How to be a real man. Constant overcoming. How to be a man? A man is responsible for his words

How to become a real man?

You could try to start eating meat with blood, in the company of men, loudly discuss passing girls, tell friends about your love affairs, smoke a hookah waddling and hope that this will make you a man. Well, or at least you will look more brutal.

And you can discard all this husk and seriously think about the formation of a true male core.

What is a real man like?

Constantly overcoming yourself

This is the difference between a real man and just a male representative.

Actions on the verge of a limit, when there is neither the strength nor the desire to continue acting.

When you don’t want to go to training, a real man will go to train “through I don’t want to”. Yes, and will lay out 2 times more than the rest, as a punishment for the desire to avoid training.

Made a plan for the day, but just can't complete all the tasks? And a real man will fulfill everything that he promised himself.

Do not want to go and overcome your fears? Train yourself to do this every day. A little, but every day.

This also includes work in the so-called "death zone". For example, a real man sometimes gets into situations where the only way out is to achieve the goal. And he gets her. For example, he was fired from his job, and in order to support his family, he has to look for different ways to earn money. Simply because there is no other way. And only from the point of view of weak men there was another way out - to get drunk every day in order to forget about everything, leaving your family to starve.

And some even deliberately put themselves in situations where the achievement of the goal becomes inevitable. Or they take on an almost unrealistic responsibility to other people and achieve their goal.

Cultivate the “masculine polarity” in yourself

Under the male polarity, they mean the state when you are able to face any difficulty, and life's problems or daily trifles are not perceived by you in any way.

How to develop this "male polarity"?

You can start doing martial arts, participate in local fight clubs. Some enthusiasts manage to leave for another city without money, survive there, earn money for food, a return trip, and even for something else.

And sometimes men specifically ask some to take them deep into the forest and try to get out of there without outside help. A few days on the way home, spending the night in the forest among insects and dangerous animals - what could be better?

It is in such conditions that the male polarity is brought up.

In this regard, the difference between a homebody boy who is offended by women's actions and a man who has developed "male polarity" is simply colossal. It is these men that can be called real, to which women are drawn on an unconscious level.

Does the idea of ​​moving to another city or joining a fight club seem reckless to you?

Then there is no need to imitate the desire to be a man without the appropriate investment of time and effort. Keep reading how to become a real man in your warm apartment in the hope that it will make you one.

Of course, I am not encouraging you to do this. But you may want to do it yourself in order to get one step closer to the title of a real man. A very impressive step.

Learn to treat women right!

No matter how cynical it may sound, but real men know how to take women not completely seriously.

The fact is that often a girl does not say what she really thinks. She can:

  • act up
  • pretend to be offended so that you start running after her and feel guilty
  • try to imitate some kind of wrong attitude towards something and see your reaction
  • talk outright nonsense and see if you support her point of view
  • set your own dating/communication rules, teach you about relationships/life, tell you what to do
  • take other actions so that you begin to feel insecure, uncomfortable and show your weakness
  • show you disrespect

An article by a real man is possible only if you learn to ignore all such actions. Exception: her disrespect for you, which must be punished by a noticeable cooling down and end of communication.

Remember: you have your own interesting eventful life. You do not think about how you would quickly find a girl. Do not think about how to please this particular girl. And even more so, DO NOT be afraid to not like her.

Sometimes it's good to treat a girl like a potential little kid who might get naughty. And even if this child starts to do this, you will remain calm and positive.

You have better things to do, and therefore any checks on her part (= strange behavior) should not cause you absolutely nothing.

And most importantly, forget what I just told you.

If you think about how you would always follow my advice when dealing with a girl, you will automatically make her more important than yourself. And thinking about how you would not try to please her in order to please her, you yourself, without realizing it, become weak and dependent.

Everything that I have told about should be "sewn" into you at an unconscious level, not for the sake of women, but for your own sake.

Make decisions and solve problems

Decisions need to be made from the moment you meet. How the conversation will go, where you will go to drink the first joint coffee, and how quickly she will dictate the phone to you - all this is determined only by you.

And you need to make decisions not only in communication with a girl, but also in life. And do it not for show, but for yourself.

When I talk about solving problems, I mean your own problems or the problems of people close to you. Instead of running away from problems, postponing them for tomorrow, take the initiative in your own hands and solve them here and now.

Don't rush into her problems. Moreover, do not solve the problems of those women with whom you do not yet have an intimate relationship (because this leads to complete failure and the fact that you will remain a convenient “multifunctional” friend for her). The only time to start doing this is the period after sex, when she has already finally decided to start dating you.

No complaints!

First of all, it's not masculine. A complaining man is not worthy to be around a worthy woman. Simply because the "karma of the loser" will not allow him to achieve a high position in life.

Secondly, you can’t complain not only out loud, but also “inwardly”, because it programs you not failures and the position of the eternal victim, instead of competently solving petty problems. Each extra complaint drives you into the "swamp of losers", and makes you more and more boring, whining and lack of initiative.

Complete independence

It's hard when you depend on someone. It is difficult to leave the custody of your parents, but it is necessary to do this, otherwise you will not be happy and you will not be a man.

Build your life just the way you want it.

Create your own source of income (or better, several) and learn how to properly manage this money.

Perhaps all of the above tips are enough for you to become a worthy man. Before you become a real man, a sufficient amount of time will pass. Don't expect a quick effect. A long and very exciting way of tempering your masculine essence awaits you.

And know: you should not continue to search for information on the topic of becoming a man. A 100% perfect portrait is wanted by those who are not ready to really develop, and who want to avoid practice, “digging” into theory. All the points described in the article are quite enough for daily development for at least two years.



Hi bro! We'll show you how to be a man. How to learn to fight, how to communicate with girls, how to be funny, how to overcome excitement, how to stand up for yourself in life, how to keep your word and have character? As well as bonuses, men's secrets about "nasty boobs" and oral sex.

You've heard the stories and read the "How to be a Man" stories a hundred times already, but it won't hurt to know this point of view as well. This is a slightly rough article. Based on the 2013 American film How to Be a Man.

The movie "How to Be a Man" tells about the man Mark, who thinks he is dying. So Mark decided to record lessons for his unborn son. So begins a comedic rough comedy that you should watch.

How to be a man? Fight back the bullies

Hooligans and scoundrels will always be. To stop a bully, just punch him in the nose. After that, a fight may begin, but this will be a lesson to the bully. What if a fight starts? Just strike fast. The fight usually lasts a couple of seconds, but the fear will last forever if you are afraid of bullies.

Once you understand the principle of a fight and join it, everything becomes easier. It's not as easy with you as it seemed to the bully. They will not pester you later, but they will find an easier victim. Once you fight back a couple of times, bullies aren't that scary after all. Bullies and bullies feel fear, and also feel the confidence of a man.

You will always meet hooligans in your life. Only this will change. These people, who will go astray to offend you, should know that it will not work for them just like that. Rebuff the offenders. Are you a man or not?

How to be a man? Be smart with the ladies

It's very difficult with women. They gush with emotions and sensations. You can shout at each other, arrange quarrels and conflicts, or you can be smarter. You're not a hysterical and nervous woman. It is better to move away from the blow and the direction of emotions. Direct the madness of a woman in your favor and play on her feelings. Be smart with the women and don't let your emotions control you. So you will be the main in the relationship.

How to be a man? Develop a sense of humor

How to look funny? Brutal honesty, slight vulnerability and lightly sprinkled with puns. Read jokes, funny stories and humorous shows. You won't remember everything, but you don't need to. It will all be deep in the subconscious. Gradually, brought up on humor, you will learn to be funny and funny when you need to. A gloomy man is boring for friends. A sullen man is not sexy for girls.

How to be a man? Remember about hygiene

You can stink afterwards only after training. There is nothing more disgusting than a sweaty and smelly man. Men's hygiene is very simple. My carefully all parts of the body from the ass to the toes. The man smells clean and excites like strong coffee. Legs, hair and face should not be thrown. Women are also led by the appearance of men. What did you think?

How to be a man? Be a skillful womanizer

How to meet girls and make the first move? When you don't know a girl at all, but you approach her. You will be hard. It's clear that you only approached her for her looks. You know nothing about her as a person, about her character, lifestyle and goals. It's like walking up and saying, "I'm horny and I want to fuck you." But no other way. It's always like that with everyone. She understands this, but do you want to be a coward?

Remember one thing. Women don't want a nice, sweet, old-fashioned, kind guy. They need a man, a protector and a knight to save them. A real man. Which will pull the villain out of the clutches or save him from trouble. But there are no dangers on the street or in the bar? We will create them. Save the girl from the annoying gentleman, boredom or herself. Let the girl know that you will solve all her problems. You are the sword that will cut her female Gordian knot of doubts and fears.

Be funny, rude and confident. Let her know that you are free and want to marry her, but in a veiled way. Give the woman a vision of the prospect of meeting with you. This is a game, so play and enjoy.

You can do whatever you want with the baba. But after that, be gentle with her.

How to be a man? A man is responsible for his words

A man must be held accountable for his words. If he said he would do it, he would do it. A man stands up for his friends, even if they are wrong. A man does not betray and does not deliver. The man is strong but kind. A man means to enjoy life, to give joy to friends and relatives, but not to offend your own.

How to be a man? Look after your wardrobe

Don't go dressed like a duck. A lot of people wear clothes that don't fit. It's like she's just shed a few pounds. Ask the seller for help with choosing the size. Don't dress like a bum or a loser. Spend some money on a normal look.

How to be a man? Don't worry

Are you nervous when approaching girls? Do you know the secret about "nasty boobs"? This is one of the main male secrets. If you're worried, then imagine that she has nasty boobs. The ugliest boobs in the universe. Saggy, varicose, with pimples and hair. Now that you understand that she's not perfect, just like you, everything becomes easier. She is an ordinary girl, and you are no worse than her. Do not worry, but if that secret "nasty boobs" will save you at the moment of jitters.

How to be a man? Girl says yes or no

Girls love to say no. This is when meeting, communicating and seducing. One "no" is probably a "yes". Two "no" - it does not mean anything yet. If she says "no" a third time, then get out and get out. There are no fish here and nothing shines. But this does not mean that there are no other girls in the world. Man, there are plenty of women around!

How to be a man? Alcohol takes place

When you're hanging out with friends or having fun with girls, alcohol has a place to be. But don't put too much emphasis on it. Be the most sober in the company. This will give you a bonus if there are girls in the company. You understand what it's about.

Drink normal drinks in bars and restaurants. Pink cocktails are for women and wimps, not men. Drink vodka, cognac, whiskey and other honest drinks.

Alcohol can ruin your life, look at homeless people, alcoholics and other losers. Those who do not weaken themselves with any nonsense achieve their goal. Alcohol, drugs and other bad habits? They'll turn your cock into a baby's wrinkled sock.

How to be a man? A man can do everything

The best description of how to do cunnilingus can be seen in the movie How to be a Man. There, the main character described the secret method of oral sex. Better watch the video, but if you are reading from your phone, you can read about the method like this:

“Don't lash out at a girl by making her cunnilingus. Imagine that she is a wild, crazy stallion. You won't grab her, she'll kick you. You have to calm her down. First you put your tongue on her vagina. Like a wet carpet. And then you start to move a little. Left - right, down - up. Sometimes stop, then start faster, and then slowly again. Be unpredictable. Start and then stop until she moans with anticipation. From right to left. Stop. And then pick up the pace again. This is how you create anticipation. When I felt that she was wet, it was time to accelerate and increase the pace. But when she went juices, it's time to play differently. In the remaining 10% you work with the clitoris. Move the folds of the labia and act. Get her clit hot. After she cums, linger on the bottom for a couple of seconds, and she is yours.

A fragment from the movie "How to be a man" (How to Be a Man) is really killer. How to make kuni?

How to be a man? Go to your goal

But seriously. What separates a man from a weakling? A man is someone you can always rely on, who lives his life, plays by his own rules and goes to his dream. How to become a man? Just be. Do not succumb to the difficulties of life. Do you consider yourself a man?

Hello to all readers and guests! In this article, we will talk about how to become a real man. There is a lot to talk about and argue about. But nowadays become a real man not so hard. And especially for you I picked real man rules. There are not many of them and they are quite simple. So read on and start putting them into practice.

Rules of a real man:

1. Take responsibility

Learn from Adam. You should not do anything knowing that you are wrong in this situation, and then also put all the blame on other people. If you make a mistake, take full responsibility for your own sins. One of the designations of the word "husband" is one who knows how to manage his own family. Real men always take full responsibility for themselves. A man who blames his girlfriend or wife cannot cause any sympathy. He is not relieved of responsibility. A man must analyze his behavior and decide how he can change his behavior so that similar situations do not happen in the future.


If you want to be a worthy man, then you need to show leadership. If a leader sees a problem waiting for a solution, he simply has to take a step towards the meeting and immediately solve it. Admire those who undertake to solve a complex problem. They don't admire those who passively stand by and wait for someone to do it.


The meaning of the word courageous means one who makes a decision. You must make a decision and take responsibility for its outcome. If you have difficulty making a decision, the woman you love will obviously not like you. A necessary component of decision-making is an understanding of the opinions of other people and the ability to be loyal and flexible in complex issues. Women do not want to be constantly controlled, but they also do not want decision-making to fall on their fragile shoulders.

4. Be strong

You ask: “Who is strong? Everything is simple. The one who knows how to control his passions is strong.” The one who can control his anger is many times stronger than a physiologically strong person. Outbursts of anger can seriously ruin a relationship. If a person is sure that he cannot control his angry impulses, let him pretend that his boss is calling. Will he be able to calm down in this case? Of course, yes, because otherwise he will simply lose his job.

5. Be courageous

Being masculine means being macho. Masculinity lies in positive qualities such as determination, independence, self-discipline, high moral character, honesty and conscientiousness. A man of courage has the courage to face hardship, pain, and danger.

6. Good manners

In the modern world, this item can be called like this: “The absence of bad manners”. You perfectly understand what I am getting at, but, unfortunately, not everyone can afford such a “luxury”. Although this is quite easy: do not swear in the presence of ladies, respect the older generation, leaving the transport to give the girl a hand. Of course, there are girls who like rednecks and foul language. But we are now talking about normal decent girls, of which there are quite a lot now. Therefore, do not neglect the banal rules of etiquette and culture.

7. Well-groomed and neat

It's hard to add anything here. Everything is just obvious. It just so happened that girls, often, are more disposed to cleanliness, order and accuracy. It is embedded in them at a subconscious level. No need to go to beauty salons and become a metrosexual, it will be enough to have clean shoes, ironed clothes and neatly styled hair.

Many people ask how become a real man what you need to do and where to start learning. Being a real man is very good, because in this case a man will be able to find a real woman, create strong and happy relationships and a family with her, and also achieve happiness and success in life. A real man achieves what he really wants from life and never gives up.

In the article you will learn how to become a real man what needs to be done for this, what methods, tips, recommendations and principles exist for a man to become a man. Today, the information is presented incorrectly and therefore many people have the wrong views and opinions in relation to what a man should be.

Set goals and achieve your goals

To become a real man, you need to set a big and clear goal in life that is really important to you. But we must also begin to achieve it and do everything necessary for its implementation. A real man always achieves his goal, and not a man, gives up and does not bring the matter to the end. Therefore, determine your life goal and go to it, no one needs losers who cannot achieve anything in life.

Get out of your comfort zone

Get rid of bad habits

Also, to become a real man, give up temporary pleasures. Bad habits block the way to become a man. A man loses himself when he goes into these hobbies, entertainments and pleasures. To become a man, you need to work on yourself and improve your soul, and not get carried away with your body shell, which soon dies.

Do what you love

To become a real man, you need to not only work at an unloved job, bring money to the family, but also do what you love. When a man does what he hates, he often makes quarrels and scandals in the family because of the accumulated negative emotions. Therefore, work only where you like and then your family will have money and happiness. A man who only studies, but does not work, cannot become a real man.

Engage in self-development

To become a real man, you need to study yourself, find yourself and improve yourself. Read books, do your favorite things, work, study, sports. When you spend your life and all the time on entertainment, relaxation, pleasure, you lose yourself and cannot be a real man. When a man has not found himself in life and has not become an independent person, he will not be able to find a worthy woman who will love him as a man, for his soul and character.

Let go of everything that gets in the way of your dream

learn from the man

To become a real man, you need to find a real man who will teach you, train you to be a man. There are few such people and often a man, having got into the wrong company, environment, cannot be a man. Even a father cannot always be a teacher for his son, since he himself has not yet become a man. If men were not found in real life, then read books of successful people, go to seminars, watch videos and films where men are taught to be a man. A woman, mother, wife, has no right to teach her son, husband how to be a man, as she will destroy him.

Many people ask how become a real man what you need to do and where to start learning. Being a real man is very good, because in this case a man will be able to find a real woman, create strong and happy relationships and a family with her, and also achieve happiness and success in life. A real man achieves what he really wants from life and never gives up.

In the article you will learn how to become a real man what needs to be done for this, what methods, tips, recommendations and principles exist for a man to become a man. Today, the information is presented incorrectly and therefore many people have the wrong views and opinions in relation to what a man should be.

Set goals and achieve your goals

To become a real man, you need to set a big and clear goal in life that is really important to you. But we must also begin to achieve it and do everything necessary for its implementation. A real man always achieves his goal, and not a man, gives up and does not bring the matter to the end. Therefore, determine your life goal and go to it, no one needs losers who cannot achieve anything in life.

Get out of your comfort zone

Get rid of bad habits

Also, to become a real man, give up temporary pleasures. Bad habits block the way to become a man. A man loses himself when he goes into these hobbies, entertainments and pleasures. To become a man, you need to work on yourself and improve your soul, and not get carried away with your body shell, which soon dies.

Do what you love

To become a real man, you need to not only work at an unloved job, bring money to the family, but also do what you love. When a man does what he hates, he often makes quarrels and scandals in the family because of the accumulated negative emotions. Therefore, work only where you like and then your family will have money and happiness. A man who only studies, but does not work, cannot become a real man.

Engage in self-development

To become a real man, you need to study yourself, find yourself and improve yourself. Read books, do your favorite things, work, study, sports. When you spend your life and all the time on entertainment, relaxation, pleasure, you lose yourself and cannot be a real man. When a man has not found himself in life and has not become an independent person, he will not be able to find a worthy woman who will love him as a man, for his soul and character.

Let go of everything that gets in the way of your dream

learn from the man

To become a real man, you need to find a real man who will teach you, train you to be a man. There are few such people and often a man, having got into the wrong company, environment, cannot be a man. Even a father cannot always be a teacher for his son, since he himself has not yet become a man. If men were not found in real life, then read books of successful people, go to seminars, watch videos and films where men are taught to be a man. A woman, mother, wife, has no right to teach her son, husband how to be a man, as she will destroy him.