How to achieve pale skin without makeup. Home tricks: how to make skin whiter

Man is a being who always wants to improve his appearance. This is especially true for lovely ladies. Rarely nature can cater to all their whims and provide an appearance that they do not want to improve. Women with fair skin often suffer because of their features, while other representatives of the fair sex, on the contrary, want to lighten their, as they think, too dark skin. In their opinion, pale skin is a sign of aristocracy and mystery, as well as the femininity and sensitivity of the nature of their owners.

Cosmetic industry products can be used to lighten the skin, although there are homemade ways to make the skin paler.

There are a number of rules that women who want to lighten their skin should follow:

  1. During the period of the greatest brightness of the sun - in the spring and summer months - you need to protect the skin of the face and body from ultraviolet radiation. This can be done with wide-brimmed hats, large sunglasses and loose clothing long sleeves, trousers and skirts as well as capes and pareos.
  2. IN summer time Sunscreens with the highest SPF should be used. Most good option- This is a cosmetic product with a protective filter of SPF 40 and above. Moreover, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the face and body before each exit to the street.
  3. More pale is the skin, which a woman constantly takes care of. Therefore, do not ignore moisturizing procedures, as well as cleansing with scrubs and other exfoliating products. New skin cells that appear to replace dead ones always have more light shade, That is natural way making skin pale.
  4. You can resort to some tricks and change your appearance. It has been noticed that more dark clothes And dark color hair makes the skin visually brighter. The same goes for nail polish in black, navy blue, dark red, dark brown, purple, and other similar shades. The use of varnish can visually brighten the skin of the hands. Of course, such changes should be resorted to if more dark shades will speak favorably on appearance, and not vice versa.

At home, the skin of the face can be lightened using the following simple and time-tested methods:

  1. There are a significant number of whitening creams on the market. You can purchase one of them and apply in accordance with the instructions. At the same time, you need to carefully examine the packaging for the absence of harmful substances in the cream that can cause allergic reactions.
  2. good remedy for bleaching is the usual lemon. You need to mix squeezed lemon juice with some water and apply to those areas of the face and body that need to be lightened. It is necessary to do this procedure every day three times, and after a while it will be noticeable positive result the efforts made.
  3. You need to pay attention to the fact that clarification with lemon juice can not be done by all women. Persons with very sensitive skin may experience burning and tingling of the skin, in these cases, the use of lemon juice is not recommended.
  4. Water procedures can also be used to lighten the skin of the body. For example, when taking a bath, you need to pour thirty grams into the water. baking soda, and then lie down in the prepared water for ten minutes. This procedure should be carried out once a week.
  5. You can also take a bath with milk. To do this, add two liters of milk and four glasses of Epsom salts to the warm water of the typed bath. For achievement desired effect the procedure is recommended to be performed once a week.
  6. If there is a desire to lighten the skin of the hands, it must be rubbed oatmeal twice a day. Such a tool not only makes the skin pale, but also gives it softness and velvety.
  7. raw potatoes also helps to brighten the skin. The potatoes are peeled and cut into slices, which are applied to those areas of the skin that need clarification. After fifteen minutes, the potatoes can be removed.

When using brightening procedures, you need to remember that home remedies do not have an immediate effect. They need to be applied regularly, and only after a few months you can notice a positive result from the procedures performed.

fashion for pale skin

Fashion for pale skin has a long history. Appreciated pale skin in ancient Japan and China, Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome, during the Middle Ages. It was not customary for ladies from high society to sunbathe or simply expose the skin of the face and body to the first spring and scorching summer rays of the sun. Aristocratic women preferred to appear on the streets, wrapped from head to toe in light, spacious clothes that protected them from ultraviolet radiation.

Since ancient times, women have resorted to special tricks to lighten the skin of the face and body. Noble ladies in ancient Greece used a special powder made from rice flour, crushed beans or dried chamomile flowers. In the middle of the first century AD, Roman women of fashion used ordinary chalk as whitewash to whiten their faces and bodies. Moreover, this remedy covered not only the face, but also the neck, chest, arms and even the back. In Rus', skin whitening was carried out using cabbage brine and wheat flour.

To achieve a light skin tone, fashionistas and aristocrats not only took care of themselves from the sun, but also used a special powder to brighten their face and body. Many centuries ago, white powder was created on the basis of lead, which affected the skin of women in the most sad way. early aging skin was the lot of those women who wanted or had to apply brightening powder constantly.

Despite the harm done to health for the sake of beauty, the recipe for white powder with lead did not go out of use until the nineteenth century. A similar cosmetic product was common among Greek and Roman women, as well as Japanese geishas.

In Japan in past centuries, and even today, White color face and neck remains required attribute traditional national make-up of any woman. Since the Japanese, who have natural swarthy color face, pale skin has always been considered a sign female beauty and attractiveness.

IN European fashion aristocratic circles of the Middle Ages was very popular such female type– delicate face with very pale skin, curly Golden hair, a face with an elongated oval, huge eyes, a small mouth - all this was a sign of an angelic appearance.

The Italian Renaissance turned to ancient Greece and Rome for standards of beauty. And again bright skin, like blond hair, became fashionable among aristocrats.

During the Renaissance and subsequent periods, in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, porcelain skin color experienced a real fashionable boom in the highest circles. The English Queen Elizabeth I instilled in the aristocracy a fashion for sophisticated pallor. Elizabeth was the natural owner of this type of skin, the shade of which she tried to make even lighter with the help of white powder. Also in use by the English queen were special masks from eggshell which had a whitening effect. Elizabeth not only brightened her skin, but also painted streaks on it blue color, why the face seemed even paler. Following her, ladies from aristocratic circles developed such a habit. Women used white in large quantities: before going out, they applied several layers of this cosmetic product to their face, neck and chest.

In the eighteenth century, French fashionistas were infatuated with pale skin. They used a special light powder, which not only gave the face an exquisite pallor, but also hid skin imperfections. Since women of even aristocratic circles had smallpox, their faces could be disfigured by smallpox, which could be successfully hidden with the help of powder.

Russian women of fashion, for the sake of European trends, also began to lighten the skin of the face and body. Porcelain leather was in vogue until the nineteenth century. Russia experienced another peak of passion for fair skin at the beginning of the twentieth century, in the era of decadence. At that time, it was considered real chic to have expressive bright eyes, summed up dark shadows and eyeliner, as well as lips made up with bright lipstick and a very light complexion.

Nowadays, pale skin has become a fashion trend. Such changes occurred thanks to the release on the screens of the world's most sensational vampire saga "Twilight". Not only has the vampire culture become popular among the youth, but also the very fair skin that distinguishes these beings of darkness.

Pale skin is a sign of aristocracy

As mentioned earlier, very light tone faces were considered belonging to the high society. Pale skin, as a sign of aristocracy, has been valued in all ages. Tanned color face and body was associated with hard physical labor in the fresh air and was considered the lot of commoners. Even pink healthy skin was not worthy of aristocrats, since it was possessed by peasant women who spend a lot of time in motion and in nature. The ancient Greeks, for example, who had natural swarthyness, considered fair skin to be a sign of beauty and aristocracy. In the old days, Japanese and Chinese ladies from high society were simply obliged to use specially brightening powder and white as everyday makeup attributes.

Also in Ancient Egypt cosmetics with a whitening effect were produced. It was made by priests, therefore, such funds were available to rich people, and, therefore, to high society. Most popular procedure was whitening of the face and body. The Egyptians had a swarthy skin color, so ladies from the highest circles spent a lot of time and money to achieve the desired effect.

In ancient Rome, aristocrats bleached their skin in every possible way. For example, the wife of Emperor Nero took donkey milk baths every day to preserve her porcelain skin color. In Rome, noble women believed in the power of milk baths so much that they washed themselves with milk up to seventy times a day.

In the Middle Ages, noblewomen received their pale color skin through lifestyle. They spent most of their time in gloomy and huge castles, where Fresh air And sunlight. Thanks to the constant sitting locked up, aristocrats became more sickly, which also affected their skin color. Porcelain skin color testified to numerous dysfunctions in the body of beautiful ladies, but, nevertheless, became widespread as fashion trend in high society.

In the sixteenth century British Queen Elizabeth I spread the fashion to porcelain skin not only among his noble subjects, but throughout the European continent. Since that time, it was the pale skin of the face and body that began to be considered a sign of aristocracy.

If we recall the works of Russian classics of the nineteenth century, then in them one can often find descriptions of aristocrats who had soft white hands, full white shoulders, lush white breasts and a porcelain complexion. In Russia, pallor was also considered the lot and hallmark of high society.

To give the skin an aristocratic look, noble ladies hid their faces under veils from dazzling sun rays, and also used more potent agents. For example, at that time it was customary to drink vinegar, lemon juice and eat small balls of white paper. In order to lighten the skin, beautiful ladies wore camphor under their arms, and also limited themselves to food. During the day, women constantly sat indoors, hiding from ultraviolet radiation, and did not sleep at night to give their skin an aristocratic pallor.

It has long been noticed that girls with pale face endowed with an unnatural aura of unclear origin. They enchant with their grace, tenderness, delicacy and sophistication, evoke a desire to take care of them and surround them with love. Probably, as a result modern women they do their best to make the skin of their face as pale as possible, as if glowing with an inner light.

Can this be achieved at home, or are similar changes only acceptable in expensive salons?

What can you do on your own?

In fact, there are many options for how to make your skin pale without cosmetics and expensive salon procedures.

The subtleties of the "pale-faced" make-up

In order for makeup for naturally pale skin to only emphasize the specifics of a woman’s appearance, it should be done using specific products:

  • The foundation should have a golden, natural flesh or pinkish undertone. The same applies to the choice of eye shadow cosmetics, which should be selected in cold purple, greenish or shades of blue. The expressiveness of the gaze will be emphasized by a chestnut pencil, or a similar product of the color of burnt charcoal;
  • Instead of bronze blush, makeup should be done using soft pink and crumbly textures, on the contrary, pale skin will turn clear red;
  • In appearance, it will be positive to emphasize the lips, painting them in coral, flesh or the same pink color;
  • Shadows should be perfectly shaded with good-quality brushes, and eyes and lips should be made as bright and colorful as possible;
  • In order for the skin to buy a healthy glow, it should be powdered with a masking loose powder or blush with the result of shimmer. And this and that product should have a shade of peach or be affectionate pink;
  • Standard pale skin is hefty thin, and blue streaks and circles are noticeable under the eyes. To mask such snags, a moisturizing base agent is first applied, then a foundation, and the layers are fixed with loose powder.

If you have naturally pale skin and clear gray-blue eyes, make the most of everything your parents gave you. Do not experiment with unnatural tan or inappropriate makeup. Learn the beauty tricks that will make you stand out from the crowd.

What color to dye your hair?

Now about what kind of hair color will be the most successful for owners of pale skin. It turns out that the final choice depends on the natural shade of the woman's eyes.

For example, if they are brown, then it is better to use such a palette:

  • warm blonde;
  • chocolate;
  • chestnut;
  • chocolate with a copper tint;
  • black with chestnut highlights;
  • rich blond or sandy;
  • wheat and milk chocolate color paint.

List of hair colors for women with gray-blue eyes looks like this:

  • red blond;
  • fair-haired;
  • dark chestnut and all its shades;
  • caramel, etc.

Blue eyes "choose" curls of ashy, wheat, chocolate, clear blond, black and blond types. But for green-eyed women it is better to paint in red, amber or copper.

Pale skin is not a flaw at all, as many of its owners believe, but a real chance to stand out among your rivals as an aristocratic, gentle and graceful appearance. The main thing is to be able to emphasize the superiority of the image and veil its shortcomings.

Although contemporary ideals beauty is significantly different from the canons of 100-150 years ago, some women seek to renew forgotten traditions. For example, aristocratic marble skin color. It used to be considered a sign of wealth and noble birth, moreover, it was possessed by the most desirable actress and unchanging sex symbol Marilyn Monroe. It is not surprising that the search for ways to make the skin pale with minimal trauma is still ongoing. To do this, women use both professional and self-made products.

How to make skin pale at home?

There are many options natural masks with peeling effect. Due to it, the upper epidermal layer is gently removed, skin cells accelerate regeneration, and the tone of the face is visibly brightened.

Milk Lemon Mask


  • wheat or oatmeal - 3 teaspoons;
  • milk - 2 teaspoons;
  • squeezed lemon juice - 0.5 tsp.

Preparation and application

Mix the milk and, then dilute the flour with the resulting solution. Apply this mixture evenly and thickly on the skin. After 10 minutes, remove the composition, rinse your face warm water.

Parsley mask


  • buckwheat or May honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • chopped parsley - 2 teaspoons;
  • lemon fresh - 1 teaspoon.

Preparation and application

Melt the honey, and then mix all the ingredients without squeezing the juice from the parsley. Spread the mask over the skin in a thick layer. After 10-15 minutes, remove the composition with cotton pad soaked in milk.

In addition, the bleaching properties of parsley can be used to make a special decoction.

Brightening lotion


Preparation and application

Wash the parsley, remove the leaves from it and chop them lightly. Boil water, pour greens with it. Leave the solution for 45 minutes. Wipe the face with the resulting liquid several times daily.

How to quickly make the skin pale without makeup?

Both professional and home remedies produce a cumulative effect, so visually noticeable results can be obtained only after 1-3 months of regular use of creams, masks or lotions.

The fastest way to make your skin look paler without using foundation or powder, is considered salon. But do not rely on instant whitening - lightening will begin to occur after 2-3 procedures.

If a couple of years ago the main desire of the girls was to make the face as dark as possible, now it is in a special trend. aristocratic pallor. Porcelain, light beige, ivory - the most trendy shades tonal means recent years. But knowing how to make skin pale with home remedies, you can generally forget about using such cosmetics.

At healthy way life, proper care for themselves and regular nourishing masks, a healthy blush is a completely normal response of the epidermis. But this does not mean at all that for skin as pale as a vampire, this approach needs to be completely changed. Just to the daily list cosmetic procedures means are added that reduce the synthesis of melanin.

pale skin effect

Only with complex lightening of the face and body, the effect will look organic. Suitable for this milk baths. In all fermented milk products there are acids and compounds that reduce the number of melanocytes - cells that produce melanin. These cosmetic procedures do not require huge investments. For one session, 1.5 liters of fresh milk and about 30 grams of honey are enough.

How to make a milk bath at home:

  • Milk (exclusively homemade) is heated to a pleasant warmth, but not boiled - otherwise there will be no effect;
  • The specified amount of honey dissolves in a hot liquid. Buckwheat is considered the most useful for the procedure - it is saturated with active substances and is distinguished by an increased amount of vitamin compounds. At worst, you can take acacia, but by no means synthetic;
  • The prepared concentrate is poured into a bathtub filled with water at 39 degrees (it feels warm, but not hot). After that, you can lie down in the liquid and enjoy for 30 minutes;
  • When time will pass, it is additionally recommended to wipe cucumber lotion. You can repeat sessions daily or at least 12 times a week.

It is important to remember that before making the skin pale at home, check the ingredients of the masks for allergenicity. Apply the product to an inconspicuous area of ​​the body and wait 20 minutes. If during this time there is no redness and itching at the place of use, you can safely apply it on your face.

Even dark skin can be made quite pale if every day rub it with a slice of lemon. Some girls use orange peel tincture for the same purpose, but it has a strong drying effect. After wiping, you need to wait about half an hour and wash off the remnants of the product with cool water. Repeat every day (preferably in the morning).

Lemon for pale skin

If you are allergic to citrus fruits, then an analogue of this method is wiping with a fragrant slice melons. With its help, the skin is saturated with essential acids, mineral compounds and vitamins (in particular, PP, which protects against UV rays and brightens it). You need to use melons in the same way as lemon.

For beautiful and matte white skin, before the girl enjoyed decoction of chamomile and linden. For half a liter of water, a glass of dried flowers is taken. To save useful properties, plants are not digested, but infused in hot water for 2 hours. The resulting liquid must be cleaned off the body and face every evening after a shower.

An unusual combination gives a bright pallor to the whole body castor oil and hydrogen peroxide. These products are combined in equal proportions and applied with a sponge. You can not rinse - the main thing is to evenly distribute the solution. Conveniently, this method is suitable for lightening the delicate skin under the eyes, in the bikini area and armpits.

Helps to brighten skin quickly oatmeal mask or rice flour and milk. In addition to visible pallor, it will also cleanse pores, eliminate mimic wrinkles and regular use will have a significant lifting effect. For two tablespoons of flour, 1 part of milk is taken. You can add a couple of drops of lemon juice or essential oil chamomile. Apply to the décolleté, neck and face. Hold for 15 to 20 minutes.

Oatmeal mask

Forever become pale will help almond mask - but only if used regularly (it has a cumulative effect). Fresh nuts should be crushed and soaked overnight in water (so that the liquid covers them by 2–5 mm). In the morning they will swell due to the absorption of a large amount of liquid. Now they need to be ground in a mortar until a homogeneous mass is obtained. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add milk or honey to the paste. The result is comparable to gentle peeling AHA acids.

In order to make the skin pale without makeup, you can use mask with potatoes and blue clay. For combined epidermis, it is recommended to take kaolin instead of Cambrian powder. Potatoes need to be grated on a fine grater, 1 clay is taken for two tablespoons of porridge. The mass is thoroughly mixed and applied to all problem areas. Keep 30 minutes. Repeat every day.

Video: make the skin of the face pale with a mask

Effective method - rubbing the face with vinegar. Need to dilute Apple vinegar With mineral water in a ratio of 1:5. Wash your face with this toner twice a day. Do not expect results after the first days - the tool has a cumulative effect.

Vinegar for pale skin

Very unusual, but effective way to make pale skin color is to cook home brightening peel. For him you will need:

Mix all ingredients and apply on face. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse off cold water. You need to be extremely careful so that the mass does not get on the mucous membranes. This method is not suitable for owners of dry skin.

  • In the summer, try not to go out without wide-brimmed hat. Dita Von Teese is a true pale champion. She is generally warm time tries not to appear on the street during the day;
  • If you need to go out somewhere, then try to dress as closed as possible. IN hot weather chiffon or silk outfits, multi-layered lace capes, etc. will help out;

Sun protection

The most important thing to remember is what darker color skin, the lighter the shade of the foundation should be. To avoid an ugly yellow tint, try not to use cheap products, as well as products that contain the word "beige" in the name. Ivory should be preferred. Ivory is also different (light, dark, etc.).

Very pale skin

  1. Be sure to use the corrector under the eyes and in the T-zone. This will even out the complexion;
  2. You can not completely abandon the blush - makeup will look unnatural. But instead of the usual peach or brick shade, it is better to use pale pink or mother-of-pearl;
  3. Highlighter - best friend pale girl. It should be applied to all areas that can cast an unnecessary blush, as well as areas that require highlighting. This is the area under the eyes, the forehead, the part between the eyelid and the eyebrow;
  4. Don't skimp on the powder. White-skinned celebrities prefer Mineral Veil as it is known for its fixative nature and gives the skin a natural pale pink glow;
  5. To shade light skin and visually make it even more pale, it is important to correctly place accents. For example, to become a real Snow White, you can dye your hair black or dark brown, use bright lipstick or shadows, choose dark clothes.

Makeup for pale skin

To make the skin pale and create a lasting effect, folk remedies alone will not be enough. The table below provides a ranking of the most popular products for whitening, eliminating pigmentation and giving it a spectacular whiteness.

In addition to the cream, it is important to supplement the arsenal of whitening products with special masks and fluids - optimally from the same series. Many manufacturers claim that in this case the effect is enhanced.

BackHow to make skin pale at home. NextChoose the best whitening face and body cream.

A similar recipe can be made for combination skin, but in this case, the cottage cheese mask will be more effective. Lemon whitening face masks.

The skin has lost elasticity; The complexion became pale or with a grayish tint. How to make the skin of the face pale at home. Facial rejuvenation without surgery by effective methods.

We suggest considering how to whiten the skin at home, how you can quickly act on the swarthy dermis, as well. Make a paste by mixing mashed banana, warm runny flower honey, lemon juice and margarine.

The dream of every woman is beautiful, perfectly smooth and clean skin. Unfortunately, nature does not give everyone the appearance that one would like to have. Delicate light skin in some countries is considered the standard of female beauty. So, for example, in Japan, girls carefully protect their faces from exposure to sunlight, which is why their skin is so white. Some even comply special diet to keep your face white.

Modern fashion is gradually returning to long-forgotten standards, and tanned girls are being replaced by fair-skinned beauties.

In order to make the skin white, you can use both specialized cosmetics and folk recipes that are easy to use at home.

The most simple and fast way face brightening - use decorative cosmetics, namely foundation and powder. However, the application of such funds takes time, in addition, perform perfect makeup without the help of a professional is quite difficult.

Radical skin whitening methods

Plastic surgeons offer three main methods for skin whitening, namely:

  1. 1. Laser resurfacing - this procedure removes deep wrinkles, spots.
  2. 2. Multiple options deep peeling: phenolic, trichloacetic, glycolic.
  3. 3. The method of exposure to the skin with fine sand and oxygen.

Going to a plastic surgeon, you should remember that after applying radical method bleaching will need to strictly follow certain rules. For example, after surgical intervention it is forbidden to visit the solarium and the use of cheap cosmetics, the skin of the face will need careful and regular care.

Many beauty salons offer modern method using ultrasound. For those who are not supporters radical measures, ultrasound can be recommended as effective remedy for bleaching. The procedure is to increase the impact cosmetic preparations using ultrasound. Thanks to the application this method going on accelerated regeneration cells skin, the tone evens out and the face becomes brighter.

Special cosmetics for skin whitening

Cosmetics manufacturers offer a wide range of special cosmetics to make skin brighter and softer. First of all, these are special masks and creams for whitening. You should carefully study the composition before purchasing such cosmetics - products containing mercury, lactic, salicylic or kojic acid will be the most effective. You also need to study in detail the instructions for using bleaching drugs in order to avoid possible side effects.

In the presence of less pronounced facial skin imperfections, masking cosmetics can be applied, with the help of which it is possible to temporarily get rid of small spots and other minor defects.

The principle of operation of this type of cosmetics is based on the correction of complexion. Most often, special masking pencils are used to even out skin color. various shades. The rules for the use of such products require mandatory cleaning of the face, as well as after ordinary decorative cosmetics. Most often, concealers are removed using special oil lotions, since the water-repellent base does not allow you to easily remove cosmetic residues with ordinary warm water.

How to make your skin white at home

In addition to branded whitening cosmetics for facial skin, you can also successfully use folk remedies that are easy to prepare even at home.

There are a number of proven, effective folk ways, the use of which helps to quickly make the skin brighter, smoother and more attractive.

The safest and most affordable skin lightening options at home include different kinds face masks:

  • Curd mask

Dairy products contain a large number of zinc and lactic acid, which additionally nourish the skin and contribute to its lightening. To prepare a cottage cheese mask, beat 100 g of the product with a blender and apply the prepared mass on the face.

For better results, you can add two small spoons of sour cream to the curd, or a few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey.

The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes. It is quite difficult to remove the remnants of the mask, since the curd dries quickly and turns into a hard crust on the face.

  • Potato mask

An excellent tool for gradual soft skin whitening, suitable even for use in the eye area (to get rid of "bags" under the eyes). The mask is prepared as follows: one potato is rubbed on a fine grater and the resulting mass is applied to the skin of the face. The remains of the product are removed after 17 minutes, then the face is washed with warm clean water.

  • cucumber mask

Cucumber has long been used to remove freckles, age spots and to rejuvenate the skin. At home, preparing a cucumber mask is not difficult. To do this, cut a fresh cucumber into thin rings and apply them to the skin.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. You can also make a mask fresh cucumber, sour cream and lemon juice: chop the cucumber with a blender, add to it a large spoonful of sour cream and lemon juice. Apply to the skin, hold for 20 minutes, then thoroughly wash off the mask with warm water.

  • rice mask

Rice contains fats that regulate collagen synthesis, as well as powerful antioxidants and polishing ingredients. With regular use rice mask the skin becomes more even and brighter.

It is prepared as follows: half a glass of rice is ground in a coffee grinder, then the resulting flour is combined with warm milk and thoroughly stirred until the consistency of sour cream. Lubricate the face with any natural oil then apply the mask to the skin.

After 15 minutes, wash your face with warm water, dry your face with a towel and apply a nourishing cream.

  • Parsley mask

Parsley juice has long been known as an effective skin whitening agent. For the preparation of folk cosmetics, both the leaves and the stem and even the roots of the plant are used.

To prepare the mask, you need to thoroughly wash and dry the parsley, then pass it through a meat grinder or blender and apply the resulting mass to the previously cleansed and dry skin of the face.

After 35 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water without soap.

Parsley is also used as a tonic - the plant crushed in a blender is squeezed through a gauze napkin, the resulting juice is poured into glassware and wipe it daily with the skin of the face. Make-up residue must first be removed from the skin.

To remove age spots and freckles, parsley juice and lemon juice can also be mixed in equal parts. The resulting liquid is used twice a day. Age dark spots it is recommended to remove with a mask of chopped parsley with the addition of a small amount of honey.

Frozen parsley juice is prepared for the winter. To prepare ice cubes, a small amount of water is added to chopped greens and, without filtering, poured into ice molds. These cubes should be wiped on the face and décolleté at least twice a day.

  • Mask of fresh berries

A huge amount of useful fruit (organic) acids is found in the juice of fresh berries. These acids are successfully used in cosmetology as a tonic and brightening agent for the face. To prepare the mask, you can take any berry except for those that have pronounced coloring properties (blueberries, blackberries, mulberries). Ideal for making masks raspberries, cherries, strawberries, strawberries, viburnum, red or black currants, cranberries. There are two ways to prepare berry mask for face:

  1. Half a glass of berries, previously whipped in a blender until creamy, is combined with a tablespoon of honey. The mask is applied to the skin, kept for 18 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  2. Take half a glass of any berries, chop and squeeze, then soak a gauze napkin with the resulting juice and apply it on problem areas of the skin (or on the entire face).

The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 12 minutes. After that, you need to wash with warm water.

  • Mask with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide

An excellent whitening agent, but peroxide is contraindicated for owners of sensitive and delicate skin - the drug can dry it out and make it more vulnerable to aggressive impact environment. Cosmetologists recommend using hydrogen peroxide no more than twice a month only for those who have oily skin faces.

To prepare the mask, add a little peroxide to chopped fresh yeast (100 gram pack). The resulting slurry is gently applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 8 minutes, wash with warm water and lubricate the face nourishing cream. During the procedure, it is not recommended to smile and talk, otherwise mimic wrinkles may appear on the face.

Another recipe with hydrogen peroxide is to take 5 ml of peroxide and 8 ml of lemon juice for 10 ml of cream. The mixture is washed off after 15 minutes with warm and then cold water. Grapefruit can be used instead of lemon.

In addition to the use of various masks and lotions for skin whitening, you should adhere to certain rules nutrition to keep the body healthy desired form. Foods high in vitamin C should be included in the daily diet of those who dream of well-groomed and youthful facial skin. These foods include watermelons and melons, peas, citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes, and sweet peppers.

Carrots should not be abused, since regular consumption of this product in large quantities can cause yellowness on the skin. You also need to use a special protective cream from sunburn in summer period and avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.