How to make skin white. How to make your skin look pale at home

People quite often experiment with their appearance, following certain standards. In some countries, pale-faced girls are the standard of beauty. If you have a desire to make your skin pale, follow the tips below.

How to make skin pale - avoid sun exposure

Direct sunlight will only add to your tan, so avoid it. To do this, try to cover your face when you go outside, wearing an appropriate headgear, such as a cap or hat. Try to stay in the shade more often. Go out less often during the period of solar activity, namely from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

How to make skin pale with certain products

  • Apply citrus juice to the skin with a cotton swab, rinse off the skin after 15 minutes. Do not use this remedy more than once a week.
  • You can wipe the skin with milk. She brightens before your eyes.
  • Apply grated potatoes on your face until dry, then rinse with water.

How to make skin pale with a different hair color

Dye your hair in a dark color, against the background of the hair, the skin will become paler. Also replenish your wardrobe with dark-colored things. They will help your skin look more pale.

How to make skin pale with cream

A more effective way to make the skin pale will be a whitening cream. These creams are commercially available, but you should not abuse them. The composition of such a cream is not always ideal, it often contains prohibited substances.

How to make skin pale bath with soda

Pour about thirty grams of soda into the water, lie in such water for no more than ten minutes. This procedure will be enough once a week.

How to make skin pale with makeup

Choose a shade of foundation that is only one tone lighter than your skin. A tone that is too different by several shades will look unnatural. Make up in dark shades.

Using these tips, do not expect instant results. It takes time to achieve pallor. Gradually, you will get a noble pale complexion and admiring glances in your address.

Clean, smooth, delicate light skin is considered an adornment of a woman. Japanese women, for example, value very light, almost porcelain skin, which ladies are proud of and carefully protect it from sunlight. Just think, in order for the face to remain snow-white, Japanese women even follow a certain diet!

In our country, the fashion for a tan, fortunately, is gradually fading into oblivion, and the long-forgotten standard of snow-whiteness as the personification of health and purity is returning in its place - today many young girls want to make their skin white.

How to make your face white?

In order to whiten your face, you can take a short cut and use decorative cosmetics, such as light foundation and powder. But complex makeup tends to take a long time in the morning. In addition, it is quite difficult to apply cosmetics so naturally that others do not know about its presence.

How to make your face clean and white all the time? Time-tested folk remedies can come to the rescue in this situation, allowing you to lighten the skin, make it more even, smooth and radiant.

Today we will share with you some recipes for brightening and rejuvenating the skin of the face.

One of the most effective, safe and affordable ways are masks.

Parsley mask

Parsley juice has an excellent whitening and at the same time tonic effect. Moreover, you can use this fragrant and healthy plant as a whole - both leaves, and stems, and even a root are used.

To prepare the parsley remedy, wash the herbs and roots, dry and twist in a meat grinder. Apply the resulting gruel in a thick layer on the face (it must be clean and dry) for 35 minutes. Rinse with clean warm water afterwards.

To get rid of age spots and freckles, you need to wipe your face with a mixture of lemon juice and chopped parsley (1: 1 ratio) twice a day.

To combat age spots, you need to use a mask of twisted parsley with the addition of honey.

The juice of the plant can be used to make a tonic. To do this, twist the parsley in a blender or in a meat grinder, strain through cheesecloth, pour into a bottle. Twice a day, wipe the skin cleansed of makeup and greasy deposits with a cotton swab dipped in parsley juice.

For the winter, you can prepare frozen ice cubes from parsley juice. To do this, grind the washed greens of the plant in a meat grinder or blender, add a little water and, without filtering, pour into silicone molds for ice. Such ice should wipe the face and décolleté twice a day.

cucumber mask

Fresh cucumber juice not only brightens, makes freckles invisible, but also perfectly tones, rejuvenates and refreshes. To prepare the mask, it is enough to cut a fresh cucumber into thin rings and apply them to cleansed skin for 15-17 minutes.

A cucumber mask with the addition of lemon juice also has a good effect. To do this, wash the cucumber, grate it with a fine grater (or chop in a blender), add a tablespoon of lemon juice and the same amount of fresh sour cream. The resulting mass should be applied in a thick layer on cleansed skin for 18-20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Berry whitening masks

You can make your skin whiter at home with the help of fresh berry juice products. Since berries contain a large amount of organic acids in their composition (they are also called fruit acids), they are actively used in cosmetology not only as a bleaching agent, but also as a rejuvenating and tonic agent.

You can use any berries: strawberries, strawberries, red and black currants, raspberries, cherries, viburnum, cranberries. But berries with bright coloring properties, such as mulberries, blueberries, etc., should, of course, be abandoned.

There are two ways to prepare a remedy from berries:

  • crush half a glass of any berry (you can use a mixture), squeeze out the juice, soak gauze with plenty of it and apply it for 10-12 minutes. After this time, wash with warm water;
  • beat the same amount of berries in a blender until a slurry is formed, mix with one tablespoon of any liquid honey and apply for 18 minutes. Then rinse everything with warm boiled water.

rice mask

This method of bleaching is used by women of the Land of the Rising Sun. The composition of rice includes the valuable substance gamma-oryzanol - a powerful antioxidant, polishing components, as well as fats that regulate collagen synthesis. Regular use of the rice mask makes the skin brighter and more even.

To prepare the remedy, grind half a cup of rice in a coffee grinder. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of rice flour with warm (but not hot) milk until a thick creamy mass is formed. First, lubricate the cleansed face with any oil (you can use both ordinary vegetable oil and cosmetic baby oil). Then apply the rice mass in a thin layer for 14-16 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, dry gently with a towel and apply moisturizer.

Curd mask

Cottage cheese has an excellent brightening property. This fermented milk product is a source of zinc and lactic acid - substances that help nourish and brighten the epidermis. Preparing a cottage cheese mask at home is very simple: beat 100 g of high-quality cottage cheese in a blender (it is best to take homemade) and apply the mass for 16-17 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add a spoonful of honey and a little lemon juice or 2 teaspoons of sour cream to the cottage cheese.

It will take a long time to wash off the product, as the cottage cheese dries up and is taken with a crust. This must be done very carefully so as not to injure the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

A good way to whiten your face is with a hydrogen peroxide mask. But this method is not suitable for ladies with too delicate and sensitive skin, since hydrogen peroxide is a rather aggressive substance that dries out the skin and makes it more vulnerable to environmental factors.

You can prepare it in this way: thoroughly mix a package of fresh yeast with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution until a thick slurry is formed.

Apply to a cleansed and dry face, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave for 8 minutes, then wash thoroughly with warm water and apply a moisturizer. While the substance is on the face, it is advisable not to talk or smile - this can lead to the appearance of facial wrinkles.

You can also use a more gentle recipe: mix 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide with 10 ml of cream and 8 ml of lemon or grapefruit juice. Apply for 14-16 minutes, then wash first with warm and then cool water.

In order for the image created for the Halloween holiday to turn out to be solid, it is necessary not only to choose a costume and make a suitable hairstyle, but also to do makeup. To create some images, you don’t even need makeup, but rather complex makeup.

Of course, if there is an opportunity to turn to a professional make-up artist or makeup artist, then the result will be great. But in most cases, you can manage on your own.

Quite often, it is required to make a white face on Halloween, since the main characters of this holiday should be deathly pale. This makeup option must be done if an image of a vampire, skeleton, geisha, ghost bride, etc. is created. Consider how you can whiten your face at home.

What kind of white Halloween face paint can be used? The main requirement for the applied paints is their complete safety for the skin. You need to understand that by applying paint that is not intended for the skin to the skin, a person is at great risk. The reaction of the body can be unpredictable, and it’s good if everything costs the formation of a rash on the face. A more severe allergic reaction may develop, up to a deadly anaphylactic shock.

Therefore, when planning to do makeup using paints for the first time, do not be too lazy to conduct a simple sensitivity test. You just need to apply a couple of strokes of paint on the skin of your wrist or elbow and wait a couple of hours. If after removing the paint on the skin there are no traces of redness, then you can use this remedy.

Read also: Create Light Halloween Makeup

How do you paint your face for Halloween? Here are the options:

  • face painting;
  • theatrical makeup;
  • artistic paints: gouache, watercolor;
  • home remedies based on flour.

Consider how to use these paint options correctly.

face painting

These are special water-based paints that are harmless to the skin. This variant of paints can be used even for children. Face painting is sold either as ordinary art paints in jars, or in dry form. In the latter case, it must be diluted with water.

If you plan to use the paint once or twice a year, then it is better to choose the option with powdered paints, since such makeup lasts longer. Face painting is sold in children's stores, entertainment centers and stores selling goods for the theater.

Paint is applied with a sponge on cleansed and moisturized skin. If you need to make a deathly pale skin, you can add a little blue or green to the white paint. It is better to apply makeup in two or three layers, the next layer should be applied after the previous one has dried. But since the makeup dries quickly, the make-up will not take long.

The make-up is washed off with plain water, if the paint accidentally gets on the clothes, you should not worry, it is easily washed off.

Theatrical makeup

Another good option is professional makeup, which is used by theater actors. This paint option can be bought either in specialized stores or ordered online.

Read also: Everyday makeup for brown eyes: the main stages of application

Theatrical makeup has not a water, but a fat base. Therefore, it is more difficult to work with it, but the effect is much better.

Makeup Rules:

  • it is recommended to pre-cleanse the skin well, it is desirable to use a scrub, tonic;
  • then you need to apply a base for makeup or any cream, you can use baby cream or petroleum jelly;
  • make-up should be applied with a slightly damp sponge, trying to apply the product evenly without gaps and streaks;
  • after applying makeup, the skin must be powdered with loose white or transparent powder, you can use talc, rice flour.

Artistic paints

You can also make white makeup for Halloween using art paints. You can use gouache or watercolors. But it is categorically not recommended to apply acrylic paints on the face.

However, the use of artistic paints does not give the best result. Gouache strongly tightens the skin, watercolor lays down worse and dries for a long time, and paint has to be applied in several layers.

But the most unpleasant moment is that the layer of artistic paint on the face begins to crack after drying. Therefore, you will need to try to keep your face still (do not talk, do not use facial expressions, etc.), which is extremely inconvenient at the holiday.

However, for some images, a cracked layer of paint on the face can even come in handy. For example, the image of a zombie or a broken doll will only benefit from this. But the cracked paint on the face will greatly spoil the image of a geisha. To make a more durable makeup, it is worth mixing white gouache with petroleum jelly. You need to mix the substances in small portions.

home paints

Many girls dream of, but in the spring and summer, when there are especially many clear days, it is almost impossible to protect your face from the sun. Unfortunately, the gentle sun can cause freckles, age spots and other unpleasant manifestations. But do not be upset, because there are many ways to make your face white. You can use the services of professionals or carry out procedures at home using proven folk recipes. We will consider all possible options on how to make the skin of the face white and radiant.

Ultrasonic skin whitening is carried out in a beauty salon. Its task is not only to whiten the skin, but also to even out it. The action of ultrasonic waves is enhanced by specialized cosmetic products, so that they penetrate deep into the skin. Ultrasound activates the natural processes of skin renewal, therefore, even after this procedure, the skin of the face remains white and healthy for a long time.

Help from a surgeon

How to make skin white quickly, plastic surgeons know. Of course, turning to them is already an extreme measure, but there is nothing wrong with it. Plastic surgery has many advantages, the main of which is the result that is noticeable immediately, and not after several procedures. Plastic surgeons are armed with several types of procedures to help remove all cosmetic flaws from the face and achieve its perfect whiteness. These are microdermabrasion - exposure of the skin to fine sand and oxygen, laser resurfacing - a procedure designed for aging skin, as well as chemical peeling that penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin.

Whitening cosmetics

You can fight age spots and skin irregularities on your own, since now there are many options for this. For example, use specialized cosmetics, for this you will need to purchase a whitening scrub, mask and cream. There are two types of scrubs: enzyme and mechanical. The former, with the help of special substances, are able to dissolve dead skin cells and thereby even out it. The second ones are tougher, because they are able to remove the top layer of the skin, but they give a more visible and faster result. After such cleaning, you need to apply a special whitening mask, and then a cream.

It is best that all products are of the same cosmetic line, because in this case they will definitely not conflict.


The problem of age spots and unwanted tanning existed in ancient times, when the whiteness of the face was a sign of noble origin, and swarthyness was the lot of the lower strata. Therefore, the question of how to make a white face was then even more acute. And this problem was successfully solved without the help of surgeons or chemicals, because then they were not in sight. Homemade masks and scrubs are environmentally friendly and do not cause any harm to the skin, which is why more and more girls and women suffering from uneven complexions prefer to use them. So consider the most popular folk remedies for whitening the face.

Lemon power

Lemon has strong bleaching properties. Take sour cream and lemon juice in equal proportions, mix and apply on face for 15 minutes. Rinse your face thoroughly, then use a caring cream. Lemon can also be cut into thin circles and applied to the face, previously lubricated with almond oil.


It is not surprising that milk does an excellent job with the skin, because it is the milky beautiful complexion that we achieve. Milk derivatives - kefir, sour cream and others are also great. Everything is extremely simple here: you need to wipe your face with milk (you can make milk ice, then the effect will be even better), and make masks from kefir once a week by adding a few drops of lemon to it.

Cucumber - well done

Cucumber has not only very strong bleaching properties, but also good moisturizing properties. It’s also good that you don’t need to make some very complex cucumber masks, it’s enough to use it in its pure form. You can simply cut into slices and apply to the cleansed skin of the face for half an hour, or you can grate it on a fine grater and apply the resulting slurry to your face for the same time. If you have oily skin, add a few drops of vodka to the pulp of a cucumber - this will help you get rid of oily sheen.

Curd and hydrogen peroxide

Such an exotic combination is actually quite effective against freckles and age spots. You need to take 80 grams of cottage cheese, one yolk and five drops of peroxide, knead everything well and apply to problem areas for 15 minutes. You can additionally nourish the skin by adding a teaspoon of natural honey to the above ingredients.

Masking effect

If you urgently need to make your face white, say for one evening, you can use corrective cosmetics. You just need to know how to apply it correctly. So a green cosmetic pencil will help hide red spots, orange will remove brown, and blue will neutralize yellow.

Do not miss! Valuable information:

There are several viable options:

  1. Avoid sunlight. If you want to achieve pallor, sunbathing is useless. Put on sunscreen, cover your face with clothes and hats - do everything so that the sun does not get you.
  2. Lemon. This is a budget, but very effective tool. Lemon juice can be added to cream, lotion or just water and applied to the face. And in a week the result will be noticeable.
  3. Raw potatoes. You need to grate it, turning it into gruel, and add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply all this on your face, let it dry, and then wash it off.
  4. Soda baths are also very effective. Use once a week. Recipe: add 4 tablespoons of soda to water and the result will not be long in coming.
  5. Oatmeal has long been famous for its whitening effect. They need to be crushed, add warm water and apply on the face. Plus, it's a great natural scrub.
  6. Of course, we should not forget about clothes and hair color. The more dark shades you have, the paler your skin appears. This also applies to makeup - dark saturated lip color, light foundation, pink or peach blush - such a contrasting move will help create the effect of milky skin.
  7. Do not forget that pale skin should be flawless, so if there are acne, peeling, redness, you should not expect the effect of porcelain skin.
  8. Milk baths are an incredible remedy for pallor. Add two liters of milk to the bath, a few drops of lemon - the effect is amazing.
  9. Wiping your face with a decoction of parsley, you can not only get rid of acne and redness, but also whiten your face great. It is enough to pour parsley with boiling water, let it brew and then wipe the face with a cotton pad.

These are all the most effective ways to help give your skin a milky color. By choosing one of the methods, you can not only achieve a radiant pallor, but also give your face a healthy look.