Rice face mask: rejuvenating, Japanese, with decoction. Whitening rice mask. Anti-aging against wrinkles

Rice flour is successfully used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. For women in the East, it is the main ingredient in personal care products. The secret is also that they consume rice both inside and outside. It is known that rice is able to relieve swelling and remove excess fluid from the body, which is used in various dietary complexes. Rice flour face masks are popular in different countries. Crushed rice grains have a beneficial effect on young skin and are suitable for mature skin.

Properties of rice flour

Cereal products are widely used by well-known cosmetic brands in the creation of care products: masks, balms, scrubs, creams. Why is he so valued?

Rice contains elements that can protect the skin from external factors environment, maintain skin elasticity, maintain water balance. Ceramides support collagen production, which promotes smoothness and elasticity of the dermis. Ceramides are present in anti-aging care products.

Allantoin and ferulic acid protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. With their help, sunburn is eliminated, while substances for cell regeneration are produced faster.

Rice flour mattifies and gives the skin an invisible film protection against pollution, absorbs toxins and excess sebum.

Rules for applying a rice flour face mask

In fact, there is no complex technology in applying such masks, but there are some features.

· Masks are suitable for any skin type, which is appreciated by all women.

· Before applying the flour mask, be sure to thoroughly cleanse the skin with milk and cleansing gel.

· Flour and liquid must be mixed until smooth and without lumps.

· Use flour masks 1-2 times a week, do not overuse.

· A one-time use will not give an effect; a course of 6-7 masks is required.

Useful qualities of masks with rice flour

· Skin whitening. Rice contains starch, which whitens gently and effectively. It can fade light pigmentation on the face and also lightens freckles.

· Elasticity and resilience. Elastic skin the face becomes clearer after several uses of the masks, due to the fact that the composition contains silicon, which tightens the skin tissue.

· Acne removal. Pores are cleansed and residual sweat and oil are removed. The skin breathes and mattifies, thereby eliminating the greasy sheen.

· Rejuvenation. The value of rice lies in its rich composition of microelements and vitamins. Selenium and vitamin E help slow down aging.

· Improves complexion. Nicotinic acid helps the skin glow after the procedure.

· Moisturizing. Potassium restores water balance. Removes excess liquid and leaves useful liquid.

The best recipes for face masks made from rice flour.

Masks saturate the skin with minerals, moisturize it and nourish it with missing elements. When choosing a mask recipe for yourself, be guided by your skin type. All recipes are absolutely safe and hypoallergenic. You should not apply masks only if there are open wounds and cuts. There are many masks based on rice flour, choose a recipe from those presented below or invent a new one. Rice goes well with natural oils, fruits, dairy products and medicinal herbs.

Cleansing dry skin.

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of boiled rice, 4 drops of jojoba oil, spirulina, yolk.

Grind the boiled rice through a sieve. Add three spirulina tablets to it (first grind them into powder). Stir in the yolk and jojoba oil. The procedure perfectly nourishes problem areas and gives hydration to the skin.

Rice flour for the skin around the eyes.

Ingredients: rice flour and sour cream 15% fat.

Rice flour is mixed with sour cream. Apply lightly around eyes and rinse off warm water after 15 minutes. The gentle components in this mask are capable of a short time whiten and refresh thin skin near the eyes.

Mask for whitening problem skin.

Ingredients: rice flour, lemon, boiled water.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix with the same amount of water. Add rice flour and mix until smooth. Lemon juice excellent remedy for skin whitening. This mask removes signs of fatigue, tones the skin and fights freckles and pigmentation.

Mask for oily skin.

A rice flour face mask combined with oatmeal exfoliates and eliminates various impurities in the pores.

Ingredients: rice flour, oat flour, natural yogurt.

You can buy flour or make it yourself in a coffee grinder. Take a tablespoon different types flour and add yogurt. Apply this paste to the face, except for the area near the eyes.

Exfoliating mask.

This mask with a scrub effect can be done only once a week. Dead epithelium is removed in 15 minutes. After it, the skin is smooth and polished.

Ingredients: rice flour, wheat flour, liquid honey, sugar and milk.

Dilute all ingredients with warm milk and achieve homogeneity. Do not keep it on your face for more than 15 minutes, as the mask polishes the dermis very deeply.

Rice flour face mask with a lifting effect.

Ingredients: rice flour, walnuts, cereals, cream 15% fat and banana.

Combine all dry elements and add banana puree. Dilute with warm cream to obtain a sour cream consistency. Apply to face, leave for 20 minutes. The mask polishes the skin, eliminating itching and flaking, tightens pores and removes toxins. The tightening effect is achieved by pigments contained in walnuts.

From wrinkles.

Ingredients: rice flour, yolk, sea ​​buckthorn oil, vitamin A, vitamin E.

Mix everything and add 3 drops of each vitamin at the end. The mask is suitable for mature skin, since vitamins nourish the dermis and the process of tissue restoration starts. Wrinkles are smoothed out after applying a course of this procedure of 12-15 masks. Skin laxity goes away within a few uses.

Mask for acne and inflammation.

Ingredients: aloe juice, honey, rice flour.

Mix all the elements of the mask and apply to the face, massaging problem areas. Here, rice flour acts as an antiseptic. Kills bacteria, and honey and aloe soften its effect.

To eliminate skin problems.

Ingredients: sage herb, rice flour, honey and warm water.

Brew the sage and let it brew under the lid. Mix the infusion with rice flour and add honey. Keep the mask for 20 minutes and wash with the remaining sage infusion. Inflammatory processes the skin becomes dry, rashes and pimples gradually disappear. Suitable for people with enlarged pores.

Vitamin mask.

Ingredients: rice flour, orange, half an apple and medium fat yogurt.

Make puree from apple and orange. Add rice flour and dilute with yogurt. The mixture should sit for about an hour in a cold place. Next, heat it up and apply a thick layer to your face. The skin is recharged with energy, becomes elastic and fatigue disappears. Citrus aroma capable of charging good mood.

Anti-aging care.

Ingredients: rice flour, glycerin, white from one egg.

Beat the whites until foamy, add flour and glycerin. Cosmetologists recommend making such a mask while in the bathroom, with maximum air humidity. The facial contour is smoothed out, shallow wrinkles are smoothed out. Glycerin is involved in the process of moisturizing the skin, so immediately after the procedure the skin feels saturated with moisture.

The effectiveness of rice flour masks

Rice flour face masks are selected based on your skin type. They are useful and effectively solve problems such as sagging, fatigue, inflammation and acne. Face lifting and cell renewal occurs due to the abundance of antioxidants and silicon. Do not throw away the water in which the rice for the mask was cooked; you can use it to wash your face after the procedure.

The masks are easy to prepare and do not require financial investment, but you can feel the benefits of their use after just a couple of procedures. Thai and Chinese beauty salons have been using rice mask recipes for many years, and their popularity is growing. If after one time you are unhappy with the result, then you should try a mask with a different composition. Visible result from the procedures can only be seen after full course.

Such procedures are suitable even for those who have problems choosing cosmetic products due to hypersensitivity skin. Use masks with pleasure and enjoy the amazing effect.

“He who offers rice offers life itself,” - with these words the Buddha emphasized beneficial features cereal. To develop strength and endurance, Olympians were fed rice cereal. The first mentions in chronicles of rice as a source female beauty, date from the reign of Nero. And they belong to Dioscorides, the Roman historian. And for Japanese women, a rice face mask is not even a procedure, but a traditional beauty ritual. Why has the remedy been so valued since ancient times and how does it transform modern fashionistas?

Doctors, nutritionists and cosmetologists rated rice as extremely useful product. When used internally it will cleanse digestive system, will reduce bad cholesterol and make your figure slimmer. If the cereal is used in the form of masks, it provides the dermis with antioxidants and linoleic acid, which activate collagen synthesis. Rice cosmetics- it's a secret perfect skin oriental beauties, which is also accessible to the modern woman.

Benefits of rice face mask

Rice cereal is successfully used in many dishes. It’s hard to imagine food without aromatic pilaf or delicious cabbage rolls, and admirers Japanese cuisine They simply cannot imagine life without sushi. And if in cooking cereals can already be classified as traditional cereals, then in for cosmetic purposes It is in little demand among European women. And in vain!

The wise East has great respect for grain, because a face mask made from rice can provide the following beneficial effects.

  • Slow down aging. Rice is rich in vitamins and microelements. Among them: the well-known vitamin of youth - E, which promotes cell renewal and regeneration. And also silicon, which provides the skin toned effect, and selenium, the strongest antioxidant.
  • Smoothing out wrinkles. The cereal is rich in fats, which stimulate collagen synthesis in tissues. It is known that a deficiency of such cells leads to early aging dermis. Regular use of rice masks allows you to turn back time and smooth out the first wrinkles.
  • Bleaching. Starch, which is part of rice, is a powerful weapon against age spots, freckles. It gently but effectively whitens the skin.
  • Color improvement. Combination large quantity vitamins, especially PP and B3, allow you to refresh the shade of the dermis and eliminate inflammatory reactions. Cosmetologists claim that it is nicotinic acid (or vitamin PP) that makes the skin glow.
  • Hydration. Due to the potassium content, rice masks are able to restore water balance even in very dry epidermis.
  • Improved elasticity. Starch provides elasticity to the skin, phosphorus helps improve the tone of the dermis, and silicon tightens tissue, outlining the natural oval of the face.
  • Getting rid of rashes. Rice masks are good at reducing oiliness in the dermis and cleansing pores. For young beauties such products are recommended as powerful tool from oily shine, acne, comedones.

Reviews from cosmetologists show that a rice face mask solves the problems of the young dermis, supports the mature epidermis, and restores fading skin. But in order for a healthy cereal not to deceive your expectations, you need to use it correctly healing power. How? Follow the five rules.

  1. Choosing a mask. When choosing a skin care product, you need to consider your dermis type. The wrong choice can provoke increased greasiness or lead to excessive drying of the skin.
  2. Skin preparation. Before applying the mask, the face must be cleansed with tonic, gel or milk. Women with oily skin are advised to start with steam cleaning. This procedure will open the pores, cleanse the dermis and enhance the effectiveness of the mask. Fading dermis can be wiped with an ice cube before the session. It will also open the pores as much as possible. If the skin is different excessive dryness, then before applying the product you need to lubricate your face thin layer olive oil.
  3. Application of the product. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the prepared skin for approximately 15-20 minutes. To reach better effect recommended to use warm mask, whose temperature is equal to body temperature.
  4. Removing the mask. You can wash off the mixture with a decoction of herbs, warm water, milk, or mineral water. After the procedure, the dermis must be calmed nourishing cream. Dry skin can be supported with moisturizing cosmetics or olive oil.
  5. Regularity of procedures. Rice masks are indicated for preventive purposes once every nine to ten days. In case of intensified fight against aging of the dermis, it is recommended to repeat the procedures once a week. To rid your face of acne, various rashes, and blackheads, you need to apply masks every one or two days. A course of such epidermal treatment usually includes ten masks.

Rice mixtures are most useful for fading, tired and problematic dermis. And the representatives are too sensitive skin cosmetologists advise to refrain from this cosmetics.

A selection of the best recipes

Cereal, ground into flour, is a good abrasive substance. That's why rice remedy often recommended as a cleansing scrub for oily, problematic dermis. To use cereal for dry skin suffering from flaking and tightness, it is recommended to combine it with fermented milk products or vegetable oils.

The following masks will provide good results.


Japanese women use this product for dry skin. The mask allows you to saturate the dermis with vitamins, minerals, and thoroughly moisturize it. The mixture has a whitening effect, improves blood flow, and strengthens blood vessels.


  • Boiled rice - two tablespoons.
  • Spirulina - four tablets.
  • Jojoba oil - five drops.
  • Chicken yolk - two.

How to do

  1. Spirulina must be crushed into powder.
  2. Grind the boiled rice through a fine sieve.
  3. The yolks are pre-beaten in a separate bowl.
  4. Crushed spirulina is mixed with grated rice and beaten yolks.

This mask can also be used to moisturize oily or combination dermis. But in this case the yolks are replaced egg whites, which are thoroughly whipped into a stiff foam.


A mixture combining rice and oatmeal is recommended for deep peeling sebaceous skin. The mask gently exfoliates dead cells, removes impurities from pores. The product allows you to normalize the functioning of the subcutaneous glands, due to which the face loses its oily shine.


  • Rice cereal - two teaspoons.
  • Oatmeal - two teaspoons.
  • Yogurt (you can take kefir) - four teaspoons.

How to do

  1. Oatmeal is mixed with rice.
  2. The resulting mixture is ground in a coffee grinder to flour.
  3. The mixed powder is combined with yogurt and the product is mixed well.


Cereal is naturally endowed with the ability to whiten the dermis. And when combined with lemon juice this impact is enhanced several times. The whitening mask eliminates age spots, gets rid of pigmentation, and fights freckles.


  • Raw rice - four tablespoons.
  • Lemon juice - two tablespoons.
  • Water - two tablespoons.

How to do

  1. The grain is ground into flour.
  2. Juice is squeezed out of fresh citrus. Lemon drink is combined with water in equal proportions.
  3. Rice flour is mixed with diluted lemon juice.


A good solution would be a mask made from rice flour with the addition of applesauce and orange puree for a face that is dull and tired. The vitamin mixture can charge the epidermis with energy, saturate it with useful ingredients, and restore lost strength and elasticity.


  • An apple is half of an average fruit.
  • Orange is half a citrus.
  • Yogurt (without fillers) - about four tablespoons.

How to do

  1. Apples and oranges are peeled and seeded. Grind them thoroughly to a puree.
  2. An apple-orange mixture is added to the rice flour.
  3. The product is diluted with yogurt.
  4. Place the mask in the refrigerator for half an hour to allow the product to infuse.
  5. Before applying to the face, the mixture is slightly warmed up.

Anti acne

White cereal flour has an antiseptic effect. It allows you to neutralize bacteria that cause on the dermis acne. The mask, in addition to the rice component, contains aloe and honey, which provide the product with emollient properties. Cosmetologists advise using a mask against comedones, acne, to even out the tone and eliminate redness.


  • Rice flour - three tablespoons.
  • Honey - two teaspoons.
  • Aloe juice - three tablespoons.

How to do

  1. The juice is squeezed out of the aloe plant (it is advisable to use the lower fleshy leaves).
  2. Rice flour is mixed with plant juice.
  3. Honey is added to the mixture.
  4. Add water if necessary.


This scrub mask is another option effective fight with acne. The mixture cleanses the skin well of blackheads and removes dead epithelium. The mask smoothes the skin and polishes it well.


  • Rice flour - one tablespoon.
  • Sugar - half a tablespoon.
  • Wheat flour - half a tablespoon.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.
  • Milk - two tablespoons.

How to do

  1. Sugar is mixed with rice and wheat flour.
  2. The mixture is diluted with warm milk.
  3. Then add honey and mix the product well.

For rashes

As women's reviews show, a rice face mask based on sage has strong cleansing properties. The product cleanses the skin well from various rashes, pimples, acne, comedones. Provides relief from inflammatory reactions, eliminates pathogenic flora.


  • Dry sage herb - one tablespoon.
  • Hot water - one glass.
  • Rice flour - two tablespoons.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Sage needs to be poured with a glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and infuse the herb for about one hour. Then strain well.
  2. Two tablespoons of the resulting infusion are mixed with rice flour.
  3. Add honey to the mixture and mix well.
  4. After removing the product from the face, the skin should be wiped with the remaining sage infusion. This will significantly enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of the mask.


The mask softens and nourishes the skin well. It evens out the shade of the dermis, eliminates peeling, and provides light peeling. Rice flour polishes the dermis, removes toxins, and helps narrow pores. Oatmeal eliminates the roughness of the epidermis. A walnuts They tighten the oval of the face well.


  • Rice flour - one teaspoon.
  • Oatmeal (ground) - one teaspoon.
  • Walnuts (ground to flour) - one teaspoon.
  • Ripe banana pulp - two teaspoons.
  • Cream (or milk) - two teaspoons.

How to do

  1. Milled rice is combined with oatmeal. Add chopped walnuts to the mixture.
  2. Banana puree is added to the product.
  3. To obtain the desired consistency of the mask, the product is diluted with warm cream (for dry skin) or milk.

This is the recipe that is used in Thai salons. And according to cosmetologists, the mixture really allows you to achieve snow-white smooth skin without flaws.


Cosmetologists recommend using this mask to tighten the oval, “outline” the contours of the face, and eliminate wrinkles. The product strengthens tissue well, moisturizes the dermis, and gives it strength and energy.


  • Rice flour - two tablespoons.
  • Egg white - one.
  • Glycerin - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Flour is mixed with glycerin.
  2. Beat the egg white separately until foam forms.
  3. The rice-glycerin mixture is mixed with egg foam until smooth.


Rice products can improve appearance mature dermis. They saturate it with vitamins, give it a natural shade, and even out its structure. A mask with the addition of sea buckthorn and vitamins A, E, well nourishes the tired dermis, rejuvenates it, and launches a powerful process of tissue restoration. Rice face mask perfectly relieves wrinkles, age spots, flabbiness.


  • Rice flour - two tablespoons.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - seven drops.
  • Egg yolk - two pieces.
  • Vitamin A - one ampoule.
  • Vitamin E - one ampoule.

How to do

  1. Rice flour is mixed with egg yolks.
  2. Add sea buckthorn oil to the mixture and mix thoroughly.
  3. Vitamins are injected into the mask.
  4. If necessary, you can dilute the thick mixture with yogurt or kefir.

For smoothness

One of the favorite masks of Japanese women is the one that combines unique power rice, the whitening effect of milk and the rejuvenating effect of honey. This product can tighten the skin, give it elasticity and smoothness.


  • Rice cereal (raw) - three tablespoons.
  • Milk - one tablespoon.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. The rice is poured with water and boiled well. Then the cereal is drained and washed under running water.
  2. Boiled rice is poured with milk and the mixture is thoroughly ground until smooth.
  3. Add honey to the resulting slurry and knead the mask.

Rice mask for the face at home will improve the structure of the skin, eliminate acne, and smooth out wrinkles. As reviews indicate, such products really have many advantages. With minimal effort, you can maintain your youth for a long time.

Rice-based masks are a fairly common remedy that helps improve your health and even rejuvenate skin.

The recipes use flour and cereal grains. How to make a rice face mask at home?

Composition and properties of cereal

The popularity of this product is explained by its unique formula. Rice crop contains:

All components together affect the cells.

Rice mask is especially valuable for older people.

Apply the mixture in a thick layer, let stand half an hour, then rinse off using warm water.

Gives a positive result honey mask with the main component being rice.

For the recipe you will need the same amount of crushed rice, sage infusion and honey.

Apply this mixture to your face for half an hour, then remove with cotton pad, which is soaked in advance with sage infusion.

After washing, wipe the skin again with sage infusion. This option is often used for preventive purposes, it is recommended to use it at least twice a week.

To preserve their own youth, women often use Japanese mask , which includes honey, goat milk and grains. Cooking method:

  1. First you need boil two spoons of rice until soft.
  2. Rice strain, but do not drain the liquid, it will still be needed.
  3. Rinse the cooked rice with running water, add a spoon to it warm milk and grind the contents until smooth.
  4. Then add a spoon honey.
  5. The resulting mask is applied carefully to the face and left to 30 minutes, then wash off with the liquid that remains after cooking the rice.

Rice flour can be used to prepare excellent peeling agent. Combine rice flour with lemon juice, then mix well and apply with massage movements to the skin, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

For this option you will need a spoonful of crushed rice and the same amount of grated horseradish and cottage cheese, a couple of spoons of rich sour cream, and vegetable oil.

For owners oily skin The following remedy will do.

A tablespoon of the main product is mixed with protein and applied to the face.

Recipe for an anti-wrinkle face mask made from rice flour in this video:

Even in ancient times, rice was very popular not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Asian beauties actively used rice face masks and were famous throughout the world for their unusually snow-white and well-groomed skin.

A rice face mask can rejuvenate, brighten the skin, eliminate acne, restore tone and give the skin radiance. In cosmetology, rice flour and plant flowers are used. These components are included in anti-aging creams and care products. problem skin, rejuvenating and corrective face masks. You can also prepare a rice mask at home, which you can read about in detail below.

Rice grain is an indispensable assistant while following a diet. Rice is able to effectively rid the body of excess fluid and is an excellent adsorbent (absorbs harmful substances) and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

Rice is rich in the following beneficial substances: starch, fiber, polysaccharides, folic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, vitamins B, E and D, amino acids. The latter elements are widely used in cosmetology for skin rejuvenation. For example, methionine is used even in its pure form.

The effectiveness of rice mask

For ease of use, rice cereal is ground into flour. This flour has been used for making powder since ancient times. It does not contain gluten, which causes an allergic reaction in most people. Therefore, first of all, rice flour is suitable for those who use exclusively hypoallergenic cosmetics.

Cosmetic properties of rice flour:

  1. Rejuvenates. Thanks to polysaccharides and amino acids, rice acts on the skin like natural collagen. After the first use of the rice mask, the result is visible - the skin is noticeably smoothed and becomes elastic.
  2. Whitens. Rice contains substances that have a whitening effect - tyrosine, allantoin and ferulic acid. These substances are one of the most useful additives in various cosmetics; they naturally whiten the skin and relieve redness.
  3. Protects against ultraviolet radiation . Rice has anti-inflammatory properties, soothes the skin after sunburn, promotes its regeneration. That's why field workers in Asia apply rice mixture to their faces to protect their skin from excessive tanning and harmful effects UV rays.
  4. Exfoliates and mattifies. The beneficial substances of rice grains penetrate deep into the pores, cleanse them, absorb excess fat, and exfoliate dead cells. As a result, the skin becomes matte and is able to resist problematic rashes.

Who is the rice mask suitable for?

Rice masks are used for normal and combined type skin. This mask is not particularly suitable for dry skin, as it can dry out the dermis. However, in this case, you can use rice, not as the main ingredient of the mask, but as an addition. Or before applying the mask, moisturize your face with cosmetic or vegetable oil.

So, a rice face mask is recommended for those who want:

  • improve facial tone;
  • get rid of age spots;
  • correct the oval of the face;
  • deeply cleanse the skin;
  • reduce swelling;
  • accelerate metabolism in epidermal cells.

Rice face mask is considered publicly available and inexpensive means skin care. To achieve maximum effect from a rice mask at home, you should follow some rules:

  1. The mask is made from rice flour or crushed cereal. If the grain is poorly ground, then useful material will be poorly absorbed into the skin and will result in a scrub effect. Rice flour can be purchased at any store or you can make it yourself. If the blender is not powerful enough, soak the cereal for 5-7 hours, dry on a towel, grind with a blender and dry again in a frying pan over low heat;
  2. For the mask, it is advisable to use unpolished rice; unlike pure and white rice, it contains more useful substances.
  3. Before applying the mask, the facial skin must be cleansed and steamed using a water bath.
  4. So that the mask gives maximum effect, you must use those recipes that are intended for your skin type.
  5. The product is prepared only from fresh ingredients with strict adherence to proportions.
  6. The mask must be applied to the face with massage movements for 15-20 minutes.
  7. For prevention, you can do rice masks once a week for a month. For treatment cosmetic problems facial skin (for example, acne, normalization of work sebaceous glands etc.) masks are made more often - 2-3 times a week in several courses (10-15 each) and with breaks of 10 days.

Rice flour mask recipes

Those who have experienced the effect natural masks made from rice grains, they do not want to make an appointment with a cosmetologist or go to a store to purchase an expensive anti-aging product. They open a book with recipes for homemade rice masks and act.

Rejuvenating rice mask

This anti-wrinkle mask is quite effective after the first use and gives a visible effect. It also improves facial contours, makes deep and expression wrinkles, fills the skin with energy.

What you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. rice flour;
  • 1 white (if your facial skin is dry, use a yolk instead of white);
  • 1 tbsp. l. glycerin.

Preparation and application:

  1. Mix flour, glycerin and protein.
  2. Apply the finished mixture to your face and leave until the mask dries on your face.
  3. Rinse off the mask with cool water.

Whitening rice mask

Many women/girls suffer from excessive pigmentation and freckles on the face (redheads, menopause). They strive to get rid of these defects as quickly as possible.

What you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. softened rice;
  • 1 tbsp. kefir;
  • 1 tsp honey

Preparation and application:

  1. Mix all the ingredients of the mask and apply to the face with massaging movements.
  2. When 20-30 minutes have passed, the mask should be washed off with cool water.
  3. Apply cream to your face, taking into account your skin type.

Rice mask for blackheads and acne

Rice flour can fight certain bacteria that cause acne and pimples. And honey and aloe in combination with rice even out the complexion and remove skin redness.

What you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. rice flour and aloe vera juice;
  • 1 tbsp. honey;

Preparation and application:

  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Apply the mask with gentle movements for several minutes.
  3. Keep the product on the skin for no more than 10 minutes and rinse off.

Renewing mask

This product is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté once every two days; it softens the skin well, making it soft and elastic.

What you will need:

  • 1 tbsp each rice flour, plain yogurt, coconut oil;
  • 2 tbsp each ground parsley and white clay;
  • aloe leaf pulp.

Preparation and application:

  1. Mix all ingredients into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Apply the mask to a cleansed face and keep it on for up to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Effective whitening mask

Lemon is a natural brightener and when combined with rice, it improves skin color. This mask must be used for 1-2 months for tyrosine, which is contained in cereals and is responsible for skin lightening, to take effect.

What you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. rice flour;
  • 4 tbsp. lemon juice.

Preparation and application:

  1. Mix the two ingredients well in a bowl.
  2. Apply the resulting cosmetic product to your face and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the mask with water at room temperature.

Japanese rice mask

Everyone knows beauty Japanese geishas. They have it perfect smooth face without blackheads, wrinkles, pimples and all this thanks to the variety of rice masks.

What you will need:

  • 4 tsp boiled rice;
  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 tsp honey

Preparation and application:

  1. Mash the boiled rice with a fork, add milk and honey to it, mix well. If your facial skin is dry, you can add a spoon to the mixture vegetable oil.
  2. Apply a homogeneous mass to the skin of the face for half an hour, and then rinse.

Precautionary measures

The rice cereal mask can be used by everyone: both teenagers and women over 50. The only thing is that the mixture should not be applied to the face of those who have vascular skin pathologies: rosacea, vasculitis.

Individual intolerance and allergic reactions on individual components of the mask.

There are many positive feedback about rice masks. Women actively use cereals as cosmetic product to rejuvenate, whiten and give elasticity to your skin. There are many recipes for making masks from rice flour. Many women add their own ingredients and then share their recipes with others.

Rice is a low-calorie and valuable food product that is successfully used in cosmetology. The microelements included in its composition have a beneficial effect on the skin: rejuvenate, tone, cleanse, and normalize metabolic processes. At home, girls make facial scrubs and masks from rice flour.

Cosmetic properties

Rice contains antioxidants that cleanse, restore, maintain facial skin tone, and prevent aging processes. Fats stimulate collagen production, nourish, make the skin smooth, and remove fine wrinkles.

Rice flour is used as an abrasive material for making scrubs. It deeply cleanses, eliminates rough particles, makes the complexion even and bright. Additional components can be dairy products, oils, honey, ethers.

It is important to know that face masks made from flour dry out the skin, so you should not overuse them. Before applying the composition, the face must be moistened with vegetable oil. The procedure is carried out every 7-10 days. You need to keep the masks on for no more than 20 minutes - this time is enough for them to have maximum impact. Girls who suffer vascular diseases or rosacea, you should avoid using rice flour on your face.

The product has other healing properties:

  • Starch softens, whitens;
  • Nicotinic acid gives even shade faces, freshness;
  • Folic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Thanks to vitamin H, cells are actively renewed;
  • Choline calms;
  • Silicon smooths out wrinkles, makes the facial contour clearer, tightens the skin;
  • Potassium moisturizes and eliminates flaking.

Cooking rules

In order for the healing properties of flour to fully manifest themselves, it is necessary to prepare homemade compositions correctly. Flour for mixtures must be freshly prepared. It’s not difficult to obtain: wash and dry the rice, grind it in a blender. You can make the preparations for future use, but they must be stored in tightly closed containers - only then will all the microelements be preserved.

Additional components should be selected depending on your skin type. Before applying the composition, you need to steam your face thoroughly so that nutrients got inside faster.

Hot compresses or baths are suitable for this.

Best Recipes

  • Recipe #1 for extra nutrition

Combine 15 mg of rice flour with cream (7 ml), stir. Apply the mixture and then rinse with cool water.

Pour two tablespoons of rice powder with warm kefir (20 ml), leave for a couple of minutes. Add a few drops of jojoba or almond oil and stir. The compositions perfectly nourish, moisturize and make the face smooth;

  • Recipe No. 2 against wrinkles

Mix 20 mg of crushed rice with the same amount goat milk. The mixture should sit for 15-20 minutes. Then add any ether and a teaspoon of liquid honey to it. Treat the skin with light massaging movements, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water. Homemade mask removes signs of aging and accelerates regeneration.

Pour half a teaspoon of capsule vitamin E into rice powder (25 mg), add rosemary ether. Mix well and apply to face.

Such masks, if done regularly, restore youth, smooth out wrinkles and remove signs of aging. After the procedure, the cover should be moistened with cream;

  • Recipe #3 for renewal

Combine equal amounts of rice, yogurt without additives and flavors, Coconut oil. Add a teaspoon of finely chopped parsley and white clay, a few drops of aloe juice. Mix all ingredients and apply the mixture to your face. The composition promotes rapid cell renewal, regeneration and rejuvenation;

  • Recipe No. 4 for whitening

Soak two tablespoons of rice in water and then grind the cereal in a blender. Add two teaspoons of warm kefir and melted honey. Mix the ingredients and apply the mask in a thick layer. You should keep it for at least 20 minutes. After the procedure, your complexion will become even, healthy and attractive;

  • Recipe No. 5 for acne

Dissolve the flour in the sage broth to make a thick paste. Add some melted honey and aloe juice. Rinse off the composition with cool water. The skin will become smooth and disappear small pimples and inflammation.

Grind the rice and grind it with honey in equal parts. Add essential oil tea tree and vitamin E, mix. The mixture soothes the skin, treats acne and removes irritation;

  • Recipe No. 6 for deep cleansing

Dissolve the same amount of flour in two tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients and rub them into the skin with massaging movements, and then leave for a few minutes. Rinse off and evaluate the result: blackheads will disappear, your face will become clean, smooth, silky;

  • Recipe No. 6 against excessive dryness

Mix 7 mg of rice flour with the same amount of horseradish, add a teaspoon of full-fat sour cream, cottage cheese and vegetable oil. Apply in a thick layer and leave for 10 minutes. Rice mask refreshes, fights dryness and flaking;

  • Recipe No. 7 for oily skin

Mix rice powder with whipped egg white, apply to skin in two layers. The first one should dry, then the next one can be applied. Will disappear after the procedure greasy shine, the matte shade will return;

Rye flour against flabbiness

Rye flour is good for the face - it makes the skin smooth and toned. The composition includes trace elements, mineral salts, amino acids and vitamins. It can be combined with various products.

The main thing is that the components match your skin type. Face masks made from rye flour stop the aging process and smooth out wrinkles. They are ideal for tired and sagging skin.

  • Recipe No. 1 for wrinkles

Add 20 mg of milk and yolk to 30 grams of rye flour. Mix well and apply to face. If used regularly, fine wrinkles will disappear, the skin will become smoother and more even;

  • Recipe No. 2 to improve tone

Prepare a batter from rye flour and milk, immediately spread it over the surface of your face. It will improve the contour, tighten the skin and tone it.

It is better to carry out all procedures in the evening, before going to bed - then the effect will be maximum. During the procedure, try to relax and rest so that your muscles are not tense.

Flaxseed flour in the fight for beauty

Flaxseed flour contains healing substances, so it is beneficial for the face:

Pour two teaspoons of seeds with water (100 ml), keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Strain and cool the broth. Apply a thick layer to your face and keep on for 20 minutes. The face mask tones, tightens, removes wrinkles;

  • Recipe No. 2 for dry skin

Let the flour steep in water, then add 5 ml of vegetable oil and apply to your face. It is convenient to remove the mask with a napkin, and then rinse your face with cool water. The mixture nourishes and moisturizes, removes dryness;

  • Recipe No. 3 for oily skin

Mix flaxseed and oatmeal in equal parts, dilute with warm milk. Let it brew until it becomes a thick, viscous paste. Such a mask with flaxseed flour for the face removes oily shine and dries it out.