We prepare berry masks for various skin types at home. Nourishing masks from berries for facial skin care


In summer, when the table is full of ripe healthy berries, it's time to do cosmetic procedures. To create masks, you will need a small amount of goodies. Such manipulations give a miraculous effect. The external use of berries helps to refresh the skin, nourish it with useful substances, and increase elasticity.

Berry mask is great way skin healing with a guaranteed effect. It is a source of vitamins and minerals. fresh juice treat the skin, prepare masks and wraps from puree.

Rules for applying berry masks

For such a procedure, any berries that we love to eat are suitable. All of them are a source of irreplaceable benefits that our skin needs. The rules for creating and applying masks are simple:

select only ripe and beautiful berries;
grind them until smooth. For cooking, a porcelain bowl and a wooden pestle are suitable. Metal utensils react with acids, which reduces the benefits;
add ingredients according to the recipe, mix thoroughly.

It is important to be aware of allergic reactions. If you have experienced such incidents, then test the product before use.

Before applying the suspension to the skin, it needs to be prepared. Remove dirt from your face with your usual cleanser. But it's better to do steam bath or peeling. This allows the skin to absorb more. useful substances. You can not use the mask without washing off the cosmetics! The mask is applied with fingers or a brush, but only massage lines.

Strawberry masks

In the compositions of strawberry masks, this berry can easily be replaced with strawberries. The simplest option mixtures to invigorate the skin: grind a few berries, leave the puree on the skin for a standard period of time - about 15 minutes. This remedy helps to lighten freckles.

with sagging skin, grated berries are combined with a moisturizer and honey. Keep for 12 minutes, remove with water;
if there is inflammation on the face, then a composition of 2 tablespoons of berry puree and cottage cheese will help. Cover your face with a thick layer, let the mask act for a quarter of an hour, and then remove the remnants with water;
Combine the yolk with a spoonful of strawberry juice. If peeling is present, add more oil. Leave on the face for a quarter of an hour. For a thicker consistency add flour;
to nourish the skin dairy products combined with mashed berries or juice from them.

Masks for skin prone to excessive oiliness:

to reduce the number of enlarged pores, a few berries are poured ¼ tbsp. tinctures kombucha let stand for 3 hours. After the resulting puree is left on the skin for half an hour, removing with cotton pads. This procedure will relieve greasy shine, reduce redness;

to cleanse the skin, combine half a spoon of kaolin and berry juice. Apply to the skin for a period of no more than 15 minutes;
Combine 2 parts berry puree with 1 part low-fat yogurt and citrus juice;
astringent recipe: turn the protein into foam, combine with 1 part puree and 1/2 part flour. Keep on the skin for no more than 15 minutes.

Masks for different types skin:

for all kinds skin suit ice from strawberry juice. He cope with the task of toning and renewing the skin. To create a tonic, berry juice is poured into molds and sent to the freezer;
the juice of these berries is a wonderful way to combat pigmentation and freckles. Treat your skin a couple of times a day. In addition, it will relieve redness and acne if you add aloe juice;
an excellent scrub for oily skin, obtained from ¼ tbsp. any fermented milk product and salt. Berries need to be moistened in the composition and kneaded on the skin. Then keep the mass for another 10 minutes;
another method for lightening stains: combine berry puree with citrus juice. Wipe the composition of the place with flaws;
to add the missing moisture and cleanse the skin, a composition of juice with milk, salt and vodka will help. Apply as a lotion;
Combine 1 tablespoon of strawberry puree with the yolk and any product from sour milk.

To combat aging, a mask of 2 parts of grated berries combined with 1 part of milk and honey will help. Remove after 10 minutes. To get rid of problematic rashes, combine half a spoonful of yeast with 2 tablespoons of sour milk products and 1 tablespoon of puree. Leave for no more than 20 minutes.

Strawberry Lotions:

for skin cleansing excessive fat content and whitening face ¼ tbsp. juice of berries combine with cucumber juice and 100 ml of white wine. The composition is poured into a glass container and infused for 24 hours;
to get rid of problematic rashes, pour 2 parts of berries into ½ part of hot water, cover and let stand for 3 hours. After filter. Now you need to lather your hands and rinse this foam into a tincture. Treat the skin after masks;
for too much oily skin 1 st. turn the berries into a puree, pour into glass jar and pour vodka or dry wine. Let stand 14 days. Dilute with mineral water before use.

Masks from viburnum

With the help of skin prone to dryness, a viburnum mask will cope. Mash the berries to make juice. Grind 1 part of the composition with cottage cheese and ½ part of sour milk. Apply a large layer for a period of no more than 15 minutes. To forget about inflammation, mashed berries are combined with eucalyptus decoction and flour. To add moisture to the skin, a spoonful of crushed berries is combined with glycerin, honey, milk powder, flour and butter.

Grind to nourish dry skin walnuts. Now chop 1 part of viburnum and combine with the yolk and 1 part butter. Add nuts to the composition until thick. Spread a large layer on the skin. And in order to improve skin tone and eliminate fatigue, frozen berries are taken. They must be scalded with boiling water, chopped. For overdried skin, 1 part of the composition is mixed with ½ part of sour milk products and 1 part of butter. For skin prone to excessive oiliness, a composition of berries with starch and citrus juice is suitable.

To brighten the skin and reduce the size of pores, combine 1 part of berry juice with protein, 1 tsp. citrus juice. Only suitable for oily skin. For overdried skin, this mask will help: 1 part of berry juice is combined with 1 tsp. cream.

To help combination skin, combine protein, 1 part oatmeal flakes, kefir, honey and 2 parts viburnum juice. Berries are suitable frozen or fresh. When applying the mask, the mixture must be gently rubbed into the skin. This will help clear and tighten the skin. To restore youth and freshness to the skin, pour 2 parts of viburnum juice, honey, into the yolk.


Mix ¼ of a glass of viburnum juice with 2 yolks and melted honey. Beat the mixture, pour in citrus juice and a couple of tablespoons of vodka. This liquid is effective for skin treatment mixed type and not problematic skin;
to get rid of problems and rashes, treat the skin with berry juice every day.

Currant masks

Masks from any currant are a great way to whiten the skin. This berry is suitable for getting rid of freckles: daily spread gruel on problem areas for a period of no more than 15 minutes. Berry juice has a similar effect.

The simplest way to create a mask from these berries is to spread puree on the skin. For too oily skin type and problem areas mixed skin suitable red and white berry. For dry and unproblematic skin, dark berry comes to the rescue.

Masks for dry skin:

chop 1 part dark fruit with ½ part high-fat sour milk product and part butter. If you are the owner of aging skin, then the oil should be replaced with honey;
combine some of the crushed dark berries with cottage cheese and warmed milk. This is a great way to moisturize and nourish the skin;
to increase tone, wipe the skin with ice from juice diluted with water;
to create a tonic liquid, combine the juice of black berries with milk. Treat the face twice a day. If the skin is flabby, then honey is poured into the tonic, and with abundant peeling - olive oil;
1 yolk is combined with berries and flour. Superimposed on the skin in a large layer, and removed after a quarter of an hour cotton pad moistened in milk.

For oily skin:

to cleanse the face, grind 2 parts of white or red berries, combine with a part of flour. This will help shrink pores, remove impurities from oily skin and reduce sebum;
redcurrant, or rather the juice from it, does an excellent job as a tonic for skin treatment. This is a great way to cleanse, regenerate and tone the skin. Suitable as juice pure form, and diluted with mineral water and a couple of drops of citrus juice;
to tone up oily aging skin, the following composition can be handled: crushed currant berries are mixed with honey. It is superimposed on the face for a period not exceeding 10 minutes, and then removed by contrast washing;
for sagging skin, make this mask: combine part of the cottage cheese with 3 parts of the juice of red berries and melted honey. After application, a contrast wash is also required;
to get rid of excess fat on the skin, grind 1 part of red berries, combine with 2 parts of low-fat sour milk products. Beat until smooth and spread on the skin for a quarter of an hour;
for too oily skin, combine protein with 1 part berries and ½ part oatmeal flakes. Grind the composition and spread it on the skin, rubbing gently. Remove after 15 minutes with non-hot water;
a yeast mixture can cleanse the skin. A spoonful of yeast is poured ¼ tbsp. red berry juice. Vessel to go to hot water for no more than 5 minutes. Then everything is rubbed again and applied for a time not exceeding 15 minutes. For non-problem skin, dark currant is more suitable.

A remedy for non-problem and combination skin is prepared from a spoonful of berries grated with low-fat yogurt. The mask is left for a quarter of an hour, then removed.

To cleanse the skin, a composition of clay and juice will help. For skin with excessive oiliness, kaolin and red berries help. Dilute ½ tablespoon of clay with berry juice, hold on your face for 10 minutes. For face with problem areas the mixture is applied to areas with imperfections.

For owners of unproblematic and dry skin, pink clay and black berry juice are suitable. The mask is prepared, as in the case described earlier. But for too dry skin type, add a couple of drops of oil.

gooseberry masks

From ripe gooseberries are created great masks for dry skin type. For this purpose, the berries are crushed and applied to the face for a standard period of time - 15 minutes. There is a slight whitening effect.

To nourish the skin with moisture, grind 2 tablespoons of berries and pour ½ tbsp. warmed milk. The composition must stand for 15 minutes, after which it is filtered. Berry gruel is stirred with tsp. oils. Keep on the face for a quarter of an hour, and remove with cotton pads.

A mask with a scrub effect is easy to prepare: 1 tablespoon of hercules is poured with warmed milk, steamed for 5 minutes. Now the porridge is combined with gooseberries and sugar is added. Spread a thick layer on the face and massage for 3 minutes. Leave for another 10 minutes and remove with water.

To forget about acne and rashes, a spoonful of crushed berries is mixed with ½ teaspoon of blue clay. Apply the mixture on the skin and remove after 10 minutes. This is a great way to even out skin tone.

To cleanse oily skin, grind a spoonful of berries, preferably greenish, combine them with ½ tablespoon of starch and a pinch of soda. Rinse your face with cool water and apply the mixture as a scrub.

To nourish dry skin with moisture, gooseberries are combined with fermented milk products, yolks. In equal proportions, mix chopped berries and any of the named components. At severe peeling add oil.

January 22, 2014, 04:29 PM

In the article we talk about sea buckthorn for the face. You will learn effective recipes, which will help remove wrinkles, tighten facial skin, remove acne, and also consider branded sea buckthorn masks that are sold in stores in comparison.

Masks with sea buckthorn cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin of the face. The plant has long been famous for medicinal properties and mineral-vitamin composition. Sea buckthorn oil for the face is considered valuable. It is used in cosmetology and medicine. Sea buckthorn oil is indispensable in facial skin care, treatment of skin diseases, acne and for hydration.

Cosmetic companies add sea buckthorn oil to creams, masks, lipsticks, shampoos, and shower gels. The composition of sea buckthorn oil includes vitamins A, C, E, which keep the skin in an elastic, young state, promote hydration. The oil also contains organic acids, tocopherols, phospholipids, phytosterols, and minerals.

Sea buckthorn has the following beneficial properties:

  • emollient;
  • nutritious;
  • rejuvenating;
  • tonic;
  • moisturizing;
  • medical;
  • protective.

Sea buckthorn face mask eliminates dryness, peeling. Due to the rejuvenating effect, the plant is able to eliminate shallow wrinkles, even out the relief of the face, protect the skin from exposure negative factors external environment. Plant-based masks will be a good prevention of wrinkles.

With the systematic use of sea buckthorn products brighten the skin. Helps to cope with sea buckthorn oil from age spots on the face and freckles.

Thanks to the regenerating, restoring properties, sea buckthorn is used for the face from acne, dermatitis, lupus.

The vitamins and minerals included in the composition moisturize dry, cracked skin of the lips, promote the growth of cilia.

Simple rules for making sea buckthorn masks

For the preparation of masks use berries or sea ​​buckthorn oil Sea buckthorn face masks are made from gruel of berries, juice and oil.
Be sure to follow the rules for preparing masks, the therapeutic effect directly depends on this.

For a more gentle effect, freeze the berries first, then scald with boiling water and crush to prepare a nutrient mixture.

Store frozen fruits in the freezer for up to 6 months. It is best to make face masks from October to April, and the rest of the time it is better to wait for a new harvest or use ready-made sea buckthorn oil.

Before you try a recipe for a sea buckthorn face cream with your own hands, do a skin sensitivity test. Apply the product on the inside of the arm, leave for 5-10 minutes. After the time has passed, make sure that there is no redness, itching, irritation, and everything is in order.

Apply a sea buckthorn face mask at home strictly at the time indicated in the recipe or on the instructions for the drug. It is not necessary to overexpose the mixture on the skin, since the organic acids that make up the composition are aggressive. When preparing sea buckthorn face cream for normal to oily skin, apply it on a cleansed face to ensure an effective effect. Before application, it is recommended to steam the skin.

When not to make sea buckthorn masks

First of all, study possible contraindications. Although sea buckthorn has mass useful properties, it can hurt some people.

Contraindications for use:

  • allergy to any components of the plant;
  • open wounds on the skin;
  • swelling around the eyes;
  • individual intolerance.

In general, the plant is suitable for almost all people, within reasonable limits does not cause side effects.

Recipes for making sea buckthorn masks at home

To preserve youth, elasticity and radiance of the skin, it is necessary to take care of it. Try at home to prepare several options for face masks based on sea buckthorn. To prepare the nutrient mixture correctly, first learn how to make a sea buckthorn face mask.

For cooking medicinal mixtures at home, use the leaves, berries of the plant. Medicated oil can be independently obtained from berries. You can also buy oil in the cosmetic department.

For oily and acne-prone skin, it is useful to prepare ice for the face from sea buckthorn, it soothes and heals. Ice is prepared from a concentrated decoction of the leaves, the procedure is carried out in the evening, 2-3 times a week.

Mask with sea buckthorn for acne

The mixture relieves inflammation, redness, has an antiseptic effect.


  1. Yolk - 1 pc.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - 1 tsp
  3. Sea buckthorn juice - 1 tsp

How to cook: Mix all the ingredients, apply on acne, hold for 15 minutes. If you don't have sea buckthorn juice in your arsenal, replace it with orange juice.

How to use: Wash your skin warm water co special means for washing. Apply the prepared acne mask. After washing off the mixture, moisturize your face with cream.

Result: Moisturizes the skin, it becomes matte, acne disappears.

Sea buckthorn anti-wrinkle mask

Sea buckthorn accelerates the regeneration processes and rejuvenates the skin Do a face mask from sea buckthorn against wrinkles in courses of 10-12 times.


  1. Sea buckthorn oil - 1 tsp
  2. Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp.
  3. Protein - 1 pc.

How to cook: Whip the protein vigorously, add the butter, and then the curd grated through a sieve.

How to use: Distribute the finished mass even layer. Apply the mixture from bottom to top. Spread a damp towel over the mask. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, then wash off the residue.

Result: Provides nutrition, hydration, softens the skin, smoothes wrinkles, the skin acquires a healthy, matte color.

Sea buckthorn mask with rejuvenating effect

Sea buckthorn berry face mask visible result after just a few uses. The clay is rich in zinc, which is indispensable for oily skin.


  1. Frozen berries - 40 gr.
  2. Egg white - 1 pc.
  3. White clay - 20 gr.

How to cook: Lay out white clay in a suitable dish. Scald frozen berries with boiling water, drain the water, chop in a blender. Add berry puree to white clay, mix thoroughly. Then add to the mixture egg white, stir.

How to use: Apply a rejuvenating sea buckthorn face mask thin layer within 2 months at the rate of 1 procedure every 7 days.

Result: Clay in tandem with sea buckthorn cleans pores, gives a lifting effect. The skin looks healthy and rejuvenated.

Mask with sea buckthorn for facelift

Sea buckthorn in facial cosmetology activates cell regeneration, makes the skin supple. Face Lift Mask - ideal remedy to preserve and prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Is used for aging skin. Suitable for women over 35 years old who have mimic wrinkles.

Vitamin-mineral complex for facelift has a lifting effect. A face mask with sea buckthorn oil provides tone and hydration, easily corrects the oval, restores radiance and elasticity of the skin. Improve blood flow, the condition of the capillaries.


  1. Sea buckthorn berries - 1 tbsp.
  2. Starch - 1 tsp
  3. Sour cream - 2 tsp

How to cook: Make mashed potatoes from berries, add starch, chilled sour cream. Stir the mixture.

How to use: Spread the mask with a special spatula with lifting movements from the bottom up. Leave the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes. Perform at least 7 procedures at intervals every other day.

Result: Sea buckthorn face mask with sour cream gives firming, rejuvenating, refreshing effect.

Mask with sea buckthorn from age spots

You can improve complexion, relieve swelling under the eyes, whiten the skin thanks to natural ingredients.


  1. Sea buckthorn juice - 2 tbsp.
  2. Activated charcoal - 1 tablet.
  3. Clay - 1 tsp

How to cook: Grind coal in a mortar, add clay, juice.

How to use: Apply mixture in a circular motion avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth. Keep the mask on your face for 8-10 minutes. Use a whitening mask no more than 2-3 times a month.

Result: Vitamin product restores intracellular processes, whitens facial skin.

Vitamin mask with sea buckthorn

Thanks to unique composition helps to rejuvenate the skin of the face, improve cellular respiration, restore synthesis processes.


  1. Sea buckthorn oil - 1 tsp
  2. Potato - 1 pc.
  3. Lemon ether - 2 drops.

How to cook: Boil the potatoes, mash them into a puree, add butter and essential oil lemon.

How to use: Apply a thick mass on the face in an even layer. Hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. Use vitamin mask 1 time per week.

Result: Provides softening, moisturizing the skin. Benefits of sea buckthorn for the face - you get fresh, rejuvenated skin, with an even color.

Sea buckthorn mask for dry skin

Use a mask for dry skin around the eyes, to relieve puffiness, moisturize. natural ingredients ensure freshness and youthfulness of the skin.


  1. Sea buckthorn berries - 2 tbsp.
  2. Banana - 1 pc.
  3. Peach oil - 1 tbsp

How to cook: Pass the berries through a sieve, mash the banana, add to the berries, then pour in the oil. Stir the mixture thoroughly.

How to use: Spread evenly thick mask over the entire surface of the face. Hold the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse. Repeat the procedure up to 5-6 times a month.

Result: Rejuvenates facial skin, activates collagen synthesis, eliminates dryness, small wrinkles.

Sea buckthorn mask for normal skin

To achieve the result, use the tool regularly.


  1. Sea buckthorn fruits - 1 tbsp.
  2. Oatmeal - 1 tbsp
  3. Flaxseed oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix all the ingredients, chop the oatmeal. Heat the resulting mass in a water bath, mix thoroughly.

How to use: Apply warm to skin. It is better to wash off the mixture with flaxseed decoction. After applying the mixture, perform a contrast wash.

Result: Repair skin, improve appearance.

Sea buckthorn mask for oily skin

Sea buckthorn leaves for the face have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. The cleansing procedure allows you to restore an even color, soothe the skin, removes redness, inflammation. Sea buckthorn face mask activates restoration, healing of microcracks.


  1. The crushed parts of the plant - 3 tbsp.
  2. Badyaga - 1 tsp
  3. Oatmeal - 1 tsp

How to cook: Prepare a decoction from the leaves of the plant. Grind oatmeal, seaweed into powder and pour with concentrated broth.

How to use: Cleanse your face, spread the mask evenly over the entire skin. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Use a mask for oily skin 2 times a week.

Result: Sea buckthorn mask for oily skin eliminates greasy shine, clears clogged ducts.

Feedback on the use of sea buckthorn berries for the face

To understand how effective homemade face masks with sea buckthorn are, reviews of women who have already tried this wonderful remedy on themselves will help.

Elena, 37 years old

To combat wrinkles, I add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to my face cream, from which its effect noticeably increases.

Anna, 45 years old

I use sea buckthorn oil for acne. The skin is perfectly cleansed, and the pores are narrowed, there is only one drawback - the face looks yellowish.

Ekaterina, 27 years old

I add grated sea buckthorn to nourishing masks, and lubricate my lips with oil from it in the winter months - as a result, neither dryness nor cracks. An excellent tool.

Olga, 32 years old

I use nutrient mixtures on the basis of a plant for face lifting, giving skin healthy looking. I tried all the expensive and cheap products, but did not expect such an effect from an affordable, tasty and useful sea buckthorn. The skin is really tightened, wrinkles become less noticeable, there are no swelling under the eyes.

Judging by the numerous reviews, it is clear that the fruits of the plant relieve wrinkles, cleanse the face, and give radiance. Making sea buckthorn masks is easy.

Sea buckthorn professional face masks

Bioactive Cleon mask Moisturizing, nourishing and pleasant aroma in one bottle. Intensively nourishes dry, chapped skin, saturates with vitamins. It contains mainly organic components, such as shea butter, rice, sea buckthorn oil, glycerin and vitamin E. Suitable for restoring facial skin after exposure to adverse environmental factors.

Night mask from Pure Line- Suitable for normal combination skin. Cream universal, can be used every day. Makes the skin supple, radiant, smoothes fine wrinkles. The skin looks fresh, protected from exposure environment. The composition contains natural ingredients.

Whitening tonic Natura siberica - cleanses, refreshes, whitens the skin of the face. The composition includes Altai sea buckthorn, it softens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Due to the antiseptic effect, the tonic relieves irritation, has an exfoliating effect, and promotes the production of collagen.

Face cream Zhivitsa- contains avocado oil, shea butter, grape seed, sea buckthorn, glycerin, wax. Natural Ingredients nourish the skin, making it matte. Face creams have a pleasant texture and are easy to apply. The container does not contain harmful and dangerous substances.

Mask Home doctor with sea buckthorn- for a small price, a mask based on sea buckthorn has proven itself with better side. Moisturizes and cleanses the skin. Makes wrinkles less noticeable, protects from environmental influences.

Cream One hundred beauty recipes with sea buckthorna budget option for those who want smooth and matte skin like a child. Pleasant aroma, delicate texture with easy application. The cream is suitable for the face and décolleté.

Cream "Sea buckthorn and bearberry" from Avon- skin care after 40 years. Takes care of the area around the eyes, nourishes, saturates the skin, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles. The cream has a pleasant aroma, affordable price. With regular use, many people notice a noticeable anti-aging effect. The face becomes elastic. Use to cleanse your face before applying makeup.

For more information about sea buckthorn for the face, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Sea buckthorn is a nutritious, effective plant, as an application it can be used to make anti-wrinkle masks, to tighten, moisturize, whiten the skin.
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Keep youth and beauty! Use fresh berries for the benefit of your skin! Learn how to do it right.

They say beauty requires sacrifice. But a few berries"selected" from your table and used in cosmetic purposes can hardly be considered a victim. Our stomach simply will not notice the "lack" of berries, but the skin will be very grateful. Such "victims" can have a truly magical effect. Berries, consumed outside, in a few tens of minutes will help refresh the skin of the face, nourish it with vitamins and other necessary substances and make it more elastic.

A mask of berries is a wonderful way to improve your skin in the summer. In addition, it is a guarantee of the quality of your cosmetic product. After all, you will not put preservatives, emulsifiers and stabilizers into it.

“Berries are a great way to nourish the skin with vitamins. All berries - be it raspberries, currants, gooseberries or grapes - are similar in their action: their juice refreshes, brightens and dries the skin. You can simply wipe the skin with freshly squeezed berry juice, you can make face masks or body wraps from berry gruel. Berry care procedures are best performed at night.», - tells Alla Keush, cosmetologist-esthetician.

How to prepare a mask

For summer mask almost any berries that fall on your table will do. All of them are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that your skin needs.

The rules for making masks are very simple:

  • Select a few ripe healthy berries.
  • Grind the berries until smooth. To do this, use a porcelain bowl and a wooden spoon or pestle. Metal utensils may react with the berries, which will reduce the usefulness of the mask.
  • Add other ingredients, if any, according to the mask recipe and mix thoroughly.

The mask is ready. Now you can apply it on your face.

Beware of allergies!

If you are prone to allergies, then first check the resulting cosmetic product. To do this, apply berry gruel to some small open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, for example, on the wrist and wait 5 minutes. If redness and itching are not observed, then you do not have allergic reaction on the mask components and the "mask" operation can proceed to the next stage.

Attention, application!

Before applying the resulting suspension to the face, it is necessary to prepare it. You can simply cleanse your face with the usual means that you use for washing. But it is better to do a light peeling or a steam bath before applying the mask. This will help the skin absorb better. nutrients from the mask. It is unacceptable to apply a mask on the face with decorative cosmetics on it!

Berry masks can be quite runny, so clip up your hair and cover your shoulders with a towel to keep it from getting dirty.

You can apply the mask with your fingers or with a special brush, but always along the main massage lines of the face:

  • from chin to earlobes
  • from the corners of the lips to the middle auricle
  • from nose to temples
  • from the middle of the forehead to the temples and up to the hair

Do not forget that the lips and skin around the eyes should remain free of berry gruel.

Light relaxation

Now lie down or sit comfortably and relax for 15-20 minutes. The face should not be tense. The active work of facial muscles at the moment when the mask is applied to the face, on the contrary, can lead to the appearance of fine wrinkles.

After the required time has elapsed, the mask must be washed off. We do it with water without using soap. If you have dry skin, wash your face with warm water, while if you have oily skin, use cold water.

Which berry to choose?

For each type of skin and for different purposes, it is preferable to use certain berries:

  • For oily skin, as well as for skin with enlarged pores, strawberry, raspberry, red currant, plum masks are suitable.
  • For dry skin, it is better to use gooseberries, black currants, apricots, sea buckthorn, blueberries.
  • For problem skin, masks from viburnum and grapes are most suitable.
  • For mature and aging skin, it is good to make masks from sea buckthorn, viburnum, blueberries, and grapes.
  • Whitening effect have masks of strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries.

But the above division in the use of berries is not necessary. Berries that are preferred for dry skin can be used as a mask for oily skin, and vice versa. To do this, simply change the composition of the mask a little. So that berry"for oily skin" has become suitable for dry skin, you need to add a little cream to its composition. And it is enough to add egg yolk to the gruel from the berries of the “dry skin” group to apply it to owners of oily skin.

To make the effect of berry cosmetic procedures tangible, make berry masks 1-2 times a week throughout the summer.

Don't miss out on summer skincare opportunities! Make masks from berries and become more beautiful and younger!

With the advent of summer comes the most wonderful time for natural care behind the face. Berries appear at this time of the year: currants, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and many others. Berries enrich the body with vitamins, improve metabolism. They are also an excellent raw material for natural berry face masks.

Masks from berries render simply magic action on our skin. Easy to prepare, they contain a lot useful components for her nutrition and health. Vitamins are involved in all metabolic processes, activate them, accelerating the regeneration of skin cells. Trace elements and organic acids have a protective and rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Each berry has its own unique properties, so it is useful to use different formulations choosing what suits your skin the most.

Strawberry (strawberry) masks

Strawberries are known for toning the skin and whitening it. Strawberry masks are especially recommended for blackheads and freckled skin. It is enough just to cut a large berry and wipe your face with strawberry juice twice a day to lighten freckles.

  • For oily, blemish-prone skin. Mix a tablespoon of strawberry pulp with a teaspoon of white cosmetic clay. Keep on face for 15-20 minutes.
  • For oily skin with large pores. Mix a tablespoon of strawberry gruel with a spoonful of yogurt or low-fat kefir. Wash off the mask with cool water after 15 minutes.
  • To get rid of acne on the face a slurry of 1 tablespoon of strawberries and a teaspoon of aloe juice is useful.

Raspberry face masks

Raspberry has a tonic and refreshing effect, it contains many vitamins and other useful substances. Like strawberries, it whitens the skin well, helps in lightening freckles.

  • For oily skin make a mask from a tablespoon of raspberry pulp mixed with beaten egg white. Add a few drops to it lemon juice to enhance the whitening effect.
  • To get rid of acne. Raspberry seeds contain natural anti-inflammatory substances. The berries crushed with a blender are applied to the face and kept for 20-30 minutes. You can add aloe juice to enhance the effect.

Currant homemade face masks

Currant face masks, prepared at home, refresh and heal the skin. Redcurrant berries are more suitable for oily skin, for dry skin it is advisable to use blackcurrant.

  • To lighten freckles use red currant juice
  • For dry skin. pulp black currant mix with sour cream (take 1 tablespoon), add a teaspoon of olive oil to the mixture.

Gooseberry face masks

Gooseberry promotes cell renewal, moisturizes the skin well, has a softening and nourishing effect.

  • For dry skin this mask is useful: pour 2 tablespoons of gooseberry pulp with 3 tablespoons of milk, leave for 15 minutes, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  • For oily skin you can mix 2 tablespoons of gooseberry pulp with 4 tablespoons of white wine. After 30 minutes, apply the pulp on the face. You can remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in the remaining wine.

Blueberry face masks

Blueberries in cosmetology are known for slowing down the skin aging process. Blueberry masks are recommended for facial skin rejuvenation, for moisturizing and saturating it with vitamins.

  • For aging skin such a mask is useful - mix a tablespoon of blackcurrant pulp with a tablespoon of sour cream and apply on the face for 20 minutes.
  • Nourishing mask for normal skin. 3 tablespoons of blueberries (if you come across leaves among the berries, do not remove them, they are also very useful) grind until smooth with one egg yolk. Apply the mask on the face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

It is foolish to talk again about the benefits of berries, every child knows that this is a source of vitamins and trace elements, that eating berries has a beneficial effect not only on mood, but also on health. We only present, first of all, these gifts of nature as a delicious dessert and much less often as a cosmetic product, despite the fact that face masks made from berries are perhaps the most ancient cosmetic product. Even at a time when the concepts of “flavonoid” or “trace element” did not exist, and hundreds of works on the effects of organic acids on the skin were not written by physicians and estheticians, illiterate village ladies experimentally derived unique, still relevant recipes. modern medicine and cosmetology fully confirms the reasonableness of using fresh berries in home cosmetology.

Cosmetic properties of berries

The effectiveness of a berry face mask explained chemical composition main component. All berries are rich in vitamins, of which the skin needs the most:

In addition to vitamins, berries contain a rich complex of trace elements and minerals, a set of flavonoids and esters. It is impossible not to mention the special form of liquid that makes up a significant percentage of berry juice. The moisture processed and purified by the plant is easily absorbed by human skin, without the need for additional purification and transporting substances.

For better application and enhancing the effect of a mask of berries for the face is created by mixing the berries themselves with the base, which is most often the most common food products: butter, egg white or cream. The choice remains for the hostess to use the tried and tested recipes offered in the assortment or create your own based on knowledge about the properties of various berries. Perhaps a self-invented berry face mask will make a splash in cosmetology in the future.

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Selection of berry masks for different skin types

berry season pretty big. Even in middle lane it captures at least 4 months from the ripening of honeysuckle to the redness of lingonberries. At the same time, for the preparation of cosmetics, you can use not only fresh picking, but also previously frozen berries, which makes it possible to use optimally suitable product year-round. It is only necessary to decide which of the berries is most suitable for a particular skin type and solves individual problems.

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For oily

Oily skin needs drying, so sour berries are perfect for it. Everything in dessert clearly needs sweetening in this case fits perfectly. First of all, cranberries, viburnum and mountain ash come to mind, before they ripen, honeysuckle, raspberries, blackberries are suitable. The latter also has excellent pore-constricting properties. Potassium and sodium, which honeysuckle is rich in, relieve redness and reduce the brightness of the venous network characteristic of smokers, a drop of lemon has the same effect if it enriches the composition finished mask.

As the basis of white cosmetics for oily skin, you can use sour-milk products or whipped milk. The latter option is especially attractive for aging skin, which has not yet begun to dry out much, but has already become more flabby. As a matting component, potato juice is perfect. The use of oil as the most popular base for homemade masks is not relevant in this case, however, there will be no harm from such a mask either.

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For dry

Dry skin needs nourishment and hydration, and fatty base perfect for a mask. It can be heavy cream, any vegetable oil, honey or aloe juice. You can apply berry face masks with oil content both cold and heated on steam bath, which will accelerate absorption and enhance the effect.

From berries to a mask for dry skin, you can safely add gooseberries, blackcurrants, elderberries and grapes. If dry skin is associated with aging, then the berry that must be included in the mask is sea buckthorn. If, in addition to other problems, slow healing of injuries is observed, and the skin often peels off, then blackberries rich in magnesium and potassium should be added to the composition. oily mask from strawberries with sour cream will return a blush to pale dry skin and healthy color.

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For pigmented

Rose hips and gooseberries perfectly whiten the skin, they can be taken as the main ingredient if freckles and dark spots cause inconvenience. If the cause of redness is inflammation, then grated blueberries can be added to the composition. A strict contraindication in this case is sour masks, which will only aggravate the situation.

A face mask made from berries can contain vegetable juices, decoctions of herbs, and infusions. To make the composition not too liquid when adding, for example, cucumber juice, which is famous for its whitening properties, the mixture can be thickened with a spoonful of cottage cheese or ground oatmeal. Starch will work too.

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Morning refreshing masks

Masks from red berries are certainly useful, but it is better not to apply them immediately before leaving the house. Some uneven skin color will be observed for several more hours. Therefore, “morning” berries, which will not only help you wake up, but also hide the traces of lack of sleep, can be safely called gooseberries, grapes and white currants. You can use them even without adding additional components, simply wiping the skin with a cut large berry, like a cotton pad with lotion.

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Laws of home cosmetology

The most important advantage of berry masks is the minimum of consequences, even when not the best selection composition. This allows you to experiment without the risk of consequences for the skin and wallet. To prepare one serving, you only need a few berries, which are most often just kneaded with a spoon in a bowl. It is not practical to make a large volume of the composition, since natural products too much short term storage.

The rest of the rules of home cosmetology are quite simple.

  1. Dishes and tools should not oxidize the composition, so it is better to use wood or plastic.
  2. Fresh berries are thoroughly washed before use.
  3. Grapes and gooseberries are peeled before grinding.
  4. Frozen berries should be thawed naturally and the number of frosts must be kept to a minimum. To do this, the berries are divided into small portions before freezing.
  5. The berry mask is applied with soft touches along the massage lines without strong skin tension, the area around the eyes remains free.
  6. The mask is washed off with warm water and when wiping the face is not strongly rubbed. It is enough to remove moisture with a paper towel.

Home cosmetology is a useful, pleasant and profitable hobby. By dividing a portion of an appetizing dessert into berries “for internal use” and “for external use”, you can combine business with pleasure: the pleasure of eating goodies with cosmetic procedure.

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Video recipe for a rejuvenating berry mask