What to give the future mother-in-law - consider various options for pleasant gifts. What to give mother-in-law on various significant dates

We choose our husband ourselves, we get his relatives as a bonus. For many, the mother-in-law is really a big bonus, the second mother, but not always. However, as folk wisdom says, “If you love the owner, love his dog.” A risky comparison, but in any case, the mother-in-law's birthday is an excellent occasion to establish (strengthen, maintain) relationships. And in his own family as well. Even if she does not celebrate her birthday and says that she does not need gifts, a carefully chosen gift, with fiction and from the heart, will certainly please her.

So what to give your mother-in-law for her birthday? It depends on many criteria: character, appearance, age, hobbies, lifestyle, financial capabilities. All gifts can be divided into categories:

  • gifts - souvenirs - useless things gathering dust for years on the shelves until someone brushes them away from there;
  • things useful in everyday life and household (household appliances, dishes, furniture, home textiles), but there is not a penny in them for the feeling of a holiday;
  • gifts in accordance with the hobbies of the birthday girl - a fishing rod, a gourmet fondue set;
  • preformance - an object of non-material culture, a gift - an impression: a trip, an excursion, a ticket to a sanatorium, a performance, a concert, a certificate from a spa salon, a gift card.


If the birthday girl is still working, then you are lucky in a sense: she will interfere less in your personal life. But the character of a business woman is harsh and you can appease him with a business gift in the form of a leather-bound diary, a new bag or stationery made of engraved semi-precious stones. Maybe it's time for her to change her phone?


If your mother-in-law is already retired, the choice of gifts is even wider. Chat with her over a cup of tea and learn about childhood dreams and today's hobbies.

  • Interested in needlework? Now there are so many sets for embroidery with threads and beads. Give her a canvas, diagrams, a master class, according to the type of creativity that she has not yet mastered. For example, a wool felting master class, and her house will be full.
  • Loves cooking? You can send her to a chocolate master class, where she will be initiated into the intricacies of the confectionery craft. The master chocolatier will show you how to create author's sweets (you can take them with you). Any kitchen appliances - a combine, a microwave, a bread machine that will make work easier and save time are also welcome.
  • Avid fashionista? Pick her a sweater from the latest collection in her favorite color, or buy a gift card to a fashion boutique.
  • Looking after your figure? Will be happy with a subscription to a fitness or swimming pool. But this is only for those who have an active lifestyle.
  • Messing around with houseplants? Present a lemon tree or a flowering plant in a pot, as long as it looks presentable.
  • Homebodies will like a box for family photos, a radio with an alarm clock, an original clock, a shower radio.
  • As a last resort, buy her a new TV. At least in the kitchen. Or an antenna. Or free internet access.

summer resident

Mother-in-law can't imagine her life without a dacha? There are good sets of country tools, elite seeds. You can pick up something from country furniture (a set of plastic tables and chairs, deck chairs, a rocking chair, a hammock), a grill grate, a barbecue, a brazier, a gift-wrapped skewer. Just your appearance at the dacha with the real intention of weeding the garden or helping with repairs will also pleasantly surprise you.

Wealthy birthday girl

What to give mother-in-law for her birthday, does she have everything like in a military warehouse? Then your present should be especially original. If family values ​​are important to her, give her a family tree or an ordinary white porcelain service with portraits of all loved ones and herself. The picture looks stylish and beautiful, you can order her portrait in oil. Just choose a photo that evokes pleasant associations in her.

It is unlikely that anyone will refuse relaxation in a beauty salon, where the best masseurs will pamper

  • anti-stress massage, relieving fatigue of the neck and forearms;
  • massage with herbal bags that improves skin condition;
  • fishmassage, which is carried out by the miracle fish of Garra Rufa.

Certificate for a complex SPA session:

  • fruit spa: coffee and fruit scrub, wine wrap, rose petal mask, aroma massage;
  • Japanese sauna, samurai massage complex, hydromassage and stone massage;
  • Spa in Turkish: hammam, coffee scrub, aroma massage, massage with bamboo brooms.

If you want to get closer to your husband's mother, go on a joint journey, because nothing unites like joint impressions. Or, on the contrary, would you like to take a break from it? A cruise to exotic countries is a win-win option. If so far you are only dreaming about it, then at least organize a ticket to a sanatorium.

If the birthday girl herself is a needlewoman, give her. What to give mother-in-law for a birthday with your own hands will depend on your talents. Knit a beautiful tippet or sew covers for kitchen chairs. A beaded bracelet or an embroidered napkin will be appreciated even by a strict mother-in-law, if a piece of soul is invested in them.

Expensive, of course, attention, not a gift. And yet, it is by the gift that we judge attention. What to give mother-in-law for her birthday inexpensively? If the beloved mother of a beloved husband is a person with humor, you can simply show up for a name day in a T-shirt with a thank you inscription “Thank you, Mom, for the best gift - my husband!” and congratulate with poems of your own composition and a candy bouquet with balloons. Bright emotions are guaranteed.

Anniversary gifts

What to give mother-in-law for her 50th birthday? This is a different story. The budget of such a gift is increasing, which means that the approach to it is also special. 50 years is the age when a person can already look back and see what he has achieved in half a century. And, of course, her main achievement is a loving son who cannot forget about her holiday and demonstrate his love will be a good gift.

If we talk about the celebration itself, then a surprise banquet will be a good gift. Invite your mother to a cafe for a cup of tea, where all the relatives have already gathered. The joy of meeting is guaranteed, even if the birthday girl does not like to celebrate birthdays. After all, the most valuable thing we have is the love of loved ones. Knowing that you are not alone and needed by others is the best gift. What else to give a woman for 50 years, read.

What to give mother-in-law for 60 years? You can order a slideshow or give a digital frame with your family photo as a gift.

Who is she for you?

Can you call your relationship with your husband's mother friendly? Do you share secrets, recipes, discuss problems? So, you are familiar with her preferences and will be able to choose the right elite cosmetics, perfume, jewelry.

Is your mother-in-law still just a friend to you and you didn’t have time to get close? Ask your husband, father-in-law about her hobbies, pick up an interior item, beautiful dishes together.

You call her the second mother, and she answers you the same? Surely you want to make an expensive gift. Household appliances, gold jewelry, silverware will reflect your love and care.

This woman is completely alien to you and you do not communicate at all? Some universal present without a personal accent will help out: a book, a tablecloth, a set of chocolate.

What do mothers-in-law give in real life

On the forums from personal experience, you can draw a lot of ideas:

  • karaoke, mp3 player, audiobook, telephone, book-album with reproductions, TV,
  • decorative fountain, glass table, jubilee medal, tiger eye amulet beads, electric samovar (Gzhel), set of Vologda lace napkins, engraved silver sugar bowl
  • food processor, juicer, bread maker, vacuum cleaner,
  • lemon tree, lamp in the bedroom, mirror in the hallway;
  • expensive body care, toilet water, terry bathrobe, bamboo or sheep wool blanket, bed linen, blanket, bedspread;
  • massager, air humidifier, heater, hydromassage foot bath, blood pressure monitor, massage bath mat;
  • a gift card to a bookstore, tickets to a Patricia Kaas concert, a certificate for 2,000 to choose from (boat trip, massage, spa);
  • a large warm shawl of our own production, a cape in the car on the Panda seat (under the brand of her car).

What is the second mother unlikely to be happy about?

  • bathrobes, nightgowns, underwear she can buy herself. Not everyone likes such an invasion of personal space;
  • dishes - pots, pans corny point to its place in the kitchen;
  • medical devices and medicines at a price can be equated to a gift. But on such a day, a cane or a tonometer will rather remind you of sad things;
  • anti-aging cosmetics and another hint of her age is also a sure way to start hostilities.

Once you've made your choice, don't forget the appropriate packaging for the occasion. Any gift must be accompanied by a bouquet of flowers. It is better if it is a composition made by a florist or a beautiful basket with her favorite flowers. And, of course, smiles, kisses, congratulations, good mood, which is rare at such a celebration. The main thing is to congratulate with a pure heart and without any selfish intent, because the birthday girl will definitely feel the catch. Good luck choosing!

The annual problem - the choice of a gift for the mother-in-law - sometimes leads to serious disagreements in the family. The difficulty lies in giving a gift to express love for a person for whom you may not have it.

Moreover, you are not sure that she loves you deeply. But you are one family, your adored husband was brought up by her, your children are her beloved grandchildren. A successful birthday present can be a step towards mutual rapprochement between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law.

Mother-in-law's original birthday gift

Light: if you want to improve relations with your husband's mother, impress her with an original surprise, take a special page in your notebook. During the year, write down on it the wishes of the mother-in-law, expressed by chance.

A lot of excellent ideas will accumulate over the year, and your present will be unexpected and necessary for her personally. This is the only way to make an original and pleasant gift. Your attention will be liked and will be rewarded with reciprocal care.

What to give mother-in-law for her birthday list

There are also universal tips for daughters-in-law who have not had time to think over gift options. It all depends on financial capabilities and your observations and ideas about the mysterious woman who gave birth to your spouse.

  • Household appliances will be an excellent gift;
  • a set of frying pans;

Such a present will help to express concern for a loved one and delight him for whole years.

What to give a mother-in-law for her birthday, spending inexpensively, but so that she likes it?

  • a box of fresh chocolate / handmade sweets (look in pastry shops);
  • indoor plant in a beautiful pot;
  • glasses case;
  • a set of cosmetics;
  • perfume;

What to give the mother-in-law for her birthday who has everything

Let's start with the fact that there are no such people on earth. It seems to you that she has everything. She lacks a lot, and not the most expensive in price. The attention, the love shown by relatives is important.

Give her a trip to the salon, where she can get her hair done, manicures, pedicures, face masks, some haircut that will make her look younger.

Ideas for what to give the future mother-in-law for her birthday from the daughter-in-law

A future relative will feel embarrassed if you show up on her name day with an expensive and pretentious gift. Your relationship is just being laid, do not rush things.

It is better to make a surprise together with the groom, having consulted with him, enjoying the choice and additional information about his family.

A good surprise will be:

  • bijouterie;
  • cosmetics;
  • new TV;
  • telephone;
  • computer;
  • reader, etc.;

DIY mother-in-law's birthday gift

An interesting present can turn out if you, having thoroughly studied the family ties of your spouse, make a family tree. There are ready-made forms on sale, but it is much better to draw it yourself, stick photos and sign it.

If you are a needlewoman, tie openwork shawl or a few pillowcases pillows. The warmth of your hands will give the gift a special cordiality.

  • An embroidered picture will also be an excellent present;
  • knitted scarf;
  • do-it-yourself blanket;
  • hand-Aid products;

Do you cut with a jigsaw, burn wood or draw? Gift your beloved relative with your works. What if she likes it? It's definitely better than gifting cookware or cosmetics that hint at age.

What to give mother-in-law for 45 years

Here's what you can give your mother-in-law for a birthday for 45 years, depending on her lifestyle, activities:

good stationery;

  • branded bag;
  • subscription to the gym or to the pool;
  • fashionable sweater;
  • decorations;
  • a set of oils;
  • a set of cosmetics;

Fulfillment of secret desires is a win-win option. But how do you know about them? Listen carefully to the words of the mother-in-law in everyday life ...

✓ In dreams of distant lands

“I dream of seeing cherry blossoms in Japan, taking an elephant to a watering hole in Thailand…”

If an exotic trip does not fit into the family budget, the mother-in-law can be pampered with a SPA ritual in the spirit of the dream country. Peeling "Pearl of Hokkaido", wrapping, massage with shells and bamboo sticks ... and a tea ceremony as the final chord. By the way, tea with dried berries and cherry petals contains a lot of vitamins and well - give a certificate to the salon, beautifully tied with a ribbon to a bag with tea mixture. An original, useful and thoughtful gift for the mother-in-law on her birthday!

✓ Beauty lessons

“Just please don’t give me those palettes and brush sets again! I don’t know how to use this beauty…”

Photo: @nyxcosmetics

The mother-in-law spends hours looking at photos of stars, discussing who is well made up and who is not. He doesn’t go out for bread without “war paint”, but at the same time he does everything the old fashioned way: slobbering ink and drawing eyebrows with a pencil? A make-up lesson with a professional make-up artist is not a cheap pleasure, but it is invaluable, and as a bonus, you will know what cosmetics to give your mother-in-law for the next ... twenty years.


“The summer season is coming soon ... I have been waiting for it all winter!”

Photo: @hikingwithdogs

Another win-win option if you don’t know what to give your mother-in-law! An inveterate summer resident is easy to please with trendy secateurs, garden furniture, a sheepskin blanket, and maybe a stylish eco-cotton hammock. A certificate to one of the garden hypermarkets will also, for sure, be received complacently.

✓ Food basket

“Olive oil bought in Cyprus is running out. And there was only a pinch of spices for the Greek salad ... "

Photo: @peroni_club

A basket of delicacies is a practical and almost win-win gift. Its cost varies easily depending on financial capabilities. The main thing is to remember the taste preferences of "mom". Someone will be pleased with well-roasted coffee and a set of handmade chocolate. Some people like all sorts of "herbs" and spices, others love fragrant honey (pay attention to jars of soufflé honey interspersed with berries and even nuts - an interesting novelty).

✓ Stop a moment

“You haven’t shown me photos of your grandchildren for a long time ... I have already reviewed that pack a long time ago”

Photo: @samsunglatin

My mother-in-law for 65 years asked me to give her a tablet. We signed it on Google+ and regularly update photo reports with offspring there. In addition, she enjoys watching master classes on YouTube channels - on sewing, cooking, decorating cakes. Active user! How do you like this idea? If "mom" with technology is strong on "you", there is an alternative - a photo frame. And if you buy a special SIM card for it, you can later send fresh photos.

✓ Talent Workshop

“Vanechka drew me such a beautiful tank for my last birthday, you would send it to an art school. It is necessary to develop talents from infancy!”

Photo: @art_glass_interior

Even if you already know what to give your mother-in-law, make one more special congratulation on behalf of the child. Grandmother will be happy to receive a souvenir made with soul and love, and at the same time she will appreciate your maternal efforts and inextinguishable creativity. Fortunately, in stores for creativity now there is nothing!

A win-win and quick option: felt flowers pasted on cocktail tubes, for example, or ... a florarium with live succulents (they are completely unpretentious and look great in compositions). Everything is very simple here: take an ordinary glass cup, a vase and pour small pebbles as drainage, a little earth on top and plant all kinds of aloe, decorative agave, echeveria, and faucaria. Add pebbles, shells, sand, or even small toy figures to them.

More ideas in one line

✓ Concert or theater tickets. The main thing is to unobtrusively find out your favorite repertoire.
✓ Book. It can be a beautiful art album or a collection of the best recipes of Russian cuisine in gift wrapping.
✓ Family photo session surrounded by beloved children and grandchildren. It is desirable not in nature, but in the studio and plan for it no more than two hours, otherwise it can be tiring for an elderly person.
✓ Unusual excursion. Fortunately, in big cities there are more and more of them: “In the mystical places of St. Petersburg”, “In the footsteps of the Master and Margarita”, etc.
✓ Sticks and a sports bracelet for tracking activity. Especially if the mother-in-law is a devoted fan of a healthy lifestyle.
✓ Personalized cake. Craftswomen who create real confectionery miracles on Instagram are now a dime a dozen. Just choose and give your mother-in-law for her birthday!

All daughters-in-law treat their mother-in-law differently: for some, she becomes a second mother, and someone treats her simply as her husband’s mother, and nothing more. Choosing a gift for the holiday of their mother-in-law, some daughters-in-law try to please and please their “mother”, others just give a gift, so to speak, for show. In this article, you will learn what to give your mother-in-law for her birthday.

When the mother-in-law's birthday is approaching, daughters-in-law start to panic, because there are not so many ideas for congratulating her. How well the daughter-in-law knows her mother-in-law will depend on how much she will please her “mother”, and on this, respectively, what she will do with your gift:

  • will enjoy using it
  • put in the most honorable and prominent place in the house
  • hide somewhere far away
  • deliver it as soon as possible

First of all, when choosing a gift, the daughter-in-law should remember the individual preferences of her mother-in-law, because:

  • some love fresh flowers
  • others are allergic to them
  • some will be happy with a trinket
  • others will be offended by such a modest gift

In any case, before choosing a gift, you need to thoroughly understand the preferences, wishes and hobbies of your “second mother”.

Remember, even if your relationship with your mother-in-law isn't ideal, don't neglect the choice of gift for her. With such an attitude, you will only aggravate the situation, and anger the mother-in-law even more.

A great option would be to consult with your husband, who probably knows his mother better than anyone else and can help you choose a surprise for her.

In principle, if your mother-in-law has some visible preferences and hobbies, then choosing a gift is quite simple:

  • If she grows flowers on the windowsills at home, a great option would be to give her a live flower in a pot, replenish her collection with an unusual flower that she does not have yet.

  • If she loves to cook and has a lot of cookbooks that she has studied extensively, then a brand new cookbook would make a great gift.
  • If the mother-in-law loves to read and has a preference for a certain author, it would be great to find either the first editions of this writer, or a completely new book of his with a personal autograph.
  • If your mother-in-law loves fresh flowers, give her a huge bouquet of her favorite flowers in the original packaging. This will please her, and if your relationship did not develop in the best way, such a gift can slightly melt her heart and change her attitude towards you for the better.

If your mother-in-law does not have any special preferences and obvious hobbies, then the question of what can be presented to the mother-in-law remains open.

So, let's think together about what can please your mother-in-law. Here you will need your ingenuity and attentiveness. Eg:

  • If you notice that your mother-in-law's microwave oven is already too old and works “with all her might”, give her new household appliances as a gift, which she will be incredibly happy with and, moreover, will definitely notice your attentiveness and desire to please her.
  • If you notice that the cosmetic products on her dressing table have decreased, the best option would be to give the mother-in-law her favorite cosmetics. If you're not sure what kind of makeup she prefers, give her a gift certificate for a certain amount, which she can use as she wants, and buy the personal care products she really needs.

  • If you know the taste of your mother-in-law, it would be appropriate to give her a beautiful bag that she will like.
  • If the daughter-in-law is aware of the “global” desires of her mother-in-law, you can invite her husband and her other close people to invest together in making her dream come true. It can be a hat made of natural fur, a mobile phone and other quite significant and expensive gifts.

What to give mother-in-law cheap?

If, for any reason, you do not have the opportunity to purchase an expensive gift for your mother-in-law, you should not give up any other option. Let's figure out what an inexpensive gift you can give your mother-in-law:

  • If you have an excellent relationship with your mother-in-law, and you can confidently call them friendly, then a hand-made gift, for example, a knitted sweater, will be a great surprise option for her. If the relationship with the mother-in-law is too tense, she is unlikely to be pleased with a hand-made postcard or a floss product.
  • You can give your mother-in-law a personalized cup, in any case, gifts should be appropriate and useful, or an inexpensive set of dishes (if she really needs it).

  • The more formal the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the more neutral the gift should be. If the relationship is very cool, you can give your husband’s mother an electronic-type photo frame for his birthday, but if the relationship is warm, you can present bed linen or a warm blanket as a gift.
  • If your mother-in-law is very fond of fruits, you can give her a basket with her favorite berries and fruits. She will appreciate such a gift and your attentiveness to her preferences.
  • If the mother-in-law is a business woman, then the organizer will be an appropriate gift for her birthday.

Money can also be given for a birthday, but this will not be the right gift, because the mother-in-law may think that you presented her with an envelope with money because you did not want to bother with the gift.

What to give a future mother-in-law?

In this case, the selection of a gift should be careful, because the right mother-in-law's birthday gift is a successful step towards a happy life together (as you know, mothers-in-law, in most cases, greatly influence this criterion).

The price of a mother-in-law's birthday gift depends on:

  • your income
  • future mother-in-law lifestyle
  • preferences of the mother of the groom

If the future mother-in-law is still an unfamiliar woman for you, you should not give too expensive and personal gifts, it should be something neutral and not too expensive.

So, the list of simple, inexpensive and pleasant gifts for the future mother-in-law:

  • bouquet of flowers
  • set of towels
  • a tea set
  • a basket with sweet gifts (if the mother-in-law does not have diabetes and food allergies)
  • photo album
  • a bottle of delicious wine or champagne
  • coffee gift set

On the birthday of the mother-in-law, you can invite her to a cafe in order to celebrate this holiday in the family circle and get to know each other better, this gesture will surely please every future mother-in-law.

What to give an ex-mother-in-law?

It often happens that after the divorce of the spouses, the daughter-in-law does not stop communicating with her mother-in-law and is in excellent warm relations with her. In this case, wishing her a happy birthday is the duty of a good daughter-in-law (albeit a former one). It may not necessarily be an expensive gift, but just a symbolic present.

If the daughter-in-law communicates well with the former mother-in-law, she probably knows her preferences, so choosing a gift will not be difficult:

  • Cooking. Here you can give a lot of useful things, from a cookbook with interesting recipes to baking dishes.
  • Decor. You can give your mother-in-law a beautiful picture or a vase that will fit perfectly into the interior of her house.

  • Original gifts. One of the options for such gifts can be an order for a photograph on canvas, which depicts the mother-in-law with her grandchildren and daughter-in-law, or her entire extended family. You can also order a pillow or a cup with a photo on them.
  • Edible gifts. If your mother-in-law loves, for example, orchids, you can order a cake in the form of a beautiful and delicate orchid with an interesting inscription.
  • Gift Baskets. It can be a set of tea, coffee or delicacies. A set of aromatic oils, decorative cosmetics, etc. will also be an excellent gift.

In this case, the mother-in-law will be happy with any gift, and most importantly, the attention paid to her, and this is worth a lot.

What to give mother-in-law for an anniversary?

Anniversary is a special date, and the daughter-in-law's gift should also be special. Let's go through the list of possible gifts for such dates, especially since the gift largely depends on the age category of your mother-in-law:

  • If your mother-in-law is 40, remember that this is a young woman who, like any other, wants to feel young, so do not give her cosmetics for aging skin or a knitting kit. An excellent option for such a date would be a gift certificate to a spa or beauty salon. You can also invite your mother-in-law to celebrate her birthday at a nightclub, thereby showing that she is still young, even in the eyes of her daughter-in-law.

  • The mother-in-law celebrates 45 years - then the daughter-in-law is simply obliged to give a good and appropriate gift. At this age, a woman wants to feel young, despite the fact that she has exchanged her fifth decade. Give her this opportunity - give her a phone or tablet, showing that she keeps up with the times. Expensive alcohol will also please your young mother-in-law.
  • If you don’t know what to give your mother-in-law for 50 years, you need to ask your spouse for help, he will definitely tell you what his mother would like to receive for her anniversary. At this age, women become even more sentimental and therefore a video about her family and grandchildren will be the best gift for her. A daughter-in-law's declaration of love for her mother-in-law and her gratitude for the best husband in the world will be a great addition to any gift. For such an anniversary, you can give a quality bedding set or beautiful curtains, curtains, lambrequins. At this age, a woman pays special attention to comfort, so such gifts would be appropriate.
  • What to give mother-in-law for 55 years? This is an intermediate age between 50 and 60 years, so the list of gifts, in principle, is no different from the list of surprises for 50 years.

  • A completely different question - what to give mother-in-law for 60? Like it or not, this age is considered advanced, despite the fact that many women refuse to admit it. The gift will depend on how the mother-in-law treats her age, if she doesn’t want to admit at all that she is already 60, you shouldn’t give her a cake with the numbers 60 or cosmetics for those over 55. In this case, a gift in the form of a huge bouquet of flowers and a delicious cake, where her age will not be indicated. For mothers-in-law who take it easier, you can give household appliances, dishes, a cake with the inscription "beloved grandmother" and stuff like that.

No matter how old your mother-in-law is, and no matter what kind of relationship you have with her, make her happy for her birthday with a special, original gift and give it from the heart. Every woman, despite her character, behavior and status in society, deserves an appropriate and good gift for her birthday. Now you know what to give an original mother-in-law for her birthday.

Video: “Mother-in-law’s birthday gift”

Each woman has her own relationship with her mother-in-law, so someone gives her husband's mother a gift for show, someone wants to please. If you really want to please your mother-in-law, it is better to give her something that will actually please and be useful.

What to give mother-in-law for her birthday: tips

With the approaching anniversary of the mother-in-law, the question of what to give her can confuse even the most caring and loving daughter-in-law. Her further actions depend on the knowledge and understanding of the tastes of the mother-in-law: she will use the gift, put it in a conspicuous place, hide it away in the closet or give it to someone else.

Remember that your mother-in-law is first and foremost a woman with her own individual preferences. Some women adore flowers, while others want to see them growing in a flower bed or are generally allergic to pollen. Someone is crazy about the means for rejuvenation and self-care, and someone is indifferent to them, but devotes all his free time to the dacha. If the mother-in-law's hobby is cooking, she will probably be happy with a slow cooker, a set of new pans, or a good recipe book. Before you go to the birthday of your beloved mother-in-law, find out well about her hobbies.

Consult with your husband when choosing a gift, because he knows his mother and her tastes well

Gifts and hobbies

If your second mom loves to take care of herself, your task of finding a gift is much easier. You can buy a beautiful blouse for her, a high-quality cosmetic set. Jewelry made of gold, silver, precious or semi-precious stones is also always a valuable and relevant gift. You should not give a cream for wrinkles or for aging skin - it is not known how she will perceive such an ambiguous present. If you don’t know which specific brands of decorative and skin care cosmetics your mother-in-law prefers, it would be wise to present her with a gift certificate for a certain amount to a cosmetics store for her to choose. If a lady goes to a beautician or spa treatments, she will be happy with a certificate to a beauty salon, if she does yoga - a subscription to a fitness club. But if you give a certificate or subscription, it should be an institution already chosen by the mother-in-law, or a place with obviously good specialists, so that there is no disappointment.

If the mother-in-law likes to do housework most of the time, she may like gifts that are useful in the household and create comfort. It can be an original lamp, an exquisite service, new curtains, a set of bed linen, a picture on the wall, a beautiful tablecloth, a vase, engraved silver spoons, useful household appliances, chairs for the living room, etc. The economic mother-in-law will most likely appreciate the manifestation of housekeeping on your part if you make a delicious cake for her in addition to the main gift. A lover of tea ceremonies will be pleased with a beautifully packaged collection of different original teas with a box of chocolates.

If you have a warm relationship with your second mother, and you have a talent for needlework, a quality sweater you knitted will come in handy

A gift edition of a book by your favorite author or a certificate for a purchase in a bookstore will please a reading lover, and a subscription to a philharmonic or theater will delight an art connoisseur. If the mother-in-law has a favorite singer or singer, give her concert tickets to good seats. You can present a beautiful icon to a believing mother-in-law, for example, trimmed with gems or embroidered with beads.

If the hero of the day is fond of needlework, a needlework kit will be a nice gift for her, depending on the type of her hobby. It can be, for example, a beautiful large cross-stitch kit, an organizer for storing sewing accessories.


The more formal the relationship between you and your mother-in-law, the more neutral the gifts should be. Bathrobes, underwear, something handmade may not be appropriate here. But such a modern and useful gift as an electronic photo frame is quite suitable. Often, a photo frame is a multifunctional device that allows you to view not only photos, but also videos.

Whatever you give, decorate your present beautifully - it is important not only to give a thing, but also to create a festive mood. In addition, attractive packaging speaks of your respect and attention to your mother-in-law.