochet tails -
Say hello to the bull.
- Good afternoon! - said the bull.
Every patch was glad!

The bull does not look into the blue:
He nibbles and nibbles grass.
Rakita whispered to him:
- Bon appetit!
And nearby buzzed two bug brothers:
- Good, zhu-zhu, the bull's appetite!

Our bull leaned over:
- Good evening, firefly!
Firefly lit up:
- Good evening, friend bull!

The night is much shorter than the day.
Sleep, bull, good night!
Everyone goes to sleep: bull,
Hamster and firefly.

Piglets go to sleep
Hide ponytails.
And do not feel sorry for the kind words:
Wishing everyone pleasant dreams!

(S. Eremeev)

Tram accident

boy sitting
At the tram window
On both sides
Yawning from the window.
Standing next to
Returning home
With a folder in hand
Young citizen.
Boy noticing
Such a picture
Your place
Yielded to a citizen.
Didn't become for a long time
Citizen object -
Seniors are supposed to
Respect everyone.
was on the tram
Crowded and crowded
And a citizen
Resigned his place:
He seated
old man,
Stuck under the bench
His own basket.
But not for long
The man was also sitting
important was
And this is the reason:
How not to respect
venerable old man,
Could a man
Stay in place?
Happy old man
Looking out the window
past him
The new city is flying.
Everything has changed -
In the weather
In nature,
And respect
The rest of the people...
(P. Mumin, translated from Uzbek by Yu. Kushak)

Words and deeds

Driving from school
Best friends.
Conversation on the tram
I heard them.

Sitting by the window
I was in a hurry to tell
Friend, how good
Decided to become yesterday:

- The place is now senior
I will give in
Girls will not
Offend more.

Mom I'm at home
I will help -
I'll wash the dishes
I'll make the bed...

But while Seryozha
All this promised
Grandmother Alyosha
He gave up his place.

(L. Firsova-Sapronova ■)

Bad report card - but good manners

- Your report card is bad! - said the father -
He's very bad, son!
- Oh, do not scold me, father,
I did everything I could.

- But you are the last student,
You finished the worst!
- I let others go ahead,
And politeness is not a sin ...
(Spike Milligan, per. G. Kruzhkov)

polite elephant

The elephant came out on the forest path,
Stepped on an ant's foot
And politely
Very -
Ant said:
“You can step on mine too!”

(V. Lunin)


Why did you beat Vova?
He pushed me like an elephant
And said a bad word.
- And what is it?
- Sorry.

(I. Konkov ■)

polite tail

Brought up ponytail
For my cat:
He is respectful throughout
He follows her.
And at the door he is before her
Won't enter -
He is polite to the cat
Skip forward.
(V. Orlov)

Naughty and capricious

You, grandfather, lived
In the world for a hundred years!
Tell us please
What is the secret here?
- There is no secret here -
Grandfather answered us

I listened to adults
Until old age!

(V. Orlov)

If you don't listen

If you don't listen to your mother
After leaving the house, fall into the hole.
Moms and dads will follow you
They will fall into the same hole.
But they won't find you anyway
The pit is deep, the pit is dark.

If you don't listen to your dad,
Black cats will scratch you.
How to save naughty children
From bloodthirsty cat claws?
I must say: "Do not scratch, cat,
Tomorrow I'll be more obedient, a little."

(A. Barto)


All the whims of Oksanka
Let's collect in big sleds,
We'll take you to a distant forest,
Beyond the sea, beyond the mountains!
And leave near the Christmas tree ...
Let the evil wolves eat them!

(E. Moshkovskaya)


hardworking old woman

lazy cat
Doesn't catch mice.
lazy boy
Doesn't wash ears.
lazy mouse
Will not dig a mink.
lazy boy
Doesn't like cleaning.
lazy fly
Doesn't want to fly.
lazy boy
Doesn't want to read!

What to do, tell me
good old lady,
When wound up
At the old woman in the hut:
Lazy cat.
lazy mouse,
Also lazy
sleepy fly
And take off in addition
lazy boy?

The old lady went hunting
For a cat!
Used to and catches
A few mice.
For a mouse under the logs
dug a mink,
I brought a bag of millet
And a crust.

Then - for the boy! -
Having started cleaning
And quickly washing your ears
For the boy
The old woman took
An interesting book
Which I read in one gulp -
For the boy!

Now -
For a lazy, sleepy fly! -
The old woman straightened
tender wings
And flew away
visit a friend!

Ah, tomorrow old woman
Will have to again
For the fly - fly,
For the boy - to read,
For a cat - mice on the hunt
For a mouse - in a hole
To work under a log.

How would you live in this
lazy hut,
Don't be on the ground
Lazy old lady?

(Yu. Moritz)

Alyoshka went to kindergarten

Alyosha was carried by dad in a sledge,
And he sat with his nose covered.
Father, like a little one, fled,
And the son, like an old one, was trembling.
Looking at the sled, guard,
Said shaking his head:
- Lazy Boy Trouble:
Freeze, not walk.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

Waiting for a miracle

When the moon warms with warmth,
And the sun will cool the earth,
And the wind will scatter poppies
The tops of the ancient pyramids

When there are fish in the aquarium
Tell me a bedtime story
Sing the song of the sea with a smile,
And crayfish whistle on the mountain,

Then I'll wash the dishes
I'll even make the bed.
But it's probably a miracle
Mom will have to wait a long time ...
(T. Varlamova)

At Grandma's Grandmother's

At Grandma's Grandmother's
Two granddaughters are tiny.

Fashionista Maryashechka,
Curly curls,
outfits example little girl,
Nothing to do.

And clever Natasha -
Apartment sweeper,
Hurry everywhere.

(P. Sinyavsky ■)

I have diligence

If I sweep the floor -
Raise the dust to the sky
If I start washing -
I flood the whole apartment.

If I wash the dishes -
The roar is heard everywhere.
Cups shatter, saucers shatter
Spoons are not given.

I have diligence
Grandma is suffering.

(P. Sinyavsky ■)

sly dormouse

Get up, son! -
Groundhog said. -
to you today
To the lesson.
Get up baby!
And Mole and Mouse
Already coming
And you're still sleeping!

Sonny Marmot
Opened the peephole
And on the other
Side down:
- Mind quite
I need
And to school
I'm going... in a dream.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

Is this book about you?

Morning comes to the threshold -
Everyone gets down to business.
And I'm already one stocking
Almost completely worn.

I'll put on the second one later -
I'll draw a house first
Porch, fence, walkway
And on the path a cat.

Here it will be a cat's tail,
This is the eyes, this is the nose,
And the house is not worth drawing -
I'll take the bed first.

Water in the basin. Well, hurry up
Shoot, dolls, dresses!
There is a whisk at the door -
I'll start sweeping.

Trouble!.. Things are not going well.
Here's a stupid broom -
Chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk,
And no use!

I'll hide the garbage under the cupboard
And I'm off to cook dinner.

I'm making pasta
And I light a candle
Mix, salt
I’ll fill it with water and - in the oven ...

Dinner is not to be rushed.
I'll take a needle, I'll sew.
Get into the eye of a needle
The thread does not want something ...
I'd better lie down to sleep -
I am tired of working.

I had to do everything myself
Mom needs help...
When she comes home
Terribly glad!

(M. Romanov)


Tanya has a lot to do,
Tanya has a lot to do -
Helping my brother in the morning
He ate sweets in the morning.

She promised to wash the spoons
Spilled wood glue
Opened the door to the cat
Helped her meow.

Here's what Tanya has to do!
Tanya ate, drank tea,
I sat down, sat with my mother,
I got up and went to my grandmother.

Before going to bed, she told her mother:
- You undress me yourself,
I'm tired, I can't.
I will help you tomorrow!
(A. Barto)

Helper Mila

Mila helped her mother.
I washed the floor in the corridor:
Poured water in a mug
And with a whisk!
Puddles dry on the floor
A bunch of dust gets wet in the corner!
Mila washed the dishes:
Soap splashes everywhere
Got a towel
And she washed the dishes.
Turned out cups, saucers
When they fall to the floor, they fight!
Mila washed her dress:
Pouring water into a basin
Added white paint.
White dress - like in a fairy tale!
Only red peas
Not visible now a little!

Mila loves to help
Mila is nothing to complain about!
Mom praised Mila,
And then I washed the dishes
Wiped puddles from the floor
Washed the dress again.
Mila grew up quickly
A year later she was able
How big to help:
Wash dishes, sweep.
In general, Mila well done!
And the story is over!

(A. Barto)

In the kitchen

How much work does mom have in the kitchen,
She cooks both borscht and compotes!
Here the carrot grater scratches the nose,
The kettle would have rushed off, but there are no wheels!
Ringing spoons dance tirelessly,
A knife takes off clothes from potatoes!
And the sieve is spinning, and the colander is jumping:
Water just doesn't stay in it!
A tigress meat grinder roars over the meat,
The crush on the shelf again does not sit:
Ready to pound and pound all the time ...
One mother is with them, she needs help!
When I'm in the kitchen messing around with her,
Dinner tastes twice as good!
(M. Takhistova)

Protecting Mom and Dad

Dad complains:
- Something
Tired of work...
Mom too:
- I'm getting tired
I can hardly stand on my feet...
I take a broom from dad -
I'm not a bum either.
After dinner dishes
I'll wash it myself, I won't forget, -
I take care of mom and dad,
I'm strong
I can!
(O. Bundur)

For products

When to leave
For products you need -
I go if I can
Take chocolate.

Dad runs to the supermarket
If as a reward
Promised beer.

Mom not a gram
Doesn't eat chocolate
And beer, of course.
Mom doesn't drink

But if you go shopping
Without any conditions
Imagine coming!
(O. Bundur)

Guys, sometimes you can hear such an expression: “I said that I drank spring water.” How do you understand this expression?

(It became pleasant, joyful, easy, etc.)

And why?

(This person is kind, smart, humorous, etc.)

And sometimes the opposite happens. The man is outwardly handsome, and decently dressed, and the worker is a good one, but if you talk, it’s bad at heart, some kind of sediment, as if he had touched something dirty, unpleasant. Why?

(The person is evil, discusses everyone, envies, etc.)

Today we will continue the conversation on the topic of good and evil, we will read poetry, learn new proverbs, read a wise parable, and I hope you will try to accustom yourself to good deeds.

(Reading the topic and an excerpt from R. Gamzatov's poem by a student on the blackboard)

So, good and evil. It turns out that scientists studying the mores and customs of peoples and tribes testify that so far not a single, even the most wild tribe has been found, to which certain concepts of good and evil would be alien. Many uncivilized wild tribes stand as high in their concepts of good and evil as the most developed and cultured peoples. This means that every person, no matter who he is, feels peace, joy and satisfaction when he does good, and, on the contrary, feels anxiety, sorrow, spiritual discomfort when he does evil. It is good if a person thinks about what he brings to people - peace, joy, warmth, or cold, anger blows from him.

What words are associated with the words good and evil?

(Write on the board)

Good - tenderness, care, attention, fidelity, joy, friendship, light, love.

Evil - envy, betrayal, revenge, greed, lies, selfishness.

What do you think, which person has an easier life and why?

(An evil person eats poorly, sleeps restlessly, gets angry, envious, he can get sick and even die)

Listen to the parable.

Parable about the old man

Grandfather became very old, his legs could not walk, his eyes could not see, his ears could not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, his mouth ran. The son and daughter-in-law stopped putting him at the table, and he dined at the stove.

He needed more and more care, and the daughter-in-law persuaded her husband to kick the old man out of the house. And instead of clothes, they decided to give the old man an old dirty blanket with which they covered the horses.

Husband and wife sent their son to the stable for this blanket.

The boy soon came running and gave his grandfather a blanket. The old man took it, and everyone saw that it was only a piece of a blanket. Then the boy was asked why he cut the blanket, it was necessary to bring a whole one. To which the boy replied: “No, dad, when you grow old, I will give you the other half of the blanket.”

The husband and wife looked at each other and wept. They felt ashamed that they ran around the old man, and scared for their old age. Since then, they began to treat the old man well.

To the question: why the son left half of the blanket to his father for future retirement, you can answer with a proverb: (read on the board).

“A child learns what he sees in his home”

How to become kind? After all, it doesn’t happen like this: in the evening he went to bed an evil person, and in the morning he suddenly became kind.

(Listen to the answers of the guys and bring to the conclusion: you need to make an effort, work on yourself daily)

The poet N. Zabolotsky said very well about this in his poem (Student reads).

Don't let your soul be lazy

Don't let your soul be lazy.
So as not to crush water in a mortar,
The soul must work

Drive her from house to house
Drag from stage to stage
Through the wasteland, through the windbreak,
Through the snowdrift, through the bump.

Don't let her sleep in bed
By the light of the morning star
Keep a lazy man in a black body
And don't untie her.

If you want to give her an indulgence,
Releasing from work
She's the last shirt
Will ruthlessly rip you off.

Feel free to grab her by the shoulders
Teach and torture until dark
To live with you like a human
She re-learned.

She is a slave and a queen
She is a worker and a daughter,
She has to work
And day and night, and day and night.

Yes, a person should want to be kind, and you can even accustom yourself to good deeds, but this is not enough. What qualities, besides desire, are necessary for a person?

I. The conscience has a great sensitivity to good and evil. If everyone lived according to conscience, then there would be no need for a written law. Conscience could correctly guide all actions.

What is conscience? I asked you this question at the last class hour and asked you to answer in writing. (I read the answers selectively)

One girl said that conscience is a place inside you that burns if you do something bad, and the boy explained that this voice inside that says: “No!” When you want to do something bad.

The torment of conscience was figuratively described by A.S. Pushkin in the dramatic work "The Miserly Knight":

Conscience is a clawed beast that scrapes the heart;

Conscience is an uninvited guest, a pesky interlocutor,

The creditor is rude; this is a witch

From which the moon and the grave fade.

Conscience is a power isolated from us, standing above a person and dominating his mind, will and heart, although it lives in him. Our personal experience convinces us that the conscience (inner voice) is beyond our control and expresses itself directly, apart from our desire. Just as we cannot convince ourselves that we are full when we are hungry, or that we are rested when we are tired, so we cannot convince ourselves that we have done well when our conscience tells us that we acted badly (Give examples). Both the written law and the internal law of conscience say the same thing: As you treat people, so they will treat you. In everyday relationships with people, we subconsciously trust the conscience of a person more than established laws and rules. After all, you can't follow any crime. Therefore, normal, good relationships between people are possible only as long as people have not lost their conscience.

II. Yes, good without conscience is impossible. What else is very important? What is the best cure for resentment?


Listen to the poem and think about the meaning.

flowers of forgiveness

In a snow-white dress, like a snowflake,
Either to visit, or the father's house,
The girl was walking along a winding path
And carried a bouquet of fresh flowers.

Slender, like silver poplar,
Cheerful, like a ringing stream,
The leaves softly whispered something to her,
Every petal smiled.

Stroked curly head
The sun's magical rays.
And she's a happy girl
Kissed rose petals.

And in the eyes - radiant dewdrops,
Blue sky blazed with flowers,
And just about, it seemed that a fluff
Suddenly it will take off above the rustle of aspens.

Something loomed on the sidelines
And, with a hard thrown hand,
To the snow-white dress of the girl
Suddenly a dirty ball stuck to the grass.

As if understanding nothing
The girl looked at the dirt
And the boy, rubbing his hands,
He smiled wickedly, narrowing his eyes.

Didn't cry, didn't call boor
Proud culprit in response,
And with a smile to a bright bully
She threw her fragrant bouquet.

And shaking a short red haircut
(The mischievous one has a heart)
The ashamed boy ran
With dried mud on their hands.

If there are evil people in your life
They leave dirty footprints
You are like a snowflake girl
Throw farewell flowers at them.

What is the meaning of the poem? ( Repay evil with good

All people make mistakes. Therefore, one must be able to admit one's mistakes, one's guilt and be able to forgive offenders.

There are at least three ways to let a person know that you are forgiving them:

  1. Do a good deed to someone who offended you or caused trouble. (as in a poem)
  2. Accept the apology of the one who realized that he was to blame, and asks him to forgive.
  3. Write a friendly letter to someone who needs forgiveness.

What does it mean to forgive?

Forgiving means:

  • do not hold a grudge;
  • stop being angry (anger always breeds reciprocal anger);
  • stop blaming the person for the offense;
  • do not wait until the offender corrects his mistake and is the first to come to terms.

Thomas Fuller (philosopher) said: "The worst of people are those who do not want to forgive."

How does the person who has been forgiven feel? (singing, dancing)

(Teacher reading proverbs)

About repentance

  1. There are tears - there is a conscience.
  2. Don't count the fallen as lost.
  3. Repent, but again do not take up the old one.
  4. It is hard for him who remembers evil.

III. Listen to the following poem and say what other important quality a person must have in order to do good deeds.

(Student reads)

A log lay on the way,
It disturbed travelers.
One said: "Not good"
Said and know yourself gone.
The second looked, then sighed
And then he stepped over the log.
And the third traveler was silent
He was both frail and small in appearance.
He silently took off his sheepskin coat
And removed the log to the side.

How did the first two travelers do? (Indifferently)

And the third traveler? (Showed generosity, caring for people)

(Children give examples from life)

IV. To be kind, you must also love.

Love is different:

  • selfish (the lowest level of manifestation of love);
  • friendly, fraternal - it is characterized by mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual support, forgiveness (the second stage of the manifestation of love);
  • sacrificial love, when he is ready to give even his own life (the highest level of manifestation of love).

Who is characterized by such love: not to take, but to give, who loves you so much that he is ready to give everything, even life? (Mother. Mother's love is the highest)

Love is the highest manifestation of kindness to a person, to people.

Read the proverb: “Love does great things, which neither the saber nor the arrow can do.” (analysis of its meaning)

Conclusion: if there were no enmity, there would be no wars.

(Student reads)

Believe in the great power of love
That all-conquering love
Her light, radiantly saving
A world mired in mud and blood.
Believe in the great power of love.

What can you donate? (Examples from life: time, a book, print on a computer, treat with savings, etc.)

I would like to pay attention to the proverb: “He who is truly good, he does good in silence.” How do you understand it?

(Reading a poem)

My good friend, please
Don't be afraid to do good
But just please don't complain
Please give me more.
Don't Expect Thanks
For what you have done
For those unexpected joys
Gifted with kindness.
Kindness is not virtue!
Do not complain.
Do not be afraid to do good.
Help a man and rejoice
You don't need more rewards.

Sooner or later, a person thinks about which path he is following: along the road of “good” and “light” or along the road of “evil” and “darkness”. A good person has good words and good deeds. Can both good and evil coexist in the same person? No! Can not! Just as sweet and bitter water cannot be in the same jar at the same time. “Each jug pours out what it contains,” says the proverb. If the heart is filled with goodness, then goodness is poured out, and vice versa.

At the end of our class hour, I want to wish and advise you, my dear sixth graders, to accustom yourself to good deeds. Consider and choose at least one specific act in which your kindness and concern for people will be manifested today; or make a commitment for this week, choose actions (deeds) and words, and carry out your plan.

It could be:

  • say “please”;
  • do not argue with parents;
  • notice the good in people;
  • do not swear;
  • treat others the way you want to be treated;
  • not laugh at comrades because of a mistake, etc.

Guys, sometimes you can hear such an expression: “I said that I drank spring water.” How do you understand this expression?

(It became pleasant, joyful, easy, etc.)

And why?

(This person is kind, smart, humorous, etc.)

And sometimes the opposite happens. The man is outwardly handsome, and decently dressed, and the worker is a good one, but if you talk, it’s bad at heart, some kind of sediment, as if he had touched something dirty, unpleasant. Why?

(The person is evil, discusses everyone, envies, etc.)

Today we will continue the conversation on the topic of good and evil, we will read poetry, learn new proverbs, read a wise parable, and I hope you will try to accustom yourself to good deeds.

(Reading the topic and an excerpt from R. Gamzatov's poem by a student on the blackboard)

So, good and evil. It turns out that scientists studying the mores and customs of peoples and tribes testify that so far not a single, even the most wild tribe has been found, to which certain concepts of good and evil would be alien. Many uncivilized wild tribes stand as high in their concepts of good and evil as the most developed and cultured peoples. This means that every person, no matter who he is, feels peace, joy and satisfaction when he does good, and, on the contrary, feels anxiety, sorrow, spiritual discomfort when he does evil. It is good if a person thinks about what he brings to people - peace, joy, warmth, or cold, anger blows from him.

What words are associated with the words good and evil?

(Write on the board)

Good - tenderness, care, attention, fidelity, joy, friendship, light, love.

Evil - envy, betrayal, revenge, greed, lies, selfishness.

What do you think, which person has an easier life and why?

(An evil person eats poorly, sleeps restlessly, gets angry, envious, he can get sick and even die)

Listen to the parable.

Parable about the old man

Grandfather became very old, his legs could not walk, his eyes could not see, his ears could not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, his mouth ran. The son and daughter-in-law stopped putting him at the table, and he dined at the stove.

He needed more and more care, and the daughter-in-law persuaded her husband to kick the old man out of the house. And instead of clothes, they decided to give the old man an old dirty blanket with which they covered the horses.

Husband and wife sent their son to the stable for this blanket.

The boy soon came running and gave his grandfather a blanket. The old man took it, and everyone saw that it was only a piece of a blanket. Then the boy was asked why he cut the blanket, it was necessary to bring a whole one. To which the boy replied: “No, dad, when you grow old, I will give you the other half of the blanket.”

The husband and wife looked at each other and wept. They felt ashamed that they ran around the old man, and scared for their old age. Since then, they began to treat the old man well.

To the question: why the son left half of the blanket to his father for future retirement, you can answer with a proverb: (read on the board).

“A child learns what he sees in his home”

How to become kind? After all, it doesn’t happen like this: in the evening he went to bed an evil person, and in the morning he suddenly became kind.

(Listen to the answers of the guys and bring to the conclusion: you need to make an effort, work on yourself daily)

The poet N. Zabolotsky said very well about this in his poem (Student reads).

Don't let your soul be lazy

Don't let your soul be lazy.
So as not to crush water in a mortar,
The soul must work

Drive her from house to house
Drag from stage to stage
Through the wasteland, through the windbreak,
Through the snowdrift, through the bump.

Don't let her sleep in bed
By the light of the morning star
Keep a lazy man in a black body
And don't untie her.

If you want to give her an indulgence,
Releasing from work
She's the last shirt
Will ruthlessly rip you off.

Feel free to grab her by the shoulders
Teach and torture until dark
To live with you like a human
She re-learned.

She is a slave and a queen
She is a worker and a daughter,
She has to work
And day and night, and day and night.

Yes, a person should want to be kind, and you can even accustom yourself to good deeds, but this is not enough. What qualities, besides desire, are necessary for a person?

I. The conscience has a great sensitivity to good and evil. If everyone lived according to conscience, then there would be no need for a written law. Conscience could correctly guide all actions.

What is conscience? I asked you this question at the last class hour and asked you to answer in writing. (I read the answers selectively)

One girl said that conscience is a place inside you that burns if you do something bad, and the boy explained that this voice inside that says: “No!” When you want to do something bad.

The torment of conscience was figuratively described by A.S. Pushkin in the dramatic work "The Miserly Knight":

Conscience is a clawed beast that scrapes the heart;

Conscience is an uninvited guest, a pesky interlocutor,

The creditor is rude; this is a witch

From which the moon and the grave fade.

Conscience is a power isolated from us, standing above a person and dominating his mind, will and heart, although it lives in him. Our personal experience convinces us that the conscience (inner voice) is beyond our control and expresses itself directly, apart from our desire. Just as we cannot convince ourselves that we are full when we are hungry, or that we are rested when we are tired, so we cannot convince ourselves that we have done well when our conscience tells us that we acted badly (Give examples). Both the written law and the internal law of conscience say the same thing: As you treat people, so they will treat you. In everyday relationships with people, we subconsciously trust the conscience of a person more than established laws and rules. After all, you can't follow any crime. Therefore, normal, good relationships between people are possible only as long as people have not lost their conscience.

II. Yes, good without conscience is impossible. What else is very important? What is the best cure for resentment?


Listen to the poem and think about the meaning.

flowers of forgiveness

In a snow-white dress, like a snowflake,
Either to visit, or the father's house,
The girl was walking along a winding path
And carried a bouquet of fresh flowers.

Slender, like silver poplar,
Cheerful, like a ringing stream,
The leaves softly whispered something to her,
Every petal smiled.

Stroked curly head
The sun's magical rays.
And she's a happy girl
Kissed rose petals.

And in the eyes - radiant dewdrops,
Blue sky blazed with flowers,
And just about, it seemed that a fluff
Suddenly it will take off above the rustle of aspens.

Something loomed on the sidelines
And, with a hard thrown hand,
To the snow-white dress of the girl
Suddenly a dirty ball stuck to the grass.

As if understanding nothing
The girl looked at the dirt
And the boy, rubbing his hands,
He smiled wickedly, narrowing his eyes.

Didn't cry, didn't call boor
Proud culprit in response,
And with a smile to a bright bully
She threw her fragrant bouquet.

And shaking a short red haircut
(The mischievous one has a heart)
The ashamed boy ran
With dried mud on their hands.

If there are evil people in your life
They leave dirty footprints
You are like a snowflake girl
Throw farewell flowers at them.

What is the meaning of the poem? ( Repay evil with good

All people make mistakes. Therefore, one must be able to admit one's mistakes, one's guilt and be able to forgive offenders.

There are at least three ways to let a person know that you are forgiving them:

  1. Do a good deed to someone who offended you or caused trouble. (as in a poem)
  2. Accept the apology of the one who realized that he was to blame, and asks him to forgive.
  3. Write a friendly letter to someone who needs forgiveness.

What does it mean to forgive?

Forgiving means:

  • do not hold a grudge;
  • stop being angry (anger always breeds reciprocal anger);
  • stop blaming the person for the offense;
  • do not wait until the offender corrects his mistake and is the first to come to terms.

Thomas Fuller (philosopher) said: "The worst of people are those who do not want to forgive."

How does the person who has been forgiven feel? (singing, dancing)

(Teacher reading proverbs)

About repentance

  1. There are tears - there is a conscience.
  2. Don't count the fallen as lost.
  3. Repent, but again do not take up the old one.
  4. It is hard for him who remembers evil.

III. Listen to the following poem and say what other important quality a person must have in order to do good deeds.

(Student reads)

A log lay on the way,
It disturbed travelers.
One said: "Not good"
Said and know yourself gone.
The second looked, then sighed
And then he stepped over the log.
And the third traveler was silent
He was both frail and small in appearance.
He silently took off his sheepskin coat
And removed the log to the side.

How did the first two travelers do? (Indifferently)

And the third traveler? (Showed generosity, caring for people)

(Children give examples from life)

IV. To be kind, you must also love.

Love is different:

  • selfish (the lowest level of manifestation of love);
  • friendly, fraternal - it is characterized by mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual support, forgiveness (the second stage of the manifestation of love);
  • sacrificial love, when he is ready to give even his own life (the highest level of manifestation of love).

Who is characterized by such love: not to take, but to give, who loves you so much that he is ready to give everything, even life? (Mother. Mother's love is the highest)

Love is the highest manifestation of kindness to a person, to people.

Read the proverb: “Love does great things, which neither the saber nor the arrow can do.” (analysis of its meaning)

Conclusion: if there were no enmity, there would be no wars.

(Student reads)

Believe in the great power of love
That all-conquering love
Her light, radiantly saving
A world mired in mud and blood.
Believe in the great power of love.

What can you donate? (Examples from life: time, a book, print on a computer, treat with savings, etc.)

I would like to pay attention to the proverb: “He who is truly good, he does good in silence.” How do you understand it?

(Reading a poem)

My good friend, please
Don't be afraid to do good
But just please don't complain
Please give me more.
Don't Expect Thanks
For what you have done
For those unexpected joys
Gifted with kindness.
Kindness is not virtue!
Do not complain.
Do not be afraid to do good.
Help a man and rejoice
You don't need more rewards.

Sooner or later, a person thinks about which path he is following: along the road of “good” and “light” or along the road of “evil” and “darkness”. A good person has good words and good deeds. Can both good and evil coexist in the same person? No! Can not! Just as sweet and bitter water cannot be in the same jar at the same time. “Each jug pours out what it contains,” says the proverb. If the heart is filled with goodness, then goodness is poured out, and vice versa.

At the end of our class hour, I want to wish and advise you, my dear sixth graders, to accustom yourself to good deeds. Consider and choose at least one specific act in which your kindness and concern for people will be manifested today; or make a commitment for this week, choose actions (deeds) and words, and carry out your plan.

It could be:

  • say “please”;
  • do not argue with parents;
  • notice the good in people;
  • do not swear;
  • treat others the way you want to be treated;
  • not laugh at comrades because of a mistake, etc.


Sense education

Who leaves what

branch fruit,
Honey bee.
Niva -
grain gold,
Golden amber -
Sheep -
thin fleece,
Vines -
spicy drink,
Leaves a man
Your good name.

(O. Driz)


There was a log on the way.
It disturbed travelers.

One said:
- Not good! -
And know yourself went.

The second looked
Then sighed
And that log
Stepped over.

But the third traveler remained silent.
He looked like
And frail and small.
He silently
Threw off a short fur coat
And aside
Removed the beam.

(S. Baruzdin)

Strength of will

I frankly confess
That in the dark I'm afraid to sleep.

I just want to jump
And quickly turn on the light
When it's dark around me
And the window is covered.

I'm afraid of this feeling
But by force of will I fight with him -
I tell myself: "Lie down!
Keep your eyes closed!"

And I lie, I lie, I lie
I keep my eyes closed
And finally I fall asleep.
Well, am I not well done!

And you could start
From not excluding the light
And not to be dark
Window not covered.
And sleep until the morning in the light ...

But you can also become a coward!
(S. Mikhalkov)

At a break

You have to be very strong
That is, to have willpower,
So that the neighbor has a piece
Do not ask for a donut.

You have to be very strong
That is, to have willpower,
To not give a neighbor
Bite off a donut.
(O. Bundur )

What is the hardest thing?

It's not hard to dive deep
It's not hard to carry weights.

And I'm not afraid of the dark
I won't get lost alone in the forest.

I can solve problems
I'm used to protecting my friends.

And I was able to pass over the cliff ...
The hardest thing to say is "I'm sorry"!

(L. Slutskaya )

Dad told me

Dad told me
That men don't cry
That it does not suit them to lose heart.
That your tears
Far away they hide
And no one can see them.

Dad told me:
- A real man
Always keeps his word.
No abyss to him
Not terrible, not an avalanche,
There is no one stronger than him!

What if a man
Takes on the job
Brings it to an end.
man by man
Always remains
It has the strength and will of a fighter.

And if he
Alone in the evenings
Sometimes it's not easy without a mother,
a mean tear
He wipes his hands
So that no one can see it.

(N. Anishina )

One shouts: "I'm done!
Finally rolled down the mountain!
Another grumbles: "What a hero -
He called the hill a mountain!

One screams: "I'm just a genius,
I read a big story!"
Another grumbles: "In terms of laziness
You are definitely a genius, just right!"

They scream at each other
They fight all the time.
One is a braggart
Well, the other one is probably
voice of conscience...

(E. Grigorieva)


I'll tell you the truth, children:
We have a witness inside!
No matter how you hide from him -
You won't hide anything!

He sees everything, he knows everything
Everything in the world understands.
Make the most sly look -
And the witness says:

- This is who climbed everywhere
Naughty and mischievous?
Who's afraid of the dark?
I know it's you!

You will angrily tell him:
Shut up, shut up!
You can't prove anything
Scream, don't scream!

You will be cunning with others -
And you can't fool him!
He sits inside us
He tells us the truth.

Maybe you offended someone?
Your witness saw it!
I understand this law:
He decides everything!

He is calm - I am calm,
He's happy - I'm happy.
If he and I are friends -
Our family is also friends with us.
Well, if I'm in a quarrel with him,
What a grief, what a grief!

It's worth showing your temper
And the witness:
- You're wrong!
Guess who he is, kids?
Our conscience is our witness!

(San Toras )

Responsive Nastya

If misfortune falls
Come to our Nastya!
Helpful tips for everyone
Nastya really distributes.
Answers for all occasions
Will definitely find it.

If your tooth hurts
Nastya will give you a pill.
Lost somewhere cat
And suddenly a little sad,
Do not be sad, at the same time
Nastya will calm you down.

Treat you with respect
Find a cat with her
And from past suffering
There won't be a trace.

Why so sad?
Did you get a three at school?
Hurry to our Nastya,
Allow failure.
Explains to everyone
Gets rid of problems.

Nastya knows a lot of things,
Not terrible at all misfortunes.
Can cook, sing and sew
And live in friendship with everyone.

If someone "sags",
Nastya helps with deeds.
Our Nastya is just a treasure,
Everyone thanks her.
And responsive Nastya
Just glowing with happiness!

(N. Anishina )

Try it yourself!

Become a good wizard
Well, try it!
Here are the tricks
You don't need a special one at all.

understand and fulfill
Desire for another
Pure pleasure,

There is a flower in the flower bed.
Its leaves have drooped.
He is sad...
About what?
Guessed his thoughts?
He wants to get drunk.
Hey, rain, fields!
And the rain is pouring down
From your watering can.

What is sister about
Bored on the sidelines?
Magic anything
Do it for your sister!
And you turned around
Zealous horse -
Jumped on it!

Though mom
Not back from work yet
It's not hard to know
Her thoughts and worries:
"I'll be back - it would be nice
Sewing, reading...
Yes, with cleaning
Mess around again."

And you make
funny miracle -
The floor sparkled
Dishes shone.
And my mother gasped
Returning home:
- Yes, it's like in a fairy tale! ..
You are my wizard!
(S. Pogorelovskiy)

broken wing

One night on the phone
The heron called the Crow:
Send a doctor immediately
For the stray Rook!

Cre-ra! replied the Crow.
The rook is not from our area.
Contact the area
Where is he registered now?

I repeat: he is stray!
Fleeting! Migratory!
I broke my wing!
We need a doctor!.. Hello!.. Hello!..

Moved away from the phone
Indifferent Crow:
"Someone Rook broke his wing?
It's a pity. Bad luck!"

(S. Mikhalkov)

Fighters and stubborn


Cup and saucer.
They will break
In the kitchen, on the shelf
Will lie
And you
Do not quarrel in vain?

(R. Sef)

Who is stronger?

The one is braver
Who is kinder.
That one is stronger
Who is smarter.
Only cowards with fools
The dispute is settled with fists
(Yu. Moritz)


Sent by mother-quote
To school dear son.
She said: - Do not tease!
Don't fight! Don't rooster!
Hurry, your time is up!
Well, neither fluff nor feathers!
An hour later, barely alive,
The rooster is going home.
Barely hobbles
He's from the schoolyard.
And on it, in fact
No fluff, no feather!

(V. Orlov)

Two cats

Lived once
Two cats -

eight paws,
Two tails.
Fight among themselves
Gray cats.
They rose like a pipe
Gray tails.
Fought day and night
Pieces flew away.
And left from the cats
Only the tips of the tails.
You see, brothers
How dangerous is it to fight?

(S. Marshak)


Made up girls
Made up by the boys

Girls walk proudly
Ah, heels!
Boys walk proudly
Oh yes bruised!
(O. Bundur)


Since we built by the sea
Sand castle with brother.
Suddenly, by accident
My brother touched me a little.

From resentment I panama
Launched into it. And - in the eye!
He kicks me right
Hit the knee once.

I threw my glasses at him
He is in me - with his scoop,
On him I - with fists,
He answered - in the face with sand!

In general, a fight broke out with my brother,
We fought to the bruises.
It's just a pity that from the castle
There are no traces left...

Will it be built
Castle if you quarrel?

(L. Gromova)

Stubborn goat

A storm is coming;
Thunder rumbles overhead.
The goat is tearing
Drags the goat home:
- Well, let's go.
Let's go son!
Here a thunderstorm will kill us,
Here we are wet with rain ... -
But the goat does not go:
Butting, kicking,
Legs rests…
Mothers suffer a lot of grief,
If their children are stubborn!

(G. Ladonshchikov)


On a steep mountain path
Black lamb went home
And on the bridge humpbacked
Met a white brother.

And the white lamb said:
"Brother, here's the thing:
You can't go through here together.
You're standing in my way."

The black brother replied: "Me-e,
Are you out of your mind, ram?
Let my feet wither
I won't get out of your way!"

He shook his horns,
Rest your other feet...
No matter how you turn your horns,
And you can't get through both.

The sun is shining from above
And below the river flows.
In this river early in the morning
Two sheep drowned.

(S. Mikhalkov)


In one lane
They were at home.
In one of the houses
There lived a stubborn Thomas.

Not at home, not at school
Nowhere, no one
Didn't believe
Stubborn Foma

Mud on the streets
And the rain
And hail.
Put on galoshes
They tell him.

Not true,
Thomas does not believe

It's a lie...

And right through the puddles
Goes without galoshes.

The boys put on skates.
Passers-by raised their collars.
Thomas says:
Winter came.
in shorts
Thomas goes for a walk.

Goes to the zoo
With a tour, he
See they tell him
This is an elephant.

And again Thomas does not believe:
It's a lie.
Quite this elephant
Doesn't look like an elephant.

One day
Had a stubborn dream
As if
He walks across Africa.
From heaven
The African sun bakes
A river called the Congo

Suitable for the river
Pioneer squad.
Guys Thomas
By the river they say:
Swimming is not allowed:
Dark alligators.
Not true!
Replies to friends

Briefs and shirt
They lie on the sand.
The stubborn swims
On a dangerous river

Alligator predatory mouth.
Save yourself, wretch
You can fall!

But heard
familiar answer:
Please don't teach
I am eleven years old!

Already a crocodile
Thomas is behind him.
Already a crocodile
Foma choked:
From the mouth of the beast
Head sticks out.
To the shore
The wind carries the words:
I don't ve...

Alligator sighed
And, well-fed,
I dived into the green water.

Briefs and shirt
They lie on the sand.
Nobody floats
On a dangerous river

Thomas woke up
Understand nothing...
Briefs and shirt
Takes from a chair.

Thomas is surprised
Foma is outraged:
Not true, comrades
It's not a dream!

Find such a Thomas
And these verses
Read to him.

(S. Mikhalkov)

Know how to be friends

Why one Yegorka?

Yegorka screams in the yard
- My book! My hill!
My ball! Shovel, watering can!
I won't let you! My bench!
You don't have to take anything!
I want to play alone!
There is a sad bench in the yard.
Near the ball, spatula, watering can.
A hill is missing in the yard ...
And there is one Yegorka!
(G. Lagzdyn)

True friends

Boy Misha toils -
Misha stutters.
Like others, simple, clear
He can't speak
And asking him in vain
Repeat what he says.
It's not easy for him
All words starting with "k"
But the guys don't laugh
The boys' friendship is strong.
- You, Mishutka, do not get lost,
Take an example from others
Gather silently with spirit
And speak bolder!
Misha will say a word
And the second is not to be seen
But comrades are ready
If necessary, wait.

(S. Mikhalkov)


Be happy baby
When you run
Jump through your life!
And on the path of life
Don't forget to take
Good and true friends!
(Z. Serashova)


Joy claps your hands
Raises the hustle and bustle
Because a good friend
Suddenly comes to visit us!

You don't walk, you fly
If a friend came to you!
Until what,
Until what,
Up to what
(N. Pikuleva)

About Artem

Here is Artyom's habit:
He never eats at home
But then walk Artyom
Departs with a slice
How to go for a walk
So he takes a bun with him
Or sweet candy
Or pickled cucumber.
Everyone is playing - he is on the sidelines.
Teasing the poor girl.
He sighs and again
Accepted to chew.
He is all in crumbs and jam,
In cream from head to toe
So bewildered that it is not visible:
Is he a boy or a pie?
(A. Barto)

Why are they not friends with Serezha?

They do not want to be friends with Serezha.
What is the reason? Who will help?

He began to play with Irinka,
But he broke her car.

I ran after the ball with Slava
And pushed him into the ditch.

Our Sergey is used to jokes -
Kolya showed his tongue.

He shouted loudly to the kids:
- Hey, little ones, can I come to you?

Nobody needs Sergei ...
Why aren't they friends with him?
(S. Volosevich)

Harmful question

no question
Worse and more harmful
Than the question:
"And which of us is the most important?"
If you ask such a question,
So you're up to friendship
Not mature.
If we are friends
Gotta understand
What is the main thing - me!

(M. Schwartz)

Snail and beetle

I met a snail beetle:
Don't be afraid, I'm your friend!
What aimed the horns
On me as an enemy?
If friends meet with horns,
They will all become enemies.
(V. Orlov)

About Resentment

I got into a fight with a friend
And resentment in the soul
whispers in my ear,
I'm already in command.
He says: "With this bore,
Ivanova, don't be friends!
You are Alyonka's secrets
Tell all the girls!"
Very boring without a girlfriend.
There is one solution:
I resent on top!
And with Alyonka
to the cinema!
(Tatyana Goethe)

Growing resentment is a bad garden

I quarreled with a friend -
Very stupid, just like that.
Thoughts run in circles
Without a girlfriend - I can't!

Walking alone
Even in the circus I'm sad.
The quarrel taught me a lesson
All grievances - let go.

And I’ll say: “Sorry, girlfriend!
Yes, I was wrong...
I know there's no need to fight.
Quarrels are weeds!”
(Natalie Samony)


The boy carried a balloon in his hand,
It was like walking a puppy on a leash.
But suddenly the ball fell off the leash
And escaped from the hands of the boy.

Rejoicing, the ball rushed up,
He flew and looked down on everyone.
And the wind tickled his sides
And carried everything higher into the clouds.

The rapture has passed
And the ball suddenly remembered
That without him a friend is bored downstairs,
And we must return, if they are waiting,
Even if you are already a little blown away.
(N. Radchenko)


The villain dug a hole on the forest road,
So that a passerby falls down at night.
Here is the finished hole.
He got out.
- Wait!
A passer-by will get out too!

For two more days the robber sweated.
The earth flew out of the pit.
Tried to get out
But failed.
Then he chuckled.
- Good!

(E. Efimovsky)

Oh guys!

Oh guys -
Believe, do not believe, -
The door ran away from me.
- Farewell, - she said, - dear,
You opened me with your foot!
(V. Prikhodko)

Lessons in courtesy and respect

At the hemp

Hare, sitting by the stump,
She taught a smart son:
- Be brave
Don't brag and don't lie!
Do not take someone else's cabbage!
Do not press when meeting
Wolf paws!
Don't hurt the weak!
Do not laugh at someone else's misfortune!
Share food with the hungry!
Do not give offensive nicknames!
Don't call the donkey stupid!
Also remember son:
Give a mouse a mousetrap
Fox - trap,
Ruff - hook,
And the piglet is a piglet!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

Polite bull

Good morning, home goby!
In the morning, the hamster spoke to the bull.
- Good morning, forest hamster.
The goby answered with a kind smile.
Everything is great if in the morning
We all wish each other well!

Past the white bull
There were four patches.
Piglets - crochet tails -
Say hello to the bull.
- Good afternoon! - said the bull.
Every patch was glad!

The bull does not look into the blue:
He nibbles and nibbles grass.
Rakita whispered to him:
- Bon appetit!
And nearby buzzed two bug brothers:
- Good, zhu-zhu, the bull's appetite!

Our bull leaned over:
- Good evening, firefly!
Firefly lit up:
- Good evening, friend bull!

The night is much shorter than the day.
Sleep, bull, good night!
Everyone goes to sleep: bull,
Hamster and firefly.

Piglets go to sleep
Hide ponytails.
And do not feel sorry for the kind words:
Wishing everyone pleasant dreams!

(S. Eremeev)

One rhyme

There was a tram number ten
Along the Boulevard Ring.
It sat and stood
One hundred and fifteen people.

People come in and out
Moving forward.
Pioneer Nikolai
Ride very well.

He sits in the best place -
Right next to the window.
He has skates under his arm:
He was going to the skating rink.

Suddenly at the fifth stop,
Leaning on a stick
The decrepit grandmother climbs
In a crowded car.

People come in and out
Moving forward.
Nikolai sits bored
Grandma is standing next to me.

Here the car stopped
Near the ice rink
And from this wagon
Pioneer emerges.

To a free place
Grandma wanted to sit down
Didn't have time to look back
The place is occupied by someone else.

Pioneer Valentin
Ride very well
He sits in the best place
Returning from the rink.

People come in and out
Moving forward.
Valentine sits bored
Grandma is standing next to me.

(S. Mikhalkov)

Tram accident

boy sitting
At the tram window
On both sides
Yawning from the window.
Standing next to
Returning home
With a folder in hand
Young citizen.
Boy noticing
Such a picture
Your place
Yielded to a citizen.
Didn't become for a long time
citizen object -
Seniors are supposed to
Respect everyone.
was on the tram
Crowded and crowded
And a citizen
Resigned his place:
He seated
old man,
Stuck under the bench
His own basket.
But not for long
The man was also sitting
important was
And this is the reason:
How not to respect
venerable old man,
Could a man
Stay in place?
Happy old man
Looking out the window
past him
The new city is flying.
Everything has changed -
In the weather
In nature,
And respect
The rest of the people...
(P. Mumin, translated from Uzbek by Yu. Kushak)

Words and deeds

Driving from school
Best friends.
Conversation on the tram
I heard them.

Sitting by the window
I was in a hurry to tell
Friend, how good
Decided to become yesterday:

- The place is now senior
I will give in
Girls will not
Offend more.

Mom I'm at home
I will help -
I'll wash the dishes
I'll make the bed...

But while Seryozha
All this promised
Grandmother Alyosha
He gave up his place.

(L. Firsova-Sapronova )

Bad report card - but good manners

- Your report card is bad! - said the father -
He's very bad, son!
- Oh, do not scold me, father,
I did everything I could.

- But you are the last student,
You finished the worst!
- I let others go ahead,
And politeness is not a sin ...
(Spike Milligan, per. G. Kruzhkov)

polite elephant

The elephant came out on the forest path,
Stepped on an ant's foot
And politely
Very -
Ant said:
“You can step on mine too!”

(V. Lunin)


Why did you beat Vova?
He pushed me like an elephant
And said a bad word.
And what is it?

(I. Konkov )

polite tail

Brought up ponytail
For my cat:
He is respectful throughout
He follows her.
And at the door he is before her
Won't enter -
He is polite to the cat
Skip forward.
(V. Orlov)

Naughty and capricious


- You, grandfather, lived
In the world for a hundred years!
Tell us please
What is the secret here?
- There is no secret here -
Grandfather answered us

- I obeyed adults
Until old age!

(V. Orlov)

If you don't listen

If you don't listen to your mother
After leaving the house, fall into the hole.
Moms and dads will follow you
They will fall into the same hole.
But they won't find you anyway
The pit is deep, the pit is dark.

If you don't listen to your dad,
Black cats will scratch you.
How to save naughty children
From bloodthirsty cat claws?
I must say: "Do not scratch, cat,
Tomorrow I'll be more obedient, a little."

(A. Barto)

Dad needs to listen

Jumping Rain-Tomboy
Barefoot in the puddles.
Thunder-father got angry:
- I need an assistant!
Helped me all night
Friendly Livni brothers.
You don't mind walking!
I will punish! Watch me!

And the Cloud Mother sighs,
Scolding a child:
- The beds need to be watered,
You watered the kitten.
They don't want to play with you
Lightning sisters.
You made them sparkle
Pulling pigtails.

Thunder rumbled angrily
At the forest edge:
- He counted again all day
Guys have freckles! -
Sorry little son
Mama Cloud is crying:
- Well, forgive him for now,
Do not scold, do not torment!

You, wife, do not cross me! -
Thunder rumbled with might and main!
Even the older brother Tornado
He gasped in fright.
Terrible in anger Thunder-father:
- Quickly march to the beds! -
The tomboy came
Flashed ... heels.

So that you have a roar
Ears didn't hurt

(Z. Serashova )


All the whims of Oksanka
Let's collect in big sleds,
We'll take you to a distant forest,
Beyond the sea, beyond the mountains!
And leave near the Christmas tree ...
Let the evil wolves eat them!

(E. Moshkovskaya)

mother's eyes

I start the day with whims:
The soup is tasteless, the knapsack is tight.
Mom is angry, I know:
She has eyes like ice.

I tease my brother again:
Your drawing is not good!
Mom is sad, even too much,
And eyes like the sky in the rain.

I won't be mean anymore
I'll eat oatmeal to the bottom,
I will wash all the dishes
And water the flowers myself.

Mom will smile and say:
- You are my hard worker-bird!
Will dance with a bright ray
Joy in mother's eyes!
(L. Schmidt)


striped verses

Striped tiger cubs
Striped from birth.

Raccoon has stripes
And Zebra has no number of them.

There are stripes on the mattress
And stripes on a sailor suit.

At the barrier - stripes,
And birch stripes.

There are nice stripes.
At dawn and dusk.

But guys meet -
Everything is striped from dirt ...

I don't want to write about them.
In a striped notebook.
(G. Sapgir)

Who does not wash

Who washes with hot water
It's called young.
Who washes with cold water
It's called brave.

Who doesn't wash
Not called at all.
(P. Sinyavsky)


I do not understand how the palm of your hand
Mom found out about everything:
By a scratch - like a cat
I dragged my tail yesterday
On a stain from chocolate -
That climbed into the buffet
And steal away
Ten small sweets.
Even what is make-believe
Lips painted in the morning
They told her palms.
Maybe it's time to wash them?
(I. Ischuk)

educate the book

The crocodile taught the crocodiles:
- Do not walk around the apartment without panties.
Behemoth taught hippos:
“Stop turning into piglets.
The parrot taught parrots:
- Do not tease mosquitoes and cockroaches.

Crocodile learn to dress
Hippos have learned to wash themselves,
Parrots stopped calling names -
And now we can admire them.

(P. Sinyavsky )

neat girl

To be ugly slut -
It's embarrassing, it's shameful.
I need to be more careful
I need to brush the dust off my frames.
I have to wash the dishes
I need to wipe the floor
It's not hard to be careful
You just have to want.
(Faina Fanny)


Started a clean-coon laundry.
I dragged water from the river into the tub,
To wash clean, to shine and gloss,

Fluffy foam covered the trough.
The raccoon spared no effort, no soap,
And carefully rubbed on the washboard
Striped shirt, socks and pants.

Blue forget-me-not, strangled lungwort,
Then he rinsed with spring water,
And hung on a bush to dry to a ravine
Striped pants, socks and a shirt.

And next to the raccoon, in knee-deep mud,
Lived and lived a dirty hyena.
The slob did not wash things stubbornly,
And she smelled like a garbage pit.

The raccoon did not hang out with the dirty hyena,
Because she is not friendly with hygiene.
And the one who does not want to be known as a mess,
Washes socks and pants with a shirt.
(A. Eroshin )

I am a diligent person

I end the game
I'll take all the toys
I'll put things in order
The whole family will be happy.
I will affectionately say to the dolls:
- I'll put you to bed.
Let me have a sweet dream
He will tell you a story.
Instruments do not sleep
Let them just rest.
Live in silence
Baby tools.
I diligently animals -
All toy friends -
I'll plant it in a row against the wall,
Let the animals sleep sweetly.
I'll look around later.
“Oh, what a wonderful house!
I like cleanliness
The house is light and beautiful.
I am a diligent person
I have character.
(G. Danshova )

I'm walking down the street

I'm walking down the street.
I read on the go.
Signboards, posters
From the earth
Up to the roof.

And right on the fence
Written by "DYNAMO".
Fan! It's embarrassing.
The fence is not a wall newspaper.

Towards me advertising
Hurry like telegrams.
machine flow,
flow of people,
Bus number five.
Suddenly I see:
Written on the house.
Written with care
But I think:
Not required to write
About it on the wall.

Here is Sadovaya Street.
Spring warm day
She shines like new
Washed by the rain.

Around the foliage cheerful
Noisy forest people.
The simple word "SCHOOL"
Reading at the gate.

Noisy foliage on the street,
But it's quiet in the school house.
Here they write words on the blackboard,
In a notebook
And the album.

Every student must know:
(V. Stepanov)

Elevator and pencil

Sasha rode in the new elevator
On the thirteenth floor.
Together with him on the same elevator
A blue Pencil rode.

Cabin rises
On the thirteenth floor
And on the wall of that cabin
Pencil writes something.

Sasha dined at home,
Called the elevator - go down.
Elevator stopped on the way
And hung over the mine.

Boy Sasha in the new elevator
Got stuck -
The elevator is standing, and he does not want to
Then take the boy.

Sasha pressed the buttons,
"Help-e!" - voiced
Passing by the elevator
He asked to call the master.

Finally the lifter came
(He left for dinner)
From the cab, as from captivity,
He released Sasha.

But now, as soon as Sasha
Trying to get into the elevator
He doesn't want to go up or down
Take him one.

Unfortunately, there are many
All Shurikov and Sasha,
Who have no business
Writes a blue pencil!
(S. Mikhalkov)

Poetry parenting lessons


There was a log on the way.

It disturbed travelers.

One said:

- Not good! -


And know yourself went.

The second looked

Then sighed

And that log

Stepped over.

But the third traveler remained silent.

He looked like

And frail and small.

He silently

Threw off a short fur coat

And aside

Removed the beam. (S. Baruzdin)

Who broke the big vase?

Who broke the big vase?

I confessed, but not immediately.

Let them think a little

Let them look at the cat:

Maybe the cat broke it?

Maybe I'm not to blame?

Cat, did you break the vase?

Pity the gray passage.

The cat squints at the light

And he can't say no.

I still hesitated

With half a minute - and confessed.

(A. Kushner)

Good morning

"Good morning!" -

Tell someone

And he will

Very good morning

And the day will be good

And good meetings

And kind, of course.

Evening will fall.

How important and necessary

So that immediately in the morning

Wishing you well.

(O. Bundur)

the law of kindness

Think for yourself guys

it happens why

one kitten offends,

the other is treating his paw.

One sparrow from a slingshot

trying to knock down

the other to go out the birdie,

picked up a sparrow from the ground.

One hurts a frog with a stick,

drags her alive into the fire,

and someone from the puddle-trap

There are many such examples

such acts are innumerable.

The law of kindness governs life,

everyone has kindness in their hearts!

(E. Andreeva)

There's a present for everyone

A little morning lights up

like I'm in the garden.

For everyone who meets

find gifts.

For Alenka - a fairy tale,

Dog - affection.

Joke - the sun-friend.

A joke - to the breeze.

Grishka - half-pots.

Crumbs - sparrow.

Ribbon - rowan.

Song - Marinka.

Everyone - smile and hello.

There is nothing more expensive!

(S. Pogorelovskiy)

world of kind hearts

In our family, everyone is kind to each other,

we live soul to soul in seven ways.

Grandmother is a storehouse of earthly kindness,

all day standing at the stove.

Dishes are prepared for the table from the heart,

All her meals are good.

Grandma, our grandfather is a humble servant,

a pair they are like two boots.

Grandmother gently calls "dove",

everything she needs is brought from the market.

Our parents serve in the hospital,

there they have to work hard.

Sometimes we don't see them for days,

just come home from duty

we try to give them a rest,

to return all the strength and vigor.

Our duty in the house is simple -

live by helping your loved ones in everything.

Do not upset them, be healthy

and go for a walk with the dog.

A daughter is like a mother, a son is like a father,

our family is a world of kind hearts.

(N. Anishina)



Cup and saucer.


They will break


In the kitchen, on the shelf

Will lie


And you

Do not quarrel in vain?



(R. Sef)

Who is stronger?

The one is braver

Who is kinder.

That one is stronger

Who is smarter.

Only cowards with fools

The dispute is settled with fists

(Yu. Moritz)


Sent by mom - kvochka

To school dear son.

She said: - Do not tease!

Don't fight! Don't rooster!

Hurry, your time is up!

Well, neither fluff nor feathers!

An hour later, barely alive,

The rooster is going home.

Barely hobbles

He's from the schoolyard.

And on it, in fact

No fluff, no feather!

(V. Orlov)

Stubborn goat

A storm is coming;

Thunder rumbles overhead.

The goat is tearing

Drags the goat home:

- Well, let's go.

Let's go son!

Here a thunderstorm will kill us,

Here we are wet with rain ... -

But the goat does not go:

Butting, kicking,

Legs rests…

Mothers suffer a lot of grief,

If their children are stubborn!

(G. Ladonshchikov)

Why one Yegorka?

Yegorka screams in the yard

- My book! My hill!

My ball! Shovel, watering can!

I won't let you! My bench!

You don't have to take anything!

I want to play alone!

There is a sad bench in the yard.

Near the ball, spatula, watering can.

A hill is missing in the yard ...

And there is one Yegorka! (G. Lagzdyn)

Why are they not friends with Serezha?

They do not want to be friends with Serezha.

What is the reason? Who will help?

He began to play with Irinka,

But he broke her car.

I ran after the ball with Slava

And pushed him into the ditch.

Our Sergey is used to jokes -

Kolya showed his tongue.

He shouted loudly to the kids:

- Hey, little ones, can I come to you?

Nobody needs Sergei ...

Why aren't they friends with him? (S. Volosevich)

Snail and beetle

I met a snail beetle:

Don't be afraid, I'm your friend!

What aimed the horns

On me as an enemy?

If friends meet with horns,

They will all become enemies.

(V. Orlov)

Oh guys!

Oh guys -

Believe, do not believe, -

The door ran away from me.

- Farewell, - she said, - dear,

You opened me with your foot!

(V. Prikhodko)

At the hemp

Hare, sitting by the stump,

She taught a smart son:

- Be brave

Don't brag and don't lie!

Do not take someone else's cabbage!

Do not press when meeting

Wolf paws!

Don't hurt the weak!

Do not laugh at someone else's misfortune!

Do not give offensive nicknames!

Don't call the donkey stupid!

Also remember son:


Give a mouse a mousetrap

Fox - trap,

Ruff - hook,

And the piglet is a piglet!

(G. Ladonshchikov)

polite tail

Brought up ponytail

For my cat:

He is respectful throughout

He follows her.

And at the door he is before her

Won't enter -

He is polite to the cat

Skip forward.

(V. Orlov)


- You, grandfather, lived

In the world for a hundred years!

Tell us please

What is the secret here?

- There is no secret here -

Grandfather answered us

- I obeyed adults

Until old age!

(V. Orlov)

Alyoshka went to kindergarten

Alyosha was carried by dad in a sledge,

And he sat with his nose covered.

Father, like a little one, fled,

And the son, like an old one, was trembling.

Looking at the sled, guard,

Said shaking his head:

- Lazy Boy Trouble:

Freeze, not walk.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

In the kitchen

How much work does mom have in the kitchen,

She cooks both borscht and compotes!

Here the carrot grater scratches the nose,

The kettle would have rushed off, but there are no wheels!

Ringing spoons dance tirelessly,

A knife takes off clothes from potatoes!

And the sieve is spinning, and the colander is jumping:

Water just doesn't stay in it!

A tigress meat grinder roars over the meat,

The crush on the shelf again does not sit:

Ready to pound and pound all the time ...

One mother is with them, she needs help!

When I'm in the kitchen messing around with her,

Dinner tastes twice as good!

(M. Takhistova)

Protecting Mom and Dad

Dad complains:

- Something

Tired of work...

Mom too:

- I'm getting tired

I can hardly stand on my feet...

After dinner dishes

I'll wash it myself, I won't forget, -

I take care of mom and dad,

I'm strong

I can!

(O. Bundur)

How I Became a Man...

Grandpa trusted me yesterday

Drive a long nail into the wall:

- Don't hit your finger

We'll put up a calendar.

I hammered a nail with a swing -

Grandpa and dad surprised

Even my mother told me

Which she didn't expect.

Says: not without reason

I am the favorite of men!

And now dine to me

Can be with dad on a par!

(S. Fomin)

Who does not wash

Who washes with hot water

It's called young.

Who washes with cold water

It's called brave.

Who doesn't wash

Not called at all.

(P. Sinyavsky)


I do not understand how the palm of your hand

Mom found out about everything:

By a scratch - like a cat

I dragged my tail yesterday

On a stain from chocolate -

And steal away

Ten small sweets.

Even what is make-believe

Lips painted in the morning

They told her palms.

Maybe it's time to wash them?

(I. Ischuk)

I myself got up early today.

I went to brush my teeth.

I washed myself from the tap

And I found the comb myself.

Standing in front of the mirror

I don't recognize myself.

Look at me:

Is it really me?

(V. Stepanov)

By yourself and by yourself

Nothing ever

Does not exceed

Of course.


Is not coming

To us at home



Not able to grind



Become a suit

Can not



Can't weld



Won't write


We do it all


Sami -

With your head

And with my own hands.

(V. Levin)