How to make even and smooth skin of the face? A smooth face is easy! Tips for making your face smooth

The main component of female beauty is clean, well-groomed skin. The body is usually hidden under clothing, and we allow only very close people to see it. And the face is open to all winds and views. And what woman would not like to have perfect, radiant and smooth skin without pimples and age spots, without annoying wrinkles and spider veins?

All of these properties belong to healthy facial skin. But in life so often you have to experience stress and eat on the run, during a work break. All these factors have a destructive effect on the skin of the face, leaving traces on it, causing concern to both young beautiful girls and mature beautiful ladies. How to make the skin of the face clean and become the most charming?

Skin types are distinguished depending on the secretion of the sebaceous glands and are divided into:

  1. oily - it is distinguished by its brilliance, often enlarged pores. She is more prone to acne and acne;
  2. dry - thin, with small pores. Her main problems are dryness and irritability, peeling, lethargy and wrinkling;
  3. Normal is the best skin type. It is smooth and velvety, without excessive fat and black dots;
  4. combined, in different parts of the face having different fat content.

The problems inherent in each type can be exacerbated by poor care, improper selection of cosmetics, poor nutrition and insufficient rest, environmental influences and work in a stuffy office. But it allows you to make your face clean and smooth using the same simple methods:

  1. thorough care and cleaning;
  2. the use of cosmetics suitable for a particular skin type;
  3. balanced diet;
  4. full rest at night;
  5. protection from ultraviolet or frost;
  6. physical exercises in the fresh air and a contrast shower.

Cleanliness is the key to health

At home, it’s quite easy - the modern market is replete with personal care products. The main rule should be the obligatory washing off of makeup in the evening, before going to bed. The skin of the face at night needs rest no less than its beautiful owner. How does the face itself?

Oily skin requires especially thorough cleansing. Any pollution contributes to the appearance of acne and inflammation. Owners of this type will have to wash at least 2 times a day using products for problem skin. You can dry out acne that popped up at the wrong time with preparations with salicylic acid (salicylic-zinc paste). It is better to use face creams that have been repeatedly tested on yourself and avoid experimenting with new brands of cosmetics.

Various scrubs will help both from dead cells and make it visually more even and smooth by narrowing the pores. At home, you can clean your face with a steam bath. To do this, boil 2 tbsp in a liter of water. l. chamomile herbs and hold your face over the steam for 20 minutes. The use of a scrub after such a procedure will be especially effective.

For dry, sensitive skin prone to irritation, tap water may not be suitable. Such a face will have to be washed with distilled water. It is better not to use soap - it will degrease the top layer of the epidermis. How to clean the skin if it is dry? Only with the help of milk or gel, which have a neutral reaction and a pH of about 7.

Regenerating and fortified creams will help to renew the cells of the epidermis, increase metabolism and give the skin elasticity. Nourishing day and night creams will provide the missing fats to the skin. Masks from berries will be very useful.

Normal skin can be cleansed by any means. But it should be remembered that products for the treatment of problem skin dry it out very much. In normal skin, these products will cause a reaction in the form of increased sebum secretion, which can lead to acne. The main direction of care for the normal type is moisturizing. Choosing a good moisturizer is not difficult at all, using the advice of a consultant in a cosmetics store.

Exfoliating with scrubs will give your skin a radiant look. To prepare a scrub at home, you only need salt (1 tsp) and sour cream (1 tbsp). The ingredients must be mixed and used for washing.

Clearing combination skin is a very responsible business. You will have to separately clean areas with one type, then moving on to others, changing in accordance with the type of cleanser.

You are what you eat

Saturated with essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, food is not only good for good health. A delicate complexion, the absence of acne and rashes directly depend on the diet. The exclusion from it of fried and smoked "goodies", chips, fast food and sweets can in a short time get rid of many problems on the face.

Eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits, whole grains and greens will saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, remove toxins from the intestines, which will immediately affect the cleanliness of the skin of the face.

sun, air and water

This triad is necessary for all living beings. A small amount of ultraviolet light can fight oily skin problems. You just need to remember that its excess is harmful, because it leads to drying out and contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. This property of sunlight is especially dangerous for. With prolonged exposure to the sun, protection with special creams is required. The level of protection against UV rays is selected individually.

The same applies to exposure to fresh air - walking and sports will bring visible results on the face. But in frosty weather, the skin will need protection in the form of a nourishing cream applied before a walk. Moisture saturates the skin cells and makes it more elastic, improves tone and protects against early aging. Water should be consumed in the amount of 2-3 liters per day, in rooms with radiators in winter, you need to humidify the air or use face sprays to avoid overdrying.

How to make the skin of the face clean?

You can clean your face and make it beautiful at home with the help of folk remedies that contain natural products and herbs.

  1. Honey and lemon will help get rid of blackheads: a few drops of honey are applied to a circle of lemon and rubbed on the face, paying attention to areas where there are comedones. You need to hold the honey mask on your face for about 5 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. This mask will also help lighten the spots.
  2. Dark acne marks are treated with a mask of cinnamon and honey: they are mixed in equal proportions, the mixture is applied to the spots and left for 20-25 minutes. You can make such a mask every other day and the spots will quickly disappear.
  3. Bay leaf (20 g) is boiled in 100 ml of water. The broth is cooled and the face is wiped with a swab dipped in the infusion. This infusion helps to make the face fresher and younger at home, without visiting salons.
  4. To get rid of acne, this recipe is useful: 3 tbsp. l. grated cucumbers pour 1 cup boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Strain, add honey (1 tsp) to the decoction. Wipe your face with this solution after washing.
  5. You can also reduce the number of acne at home with the help of viburnum juice, if you wipe your face 3 times a day with a swab dipped in it.

Keeping the face clean and caring for it, nourishing and cleansing it, you can become the owner of healthy, radiant skin. Be beautiful and love yourself.

Do not miss! Valuable information:

Enlarged pores, peeling, wrinkles, pimples significantly spoil the appearance of the skin on a woman's face. Of course, all these shortcomings can be skillfully hidden with the help of a special makeup base, foundation and powder, but this will take a lot of time and effort. In addition, the effect of this leveling method will be short-lived and will end immediately after the removal of cosmetics. To make the face smooth and even for a long time, products based on natural ingredients, special exercises for wrinkles and following simple rules for skin care will help.

  • General recommendations for skin care
  • Exercises for the muscles of the face
    • Scrubs for skin cleansing

Facial skin care, first of all, implies its proper cleansing and moisturizing. The choice of means for cleaning should be carried out taking into account its type. In order for the skin of the face to always remain healthy and look good, you must follow these recommendations:

  • carefully select cosmetics for makeup and care, giving preference to hypoallergenic products;
  • eat right, make sure that the diet contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • consume at least 1.5 - 2 liters of fluid per day;
  • do not go to bed without completely removing makeup;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • ensure a good night's sleep (at least 8 hours);
  • protect the face from the adverse effects of frost and direct sunlight.

Exercises for the muscles of the face

A special exercise for the mimic muscles of the face improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, tightens it, smoothes wrinkles and prevents their appearance. You need to perform it every day in the morning and in the evening, while it is important to concentrate and imagine how the muscles work.

Exercises for the muscles around the lips and cheeks:

  1. Fill your mouth with air and roll it inside the mouth, tightly closing your lips.
  2. Move the lower jaw quickly and without stopping from side to side as far as it will go.
  3. Vigorously stretch your lips forward, folding them with a "bow".
  4. Open your mouth wide and pronounce all the vowels in turn.

Exercises for the muscles around the eyes:

  1. Close your eyes, squeezing your eyelids. Then open them up and squint.
  2. Open your eyes as wide as possible and hold them for a few seconds.
  3. Smoothly make circular movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.
  4. Slowly move your eyes left and right.

In addition to exercises, contrast massage is very useful for the skin. To perform it, it is necessary to moisten one napkin or handkerchief in hot water, and the other in cold water. Then alternately apply each of them to the face for 30 seconds.

Video: A set of exercises for the face

Recipes for scrubs and masks for smooth skin

Homemade scrubs and masks designed to cleanse and smooth the skin of the face, with regular use, can make the relief of the face smooth and even, no worse than expensive salon procedures. When performing them, it is important to follow a certain procedure. First you need to cleanse the skin with a scrub, and then apply a mask.

Scrubs for skin cleansing

The main action of scrubs is to remove various impurities, dead cells, black dots from the skin surface. After their application, the skin becomes visually more even and velvety.

Honey and wheat bran scrub


Eliminates blackheads, regenerates, nourishes and smoothes the skin.

Honey - 30 g
Lemon juice - ½ tbsp. l.
Wheat bran - 10 g

Make a homogeneous mixture of the indicated components and apply it evenly. Then cleanse the skin with massage movements. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Oatmeal and Sugar Scrub

Cleanses and smoothes the skin, removes dead skin particles.

Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 25 g

Mix sugar with crushed oatmeal. Spread the resulting mixture over the skin and gently cleanse it in a circular motion. After that, wash with warm water.

Scrub based on pomegranate seeds

Evens complexion, moisturizes the skin, cleanses pores, eliminates rashes.

Pomegranate seeds - 15–20 g
Honey - ½ tsp
Orange pulp - 1 tbsp. l.

Grind pomegranate seeds with a blender. Peel two or three slices of orange from films and finely chop, mix the orange mass with pomegranate and add honey. Apply the product on the skin of the face, excluding the area around the eyes. Wash off with warm water after 10 minutes.

Advice: To prevent the appearance of acne and acne, owners of oily skin are recommended to wipe their face with a decoction of oak bark twice a week.

Masks for smooth and even skin

Masks must be applied to pre-cleansed facial skin. This will provide deeper penetration into the tissues of nutrients. After applying them, it is recommended to use a moisturizer.

grape mask

Makes the skin smooth and velvety, refreshes and tones, increases the elasticity of the skin, prevents sagging.

Squeeze out about 30 ml of juice from grapes. Soak a napkin or gauze folded in four layers with it and apply it to your face for 20 minutes. After removing the mask, rinse your face with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Yogurt and Turmeric Mask

Nourishes, moisturizes the skin, cleanses it of acne.

Turmeric - 2 tbsp. l.
Unsweetened yogurt - 25 g

Thoroughly mix the ingredients until a homogeneous paste is formed. Wash your face and apply the resulting product with massage movements. Wash it off with water after 20 minutes. Do not use this mask for very fair skin, as turmeric can stain it.

Banana, butter and honey mask

Nourishes, smoothes and softens the skin.

Honey - 10 g
½ ripe banana
Butter - 30 g

Make a pulp from a banana, add soft butter and honey. Apply the mixture on the face, lightly tapping the skin with your fingers. After 20 minutes, remove the mask with warm water.

Nourishing mask with strawberries and sour cream

Reduces the severity of age spots, moisturizes, refreshes and tightens the skin, eliminates acne, tightens pores.

Strawberries or wild strawberries - 100 g
Sour cream or cream - 20 g

Mash the berries thoroughly. Take 4 tsp. the resulting slurry and mix with sour cream. Apply the product on the face. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

We, all women, are not perfect and sometimes do not have smooth skin due to sudden acne or wrinkles, however, our facial skin looks impressive and amazingly beautiful not only on holidays, but every day. Because we skillfully and deftly hide our skin imperfections, they simply become invisible and "go into the background." Thanks to a few simple tricks, our facial skin is always fresh, smooth and even, with a beautiful matte color.

Before applying daily makeup, we wash our face in this way: squeeze a small amount of soapy shaving cream into a cup, add one teaspoon of hot water and beat until foam appears. Then add a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide and stir. Then we put a little soapy cream on a small sponge and lather the whole face, starting from the chin. Leave the lather on your face for five minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cold. The face becomes impeccably clean, all spots and pimples on the face are whitened.

Then we make an instant mask on the face: beat one egg white into foam and add a few drops of lemon juice, mix everything and apply a thin layer to the face with a brush. As soon as the mask begins to tighten the skin, wash it off with warm water and rinse with cold. The skin on the face becomes smooth and even.

Then we moisturize the skin with such a mask: dilute a piece of yeast with cream to the consistency of sour cream, apply on the face and rinse with warm water after ten minutes, then wipe the face with an ice cube from tea leaves and leave to dry. The skin of the face becomes soft and fresh, and the tea brewing gives it a shade of light tan, thanks to which all pimples and spots become invisible.

After that, squeeze a little moisturizing cream into the palm, rub it and press the palms smeared with cream to the face, so the cream is distributed over the entire skin, separately drive the cream under the eyes with the fingertips and slightly moisten the eyelids. Lightly pat your face with your palms, then tap with your fingertips as if playing the piano. The face acquires a fresh look and a light natural blush.

Then we proceed to toning the skin of the face with the help of foundation, or rather two shades of foundation - one is slightly lighter than our skin, the other is darker. Squeeze a little cream of both shades from the tube onto the cheeks, mix them and distribute them all over the face with soft circular movements from the center to more distant areas, otherwise wrinkles and pores will absorb a lot of cream and become clearly visible. After applying the tone to the entire face, do not forget about the neck, and at the same time the décolleté area. We recall with horror that terrible sight when the face was tinted, and the neck was left as it is, it looked strange and ugly. Now we do not do this, and be sure to apply the tone on the face, neck and décolleté so that they do not differ in color.

If pimples, spots or redness are still noticeable under the foundation, and also if there are circles under the eyes, we apply a camouflage corrector of the shade that is one tone lighter than our skin. We apply it to the place that needs to be hidden, and gently rub it with the tip of a finger so that the masked places do not stand out on the skin with spots. So that the face does not become shiny after a few hours, we evenly apply loose powder on the face with a thick brush, it falls on the foundation with a transparent layer and our facial skin becomes a beautiful matte color.

Then we give the face a fresh light blush, for this we mix a small amount of powder with blush and apply a thin layer on the cheekbones, then on the tip of the chin. We fix the makeup by lightly sprinkling the face with thermal water from a spray bottle.

After that, we lightly tint the eyes and lips, and our face becomes beautiful and charming, with smooth and delicate skin, of a beautiful matte color.

After returning home, be sure to remove all makeup from the face with a cotton swab dipped in cosmetic milk, then wash the face with warm water and soapy cream, rinse with cold water, lubricate the face with a good nourishing cream, driving it into the undereyes with your fingers, and remove the remaining cream with a paper towel.

So, we are women, we take care of our facial skin and hide its imperfections. Thanks to these simple rules, we look beautiful, elegant and attractive, and our facial skin is always perfectly smooth and delightfully even, with a fresh healthy color!

Effective masks for skin elasticity

Here are some more simple and effective masks for skin elasticity.

  1. French mask - mix 1 cup of cream with 1 egg, 100 g of vodka, juice of 1 lemon and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. The resulting mixture should be wiped daily before going to bed.
  2. Recipe from Sophia Loren - mix 100 g of cream with 1 teaspoon of gelatin, honey and glycerin. It is best to pour gelatin with cream at night, and in the morning heat it over low heat until it dissolves, add glycerin and honey. Gently apply the resulting mass on the face along the massage lines and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Coconut Mask - Mix 1 tablespoon of coconut meat or coconut flakes with 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt or curdled milk and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the pre-steamed skin of the face and chest. Rub into the skin with soft massage movements for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Well-groomed and delicate skin in women after 25 years is the result of constant care and respect. It is worth starting to devote at least 15-20 minutes daily to your appearance, do not forget about taking vitamins, proper nutrition, physical activity and pleasant emotions, and then your skin and figure will amaze with its youth and freshness even at the most advanced age.

Wipe with cosmetic ice

Start your day by rubbing your skin with cosmetic ice cubes. To cook it properly, mix in one mixture 50 gr. oak bark, 35 gr. rosemary, 40 gr. lime blossom, 30 gr. medicinal chamomile and 15 gr. dried eucalyptus. Send the composition to an enameled pan, pour boiling water over it and put it on the stove. Boil for about 20 minutes, then close the lid and let it brew for another 1 hour.

After the broth has cooled, make a filter of three layers of gauze and cotton wool, pass the solution through it. Drop 3 ml. ginseng ether and grape seeds, pour the mixture into an ice mold. Leave until completely frozen, use 1-2 times a day. Try not to dwell on one specific point for more than 2 seconds, the total duration of the procedure is 3 minutes.

Moisturize the epidermis

Regular moisturizing will help keep your skin smooth. For this purpose, drink at least 2.6 liters. purified water per day. At the same time, it is also necessary to lean on freshly squeezed juices (no more than 0.7 liters per day), green and herbal teas. It is worth giving preference to cabbage, carrot, celery fresh juices, which smooth out the creases of the epidermis, making it smooth.

Give up sugary carbonated drinks, sugar compotes, packaged juices. They retain poisons in the subcutaneous tissue, as a result of which the face looks tired. An excellent option for moisturizing the epidermis is the regular use of seasonal fruits, berries and vegetables. Make salads, prepare smoothies and cocktails based on them, add vitamin complexes for the skin if you wish.

Use creams and serums

Neglect of caring cosmetics leads to premature aging of the skin, do not allow this. In the summer, use a special moisturizing serum with retinol or liquid protein. Look at hydrogels, which are 70% water, make sure that they contain extracts of medicinal herbs.

In winter, protect the dermis from the wind with special anti-frost creams (for example, Nivea), if desired, they can be replaced with a composition for children. Such products do not allow cracking and chapping of the skin, while maintaining a smooth structure.

If your skin is often flaky, and serums and creams are ineffective, resort to traditional cosmetology. Grind 1 medium-sized banana in a blender, grate a quarter of the cucumber along with the peel. Pour in 25 ml. corn oil, add 30 gr. rye bran. Stir, make a mask, soak for 1 hour.

Buy thermal water

The main advantage of thermal water is considered to be that it can be used both on the face with and without makeup. The tool is especially relevant in the summer, when the dermis suffers from sultry heat and, as a result, a lack of subcutaneous fluid.

You can buy thermal water at any cosmetic store; the product is available in 250 and 600 ml bottles. The first option is suitable for regular use on the road or at work, the second - for household use or vacations.

If for some reason this method of humidification is not suitable for you, purchase a compact device that makes the room humid. This recommendation should be used if you work in a stuffy office and do not have the opportunity to wash your face once every few hours.

Choose the right cosmetics

When choosing decorative cosmetics, try to give preference to exclusively professional products. As a rule, it does not clog pores and contains plant extracts that prevent the appearance of creases and cracks.

If possible, do not use foundation or apply it over a cosmetic primer. You can replace the tonal base with BB cream, it not only evens out the tone, but also nourishes the epidermis.

It is necessary to pay attention to the use of blush, correctors and concealers, their application is highly undesirable. Products of this kind clog pores, provoke the appearance of blackheads and large ulcers, as a result of which the skin loses its ability to self-cleanse.

Exfoliate dead skin particles

Smooth skin cannot be achieved if you do not use cosmetics for scrubbing. You can purchase a ready-made composition or make the product yourself. For those who are inclined towards the second option, the following recipe will be useful.

Grind in a coffee grinder or blender 6 pcs. almonds or walnut kernels, add 25 gr. fat sour cream, 40 gr. coffee grounds, 20 ml. olive oil and 15 gr. edible gelatin. Combine all the ingredients, mix the composition with a fork, leave for 15 minutes.

Apply the product on the face in a thick layer, wait half an hour, then start massaging the skin in circular motions. The frequency of the procedure is 1 time in 4 days, the duration of rubbing is 5 minutes.

To achieve even and smooth skin, two important rules must be observed. First: you can not squeeze blackheads and purulent acne. Second: it is not recommended to touch your face with dirty hands.

Do not constantly try to fix your makeup or scratch a pimple that has appeared on your chin. In summer, do not remove the sweat with your palm, carry paper towels or matting wipes with you, which absorb excess sebum and sweat.

You don't need to pop blackheads or pimples unless you have absolutely no experience with these things. Neglecting the advice, you will damage the middle and upper layers of the dermis and provoke the appearance of abscesses.

Needless to say, if such actions become habitual for you, you can forever say goodbye to smooth and even skin. To cope with kamendons (black dots), use special cosmetics based on activated charcoal or salicylic acid.

Balance your diet

The smoothness of the skin depends on a number of factors, including daily nutrition. Try to eat flour, fried, fatty foods in rare cases, or refuse them altogether. Balance the menu so that it includes vitamins of all groups, in particular A-E, PP, omega acids, fiber, protein and the right carbohydrates.

Eliminate sausages, homemade canned food and pickles, quick snacks from the diet. Focus on lean meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, beans, and grains. Try to eat 5 times a day in portions of 250-300 gr.

Proper food has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on nails and hair. Buy fish or badger oil in capsules at the pharmacy, drink the course. Once every 6 months, take a multivitamin therapy, which includes all the necessary elements and minerals.

Avoid stress

It is known that people who are depressed or stressed for a long time look older. Wrinkles appear on their skin earlier, which does not make the skin even. To avoid the consequences and injections of Botox, look for a way out of negative factors.

Sign up for yoga, do stretching, Pilates, dancing. Read more, listen to relaxing music, rest at least 8 hours a day. Try not to stay up late, sleep should fall between 22.00 and 08.00.

People who abuse alcohol and tobacco need to change their habits. Sometimes you can drink a glass of dry white wine, but beer, martini, vodka are prohibited. As for smoking, give up the habit for good.

It is easy to make the skin of the face smooth and even, if you follow the rules regarding basic care. Make it a habit to wipe the dermis daily with cosmetic ice based on medicinal plants, moisturize the skin, use serums and hydrogels. Choose the right cosmetics, carry thermal water in your handbag.

How to make skin without acne and white at home?

Parsley mask

This is an excellent whitening agent that promotes additional toning.. To prepare the mask, you need to squeeze the parsley juice or use the whole plant, including roots, leaves, stems.

First, it is thoroughly washed, dried and finely ground. The finished mixture is applied in a thick layer on the entire face. The exposure time is 40 minutes. After that, the mask is washed off with warm water.

Thanks to this care, the complexion becomes even. For the most effective result, the procedure is repeated in the morning and evening every day.

Parsley juice is suitable for toning the skin of the face. To do this, the plant is carefully crushed, filtered and poured into a small container.

Twice a day in the morning and evening, you need to wipe the skin with this natural remedy. The face is pre-cleansed so that it does not leave foundation or make-up residue.

It is not necessary to strain the mixture. They are good to wipe the entire face and décolleté. With regular use, you can make your skin clear and supple.

cucumber mask

To prepare the mask, take only the juice of fresh cucumber. It has an excellent brightening effect, hides freckles, refreshes and makes the skin rejuvenated.

The finished mass is applied to the face in a fairly thick layer. The exposure time is no more than 25 minutes. Wash off with water at room temperature.

Berry face whitening mask

At home, you can make nourishing and whitening masks based on berries. They contain a huge amount of organic or fruit acid, which has found its wide application in cosmetology.

With regular use, you can whiten your face and make it beautiful.

To prepare masks, you can take different berries - strawberries, strawberries, black currants, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, viburnum. The seeds of the fruit can be finely chopped and added to a body scrub.

Methods for preparing a nourishing and whitening mask:

  1. In the first version, 100 grams of different berries are taken to prepare the mask., soften and squeeze the juice.

    They are abundantly saturated with gauze and applied to the face for 15 minutes. After that, you can wash your face with warm water.

  2. 100 grams of berries are thoroughly crushed until a homogeneous consistency is formed.. Add a tablespoon of honey (preferably liquid) to the finished mixture and apply a mask for 20 minutes.

    It is washed off with running water at room temperature.

Such masks can be done 2-3 times a week, but not more often, so as not to harm the skin.

We make a beautiful and even face with our own hands

To quickly even out the complexion, you need to use cosmetics. It is important to take responsibility for the choice of cosmetics. They should fit the type of face and be of high quality.

  1. The skin of the face is rubbed with an ice cube from black tea. It can be replaced with other decoctions based on medicinal herbs.

    After such a tonic, the skin becomes elastic, small pimples and spots disappear.

  2. Facial skin dries out naturally.
  3. The skin is then treated with foundation.. It is important to choose the right shade so that there are no sharp transitions.

    You need to move from the central part of the face to the edges. Foundation is applied to the face, neck and décolleté.

  4. Concealer helps hide small pimples, wrinkles, as well as other imperfections on the face. Choose a cosmetic product a tone lighter than the foundation.
  5. Next, powder is applied to the face with a powder puff or a special brush.. It is important not to overdo it so as not to get the effect of a plaster mask.

In order for the skin to become healthy, smooth, even, it is necessary to lead the right lifestyle. A rash on the face often occurs after the abuse of smoked and fried foods, sweets.

Any woman wants to learn how to properly clean her face in such a way as to achieve a solution that is truly acceptable in all respects and not spend too much free time on all procedures and it would not be superfluous to find out what inexpensive folk remedies help cleanse the face and can make it better. -really smooth. It will be no less interesting to learn how to make a face matte and what you need to buy for this.

The article offers only practical recommendations that a woman of any age should familiarize herself with in order to make the article more attractive to herself and the opposite sex.

How to make your face clean and without freckles, redness, blackheads, blackheads

To make the face clean - without freckles, redness, black spots and blackheads, a "tonic" made by oneself from equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice helps - the mixture has a disinfecting and whitening effect.

How to make your face clear of age spots

Masks of parsley, pounded into gruel, help to make the face clean from age spots. Owners of dry skin can add a little cream or sour cream to the composition of such a mask.

For oily and normal skin, the healing effect of a parsley mask will increase by adding melted honey or lemon juice.

How to get rid of acne and make your face clear

You can get rid of acne and make your face clear if:
- squeeze out only fully ripe acne, observing all the rules of disinfection;
- wipe the inflamed areas with salicylic alcohol at night;
- in the morning, wash your face with infusions of herbs of chamomile, celandine or calendula;
- balance your diet, eliminating sweets, carbonated drinks, smoked meats and other "chemistry";
- give up bad habits and observe the regime of rest and sleep.

How to quickly make your face perfectly clean at home like in a salon, lightroom

It will not be possible to quickly make a face perfectly clean at home “like in a salon or lightroom” at a time - beauty is achieved through systematic personal care. However, this does not mean at all that you need to give up trying to turn from Cinderella into a Princess.

Keep your skin clean, nourish it with masks and creams, give up bad habits, balance your diet - and the result will not be long in coming.

How can you make your face clean, smooth and white at home

To make the face clean, smooth and white, a mask made from a mixture of chopped parsley root, lemon and honey will help. You need to make such a mask twice a day for a week.

Masks made from cucumber, as well as currants or strawberries also have a whitening effect. So that your efforts do not come to naught - avoid sunburn or use a protective cream.

How to make a face clean and beautiful for men, boyfriend, male face and skin in one day, week, month

To make a face clean and beautiful for men will help:
- daily contrast washing with warm and cold water;
- weekly use of facial scrubs that remove particles of keratinized skin;
- Constant hydration of the skin of the face, especially after shaving.

But all these manipulations will be worthless if you do not know the most important “secret” of male beauty, and this is sports and a healthy lifestyle.

How to make a face absolutely clean, fresh and bright like a baby, Korean women

Korean women, in order to refresh and brighten the face, to achieve the feeling of the skin “like a baby”, use a whole range of cosmetic procedures.

The principle of skin care, in short, comes down to the formula:

cleansing + steaming and peeling + toning and masks + moisturizing + health of the body as a whole.

How to make the face smooth, or rather, how to make the skin of the face smooth and toned, is of interest to all the fair sex without exception. Perhaps they escort us through the mind, but they meet us exactly paying attention to other aspects. Every woman is a goddess, and I want to keep this feeling in myself until the most advanced years. Let's talk about what skin care methods exist that will help us always look great.

When answering the question “How to make your face smooth”, first of all determine what type of skin you have. Peeling and allergic reactions often appear on dry skin; when washing with water, there is a feeling of tightness. Oily skin shows shine, enlarged pores, blackheads and acne. Mixed skin combines the features of the first two descriptions on different parts of the face. Normal skin is almost a myth; only healthy people have smooth and elastic skin. By the way, think about it, maybe you should pay attention to your health, and your skin will automatically return to normal.

Once you've decided on your skin type, you can start developing a plan for smoothing your face. The first item on this plan will be cleansing. The daily routine includes care with organic natural products. If you have oily skin, then rubbing your face with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile or other natural herbs will help you refresh your skin and narrow your pores. Wash off with cool water. For dry skin, warm water, milk, decoction of chamomile and currant leaves are suitable. Do not rub your skin with a towel after washing! Just get a little wet. Combination skin requires individual care for each area and, accordingly, the use of products for both skin types. Normal skin does not require special care, it is enough to use herbal decoction for washing.

As a daily moisturizer after washing for dry skin, olive or coconut oil is perfect, for oily skin, you can use citrus juice. There are also many recipes for making homemade creams from natural products. Daily application of such mixtures is the best way to make your face smooth.

Be sure to exfoliate your skin once a week. Natural mixtures are excellent cleansers. Coffee grounds with honey will delight oily skin, sugar with olive oil will moisturize dry skin, and milk with almonds is suitable for combination skin. Gently apply the resulting mass, rubbing it into the skin of the face, along the massage lines for 1-2 minutes. Then rinse with water that suits the temperature of your skin type.

After using the scrub, apply a mask to cleansed skin. Owners of dry skin are perfect honey-milk mask. If you add egg yolk to it, the mask will become more nutritious. If you have oily skin: Beat an egg white and add crushed sorrel leaves (or crushed lemon peel) to it. For normal skin, a mixture of fatty cottage cheese and liquid honey is suitable.

Remember about massage - this is a great way to make your face smooth. Apply the cream on the face, place the fingertips in the middle of the forehead parallel to the eyebrows and move smoothly towards the temples. Similarly, massage the rest of the massage lines: from the bridge of the nose to the outer part of the ear, from the middle of the nose to the middle of the ear, from the chin along the edge of the face to the earlobe. Around the eyes, massage should be acupressure, the skin should not be stretched in any case! Stay in the area of ​​"crow's feet", make tapping circular motions with your fingertips.

Another tip on how to make your face smooth: use only organic cosmetics. There are so many options on the market right now, you can choose the one that suits you best. Be sure to check that the packaging of the product you buy is labeled with EcoCert, BDIH, etc. Buy the product in specialized stores.

One of the most effective ways to make your face smooth is a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, exercise, fresh air and good mood prolong the youth and health of the whole body, respectively, and facial skin.

Human skin is constantly exposed to environmental factors: sun, cold, air. Because of this, it becomes rough and dry. The skin will become smooth and even if you slightly change the daily routine and lifestyle.

Care on a daily basis

How to make the skin even and smooth without visiting salons? Start your day with dry exfoliation. With this technique, dead skin cells are removed and blood circulation is stimulated. At the same time, the skin becomes fresher. The procedure must be carried out on a daily basis. Then the skin will become radiant.

Dry peeling. How to do?

How to carry out the procedure correctly? Follow instructions:

  1. So that the skin is not injured, you need to pick up brushes made from natural fibers.
  2. Movements should be confident, short and directed from the limbs to the center. The whole body is wiped, and a separate small brush is used for the face.
  3. For dry exfoliation, the skin must be dry, the contact of a dry brush and wet skin is not so strong. Therefore, the friction will be weak. As a result, the effect will not be as noticeable.

Swimming in cool water

How to make the skin even and perfectly smooth, as well as maintain it in such a state? You need to wash in cool water. Water procedures in hot water lead to excessive dryness, microtrauma, and a feeling of tightness. The transition to cool water should be gradual so as not to get sick. Water at room temperature should gradually drop to colder. This will keep the skin tight. Some more helpful tips:

  • The duration of the water procedure should be no more than 10 minutes so that the skin does not dry out.
  • You also need to wash with cool water.
  • Hot baths can be used, but not often. They are good for stress relief.

How to make the skin even and smooth during water procedures? You can exfoliate the skin in the shower with a loofah, a washcloth, or a special exfoliating glove. This procedure will help get rid of dead skin cells. Scrub for these purposes is also perfect. Just do not need too much zeal, you need to rub the skin gently. For the face, you need a separate washcloth. On gloves) there are keratinized skin particles and bacteria, so that rashes do not occur on the skin and it continues to be tender, you need to wash it regularly.

Too frequent use of soap to keep the skin smooth for a long time is undesirable. Cleaners that are part of shower gels, scrubs, soap bars, make the skin dry. At the same time, the plaque that remains after their application is not completely washed off. Therefore, the skin looks dull. In such cases, soap based on natural oils is suitable. Also washing with just water will be appropriate. With soap, the parts of the body that sweat the most are washed.

Application of oils

How to make the skin of the body smooth and even, so that the effect remains for a long time? Applying lotion or moisturizer after a shower is a must. So moisture is stored in the skin, it forms protection from dry air throughout the day.

To make the skin glow beautifully, you can use coconut oil. It dissolves quickly on the skin and gives it extra hydration.

How to make the skin of the face smooth and even if it is sensitive? For such purposes, shea butter is perfect. In winter, the skin especially needs additional care, so lanolin can also be used.

Deeper hydration can be achieved with olive oil. It is applied to the skin. After that, it should be absorbed within 10 minutes. Then it needs to be washed off and wiped dry.

Flaky and dry skin quickly loses its elasticity and softness. How to make the skin of the legs smooth and even? You can restore its beauty by using lotions with lactic acid. They are especially suitable for the skin of the heels.

Sensitive and sunburned skin will be soft after applying aloe vera gel.

Men's skin care

To properly care for the skin, it is necessary to determine its type. There are such types: dry, oily, combination, flaky or normal skin. You need to carefully examine your body and determine the “front of work”, for which areas you need more thorough care. Only then carry out procedures aimed at eliminating deficiencies. How to make smooth, even skin for a man? Men should also be well-groomed, just like women. Therefore, tips on how to make your skin beautiful will also suit the stronger sex. Care instructions:

  • With special care, you need to treat areas of the skin where acne has appeared, regardless of whether they are on the face or on the body. Dry brushing will only make it worse, new rashes and inflammation will appear. Also, do not use soap or other substances that will only aggravate the situation.
  • Skin with diseases such as rosacea, eczema, deserves more careful attention. It is necessary to use only such means that will not harm her. In addition, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the right solution.

Physical exercise

What will help, except for care products? How to make the skin even and smooth? There are a variety of ways. One of them is physical activity. The skin will tone up, and blood circulation will improve. The general condition of the body will become better, and this will be visible on the skin.

You need the following exercises:

  1. To improve blood circulation, you need to walk, run, bike or swim more. In addition, the skin will acquire a healthy tone.
  2. You can strengthen your muscles with weight training with dumbbells. The skin tone will become smoother, and the figure will be more toned.
  3. Stretching. With its help, the muscles will remain in good shape, which will also improve the condition of the skin.

Nutrition and smooth skin

How to make the skin smooth and even with the right nutrition? The lack of nutrients in the body is reflected in the skin. If you add more fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains to your diet, then the skin will acquire a natural glow. Also, her condition will be well reflected in the inclusion in the diet:

  • Nuts and avocados. The healthy fat found in these foods will help keep your skin supple.
  • Foods that are rich in nutrients and trace elements. For example, sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, broccoli, mangoes, and blueberries are rich in vitamins A, E, and C.


You also need to drink plenty of fluids. Fresh and radiant skin becomes due to the saturation of the cells with the necessary amount of moisture. Dehydration usually causes the skin to dry out. At least 8 glasses a day are needed to keep her healthy. Also, a large amount of water is found in fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, lettuce, apples and berries. Herbal and other teas that do not contain caffeine are helpful. You can also drink water with lemon.

Harmful substances for the skin and body

There are substances that harm the entire body. And above all, it affects the skin. These include:

  • Tobacco. Tobacco use is fraught with the appearance of spots and wrinkles ahead of time.
  • Alcohol. Due to the fact that it retains water in the body, the skin stretches, loses its radiance and becomes gray. And the ability to flush out beneficial substances from the body leads to the fact that the blood vessels burst. Therefore, alcohol consumption should be limited.
  • Caffeine. Because of it, dehydration occurs in the body, which negatively affects the condition of the skin. One cup of coffee a day is perfectly acceptable if you drink it with a large glass of water.

Right Habits

How to make the skin smooth and even, while not spending a lot of money on visits to a beautician? You need to develop the right habits. Let's look at them:

  1. Apply sunscreen on a daily basis. With the help of the sun, the skin will become radiant due to tanning, but it also causes damage to the skin. Constant exposure to the sun is fraught with the appearance of wrinkles, spots, and can also lead to skin cancer. The tool must be used even in winter before going outside. Sunscreen is applied not only to the face, but also to those parts of the body that will be exposed to the sun.
  2. You need to go to bed only with cleansed skin. Makeup must be washed off. There are substances in cosmetics that will act on it all night, and this is very harmful to the skin.
  3. Lack of sleep also negatively affects her condition. Therefore, a night's sleep should be at least 8 hours.


There are many ways to keep your skin in great condition. They can be combined. It will not be worse if physical exercises and proper nutrition are added to the right cosmetic care.

Even, smooth, elastic skin radiates health and beauty, but, unfortunately, not every woman can boast of such wealth. In order to gain and maintain smooth, beautiful facial skin for a long time, you must strictly follow a constant care regimen, which not only includes classic cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing procedures, but is also complemented by deep peeling, toning massage and special recipes for smoothing cosmetics.

It should be recognized right away that in order to make the skin of the face smooth, you will have to work hard, it is no coincidence that many women prefer beauty salons where they can completely trust experienced cosmetologists, but you can achieve the desired result at home using natural proven products.

Deep cleansing or peeling, allows you to remove the upper keratinized layer of cells and prepare the skin for further cosmetic procedures.

For home peeling, scrub recipes are used based on ground bran or oatmeal flakes, coffee grounds and clay.

When carrying out a peeling procedure, skin type should be taken into account. Oily skin can withstand the deepest weekly cleansing, but dry and sensitive skin requires special attention. Firstly, it is cleaned no more than once every half a month, and secondly, the composition of the scrub is very carefully selected, be sure to check it for allergic reactions and irritations.

Cosmetic masks that deeply nourish and moisturize the face will help make the skin even and velvety.

One of the most famous recipes is the rice mask, which has been used by Japanese women for thousands of years. Rice is able to very gently exfoliate dead cells and exfoliate the skin, making it even, smooth and elastic. Rice mask is made from half a glass of ground rice, mixed with milk until sour cream is thick. A little vegetable oil is first applied to the skin of the face, and then a rice mask is applied. After 10 minutes, the mixture is removed along the massage lines with a damp cloth, after which a moisturizer is applied.

One of the most useful cosmetic procedures that very effectively evens out the skin of the face, maintains its tone and preserves youth, is massage. Before the massage, the skin should be cleansed: first, remove cosmetics, and then do a light peeling.

Then you can warm your face with a steam bath or a warm compress. This stage allows you to soften the skin and open the pores, which in turn will facilitate the absorption of nutrients from the massage cream.

In the process of massage, classical techniques are used (stroking, pinching, tapping, kneading), and all movements go strictly along the massage lines. It is strictly forbidden to move, stretch and gather the skin into folds.

After the massage, a cream is applied to the skin of the face, corresponding to the type of skin.