Your name for Ever After High. Questionnaires

Don't lie, don't lie, don't lie... Oh! Sorry! Hello :) Never mind, it's me. Hee hee. As you already know, I am Cedar Wood, Pinocchio's daughter. Like dad, I am completely wooden, so I really want to become real girl. Do you happen to know any spell?? OK. Actually, there are advantages to this. For example, no one swims better than me in the whole school! I also have a charming purple dress that I really like. Probably all of you have heard about my features. Yes, yes, like dad, I can't lie. As soon as I tell a lie, my nose begins to grow rapidly in size. Here is the attack! I can't even imagine how Kitty Cheshire will laugh if she sees me like this. I love art! Most of all I like to draw, sculpt or decorate something. Creativity is my middle name. But what I don’t like at all is metalwork on wood. HORROR! When I see all these terrible saws, gleaming with their steel teeth, I feel sick. Of course, you are familiar with my girlfriends - this is the rebel Raven, the crazy Maddie Hatter and the secretive Cerise Hood, the daughter of Little Red Riding Hood. Oh, it looks like the girls are going to Bukend, and I need to buy new paints and paper. Bye-ah...
Fairy tale: The Adventures of Pinocchio.
The roommate: Series Hood.
Secret wish: Yes, I dream of becoming a real girl, but most of all I want to choose for myself what I want (or not) to say.
Capabilities: I'm a great swimmer, simply because I don't drown. There are advantages to being made of magical wood.
Romantic Story: I can't lie, so any relationship is not a top priority just yet.
Peculiarity: Because of my handicap, I cannot keep secrets. It's not my fault, but my friends should be careful what they say in front of me.
Favorite subject: Art and Craft. When I draw, paint or sculpt some kind of sculpture, I feel free.
Disliked item: Woodwork. When I see all these terrible saws and scary machines, I start to get terribly nervous!
Best friends: Raven Queen, Madeline Hatter and Cerise Hood.

From mommy Lizzie Hearts got difficult character and the habit of constantly yelling. But Lizzie Hearts struggles with herself and learns to suppress her anger. As the future Queen of Hearts, she wants to rule with honor and dignity, not anger. Lizzie is proud of her heritage, but wants to be a kinder Queen of Hearts. In addition, when she screams a lot, her throat starts to hurt. And Lizzie screams often. And those same “Down with this ...”, “Down with this ...” ... And how would you like it if your classmate constantly shouted “Head off your shoulders!”. Lizzy's classmates don't like it either. But, after all, Lizzy, when she shouts “Head off your shoulders!” simply says "Please" or "Thank you" in the language of Wonderland.
Fairy tale: Alice in Wonderland
The roommate: Duchess Swan
Secret wish: I'm proud of my heritage, but I want to be a kinder Queen of Hearts. When you scream a lot, your throat starts to hurt.
Capabilities: I can easily build anything from a deck of cards.
Romantic Story: I'll think about it when I get back to Wonderland.
Peculiarity: I don't like moments when people take me too literally. When I yell "HEAD OFF!", it means I'm just saying "Please" and "Thank you" in the language of Wonderland.
Favorite subject: Gymnastics. I love to play croquet. I was even chosen as the captain of the team!
Least favorite item: Fundamentals of villainy. Why does everyone think I'm a villain? My destiny is to be a mystery!
Best friends: Kitty Cheshire and Madeline Hatter are the only ones who understand me. In the literal sense of the word.

Poppy O'Hara - Daughter of Rapunzel

This girl, although royal blood flows in her veins - she is the daughter of Rapunzel - but she is completely different from the cutesy and prim princess. Poppy O'Hair (Poppy O'Hara, Poppy O'Hair) is Holly O'Hair's sister, and now they are studying together at the Happily Ever After school.
Poppy listens to punk music, loves scarves and just has a talent for design and hairdressing, which she implements while working at the site of the hairdressing salon "Tower". Other girls sign up for her in line for royal hairstyles. I want to find my destiny in school ever after. And in any case, I will not stop caring for my hair.
Fairy tale: Rapunzel
The roommate: Holly O'Hara
Secret wish: I want to find my destiny at Ever After school. And in any case, I will not stop caring for my hair.
Capabilities: Since I am Rapunzel's daughter, my hair is extremely valuable. I even trim them a little every morning and deposit them into my savings account!
Romantic Story: Believe it or not, I think Sparrow Hood is very nice. And he would be even more glorious if he stopped singing songs about how wonderful he is.
Peculiarity: My sister always tells me that I like to cut corners and go the shortest way. I don't see the point in going around long way around the tower.
Favorite subject: Princess style design. I like to create modern look for stunning princesses - from hair and makeup to outfits and style.
Disliked item: Princessology. If I am a daughter fairy queen, this does not mean that I'm cutesy and stiff.
Best friends: Holly O'Hara and Ashlyn Ella.

Holly O'Hara - Daughter of Rapunzel

This girl always has amazing hair. After all, heredity is a great thing, and Holly O'Hare (Holly O'Hara, Holly O'Hair) is the daughter of that very famous Rapunzel and the twin sister of another well-known student of the Happily Ever After School - Poppy O'Heir. Holly O "Hare will have articles for the next Rapunzel. After all, she was born a little earlier than her sister Poppy.
And after she lives her story as the next Rapunzel, Holly wants to write a new fairy tale, the heroes of which will be all her friends and, of course, her best friends - sister Poppy and beauty Blondie Locks.
Fairy tale: Rapunzel
The roommate: Poppy O'Hara
Secret wish: After I live my story as the next Rapunzel, I want to write new book fairy tales, the heroes of which will be all my friends!
Capabilities: Even my cut hair can be used to create the strongest rope or the finest silk.
Romantic Story: I'm totally crazy about Daring Charming. Please don't tell anyone (especially Apple White).
Peculiarity: I have been in the tower for a very long time, but I am terribly afraid of heights. In addition, the doors are constantly locked behind me, and there is no way I can get out of here!
Favorite subject: Rescue of the Beautiful Ladies. I love being in the tower and blogging while waiting to be rescued.
Disliked item: Gymnastics. Especially swimming lessons. It takes me several hours to collect all the hair under a bathing cap.
Best friends: Poppy O'Hara and Blondie Locks.

Kitty Cheshire - daughter of the Cheshire cat

Ale-op! Here I am! Didn't you wait? I know the art of teleportation, I can appear out of nowhere and also disappear without a trace. This magical ability was passed down from my father, the Cheshire cat, who took Alice around Wonderland .. The best cat features have found their embodiment in me! Gracefulness, dexterity, ingenuity! At the same time, a smile from ear to ear always shines on my face, and a lot of crazy thoughts swarm in my head. Sometimes I indulge in long and deep reflections, which bring my friends to white heat. Everyone thinks that I am complete nonsense and a little crazy, but this is a big delusion. It's just that my reality is different from yours, that's all! I really like to do different pranks and do not stop until I finish what I started. After all, I am the daughter of the Cheshire Cat, and he used to say that confidence and recklessness are two sides of the same coin.

I am self-sufficient and independent, I love to walk on my own, but this does not mean that Kitty Cheshire is alien to friendly ties. I have one bosom friend, this is the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, and I live in the same room with the daughter of the Mad Hatter named Madeline Hatter. Predictable, isn't it? Everyone at school loves me because I don't give out secrets and I always try to help. My only shortcoming is excessive curiosity, because of which I often get into various alterations. What to do, such is the nature of a cat! I also love wearing weird, extravagant things. The main thing is that they are blue or purple. Well, everything. Because I can't stay in one place for long, it's time to disappear. Don't be surprised if one day you see a big smile in the air. Aurevouar, my good ones!

Fairy tale: Alice in Wonderland
The roommate: Madeline Hatter
Secret wish: Down with all the rules and conventions! I want to live only according to the dictates of my heart.
Capabilities: To disappear without a trace and drive people crazy - in this I am a real ace!
Romance Story: Guys? No, please. If at least one of them surpasses me in cunning and resourcefulness, then maybe I will meet. In the meantime, I'd rather talk with my favorite domestic caterpillar.
Peculiarity: They say that I am overly curious, but how can you remain indifferent when there are so many unsolved mysteries around?
Favorite subject: I love geography, because thanks to it I can expand the boundaries of my abilities! All countries are at my feet, but the best of them is Wonderland.
Disliked item: Of course swimming. I can't stand water. She's wet and nasty. Why should I swim at all if I can teleport.
Best friends: Lizzie Hearts. Only she understands my subtle and complex nature, when, of course, she does not rage like her mother.

Rosabella Beauty - Belle's daughter

Hello, is there anything I can help you with? If anything, always contact me, because I do not like to sit idle and I am always ready to stand up for truth and justice. You probably know the love story of my parents, beautiful Belle and Prince Beast. Using their example, I am trying to prove how deceptive appearances can be and that the most important thing is inner beauty. I hate lies and duplicity! Perhaps that is why I have the most sincere and devoted friends. I live in the same room with Darling Charming, who, like me, loves to break stereotypes. Briar Beauty from Sleeping Beauty, this is mine cousin. Although she is a little frivolous, she is very kind girl. We spend a lot of time together with her. The daughter of Little Red Riding Hood Cherry Hood is also close in spirit to me, because she is very kind and loves nature. We are kind to animals, especially magical ones. We believe that their place is free, not in cages.

In general, I am very kind and sympathetic, but I am often accused of being too serious. But how else, because only pragmatic and businesslike people achieve their goals! No pranks, just action. I have a very strong character and I will not deviate from my opinion for anything. I don't care about stubbornness. I always accept Active participation in all kinds of school meetings. I am not indifferent to the fate of others, I always try to help them and do something useful. Call Rosabella Beauty when you need help, and now I'm on my way to the meeting. Bye!

Fairy tale: The beauty and the Beast.
The roommate: Darling Charming.
Secret wish: I want justice to rule the world and everyone has the right to vote!
Capabilities: I have the gift of discernment. I see real essence of a person, I unmistakably identify lies and hypocrisy. Appearances are so deceiving! Sometimes I am considered unnecessarily suspicious for this.
Romantic Story: I am strong and independent, but sometimes I really want romance. While I do not have my own prince, but he will definitely appear. The main thing is that my chosen one shares my position in life and be as kind as my dad.
Peculiarity: Many can not get along with me, because of assertiveness and stubbornness. They also say that I am too correct and do not know how to have fun. But this is a pure lie! Sometimes an evening spent reading a book can be no less interesting than a party. I advise everyone.
Favorite subject: I am a regular at all school meetings, because I can not stay away from problems. I love taking history classes and hope to become a successful business queen in the future.
Disliked item: I can't stand animal training classes because it's so cruel! Animals have the right to take control of their own lives. The best thing you can do for them is to let them go free.
Best friends: I love strong personalities who have their own opinion and kind heart. I communicate with Darling Charming, Cherry Hood and of course my beloved sister Briar Beauty.

Melody Piper - daughter of the Cunning Pied Piper

Whoooo… Hi everyone, I'm the school music DJ, Melody Piper! I can turn any party into a real party, just give me a DJ console. Ever heard of the cunning rat-catcher who saved the city from an invasion of rats? So this is my dad. I inherited his musical talent and lively cheerful character. The only thing we disagree on is musical tastes. He loved classical music, and I exclusively modern. At the same time, I am constantly under his supervision, because dad teaches at the Ever After High school. It pisses me off, but there's nothing you can do about it.

Although my character is capricious, I am very sociable and sociable girl. Where the party is, there is Melody Piper! It is for this reason that I became very close friends with Briar Beauty. Together we arrange fantastic parties. The whole school goes to our parties, so I'm somewhat of a real celebrity. Big headphones, an essential element of my image. Without them, I feel sad and bored. And if you add a cool leather jacket with rivets to the headphones, then the outfit can be considered incomparable. Still I love purple color! It is as bright and stylish as my tracks.

With all the popularity, I will not say that I am the best student in school .. I do not want to follow the established rules. Looking for freedom of expression! Sometimes it interferes with my studies and affects my grades, which is why I often get a reprimand from my dad. But, it seems to me that the most important thing is to find your calling in life and strive for it no matter what. When the party is scheduled, do not forget to call Melody Piper and the party will be a success. Music is my everything!

Fairy tale: Pied Piper
The roommate: Ginger Bredhouse
Secret wish: I want to devote myself to modern music, and not to train rats, as my father does.
Capabilities: I masterfully own turntables and all sorts of DJ tricks. For this reason, there are always crowds of people at my performances!
Romantic Story: I'm very picky about guys. If they have bad taste in music, then they won't do anything with me. So far, my heart is not busy, I'm waiting for a musically gifted guy, or at least a devoted fan of my work.
Peculiarity: I'm too loud and active. This prevents other children from concentrating on the lesson and often leads to conflicts.
Favorite subject: Of course the music! But only when they put on not the classics, but cool DJ tracks that you can dance to.
Disliked item: To be honest, I do not like all the lessons that take place in silence. Give more drive and then Melody Piper will definitely start studying!
Best friends: I'm only friends with cool girls like Briar Beauty and Ginger Bredhouse. They know how to have fun and I fucking love it!

Heroes of famous cartoons are often waiting for a long and happy fate. They not only enter the consciousness and memory of their fans, but also turn into charming dolls that come to life thanks to their manufacturers. This happened with the famous cartoon Ever After High, whose characters have now become colorful and charming dolls thanks to Mattel.

How were they created?

After resounding success series of dolls interesting name monster high the company decided to launch a new puppet series called the Long and Happily School, based on the cartoon of the same name (this is how the name Ever After High is translated into Russian). Along with this, photos, pictures and computer games with the heroes of Ever After High.

Dolls first saw the light on May 30, 2013, and continue to be produced to this day. In 2014, on June 5, this brand was introduced in Russia.

It was a basic series, where the dolls replicated the daily outfits of the cartoon characters: it was a huge success. The set included a layout with the character's story, a comb key and a stand. A series of dolls was presented by the most powerful company, which is one of the most famous brands. In the same year, stores Child's world» started to sell girl clothes, and the publishing house "Eksmo" will release a book called "The Book of Legends" about the adventures of the glorious characters of Ever After High.

According to their characteristics, Ever After High dolls, in comparison with the Monster High series, are more like people and have rounded faces, which is clearly evidenced by photos and pictures.

The bodies of the dolls are made of ABS plastic, which is very durable and elastic, based on resin. One of the main features of this material is non-toxicity: this is extremely important, since Ever After High dolls are intended for children and teenagers.

heads Doll Ever After High are made of PVC. This material is also a non-toxic thermoplastic and is used in the manufacture of plastic windows.

Hair is made from nylon-based materials. The dolls are made on hinges: they can move their legs, arms, head - almost like living ones. Thus, the Ever After High series of dolls is safe for children's games: they can be given to teenagers and toddlers without fear.

History of Ever After High School

The legend of the cartoon and the Ever After High series of dolls is based on the story that the heirs of famous heroes of children's fairy tales also grow up and, like their parents and all ordinary people, must study at school. This school is called "Long and Happily" (as the name was translated from the original Ever After High). This school can only be entered fairy-tale heroes: ordinary children do not go into it. The sons and daughters of Goldilocks, Robin Hood, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Humpty Dumpty and other characters beloved by the children study here.

The children of magical heroes must repeat the fate of their parents, but they do not always agree to do what they are told. That is why there are disagreements and riots at the Ever After High school. Students are divided into two camps: heirs and apostates.

There are quite a few heroes of the famous cartoon, and they all have bright names. The heirs cherish the traditions of their parents, and the apostates wish to decide their own fate. They have their own views on good and evil. As a result, a school called Ever After High seems to be divided into two camps. Based on this confrontation, all new adventures take place.

Released collections

The Ever After High doll catalog consists of over a dozen main characters. However, this is not the whole series. The catalog is constantly updated with new dolls that go on sale.

To date, the following series of doll collections have been released:

  1. Basic
  2. coronation day
  3. heritage day
  4. Through the forest
  5. Tea ceremony (party)
  6. Glass Lake or Mirror Beach
  7. Pajama, or Become more beautiful
  8. Unrestrained spring
  9. Way too Wonderland (2015)
  10. Sugar Coated (2015)
  11. Picnic (2015) - Charming Picnic

We list only some of the leading characters in this series. Pictures and photos of dolls can be seen on our website.

Checklist with collections of dolls from the School of Long and Happily.

New series of Ever After High dolls (2015).

Ever After High doll collections. The red square is the most desired. Orange - desirable, yellow - less priority, green - available, blue - uninteresting.

All dolls from the Sugar coated collection.

Raven Queen's doll new collection Enchanted Picnic 2015.


- the head of the heirs, the daughter of Snow White and the same white hair and blue eyes(see pictures and photos). She truly believes in the book of fate and strives to protect royal traditions.

  • - the daughter of the well-known Goldilocks with blue eyes and light curls. Like her mother, she is in search of perfection.

  • - Daughter of the Queen of Hearts. She looks angry and irritated, but secretly dreams of learning to be kind.

  • - 2 daughters of Rapunzel from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. They are extremely fond of fairy tales. Poppy is the older twin sister, but the girls decide not to divulge their secret (Poppy refers to the apostates).

  • is a daughter dressed from Swan Lake. She can dance beautifully and even turn into a black swan. Swan is trying to do everything so that her fate is long and happy.

Photo from the cartoon Ever After High.

  • The son of Prince Charming from Sleeping Beauty. He feels his charm, so he is somewhat narcissistic.

  • Daring Charming is another son of Prince Charming. In contrast to his brother, he is very brave, but likes to flirt a little.

Photos and pictures of these heroes and dolls can be seen on our website.


  • “She’s the daughter of the evil queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” She prefers to decide her own fate.

Photo from the cartoon Ever After High.

  • She is the daughter of the Mad Hatter from Lewis Carroll's Alice Through the Looking-Glass. She is optimistic and even a little eccentric.

  • The son of the Huntsman and Snow White. He loves animals, gentle and sensitive.

  • - the heiress of the god of love Eros. It should help people find love.

  • - Pinocchio's daughter. She must become beautiful girl and prove that everyone is capable of living happily ever after.

  • Daughter of the Gray Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. Behind her charming cherry hood, she hides wolf ears.

Cerise Hood - the wolf's daughter

  • - the daughter of a cat from a fairy tale by Lewis Carroll, called Cheshire. She has lavender colored hair that is tied into two ponytails. Sleeps in trees and can disappear like her dad.

Photo from the cartoon Long and Happily.

Photos and pictures of these heroes can also be viewed on our website.

These are not all the characters and dolls of the Ever After High school. A series of dolls is constantly updated with new characters. Photos and pictures on the site will give you a complete picture of how they look. Also, photos and pictures can be printed and used for personal purposes.

Ever After High School and the dolls of its students will become great gift for every child! Characters in colorful costumes will make even the most thoughtful girl smile.

Ever doll collection After high on heritage day.

Heritage Day.

Coronation Day Series.

The basic collection of Ever After High dolls.

Biographies of the main and secondary characters Ever After High (schools Long and Happily)

In May 2013, the American company Mattel launched a new line of fashion dolls, whose characters are the children of famous fairy-tale characters and study at the Long and Happily Ever After school. History of the main and minor characters Ever After High is no less interesting than the biographies of Monster High dolls, because their parents are Cinderella, the Mad Hatter, Pinocchio, Rapunzel and other heroes of fairy tales, both good and evil. At the same time, the names of the Ever After High characters often correspond to the origin of the characters and their biography - for example, Apple White is the daughter of Snow White, Briar Beauty is the daughter of Sleeping Beauty, and Cerise Hood ("Cherry Hood") is Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf.

Studying at the school Happily Ever After is somewhat different from studying at the School of Monsters, and above all, because every student of the Monster High School is obliged to take an oath: in the future he will repeat the path of his parents so that fairy tales live forever. However, all the students of Ever After High were divided into two large groups - those who agree to follow the path of their parents (Royal, Heirs) and those who want to find their own path in life (Rebel, Departed).

New characters from the Ever After High school appear periodically, for example, Gus & Hilda Crum (children of Hansel and Gretel), Duchess Swan (daughter of the Swan Princess) and Alistair Wonderland (son of Alice from Wonderland). Despite the fact that these heroes of Ever After High are new, not only their names and descriptions are already known, but also detailed information about the characteristics of the characters of these characters. Among the most famous heroes of Ever After High are:

Apple White

This is the daughter of Snow White and one of the main characters of Ever After High. She has pale skin bright blue eyes and Golden hair. Apple White is a bright and very self-confident girl who invariably arouses the admiration of others. She is destined to marry Prince Daring Charming, but so far they have not met. best friends Apple White are Briar Beauty and Blondie Locks.

Cerise Hood

Daughter of Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf. She has bright skin, grey eyes, dark pink lips and long dark hair with a strand white color. Cerise Hood's ears are slightly pointed, so she hides them under the hood, and when the girl gets angry, animal instincts wake up in her, which is not surprising, since she is the daughter of a werewolf. Despite the fact that Cerise Hood has girlfriends (Cedra Wood, Madeline Hatter and Raven Queen), she prefers to spend most of her free time with her pet, the wolf cub Cameron.

Raven Queen

Daughter of the Evil Queen and the Good King. This doll has pale skin, eyes purple, lilac lips and slightly curly black hair with burgundy and purple streaks. Raven Queen is an attentive and kind, but a little sarcastic girl who does everything not to repeat the fate of her mother, imprisoned in the Mirror Dungeon. Best friends Cerise Hood and Madeline Hatter.

Briar Beauty

The daughter of Sleeping Beauty, who is destined to repeat the fate of her mother and also fall asleep forever. Because of this, the girl is very active life, trying to catch everything that is possible, until it begins to materialize what was destined for her. The only drawback of Briar Beauty is uncontrolled sleep, she falls asleep several times a day, regardless of place and time. Briar Beauty's best friends are Melody Piper, Blondie Locks, and Apple White.

Cedar Wood

Daughter of Pinocchio. She has brown skin with stains resembling the texture of wood, and chestnut long hair. Unlike her father, Cedar does not know how to lie at all, since a spell of truth was cast on her as a child, so Cedra Wood is forced to tell the truth even when it is not required. Cedar Wood is friends with Cerise Hood, Madeline Hatter and Raven Queen.

Holly O'Hair and Poppy O'Hair

Twin sisters Holly and Poppy O'Heir, daughters of Rapunzel. Holly is the future Rapunzel, Poppy is not, as she was born later. Holly O'Hare has long magic hair, which can be used to create both thin silk and the strongest rope. Holly is secretly in love with Prince Daring Charming. Poppy O "Hare, unlike her sister, with short haircut(every morning she cuts her ends a little and deposits her valuable hair into a savings account), has a talent for hairdressing, realizing it at the Tower hairdressing salon, where she earns money in her spare time.

Holly O'Hare's best friends are the sister of Poppy and Blondie Locks, and best girlfriends Poppy O'Hare is also her sister Holly and Ashlyn Ella.

Ashlynn Ella

Daughter of Cinderella. At first, she was on the side of the Inheritors, but after she fell in love with Hunter Huntsman (the son of the Hunter), she took the side of the Renegades to always be with her beloved. From her mother Ashlyn, Ella inherited a love for shoes, which she realizes while working in the Crystal Slipper store. Ashlyn's best friends are Raven Queen and Apple White, but only her lover, Hunter Huntsman, with whom they have much in common, truly understands the girl.

Madeline Hatter

The daughter of the well-known Mad Hatter. She has pale skin, emerald green eyes, light pink lips and curly hair burgundy and emerald colors. Medellin Hatter spends most of her time at her father's Tea Shop, where she holds tea ceremonies. She is very kind, energetic and bright girl always ready to help those who need it. Madeline Hatter's best friends are Cedra Wood and Raven Queen.

These are just the most famous, main characters of Ever After High, whose adventures are described in almost every episode of the animated series of the same name. However, the Mattel line of these dolls is quite wide and includes children of such fairy tale characters like the Queen of Hearts, the White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat and Alice from "Alice in Wonderland", Goldilocks, the Wicked Witch from the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel", Pied Piper, the Frog Prince, Robin Hood and the Swan Princess from the ballet fairy tale "Swan Lake" by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Gillian Binstock is Jack's daughter.

Fairy tale:"Jack and the Beanstalk"

Roommate: Nina Tumbell

Secret Desire of the Heart: Live without limits! No beanstalk - I can't climb it, and no giant - I can't run away from it.

My "Magic" Ability: My magic beans are perfect for a quick escape, especially from giants.

Oh, That Cursed Moment!: Being fearless, sometimes my friends accidentally get into terrible situations because of me.

Favorite School Lesson: Grimmnastics. I'm trying to convince the school to introduce extreme beanstalk climbing.

Least Favorite School Lesson: Mythmatics (translator's note: a combination of the words "myth" and "mathematics"). I'm not very good at counting beans.

Best Friends For All Ages: Darling Charming and Cerise Hood are always open for adventure.

Michelle Mermaid- Daughter of the Little Mermaid.

Fairy tale:"Mermaid"

Roommate: Farah Goodfary

Secret Desire of the Heart: I want my voice to be heard from the stage and screens of the whole earth Happily Ever After.

My "Magic" Ability: Being a mermaid, I can control the water. For example, the size of the waves. It is incredibly mesmerizing while surfing.

Oh, That Cursed Moment!: Unfortunately, as soon as even a drop of water hits me, my legs turn into a tail. So I can't go for a walk in the rain.

Favorite School Lesson: Enchanting song. I like to sing with other princesses at school.

Least Favorite School Lesson: Science and Spells. Especially the chapter "Voice Changer for Sea Witches".

Best Friends For All Ages: I love writing music with Melody Piper and swimming with Cedar Wood.

Nina Tumbell- Thumbelina's daughter.

Fairy tale:"Thumbelina"

Roommate: Gillian Binstock

Secret Desire of the Heart: We live to take care of the world. Even the smallest fairy tale characters can do a lot.

My "Magic" Ability: Although I, in fact, I am not the size more than a finger I am able to get taller when I want to.

Oh, That Cursed Moment!: Although I don't sweat in small amounts, I can get wet for a moment if I get upset.

Favorite School Lesson: ecological magic. It is important to know how to properly dispose of old potion bottles.

Least Favorite School Lesson: Fables. Seriously? In my book short stories no worse!

Best Friends For All Ages: Ashlynn Ella and Rosabella Beauty are two girls who love nature and animals as much as I do.

Crystal Winter- Daughter of the Snow King and the Snow Queen.

History of Parents: The Snow Queen.

Secret Desire of the Heart: I'm in charmstorg (approx. Enchantment + delight / hexcited) be heir to the throne, but for now I want to play hockey!

My "Magic" Ability: My royal wand has snow magic, and my snow blaster has ice magic.

"Oh, it's a curse!": I am so accustomed to walking on ice that I begin to slide on the unfrozen surface.

Favorite School Subject: Magic Meteorology. I have shivers all over my body from learning how to make the day snowy and perfect!

Least Favorite School Subject: Cooking. Why are people so eager to defrost frozen foods? Their textures are like royal ruins!

Best friends: Ashlynn Ella and Briar Beauty have been my two favorite princesses since elementary school.

Daring Charming-son of King Charming

Fairy tale: Every fairy tale where Prince Charming comes to the rescue.

Neighbour: Hopper Quakington ||

Secret Desire of the Heart: To live life to the fullest, while doing real feats.

My "Magic" Ability: I have the most charming smile in the land of Happily Ever After! She can make any fabulous day better.

Romantic Relationship Status: Yes, Apple is cute and we are destined to be together, but why should the other ladies at school not be charmed?

Oh, That Damned Moment!: I'm easily upset, but when I see this beautiful face, everything goes away.

Favorite Subject: Theatre. I was born to be the center of attention!

Least Favorite Item:Slaying Dragons. Of course, I train on it, but this subject is so simple that I get bored.

Best Friends For All Ages: My brother Dexter Charming and Hopper Quakington ||

Courtley Jester- daughter Joker cards

Fairy tale:"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"


Secret desire of the heart: I just want to have a significant role in my story, and this is not a joke.

My "Magic" ability: I can magically change your appearance. It's just the power of the wild card!

Alistair won me over!

Oh, That Damn Moment! People take the joker out of the game too quickly.

Favorite School Lesson: General Villainy.

Unloved School Lesson:Royal Student Council Just because I'm not the King or Queen doesn't mean I can't be the leader.

Best Friends For All Ages: Duchess Swan

Many said that she looks like Raven. And why is it surprising that daughter Raven looks like her mother?

Secret desire of the heart: find new friends... then to manage them ALL! HAHAHAHA

My "Magic" Ability: I have a spell for every occasion... an evil spell.

Oh, That Cursed Moment!: Besides being imprisoned in the Mirror World? Days when there is a bad hairstyle on the head. They are the worst.

Favorite School Lesson: History of Evil Spells. I just love reading about the Evil Queen. It's cool, right?

Least Favorite School Lesson: Royal administration. Shouldn't it become the QUEEN's office?

Best Friends For All Ages: Raven Queen. She's the best, but I think she could be a little meaner. Is not it so?

Justin Denser - daughter of the twelfth Dancing Princess.

Fairy tale:"Twelve Dancing Princesses"

Roommate: Ramona Badwolf

Secret Desire of the Heart: After finishing my story, I want to open a dance studio with my own show and music program.

My "Magic" Ability: When I dance, people in the vicinity suddenly start dancing in the same way! This happens all the time, even when I don't want to!

Romantic Relationship Status: I am ready to share the dance floor with a guy, but for this he must be the perfect prince.

Oh, That Damn Moment! Every time I try to cheat, I always get caught red-handed. Still, it's part of my destiny.

Favorite School Lesson: Music. I love being inspired by songs and imagining new images.

Least Favorite School Lesson: Princessology. Even though I am an Heiress, I prefer lessons that allow me to reveal my creative nature.

Best Friends For All Ages: Melody Piper always plays only the best tunes, and I have a royal admiration for the talent of Duchess Swan.

Even though I enjoy being the Fairy Godmother, I would like to go to balls myself from time to time and dance the night away.

My "Magic" ability: With my magic wand, with fairy dust and the right spell, I can create something truly royal!

Romance Page: Now I'm obsessed with learning my magical abilities so I don't have time for a relationship.

Oh, That Cursed Moment!: My magic lasts until the clock strikes midnight. So keep a close eye on the time!

Favorite School Lesson: Fashion and Design. I can make crystal shoes out of glass; I like to give people things they love to wear.

Least Favorite School Lesson: Cooking. I accidentally turned a pumpkin pie into a royal carriage!

Best Friends For All Ages: Ashlynn Ella - royalty descended from heaven to earth. Besides her, Cedar Wood - her work gives me inspiration.