Vitamin face masks - the magic of the salon at home

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As a rule, vitamins are called biologically active substances that a person needs to feel healthy and look good. Their lack leads to various malfunctions in the body and causes a number of diseases. Vitamin deficiency affects the appearance: the skin becomes dull, takes on a painful appearance, and the first signs of aging appear on it ahead of time. The fair sex is trying to restore its former beauty with the help of various expensive cosmetics and procedures, sometimes not always justified. Whereas you just need to make up for the deficiency of vitamins. Therefore, in order to look good regardless of age and season, a woman should know what vitamins are required for facial skin and how to use them correctly as cosmetics.

Vitamins necessary for the face

To date, there are 13 vitamins, and the lack of at least one of them causes problems with the skin and hair. If you know what role each of them plays, then depending on the cosmetic defects, you can determine which specific vitamins are not enough in a particular case.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Vitamin A has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. Helps relieve inflammation on the skin of various nature, such as dermatitis or simple irritation, fights acne. Moisturizes and protects thin, flaky and dry skin. Regulates the exchange of secreted sebum, eliminates oily sheen. Smoothes out stretch marks on the face. Soothes the skin after a hard day, tones and nourishes it. Accelerates metabolism in cells. As a result, collagen synthesis is enhanced and restoration of damaged tissues is observed, and as a result, facial skin is rejuvenated. Among other things, retinol is a very powerful antioxidant. Read more about all the forms and the effect of vitamin A on the skin on our website.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Thiamine is widely used in dermatology and cosmetology. Dermatologists prescribe it as the main remedy for the treatment of neurogenic dermatosis, itching of the skin, pyoderma, scaly lichen, eczema - pathological conditions directly related to malfunctions of nervous activity. These are quite serious diseases, and if they are observed on the face, without the use of thiamine it is impossible to restore the beauty and health of the skin. Cosmetologists advise using vitamin B1 for people who show signs of early aging: wrinkles, double chin, sagging skin, etc. Vitamin B1 improves skin elasticity, accelerates regeneration. This is a vitamin for dry skin prone to peeling.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 is the most necessary for maintaining the beauty and health of the skin. It is riboflavin that is involved in the redox processes of cellular respiration, establishing more and more oxygen in the tissue. This leads to an acceleration of metabolism, which is reflected in the appearance of the skin, it acquires a natural healthy tone.

Vitamin B3 (Vitamin PP, Niacin, Niacin, Nicotinamide)

Deficiency leads to dysfunction of the skin. Vitamin B3 is indispensable for problematic and oily skin. It dries oily skin well. It is recommended to use it for women after 30 years, as it very quickly helps to smooth out shallow wrinkles, makes the skin supple and elastic.

Vitamin B5 (provitamin - panthenol, pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate)

Stimulates many skin processes, has a pronounced regenerating effect.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Dermatologists include vitamin B6 in the treatment regimen for almost all skin pathologies. Therefore, if there are not easy cosmetic defects on the skin, and some changes associated with serious diseases, then pyridoxine cannot be dispensed with in this case.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Vitamin B9 neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Folic acid can help fight acne vulgaris.

Vitamin B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid)

Affects hair growth and preservation of their color, protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Vitamin B12 stimulates regeneration reactions in cells, as a result of which they are renewed, which cannot but affect the appearance of the skin: its tone improves, wrinkles are smoothed, age-related pastiness disappears.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Beloved by all, ascorbic acid triggers the production of collagen, gives the skin of the face firmness and elasticity. In addition, vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, through which blood transports oxygen to all cells of the human body. Also, ascorbic acid has a wound-healing effect in various purulent skin infections, inflammatory processes and shallow skin lesions. This vitamin is the best for helping with acne. Ascorbic acid has a bleaching effect and is used in the fight against hyperpigmentation. This is a vitamin for problem skin and dull complexion.

Vitamins of group D (cholecalciferol - D 3), ergocalciferol - D 2)

Vitamins of group D slow down the aging of the body, keep the face code in good shape in women of all age groups.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Tocopherol is called the vitamin of eternal youth and beauty. There are no such age-related changes in which vitamin E would not take part. It evens out the skin relief, restores and renews cells, eliminates fine wrinkles, protects the face from the negative effects of UV rays, and prevents premature skin aging. Vitamin E is the most powerful antioxidant. You can read more about tocopherol in the article on our website.

Vitamin K (phylloquinone)

Phylloquinone has a whitening effect, eliminates freckles and other types of skin pigmentation. In addition, vitamin K relieves swelling and inflammation, is used for couperosis and rosacea to remove telangiectasias.

Vitamin B3 or vitamin PP (nicotinic acid, nicotinamide)

Vitamin B3 takes part in many oxidative reactions occurring in cells. And first of all, he is responsible for a healthy natural complexion, protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment. With a lack of nicotinic acid, the elasticity of the skin decreases and irritation and peeling of the epidermis appear.

Vitamin H or Vitamin B7 (Coenzyme R, Biotin)

Vitamin B7 regulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the body, triggers regeneration processes at the cell level, contributing to the renewal and rejuvenation of the dermis and epidermis. It is used to treat alopecia and acne.

To eliminate certain skin defects, the first step is to determine which skin problem is the most important: excessive production of sebum, inflammation, age spots, peeling, dryness, and more. others

Different problems are solved by a particular vitamin or group of vitamins. Having understood which vitamin will help improve the condition of the skin of the face, now you need to find out where to get it and how should it get to the cellular level?

Independently at home, you can use various ways to use vitamins that provide nutrition to the skin, contribute to its rejuvenation, make it beautiful and healthy.

Ways to use vitamins for facial skin

It can be:

1. Ready-made vitamin complexes, factory-made, which are sold in a pharmacy. Taking them regularly, you can get rid of most skin problems, because the cells will receive them from the inside. They should be taken strictly according to the instructions.

2. These can be monovitamins produced in various dosage forms - ampoules, tablets, capsules, oil solutions. When it is known exactly which vitamin (retinol, pyridoxine, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic and nicotinic acid) is lacking, you can buy and use only it. They can be taken both internally and externally in the form of medical cosmetic masks. You should first consult with your doctor about the advisability of taking vitamins.

3. Food. By consuming a large amount of vitamins with food, you will provide them to the body from the inside, and they will nourish all layers of the skin. Instead of morning coffee, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, for lunch, eat not instant noodles, but a full-fledged first and second meat course, but for dinner, say no to fast foods: only vegetable products. After two weeks of such a menu, the skin of the face will noticeably improve.

4. Factory-made cosmetic vitamin masks or prepared at home, they will provide the skin of the face with all the necessary vitamins from the outside.
The greatest effect can be expected from the correct combination of all four methods.

But it is very important to know which vitamins can be combined together, in what dosages and other cosmetic details.

The first step is to determine what cosmetic problem you want to solve with the help of vitamins. If the body suffers from hypovitaminosis, then a vitamin-mineral complex purchased at a pharmacy will help. When you need to eliminate a certain cosmetic defect, monovitamins will help.

Before using vitamins inside, a specialist consultation is required. You can consult a cosmetologist, dermatologist or endocrinologist.
You can not take multivitamins and individual vitamins at the same time, you should choose one thing, otherwise hypervitaminosis may develop, which will adversely affect the condition of the skin.

It is desirable to take multivitamins 2-3 times a year, it is better in the spring-autumn period, when there is a deficiency of vitamins throughout the body, and not just in the layers of the skin.

A balanced diet is also very important. The skin "loves" oils, seafood, nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Masks with the addition of specific vitamins purchased at a pharmacy have a positive effect on the skin of the face.

Recipes for face masks with vitamins at home

If you make masks with vitamins twice a week, the result will not be long in coming: the skin of the face will become healthy and beautiful. It is most convenient to add ampouled vitamins to masks, although oil solutions also mix well with other components.

Capsules will need to be crushed, tablets will need to be ground into powder. Before applying the mask to the face, you need to check if there are any allergies to it. To do this, a small amount of the mask must be applied to the bend of the elbow for a day and see if there is redness. Carefully read the annotation to pharmaceutical preparations: although they are used externally, they still have contraindications and side effects.

Face mask with vitamin E and glycerin

Tocopherol in combination with glycerin perfectly moisturizes the skin, complementing each other, they eliminate dryness and flaking, signs of early aging. One tablespoon of glycerin is mixed with two tablespoons of cold filtered water and one ampoule of vitamin E.

Face mask with tocopherol, retinol and dimexide

Tocopherol in combination with retinol and dimexide will help to cope with acne.
A teaspoon of water is combined with the same amount of dimexide, an ampoule of tocopherol and retinol is added, one tablespoon of white clay and sour cream with an average percentage of fat content.

Face mask with vitamin E, olive oil and cottage cheese

Tocopherol, combined with homemade cottage cheese and natural olive oil, perfectly nourishes and protects dry skin. Two tablespoons of cottage cheese are rubbed with two teaspoons of oil, and an ampoule of vitamin E.

Face mask with vitamin E and clay

Dilute 3 tbsp. l. white clay with warm milk to the consistency of thick sour cream, add 1 ampoule of vitamin E. Apply to face and soak for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Face mask with vitamin E and egg

Beat the egg white, add 1 tbsp. l. potato starch, 1 tsp. aloe juice and 1 ampoule of vitamin E. Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. Face mask: vitamin E and protein cleans, nourishes and moisturizes the skin well.

Face mask with vitamin E for acne

Take 1 tbsp. l. milk thistle oil, add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil and 1 ampoule of tocopherol. Apply to the skin of the face and wait 20-30 minutes, then wash off the oil mask with tonic.

Face mask with vitamin A and E

Add an ampoule of vitamins E and A to the cosmetic wheat germ oil, apply on the face for 20 minutes, then remove with a tonic.

Acne mask with retinol and aloe

Before adding aloe juice to the mask, you must first hold it in the refrigerator for some time. Then one teaspoon of nourishing cream should be mixed with the same amount of aloe juice and an ampoule of vitamin A. Masks with retinol relieve inflammation and help fight youthful acne.

Face mask with vitamin A, oatmeal and egg yolk

Pour the finely ground flakes (2 tablespoons) with boiled milk, let it brew for 20 minutes, add the beaten egg yolk and vitamin A oil (1 ampoule). Apply to face and hold
15-20 minutes.

Face mask with vitamin C, oatmeal and banana

Ascorbic acid in combination with banana puree and oatmeal rejuvenates the skin of the face.
To do this, you need to mix an ampoule of vitamin C with two tablespoons of banana puree and a teaspoon of oatmeal boiled in milk.

Mask with vitamin C and parsley

Finely chop parsley, take 2 tbsp. l., add 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream and 1 ampoule of ascorbic acid. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Face mask with ascorbic acid whitens and brightens the skin.

Mask of ascorbic acid and Aevita

Crush the Aevit vitamin capsule and add the contents of 1 ampoule of vitamin C, mix and apply on the face for 15 minutes with rubbing movements. The mask nourishes the skin and makes wrinkles less noticeable.

Face mask with vitamin B12 and B6

Of all the vitamins B12 is compatible only with vitamin B6, this mask significantly improves skin condition. In liquid honey (2 tablespoons), add fat sour cream (1 tablespoon) and cottage cheese (1 tablespoon), add vitamins B12 and B6, 3-4 drops of lemon essential oil and liquid aloe extract ( 1 ampoule). Apply in the evening 3 hours before bedtime, leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Face mask with vitamins Aevit

Add the contents of the Aevit capsule to any cosmetic oil and apply on the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. For oily skin, grape seed, hazelnut or macadia oils are suitable. For dry - apricot, peach, wheat germ or avocado oil.
For normal - jojoba oil, soybean or sesame.

Vitamin mask for dry and normal skin

Take 1 medium banana, 1 vitamin E capsule, 1/4 cup cream. Mash the banana with a spoon or chop with a blender. Mix a banana mask with vitamin E and cream and apply to the prepared (cleansed) face for about 20 minutes. Wash off the vitamin face mask with room temperature water.

Vitamin chocolate face mask

Cocoa beans contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the skin, are a powerful natural antioxidant, and contribute to skin rejuvenation. When used in masks, cocoa improves skin elasticity. An anti-wrinkle mask with oils, cocoa and vitamin E nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin, evens and improves complexion, smoothes wrinkles.

To prepare a vitamin face mask, take 1 tablespoon of thick fat sour cream, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder, 1/4 teaspoon of wheat germ oil, a quarter teaspoon of jojoba oil and two drops of vitamin E in oil.

Thoroughly mix sour cream with cocoa powder, add jojoba oil and wheat germ oil, vitamin E and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask on clean, dry skin for 20 minutes. To enhance the action, you need to cover your face with cling film and a warm towel. Then wash off the mask with warm water and treat the skin with lotion.

Vitamin Lip Mask

When caring for the skin of the face and eyelids, one should also not forget about the lips.

For a mask, take oil vitamins A, E, 2 drops each, olive oil - ½ teaspoon. Add two drops of vitamins A and E to the oil, mix. Apply to lips at night. Don't rinse!

Nourishing vitamin mask for aging skin

Option number 1

Finely grate the horseradish, add one egg white to it (if you have oily skin) or one yolk and a small amount of cream (if you have normal or dry skin). For aging skin, such a vitamin face mask should be kept for about 20 minutes, and then removed with a swab previously moistened with warm water. If you want to whiten and cleanse your skin, then you need to use a mask in a course of 15-20 procedures.

Option number 2

If your aging skin is prone to peeling, then only a yolk mask can help it.

To prepare it, mix 1 yolk and 1/2 teaspoon. spoons of dark honey, then add 10 drops of lemon juice and 4 drops of any vegetable oil, then beat the mixture thoroughly until foam forms. Grind 1 tsp. spoon of oatmeal and pour them into the mixture (instead of flakes you can use oatmeal), mix thoroughly. Vitamin mask for aging skin is ready. The technology for using the mask is the same as in the previous case.

Option number 3

Mix finely grated carrots with 1 yolk and a tablespoon of freshly cooked and cooled mashed potatoes. After that, apply the mixture on the skin and leave for 15 minutes. Remove excess vitamin face mask with warm water, then rinse your face with cool water.

An alternative and effective option in order to improve the complexion is to wash off the mask with warm beer. By the way, beer can be useful for preparing another remedy. Mix 0.5 cup of light beer (slightly warm) with 1 yolk, add 1 tablespoon of finely grated carrots and the same amount of potato flour.

Vitamin face mask should be thick and not spread. Keep it on for 1/4 hour and then remove the remaining vitamin face mask with warm beer and wash your face with cool water.

I wish you beauty and health, my dear!

The skin requires nutrition, oxygen and moisture to function normally. As well as vitamin face masks with vitamins of natural or artificial origin, which will complement the idyll and close the cycle of finding truly healthy skin.

But, different skin - different vitamins and from different sources. This is not a metaphor, this is a rule and a condition. After all, the vitamin can be contained in two types of fruits, but one will dry the skin and cause allergies, and the other will not. Here about these subtleties, as well as about what vitamins and in which fruit and vegetable cocktail to look for, we will tell further.

How vitamin face masks work: benefits

As it has already become obvious, groups of vitamins and microelements of different origin will have a different effect on the skin of the face. To understand what action to manifest, you need to know about the specific composition of the elements included in vitamin face masks:

  • Vitamin PP - well removes excess moisture, stimulates the absorption of oxygen cells by the epithelium and their entry into the bloodstream.
  • AT 6 - promotes saturation with moisture and balances the water balance in skin cells, and also accelerates the healing of inflammation.
  • Vitamin K - very effectively tightens and tones, good against bruises under the eyes and bags.
  • E - a rejuvenating element that actively fights skin aging at all levels.
  • Vitamin C - refreshes and saturates the face with a healthy color, tightens pores well and fights pigment formations.
  • AT 12 - activates blood circulation and saturation of skin cells with nutrients.
  • Vitamin A - the best anti-inflammatory vitamin after C, disinfecting and restoring, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers.

You can apply the elements one by one in a circle, but this will be more of a hobby than an action aimed at solving a problem. In order for a vitamin mask to work, you need to know what skin problem to fight, what vitamin it can provide, and in what constituent ingredients for the mask it can be collected and used.

How to use masks with vitamins at home

Any chemical element or substance that we want to use for the body must be applied according to the rules and instructions for use. If these are face masks with vitamins, then liquid pharmaceutical vitamins in ampoules will be used in them, and you need to be extremely careful with them in order to prevent an overdose. In this case, follow the rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to mix several vitamins in one mask. The only combination option may be homemade masks with vitamin E and A.
  2. Before use, be sure to thoroughly clean your face from the remnants of cosmetics and dust particles, a cleansing scrub would be best.
  3. Vitamin from the ampoule should be immediately used in a mask and on the face, because after an hour or two it loses its qualities and deteriorates from contact with air.
  4. After preparing the mixture, apply it on your wrist and see if there is any redness and itching, and only then use it on your face.
  5. Such masks with vitamins can be used no more than twice a week, for 4-6 weeks, preferably under the supervision of a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Please note that the implementation of the rules and recommendations is mandatory, otherwise the consequences will not be positive at all, but only aggravate the health of the skin. It is important to correctly determine the recipe and the ingredients that are included in the composition, suitable for solving your problems for skin problems or ailments.

The best recipes for vitamin face masks for home

There are many variations of ingredients and components, therefore it is impossible to say which recipe for a mask with vitamins is better in your case. But from the name of the recipes, you can choose the most suitable one.

For problem skin with "Dimexide" : a teaspoon of dimexide, a spoonful of liquid vitamin A and E, as well as two tablespoons of homemade sour cream and white cosmetic clay.

Vitamin A for inflammation : face masks are prepared by mixing five drops of fresh aloe juice, half a tablespoon of homemade face nourishing cream, and a dozen drops of liquid vitamin A in an ampoule. Vitamin A masks like these are great for acne and pimples.

Moisturizers with glycerin : glycerin and vitamin E - a face mask that can moisturize the skin at the deepest cellular level, regardless of age. Take 5 drops of vitamin E in an ampoule, two teaspoons of pharmacy glycerin, and four teaspoons of fresh water.

Anti-aging with vitamin E : 4 teaspoons of fatty cottage cheese (preferably homemade), two tablespoons of olive oil and 5-6 drops of liquid vitamin E.

Toning mask with vitamin C : mix one ampoule of vitamin C with two tablespoons of fresh banana puree and a teaspoon of warm oatmeal boiled with milk.

Homemade vitamin face masks are a real panacea for nourishing and healing skin that has been negatively affected by time or has been affected by skin ailments in the form of dryness, oiliness, flaking, etc. The main advantage of the funds is that they can be used at home, and this saves both money and time.

Vitamin mask for dry and normal skin

Take 1 medium banana, 1 vitamin E capsule, 1/4 cup cream. Mash the banana with a spoon or chop with a blender. Mix a banana mask with vitamin E and cream and apply to the prepared (cleansed) face for about 20 minutes. Wash off the vitamin face mask with room temperature water.

Vitamin chocolate face mask

Cocoa beans contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the skin, are a powerful natural antioxidant, and contribute to skin rejuvenation. When used in masks, cocoa improves skin elasticity. An anti-wrinkle mask with oils, cocoa and vitamin E nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin, evens and improves complexion, smoothes wrinkles.

To prepare a vitamin face mask, take 1 tablespoon of thick fat sour cream, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder, 1/4 teaspoon of wheat germ oil, a quarter teaspoon of jojoba oil and two drops of vitamin E in oil.

Thoroughly mix sour cream with cocoa powder, add jojoba oil and wheat germ oil, vitamin E and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask on clean, dry skin for 20 minutes. To enhance the action, you need to cover your face with cling film and a warm towel. Then wash off the mask with warm water and treat the skin with lotion.

Vitamin Lip Mask

When caring for the skin of the face and eyelids, one should also not forget about the lips.

For a mask, take oil vitamins A, E, 2 drops each, olive oil - ½ teaspoon. Add two drops of vitamins A and E to the oil, mix. Apply to lips at night. Don't rinse!

Nourishing vitamin mask for aging skin

Option number 1

Finely grate the horseradish, add one egg white to it (if you have oily skin) or one yolk and a small amount of cream (if you have normal or dry skin). For aging skin, such a vitamin face mask should be kept for about 20 minutes, and then removed with a swab previously moistened with warm water. If you want to whiten and cleanse your skin, then you need to use a mask in a course of 15-20 procedures.

Option number 2

If your aging skin is prone to peeling, then only a yolk mask can help it.

To prepare it, mix 1 yolk and 1/2 teaspoon. spoons of dark honey, then add 10 drops of lemon juice and 4 drops of any vegetable oil, then beat the mixture thoroughly until foam forms. Grind 1 tsp. spoon of oatmeal and pour them into the mixture (instead of flakes you can use oatmeal), mix thoroughly. Vitamin mask for aging skin is ready. The technology for using the mask is the same as in the previous case.

Option number 3

Mix finely grated carrots with 1 yolk and a tablespoon of freshly cooked and cooled mashed potatoes. After that, apply the mixture on the skin and leave for 15 minutes. Remove excess vitamin face mask with warm water, then rinse your face with cool water.

An alternative and effective option in order to improve the complexion is to wash off the mask with warm beer. By the way, beer can be useful for preparing another remedy. Mix 0.5 cup of light beer (slightly warm) with 1 yolk, add 1 tablespoon of finely grated carrots and the same amount of potato flour.

Vitamin face mask should be thick and not spread. Keep it on for 1/4 hour and then remove the remaining vitamin face mask with warm beer and wash your face with cool water.

I wish you beauty and health, my dear!

It is no secret that vitamins from fruits and vegetables cannot be completely absorbed by the skin when using cosmetic masks. Therefore, it is much more efficient to use pharmacy vitamin preparations in ampoules, in the form of capsules and various oils. They will more actively penetrate the skin and more intensely affect the cells.

Accordingly, such vitamin face masks will bring the best result.

Different vitamins have different effects on the skin, so the effect of vitamin face masks will depend on which substance you choose:

  • C will help improve complexion, lighten age spots, narrow pores, regenerate damaged tissues, improve cellular respiration, make the skin more elastic;
  • PP it is better to use it in masks for oily skin, as it dries, provides cells with an uninterrupted supply of oxygen, improving blood circulation;
  • B1 rejuvenates;
  • B6 moisturizes dry skin and treats various kinds of irritations, soothingly affecting the skin;
  • B12 excellent effect on blood flow;
  • K relieve puffiness, relieve bruises and bags under the eyes;
  • A stops inflammation, having an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, and also fights dryness and flaking, relieves stretch marks, synthesizes elastin and collagen in cells;
  • E does not allow the skin to age, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Each of the vitamins is good in its own way, but the vitamin mask should be chosen by you in accordance with the task that you want to solve with it. The effectiveness of these unique homemade beauty products will also depend on whether you apply them correctly.

How to apply masks with vitamins?

When deciding on face masks with vitamins, you should remember that these are pharmaceutical, i.e., medicines, which means that they require an extremely careful attitude and the implementation of the relevant rules.

  1. Many vitamins in ampoules enter into an active combination with oxygen, so they must be used immediately. Do not store them open and do not use an ampoule that has been opened for a long time.
  2. Do not use several vitamins in one mask. The only exceptions are masks with vitamin E and A: they get along well with each other.
  3. Be sure to test any mask on the crook of your elbow to protect your skin from allergies.
  4. The skin should be perfectly cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. It would be nice to clean it with a scrub before using the mask.
  5. These funds can be used quite often - 2-3 times a week. The course is no more than 10-15 procedures, depending on the condition of the skin.

If you do not ignore these rules, vitamin masks will help you solve even the most neglected skin problems and get rid of the complexes that prevented you from living a full life.

What are the best vitamin face mask recipes?

There are a lot of recipes for masks with pharmacy vitamins. Be sure to pay attention to additional ingredients in their composition that enhance their effect.

  • 1. With glycerin

Glycerin and vitamin E are perfectly combined: the face mask actively copes with dryness and the first age-related changes. Dilute glycerin (a tablespoon) in cold water (two tablespoons), add liquid vitamin E (4-5 drops).

  • 2. Mask with dimexide and vitamins for problem skin

Mix dimexide (a teaspoon) with liquid vitamins A and E (half a teaspoon each), add white clay and fat sour cream (a tablespoon each).

  • 3. Vitamin E: moisturizing face masks

Fatty cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) mixed with olive oil (2 teaspoons), add vitamin E (5 drops).

  • 4. Vitamin A: anti-inflammatory face masks

Mix nourishing cream (teaspoon) with aloe juice (5 drops), add vitamin A (10 drops). Such masks with vitamin A are good in the fight against acne.

  • 5. Anti-aging mask with vitamin C

Mix vitamin C (1 ampoule) with banana puree (2 tablespoons) and oatmeal boiled in milk (teaspoon).

Homemade vitamin face masks are a real find for those who do not have time for expensive procedures in beauty salons. Their effectiveness has been tested over the years and confirmed by certificates, so it is worth using their help in solving your skin problems.